#✥ lost to dreams | mun ✥
kuuttituutti · 2 years
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Muusa & Ruusa (1972?)
An example of early Finnish animation (+ one live action segment) Muusa ja Ruusa is a collection of poems of Kirsi Kunnas turned to songs. All illustrations were done by Suvi Kumpulainen and animated by Aarre Aalto. 
Something I found on an old VHS. I wonder if other people have memories of this little film, but it was an important part of my childhood. 
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liliaxhymn · 2 years
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I was once lost, wandering aimlessly through the dark. But then, you extended your hand to me; You guided me and gave me hope for the future. And perhaps you're gone now, But I will forever cherish everything you've given to me. This happy life of mine I have now I owe to you completely. We'll meet again one day, I know; So, until then, Please watch over me from wherever you are.
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enihk-writes · 8 months
[before the year ends]
seasonal fics : 除夕 (chú xī) / lunar new year's eve edition
paring: various!hwasan men x gn!reader
summary: things that happen on the last day of the year.
characters: chung myung (can be read as both pbss and mhdd) // chung mun // chung jin // tang bo // tang gunak // jang ilso // jin hyeon // lee songbaek // jin geumryong // baek cheon
author's note: my personal music recommendations for the day are lovers in seoul by off the menu , hot potato by n.flying , coconut love by seoulmoon , mercury by bye bye badman and t + tik tak tok by silica gel feat. So!YoON! (doing this for fun because my other hobby is looking for new music and putting them in a playlist partly because one of my teenage dreams was to open up a cd shop in an art street or own a music-vinyl brunch cafe by the seaside ugggh but you need money like do you know how expensive seaside properties are in singapore!!! i don't have that cash!!! so i have to work!!!! fuck!!!!)
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CHUNG MYUNG doesn't like to be cooped up indoors during the festive period. so that afternoon he slipped out to visit the next town over, hearing about their night market and looking forward to getting drunk off his rocker before returning home. only to come face-to-face with you. to his credit he tried to divert your attention to slip away with a bold-faced lie but to be honest, he isn't very good at that. he ends up letting you tag along to buy your silence. which wasn't that bad of a decision — he found himself enjoying the private time he had with you more than he'd expected, like walking through the markets with pinkies interlocked, visiting taverns and teahouses getting mistaken for a couple to get discounts, even the passionate drunken kisses you both shared on the inn balcony which left him quite dazed. when he gets back he would have to have a talk with you about what happened here. though right now he's a little preoccupied with leaving marks all up your neck, hands under your clothes going to places he probably shouldn't, revelling in your embarrassment a little too much. thank goodness he had the foresight to rent out a room to stay in so the both of you could do whatever you wanted in here to the heart's content all night long.
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CHUNG MUN watches as you scurry around the sect grounds checking in on the workers who were all preparing for the banquet that was to be held over the new year. as the sect leader he shouldn't interrupt another elder's duties, but as your husband he wanted you to pay attention to him too — it was new years eve and your spouse can't even ask for some alone time with you? you were so cruel, was this how he was to spend the last day of the year? he sighed and turned back to his papers, finishing up with his own work until it was finally time for bed. you met him in the front of your shared house, he finds himself cracking a smile when you bury your face into his chest, he walks you over to sit together on the bench, where you plop your head down on his lap, very much like a certain youngest, pouring your heart out on the annoyances that you've faced today so what has your dear husband have in mind to reward their hardworking partner? the man only chuckles at your ranting, running his fingers until you fell asleep, carrying your tired body to tuck you in bed. he looks over at your peaceful form one more time, kisses your hand and leaves for his own quarters to retire for the night.
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CHUNG JIN had been pulled out from under the pile of books he's buried under to take a day off at the behest of the other elders and disciples. not knowing what to do, he hovers around your side, not really wanting to go down the mountain without a solid plan. you thought he looked a little like a lost sparrow then, so you let him stay around as you went about your day. he aided you with small tasks here and there — wasn't he supposed to be on break? old habits die hard, you supposed. he ended up helping you finish your job earlier than intended, bringing the leftovers from the kitchen along, the two of you headed down the forested path at the back of the mountain to wile away the rest of the afternoon as you ate the food and engaged in small talk about nothing in particular. the sun felt warm on your skin, and as it began to set, the sounds of the flowing stream nearby lulled the two elders into a dreamless sleep.
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TANG BO stifled a laugh as he looked at your sorry state. only an idiot falls sick on new year's eve — was what he'd told you. you wanted to strangle him right then and there, never mind that he was your husband. he offered to nurse you for the day, supposedly from the kindness of his heart. bullshit. this guy had something up his sleeve, you were so sure of it. but whatever you thought he'd do never happened. your husband truly did take care of you that whole day. he'd wipe off your cold sweat, change towels, feed you food and medication on time, among other things. you thought he'd turn over a new leaf and was just about to praise him when he snickers at you again. maybe you should get sick more often, you're so much nicer when you're quiet like this. too bad for him your fingers were faster as you shove them up his nose to choke him in retaliation. fortune favours the just. the next morning you woke up feeling good as new — your fever had gone away just in time to celebrate the new year. your husband, on the other hand, didn't seem to be doing too well, seemingly catching your cold from yesterday. hmph, serves him right for teasing you like that.
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TANG GUNAK could not catch a break even on new year's eve. there was always work to do, the world did not stop on holidays, after all. you slipped into the room quietly with refreshments in hand, hoping to get him to take a short break from his paperwork. the man had sharp ears — recognising the weighted rhythm of your footsteps even as you were on the far end of the hallway. he sets down his brush, getting up to greet you. my love, he'd call out softly, expertly placing away the tray in your hands. you laugh as he pulls you into his embrace, his face burrowing into your shoulder. you try to hug him back with as much vigour you could muster, pulling away just so you could place a few pecks on his face. it wasn't a very long break, but he was grateful for it nonetheless. he sipped on the tea you brewed, listening to your excited recounting of a new novel you had been reading. new years was a time to give thanks for the blessings in life, and he was more than thankful for the way your shoulder felt pressed against his arm as you two sat side by side.
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JANG ILSO cared little for the festivities. he wasn't in the mood for any banquet, or party or whatever loud activity. he had been itching to do something, but he couldn't pinpoint what he wanted to do and the idea of going outside annoyed him. you didn't really know, nor cared to find out about your employer's stormy tantrum going on right at that moment. unfortunately for you, you were one of his go-to people to piss off and annoy whenever he wanted to cause trouble. your boss was a temperamental man, and you always walked on eggshells around him. little did you know that you were third on his list of people he liked, so in the off chance that you did piss him off, he wasn't going to get rid of you. not that soon or quickly anyways. he barged into your office with attendants trailing behind him with boxes of drinks, food and entertainment for that evening. he was here to bother you, if you so kindly didn't mind. most of what happened was blurry — you only remembered drinking the sweet wine, going down far too easily, possibly knocking over papers and ink all over your desk and then passing out. the next time you came to, you were in a guest bedroom near your boss' own. the hangover medicine and new clothes already laid out on the table for you. there was no way you had created a moment that your boss could hold over your head as blackmail. no, you detested the teasing that was sure to come from him in the coming year.
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JIN HYEON had been out on an errand on behalf of the elders, and finally, he was going back to wudang just in time for new years. he stops by the small diner in the town next door, he often had his meals here whenever he's going out, outwardly he said it's because he liked the lotus root soup with pork ribs served with warm rice. in reality, he just wanted to find a chance to talk to you, the owner — a familiar face he had known since both of you were mere apprentices. though now you had taken over the restaurant your adoptive grandfather had left behind for you while he had risen up to the rank of a second-grade disciple. the diner was small, and the business was decent enough to make ends meet, but it wasn't so busy that you didn't have time to sit across him to have a short chat before he headed off. you asked him if he would stay and visit the night market this year. he shook his head sadly, feeling bad that he was turning down your offer yet again. you shook your disappointment off, opting to change the topic. the hour passed far too quickly, and he had to report back to the elders before night fall. you walk him towards the door, just as the wind picks up from where your back was turned, pushing you into his chest. the man takes the opportunity to pull you a little closer, accidentally placing a peck on your forehead. you didn't think he'd be this affectionate today but who cared? it was new years eve and it's been a while since he had walked you home. maybe next year you could ask him again to come with you to the night market.
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LEE SONGBAEK had gone to his hometown for the new year celebrations. he had been given permission by the elders to do so, along with a good majority of the other disciples. things had been really quiet back in the sect with nobody really wanting to do anything with them. speaking of which, he hadn't seen his family in years by now, and he wondered how they were all doing. he didn't plan to spend too much time — have dinner, catch up, stay overnight and leave the next morning. he didn't expect to see that you would also be in his house, helping out with the new year's eve dinner. he could smell the dough and sesame paste drying out in the sun for the tang-yuan they'd all have later. actually, he thinks most of the village was congregated at his house. the disciples who had tagged along with him were a little taken aback at the size of the crowd, much to his embarrassment. he didn't think his village would be so stoked to have him back on new years with his sect brothers. you slipped out of the kitchen to greet him as the elders fussed over the boys that had come to visit. he leans over to greet you, feeling a small smile pull at his lips when you tousle his hair. his original plan might have been a little thwarted, but since you were here, he didn't really mind. ah, when he goes back to the sect, he should ask if the tailor was accepting any apprentices — if he were, and you came over, he might see you around more often in the coming year.
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JIN GEUMRYONG wished he was anywhere else but here right now. but, as the eldest and prodigal son he should behave appropriately. he slips out of the banquet hall at the first opportunity, making shoddy excuses like needing to go to the restroom. he finds a spot in the quietest part of the estate, taking a moment to collect himself from the incessant social interaction he's had the whole day. soft footsteps approach him — really? he feels annoyed, but tries to reign back his distaste when he sees your smiling face beaming at him. go away. he tells you, not in the mood to deal with whatever you were about to drag him into. please? you'd beg, your hand pulling at his arm to get him on his feet. there was something you wanted to show him, and if he didn't go with you now, he was going to miss it! the man agreed reluctantly, letting you take him to the lake behind the hills. the night sky was clear and he could see every sparkling star in the sky. you sit on a fallen log, seemingly waiting for something to happen. he sits right by you, choosing not to question your actions. and then — there it was. the stars fell from the sky one after another, painting the night in long white painter's lines. he'd never seen anything like this in his life thus far, and he might not ever see it again. but it didn't matter. when you asked, doesn't it look amazing? he could only hum, unable to take his eyes off you all while your gaze was turned to the spectacle in the skies.
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BAEK CHEON, for the life of him, can't decide which tassel he wanted to buy and ended up just getting a roll of thread in plum-blossom pink to make one on his own. the handiwork was clumsy, clearly amateurish with the bronze coin woven into the accessory. it certainly resembled the shape of a tassel — if you didn't look at the finer details too closely and for too long. you could see him look embarrassed at the quality and was already regretting giving it to you. but how could you not want his sincere gift? you loved it, flaws and all, because it was from him and you wanted to be reminded of the idea that this perfectionist still could make mistakes. you pull him down for a kiss. and then another. and another, until you were peppering his whole face in kisses because your heart couldn't handle this gap in his personality. your poor love, look at how red his face had become. he didn't know whether to be happy that you liked his gift this much, or feel shy at the public show of affection in a place where everyone in the sect could possibly see? you can't help but snicker mischievously as you skipped away from the scene — leaving the poor boy in a flustered mess.
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What have been some of your favorite rps over the years? Have you developed any personal ocs that you particularly enjoy (I know you've got Dark Beasts going on, so if you wanna talk about what's going on there, that'd be cool too!
Oh, this is a tricky one! Not least because it relies on my memory, which is one of my least reliable traits, ha - but I shall do my best!
The first one that comes immediately to mind is this thread with @themckaytriarchy - it was sort of integral to the process of my getting over what X-Force did with Beast by taking control of it, and it also just let me dive into a more horror based thread, which I don't often get to do. Beast is a character who is often very horror-aligned, so getting to really explore that was a ton of fun. I got very poetic in there, but I had a great time.
There's also this thread with the same writer, which was sort of how Cereal and I really got to be such good friends, and how Hank and Tess ended up becoming BFFs. They just had such instant chemistry and bounced off each other really, really well, and I love getting to play Hank as the best aspects of all of his selves - the more mature vibe of his feline self mixing with his younger, gremlin energy, the regret of his modern self mixing in with that, I like when I can pull on all the strings at the same time, if that makes sense.
Oh! Another one is this thread with @silverjetsystm - one of the things I absolutely love about Hank is that he knows goddamn everybody, like, the man's been on every team you can imagine, so there's always some era you can dive into, and his time on the Secret Avengers was so undeveloped, and MK-mun has just been an absolute joy to write with. You can really tell when I'm getting into a thread because I just write reams and reams and reams, and things get more poetic, and Hank starts thinking heavier and heavier things.
Easily another one is this one with @thebettermccoy - I've been wanting a good Dark Beast to bounce off for ages, to the point where I took him on as an extra muse just so he and Hank could interact and I could practise their voices, but then Squirrel-mun took the brave step to take him on, and it's been a joy ever since. It's so gratifying to get to refer to one specific issue from 1996 that no-one but me and Squirrel-mun know about, and they know the lines of dialogue just as well as I do, and we can just dig.
Another one is this one with @themarvelliteraryuniverse - I've lowkey shipped Beast and Sabretooth for years because of Wolverine and the X-Men vol. 1 #8, and getting to actually attack that dynamic and explore it and see Locke's unique take on Victor mesh with my Hank in such an instantly compelling way . . . god, it's a dream come true for me, honestly. Something that often gets lost about Hank is his inherent sexual drive and energy, his repressed primality, his morals interacting with his pull towards the dark, and exploring that is always just a complete joy.
Oooh, ooh! This one with @notmymamasboy - not only is it fun to play Hank as getting used to being pursued again, but Stabby is just so good at throwing this inescapable, unrelenting energy into Raze that makes him feel like a force of nature that Hank has immense affection for and attraction to, but, again, knows has a lot of darkness attached to them. They just bounce off each other really well, and it's probably what fandom would qualify as a crack ship, but I just like the intellectual conflict intersecting with the interpersonal chemistry.
Another one I've loved is this one with @emmatriarchy - I'm an absolute sucker for getting to fill in missing bits of Hank's history, and I always thought it was such a travesty that X-Force never tugged on the very brief but incredibly impactful time where Hank and Sage interacted in X-Treme/New X-Men, because it adds such dimension to their dynamic. Getting to explore that in-situ is a dream for me, and I also just love getting to play Hank from specific periods with specific moods, especially with gloriously obscure and underappreciated muses, with is sort of this mun's whole thing. :)
Ooh, ohh! This one, with @maximummuses - I again felt like this entire thing was swept under the rug back in the 2010s, and it felt like such a disservice to Hank and Logan that they never got to have this conversation, that they never got to just GO AT one another, everything laid out, all honesty, all feeling. This was, again, just another dream for me, and as far as I'm concerned, this is canon and exactly how it happened.
Now we get into stuff that was more dynamics, and also older threads with are, like, a decade old . . . my X-Force Beast's twisted toxic relationship with dusktrip's Wolverine was a delight, and I miss that writer very dearly (they had to stop RPing due to a lack of time) because it let me just drown in a very dark place for a bit in a very controlled way. They, like themckatriarchy, were integral to me coming to terms with what X-Force did with Hank's character.
There are tons of threads with people like brandisnotmygivenname (Abigail Brand), technarchology (Warlock), hulksdontdoweak (She-Hulk), this-city-is-a-symphony (Dazzler), fangedfirecracker (Jubilee), levoleurcinetique (Gambit), healingtheassassins (Elixir), dontcallmejulio (Rictor) - a lot of people from nearly a decade ago who aren't active anymore, but I still think of them a lot, and a lot of the time, I have to remember that Hank's dynamics and history with these people in canon don't necessarily include these versions of the characters, ha.
But, very formative to my interpretation and exploration and journey with Hank.
As for OCs - I'm sort of a one fictional obsession kinda guy, so I don't really have too many! I did have a guy called Danny Jones who was a mutant based on Tito Bohusk from New X-Men. He was from a Young Avengers RP ages and ages ago, and I think at one point he was going to become a Ghost Rider? It was a long time ago, in fairness.
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I also have an AU version of Hank called Sir Henry, codenamed Grandmaster, who's inspired by the Ghost Box steampunk version of Hank and Sublime. Instead of being a scientist, he's a Victorian era spymaster with Hank's typical intelligence, but a lot less of his warmth and ethical consideration. He tended to dual wield pistols a lot.
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I actually still have some art a friend of mine did from the Exiles RP he came from. This is her OC, Joan, with whom he had a budding romance.
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But, as of late, the biggest one has been The Irredeemable Beast, which has spawned a number of characters, the most significant of which is Zeke.
Zeke has always been a clone of Dark Beast, in my conception of him. I always figured that Dark Beast would absolutely be the type of person to keep spare clone bodies around because, frankly, he keeps wagging his ass at people who are stronger than him and can kill him, and the fact that he kept dying and coming back diminished only solidified to me that he would eventually kick the bucket and need an out.
The version of him in Irredeemable is altered slightly, in that he's a recently created clone of Dark Beast - in the original chain of events, he was released as a kid, along with a twin brother, Strauss, and they grew up relying on each other, eking out a meagre existence by living between the lines. They had full lives, but obviously severely disadvantaged, and hated Dark Beast whenever he was around because, well, why wouldn't they?
Zeke's fun to play around with just because he has a lot of Hank/Dark Beast's perception and wit, but he doesn't have the same level of intelligence, knowledge, privilege, or advantages, so he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder - yet he still tries to have fun, which is very Hank. He's a good grounding presence, which is why I decided to make him a central part of Irredeemable, and I have a good few plans for his arc going forward from Dark Beasts.
His narrative arc is sort of meant to tackle a big problem I had with both X-Force and, more widely, the Krakoan resurrection system, which is the amount of wasted bodies/clones, and the lack of thought put into what's a 'real' life and what isn't.
The whole Talon/Wolverine split is treated completely differently to how the clones in X-Force of both Hank and Logan are treated, and I wanted to unpick that, question exactly what a clone's life is worth, and question why we arbitrarily decided that we put more value on Talon/Wolverine, but carving dozens of Hanks and Logans was perfectly acceptable.
Every one of those Hanks or Logans could have been a valid individual in the exact same way that Ezekiel is, and I want Hank to have to think about that, and be faced with the ethical/existential question of the lives he arbitrarily brought into existence in such a cold, mercenary fashion without any consideration for his responsibility for them.
Zeke is just a really good foil for Hank, and Hank absolutely needs a foil, because his internal monologue is fascinating, but it really can get maudlin and self-involved, so you need to break that up with some youthful 'I don't give a shit' energy, which Zeke provides in spades.
One of the other characters in Dark Beasts, Yekaterina, is a pretty minor character, but pretty much any time I come back to my long term plans for the fic, I keep wanting to give her more to do. I think it's really important to me that X-Men have human characters who are friendly and pro-mutant, who make up the other half of the mutant metaphor, because that's something the comics really did just give up on for the longest time, and it makes such a difference to have a human who's like 'no, fuck Orchis, fuck all these racists, I'm with you because it's the right thing to do.'
I also have a tendency to write exclusively dudes, so Yekaterina and Jennifer Nyles keep being given more and more to do so that I break out of that writing rut. Same thing with Olivia Ocampo, the Orchis commander in Dunfee - I explicitly gave her a Marvel branded alliterative name so that I would use her more, and I know where her story goes. I need to get on that, actually, I want to release that chapter close to Christmas if I can . . .
Gorobitz and Taft are pretty shameless Rosencratz and Guildenstern expies. I like giving goons personalities, and I think it's funny exploring the weeds of the arbitrary distinctions of anti-mutant racism through the lens of a pair of garden variety Orchis grunts. They're gonna turn up in future chapters with similar segments.
I think that covers the majority of it? There are other characters who are going to appear later on, including an Orchis agent that I want to be a bit of a surprise. The entire fic is about the ramifications of Hank's actions and dealing with them, and that agent has a backstory that is all about Hank's actions and what they meant for her, and I think he's gonna struggle not to feel like he should just let her shoot him in the head when he finds out what her deal is.
Thanks for the question! It was a really good one!
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thoundcarriers · 8 months
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 tis a very old au of mine about sniper who's lived all his 27 years in New Zealand and never got to be a mercenary. read more insanity under the cut lolol
in this universe, his biological father got inside the capsule instead of little Mun-dee. an hour later, he crashed somewhere in Australia and died. on the next day, some old married couple found his body and buried him on the lonely hill. Mundy and his mother never got to know what happened to him, and the latter did not give a single shit about it.
raised with the weird feeling of being lost and bitter taste of hatred of his mother towards the man who left them in an underwater cage, Mick tries his best to recover the schemes of his biological father, hoping for the opportunity of escaping, too. years later, he finds nothing and gives up. nor that he had any skills for engineering, too.
on the day of his 27th birthday, an unknown ship hovers above the glass dome of the city, and a female voice on the communication lines politely demands him to climb into the cabin this instant.
spy and pauling are happy beyond themselves - they finally found him. the sniper, even though he's clearly not remembering his past self. but they hope that he comes back to his original self eventually.
poor lad is confused and nervous, he's expected to know stuff he never did. he's told that as soon as he gets into it, he'll be back in no time. the problem is that he has never held a sniper rifle in his life, not mentioning about killing someone.
ms p comes up with a wonderful idea - his parents that adopted him must be still alive in that universe. there's no better teacher at shooting stuff than the Mick's papa himself. the only thing left to do is to convince them that Mick is actually their son somewhere in another world. and if they don't agree to help, it'd all be lost to hell. pretty easy!
surprisingly, the gang handle the old couple well after finding their village and introducing themselves. the old man doesn't trust them, always squinting and spitting behind their backs. yet there's the only thing he likes about that lanky guy - he doesn't complain much, spending hours under australian sun and soaking wet with sweat in his weird purple shirt, while learning the grounds of weaponry. miss mundy is on the contrary - really happy to have guests in their village and is pretty supportive of the young man she knows only for a moment.
for a moment, Mick catches the sight of someone's grave in the distance in his lense. for some reason, it fills him with rage he never felt, and it fuels him to train even more. i know i know most of it doesnt even make fucking sense. but let me dream aight. tagged as 'left alone au' on my blog is u wanna look up for some old cringe
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avcnturine · 5 months
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    ◟ ♠ canon point update / 2.2
as of last night, i've completed the 2.2 trailblaze quest, so we can now bring an end to schrodinger's aventurine, aka. " how tf is he taking part in gh stuff while being in the shadow realm ", to which i've been so far responding " just don't think about it it'll hopefully be cleared up soon 😭 "
aventurine will now be pulled from post—2.2. this is effective immediately in all ongoing threads, though i'll of course keep spoilers out if the other mun hasn't finished yet.
if you haven't finished the 2.2 quest: the spoiler-free tl;dr is that nothing about interacting with aventurine will change in any huge way. carry on, business as usual. characters who met him in the penacony story may now factor in and reference any events, including the boss fight at the end of 2.1 and after.
further details concerning the interpretation and incorporation of new content below:
heavy 2.2 trailblaze quest spoilers ahead. highly recommend not reading until you've finished the whole quest.
aventurine's intent was not just to unearth the secrets that the family was keeping about the other side of the dreamscape ( i.e. the memory zone meme and the existence of dreamflux reef ) but also to unearth the big secret: the existence of ena's dream. so there's two layers of " get to the other side of the dream " that he was performing here  
thus, the ipc — and aventurine — knew of the existence of ena's dream at the outset, and the angle was always to find a way to expose it and wake everyone up ( and in a way that would give the ipc leverage for negotiations or seizure of penacony — this was the crux of aventurine's plan with how he stages his own death ). this means that the ipc's goal and acheron / black swan's goal through the story was the same, just that the ipc also had an ulterior motive  
to that end, aventurine was at least partly lucid dreaming throughout the events of penacony's story, in a similar fashion to acheron. i think that he slips back and forth between how aware he was of this at given moments, with the moment that it definitely clicks again for him being the conversation with sparkle after being trapped by sunday  
acheron severs him from ena's dream with the blade slash, and the nihility space he ends up in afterwards, and their conversation there, all take place outside the loop of ena's dream. we don't know what he does in the time between that scene and the end of the quest, whether he returns to ena's dream or not, and i'm choosing not to try to fill that span of time for now because it's just a complete black box and there's just nothing to extrapolate from EDIT: according to his daily text, aventurine then fell into the "primordial dreamscape", apparently a place with heavy nihility contamination, enough to have shattered the remnants of his cornerstone. this is also where he meets argenti who seemingly rescues him. i believe this all takes place outside ena's dream  
aventurine no longer possesses the aventurine stone. it's destroyed. with that, he's lost preservation's blessing as a stoneheart. what that exactly entails is unclear. the only tangible change in powers / abilities i can guess right now is that he is probably(?) no longer capable of doing his foul legacy gundam transformation, but unless otherwise shown, i'll be assuming there's no impact on his normal pathstrider abilities
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kanekuran · 3 months
Life Update & Changes
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So much has changed in the last few months, but years really. A lot of things happened in just under a year that it's been hard to keep up with. When I first made the decision to shelve Kane, I was in a very vulnerable position.
I'll be real with the followers that remain here. But my mom suffered a heart attack last January and most of my time and brain power revolved around caring for her. She had a double bypass and she was weak, so fucking weak that getting out of bed, bathing and even sitting upright was a struggle for her. I never in a million years thought I'd have to care for my own mother that way, but I did. Even though I was mentally exhausted and even suffered physical exhaustion, I wouldn't change it. She's here, she's still here with us making new memories.
That same year, I got married on the Disney Wish to my longtime boyfriend/fiance of 13 years last November. It was a dream come true, and we've made so many memories with each other as a couple and our friends and family.
And, just this last two weeks my mom was hospitalized again with a bad kidney infection. She's still here recovering but it was another health scare that we thought we'd lose her again. We're grateful and happy that she's here with us and able to create memories not just with us, but with her grandson, my nephew.
I know this is just skimming through everything that's happened. But I want to reiterate that there was so much going on in my personal life that trying to fix or change Kane was making me feel more exhausted and like a failure. I didn't feel good enough to do the things I wanted to do with him.
So I'm planning on redoing some of his backstory stuff in regards to his involvement with the Council. Whether I remake it or just remove it entirely, I'm not entirely certain yet. The leader of the Council and I had a falling out years ago and I never really knew what to do with Kane in regards to that. So that's just something I'll have to think of and see what I can do with it, or just remove it. We'll see how it goes, but I'm planning on bringing Kane back out, giving him some fresh air and strawberry buttercream cupcakes, because let's face it. He's not Kane without his cupcakes.
I've lost friends when my mom first got sick and some more afterwards. But I've gained so many more. I'm currently in a place where I'm not so worried, but still thinking of my mom's health. But I'm happier. I've mentioned this before, but I'm happier. So much has happened, both good and bad. But I'm in a better spot.
I hope your day has been well for those who read this and wish you all the very best.
❧ Kane Mun
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What's the meaning behind the name Sivvus? You choose it yourself or something? And while were on it, Do you have any last names too? Secret middle names?
((Assuming this is for sivvus but will also answer as the mun))
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".... My Mother named me. I have no last name in the manner that those in Faerûn or the cities of the Feywild do. Depending on the needs of introduction I have been referred to as Second Son of The Spring Court; also as Sivvus, Son of Corellons Councillor.
I find middle names to be excessive and unnecessary. " ((he has one, though))
Muns answer:
It came to me in a dream! No, it didn't. I made it up, but that doesn't mean other people haven't come up with it before, I didn't look it up or anything before writing it. A lot of the time I just pick OC names based on the Vibes
Such as my Satyr, his name is Wadl. That is also just a brain child of my mind
I also have a dragon, her name is Eria (short for a very long name I came up with as a throwback to how Kida from Atlantis introduced herself in Atlantis the Lost Empire) "Eriakatalaniaestrialia"
She likes it when people try to say the whole thing 😂
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Dynamics of Interest
As stated, this is a brief list of dynamics I'm interested in building more of, and why. This list is not exclusive, nor does it encompass all that I'm willing to develop! Of course, each mun and muse is different, and that naturally applies here too. This is mostly to generate thoughts/inspiration!
Those marked with an asterisk are those I'm more hesitant to write outside of with a few people or that I'd like more extensive development for due to being picky with characterization. I also am choosing to not state whether these are romantic or not, because I'd like that to happen organically through mun-mun conversation.
Jing Yuan
Blade* - a tale of loyalty to old friends, a wish for a peaceful farewell, lingering regrets and bitterness, a haunting sense of betrayal
Dan Heng - a bond that transcends time, patience and support, seeing one's true self without judgement, homeward bound
Jingliu - a mourning for a childhood lost, missing the person that raised you, fearing history repeating, a loss of trust, wishing for approval just once
Yukong - mutual grief, the struggles of parenthood, an understanding that all things come to an end and change, raising the future
Fu Xuan - faithfulness, familiar bickering, reliance on an unexpected comfort that one's presence brings, care that needs not be spoken out loud
Yanqing - a story of coming of age, balancing expectations with reality, guidance and nurturing, fatherhood
Trailblazer - loyalty earned through merit, lessons taught through challenge and play, skepticism wrought through selective truths
Kafka - a game of chess, a dangerous dance, woven lies and half truths, a mutual understanding of the stakes at play, thunder webs and lightning claws
Zhongli (genshin AU) - a lord and his general, reminiscing over old times, unwavering faith and loyalty, a shared interest in the finer things in life
Dr. Ratio
Aventurine* - conflict of philosophy, cooperation through contracts, tentative trust, slow growing understanding and compassion
Topaz - a conflict of naivety and pessimism, mutual understanding of intellect, GO NUMBY! ZERO POINTS!, believing in the system vs. daring to change it, honesty and righteousness even in the face of consequence
Sunday* - what is a god to a nonbeliever?, dreams vs. reality, a challenge of authority, the threat of knowing all and seeing all
Screwllum* - of man and machine, an unfair rivalry, chasing a standard you can never meet, spite towards the meritocracy, the cruelty of time
Black Swan - forbidden knowledge, a mutual exchange of memories, embracing the beauty of the human existence, to be is to be perceived, preservation against the test of time
Trailblazer - a teacher, challenging naivety, trials as both guidance and investment
Welt - a sense of awe, comfort and reliance in experience, apprehension of the past and known secrets
Dan Heng - kinship through shared troubles, i've got your back, the utmost trust in each other's abilities
March 7th - opposites attract, breaking the ice, comfort in inclusivity and encouragement
Trailblazer - multiverse meta, my other self, identity crisis, an exchange of experiences and comparing of personalities (note: I will not do any twin AUs/dynamics with anyone but @celestial-narwhal!)
Kafka - hostility, a sense of betrayal, no second chances, fear
Silver Wolf - fair and fun rivalry, putting differences aside for the sake of fun
honestly pretty much anyone, I want Stelle to interact with more folks the most
As a reminder, these are mostly general thoughts at the top of my head! Dynamics I haven't listed are those that I either haven't had much thought on or I'm not actively looking for, but I'm still open to potential exploration! You just need to approach me first!
Updated: 07.04.24
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izzysarchivedblogs · 7 months
clint x steve
send ships or characters. it's goofy hours.
Mun Answer
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
So at one time, maybe i'd have; but with how valuable of a dynamic they have in the comics, and how important Steve is to Clint; but also like Steve is like The Male Authority Figure in Clint's life that like is different from all his past ones; and there's so much and it's so much of like a important platonic and resspect based dynamic; to like romantic ruins it for me. and i don't ship it like that cause of the value of Steve being Captain America and his relationship with Clint; like Clint takes on Ronin, truly, becasue he is lost, but a Ronin is a masterless samurai. Captain America/Steve was that master. So him being dead rally affected him.
Clint Answer
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
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❝ Does the retirement home know you've wandered this far? ❞ But everyone were all in agreement that Steve Rogers was hot; he especially liked when old Glamour Pants' eyes sparkled when he was angry. He really doesn't wanna examine his father figure issues through his whole thing about Captain America and Steve Rogers (whose kind of like his hero, the ideal of the person he'll never be on the inside but wanted to be). Okay, maybe there's something there but...
❝ C'mon, you know you're America's wet dream. ❞
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liliaxhymn · 2 years
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And so the Flower of Death blossoms under the night sky
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ringmaster-midori · 3 months
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Muse: @ringmaster-midori
Mun: @the-faramir
Please be 18+
She talks a lot.
She seeks platonic friendships.
She is playful, usually friendly, and sometimes inadvertently inappropriate.
NSFW verbiage is fine, though. She is an adult.
For some reason, at this point in her timeline, she cannot travel too far from her circus grounds without being close to somebody (maybe something?) who is part of the circus.
Extinction Curse gaming sessions occur outside of Tumblr, are canon for Midori, and other muses may not help with or affect the sessions.
Sometimes, the mun forgets things. Reminders are welcome.
Midori's Story
Niji-iro Midori: The Reluctant Ringmaster (Midori's Backstory)
Could contain spoilers for the Extinction Curse Adventure Path!
(Links point to posts on @the-faramir's main blog.)
Preface: The Niji-iro Family
Chapter 1: We Are On a Diplomatic Mission to Absalom
Chapter 2: The Circus Arrives Without Warning
Chapter 3: Hi-Diddle-De-Dee, a Carny's Life for Me
Chapter 4: Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys
Chapter 5: One Does Not Simply Walk Into Abberton
Chapter 6: The Circus of Wayward Wonders
Bonus: Extraction Team Delta's Debriefing (between chapters 1 and 2)
Bonus: Midori's Backstory: TL;DR
Extinction Curse (The Story Continues)
Contains spoilers for the Extinction Curse Adventure Path!
"Come one, come all! Humble performers become leaders of the Circus of Wayward Wonders when tragedy strikes. But as these heroes lead their motley band of performers and roustabouts around the Isle of Kortos, they uncover a sinister plot to exterminate life from the Starstone Isle. The dead god Aroden may be gone, but his legacy lives on, as do his old enemies who would destroy the wonders he raised from the sea. Spectacle meets savagery as the heroes strive to stop the Extinction Curse!"
Book 1: The Show Must Go On (In Progress)
Book 2: Legacy of the Lost God (Coming Later)
Book 3: Life's Long Shadows (A Little Exposition)
Book 4: Siege of the Dinosaurs
Bonus: Midori's Ghost Powers
Bonus: Midori's Dream (Revenge of the Fifth)
Midori's Details
Midori character summary
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your-queen-lilith · 7 months
About the Mun!
I am 23 years old, just looking for something fun to do. I’ll be honest, Lilith is the part of the next season that I’m looking forward to the most, so I thought it would be fun to use this as an interpretation of the character.
My main blog is @shinyruby and my other roleplay blogs are @spiderdemonangel & @cecelia-echo-morningstar
About the Muse
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Lilith is mysterious in a lot of ways, so this is my interpretation of her character! She is a very loving mother, who, like Lucifer, has sort of lost hope in her dreams. The deal she made was sort of a last resort to protect Charlie and Hell in general. Now, she is back in Hell, and she is sort of watching from the shadows, stalking her husband and children’s blogs.
The Deal
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In order to keep the exterminations happening, Adam made a deal with Lilith; if she allowed the exterminations, she would be allowed into heaven and Charlie would be spared. If she kept fighting, Charlie (and Cecelia) would be killed in the next extermination. Once Lilith was allowed in heaven, she had to stay in heaven, or the deal would be broken.
I have an OC, @cecelia-echo-morningstar, so I will use her as a child, but I would love some Charlie’s and some Lucifer’s to roleplay as.
Feel Free to Ask Me Anything!
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hollywoodfamerp · 11 months
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Hollywood Fame is going to Broadway!
From December 1-3 we will be staging a production of Rent the Musical at the St James Theatre in the heart of Broadway in New York City and it will be starring you!
We are looking for cast members to fill out the roles below. Your character can be well versed in the world of musicals or simply just wanting to try something new. All we ask that you stick within the playing ages of each role. If you would like to take part, simply message us the name of the character and the role they would like to play! This will be on a first come first served basis. We ask that only one character per mun signs up at present. You have until 11/21/23 @ 11.59 PM EST to sign up.
Not a fan of performing? No worries we will need an audience to cheer on our amazing cast! Cast list and rehearsal schedule will follow soon! Follow the tags #hfrprent and #hfrpbroadway for more.
Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice and living for today. Winner of the Tony Award for Best Musical and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, Rent has become a pop cultural phenomenon. with songs that rock and a story that resonates with audiences of all ages. Based loosely on Puccini's La Boheme, Jonathan Larson's Rent follows a year in the life of a group of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York's Lower East Side, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. How these young bohemians negotiate their dreams, loves and conflicts provides the narrative thread to this groundbreaking musical.
RENT features many adult themes, including sex, drug use, profanity, and same-sex intimacy.
Stage age: early to late twenties Vocal Range: Tenor (C#3-G4)
Mark is an aspiring filmmaker who narrates the show as he films the lives of his friends. Mark never leaves home without a camera. He is Roger's best friend and caregiver, and he was once Maureen’s boyfriend (who left him for Joanne). Mark is a little nerdy and quirky. He insists that he can survive the bleakness of his environment through his art. It soon becomes apparent, though, that he is more comfortable viewing the world through his lens than in actively engaging in it. He feels guilty that unlike his friends, he does not have HIV/AIDS. The actor playing this role must be a strong singer and actor. He dances the Tango with Joanne, so good movement skills are also required.
Stage Age: mid twenties to early thirties Vocal Range: Rock Tenor (B2-A4) Roger is a once successful, now struggling musician who discovered he had HIV/AIDS in a note his girlfriend left him before she took her own life. His main goal in life is to write one great song before he dies, but he has not been able to play his guitar in a year, fearing that he has lost his creative energy. He falls in love with Mimi but is too afraid to commit to her, knowing that she also is infected with HIV/AIDS. He is also the roommate and best friend of Mark. He is often depressed and sullen, but he can be expressive and passionate at times. The actor playing this role must be a good actor and an excellent singer with a rock edge. Guitar skills are desired, but are not required. 
Stage Age: late teens to early twenties Vocal Range: Alto (F#3-E5) Mimi Marquez works in a strip club and struggles with her addiction to heroin, which has resulted in her contraction of HIV/AIDS. She falls in love with Roger, who is unable to commit to a relationship with her. She is also Benny's ex‐girlfriend. She is extremely sexy, optimistic, and likeable but with dark secrets. Though Mimi has” lived a lot of life,” she still sees the world through the eyes of a young woman. She intends to make the most of every day, as she earnestly expresses in the song “No Day but Today.” The actress playing this role must be a strong singer, dancer, and exceptional actress. She must be able to convincingly portray the struggles of heroin addiction, sexual promiscuity, and HIV/AIDS, while still maintaining the optimism of youth.
Stage Age: twenties to thirties Vocal Range: Tenor (Eb3-F4) Benny used to be Mark and Roger’s roommate, but he married Alison Grey, a rich family involved with real estate, and he is now their landlord. He had been letting Roger and Mark live in the apartment for free, but he is now forcing them to pay rent or be evicted. Roger and Mark consider him a yuppie sell-out. He also had an affair with Mimi before she started to date Roger. While in the beginning he is caught up in the lifestyle of wealth and affluence, he ultimately realizes his friends are more important than what money can buy. The actor playing this role must be a good singer and actor.
Stage Age: twenties to thirties Vocal Range: Soprano Belt (C4-F5) Maureen is a bisexual performing artist and Mark's ex‐girlfriend. She left Mark to be with her new girlfriend, Joanne. She is sexy, flirtatious, sassy, and funny. She is bold and speaks her mind, and she is not afraid to take on the establishment and fight for what she believes in. The actress playing this role must be an excellent singer and actress. She must be comfortable with same-sex physical intimacy.
Stage Age mid twenties to early thirties Vocal Range: Soprano Belt (Bb3-E5) Maureen is a lesbian Ivy League educated lawyer and activist. She struggles to not be jealous ofMaureen’s flirtatious nature with others. Though she was raised in an affluent, political family, she is committed to helping those less fortunate. The actress playing this role must be an excellent singer and a good actress. She must be comfortable with same sex-physical intimacy. Since she dances the tango with Mark, good movement skills are also required.
Stage Age: late twenties to late thirties Vocal Range: Baritone/Tenor (F#2 – A4) One A4 for a short duration Tom Collins is a gay computer genius, teacher, and anarchist who was recently expelled from MIT. In the opening scene he is mugged, reflecting the harsh reality of the world in which the characters live. He is brave enough to allow himself to fall in love with Angel, knowing that since both of them are infected with HIV/AIDS, their relationship will not have much of a future. Tom and Angel’s relationship is the heart of the show, as the genuine love and devotion they have for one another brings hope and inspiration to the entire group. They show the world how to truly live life and not be afraid. The actor playing this role must be an excellent singer and actor who is comfortable with same sex-physical intimacy. He must be able to portray great love and affection for Angel. He must especially be able to convey that love when Angel dies in his arms, and during his reprise of “I Will Cover You.”
Stage Age: early to late twenties Vocal Range: Tenor with Falsetto (C3-A4) Angel is a young drag queen and street percussionist. He meets and falls in love with Collins. He has HIV/ AIDS and dies of the disease in Act II. As a person, Angel is the most generous and selfless character in the show. Angel hands out money to the neighborhood while dressed in Santa drag. Though he has HIV/AIDS, he embraces life and lives it to its fullest. People are naturally drawn to him, and his smile lights up the room. His death is mourned by all of the characters and eventually inspires them to live each day to the fullest. As mentioned in Tom’s character description, Tom and Angel’s relationship is the heart of the show, as the genuine love and devotion they have for one another brings hope and inspiration to the entire group. They show the world how to truly live life and not be afraid. The actor playing this role must be an excellent actor, singer, and mover. He must be able to comfortable with same-sex physical intimacy and a drag queen persona, including dancing in heels. Percussionist skills desired but not required.
MINOR CHARACTERS (can double in other scenes)
Stage ages: Early twenties to sixties
Vocal Ranges: all vocal ranges sought 
•           Carollers (5): There are homeless street men and women who appear throughout the show sarcastically singing Christmas carols. 
•           Mrs. Cohen: Mark's stereotypical Jewish mother. Her voicemail messages are the basis for the songs Voicemail #1, Voicemail #3, and Voicemail #5.
•           Alexi Darling: The producer of Buzzline who tries to employ Mark after his footage of the riot makes primetime. Sings Voicemail #3 and Voicemail #4.
•           Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson: The wealthy parents of Joanne Jefferson, they leave her Voicemail #2. Mr. Jefferson is also one of the a cappella singers in Voicemail #5. Mrs. Jefferson usually sings the female solo in Seasons of Love.
•           Mrs. Davis: Roger's confused mother who calls in Voicemail #5, asking continuously, "Roger, where are you?"
•           Mrs. Marquez: Mimi's Spanish‐speaking mother who sings in Voicemail #5, wondering, in Spanish, where she is.
•           Mr. Grey: Benny's father-in‐law who wants to buy out the lot.
•           The Man: The local drug dealer whom Mimi buys from and Roger used to buy from.
•           Life Support Group: Paul (The man in charge of the Life Support group), Gordon, Steve, Ali, Pam, Sue As notated in the script by Larson, the roles of all of the Life Support members are encouraged to take on the name that someone in the cast (or production) knows or has known to have succumbed to AIDS or other disease. 
•           Squeegee Man: A homeless person who chants "Honest living!" over and over.
•           Homeless Woman: She gets harassed by police and Mark films it. She first yells at Mark but then asks him for a dollar. 
•           Waiter: Waits on the cast and has solo lines in La Vie Boehme. There are also many other non‐named roles such as the Preacher, Seasons of Love soloists, Cops, Bohemians, Vendors, Homeless People. We are looking for a very diverse cast of all ages, ethnicities, shapes, and sizes. 
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hells-musing-along · 2 months
What was Lilith like at the beginning of Hell? I can't remember if you already made a post explaining it
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"What was I like at the beginning of Hell?" she asked aloud, pausing to reflect on the answer. Her eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to recall who she had been back then.
"Innocent, naive, and frightened. Lucifer and I had just been cast out of Heaven and into Hell, enduring immense suffering during those initial months. We were preoccupied with healing our wounds and acclimating to our new surroundings. Everything seemed terrifying until we discovered our true potential. We need not fear them; it is they who should fear us."
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--- ooc moment ---
hello hello! It's the mun here. I haven't written anything in full detail as of yet. I did write this a little bit below a while back, but it doesn't say a lot.
// THE FALL AND AFTERMATH // Initial stages of doubt and anxiety took root in Lilith when she fell. Did she do the right thing? Were there things she could have done to prevent it? These questions did not help as Lucifer lost his will to dream. She had to step up and endure for both of them to ensure they would survive this new landscape. 
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luk3nk13r4n · 2 months
Heyyyy Dark Mode Team Rocket! Yv’s mun here and I got an important question:
Whose turn is it with the Xbox?
That’s all. Don’t perceive me anymore after this 💕 I’ll 💕 🐛combust 💕💕 and 💕 shrivel 🐛
K: It's my turn. Luke played last. L: It's literally not. I won the last match, which means I get to play first today. K: Precisely because I lost, you should let me go first. (¬_¬) L: In your dreams! Gimme the controller! (•`ᴖ´•)
Kieran raises the controller above his head and palms Luke's face away from him. Luke, in retaliation, kicks him off balance. Kieran grabs his sleeve in the last moment and they both fall to the floor. The controller skids out of their reach, but they're too busy fighting to care. Looks like no one will be playing the Xbox today.
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