#⚽️ — ted lasso
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heretodestroyou · 2 years ago
i would like to point out the RATTLE OF COINS in jamie’s pocket when he gets to roy’s party. he knew he was going to swear, and my man came PREPARED for phoebe. i just know he pays his taxes ON TIME
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veryberryjelly · 2 months ago
married at first strike cast post
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big news! i am finally getting back into my writing and i am working on the next instalment of MARRIED AT FIRST STRIKE!!!
while i'm writing i thought i'd give you all the cast of this fic and how they appear in my mind !
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everyday-is-uncle-day · 7 months ago
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Truer words are rarely said……⚽️❤️‍🩹
I mean it was JAMIE that got everybody singing 🎶 “Richmond till I die” …..in 1x06
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splendiferous-bitch · 3 days ago
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t4rtt · 7 months ago
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multifandominfj · 11 months ago
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Photos I took at the Ted Lasso panel on Sunday. 🥰🤗⚽️
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okie-dokie-wo · 9 months ago
Ted Lasso's Phil Dunster: From AFC Richmond to Oklahoma! ⚽️🎶
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tedlassozine · 8 months ago
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⚽️ GREYHOUNDS: Preorders close in THREE days!⚽️
Preorders for Richmond On Three! A Ted Lasso Zine close in THREE DAYS.
If you’re still curious about what we have to offer, now is the time, because for the next three days everything is **15% OFF!!**
Our shop will close at midnight CST on Wednesday, July 31st. Pick out your bundle before it’s too late!
Find our shop here! 🛒 (https://tedlassozine.bigcartel.com)
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stevethehairington · 2 years ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @stevecarrington!!!!! I HOPE TODAY IS UNBELIEVEABLE!! i'm so glad this fandom has brought us together, you're such a wonderful friend and im very lucky to know you!! i know how much you love steddie AND ted lasso so i whipped up a little steddie lasso for you, i hope you enjoy 💕💕
Eddie is not quite sure how he got here.
One day he was sprawling across his ornately carved DM throne, gleefully ruining the lives of those brave enough to sit at his table and dip their toes into his particular brand of tabletop roleplay chaos, and the next he was packing up his life and getting on a bus heading west, back to god damn Hawkins, Indiana — the hometown he swore he'd never come back to all to coach soccer.
Yeah. That's right. Soccer.
The thing is — he's never been a sportsball kind of guy. Not baseball, not basketball, not football. Certainly not soccer. Outside of ogling the players for their tight little shorts and their calf-hugging socks, of course. The only reason he knows even the slightest brush of the basics — and even then, it's a strech to say he knows it — is because Wayne is a sportsball guy.
But apparently that incredibly bare quasi-knowledge of it was good enough for Chrissy — Eddie's best friend extraordinaire and prominent figure in the sports world (truth be told, Eddie really couldn't tell you what her actual position was — all he knew was that she did everything and was everywhere. Seriously, it was insane how many connections she had in the world of professional organized sports.) — because when she heard the words "looking for strong leadership" and "to build comraderie" and especially "with a creative, outside of the box approach" when the league announced that they were looking for a new head coach, she had immediately submitted Eddie's name. Without even consulting him on it. Without even telling him in the first place.
It was a true testament to just how desperate the club was that they had actually chosen him.
Getting that call had boggled his damn mind.
Still does, if he's being honest.
And now here he is, fresh off the bus and standing in front of Nancy goddamn Wheeler — the tiny, but incredibly intimidating owner of the whole goddamn team.
"Eddie, welcome," Nancy says, flashing him a perfectly pleasant smile that still somehow makes him feel like prey. "It's great to meet you."
She holds out her hand, and Eddie quickly wipes his palm against his jeans before accepting it. Her handshake is firm — she's not fucking around.
"It's lovely to meet you too, ma'am," Eddie replies, with his politest midwestern manners.
Nancy's lips press together, turning down at the corners, and for a brief moment Eddie thinks he's somehow managed to fuck this up already. Could you get fired for sweaty hands? Was that legal?
But then a small laugh slips from those lips and Nancy says, "Just Nancy. Ma'am makes me feel like I'm seventy-five and belong in the bingo hall."
Eddie can't help the bleat of laughter that bubbles out, probably a little too enthusiastic. "Hey, the bingo hall's a riot," he says.
That gets Nancy to chuckle again before she clears her throat and smooths down the lapels of her blazer. "Well, thank you so much for taking on this position, we're really grateful to have you here, and we look forward to seeing what you can do for us," she says, and she sounds genuine about it, which puts Eddie a little more at ease. Nancy barrels on, "I'm sure Chrissy had briefed you about speaking with the press?" She asks, but she doesn't give him a chance to answer. "You'll just be sitting down with some journalists and answering any questions they may have — and I'm sure they'll have plenty."
Eddie lets out another nervous titter. Yeah, he's sure too. "Sure," he says. "Um, and that's... tomorrow? Later this week?"
Nancy makes a face, a sort of half grimace, half sympathetic thing.
Eddie's stomach turns.
"Actually," Nancy starts, eyes flickering towards the door behind Eddie, "it's right now."
"Did— did Chrissy not let you know that?" She asks, chewing on her lip.
"No, no!" Eddie is quick to reply. "She did, I'm sure she did, I just— probably wasn't listening. It's kind of been a... crazy fucking day—" his eyes go wide, "— I mean—"
Nancy laughs. "You can say that a-fucking-gain," she agrees, and Eddie's shoulders relax from where they'd tensed up to his ears.
"Well, I'm sorry to just throw you to the wolves like this, but we can't really call it off now," Nancy continues, giving him an apologetic look.
Eddie glances towards the door too and nods. Rolls back his shoulders and straightens his spine. Let's himself slip into his DM persona — the guy that can handle every punch that's thrown his way, no problem.
"No, it's fine. I got this," he says, nodding again.
Nancy smiles and leads him towards the door. "Whenever you're ready," she tells him.
Eddie takes a deep breath, steels himself, and turns the handle.
Immediately he is bombarded by flashing cameras and an increase in volume as dozens of eyes all pinprick right onto him.
He's got this. They're just people. He's good with people.
Eddie climbs the two steps leading up to the staging area and swaggers to his place behind the desk, dropping himself into the seat. He reaches out to tap the microphone, which emits a sharp whine that shuts the crowd up.
He stifles his grin and leans into the mic, "Let's start this thing, shall we?" He pauses, scans the audience, quirks a brow. "Questions?"
Almost every single hand shoots straight up.
Yep. Should've seen that coming.
"Okay, okay, you know what? Let's just—" he motions for everyone to put their hands down, "— yeah, there we go. Great. Thanks. Right. I'm sure a lot of you have some of the same questions, so why don't I start by clearing a few things up first."
He wriggles in his seat, getting comfortable. "Yes, the rumors are true. No, I have not coached soccer before. Haven't coached anything before, actually. Hell, I'm probably the least qualified guy they could have hired for the spot," he laughs, and a murmur goes through the crowd. "I don't really know the first thing about soccer, but what I do know is that this team, the Hawkins Demodogs FC, these ferocious warriors of sport— they're going to get out on that field and they're— they're gonna put all of their intelligence and wisdom and strength into it," he says firmly, falling back on his trusty DnD knowledge. Game of sports can't be that different from a campaign, right? "They're gonna put their constitution to good use and fall back on their dexterity and they're going to defeat their enemies — I'll make sure of it."
Glasses guy in the second rows eyebrows lift, almost like he recognizes the terminology.
"Now," Eddie says, clapping his hands together. "I'll take one question from the masses. Make it a good one."
The hands shoot back up again, but the only one Eddie notices is the one belonging to glasses guy. It raises it a beat after the rest, lifts his hand into the air relaxed, easy, like he doesn't actually care.
It intrigues Eddie. He intrigues Eddie.
"You, in the second row," Eddie says, pointing right at the man.
A slow smile spreads across his face as he rises to his feet, clicks his pen, pushes up his glasses again.
"I like your glasses," Eddie comments, unable to help himself.
The guy's smile twists at the corners. "Thank you," he says, and his voice is smooth, rich, like honey. Eddie kind of wants to bathe in it.
His stomach swoops. "And you are?"
"Steve Harrington, the Indypendent," he says.
Eddie leans forward on his elbows, lets his smile turn a little flirty. "What's your question, Steve Harrington from the Indypendent?" He asks, stretching out Steve's name, loving the way it tastes in his mouth.
"Yeah, I've just got one question for you," he says. He fixes a narrowed, nettled look on Eddie, cocks a hip, and says, in a perfectly, deliciously, bitchy tone, "is this a fucking joke?"
Oh, he's going to be a fun one.
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callmearcturus · 3 months ago
⚽️ for the ask game 💚
oh yeah the next chapter is comin along great, here's a fun bit. (for context, Trent's daughter is technically named Adelaide Crimm, but frequently changes what she wants to be called. she's been Maggie for the story thus far)
"Good to see you, Crimms. This here's my boy, Henry."
Polite as a postal carrier's knock, Henry held out his hand. "Pleased to meet you."
"Very much likewise, Henry," Trent said, taking his hand and shaking it firmly. "I'm Trent, and this is my daughter, Key."
Ted blinked at the younger Crimm, remembering when Trent had explained this. "Run that one by me again so I remember?"
"Synecdoche," Sometimes-Adelaide-Formerly-Magpie said with smile.
"Synecdoche Crimm," Ted tried out. "Well, that actually rolls pretty nicely off the tongue. Might jive a little better that Key Crimm, if I'm honest."
"My only condition for whatever name she'd like to try," Trent said, "is that it comes with a decent, quick diminutive form."
"I've never heard'a anyone called Syne..." Henry trailed off.
"Sy. Nek. Dho. Key," Synecdoche sounded out patiently. "I saw it in one of Father's drafts and liked it."
An indulgent smile warmed Trent's face. As it glowed like embers, his gaze lifted to Ted's face.
Feeling every centimeter and/or inch of his skin start to burn like he'd been out in the sun, Ted cleared his throat, looking to his son. He wasn't up for that sort of heat this early in the day. "I'm gonna get these boys wound up and rollin'. Henry, you wanna come watch?"
Henry looked askance at Trent and Synecdoche. "Can I watch from here for a bit? I'll hop down later."
Theodore Lasso was the last person to begrudge someone for wanting to spend time with the Crimms. "You sure can, bud. Trent's working on his book, though, so try to leave him to it, okay?"
"You don't have to," Synecdoche said, putting her feet up on the back of the seat in front of them. "Father works best under a little pressure. The sport section of the newspaper office was full of shouting and really loud typing and game playback."
"I work better with ambiance," Trent said. "I also work better now that I'm not living off Neurofen Migraine."
"You guys love big words, huh," Henry said. "No wonder Dad likes you."
"I think I hear Beard callin'," Ted said, quickly bending down to kiss Henry on top of his head. "Come get me if you need anything."
As he walked down to the pitch, he heard Henry ask, "Why's your name Synecdoche?"
"Why wouldn't it be? Your name can be whatever you want it to be," she answered shortly.
"So long as it sounds good," Trent added.
"Yeah, obviously," she agreed easily.
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heretodestroyou · 2 years ago
jamie tartt x rojas!reader where she’s dani’s twin or younger sister and is scared about tell him she’s dating jamie but ofc he’s just over the moon about it 🥹🥹🫶
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pairing; jamie tartt x rojas!fem!reader (romantic), dani rojas x sister!reader (platonic/familial)
w/c; 1.08k
fandom; ted lasso (apple tv)
trigger/content warnings; my half-baked spanish, a little swearing, jamie being a clueless himbo, dani being a ray of sunshine,
stella speaks! this prompt is so adorable, i hope i’ve done it justice!! set somewhere after 2x03
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Jamie feels bad.
He knows how close you are with your brother. He knows how much you hate keeping secrets from him. But he’s also grateful.
He’s only been back at Richmond for a couple months, and many of the boys are still wary around him. He doesn’t blame them, but they’re all so fiercely protective of you that his biggest worry what’ll happen to him, to your relationship when the cat is let out of the bag.
Your biggest worry is how Dani will take it. Dani isn’t the stereotypical ‘i’ll-kill-anyone-who-looks-at-her’ big brother, but he does take shielding you from the press very seriously. And dating Jamie Tartt? That’ll put you right in the spotlight.
The both of you are reaching the end of your rope, and it’s getting harder and harder to hide it.
So Jamie does the only thing he can think of. He talks to Ted.
He takes his time changing after training, carefully packing everything in his bag, a flimsy but effective way to stay after everyone has gone. He also keeps an eye on Roy, whom he’s paranoid knows Jamie is hiding something.
But the older player simply strolls past him, ignoring him as usual, and after Jamie strains his ears to make sure he’s gone, he bolts into Ted and Coach Beard’s office.
Ted looks up from his computer with a start, Beard’s attention suddenly also on Jamie. He feels the heat rise in his cheeks, but Ted simply smiles. “What can I do for you today, Jamie?”
Jamie takes a breath, and right before he speaks, he spots Nathan coming back in the locker room. He closes the door gently, turning back to the two men.
“I’m gonna be totally honest, I’ve been dating Y/n for two months now,” he starts, and Ted leans forward.
“But the thing is, nobody else except for Keeley knows. She really wants to tell Dani, and she’s not telling him because I asked her not to, but I can tell she really wants to, but what if the team beats me up? Like what if Dani is still mad at me for being such a twat and he gets the whole team to beat me up? Roy especially, he would like totally punch me in the balls and then Dani would make me break up with Y/n, but I don’t want to break up with her, but I also don’t want to get beat up, y’know?” Jamie rushes, his words tripping over each other.
Ted takes it in, leaning back in his chair and nodding. After a few moments of silence, he turns to Coach Beard.
“Coach?” He asks.
“Yeah, Coach?” Beard answers, eyes not leaving the chess game on his phone.
“Do me a favor, Coach.” Ted asks, starting to smile.
“Anything, Coach.”
Ted’s grin widens. “Call the Diamond Dogs together please Coach.”
Beard gives a nod. “You got it Coach.”
Jamie looks between them, not a clue as to what’s happening, when Nathan glides into the room, seating himself on the shelf next to Jamie. Jamie looks at Ted in confusion, but Ted just keeps smiling.
A minute later, Higgins also enters the room and gives Jamie a nod. Simultaneously, the four men start barking, and Jamie’s ready to leave when Ted speaks again.
“Fellas, turns out Beard was right. Jamie is dating mini-Rojas,” Ted says, and for the second time in five minutes, Jamie’s face heats up.
“Problem is,” Ted continues, “he’s not sure how well that’ll go over with the team, and frankly, neither am I. Ideas?”
Jamie raises his hand, and Ted points at him. “Yes, Mr. Tartt?”
“First off, the fuck is happening. Second, the fuck is happening?” Jamie asks, tucking his hands under his shirt.
Higgins grins. “We are the Diamond Dogs, and we are here to help! With your dilemma. Your Rojas Hassle, of you will.”
Jamie shook his head. “Whatever. Do I tell him or not?”
Nathan raises his hand. “Well, what I see the worst-case scenario being is the team ices you out for maybe another couple months. Do you think Y/n will side with you during that?”
Jamie twists his fingers under his shirt. “I mean, I hope so. I would be sad if she didn’t y’know cause— well she…” he trails off, his head filled with his favorite memories of the two of you.
“She inspires me to be a better person, and I think even if we had to break up cause Dani said so, I would still want to be better for her and then if I am better maybe Dani and the team’ll see that and they’ll let us date again?” Jamie looks up, glancing around the room.
Ted slaps his hand on the table. “Well lookee there, I think you’ve solved your own problem! And with limited help from us! I declare the Diamond Digs meeting over!”
Jamie begins to smile, a bit of the weight on his shoulders lifted. His smile faded when every other person in the room begins to bark, and with an eye roll, he leaves.
When he gets out, the cool breeze biting at his face, he sees you, waiting by your car. You’re chatting with your brother, who’s telling some sort of training story. His hands are flailing everywhere, and you’re giggling.
He takes a deep breath, then walks over. When he reaches you, he snakes an arm around your waist. You look up at him, the question in your eyes.
When he nods, that inquiry on your face is replaced with his favorite look: that shine of joy in your eyes, and you turn back to your brother.
Jamie takes a breath to explain, but before he can, Dani hugs him. “¡Felicidades! ¡Bienvenido a la familia, cuñado!”
Jamie looks to you for the translation, and smiles slightly when he notices your face buried in your hands. “Something you want to tell me, love?” He asks.
“He called you his brother-in-law,” you say, your voice heavy with embarrassment and muffled by your hands. Jamie’s grin widens.
“Should we plan the wedding then?” He asks. You groan loudly. Dani suddenly turns serious, and Jamie gulps. Has he overstepped?
“Por favor, do not make me wear those horrible dress shoes,” he says, his hands clasped together in front of him.
This causes you to laugh, and Jamie’a grin reappears.
The reaction Dani had was certainly not the reaction he forsaw, but it was definitely better than the one he expected.
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veryberryjelly · 1 year ago
not one hair outta place
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married at first strike - 0.0 the hen do
jamie tartt x fem!reader [ 0.9k ]
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You rubbed your palms along your legs as the car neared closer and closer to the destination you could spot on your driver’s gps. 
A mantra repeated in your head like a broken record. 
‘I’m ready for this’ 
You hadn’t been the one to come up with this idea. One of your friends had sent you the link to the applications and at the time you thought it couldn’t hurt. 
There was no way you’d get chosen out of thousands of applicants. 
And when you got that email that your application had been moved to the next stage of the process, you were sure you wouldn’t get through any more stages. 
But now you were here. Sat in the back of a car on the way to a hen party.
When the car stopped you took in a shuddering breath and opened up the back door, thanking the driver before approaching the open doors. 
You heard voices. 
You weren’t the first one here. 
Another deep breath, one more step and you were met with a wave of cheers and welcomes as one of the other girls approached you. 
“ hi, sweetheart. You look so good ! “ the redhead exclaimed as she wrapped you in a quick hug. 
“ Thank you, you look incredible too. I’m y/n “
“ Amelia. Can I get you some bubbly ?” 
“ absolutely “ 
You followed her over to the small bar table where 10 glasses of champagne rested alongside two ice buckets. 
You were very quickly introduced to the rest of the girls in the room, greeting each and every one of them with a smile and a compliment about their outfit, because they all looked fantastic.
As more women flooded in, you fell into a conversation with the group, learning why all of these beautiful, intelligent and successful women needed the help of experts to find someone. 
A round of gasps pulled you from your conversation, causing you to flinch and almost spill your drink. 
You turned your gaze towards the door to find what everyone was gasping at. 
“ evening, ladies “ 
A guy. 
You didn’t know a lot about this experiment, but you were pretty sure this was a hen party. 
“ oh, he must be paired with another guy on the stag night “ 
He was quick to introduce himself as Oscar, and also confirmed that, yes, he was gay. 
Unbeknownst to the hens, a similar thing was happening over at the stag party.
A round of confused noises spread around the room when a woman walked in amongst the men. 
“ hey boys. Room for one more ?” the girl spoke. 
The boys had gathered that she was the last one to enter based simply on how many men were already in the room. 
A head of walnut mist turned towards the new member of the stag party. 
Not what he expected. 
But she was very attractive, so he figured he would try and get on side. 
He stood from the seat he had gotten comfortable in and made his way over to her, a smirk crawling it’s way onto his lips. 
“ Want a drink ?” he suggested, motioning towards the bar with two buckets of drinks. 
“Definitely“ she replied, following him towards the bar where she stuck her hand out to shake his. “ isla “ 
“Jamie“ he replied, his hand slotting into hers. “ what can i get for you, isla ?” he questioned, his eyes only leaving hers to momentarily drop to scan her body when she was identifying the drink options. 
“I’ll take a white wine” 
Jamie was quick to fulfill her request, but not long after he placed the glass in her hand, a new voice entered the room. 
“Welcome everyone, to the experiment. My name is Derek, and i’m here to help guide you all through this.”
“Welcome everyone, to the experiment. My name is Claire, and i’m here to help guide you all through this.”
Every pair of eyes was on the newcomer in the room, a woman they all identified as one of the experts. 
“ enjoy your last night as single people because by this time tomorrow, you will all be married to someone chosen specifically for you “ 
Her sentence sent a chill down your spine. One you were sure was rooted in both fear and excitement. 
“ as you’ve no doubt noticed, you are joined by one of our grooms. That is because we have two same sex couples this year “ 
“ as you’ve no doubt noticed, you are joined by one of our brides. That is because we have two same sex couples this year “ 
That had jamie’s hopes of scoring with isla dropping to the floor. He was good, but even he wouldn’t be able to score with a lesbian. 
“ have a good night, everyone. This time tomorrow, you’ll be married to someone the experts have matched with you “ 
All that Jamie could hope for, was that his partner would be a lot easier to get with than isla. Or he may as well have just stayed in Richmond.
With that, Derek left, and the room lit up with discussion. 
Primarily about which groom was into men, and where the other groom was. 
The conversation was practically identical at the Hen Party. But no one chose to voice it, most likely told by the production team to keep it a secret for the sake of suspense. 
But that didn’t mean that you couldn’t focus on enjoying the night and getting to know the people you would be seeing a lot of over the next few weeks. 
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taglist ;; @rexorangecounty @jamiebigbuttedtartt @neenieweenie @drmeghanjones @kaitlyn2907 @yokolesbianism
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whatwouldeddiedo · 2 months ago
make me write
was tagged by @theotherbuckley and i’ve never done this before so i wanna play!!!!! a mix of wips and things that have been in the old brain forever that i’ve never managed to start.
three sentences per emoji!!!! lets see what i can make happen
👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼 buckshannon au
👶🏻 tpreg
⚽️ ted lasso au (starts jamiebuck and eventual buddie and royjamie)*
🪩 stripper eddie (buddie)*
🧛‍♂️ buffy au (buddietommy)*
⛸️ hockey au (buddie, other pairings)*
*currently only exists in my brain
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knobbysocks · 11 months ago
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Haven’t posted here properly in ages but here’s some Ted Lasso drawings I’ve done over the past few weeks 🙌⚽️
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blueplanet22 · 18 days ago
TED LASSO - SEASON 4, EPISODE 1 (Script fic) 🎬⚽️
A season that started with high hopes is already falling apart.
Three managers. Zero wins. A locker room that won’t hold together.
Rebecca Welton has made a lot of bold choices in her time. But this one?
This one might be the riskiest yet.
Because when the flight lands at Heathrow, it’s not just about who’s coming back.
It’s about who’s arriving for the first time.
And Richmond? Richmond isn’t ready.
It all starts here.
FADE IN: INT. HEATHROW AIRPORT - TERMINAL 5 - DAY The usual business traveler chaos. SUITS and BRIEFCASES move in practiced patterns through the arrivals hall. Suddenly, the ordered flow breaks— QUICK CUTS of travelers stepping aside, briefcases jerking away, coffee cups teetering. LOW ANGLE on a pair of UNTIED RED CONVERSE, moving with controlled chaos through the crowd. They stop, start, weave—a dance all their own. TRACK WITH the shoes to reveal an oversized BACKPACK bouncing above them. Patches and pins flutter: a small ARGENTINE FLAG, a worn MARADONA sticker, a plush FOOTBALL dangling from the zipper. The bag's too big for its unseen owner. TILT DOWN to the Converse again as they pick up speed— BAM! They screech to a halt in front of polished SECURITY BOOTS. ANGLE ON the SECURITY GUARD (50s), looking down at someone we still can't see. SECURITY GUARD No running in the terminal. (beat) Where are your parents? The sound of CLICKING HEELS approaches rapidly. KEELEY JONES hurries into frame, slightly out of breath but perfectly put together. KEELEY So sorry! Bloody London traffic. (to the guard) It's alright, I'm from Richmond AFC. We've got it sorted. She looks down at our mystery arrival, her face softening. KEELEY (CONT'D) How was your flight, love?
Richmond AFC has seen its share of surprises.
This one’s just getting started.
📖 Read the full script here
🔹 No spoilers. Let’s see who figures it out first.
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cobra-creampuff · 2 years ago
T! For Ted Lasso ⚽️
Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
Beard has been abused too.
The majority (in terms of quantity) of Jamie's abuse happened to him as an adult.
Ted has had at least one threesome before.
Colin was in love with Isaac for a minute.
The Kents are Jewish.
Beard will never be more committed to anyone than he is to Ted, and any romantic prospects will have to accept that or it won't work out.
Jamie wants to be a dad.
Jamie is a girl sometimes.
The O'Sullivans and Jamie actually hadn't met (in person) before Uncle's Day.
Alphabet Asks
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