#⚜ ┊ ( l. study. )
sansloii · 4 months
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lfzyxf · 3 years
Little Witch
The Originals x reader
Word count: 1721
Part 2
Being an exchange student was not as fun as some people made it out to be, especially when your host family seems to be kind of… odd.
It was your last year of high school when the opportunity to study abroad came to you. You decided to go through with it, why not, right?
It has been a week since your arrival in Mystic Falls, you were staying with the Forbes’, the mother was the town sheriff, and her daughter, Caroline was the typical high school student. It was not until today, you realised things might not have been as you previously thought.
“Hey Liz, do you happen to know who the Mikaelson’s are?” you enter the living room holding an envelope. She looks up from her work, a tight smile on her lips as she watched you, “I’m not sure, I think they just moved here, why?”
“I got an invitation for a ball…” you shrug, sitting down on a chair across hers. “Well, are you going?” you thought for a moment before nodding, “yeah, I’ve always wanted to go to a ball.” “Besides, who would skip out on an opportunity like this.”
“Well, be careful, they are strangers!’ her voice raising slightly as you head back to your room, getting ready to go out dress shopping.
“What is y/n doing here?” Elena whispers to Caroline, confused as to why someone as ‘normal’ as you would be invited.
“I don’t know! I didn’t even know she got an invitation!” Caroline answered, brows furrowing as she stares at you walking around.
Her eyes widen as she sees Elijah walk up to you, introducing himself before kissing your hand softly.
“y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you as well.” Your cheeks feel flushed as he raises your hand to his lips, before kissing your knuckles softly.
“How have I not seen someone as beautiful as yourself here before?” his voice is smooth as he talks, his accent making your heart flutter as you stare into his eyes.
“I do not often leave my house, the sheriff finds that it is quite dangerous for someone to leave the house alone in a place like this, especially since I am not familiar with the town.”
You laugh softly as you answer him, looking down at your feet, anxious to meet his gaze. “So, you are new here?”
Nodding you look up slightly, “I’m an exchange student, although should you not know who I am since you invited me here?”
He laughs slightly as he looks around, “It seems my dear brother Niklaus has invited you; he is not fond of discussing matters beforehand.”
“Talking about me, brother?” you turn around at the sound of his voice, eyes wide as he looks down upon you, a smirk resting on his lips.
“Pleasure to meet you, love. The name is Niklaus.” He too, kisses your hand softly, eyes not leaving yours. You clear your throat as he releases your hand.
“Same to you” you look around at the people dancing around the room, reminding you of times long before you were born. You have always enjoyed the Victorian era, the balls, the dresses, the aesthetic.
“Care to dance?” shock appears on your face, eyes wide as you look at the man standing before you. Klaus held his hand to you, a smirk still clear as day on his lips.
A small smile appears on yours; you move your hand and place it in his. He softly engulfs your hand in his, moving to the centre of the room.
“Now what is someone as majestic as you doing here all alone?” he moves you along with him, sliding through the air as if he was floating. His moves so smooth you are surprised you can keep up.
“I have not really made any friends here…” you grimace thinking about your lonely days spent in your room. Reading books and watching shows was how you had spent the past weeks.
“I find that hard to believe.” A smile grows on his face as he stares into your eyes. You find yourself unable to look away, at least until someone speaks up.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” your hand drops to your side as Klaus releases you, looking up you see a woman standing on the giant staircase, holding a glass of champagne.
“Waiters are coming around with champagne, I invite you all to join me in raising a glass.”
Klaus grabs two glasses before offering you one, you shake your head, politely declining the offer “I don’t drink.”
“It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family together as one.” Klaus had no chance to ask you anything as the woman, who you assume is the mother continues her speech.
“I’d like to thank you all, for being a part of this spectacular evening.” You look to your side to see Klaus smiling up at his mother.
Your door slams open, making you sit up in your bed. “What were you doing at the Mikaelson ball?” Caroline walks in before sitting down on your bed.
Your brows furrow at her question “I was invited.” “Do you know them?” She looks concerned as she stares at you, “not before tonight, no. Why what’s wrong?”
She shakes her head “they are bad people y/n, you should stay away from them.”
You sigh, combing through your hair with your hand, frustrated. “Caroline, thank you for being concerned, but I would like to see that for myself, they have been nothing but kind to me tonight and they have talked to me more in one night than you have in a week. I don’t think you are allowed to tell me who I can and can’t talk to.”
She glares at you before standing up and leaving your room, “goodnight!” you shout as she closes the door “Goodnight.”
Days pass by slowly, time spent working for school, reading, listening to music, anything that would get your mind off the mysterious family that is the Mikaelson’s.
They were impossibly beautiful, the way they spoke seemed from a different time and the warning given by Caroline had you curious.
What was it that made them so dangerous?
You had seen them on separate occasions, they never seemed to pay attention to you, when all you did was stare, you were curious, you wanted to know more.
You saw something in them, and you wanted it to be true. But what if curiosity killed the cat.
You carefully watched where you were going, having your headphones on made it quite dangerous to walk outside. Looking both ways you cross the street. Stepping into a puddle before reaching the other side.
Your pants had gotten slightly wet from the water, the uncomfortable cold sticking to you like a plaster, unable to be shaken off.
The streetlights illuminated your path, your vision scanning your surrounding making sure there was nothing dangerous or someone nearby.
A water drop fell onto your head, looking up you see water dripping down from a tree branch, a soft smile graces your lips as you stare at the beautiful sight.
A soft sigh escapes your lips as you look away, making your way forward to get home.
The next song comes on, making you hum slightly. As you sway your head to the beat you turn your head around once more, only to be slammed against the side of the house on your left.
You hear your skull crack slightly at the force, a groan leaving your mouth as your hands reach for your head. You try to sit up, only to be pushed down before being lifted onto someone’s shoulder.
“Ah… the little witch is awake.”
You groan, trying to move your hands toward your head only to realise you can't move them. Quickly your eyes shoot open, the light burning them from the dark they had become used to.
Looking around you see that you have been tied to a chair, situated in an unfamiliar room. “Now, now, calm down love, you’ll hurt yourself.”
You look to the source of the voice you heard, your eyes widen slightly as you recognize the man, Niklaus. “Klaus?” He smirks, “you remember? Good, now I’m sure Caroline and her little group have told you many things about me, and let me assure you, they are correct-“
“They have not told me anything, other than that you are all dangerous.”
His head tilts slightly, this was clearly not in his plan. “Have they not?” you shake your head, grimacing at the pain you feel when moving.
Klaus moves forward, walking towards you while rolling up his sleeve. You stare at him confused; his gaze meets yours as he brings his wrist to his lips before biting it.
Blood slowly spills from his wrist, he quickly moves it towards your mouth, gesturing to his arm, “drink.” Your head slowly but surely moves to his wrist, wrapping your lips around him softly you close your eyes before suckling, the taste of blood taking over, making you gag slightly.
Just mere seconds after you feel your pain disappearing, your head no longer bursting with pain. “How?” you ask, it seemed impossible, how on earth could his blood heal your wounds, so quickly.
“Well, love, it seems you have been caught in the midst of a war between the supernatural. It is all real, vampires, werewolves, witches… the last you might be familiar with.”
“Vampires? You are a vampire?” a simple nod answers your question, your suspicion on the family seemed to be right, but you had not thought for a moment it would be like this.
“Wait, what do you mean familiar, why would I be familiar with the term witch?”
“Do you really not know anything? Are you that simple?” he looks annoyed at your unawareness. “You act as if I am supposed to know all of this, they don’t teach us this, do not insult me just because I seem to know less than you.”
“Do not speak to me like that,” his hand moves towards your neck, gripping onto it making it hard for you to breathe, “Do not treat me as a fool, I am an original vampire, and you, dear are my little witch.”
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sansloii · 4 months
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