#⛧◟.•°* development.
misshcrror · 1 month
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              𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑: ──── YASEMIN's point of view ;
Três tutores e três abordagens distintas. Um trio que simplesmente vem ajudando Yasemin a desenvolver seus poderes de maneiras diferentes. Damon Addans focou no controle emocional e psicológico, ensinando-a a equilibrar suas emoções para dominar as sombras de forma estável. Nico di Angelo adotou uma abordagem mais intensa e física, desafiando Yasemin a se conectar com as sombras de maneira instintiva e sem medo, exigindo que ela abraçasse o caos do poder. Já Remzi Barkici tem acompanhado ela com lições teóricas e estratégicas, ensinando-a a compreender a essência da umbracinese e como utilizá-las de forma tática e inteligente. Juntas, essas três abordagens formaram um treinamento completo, fortalecendo Yasemin emocionalmente, fisicamente e estrategicamente no uso de seus poderes.
Yasemin estava acostumada a desafiar suas próprias habilidades e adorava embarcar em uma nova aventura, mas a ideia de pedir ajuda para Nico di Angelo, um dos semideuses mais misteriosos do acampamento, a deixava inquieta. Ela não o conhecia muito bem e trocar algumas palavras com ele nunca tinha sido sua prioridade, mas agora as coisas eram diferentes. Com o despertar de seus novos poderes, ela precisava de orientação – e quem melhor do que Nico e mestre nesse tipo de poder? Claro, ela já estava treinando com outros nomes e todos eles eram ótimos e ajudavam em seu treinamento de uma forma diferente, mas Nico havia passado por muito desde muito cedo. Ele tinha poderes o que a turca considerava necessário para que conseguisse controlar melhor os próprios poderes.
Quando ela se aproximou dele pela primeira vez, no canto mais improvável do acampamento, onde ele parecia estar sempre à vontade, as palavras quase não saíram. A ideia de treinar com ele a deixava nervosa, mas havia algo em seus olhos que demonstrava interesse em ajudá-la. Mesmo sendo recluso, Nico entendeu a necessidade dela antes que ela terminasse a frase, e, para sua surpresa, ele aceitou sem fazer questionamentos demais. Bom, introvertidos pareciam se entender da melhor maneira possível, ou gostava de acreditar que sim.
O treinamento com di Angelo começou sem rodeios, muito diferente dos treinos que Yasemin estava acostumada com os outros tutores. Logo no primeiro dia, Nico a levou para uma parte do acampamento que ela mal frequentava, uma clareira isolada e envolta por uma neblina quase constante, onde qualquer luz parecia ter dificuldade em penetrar. A escuridão ali era natural, densa criando um ambiente onde a escuridão parecia ter vida própria e por incrível que pareça, a ruiva sentia que algo dentro dela respondia a essa atmosfera sombria como um artista que se depara com uma tela em branco, pronta para ser preenchida com cores e formas desconhecidas. Naquele caso, estava pronta para abraçar todo o caos e sombras.
O filho de Hades não era do tipo que perdia tempo com explicações longas ou instruções detalhadas. Assim que chegaram ao local, ele a encarou com seus olhos. ❝ ― Mostre o que você pode fazer. ❞ — Era um pedido simples e mesmo que o treinamento com Damon estivesse indo bem, havia uma certa expectativa por parte da filha de Deimos, afinal se tratava de Di Angelo. Yasemin hesitou por um momento. Não era a primeira vez que mexia com as sombras desde que seu treinamento começou, mas a ideia de controlá-las de maneira física ainda era nova e instável para si. Mesmo assim, ela fechou os olhos, respirou fundo e começou a invocar as sombras ao seu redor. A escuridão na clareira parecia responder ao seu chamado, movendo-se levemente em torno de seus pés como uma fumaça espessa. No entanto, antes que pudesse se concentrar mais, Nico interrompeu bruscamente.
❝ ― Não é para se conter... Você está pensando demais. ❞ — Ele pediu num tom baixo e firme. ❝ ― As sombras não são como suas ilusões, não podem ser controladas só com a mente. Precisa senti-las dentro de você e deixar fluir naturalmente. ❞ — Yasemin apertou os punhos visivelmente irritada por ter sido interrompida. Parece que alguém havia feito o dever de casa e se sentiu um pouco melhor em saber que não era uma total desconhecida para o semideus. Decidida a não decepcionar a si mesma, ela abriu os olhos e, dessa vez, se concentrou em sentir as sombras ao seu redor. Elas não eram apenas uma extensão de sua vontade, eram parte dela. A turca estendeu a mão, e a escuridão respondeu, subindo como tentáculos enrolando-se ao redor de suas pernas e braços. Acabou sorrindo e por um momento, sentiu a sensação inebriante de controle, mas então, as sombras começaram a agir por conta própria, como se tivessem sua própria vontade. Ela tentou contê-las, mas era como se segurar numa correnteza forte que a levava para longe. Nico observava de perto, os braços cruzados, claramente esperando por aquele momento. ❝ ― Agora é quando você precisa tomar o controle de verdade. ❞ — Ele disse calmamente e só então a ruiva percebeu que ele havia tomado o controle para si. Era ele quem estava controlando as sombras agora, a forçando a controlar a situação ou iria acabar se ferindo ali. Aquele foi o combustível necessário para agir com uma intensidade que a fez se concentrar ainda mais.
Era como domar um animal selvagem, e cada vez que ela achava que tinha controle, as sombras escapavam, tentando envolvê-la. Mas, aos poucos, ela começou a perceber que o controle não viria através da força bruta como estava tão acostumada. Seu poder de ilusões era algo tão pessoal que mesmo que o tivesse desenvolvido bem, ainda era incapaz de simplesmente o sair usando ali. Mas ali... Controlar as sombras era algo palpável e real. A ideia de domar algo físico era excitante, como criar uma conexão mais profunda com o poder que crescia dentro dela. Com uma nova abordagem, ela começou a respirar mais devagar, tentando sentir o ritmo das sombras e ajustar seu próprio fluxo de energia. Após o que pareceram horas, as sombras finalmente começaram a responder de maneira mais suave, moldando-se à sua vontade. Elas não eram mais uma força caótica; estavam sob seu comando, dobrando-se e se moldando conforme seu desejo. Yasemin abriu os olhos e viu o resultado: a escuridão ao seu redor se movia como uma extensão de seu corpo, fluida e obediente. ❝ ― O que acha? É assim, não é? Acho que comecei a entender melhor. ❞
Nico assentiu levemente, mas não houve elogios ou comemorações. ❝ ― Isso foi um bom começo. ❞ — ele disse, caminhando ao redor da clareira enquanto as sombras se dissipavam lentamente. ❝ ― Mas você ainda está longe de dominar esse poder. Amanhã, faremos de novo. E mais forte. ❞
Nos dias seguintes, os treinos se tornaram ainda mais intensos. Nico a empurrava até os seus limites físicos e mentais. Era quase como se estivesse treinando com Deimos novamente, mas ainda havia humanidade e compaixão no filho de Hades. Fora que com o tempo, passaram a conversar um pouco mais, especialmente sobre como as coisas estavam indo de mal a pior no acampamento. Era engraçado pensar que haviam muitos pensamentos semelhantes entre ambos ali. Ainda assim, o foco sempre seria o seu treinamento. Ele fazia questão de que Yasemin dominasse o poder, não apenas para usá-lo como uma ferramenta, mas para que as sombras fossem parte dela, de que ela aceitasse de vez isso dentro de si. As sessões eram exaustivas, mas a turca adorava aquilo. Quanto mais o semideus a desafiava, mais ela se sentia determinada a se superar. A cada dia, Yasemin se sentia mais confiante, mesmo quando Nico a levava ao limite. Houve momentos em que ela quase cedeu ao cansaço e à exaustão, quando as sombras ficavam mais densas e difíceis de manipular. No entanto, a mulher sempre preferiu esse tipo de desafio. A conexão entre ela e as sombras ficava mais forte e o controle começava a se tornar quase natural. Ainda assim, havia sempre um nível de imprevisibilidade, como se nunca estivessem completamente sob controle – e isso a mantinha alerta. No fundo ela sabia que ainda havia muito o que aprender.
Alternando entre os treinos com Remzi, Damon e Nico, Yasemin mergulhou profundamente em sua própria evolução. Cada um dos treinadores oferecia abordagens distintas que, quando combinadas, criavam um caminho singular para o controle de seus poderes. Damon era mais estratégico e paciente, focava na base emocional e psicológica de suas habilidades. Ele sabia que o poder da turca não vinha apenas de sua conexão com as sombras, mas também de sua própria psique e tornava isso um tópico importante de cada sessão de treino que tinham. Yasemin ainda tinha muito o que aprender. Seus treinos envolviam meditações onde era orientada a explorar seus pensamentos mais obscuros, utilizando de gatilhos como um ponto de partida para ativar as sombras. A verdade era quem fosse o instrutor, eles estavam levando Yas a uma loucura quase palpável ao confrontar tantos assuntos sensíveis de uma vez só. Inicialmente as meditações foram desconfortáveis para a ruiva. Reviver momentos desagradáveis como as memorias do orfanato e a perca de sua mãe, e mergulhar em pensamentos negativos trazia à tona o lado mais agressivo das sombras, e consequentemente da ruiva, e era difícil controlar tudo nesse estado. Tudo se tornava caótico, denso e perigoso, respondendo diretamente aos seus sentimentos. Quando ela começava a perder o controle, Damon a interrompia, orientando-a a respirar fundo e trazer sua mente de volta ao presente. Foi um processo lento, mas fundamental. Com o tempo, Yasemin começou a perceber que, para dominar as sombras, não precisava se afundar em pensamentos negativos. O objetivo era exatamente o oposto: ter controle emocional, mesmo em meio ao caos. O treinamento, então, evoluiu.
Depois que a filha de Deimos conseguiu superar o obstáculo de ativar as sombras sem depender de sentimentos ruins, Damon a levou para a próxima fase do treinamento. Agora, o foco era entender o que exatamente as sombras podiam fazer e como utilizá-las de forma prática em combate. Para isso, eles usavam manequins de treino, e o filho de Nyx observava atentamente cada movimento que Yasemin fazia.
Em um dos dias da arena, Yasemin se concentrou. Agora, as sombras fluíam com mais naturalidade ao seu redor graças ao treinamento que estava tendo. Elas não eram mais tão selvagens e caóticas, mas respondiam ao seu comando. Em um dos treinos mais recentes, com um gesto de suas mãos, ela invocou a escuridão ao redor de seus pés, e as formas estranhas se estenderam até os manequins. O primeiro impacto foi leve, quase como um empurrão. Seu mentor observava em silêncio, sem interferir. Yas franziu o cenho, claramente insatisfeita com o resultado, mas procurou não se estressar. As meditações serviram exatamente para isso. Ela sabia que podia fazer mais. Respirando fundo, deixou as sombras crescerem mais fortes, concentrando sua energia nelas. Quando atacou novamente, as sombras se enrolaram ao redor do manequim mais próximo e menor, apertando com força, até que estalos secos ecoaram pela sala de treino – o manequim estava destruído. Pouco a pouco, sabia que iria conseguir controlar melhor aquelas formas. Esses treinos contrastavam com os que fazia com os outros dois instrutores. O filho de Hades era direto, intenso, e exigia que ela se entregasse ao poder das sombras sem reservas. Enquanto Damon equilibrava mente e corpo e então havia Remzi que era a mistura de ambos com seu ensinamento mais teórico.
A dinâmica entre Yasemin e Remzi era resultado de muitas farpas trocadas e desde o início, os dois pareciam encontrar prazer em desafiar um ao outro, especialmente nas patrulhas. A turca sendo mais teimosa, gostava de testar os limites, enquanto o semideus era mais pragmático e sempre tinha uma resposta na ponta da língua. A verdade é que eles estavam longe de ser uma dupla convencional, mas a presença de um na vida do outro parecia funcionar bem. Nas patrulhas, isso era evidente. Quando estavam em ação, ela sabia que podia contar com ele, e mesmo que rolasse uma troca de farpas durante os momentos mais tensos, isso nunca atrapalhava o foco de ambos. Se algo dava errado, um podiam contar com o outro para soltar um comentário sarcástico apontando uma falha, mas com aquela pontada que fazia com que se esforçassem ainda mais. Era como se estivessem em uma eterna batalha de egos, mas havia uma confiança ali que nenhum dos dois jamais admitiria em voz alta. Remzi era parte fundamental da equipe, e juntos, formavam uma baita equipe. Mas agora tudo parecia incerto. O fechamento da fenda levou Arthur e Remzi... Bem, sofreu seu acidente e agora tinha uma perna amputada. Evelyn parecia mais perdida e com razão afinal seu irmão estava perdido no submundo também.
Remzi foi um dos primeiros nomes que surgiu na mente da filha de Deimos quando pensou em quem poderia ajudá-la a desenvolver melhor seus poderes, após a conversa com Quíron. Com a nova condição, imaginou que ele não estaria disposto a treinar alguém, ainda mais de maneira teórica. Mesmo assim, a preocupação com o parceiro de patrulha prevaleceu. Decidida a pelo menos prestar apoio, Yasemin foi atrás dele. O que encontrou foi um filho de Nyx irritado, claramente incomodado com a situação, e pior ainda com as reações ao seu redor. Sabia que ele era muito mais do que um guerreiro, foi então que, quase por impulso, ela explicou sobre seus novos poderes e o convidou para ser seu tutor em teoria. Pensou que isso poderia ajuda-lo a se sentir útil de alguma forma e que os demais ao redor não o tratassem como incapaz. Yas não via aquele convite como um favor, mas como uma oportunidade para ele se reconectar com o que sabia, para que o homem voltasse a ser parte da ação, mesmo que de uma forma diferente.
Foi um processo lento, mas eventualmente eles firmaram a ideia. Agora, com as aulas teóricas, as provocações continuavam, só que em outro nível. Yasemin descobriu que manipular sombras ia muito além do simples ato de comandá-las. Remzi, apesar de inicialmente relutante, revelou a compreensão do que as sombras realmente representavam. Ele a ensinou a ver as sombras como uma extensão do próprio ambiente, uma força viva que existia em todos os lugares, o tempo todo, esperando para ser utilizada por aqueles que soubessem compreendê-la. Era um pouco parecido com o que Nico tentava lhe mostrar na prática. Pouco a pouco, o tutor tratou de deixar claro para a turca que as sombras têm sua própria essência, uma certa indomabilidade que não pode ser simplesmente subjugada com poder bruto. Era preciso respeitar a natureza delas e principalmente entender que, para dominá-las, era necessário se conectar com elas de maneira profunda.
Durante as sessões, ele a fez estudar a origem e o comportamento das sombras sob diferentes condições, mostrando como elas variam de acordo com a luz, o ambiente, e até mesmo o estado emocional de quem as manipula. Outra lição importante foi sobre a conexão simbiótica entre o manipulador e as sombras. Elas reagiam a seus desejos, mas também influenciavam seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Isso exigia que Yasemin se mantivesse sempre vigilante sobre si mesma e seu estado mental, algo que acabou interligando com seus treinamentos anteriores de ilusão. Ao longo das sessões foi colocado para Yas que por mais que abraçasse as sombras e fazer delas uma extensão de si mesma, ela precisava manter sua própria identidade e não permitir que elas assumissem o controle. Era importante saber como elas funcionavam e interagiam com o mundo ao redor.
Mesmo quando estava sozinha, Yasemin procurou treinar e se dedicar totalmente ao treinamento como sempre fez. Passava horas praticando, forçando-se a dominar completamente o novo poder que despertou. Ela treinava na floresta, repetindo os exercícios que os tutores haviam ensinado, sempre tentando melhorar sua conexão com as sombras. Às vezes, passava noites inteiras em seu chalé, sentada no escuro, tentando invocar as sombras ao seu redor, buscando controlá-las até nos momentos mais calmos e sutis. A responsabilidade de dominar seus novos poderes parecia pesar mais a cada dia. Tinha repleta noção que para ajudar seus amigos e enfrentar a guerra que estava por vir, teria que ser mais forte. A verdade era que sempre foi viciada em poder e ter um novo se tornou o seu mais novo hiperfoco, então se dedicar totalmente a ele parecia o mais correto a se fazer, mesmo que o ensinamento com a visão de Hécate também tivesse vindo como um alerta para que tomasse cuidado com sua ambição.
Nas noites mais longas, quando o cansaço começava a pesar, Yasemin ainda resistia ao sono. Nesses momentos, a escuridão parecia ainda mais difícil de se domar pois pareciam se aproveitar de sua fraqueza e testar seus limites de controle. Mas, de algum modo, a filha de Deimos se sentia conectada a ela. Era como se aquelas forças escuras estivessem esperando que ela se entregasse completamente para desbloquear todo seu potencial. Cada dia, cada treino, mesmo os solitários, traziam pequenos avanços. Aos poucos, as sombras estavam deixando de ser uma besta indomável e começavam a se moldar ao que Yasemin queria. Mesmo que o controle ainda estivesse longe, estava mais próxima de dominar o que antes a deixava confusa.
semideuses citados: @sonofnyx & @bakrci.
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bl4sphemy-archived · 1 year
no but i am so here for antagonistic interactions
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limbvscompany · 1 year
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LCB Sinner: Carrie White
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Carrie and her mother once lived in a Nest, her mother's zealotry a terrifying presence within Carrie's life. Her telekinetic powers had nearly resulted in her own death by her mother, although some of these attempts came when she was far too young to remember.
In her teens, bullying at her school had reached a peak, culminating in a prom night where most of the students and faculty were slaughtered, and several outside casualties recorded, including the death of her mother.
Due to her age, it was decided that she would not be executed, but instead exiled from the Nest and into the Backstreets, given the title of Urban Myth due to her strange powers by the Hana Association. However, Carrie laid low, and her good behavior soon "earned" her the removal of this rating, soon merely becoming a Canard.
Since the prom incident took place prior to the White Nights and Dark Days, though, perhaps this was a missed opportunity for most of the Associations. Indeed, perhaps it was fortunate that she would soon be recruited by Limbus Company.
A morningstar known as De Palma.
Named for the director of the 1976 film adaptation. The weapon was selected because of 2012 TMNT Slash bc I RP'd him before, but it works out, because hee hee Lucifer Morningstar.
Slash: Fatal / Pierce: Normal / Blunt: Ineffective
Wrath x3 | Blunt Lust x2 | Blunt Gloom x1 | Blunt
Defense Type is Counter, being a Blunt Wrath coin.
Mostly? Increasing her attack power, similar to Heathcliff and Don Quixote.
Base E.G.O.: The Curse of Blood "And Eve was weak!"
A Blunt Wrath ZAYIN E.G.O., Carrie is changed into her bloodied prom dress, holding the blood-stained bucket by its rope. She spins it several times, then throws it, before it hits the target. [ On Hit ] Inflicts 5 Bleed. [ Heads Hit ] Inflict 1 Paralyze.
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lcuisebm · 2 months
ᵗᵃᵍ ᵈʳᵒᵖ
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ringostxrs · 3 months
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ㅤㅤ⸻ TAGDUMP!     ㅤㅤi'm  your  source  of  self-destruction,  veins  that  pump  with  fear,  sucking  darkest  clear,  leading  on  your  death's  construction.  .  . 
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ringostxr-archive · 5 months
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ㅤㅤtagdump. ⛧❜ ⸻
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cyb3rtarot · 9 months
A Peep Into the New Year: 2024 Pick a Pile
Disclaimer: Happy New Year! We’re looking at something to reflect on from the closed year, experiences you may have this year, and a theme for 2024. The experiences are not necessarily in chronological order! Tarot readings are not replacements for professional advice. I’m reading what I see and feel in the current energy, which can change. Your thoughts, energy, and actions are what creates destiny, not the reading!
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pile 1⛧pile 2⛧pile 3 pile 4⛧pile 5⛧pile 6
Pile 1:
Something to Reflect On [Nine of Swords rx, Keeping Up]: hello pile one! You guys really struggled with mental health or neurodivergence last year or for a few years leading up to this year. You may have adopted a defeatist attitude or found it incredibly hard to progress in life. Day to day tasks to take care of yourself may have been difficult. Reflect on the ways you have faced this challenge, even when it seemed impossible. Some of this pile has overcome this. For example, if you had depression, you may no longer be depressed (or it’s not as severe). Others of you are still fighting, but you’ve still exerted a great effort to keep afloat and face anxieties. You should pat yourselves on the back for the ways you’ve advanced—the ways you’ve kept yourself alive even when it was hard. There is a forward momentum you’re carrying into the new year, and it was created with much effort.
A Peep into the New Year… 
You guys will be presented with something from the past, and you will have to choose whether to invest your energy into it. This could be people, past situations you never got closure on, environments, and especially habits. The main thing about this opportunity is that it seems like you guys’ first thought will be to jump back into it. Maybe it “feels” right so you don’t think about it much, or you’re so used to doing it that you just go right along with it the second you get the chance. This situation seems very interesting from your perspective; there’s a strong pull towards it. The cards are not really indicating that this is a definite good or bad thing, it seems neutral or like it can go either way. The card to especially focus on is “impulsiveness.” Regardless of whether this is good or bad, make sure to think about your actions before agreeing to anything (Tiwaz emphasizes making sound decisions). Reflect on ingrained habits and thought patterns that you feed into without a second thought. Impulsiveness can also refer to the nature of the situation; an opportunity may come out of nowhere. How we invest our energy determines who we are and how we grow. We are more likely to remain in old mindsets when we constantly give energy to what has already ended, and only you can decide what from your past belongs in the future. [Impulsiveness (Mars in Aries, 1st house), Curiouser and Curiouser, the World rx, Uncertainty rx, Tiwaz rune]
For some time , you may find yourself absorbed in spirituality or developing new beliefs (for many of you this has already started). This seems like a positive change, however it may take up a lot of your time. You may use your inner or spiritual world as an escape; many of you feel dependent or stifled in a situation. You are being encouraged to dream big (for physical reality too), and use this time to thoroughly plan for life and yourself. Make sure there is a balance between being absorbed in your inner world, and sometimes coming out of that shell to make your dreams real. At some point in this journey you may feel very restless, and that can prompt some of the impulsive behavior mentioned above. Don’t judge yourself for moving too “slowly” or having big dreams, but still make an honest effort towards balancing those dreams/beliefs with reality. You’re also encouraged to maintain balance in how this plays out in your relationships. Don’t despair if someone doesn’t understand you, but also don’t take someone’s word as gospel just because you feel an affinity with them. [Vision (Sun in Pisces, 12th house), Use Your Time Well rx, nine of pentacles sideways, Justice] 
There’s a lot of hope and knowledge surrounding you this year. You’ll be interested in making dreams reality and will want to pursue something new for yourself. I say “for yourself” as there’s an emphasis on this being centered around you. You may approach things with the best-case scenario in mind; this will serve you well. There’s opportunity to be recognized as an individual or for something you do, or this is a hope of yours. There may be interest in physically going somewhere to seize this opportunity (more so farther destinations or longer trips). You will be geared towards learning new things (especially in higher ed or a similar place), working towards recognition of your skills, or starting a personal project. If there are issues at home, I see you or your relatives remaining positive in the face of this adversity (this may also be a familial opportunity, or a family member might receive public attention). You may feel a little lost [in the sauce]. If you’ve delved into spirituality, you might feel disconnected or unsure of your new beliefs. This could be a period where you have to focus on your own ingenuity, wits, and can-do rather than giving it all to your belief system. This can also apply to family. There may be decreased communication with them, or someone moving away. However confusing, this is a more fortunate period of the year. [Optimism (Moon in Sagittarius, 9th house), the Moon, Nature Communication rx, Publicity (Jupiter in Leo, 5th house)]
Overall Theme for the New Year [the Empress, Defense (Mars in Taurus, 2nd house]: the year is going to put you in situations where you’ll have to sit in your confidence and inner security—or develop this—especially to hone impulse control. There are tangible blessings to experience, but you may find yourself being questioned or challenged by those around you, and you yourself may feel antsy to get what you want right away. Rely on your endurance and resilience to get through uncertainties or challenges as you go towards your goals. 
The Empress dons her armor with her few loyal knights by her side. Though she is under siege, she rides into battle smiling. Victory is obviously in her hand. After many bloody hours, the sun sets on the quieted field. The Empress stands tall on her hill, ever smiling, ever the empress, barely scathed. The sun glints off her helmet as it settles beneath the horizon.
Possible examples (but not limited to…): an ex contacting you or trying to rekindle, old friends wanting to hang out, going back to places you used to frequent, snooping on or investigating someone’s social media, someone from the past starting an argument or pettiness against you,  sudden travel opportunity (especially for school), living with parents or a partner, wanting to move out, pressure to get a job, spiritual scammers/predatory spiritual teachers, family strife, getting accepted into a program, publishing art or research, seeking a career in the arts/academia/spirituality, a new spiritual practice or a leap in pre-existing abilities (especially divination and clairvoyance), meditating frequently, interpreting dreams or lucid dreaming, family on the news, building your portfolio or resume
Extra Details: a change in sleep patterns (going both ways, some could be sleeping less due to increased energy and some of you are finally resting more after a period of poor sleep), mental hospitals, marine biology, Jupiter or Mars as a very prominent planet in the natal or 2023/24 solar return chart, bright colored eyes, high hopes, charm casting, spiritual businesses, loves cartoons or wants to be an animator, brothers, the Star may be a significant card for you or both 2023 + 2024 may be very healing years, moving to a coastal/lakeside area (or wanting to), 12th house profection yr
Pile 2:
Something to Reflect On [Acquisition (Sun in Taurus, 2nd house), the Star]: hi pile two! You can reflect on how your relationship to the physical world has changed. It seems finances or another form of physical comfort was a big focus last year. You’ve either made big strides in these areas or you’ve done healing work on your mindset (for example, focusing on gratitude and optimism about what you have and want). This could refer to your body as well, if you’ve healed or learned better ways to cope with a condition. Or, it could refer to how you physically relate to others, in any kind of affectionate relationship. Now’s a time to see how changes in your outlook have granted you comfort and opportunity, and congratulate yourselves for any big gains. Many of you have sacrificed other parts of your life for this, and now it’s time to focus on how you can increase wellbeing in all areas instead of just the physical.
A Peep into the New Year…:
Some of the year will be particularly good for work or school. You will naturally excel in these or things will flow more smoothly. Especially if you have to pay attention to a lot of details, or if you provide a service to others. However, you may feel disconnected from your environment. For many of you, this refers to the natural environment, but it could also refer to the world or other environments you frequent. This will be a natural byproduct of whatever you’re pursuing at the time (school/work/etc). You could feel trapped or restless, possibly wanting to quit. If this is referring to the world at large, you may feel guilty or defeatist, like no humanitarian or environmental efforts you do will ever be enough. It’s important to take care of your mental health—much of this is from anxiety rather than reflecting the world around you. Bringing something natural into your home/workplace could be beneficial (plants, stones, seashells etc), as well as decorating with things from home if you feel homesick. You may enjoy gardening (especially veggies). Find parks or natural areas where you are, or spend time intentionally finding things you like about your surroundings. If you feel stuck at home rather than away from it, any small thing to change your scenery could help (going outside more, switching your lounging area, etc). Some of you may feel disappointed if you can’t make a long trip somewhere, but consider if a short trip is possible. If you feel humanitarian guilt, volunteering with an immediate, tangible effect can be encouraging (litter cleanup/soup kitchens etc). [Discrimination (Venus in Virgo, 6th house), Nature Communication rx, the Wheel of Fortune, Eight of Swords]
You guys are giving imposter syndrome. You may be in a learning environment where you feel like you don’t belong. You’ll go through the motions and try to adapt through every situation. You might feel like you have to keep your wits about you or always be prepared to say the “right” thing to keep up an image. This can make you feel out of control. But, you’re supposed to be learning; you’re not supposed to know everything. Allow yourself space to grow and make mistakes; don’t depend on someone else to give that or take it away. Feeling anxious or uneasy during a learning curve is natural and doesn't mean you’re a fraud or bad person. Most everyone experiences this. Establish a sense of inner security, or take time to remind yourself of things you’ve aced. For a lot of you, this may be about intimacy; you may feel nervous about navigating closeness with another. You may be more likely to notice everything you’re doing wrong or feel awkward about your performance in the relationship. Communicate with your partner! With the Influence card, your words may come across particularly sweet or sensical during this time, so don’t be afraid  to talk about how you feel (whether with a partner, coworkers, teachers, peers, etc). You can learn much from others. [Bluff (Jupiter in Gemini, 3rd house), the Emperor rx, Kenaz, Influence (Mercury in Libra, 7th house)]
Finally, I see this pile going through an extremely transformative period. This seems to not be from anything directly identifiable; you may not be able to place where this transformation started or what spurred it. This is likely an internal change (that’s not to say external ones won’t also occur, but the cards are pointing to your inner world). You might wake up one day and realize you’re very different, or that you’re changing but don’t know why. This transformation could be centered around your beliefs or self concept. For example, you may feel like you’re stepping into your power, or like you’ve remembered who you and the people around you are. For those that believe in past lives, you may remember a pattern that’s played out in other lives, or you may remember someone in this life has been with you in another. For many of you this could be influenced by a relationship, but mostly, this is about some change of power within you. The cards are neutral; this can play out in any way.  Because of the “manipulation” card, it’s important to make sure that others are not taking away your freedoms and that you’re maintaining a sense of authority over yourself. You may not notice a change at first, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take control of the transformation once you do see it. [Manipulation (Jupiter in Scorpio, 8th house), Choices rx, Eight of Wands sideways, Past Lives/(the Moon)]
Overall Theme for the New Year [Status (Jupiter in Taurus, 2nd house), ten of swords rx]: if last year was focused on material security then I see this continuing in the upcoming year. Either way, the year will bring attention to your physical world and the blessings it has to offer. You will not only be focused on security, but also be prompted to enjoy what you have already created, especially if you began projects, jobs, studies, or other ambitions last year. You may find more comfort in material things than usual, such as a lot of shopping or eating new foods (it may be easy to overindulge!). Many of you are on the younger side getting your first “real” or serious job, so this may be excitement caused by a stable source of income. There is recognition for what you tangibly contribute to your environment. You will be valued in the groups you’re in or will feel empowered to find such a space. If your job or studies involve a lot of verbal speaking (such as public speaking, pitching ideas), this in particular could be very beneficial or encouraged (this makes some of you anxious, it’s ok!). However, this extends to all forms of communication. If you are in a committed relationship, your partner may also experience similar blessings. Make sure to clearly communicate with them and keep an eye on power dynamics in the relationship. This year will prompt you to re-evaluate what you’ve carried from your past, though I feel this is the distant past. Like mindsets you started developing in childhood, but this can extend to past lives if you believe in them.
The monarchs stand on the balcony of their castle. On one side they can see a vast green hill rolling towards the woods. On the other side, their small but stunning kingdom. Their hearts swell, because they have built this kingdom with their own two hands. They have helped put the people’s homes together, they have farmed food themselves. It has not always been easy to safeguard a kingdom against the shifting forces of nature, but they’ve done it. Dawn illuminates the fruit of their labor.
Possible examples (but not limited to…): missing your hometown, living in an urban area/spending all day indoors and wishing to be in nature, troubles going back home (for example, wanting to go back but your family telling you to keep at it), living on your own for the first time (especially at a distance from family, some are wanting to study abroad), volunteering, mutual aid, community work, humanitarian jobs (non-profit?), crystals (some of you do a spiritual practice with crystals at night?), feeling uncertain about beliefs, working on a team or group project, relationship or work anxiety, a “frog in pot” situation (a situation that degrades so slowly that you don’t notice), recognition in school or work, changing your self beliefs & self concept, a change to self esteem, past life memories/spiritual work, working on relationship confidence, developing parts of yourself you’ve neglected (especially anything set aside while working on physical security), big life events that are outside your control but have a direct impact on you, career/academic advancement/promotion, internships, a work crush or relationship from a job (careful lol), or a relationship with someone you once worked with, visiting loved ones at work, nostalgia or deja-vu
Extra Details: basketball, football, STEM or business (for STEM i’m getting technology or tech-business), family home is two stories and/or on a property with a large yard/backyard, recognizing people from past lives, fairytale love, Mercury as a prominent planet in your profection year or solar return, a romantic or intimate relationship carrying over from this year to the next, manifestation/law of assumption, friend or partner who works as an artist, some of you like the little mermaid or mermaid stories (or you feel like Ariel), a partner in a noticeably higher position/financial status than you and may live with them (you guys in particular should pay attention to power dynamics)—yall please LEAVE if somebody “decides” you should not talk to or go out with your friends & family (even if those people are bothersome to you that’s YOUR decision to make)
Pile 3:
Something to Reflect On [Investigate, Justice sideways]: hello pile three! You are being called to evaluate how you allocate your energy. Most of this pile puts a ton of energy into specific tasks to the point where they don’t have a lot left for themselves or other areas. Specifically, I am getting most of you may be taken advantage of by the people in your life, and that this isn’t something you readily notice. This varies per individual. People might ask a lot of favors from you, and because you think it’s your duty or obligation, you always fulfill them. Maybe this is a family member who expects you to always be there to do certain tasks no matter what you have going on (a lot of you seem to have a really stern guardian figure). This could be a partner who places a lot of emotional or domestic burdens on you. It could be a workplace. Whatever the situation, the main message here is to think about it, but then reflect on it again. I think a lot of you aren’t as critical of this behavior as you could be, which is why you have to really evaluate if the ways you spend energy are detrimental to other areas of life. As Justice is sideways, some of you are not necessarily in such a situation, but now is a good time for you to evaluate how balanced you really are. Either way, you are also being prompted to really think about what you’re going to do if adjustments are needed; don’t fly off the handle or impulsively react.
A very specific message is some of you may be victims of shady or criminal behavior (already happened). I’m not getting anything huge, but you’re asked to really find the facts of the situation and not blindly accept convenient stories. Some of you may live with others and may have noticed a lot of your items or money going missing? I don’t usually write out the phrases on the oracle cards, but yours says: “look closely, ask questions, think before acting.” Some of you may be part of ongoing investigations, in which case this is referring to that. 
A Peep into the New Year…: 
There is a mental transformation, almost an awakening of sorts. This will be a development of your inner guidance, intuition, or sense. You will be pushed to see that you can in fact trust yourself, and that you have enough wisdom (or the capacity to develop it) to navigate life with your own will. The imagery on the cards with your rune suggests an integration. I feel this part of your mind has always been present, however you may be the kind of person to frequently second guess yourself or to think your own ideas/advice inferior to others (or perhaps others have tried to mentally dominate you and replace your ideas with theirs). Whatever your situation, your inner “knowing” and wisdom will be coming forth to join your conscious decision-making skills. But, it seems you will mentally resist this, or that this period may be confusing to you. You may feel scatter-brained, anxious, or confused a lot (if this becomes very distressing then I encourage you to access any accessible mental health resources). Perhaps you feeling this way is actually what is going to trigger the transformation. You will need to give yourself a lot of grace to evolve your mind. You may try to logically find solutions to problems or continue using old thought patterns, but this period is going to push different ways of thinking you're not used to. For example, if you always try to make very rational choices, you may need to think creatively or factor in gut feelings to arrive at a good decision. You may find yourself being questioned by those close to you who don’t understand your thinking, and this may require diplomatic communication. Overall, your mental activities can guide you to a good place, but it’s a matter of trusting your own guidance—even if others belittle your ability to think for yourself. [Flattery (Venus in Gemini, 3rd house), Guidance, Dagaz, Queen of Swords rx]
I feel this experience is related to the above and for many it will co-occur; I also see a period where you have mental resistance up. The ideals, compromises, and decisions you have chosen to live with will be under a magnifying glass. Mental routine and comfort will be challenged as you re-evaluate what your beliefs are, especially about yourselves. What are your values, what can you endure to live a more fulfilling life? Some of you have a tendency to get or stay in situations where external forces (mainly people) have a lot of control over your life; codependency. If so, this energy is related to that, especially if this describes your family life. There’s a lot of stubborn or slow-moving energy here; many of you may try to dismiss the questions or changes that are knocking at your door. You may use the physical to distract you, like your daily routine or job. At the same time, if you aspire to change, you may have to defend yourself against others a lot. This could encourage that slow-moving energy, as you may feel tense if challenged by others. Overall, this is a time of endurance. Allow slow, steady adjustments to your mindset + reality as you determine who you are and what you want. [Resistance (Mercury in Taurus, 2nd house), Forget Who You Are rx, I Want to Be a Queen rx, seven of wands]
Lastly, I see you will eventually be called to act upon the ideas you have developed during your transformation—putting your plans into action. With Mercury in cardinal Earth paired with the knight of mind, there will be a drive and ambition to realize the reality you’ve been pining for. The energy here is that no matter what, you're committing to the course you’ve set, regardless of people or obstacles. This time period will pass judgment on what you've been contemplating for so long—the reality you have been imagining yourself in during the more stagnant parts of the year (and maybe last year as well?) While I do feel like most of this will be coming from your own willpower, with the major arcana, you may be presented with some kind of opportunity or circumstance that will further empower you. This may come after you take the first steps to move towards what you want. This could be about pursuing something in your career or material path, but I think it will extend into any part of your life that you've spent a ton of time thinking about. This period will remind you that dreams are not necessarily reality, yet they guide reality once you are ready to do something. If you did experience tense relationships with family or others throughout the year, I see you getting more of a handle on this and feeling more prepared to take on their challenging words (not that you have to keep going back and forth with these people). [Organization (Mercury in Capricorn, 10th house), Fighting, Judgement, two of wands rx]
Overall Theme for the New Year [Idealism (Sun in Aquarius, 11th house), the Hanged Man]: this year is about radical changes in perspective. Not only can you dare to dream, but you can also dare to make those dreams reality. Your mind is precious—protect and use it as much as possible. You may have had a complicated relationship with your desires & dreams in the past. Maybe others' pessimism affected you, and 2024 will prompt you to challenge limiting beliefs you’ve absorbed. This is a year where you realize that your hopes don’t have to detract from real life, they can be the seeds. Friends and community are especially significant in your 2024 energy.
A smile sits on the face of this philosopher, though this is not a title they chose for themselves. The symposium has hushed into suspicious and questioning tones, eyes on the philosopher who has not even said much at all. But what they have said, well, where do they get off? Their ideas are certainly not from here. They speak of a fantasy world where things are better than they are and the status quo is rudely disregarded. Where equality and fairness are true and not only words. The wise men furrow their brows and think, “foolish youth.” The philosopher explains nothing more; what is understood does not have to be explained. But, the seeds are sown. Quietly, in the hearts of the eternally foolish, the design of a better world is constructed.
Possible examples (but not limited to…): feeling called towards a job or interest but others around you not agreeing, feeling pulled towards many different directions, unsure of your “calling,” realizing something you want for yourself, changing your beliefs (especially about your role in the world, or about social expectations such as gender roles?), or a period where you’re interested in new beliefs but you try to deny this interest. Standing your ground, finding strategic ways to communicate with those around you (including ways to keep plans to yourself). At one point (or now) you may be wanting to escape or move far away, but later in the year you may actually lose interest in this or want to move somewhere that’s not as far. Career developments or planning, personal projects, applying to jobs or networking (part of this may feel discouraging or stagnant but don’t lose hope!), you may feel more connected to animals or nature this year (especially if you live in a wooded area), starting a business (especially with friends—crafts/handmade items? Or you might go to artists fairs & markets), working a “not as serious” or part-time job while you plan for a business/career, saving money
Extra Details: naivety, law enforcement or court case, some of you have info about a case you have not brought to the investigators? (I’m not giving legal advice here lol it just came to mind). Specific family member that’s very domineering (especially over you), though I am getting this is a pattern in your other relationships too (for some this person has no/almost no water placements in their natal chart? They could have very bright blue eyes). You may bite your tongue a LOT with this person but this is changing for many (possibly some arguments with them). Some of y’all really like peanut/nut butter 😭? Interest in the arts (or another field that’s not respected) that you’ve never seriously pursued, hiding your interest in artistic or “childish” things, coming from a conservative culture, the main one doing housework, having to be very observant of someone’s behavior to know the “right way” to talk to them so the conversation doesn’t go south? This pile has a way with words, like you naturally phrase things figuratively or poetically. “The time is now bitch, the time is now!! The war’s already started!!” Breaking Bad? Nature themed or inspired art. Mercury may be very important or aspected in the natal chart (possibly solar return as well to a lesser extent). 11th house may be prominent too
Pile 4:
Something to Reflect On [the Tower, Queen of Pentacles]: hi pile 4! In this past year or the one before, something major shook up your life. Something shook your sense of security to the core. It challenged the notion of control, and you’ve had to rebuild it from the ground up. This feels like something that came out of nowhere, a life event that you know could happen to anyone but you either don’t expect it to happen to you when it does or it’s something you can’t plan for (like a sudden death/illness, breakup out of nowhere, houselessness/kicked out, I keep thinking you felt “dethroned”). As the Queen of Pentacles came after the tower and this pile had a very calming energy when I connected to you, you guys have started to or already come to terms with what happened. You’re picking up the pieces and getting back on your inner throne, though many of you are still dealing with the fallout of these circumstances. You guys should appreciate how far you’ve come in your inner world, or at least your amazing and impressive endurance. I don’t know why but there’s an emphasis on complimenting your endurance lol, the word “honorable” came to mind. This pile seems to have been through something incredibly hard (maybe on a physical level) that a lot of people would have folded under. Some of you had an opportunity to get out using shady means (like cheating or harming others, going against some kind of morals) and in the end you decided to stay by your integrity. This pile should really appreciate themselves, as you’re the one who has carried yourself through the tough storms.
A Peep into the New Year…:
At least one part of the year, if not the whole year, will feel jam-packed with a lot of different things happening. This is a blessed time where by your own willpower, abilities, and individuality, you’ll be able to receive something beautiful. I hear “convenience,” so, very convenient opportunities may come your way. Someone else could help arrange a blessing, or something could come into your life that makes it easier, but this is because of who you are as a person. This period may feel like a dream, like the Sun coming out after the clouds held it hostage. Things will happen that will help you to feel reconnected with life and the universe—your role in the scheme of things—and they may happen close together. This may be a little disorienting, so try incorporating some grounding practices into your life, or something that addresses feelings of disconnect (ex, meditation). I am also seeing a relationship focused on sensuality. This is new for most of you and may be with someone you already know. The relationship may begin with the help of someone else (maybe someone introduced you). This doesn’t seem to be the main event though; this relationship is one thing and the blessings I was talking about are another. Throughout everything, it’s highly emphasized to maintain your individuality. Either through the relationship or other things happening, you may feel the need to change yourself, or feel like a cog in the machine. The new developments could feel tiresome or too much for you. On a physical level, it may be a lot (especially if you have a job including manual labor/moving things). Not only do you need to take care of your body + needs, but also remember your uniqueness is needed. You’re not a spare part; you don’t need to be shaped to conform like others. Growing and changing is great, but the greatness comes from authenticity and the beauty of your specific path. Not from making yourself something you’re not. Alternatively, you may already be living like this and grow tired of it. [Fortune (Sun in Leo, 5th house), Existence, Such a Curious Dream rx, Romance (Venus in Taurus, 2nd house), Conditioning, Exhaustion]
Possibly related to the tiredness I mentioned, there may be a time where things seem totally out of your control—as if the wheel of life is turning and not waiting for you to catch up. There are bigger forces here, like institutions or other people that have control & importance over you. For example, higher education, local/state governments, the legal system. Something will stress you out, possibly news or the lack of agency you feel. This seems like a life pattern for this pile; it could trigger old feelings of lacking control. The unique qualities you have are what helps you move through these times, not what hinders you. The last card says “you will make it through this.” This period is bringing a cycle to the end (ten of swords was on the bottom of the deck); don’t catastrophize. The wheel of life is constantly turning, but you are also part of the wheel. I don’t know what it is about this pile but over and over your cards are pointing out how your individuality and the unique way your life has played out is your strength through all things (one of your cards says “there are not many like you!”). There may be a few things going on during this period that you have to juggle or prioritize over something you really wanted to do. A kind relationship with yourself is your foundation to face the world. The relationships around you will also be important, and may be one of the things making your life feel odd at this time (this news could be developments in a friend’s life). Maintaining bonds, internal and external, will create small blessings as you work towards peace. [Friendship (Moon in Cancer, 4th house), You Are Rare and Free, the Emperor rx, Shine Bright Like a Candle, Raidho rune]
Not every single oracle card referencing relationships I’m soo 😭. In fact, in every experience I read for you guys, something came out about relationships or loving someone. So obviously lol, companionships of all kinds are a large focus. This person (or people) will challenge you to close one of the constant cycles in your life—something regarding communication. Many of you have struggled to authentically communicate, possibly in regards to whatever it is about your individuality that keeps coming out. Maybe you tried to downplay or pretend in your relationships, and this has perpetuated a toxic loop (ex, if you are disabled, you may have downplayed the level of support you need). Your relationships will prompt you to be true, to see if you are up to the task of presenting yourself with all your lumps & bumps and saying, “here I am,” instead of, “don’t look at me.” They will also prompt you to rethink the role you play in healthy communication. You might have downplayed how you felt about others, like pretending to accept things you weren’t okay with. How this plays out will be different for everyone; maybe you will be with someone who understands you easily for once. It could be someone who understands you as long as you actually say something. Or, you may have to speak up for yourself and work through that struggle. Whatever the case, there’s an opportunity to grow through care & intimacy. You got another Sun card—the most fortuitous suite in the deck—so there’s a positive connotation to your bonds. With the Sun, Venus, and Moon all here (and the 2nd, 7th, and 9th house), I think these will be very compelling or fulfilling. You may interact a lot with someone who expands your worldview. But, even if someone is so close they feel telepathic, remember to still communicate and be conscious of cycles! [Acquisition (Sun in Taurus, 2nd house), Flirtation (Venus in Sagittarius, 9th house), Companionship (Moon in Libra, 7th house), Knight of Swords rx, the World]
Overall Theme for the New Year [Beyond Illusion, two of wands]: there's a strong emphasis on “dream-like” feelings this year. You may feel disoriented in the currents of life. You can either put your focus into the ever-changing external world and try to find your footing in those currents, or you can develop your stronghold in your inner world. By turning inward and looking at yourself without the outer noise, you can figure out what makes your soul feel good. You can learn more about yourself, what you’re capable of, and continue to develop security that cannot be washed away by what people say or do. When you only focus on the external, you focus on reacting. When you focus on the internal, you simply are, and you find the source of things.
A stray wanderer stands at the crossroads of themselves. To go left is to dream, where all the world resides. To go right is to wake up, to be with oneself, but not alone. Neither road promises soft steps nor uncalloused feet; a journey it will be either way. The wanderer is not hurried; all of eternity unfolds at the crossroads. They sit in the fork of the path and meditate.
Possible examples (but not limited to…): international travel, a tiring job (especially physically), shedding personas, increase in meditation, dreams, or spirituality, journaling/returning to journaling. A new lover, friends w/ benefits, or increased physical affection in a current relationship, someone giving you something or helping you to show appreciation, an arranged date, challenges to enjoying new things (ex, you travel but feel discouraged by how tiring it is due to health issues. So instead of telling those who want to be with you to go without you, maybe ask for a day of rest once you arrive). Going on hikes, camping, new activities in nature. Developments or news about something with the government or legal system (some kind of welfare, legal case? ), someone close moving away (especially for school), deciding to be friends instead of partners (this theme came out twice, you may flip flop between romance & friendship), very specific but someone you know may be worried about doing time or may get out of prison. Having to prioritize responsibility over a hobby or relationship, applying to school or for government assistance. Relationships that brings financial blessings or gifts, shedding old beliefs about relationships
Another very specific message: you may start or be in a relationship with a barista, bartender, or waiter. They may have an interesting relationship with money, like being very frugal or super generous. They may have a stocky build, very active (or you are and they contrast that). Even if they work with alcohol some do not drink at all. They may drink black coffee or tea instead. Some of them hoard.
Extra Details: living in a car, more life experience than other piles (age wise there are more people in their 30s+), house fire or having to escape your house in the past, partner suddenly kicked you out, living with parents, frosted flakes? Wanting children (or more) but unsure how this will work. Getting back on one’s feet, feeling excited or anticipating (especially about a job), health issues affecting work or that you got from work. You could think poetically/ metaphorically. A strong, solid, compelling energy when you embrace yourself. Don’t be flippant with birth control or protection even if you think you’re not fertile, especially with new, untested partners. Azealia Banks (212), Nicki Minaj. Strong Leo and fixed placement energy [at least in 2024], a person very in-tune with nature or who works with the environment (this could be you but seems more like someone you’ll get to know. Park ranger?) Wearing or using something special at work (an accommodation?). Disabilities, chronic illness/injuries (especially cerebral palsy or burns). Adult or spooky cartoons. Getting out of prison, probation, halfway house. The Lich (“I am the ceaseless wheel”), visual arts/making crafts (wanting to go to school for it; struggling to make time). Not completing or struggling in education, reading & speaking troubles (stutters?). Feeling perceived as uneducated or ineloquent, so you come up with unique ways to be understood. The way things go- beabadoobee (might remind you of your communication troubles).
Pile 5:
Something to Reflect On [Endurance (Sun in Scorpio, 8th house), Resistance (Mercury in Taurus, 2nd house), Knight of Cups rx]: hi pile five! You guys really had to defend yourself last year? Or this is a trend in your life. Earlier in the year (or life) you expected and sought support from loved ones but in the end you had to protect yourself from those people, or you were in a struggle with them. Either because of incompatibility or underlying issues (mental, emotional, etc) you had to rescind your relationship with them, or they became an adversary to you. This could represent a breakup (any kind) or family relations, but one to two people in particular are getting highlighted (such as a love interest and also a parent figure). You should appreciate how you’ve shown up for yourself and survived—congratulate yourself for being strong even when you shouldn’t have had to be. Especially because this experience seemed to be very transformative or harsh. But, also analyze the ways this could've pushed you into a shell. There may be harmful habits you picked up in order to survive (especially in communication, for example being very defensive, closed off. You might struggle with snapping at people or feeling attacked). 
A specific message for some is you may have spent a lot of time pursuing someone who didn’t want you. You expected them to eventually come around if you kept at it? And you are called to reflect on different aspects of that, such as respect for your own time and others’ boundaries.
A Peep into the New Year…:
A portion of the year will be defined by communication or having a lot of ideas at once. This has to do with a conventional institution: school, jobs, marriage, religion, etc. You might be thinking of tons of different things you want to do but find it hard to settle on one or know what’s needed to accomplish your goals. There’s a lot of energy but not necessarily a lot of focus, more so planning, brainstorming, & communicating. These ideas might be centered on how you can be of service to the world, your life path, or how you can pursue a conventional route while putting your own spin on it. A specific message for some is you could want to pursue something that’ll help animals/the environment, or a humanitarian role (this could be anything from veganism to getting a non-profit job, etc). You may receive news about an engagement or marriage. If the institution does refer to religion, you could be very vocal about your beliefs at this time, but might get mixed responses. This may cause tension in the family or social circle. [Excitement (Mercury in Gemini, 3rd house), the Hierophant, Messages for a Rabbit, The Right Way rx]
Most likely related to the above, there’ll be a period where you decide to part ways with tradition. After much thinking, you may find something you thought you could pursue or endure is not for you—even though it’s what’s expected of you. This may be isolating, or you ‘ll feel weird compared to those around you. Or, you might spend more time with people who understand your decisions and self-expression—people who also broke away from tradition. This will be a sensitive time; you’ll be more in tune with your emotions and the emotions of others. Old feelings can surface, particularly of abandonment, loneliness, and disappointment. This could be very overwhelming, so take extra care of your mental and emotional health. You might grieve experiences you will no longer have now that you are committing to going a different way (example, you might feel left behind by friends who are going to college if you decide not to do that). Feel what you need to commit to your path. There could be a slight struggle in truly letting go of whatever this is, especially if it’s a belief system. Also allow yourself grace, patience, space, and empathy in getting used to changes. [Empathy (Moon in Pisces, 12th house), four of pentacles sideways, We’re All Mad Here, the Hierophant rx]
After dealing with others'/society’s expectations of you for so long, and even your own expectations of yourself, you may suddenly charge forth, revitalized. You will be empowered to make a life for yourself with your own two hands. Something about your body is significant; whatever path you decide on may include some kind of physical work (ex, hand-made art, modeling, physical labor etc, could also refer to moving & travel). If you are pregnant or get pregnant, this is in reference to your labor or last trimester. Shortly before this period you will feel you are carrying a burden that's not yours to carry. This can be others’ expectations, or it could refer to any duties you have been maintaining but don’t have your heart in. When you enter this time period, you may have a flare of indignation or feel upset that you've been living according to what others say and not your own truth. Hone this feeling into productivity. Example, if you feel angry that someone doesn’t believe in your art, make more art! You might also have a surge of confidence and stand up for yourself like never before, though be careful not to waste energy on those who refuse to understand. Whatever your case is, this will be a time to embrace your own truth and let go of those who seek to live through or control you. You will be setting out on your own in some way. You’ll break free of those ideas once believed to be your own, but now are clearly things others conditioned into you. You will seek freedom from the burden of not being yourself. [Birth (Venus in Cancer, 4th house), Enterprise (Jupiter in Aries, 1st house), Keep Your Temper rx, ]
Overall Theme for the New Year [Believe, Ostentation]: this year will challenge you to believe in yourself more. It’s not that this will get much easier. It’s your own constant effort showing that no matter what, you can rely on yourself. That your worth is far greater than what others think—you can accomplish what you set your mind to. Some of you may be afraid of following your own path due to material hardships. This is understandable, but whatever is giving you anxiety, know that building inner security is what enables people to make big leaps. Your emotions will be incredibly important guides for you this year. Learning to accept and maintain your emotional state will be part of what shows you your own unshakeable foundation. If you put in the work towards loving and supporting yourself, you will be flaunting (boasting even) self-confidence like never before.
The monarch rides through the streets of their kingdom, head held oh-so high. Is this the notorious royal descendant, are the rumors all true? Whispers and strange glances spread down the road like wildfire. Everyone wants a look—a taste—so they may judge this stranger themselves. They certainly have heard the terrible stories and fearful feats attributed to them, and if they know what’s good for them they’ll clear the air. But the monarch says nothing to anyone. Should they hold their head any higher, they will surely hurt their neck! There’s no need to explain anything, nor do they need to make a fancy show of themselves for the people’s opinion. Their crown is their confidence; it ripples around them like silk. The power in their gaze explains everything anyone needs to know.
Possible examples (but not limited to…): applying to universities or jobs, building a resume, changes in beliefs about your role in the world, environment, or ecosystem, changes in spiritual & religious beliefs that put you at odds with others, changes in diet, brainstorming careers or majors, taking a non-traditional route in school. Leaving a religion or similar system, standing up for yourself against loved ones, a new project/business/art form/career path, graduating, moving away or moving to another relative’s home, getting pregnant, if you are or get pregnant then you may be especially emotional during your second trimester, making a medical decision for yourself, cutting people off (especially toxic family), writing a lot (you may write letters or lots of notes too), growing out of a childhood belief, starting a job (especially part-time, or as a supplement to something else)
Extra Details: black holes, red hair or red as a common color in your style (also green), communion, wanting your suffering to be recognized, cheerleaders, high school students, spending time (especially Summer) in the countryside and by the ocean (sea creatures are significant. Some of you may want to go vegan/vegetarian but are struggling because you love seafood?), a relative (mostly female) who lives in a more rural area you can go stay with, really liking animated movies, especially animated fairy tales or the anime fairy tale? Might also like zombie media (shows etc) or feel like a zombie. Detail-oriented rather than big-picture focused, might tend to just say or blurt out whatever you want, Catholic stigmata?
Pile 6:
Something to Reflect On [ten of cups rx, the Emperor]: hi pile six! Last year there was a disappointment, loss, or ending with a loved one, or someone in your support system. This could be anything from a breakup, to a family death (found family?), or feeling a lack of fulfillment with those around you. You had to remain strong through this loss of connection and fill the void it left. You could’ve felt like you were drowning in the emotional turbulence you endured (literal drowning is significant to some). You could’ve also felt lonely and like you had to be strong for whoever was left. Even though this doesn’t make the disappointment or grief easier to bear, please appreciate how you show up for yourself and others. 
A Peep into the New Year…:
Possibly related to the above message, you’ll be shouldering a burden that’s not entirely yours to carry. There’s a situation that’ll be unfair or unbalanced, and this will take a toll on you. This could be a legal case, something law-related like a will, inheritance, contract, or something where stipulations are involved. Or, it could be something where you feel you’re getting the short end of the stick and having to take on a duty that’s hoisted on you. If you recently had a death in the family, this is likely related to the aftermath (a funeral or burial? I heard “bury”). Through ideas, communication, or ingenuity (it could be your own or someone else’s), balance will be restored to the situation. This will likely involve letting go of something you were making yourself do (I hear “promise,” you may have to rescind a promise that’s become toxic?). This felt very stifling and anxiety-inducing, but a good outcome is on the horizon. Your word may carry a lot of power in this situation, which may be why you ultimately get to decide if this carries on in your life or not. [Influence (Mercury in Libra, 7th house), Law is not Justice rx, the Burden, the Sun rx]
For a portion of the year, financial & material achievement will be of greater importance. More stability or success can come in. If you have a job or business, you may have positive developments if you put in effort. However, there’s something in your life that’s pulling on you, or there’s some kind of dependent relationship related to this material success. For example, building your savings by living with family. Or, there may be something that’s taking a lot of your attention and making it hard to focus on your success. However, it seems any situation that makes you feel dependent or dissatisfied during this period will encourage you to put even more energy into advancing. Despite stability or comfort, you’ll be focused on going your own way or working towards goals. You’ll seek to protect what’s important to you by putting more of yourself into it. If you have children, they could feel more dependent on you at this time, or you could feel more responsibility towards them. This can also refer to the relationship with your own family. Pregnancy may be more likely. No matter the case, this period will be one of renewal where you’re focused on building up for the future. You may be less inclined to share your plans with others, despite the attention you receive. [Riches (Saturn in Capricorn, 10th house), 9 of pentacles rx, the Chariot, Berkano rune]
Finally, there’s a part of the year where you need to safeguard your own interests. The message came out a bit choppy but I will try my best to convey it. For some or all of the year, you may experience a surge in confidence and a sense of knowing. This could be in general, or it could especially be confidence placed in a person. Either way, the message I got was “be careful once you’re confident.” There will be events placed along your year that will differentiate between confidence, impulsiveness, and arrogance, but when you feel very sure, all of them can seem the same. Make sure to always use your wisdom and not just confidence alone as your guide. Don’t think yourself above others, don’t be a braggart, and don’t make impulsive decisions because you think the consequences won’t happen. This could be a message about yourself, or it could relate to someone challenging something you hold dear. What I’m saying might sound silly because I don’t think you’re the type to be haughty, if anything this pile is understanding of reality based on your experiences. So that’s why I’m trying to convey that I think this is something you would normally never think about, things you might take for granted. This can include your trust in someone or something to do with your body? An inheritance, or something you receive(d) through family, including a home. You are being asked to put in an honest effort and cover your bases instead of bluffing through situations. Example, make sure your inner security is based on yourself and not on someone being there to give it to you. Make sure you pay attention to your body’s needs instead of assuming you’ll feel perfect. Especially if a genetic condition runs in your family, pay attention to that. There are two Saturn cards in this part of your reading. Put in the honest work, protect yourself, be patient and fair without impulsiveness, and you can sail through choppy waters. [Inheritance (Saturn in Scorpio, 8th house), King of Cups, Risk (Saturn in Aries, 1st house), Uncertainty rx]
Overall Theme for the New Year [Manage To Be Glad, Nauthiz rune]: create your own happiness; don’t allow external circumstances to dictate your entire wellbeing. This year is about life lessons and effort. Embrace these as part of everyone’s path—including yours—and you won’t struggle against the tide. Going down too-good-to-be-true shortcuts and overindulging in fantasy both come with consequences later. Be attentive to your needs and not just your wants. Most importantly, be aware that your actions create short and long-term effects; just ignoring the future does not undo the ripples of your decisions. Be mindful of how you treat yourself and the kind of reality you create for future you.
Witch—that’s what they call the one in the woods. Perhaps you’ll see them at their doorstep, dressed in all black, petting the cat in their arms (surely a familiar). Maybe you’ll see the candlelight burning into the late night when one is up to no good. But are they a witch? They are wise and avoid missteps by careful planning. To an outsider it’s magic, but to the witch it is only common sense.
Possible examples (but not limited to…): resolving funeral/end-of-life matters (for a recent death), resolving ongoing legal questions or troubles after feeling anxious, carefully reviewing contracts or agreements, choosing yourself or to withdraw some of the care you give to others, speaking up for yourself or finding your voice, needing a vacation, living with family, movement in the family home, wanting a different job or career, taking care of family or children—or being taken care of, making a leap towards a material goal, setting up plans or money for the future, being recognized at work or by peers, super specific message but you could go on a lot of walks (specifically late at night) with a close friend or partner, spending time in a different house than usual, close friendship or needing friends for emotional support, friends w/ benefits, pregnancy-related scares or other sudden news about one’s body, saturn return, finding out you didn’t really know someone, a pattern from the past replaying, receiving inheritance, someone challenging a relationship
[18+ only message] For any that do SW, be very mindful of your circle and clients, as well as who gets your pictures, as there may be some jealous or revengeful energy surrounding that. For others that don’t do SW but may send 18+ pics, the same applies. Take wise precautions regardless of who gets them.
Extra Details: the ocean, trauma regarding water (but still drawn to it at the same time?), Yellow by Coldplay, diamonds, crystals (especially yellow ones?), Poker Face by Lady Gaga, South America (especially the northern part of S America like Colombia), Roman Holiday? Law school or firm, body dysmorphia, inheritance from a father figure (could be a grandpa—very thick round glasses, bald on top with feathery white hair, tan, very thick silver mustache, wore long sleeve button up shirts a lot, smiles a lot, gave you money, liked coffee a lot?), Neville Goddard, blood disorders or inherited disorders, chromosomal? Saturn as a prominent planet in the natal chart, solar return, or profection year (could have also been prominent in the chart of whoever passed recently), being the responsible or older child
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cupidastrology · 1 year
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟏𝟐 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 *:ꔫ:
do not repost or copy.
read about this asteroid here .
the code for asteroid lust is 4386; please place it in your birth chart through this website (the best <3)
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
partner's asteroid lust in the 1st - you can sense the sexual tension between eachother. they adore your style, your looks, and the way you walk through life.
partner's asteroid lust in the 2nd - sexual tension is highly emotional and projected onto your desires, wants, and needs. your partner will want to focus on the emotional intimacy of you completely.
partner's asteroid lust in your 3rd: your thoughts, way of expression behavior wise, and the online world may entice your partner to understand what goes on inside your head. they want to know what happens on the inside, especially in the way you perceive the world.
partner's asteroid lust in your 4th: they may crave scenarios involving reproduction and having a baby. pregnancy kinks, a childhood friend may be a big deal with this position.
partner's asteroid lust in your 5th: sexual influence around music, art, and dance are known in this connection. be careful that this type of synastry may indicate many flings and not exactly a concrete connection with this person sexually (but with lots of fun).
partner's asteroid lust in your 6th: this person's influence may want you to get on your knees and care for them thoroughly. your partner feels turned on when you are able to nurse them back to health, motivate them, or be their general support.
partner's asteroid lust in the 7th: kinks may range from scenarios involving a honeymoon after a wedding, office sex, or engaging in general marriage related sex. they want to feel that they have a complete union with you in all forms.
partner's asteroid lust in the 8th: your partner may have a very strong influence over you in a general strong sexual form. your partner will shower you in gifts and many investments that will want you to stay with them, but also to crave the almost toxic connection you both could have. this is the highs and lows intimacy you can't go back on.
partner's asteroid lust in the 9th : travel and newfound knowledge (and sex) will broaden you and your partner's connection. your partner could be turned on by your intellect or your desire to learn in your own perspective. professors and teachers are an attraction.
partner's asteroid lust in the 10th: the influence of this person will want to show you with attention, causing gossip and jealousy from peers. you will be worshiped like you are a queen or king or a person that is in the heavens. think of the birth of ︎ ♀︎.
partner's asteroid lust in the 11th: you may develop a very keen and strong sexual connection between you and your partner through a friendship; friends to lovers may be a big deal but also a desire to connect with others openly sexually may be a major influence from the partner.
partner's asteroid lust in the 12th: your partner has a very subconscious and dreamlike connection with you. they may have wet dreams or cause sexual notions to happen in the connection, helping you to understanding where they start and where they end. you can both help eachother understand intimacy in your own raw forms.
asteroid lust readings are open! message me privately for details.
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lilspacewolfie · 8 months
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Writing Masterlist:
This blog is 18+ as I write explicit material (unmarked fics are SFW gen/teen). Most of my work is on my Ao3.
If you have a prompt for me, throw it into my ask box! But please read my writing request rules first! Requests: OPEN!
Please note all my works are contained in their own, unconnected verses unless stated otherwise. Don’t bring me drama. I’m too old for that shit.
‼️(This masterlist is always being updated please DO NOT reblog!)‼️
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Main Devil!Terzo verse: Follows an AU in which Terzo is Lucifer incarnate, and his relationship development with Copia. (fic references: Basic layout of Copia's apartment ⛧ Copia's rats ⛧ Some amazing fanart for this story: here, here (more spicy ones by delulluart can be found on the fic!)
⛧ You Will Never Walk Alone Chapters 12/? (Ao3 only, Devil!Terzo x Copia, Current ongoing WIP, 17+ chapters, please read the tags & triggers!) E/18+
Semi-verse Related Oneshots: Some self-indulgent slice of life stuff for my main AU.
⛧ The Devil's Treasure (Ao3 only, 3.9k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, soft dom devil!terzo, bathing/washing, praise kink, devil!terzo taking care of copia during a thunderstorm) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Claim (Ao3 only, 5k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, very low-stakes jealousy, angst & fluff, they work it out in the end) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Whore (Ao3 only, 2.3k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, playful flirting, desperation, a touch of voyeurism) E/18+
⛧ The Devil's Heart (Ao3 only, 2.9k words, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, follow on from the devil's whore, praise kink, love-making, tenderness) E/18+
⛧ Reassurences (also on Ao3, 498 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, SFW from fluffy dialogue prompts, very short and sweet, seriously my teeth hurt, anxiety disorder, heavy on the tenderness, pillow talk)
⛧ Devil On Your Back (also on Ao3, 575 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, sexual content, soft and sweet, love-making, soft dom devil!terzo, body worship, handjobs, praise kink, copia is #stressed, lucifer gives him a hand and his dick) E/18+
⛧The Devil's Kisses (1.1k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, from send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss, copia suffers from migraines, a lot of softness here, very soft and sweet, sexual content, playful flirting, teasing, oral, love-making, lots of forehead and temple kisses, truly those are my weakness, grief & loss of a pet at the end, minor death if that bothers you, but it's not described in detail) E/18+
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Devilish Requests: Mainly featuring Devil!Terzo x Copia or Devil!Terzo x Omega.
⛧ Blinded (Ao3 only, 1.2k words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, dom devil!terzo, light bondage, edging, blindfolds) E/18+
⛧ Let Me Hear You (Ao3 only, 886 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, soft dom, voice kink, handjobs) E/18+
⛧ After (Ao3 only, 740 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, aftercare, bodyworship, tenderness, subspace, follows on from Blinded, aftermath of smut) M
⛧ Stress Relief (Ao3 only, 997 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, rough oral, breathplay) E/18+
⛧ In The Quiet (Ao3 only, 944 words, Devil!Terzo x Copia, mild NSFW, MDNI, anxiety, tenderness, light angst, pillow talk) M
⛧ Devil In A Dress (Ao3 only, 1.5k words, Devil!Terzo x Omega, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, dom/sub, rough oral, smut inspired by van's art) E/18+
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⛧ A Little Mercy (also on Ao3, 1.4k words, Terzo x Copia, NSFW, MDNI, SMUT, sexual content, soft dom terzo, body worship, light-bondage, oral, teasing, blindfolds, edging) E/18+
⛧ Breathe With Me (1.5k words, Terzo x f!reader, SFW, only mild nsfw i guess since naked cuddling happens, anxious reader, soft terzo, co-regulation, breathing techniques, no beta we die like sister imperator.)
⛧ Scars and Stretchmarks (1.5k words, Terzo x Copia, mild NSFW, MDNI, from send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss, soft dom terzo, very soft and sweet because I can't not make everything a little sweet, mild sexual content, teasing, stretchmarks, insecurities, guilt & grief, copia needs a hug, anxiety disorder, sort of a panic attack if that triggers you) M
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⛧ Failed Date (also on Ao3, 1.6k words, Cardinal Copia x gn!reader, SFW, very little description to keep it as gender-neutral as possible, soft copia, failed date, sweet ending, just all around very soft and fluffy)
⛧ Relaxing Night With Copia (??? words (idk im so tired lmao), Copia x gn!reader, SFW, soft copia, pastina!, reader and copia are as exhausted as I am right now, a lot of softness it’s killing me, tired idiots in love, bullet point format.)
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⛧ Lazy Sunday Gaming (639 words, Copia x gn!reader, soft and sleepy gaming session with Copia, cuddling and snuggling, short and sweet, I wrote this on my phone on a sunday morning when i was half asleep please enjoy <3)
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⛧ I Will Hold You For The Minute (also on Ao3 1.1k words, Copia x gn!reader, SFW, soft and angsty, idk i have too many feelings right now, ghovie related, Copia stresses a lot, lots of kisses, sweetness, that new fit oh my fucking satan its so hot, no beta.)
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⛧ Papas Caring For Hospitalized Reader (also on Ao3, 2k words, Papas x gn!reader, SFW, bullet-pointed format, mentions of hospitals, needles (only mentioned), mention of general anaesthetic, angst, hurt/comfort, anxiety, lots of sweetness, you're getting pampered, no beta we die like nihil!)
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🜏 ⛧ 🜏
Misc Stuff:
My Art Tag ⛧ My Gifs Tag ⛧ Blog dividers used set 1 & set 2 ⛧ Moving graphics can be found here ⛧
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strawb3rrysweetheart · 2 months
Hi again, I'm the one who requested the Lucifer Morningstar x oblivious! reader! Loved it! (Which is why I am here to request another!
Once again a Lucifer fic. (He has my heart)
Lucifer x reader who is ethereal looking(also who has unique features) So to describe her, she was an albino when she was human and she just so happened to keep most of her albinism even in her afterlife. She is quite pale with white hair and red eyes. (And for gojo reference, white eyelashes and eyebrows) She has pinkish speckles on her face and body which looks like freckles. (It is lol) Tailbone length hair, her nose and ear have a natural pink hue to them. Also she's short :/. I just wanna see how he would react when he meets her and how his crush develops. Please and thanks❤❤❤
CW: reader is a POC because albinism is most common in africian areas :3, brings up readers human life at first to explain why she acts the way she does, reader used to be a christian. reader loves horror movies
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When I was born, I had albinism. It caused issues with my family. My dad was convinced my mom had cheated on him, but to his suprise, the paternity test proves, that I was in fact, his daughter. Even if we didn't look alike. My pale skin in contrast to his darker skin. Growing up I got called a lot of names. I mean all because of my condition. Other kids on the playground would call me freak, old hag, freak of nature, and well anything they could think of. The heavily christian kids thought I was a spawn of satan because I had red eyes. It was so strange because I went to church! Just like them! And I envied the people without my condition so hard. I prayed everyday I'd wake up normal. I just couldn't handle this existence I had been cursed to. They all see me like a freak. For what? Being born? The genes in my blood? Why, its not my fault I existed, yet because I exist, now I was a target of constant bullying. Once the bullying went way to far.. They decided I was too much of a freak to just leave alone. They started hitting me. I'd come home with bruises everyday. My parents decided to home school me, to save from the bullying. But I never forgot.
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Now that I'm dead, Life is different. To my joy, people in hell all looked off, different. I mean you could tell I had, had albinism in my past life, but I fit in more. It wasn't used against me. Yet one thing still bugged
me. Why was I even here? I never sinned, well besides envy. But that shouldn't count! God gave me a condition that ruined my life. And yet somehow he thinks its fair to punish me for his own cruel action. It doesn't feel right. Fuck god. If he
n's gonna curse me to an existence like this, then I'll find a wa\y out. So.. I started searching, for anyone.. anything, that could get me into heaven. I stumble on an ad for this hotel.. It had said it was a chance for redeemtion! And it was free, which was good because I hadn't had a job here in hell.. Eventually I make it there, and knock on the door. A pale looking blonde lady opens the door. "Hi!! I'm Charlie!!! Are you here to live in the hotel??" She basically squeals, she seems very excited. "Uh.. yeah" You say awkwardly. She lets you in, and you meet all the hotel residents. There's a tall-ish dude with multiple limbs.. I think his name was angel? A snake, A deer, A cat, this short girl, vaggie? I think? Charlie, and a shorter dude named lucifer. Whatever.. 'friends' aren't my concern.. My concern is getting to heaven to prove my point to god. You follow Charlie to your new room, and put your stuff down. As soon as you put your stuff down, you politely ask Charlie for some space. She agrees, exiting the room. God I hope that this whole.. ordeal isn't as interactive as its been so far. You start unpacking and then you walk out of the hotel room, waving to lucifer. Look if I was going to make god understand my problem, might as well befriend his worst enemy, right? Lucifer waves back, and to my dismay, he walks over. "Hiya!! So you're like new here.. Right?" He asks, he seems nervous. Why is he nervous? He's litterally satan. "Uh, yeah" You reply, matching his nervous energy unintentionally. "So.. why do you wanna get redeemed?" Lucifer asks, not holding your gaze for very long. He seems figety. "Uh.. just think I was an okay person, a bit envious, but fine" You shrug, not wanting to give away your entire life story to the literal devil, who could betray you at any point. "Oh! Well yeah, thats not.. bad, thats good! I-I mean not good that you're envious- but its not the worst? Its okay.." Lucifer feels the need to backtrack on everything. Why is he so nervous? Whatever..
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It had been a few months now. Everyone is nice enough. Its more interactive then I would've perfered, but whatever, they're nice and we're kind of close now. Lucifer has been acting even more strangely to me. He fidgets, backtracks, and stutters like usual. But he also blushes, gets me gifts, and well just gives me the most attention..
"Uh.. (Name)??" Lucifers voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Oh! Sorry, Uh, whats up luci?" I ask. Me and lucifer are the closest. Hes the one I truly consider a friend. His cheeks tinge red at something, persumably the nickname. "Just asking you if you wanna have a movie night at my place.. but not like in a weird way! Just a friend way.. unless you hate movies.. or me.. uh it can be your place. or mine" He backtracks as usual. I giggle. "I'd love to. Horror movies pleaseee" I say, horror movies are my favorite. Lucifer nods a bit too quickly, and pulls on his collar. "Of course! You can cuddle on me if you get scared!! Unless thats weird.. Was that weird" He laughs. God he's so awkward.. I (love) like him. "Nah, you're chill luci. Nothing you do is weird" I smile. Hoping to give him comfort. He smiles, his blush redder then normal. Before he grabs my hands. I out of habit attempt to jerk away, but stop myself. "I-Its a date!! Date... uh.. date but not like in the romantic way... hah. I'm holding your hands too long aren't I?" He asks, his palms are sweaty but I don't mind. Mine are too. Symptoms of anxiety I guess. "A date, I'll get popcorn. And no, you're fine" I snort at him, his awkward smile, the glances away from me, the way his cheeks redden at me not pulling away. "No! Uh.. no, I can get popcorn, I'm the king after all, they like, kinda have to give me good popcorn.." He says, trying to seem confident, yet failing. He can be prideful around everyone.. I don't know why he's extra awkward with me...
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I put on my favorite horror movie. I snort at lucifer in his duck onesie. Sitting on his couch. Many pillows and blankets around me, with the bowl of popcorn on my lap. "What?? You don't like my onesie?" Lucifer asks, mock offended. He sits down next to me and eats some popcorn. "Oh you look gorgeous.." I giggle.
As the movie plays, Lucifer jumps at every jumpscare. Its incredibly funny to watch the big bad king get scared of a few jumpscares.. He ended up burying his head into my arm. "You scared luci?" I tease him. "No!.. no.. yes.. sorry I lied" He mumbles, not enjoying being seen as the weak one. He shoves popcorn into his mouth to avoid further conversation. "Lucifer, I'm not gonna make fun of you.. Do you wanna watch a different movie?" I ask. Lucifers eyes light up. He nods and takes the remote. Changing it to a romance movie. I smile as the king himself uncurls himself from my arm, watching the movie with intrest. I personally think the movie is incredibly boring, but he's having fun, and thats enough for me. I watch the movie with him, holding his hand and squeezing it. Lucifer blushes, eyes widening. Hes such a dork.. I eat popcorn as lucifer rambles about how sweet the love story is. "If only we fell in love like that.. UH!! I MEAN.. uh HAH! What a good joke right!!" He laughs, forcibly. My eyes widen, blush teases at my cheeks. "Uhm.. lucifer? Do you wanna tell me anything?" I ask. Still squeezing his hand. "Uhm.! Do I have to?" He squeaks out. I nod. "Well I'd say so" I chuckle. He sighs playfully. "Finee... Uhm. I have a massive crush on you and I love you and I really wanna hold you and maybe uhm... kiss.. you!" He says quickly. I snort, giggling. "I like you too luci" I say softly. My fingers caress his hand. He smiles like a school girl. "REALLY?? Uh-.. I mean, of course you do, I'm like, the hottest" He grins, trying to seem cocky. "Oh yeah, the hottest" I smile, and kiss his forehead. He blushes deeply and nods. Letting out unintelligable noises. Maybe I finally have found love. Maybe its all worth it. Maybe I do desserve love.
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ghuleh-recs · 1 year
Do you have any more murder ghoul fics?
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hell yes, anon. you know i do. some of these will pop up again for rectober. sue me ♡♡♡ (also thank you for your patience. i was out of town this weekend and am catching up on my asks!)
murder recs under the cut - proceed with caution.
Picnic - @iamthecomet - cirrus x cumulus
If you thought I was going to go through the whole of mushy may without having the ghoulettes eat someone you were sorely mistaken.
Lost Lamb - @coffeeghoulie - phantom x swiss
"Let me do it." Aeon snarls behind their helmet. "I can hunt on my own. Don’t need your charms.""Oh, buggy." Swiss sighs. "I just want to help. Let me help you bring her in, and I’ll let you have the first taste." Or Aeon's first hunt up top.
give me mercy no more - @v-ternus - dew x swiss
Day 3 of Kinktober-- Blood Summary: Swiss drinks. Dew cums. Simple as that.
untitled ficlet - @forlorn-crows - mountain x zephyr
mountain's first hunt w/zeph. you know they gettin' cute and frisky with it
I developed a taste for you - @sonnenflamme - aurora (dusk) x cirrus x cumulus
The sister is cute. Almost as tall as Cirrus and so very full of pride for being “welcome” among the ghoulettes. She looks young, like she probably is in her early twenties. Not that it really matters all that much, compared to Ghouls her life is nothing. And she is so blissfully unaware of her fate.
untitled ficlet - @miasmaghoul - swiss & the ghoulettes
ask: oh swiss and the ghoulettes definitely stalk the sisters of sin together that’s become canon in my mind after you reblogged that hunter’s moon video
⛧ browse my other murder ghoul recs here.
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misshcrror · 3 months
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         𝕿𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖚𝖘 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖉𝖞 !!!
yasemin solak ( vocal + guitarra base ) joseph barker ( guitarra solo ) @d4rkwater  lee hwon ( baixo + segunda voz ) @hwoness  mavis delgado ( bateria ) @chasingmavis  + james herrera ( empresário ) @jamesherr
  setlist.      //      playlist.
Personagens que receberam declaração e/ou foram mencionados: Brooklyn (@mcdameb), Raynar (@zeusraynar), Aidan (@aidankeef), Calista (@likethemo0n), Fahriye (@opiummist), Maeve (@ghcstlly), Tadeu (@nemesiseyes), Éloi  (@maximeloi), Héktor (@somaisumsemideus),  Aslan (@leaozinho), Pietra (@pips-plants), Kit (@kitdeferramentas), Natalia (@pavlcva), Sawyer (@windynwild), Jae (@techniicollor), Kitty (@kittybt), Josh (@deathpoiscn), Estelle (@stellesawyr), Veronica (@mcronnie).
Devido ao tamanho do texto, o POV será disponibilizado num link para melhor leitura.
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lilmeawmeawblog · 1 year
ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴇɴɴᴇᴀɢʀᴀᴍ ᴛʏᴘᴇꜱ⛧
🥇ᴇɴɴᴇᴀɢʀᴀᴍ 3 : ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴄʜɪᴇᴠᴇʀ
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adults didn't celebrate or acknowledge who they were as a kid, the adults only celebrated , acknowledged the child's success, achievements or a really good performance. As a consequence the child started to build their sense of worth solely around how good they could perform & their achievements because these were the only ways they could earn validation from the adults. But the adults were never fully satisfied with the kid & the kid could never earn complete validation because adults were validating only how well the child performed and not for who they actually were & only seem to want more out of the kid. Like E1 kids, E3 kids are also likely to be the Golden child or The Hero of the family. The kid understands very early in life that whatever they do in life they have to do it very well and succeed.
It's likely that E3 kids have a deep emotional bond with the "nurturing figure" ( often mother ) who they strive to be validated by during childhood, they want to be praised, valued by that person and subconsciously adjust themselves for to earn that. The expectations of the "nurturer" may or may not be directly expressed, nevertheless the child will internalize those expectations & act accordingly without even noticing e.g. E3 child of a mother who is a doctor but wanted to become an artist may be inclined to do art & have the desire to excel in it ( regardless of how much the kid actually likes art).
E3 kids may develop extreme anger, resentment, hostility overtime if the "nurturing figure" is unhealthy because the child grows up feeling "nothing I ever do is enough for them" . As an adult they will face issues related to their unmet needs of being seen, heard, valued, appreciated for who really they were when they were a child. They may become an adult who disassociated from themselves and had to suppress their true desires in order to survive
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aelloblu · 1 month
Sailor Red Spider belongs to Sailor_Red_Spider
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Maiyuka Kurayami/ Sailor Red Spider
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Maiyuka is the Princess of the Red Spider Nebula, the first sailor starseed born of a new generation and destined to be the protector of a Kingdom under a century of siege. Ignored and heavy under the weight of expectation, she teleports across the galaxy to a place of sanctuary where she has a chance to meet her heroes! Sailor Moon and the Senshi take her in and teach her what it means to become a Guardian of Love and Justice… but she can’t hide forever.
The Nations of Scorpius are a tyranny bent on subduing all the insect nebulas. They know the way to crush their spirits is to enslave their senshi. When they gleefully realise the Sailor Starseed of their greatest foes is beyond the protection of her Kingdom, they are bent on capturing the Red Spider Crystal for themselves and bringing the Red Spider Nebula to its knees.
With the strength of the legendary Sol Senshi beside her, will Sailor Red Spider learn the courage to believe in herself and free her Kingdom?
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Civilian Form
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:Name & Meaning:
She was born Princess Maiyuka, of the burgeoning Kurayami royal line. Her name means Ally from the Shadows.  She never thought to change it when she reached Earth.
:Age & Birthday:
Because of different planetary cycles, she has no Earth birthday but in age and maturity she’s approximately ten earth years old. The Inners celebrate her birthday as the day she met the full team.
Denizens spread across the planets of the Red Spider Nebula are called Akakumojin. Their appearance is biped and their silhouette could easily be mistaken as human. 
Their skin comes in a variety of grey shades from silvery ashes to dark as coal, often matched with vibrant coloured hair. Female’s hair tones range from blue to violet, while males are amber and maroon and both lighten as they age. An Akakumojin’s hair is known both for its silkiness and their ability to grow at will. Their prominent upper canine teeth give a fang-like toothiness to their smiles
They have four to eight eyes in various arrays depending on their races and when they fully mature they develop spinnerets beneath each index and middle finger.
Maiyuka might be described as ten years old, small and very slender standing 120cm tall. Her skin is a silvery grey, contrasting with bright amethyst hair she keeps to chin length but with two framing locks on either side of her face. Her two sets of eyes, one set slightly smaller and below, are striking with their emerald green schlera, turquoise iris and lack of pupil. 
Her movements flit between slow and graceful like a weaving spider, and sudden and skittish like a spider fleeing out of sight!
:Human Disguise:
When taking on her human illusion she chose a peachy coloured skin but kept her amethyst hair which so many comment on its softness. Her eyes, now much more human-like, have bright emerald coloured irises flecked with turquoise sparkles but her pupil seems a shade too pale, giving her eyes a glasslike appearance. She tries to hide her nervousness behind a hopeful smile. 
After living on the streets for several weeks, the Inners banded together to get her a new wardrobe. Although shy, she loves adorable earth fashions, choosing cute plaid skirts and pastel sweaters. She’s also never seen without her favourite purse, heart shaped with a red bow and with Makoto’s help, stamped with her spider motif.
Desperate to fit in with her heroes, Maiyuka strives to blend in with humans. Uncertain of many of Japan’s strict customs and manners, she takes things at face value making her naive and impressionable. She is definitely a people pleaser, but it makes it harder for others to get her to open up and be honest with herself about her wants and needs.
TA Academy for girls is where Maiyuka has to sink or swim, explore and make mistakes with Rei as the only Senshi she trusts to get her through. Her uncertainty makes her shy of new things, preferring to secretly watch others so she can copy their opinions and habits. Flustered, she plays it off as ‘growing up in America’, but filling in the Akakumo equivalent which makes people even more confused!
As a girl she was never allowed to extend herself, expected more to stay true to the expectations of royalty, but battle is where she gets to let loose the powers hidden inside of her. She’s still learning and can be clumsy with misfires but she is delighted to be fighting alongside the Sailor Guardians of Sol!  
:Sexual Orientation: 
Although she hasn’t explored much, she is showing a growing curiosity in boys.  
More than anything she likes spending time with the Sailor Guardians as they live their Earth lives, and they love to share. Her favourite thing is when they share her hobbies and explore Tokyo. Although she’s not very good at cooking, one of her favourite things is being a taste tester for Makoto. Her favourite is pork cutlets in applesauce and shortbread cookies-one of the only things she can make reliably, and decorating them. Not even the Girl Scouts could replicate the taste of her cookies. She has found a surprising talent however in sauces, perfectly seasoning and reducing to the perfect consistency to add a little extra to Makoto’s delicious cooking.
More than anything, Maiyuka hates being alone. It brings back so many memories of being isolated in the palace, being ignored as a second born royalty while also never living up to her parents expectations. The reason she strives so hard to keep up with the passions of her friends is because she’s afraid of disappointing them. 
She also hates pickled broccoli, cleaning up the kitchen and others interrupting her naps.
As much as she tried to keep up with their hobbies, the senshi noticed how she kept keeping souvenirs. They introduced her to the hobby of scrapbooking and gave her her own polaroid camera to share her memories with others.
As Maiyuka grows into being the guardian she wants, she learns how to glide using her webs to make a wingsuit. 
The Red Spider Nebula was a Kingdom dwindling away. It had been more than 5000 years since any of its systems senshi had incarnated and looking to exploit its weakness, the Nations of Scorpius attacked! However the people of Red Spider Nebula remained determined to protect themselves, defending their kingdom generation after generation. Finally hope was born. Princess Maiyuka, second in line to the crown and the first Guardian in millenia, destined to be Sailor Red Spider when she came into her own.
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As Princess Maiyuka grew, she resented her life more and more. Despite being royalty, her life was austere as her parents wanted to set an example for their war torn people. Due to her parents overprotectiveness she wasn’t allowed to engage with others her own age without strict supervision and as such they avoided her and snickered behind their hands. Her tutors were strict and cold by order, pushing her to transform. 
To escape her loneliness, Princess Maiyuka sought sanctuary in the palace libraries. Across the galaxy, she like many sailor crystal holders felt the pulse of the Silver and Golden Crystal uniting in harmony. Enamoured by their warmth and love, she spent her days reading about the magnificence of the Silver Millenium, daydreaming of being part of their stories.
Princess Maiyuka’s rigid life was interrupted when for the first time since the war began, the Nations of Scorpius penetrated the walls of Gossamer Citadel. 
As she looked on in horror from her minaret, the Scorpius armament blasted apart the outer wall, tearing into the citizenry of the capital. As soldiers walked towards the barred door of the library, gazing at the beautiful illustration of Queen Serenity, Maiyuka closed her eyes and wished… 
And woke in amongst the decimated remains of the Silver Moon Palace. Still pursued by Scorpius militia, she used the last of her fading power to teleport to Tokyo where she hid in the alleys, living off scraps and fleeing the soldiers that tracked her.  
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While they aren’t cold or cruel to their daughter, Maiyuka found it hard to be seen as their daughter and not Princess of the Red Spider Nebula and when her powers awoke, as another tool in their artillery. Their focus was maintaining the alliances that were the Kingdom’s lifeline.
Her older brother, Prince Kata leads the Spider Guard, an elite tactical force that leads forays into enemy territory to attack the Nations of Scorpius at their heart. He viewed his sister, his future Queen with frustration and disappointment because despite the great powers she harboured, was unable to wield them. 
When not ignoring her in favour of the Spider Guard, he pushed her through a rigorous training regime to Awaken the Red Spider Nebula Starseed and give their home a fighting chance. Before she fled, she and Kata had an enormous argument, calling her a selfish brat for not fulfilling her duties to her Kingdom.
:Practically Family:
Since coming to Earth, the Inners have taken her under their wing. 
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She lives with Makoto who teaches her cooking and homemaking. She goes to T*A Academy for Girls with Rei who kindles her individuality while watching over her and occasionally being mistaken for her big sister.. Ami tutors her after school, encouraging her curious mind. 
Mamoru is the older brother she always wanted; warm, gentle and reassuring. Lastly Usagi and Minako are the fun loving sisters eager for her to let go of her inhibitions and enjoy her time on Earth! 
The Outers are more allies than friends but if the Inners trust them, Maiyuka knows she should make the effort. Hotaru and Setsuna are open to her cautiously extended hand, and even Michiru will offer her a soft word, but her most work-in-progress relationship is Haruka who innately mistrusts all Exo-Senshi from outside the Silver Millennium Alliance. 
Chibiusa is one of the few friends that Maiyuka can share the Senshi experience with, when she visits. She, Chibiusa and Hotaru occasionally hang out together.
Urging her to make friends, Maiyuka joins T*A Academy for Girls. While Rei still keeps an eye on her, she meets Tomoko and Fujiko, two best friends who are complete opposites but the three fit together like puzzle pieces. 
Fukiko is much more well mannered, politely correcting Maiyuka’s strange mistakes and even being a bit bossy. She collects light novels, is addicted to fantasy mmo Yuusei Phantasy and dreams of being a novelist.
Together they help bring her further out of her shell and stand by her stride against the bossy clique of Sophie Praduna.
On the special occasion when Maiyuka need to look her best, she’s always welcome at Ayakashi Beauty Salon! Every time she visits, Koan has been her cosmetologist. Hair, nails, skin, makeup Koan does it all for Maiyuka to free to repay her for saving her life
On her first day, Maiyuka had the misfortune to run into Sophie Praduna, dirtying her uniform and making an enemy for life. One year older and of British-American background, her father is a diplomat and she lords it over the other girls, using money and sharp words to keep fellow students under her thumb. 
She’s actually part of Rei’s unofficial fanclub. When she sees Maiyuka with Rei, she becomes inconsolable. How on earth does the new kid know Ms. Rei better than her? Outrageous! 😡😡😡
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:Love Interests:
Although she’s friends with boys like Shingo and has Mamoru as a brother-like mentor she isn’t interested in them like that just yet. She eventually meets Perle and they become close but who can say what the future brings.
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Guardian Form
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Sailor Red Spider
:Guardian Starseed: 
Princess Maiyuka bears the starseed of the White Dwarf star, Akiaraneolus at the centre of the Red Spider Nebula. It is one of the hottest stars of the galaxy and blows solar winds over 300 kilometres per second generating shockwaves 100 billion kilometres high. 
The very first bearer of its True Starseed, an empress who’s name was lost to time and burned bright with its magnificent power, established the great celestial barriers that keep the Kingdom safe. Her time was thousands of millenia past and her barriers are weakening permittingthe Nations of Scorpius gnaw at their fading glory.
That incandescent power pulses again within the heart of Princess Maiyuka.
:Realm of Influence:
Sailor Red Spider harnesses the power of light and shockwaves, often with spider and webbing themes.
:Guardian Animal: 
Being isolated, the Akakumojin do not have advisors but when found by Artemis, he took her under his guidance, leading her through the basics of being a Sailor Guardian. He watches over her fondly as a fatherly figures he once did Minako. 
She also rescued a little Mexican Redknee Tarantula, smaller than her palm she calls Willow. She speaks with a childlike curiosity that only Maiyuka can understand. She finds a way to be near her; hiding in her sleeves or beneath her hair.
:Allies/Team Mates: 
The Inner Sol Senshi serve as her caretakers against the cutthroats of Nations of Scorpius, they grow as her teachers allowing her to stand her ground against their best assassins and finally they help her arise as the protector of the Red Spider Nebula she was born to be.
:Sailor Tarantula:
Oldest and wisest of the Aurelian Council, she spent her entire life fighting against the Nations of Scorpion to the point she was the last left of the old guard having seen her old teammates sacrifice themselves against the might of the Nation of Scorpius. She took the fresh faced Sailor Black Widow under her care, and promised to do the same for Sailor Red Spider when she came into her own.
Unfortunately Sailor Tarantula and Sailor Black Widow were lured into an ambush. The ancient guardian forfeited her life to allow the escape of Sailor Black Widow, who has gone into hiding.
But Sailor Tarantula hasn’t forgotten her promise. Her voice whispers in Princess Maiyuka’s dream, guiding her to her destiny.
:Sailor Black Widow:
Awakening her senshi powers as Sailor Black Widow when she was sixteen. She was taken under the tutelage of the legendary Sailor Tarantula. Together they aided the many rebelling colonies of the Aurelian Council but when backed into a corner Sailor Tarantula used her full powers to obliterate the force sent against them freeing Sailor Black Widow from capture. She hasn’t been seen since.
:The Aurelian Council: 
Once a great united force for good, it represented the many insectile alien kingdoms of the Milky Way, the strongest being those of the Nebulas including; Red Spider Nebula, Tarantula, Black Widow, Shama Moth, Ant, Butterfly and Bug Nebula. 
However within the Bug Nebula of Scorpius, Chaos corrupted a nation. Like a disease it spread and the Nations of Scorpius was born, vowing to bring greatness to the Aurelian Council by any means necessary. Despite pockets of resistance, millenia after millenia, the Aurelian Nebula’s fell one after the other until only the Red Spider Nebula remained.
Princess Maiyuka is a declared target by all of the Nations of Scorpius, but it is General Sasori Fukitsu who has vowed to eliminate the newly made Sailor Guardian and take her legendary Red Spider Crystal for herself. 
Although she has already taken both the Ant Crystal, Moth Crystal and the Royal Butterfly Crystal as her trophies, she feels only the enormous energy of the Akiaraneolus Starseed will crush her many rivals and eliminate all other resistance within the Aurelian Council.
Seeing it as her last chance at power, she will let nothing stand in her way even if she has to tear the crystal from Princess Maiyuka’s chest with her bare hands. She’s certainly not going to let some upstart Sol Guardians stand in her way of true power.
:Transformation Token: 
Although she spontaneously transformed the first time, she had trouble focusing powers. With the help of Luna and Artemis, they were able to transfigure her watch as a transformation token much like they did for the inner’s pens. The black face is etched with an orb of silver web and a red crystal at the centre of its silver hands. It has a protective cover embossed with the Red Spider Symbol. It also doubles as Sailor Red Spider’s communicator.
:Henshin Phrase: 
“Red Spider Power Make Up!”
:Henshin Sequence:
When the need to fight arises, Maiyuka’s human form crosses both arms above her head and taps the face of her watch causing the symbol to glow and the lid to pop open. From it spilling small glowing spider silhouettes which spill down her arms weaving their webs.
First they spin their webs between her fingers, trailing down to her gloves which glow and glitter forming her gloves. Other spiders continue down her glowing body, knitting her sailor collar and bodice. The leap from her belt, trailing silken comet tails to form her swishing red skirt. She clicks her heels and webs climb her calves to form her red boots. The camera sweeps in a spiral upwards, her lavender back bow forming from the glowing spiders and her front bow.
Finally the camera rests on her face which blinks her four eyes and a silk spider on a slender thread drops between her eyes, glows and transforms into the ruby spider at the centre of her tiara.
 She smiles, blinks coyishly and poses, ready to defend!
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:Guardian Challenge:
“I am the bright red spider that weaves Harmony and Peace for the future. I am Sailor Red Spider, ready to unweave corruption and distortion!”
:Guardian Fuku:
Sailor Red Spider resumes her Akakumojin appearance but camouflages herself in the Sol System fuku. Her collar, skirt and glove rolls are rich ruby red while her bows are a darker scarlet. Her ruby red with white trim is similar to Sailor Moon’s. Dangling from her ears are pendants like her symbol.
Red Spider Sonic Blast!
Sailor Red Spider stands with her hands covering her face as the camera spins around her. Her hands slip down covering only her mouth. Finally it zooms in, the hands slip away, flinging wide and shouting, “Red Spider Sonic Blast” and a sonic boom blasts out in a wave of red energy knocking the enemy flying.
Stellar Web Lasso
Balling her hands together and then drawing them apart with a thick rope glowing with the red nebula like clouds, it twisted into a look. She tosses it into the air and twirls it in a circle faster and faster until Sailor Red Spider is able to cast and catch her enemy, yanking it tight and binding a singular enemy.
Astral Silk Net!
Sailor Red Spider steeples her fingers together, drawing them apart with glowing threads between them. Touching the tips of her fingers together in a complex pattern it looks like she weaves a complex cats cradle of threads which she spreads wide with her arms and and she twirls and casts it at the enemy in a sticky net to trap the enemy.
Cosmic Web Shield!
Sailor Red Spider kisses two fingers of her right hand which glow bright red. She traces a hexagon which glints with a glowing red orb shaped webs. With one push of her open palm it’s hurled in front of her, a gleaming, glowing shield that captures all that is flung into it, absorbing its energy and making it stronger with every attack.
Red Spider Nebula Radiation!
Sailor Red Spider Nebula reveals her true self as she’s emboldened and supported by her friends and family. Neo Queen Serenity, King Endymion, the Sol Guardians, Sailor Black Widow and Sailor Tarantula give the last of their strength to her as she stands before the catastrophic creature General Sasori has become. 
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Sailor Venus, Miles M., Tom H., Tsuyu A.
:Transformation Theme: 
Sailor Moon R transformation
 Sailor Moon R OST - Moon Crystal Power Make Up! (long version)
:Flying Theme:
Where No One Goes
:Action (younger/ current) Theme:
Something fast and upbeat like this
Larry-Boy: The Cartoon Adventures - He Is That Hero (Full, Extended Instrumental)
:Action (Older) Theme:
Something powerful/heroic like this
                           The Amazing Spider-Man 2 theme song
Red Spider Nebula Radiation Theme
Moon Spiral Heart Attack + Rainbow Moon Heartache (Music + SFX Only)
Cobwebs on Wattpad
Coming Soon
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lilitophidian · 5 months
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ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ɪꜱ ᴡᴇᴀᴋ ᴛᴇᴀʀ ɪᴛ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ʙʏ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴅᴇᴇᴘ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ꜱᴛʀᴜᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ, ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʜᴇʀ ʙᴜᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ᴍʏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ɴᴏᴡ ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜᴇ 'ᴄᴀᴜꜱᴇ ɪ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴇᴇ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ ꜱᴇᴇ ꜱᴏ ᴇᴀꜱɪʟʏ
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Heart strings are unfaithful, wrapped in barbed wire.
When abuse is present, we frequently seek refuge in the arms of a guardian. SAVE ME, SAVE ME, I AM AS PURE AS THE LAMB DO NOT LOOK UNDER MY PELT AS I AM NO WOLF. A knight in gleaming armor will break open your bonds. One who hears our screams in the woods as we attempt to free ourselves from our confines. Some seek redemption in what is immediately available to them. As a result, trauma bonding may develop. A horrible mash-up of two pieces that appear to be the perfect jigsaw piece but do not fit properly unless forced into the larger image. Years passed into decades, and your detachment faded as you accepted that this was simply not to be. Family photographs devolve into falsehoods, happiness into pain, and the awareness of a double-knotted nose around the neck at each end. Eventually, it produces a magnet that refuses to attach. Desperately, one side tries to resist gravitational attraction as the other places a wall of glass.
❝ The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away. Which is better—to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill? There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast. . . . Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! . . . You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are the way they are? ❞
And there she stands, seven years departed infatuated with one more her suit. He clung to his pain as it worsened day after day. The return of his actual angel, only to discover that her wings had never been, just a mirage to support his own fantasies as she bared bloodthirsty and insane. More of the devil than he—but her poison kept him drinking, his eyes never leaving the rose tone, even when it was splashed with his own blood. I DON'T TRUST YOUR LOVE , I KNOW IT WILL FALL JUST AS WE DID FROM THE SKIES.
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totalfknloser · 5 months
Zakk with a reader with anxiety?
.^⛧ .^. ⛧^.
⛧ i feel like somehow Zakk would get this. i feel that inside he was a very vulnerable teenager and kid growing up and still had that tough guy act but that whole thing was still developing so i feel that Zakk had some form of anxiety too but he wouldn’t be too sure of what to do
⛧ Zakk prolly wouldn’t know how to comfort you but he will try
⛧ if you ever have a panic attack or smth related and if it helps you feel safe i think that Zakk since he’s so huge would probably like idk cage u i guess? in his arms and body so you have like a Zakk barrier but only if it helps! if not, then Zakk would leave u alone if that helps instead
⛧ he doesn’t know how to verbally comfort others very well so i think he would try and say sweet stuff but you’d prolly just giggle cause he would totally suck at it
⛧ Zakk would prolly make u snacks and or a drink of some sort just to have it when you need it
.^⛧ .^. ⛧^.
this is like terribly short my apologies i didn’t know what else to say i felt it would’ve been repetitive LMAO 😭
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