#⚠️ ramlethal yaps
group-call · 1 month
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the testament to blake the entirety of outlast 2
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group-call · 2 months
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drew glass (/sys). don't be weird in tags this is art of a fictional introject in our system
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group-call · 2 months
just a small heads up to everyone who follows them, the owner of @/disabled-sysboxes is transandrophobic
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group-call · 1 month
i remember we forgot to post the aplatonic rock our auncle @faultyvessel made for us and sent to us.
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group-call · 2 months
yeah no problem, i can try to be more specific. what are some things that are different for you because of your avpd/being aplatonic? can you have avpd and still like the concept of “friends” or some sort of community around you? is aplatonic just “i dont want friends, i dont like making friends” or can it be something different like “im extremely selective with my friends” or “i want friends but im too scared of rejection/being made fun of/etc so i dont bother making friends at all” i hope this helps!
- the anon asking about avpd
hi sorry for taking so long to respond to this anon we've been having a time mentally eughghj. anyways yapping below the cut. -ramlethal
avpd alone not taking into account aplatonicism and such, yes you can in fact like the concept of friends and community while having avpd. it is actually pretty likely that you do if you have avpd, the name of the disorder leads to many misconceptions really. people usually assume avoidant means as in not liking people or being averse or antisocial, when in reality it just refers to the main defense mechanism of avpd. which is. avoidance of even potentially uncomfortable social situations, avoidance of relationships unless the pwavpd is absolutely certain they will be liked and not mocked or shamed or embarassed, etc. avoidance to literally everything pretty much. it doesn't necessarily mean you don't like people or dislike the concept of company. avpd is just characterized by hypersensitivty to social situations, criticism whether constructive or not or perceived or literal, and therefore avoidance of anything that could potentially result in it, like social situations and etc. avpd is also pretty much always present with a belief that you are inherently inept (usually socially), "different", "weird", "odd", etc. in our personal experience we've found that we are more comfortable in social scenarios in which there are multiple other people/a group other than us so it's likely we won't be focused on as much because we usually just slip into a corner literal or metaphorical and go quiet and usually panic if we're ever involved in the social interaction. BUT avpd can be comorbid with other personality disorders that might impact how you feel about social scenarios combined with avpd, particularly szpd (schizoid personality disorder) & stpd (schizotypal personality disorder) bc they're all schizotaxic disorders among other reasons. and also npd is a common comorbidity because they use the same core defense mechanisms and beliefs. tldr; no avpd does not Inherently, Alone, mean that you have any particular dislike of people & company in general, but it is often comorbid with other personality disorders that do affect this like npd, szpd, and stpd.
as for the aplatonicism, we cannot speak for non-disordered aplatonics as our aplatonicism very much has to do with the fact that we are profoundly personality disordered so take this with a grain of salt and also generally because we do not speak for aplatonic people as a whole entire group. /lh. we are platonic/friendship averse and repulsed for the most part, we can enjoy talking to other people but its mostly because of our other personality disorder symptoms that make us very much eager for attention and validation. in our case we only interact with other people outside of our partner system to gain things like validation and other goodies that come from the occasional social interaction and such. any social interaction we have is never intended to become friendships and we are genuinely repulsed and disgusted by the idea of it, though we are fine with acquaintances and "mutuals". we do not experience any specific or particular urge to interact with specific people outside of the examples i stated and a few others i probably forgot to mention. thats our personal experience with it
it is also good to note that aplatonicism is a lot of the time associated with VARIOUS MANY OThER NEURODIVERGENCIES and things like trauma though it doesnt have to be. it can mean anything from just simply a person who considers themselves aspec for their neurodivergency and how it impacts their platonic relationships and the attraction to them, or it can just mean "yeah i just. don't feel anything for friends lol". the aplatonic experience is very vast. but we have heard other things. other aplatonic people we've heard have said that they are indifferent to platonic relationships and such and still have them but they just appear differently than an alloplatonics would, or being a complete loner as a result of aplatonicism and not feeling any urge to connect or connection to people and being averse to other people for whatever personal reasons that might be, and then we've also seen very loving aplatonics who are still very positive about platonic relationships OR who instead very strongly feel romantic, sexual, or a tertiary attraction "in place" of their platonic attraction.
aplatonicism tldr: aplatonic is a VERY VAST term used to describe a VAST WIDE ARRAY OF EXPERIENCES that are typically neurodivergent, disordered, traumagenic, etc. if you feel it fits you, use the term.
here's some resources we have for all of these
general apl stuff: definition on lgbtqia wiki, aplatonic masterpost, aplatonicism 101 on AUREA, this one is more a general aspec terms post but it's still cool
community, experience oriented apl stuff: r/aplatonic, our-aplatonic-experience, mlp-friendship-isnt-magic, aplatonicism (blog)
medical avpd stuff: avpd on wikipedia, all about avpd on psychcentral, avpd criteria, avpd criteria 2, avpd on healthcentral
community, experience oriented avpd stuff: avoidantrecovery's avpd tag, avpdvoidspace, avpd diagnostic checklist made by a tumblr user based on the dsm5 criteria, millon's avpd subtypes in more simplified language, rewritten avpd criteria by someone with avpd (HEED THE DISCLAIMERS)
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group-call · 2 months
considering making a funny heehee haha account thats something along the lines of "funnier with avpd". would anyone want hat
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group-call · 3 months
hi there, please correct me if i’m wrong but you’re not looking to make friends, correct? /gen we’re mutuals but i vaguely remember a post from a couple of months ago where you explained that you’re aplatonic.
yes. we're fine with being referred to as mutuals or acquaintances but we are aplatonic and plato-averse/repulsed, so unless otherwsie stated or specifically stated, please do not try to outright pursue a serious friendship with any of us. we're fine with being interacted with obviously, just don't be like "oh bestie!!!" or like "omg my friend!!!" /lh. very very easy way to gross us out
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group-call · 2 months
we collectively in general are going to try to be stepping away from syscourse and discourse in general. i feel like us being so involved and open about anti endo shit has only done us a shit ton of harm and absolutely zero good and we're already mentally suffering pretty often!! it's time for us to find better activities!! lmao! regard us as discourse apathetic and generally anti discourse. refer to the term eepyqueer if you have anymore inquiries. we are tired of all communities and it's bullshit and being sent hate and death threats. and generally we are tired of being hateful and holding so much hate in the body that we can't uphold hobbies.
not that this is super important to anyone with half a brain, but if anyone who follows us for our strong anti endo stance and to engage with us in it is here you are going to be very disappointed if you stay. we're not gonna talk about any of this shit anymore and all of our stuff will be updated accordingly and so will my (ramlethal) personal sideblog's stuff. thanks. anti endos and stuff are still free here because obviously our technical stance hasn't changed we just aren't involving in this shitshow anymore. anon hate will be ignored if you are departing this is not an airport you don't need to announce your departure and if you feel so moved and upset by any of this you're probably not someone we want following us anyway. from here on out our stance on everything is this image
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group-call · 2 months
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group-call · 3 months
mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad upset upset frustraed
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group-call · 3 months
sorry but i think it's a little weird to talk about specifically physically disabled systems and then include "-and introjects who had x disability in their source!!!"
no. these aren't the same things
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group-call · 3 months
we are looking into getting us an aac device
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group-call · 1 month
what is PANDAS?
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections. autoimmune disorder triggered by strep infections (in our case it was repeatedly) at a young age that causes extremely sudden onset OCD, tics, emotional lability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, ARFID/ARFID-like symptoms, and can result in moderate-severe cognitive issues/disability, brain damage, and neuro-psychiatric problems. subtype of PANS which is a broader category for a type of autoimmune condition that causes neuro-psychiatric problems
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group-call · 1 month
before anyone gets upset at our reblogging of ruruchan, i am just going to give a reminder that ruruchan was not a tribute to rorochan_1999 and ruruchan is a character. thanks
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group-call · 1 month
and we present. the 100+ long vent playlist of all the "us energy" songs we associate with ourselves that may or may not be added to!! yippee!! i don't know if anyone will actually listen to it since its just a vent playlist we made in like 2 hours but if you do warning for songs that have theming of suicide, self harm, implied abuse, etc etc. the icon is a drawing of our systemsona that i made specifically for it (do not use).
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group-call · 2 months
restless leg syndrme is such a stupid disorrder. brother. ants in our feet
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