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cashmere-caveman · 1 month
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putting the franklin back in franklin expedition 2k24 (x) + bonus frauncis at the funeral in question:
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akantorrr · 1 year
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~ Greetings from Limbo!
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rolex-kaard · 1 year
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so there's this book
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gingerteaonthetardis · 7 months
fourteen dying on his does it need saying? hill with rose is so fucking wild to me. he has been walking around like a fucking squeaky toy only any time you squeeze him he goes, 'i love you!' he's wandering around london saying, 'i love the moon. i love that old georgian crown molding. i love that guy's bum. i love the smell of that wet garbage over there.' but then, when he gets his perfect moment to say he loved rose tyler, he just. cannot fucking do it. it's still too painful to him and too immediate and real, to the point that his healed future self has to be the one say it, and he's visibly struggling as he does. it is still hard for him to express. and his past self can't even nod. can't look away. just stands there looking wet and wilted. that is fucking whack. that is the rose tyler impact, baby, she will wreck your shit for four whole regenerations. you will never forget her. legend
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I don't even really go here but this scene has been stuck in my head for the last week so I decided it needed to to be let out
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retquits · 10 days
Went down a rabbit hole looking back at your Overwatch stuff since I just found you again (I'm pretty sure I followed you before, but I wasn't???) Do you still play?
wow!!! yeah it's been a long long time since i drew overwatch art regularly, hi!
yes i do still play regularly!! it's actually my go-to game for bad adhd days/sleepy days since it engages my brain so well ( >︿<)💦
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very-lost-hobbit · 5 months
"US proxy war in Ukraine" Beating u with lead pipes
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dizzybizz · 1 year
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he's just a widdle guy 🥺🥺🥺 wust a siwwy wiwwle guyyyy
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i think sampo should've been arrested with us
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von-valancius · 5 months
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fascinating tidbit from the avowed steam page
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angelsdean · 1 month
i'll be honest, i truly do not understand when people get all up in arms whenever anyone involved with spn describes cas's love for dean as beyond the human understanding of love, as if there haven't been posts made on here for years by fans literally describing cas's love for dean / destiel's love as akin to worship, a powerful force greater than god, cosmic, all encompassing, profound, etc etc. i thought the outrage was silly when jensen expressed the idea of cas's love being more than romantic back in denver con 2021 and i think it's silly now with these bedlund tweets. not to mention being more than and beyond something imo means it encompasses the romantic AND more. it's romantic, it's platonic, it's cosmic, it's worship, it's everything. and i think that's beautiful. and yes, it's exactly what their love is. a huge profound force that changed the narrative, that wasn't meant to be there, that kept breaking through anyway.
and i understand what people are saying about this language being used for a queer ship etc etc, but like, there's nothing inherently wrong or negating their love in saying that it's a greater love. if anything i think it's saying, hey, see these two? yea their love is bigger than what we can even comprehend. idk i'm just going to continue to take these statements in good faith. and also, until the reboot happens, they can't really say more about destiel beyond the bounds of the confession. jensen, bedlund, misha, etc can't speak to dean's feelings, for instance, or confirm anything one way or another, because if those feelings are a major plot point to be explored and acknowledged in the continuation then to speak about them now with any kind of definitive statement would be spoiling / jumping the gun, and it's not their place to make those statements yet, if we are indeed going to see more of dean and cas's story in the future (which i mean, at this point based on their statements about the reboot it's really a When not If situation).
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slavicafire · 7 months
I would love to participate in an exorcism as the exorcised party. every time my mother tells me the church next to our old neighbourhood has night exorcism sessions I really want to go there and tell them I'm possessed. I would 1. sell it sooo well (insider knowledge) 2. save someone in genuine mental distress from being grifted and abused, at least for one night
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munadrawson · 1 year
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As a desi, I've got to reference one of the best desi movie songs from a blockbuster film: "Yeh Dosti Hum Nahi Todenge" Sholay (1975), and as a queer desi, it's the classic take on "Living the crime life and being gay af with your pardner." The chaotic energy.
This song was sung by two legendary Bengali idols, Kishore Kumar and Manna Dey. I kid you not; their voices fit perfectly well for these two. A beautifully dynamic voice paired with a softly sweet voice; I can't stop seeing it.
Although I don't speak Hindi (I speak Bangla), I did my best translating the chorus and a verse of the song and have it flow better in English. The entire song is pretty gender-neutral. I swear, the number of desi songs that sing about being romantically interested in a friend and/or referring to their romantic partner as a friend is longer than a laundry list. Also, I saw a cishet cover this song romantically. If they can do it, so can I. Checkmate.
My sis insisted that I must draw this scene, and I delivered.
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At least they got them to laugh.
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robinsnest2111 · 6 months
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Mick and John 5, paswg style!
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strqyr · 1 month
idk what it is but there's something about ruby visiting summer's grave when she leaves home vs yang looking at the team strq photo (let alone having it in the first place) on the boat when she leaves that tickles me.
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trainingdummyrabbit · 6 months
thinks really hard abt the lobcorp pre-suppression cutscene choices and their repetition, how it represents how this decision was never yours to make (this is an action picked out by someone who isnt and can never be you; your decision does not matter) yet the decision was Always yours to make (there is no other option because this is What Happened, and Would Always Be what happened; you would never make another choice. your decision is the only one that mattered.)
the line between ayin and x is so blurred. much like the rest of the sephirah, ayin too creates a split in himself not terribly different from the split between elijah and malkuth, gabriel and yesod, michelle and hod, and on, and on. and yet, despite how differently each iteration of x is described or implied to be, after the memory sync, it is always implied to still be Ayin. to be Ayin once more. and yet, each of the sephirah seem to feel as though they are entirely different people. where is the line drawn? and who is it drawn by?
if x is not ayin, what becomes of him when ayins memories return? the sephirah made their own choices of who they decide to be-- but did ayin make that choice for himself too? was he simply too stubborn to allow himself to disappear under the weight of that many resets, that many retries, that many reshuffles of the mind? how much of x remains afterwards? how much say does he have in the right to exist, as someone who defines himself out of existence on the sole account of Being? intrinsically temporary. but i suppose, since when did ayin care of the voices that were not his own?
but if x Is ayin, what does that make of how we see him from the start? how does this redefine his character, who he Is, what he Searches for? what he Prioritizes? an open ended question becomes a well trodden trail, always destined to return to the same point, over and over. the implication that no matter what he does, what becomes of him, any choice he makes will inevitably be the same. he too has a part to play, and he too must see it to fruition, just like everyone else. and so he marches forward, and so he marches forward.
of course, nothing is ever really so black and white, but its not like we will ever really get to know. we dont get to see much of the man behind the curtain, only the hand that directs. no matter what path, what circumstance, what action, it will always end the same way. the hill must be climbed, the wheel must be ran, and the sun always rises at the end.
it was never his choice to make. it was Always his choice to make.
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ichijokaoru · 4 months
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sorry this idea possessed me
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