#⚔ – verona
scvereignreigned · 11 months
⚔ – anna valerious
⚔ – gabriel van helsing
⚔ – carl
⚔ – count vladislaus dracula
⚔ – aleera
⚔ – marishka
⚔ – verona
⚔ – velken
⚔ – igor
⚔ – victor frankenstien
⚔ – frankenstien monster
⚔ – aesthetic
⚔ – wardrobe
⚔ – about
⚔ – headcanons
⚔ – musings
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La cinta muraria di quasi 2 chilometri e lo sfondo dei Colli Euganei fanno di Montagnana un membro del Club dei Borghi più belli d’Italia! 🏰
La prima fortificazione che diede vita alla città risale all’epoca delle invasioni barbariche, in seguito ricostruita e implementata nel ‘300 per rafforzare le difese contro gli Scaligeri di Verona. ⚔
The almost two-kilometre walls and the backdrop of the Euganean Hills make Montagnana a member of the Club of the Most Beautiful Villages in Italy! 🏰
The first fortification that gave life to the town dates back to the time of the barbarian invasions, later rebuilt and implemented in the 14th century to strengthen the defences against the Scaligeri of Verona. ⚔
📷 By IG @ valigia.pronta
📍 Montagnana | Padova
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valhyr · 2 years
&. would you sit at her table ?  willingly eat the meal she offers you ?  you understand there are consequences to being here ; you recognize she is not what she seems - yet she smiles , she tells you , “i slaughtered the meat for you , personally. i find you will enjoy it.” as if a compliment to your tastes - to her own - as if you do not already know you are being asked to partake of the ritual of consuming human flesh ; but eat &. be eaten , isn’t that right ?  do you indulge her ( do you indulge yourself ? ) ?  at the end , if she seeks a taste of you , are you then also willing ?  it is , after all , an intimacy you cannot rightly deny.
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valhyr · 2 years
verona vc : if i had a nickel for every time someone compared me to rufus . . . i would have exactly two nickels. which i know is not a lot , but i’m still concerned that this has happened twice.
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valhyr · 2 years
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃. || @tredispade​​ ( ft. sephiroth ! )
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          Lo’ the esteemed Chimera finds it in herself to descend from her towering roost set high above the cityline ( you must be quite lonely up there , darling ; aren’t you tired of being so far from the world ? ) .  And it is to Lux she retreats to ; an old habit , an older haunt.  Anywhere was better than the penthouse most days.  But Lux is a subdued mirror of its usual caliber , this early in the afternoon , the doors are open to barely anyone besides the kingpin and her underlings who busy themselves getting the lounge ready for opening shift some few hours from now.
          Grabbing a glass of gin , Verona is already found in her usual spot : sat at the piano centering the floor.  And though unprompted , she begins to play , melancholy melody easily and soulfully transmuting from clawed fingertips ( engulfed in music , this is the only real stave to unspoken wounds ) .
                                                 … 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐀 …
          It is a voice she recognizes – no – one she REMEMBERS .  Her breath catches , hands stilling ‘pon the keys.  For a moment , the woman cannot bring herself to lift her head , cannot allow herself to LOOK & SEE with own eyes who so calls for her attention— Though she already knows w h o .  A thick swallow , her gaze rising to look ‘pon the man standing adjacent to her seat.  She appears fit enough to w e e p , as if she’s seen him before ; as if she doubts he’s there at all ; as if , like all other times , this too , is some pleasant memory she has made up.  Slowly rising to her feet , she approaches him , expression incredulous and struck into a t r a n c e .  Clawed hands fix to his face , pulling him closer.  “Sephiroth ?”  Even simply pronouncing the name drives an a c h e into her.  “Tell me,” Voice is only audible enough for him , a secret moment only they can share.  “Tell me you are truly HERE .”  Thumbs graze the curve under his eyes.  A blissful smile only just begins to curl her painted lips.  “I have… Waited so long to see you again.”  
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valhyr · 2 years
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Verona has a VERY , VERY quiet step / gait ; it’s hard to hear her approach , so it’s better off relying on the sound of her armor / wings ( or heels , in modern verses ) . If your muse is attuned to magic / aural energy , it’s not uncommon they can very much s e n s e her presence long ‘fore she announces herself ( which is often done like an unveiling , stepping out of the shadows and into one’s sights ).  People often liken Verona to a ghost / a haunt for the fact she simply seems to “MANIFEST” in their presence ( yes , this applies to modern verses as well , which makes for many funny scenes imo ) . 
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valhyr · 2 years
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@soarae​ answered my prayers by bein’ cute with verona omg : braids Verona’s hair. 🤍
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          Minding that broken corona , lithe fingers easily tease ‘round spires of once-crown / rooted horns , prying golden threads from their place and intertwining them together , weaving a thick plait which is soon to measure down the length of winged backside.  Verona remains DOCILE the whole while – not typically one for such domesticity , an ever-moving / ever-riled creature she tended to be , for once c o n v i n c e d to remain still for such treatment ; the motions are entirely soothing to an overworked , war-wrought heart ( perhaps even long-awaited and well-deserved ) , and more than once or twice does the taller blonde find her head bobbing towards her shoulder as she begins to d o z e whilst the Lightbringer continues her meticulous hair-craft.
          Attention soon WANES once again , shadowed lids drifting closed in the midst of such companionable comfort.  Yet her resting stupor is short-lived as the bell-like giggle resounds from behind her , prompting the Valk awake and upright in her seat.  Pointed ears flick backwards , a sheepish expression coming ‘cross those gleaming features , those great wings ruffling in only the most PETULANT of ways.  It is not f a i r to mock her , you know ( though that wound to her divine ego is superficial at best ) !  She wagers Eva would be much the same if in the same position⸺
          Silver hues glance to the other’s face reflected in the mirror , crowned head turning slightly to ADMIRE the work she’s done thus far.  “O h,” Comes the utterance on internal breath , a gasp of pleasant surprise.  “How beautiful !”  She praises , “I never keep my hair pulled in such a way , but this may convince me otherwise.  Perhaps we could match !”  The Titan turns back , allowing Eva to continue.  “We. . . Should do things like this more often , I think.  If you would like.”  A smile is given while words are offered in truest sincerity ; she a d o r e s the other warrior ( a beloved friend indeed , nearly a sister not only in arms but in soul as well ) and would likely find any excuse to spend more time in her company.
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valhyr · 3 years
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i’ve gotten ( kinda’ ) acclimated to my new setting for this muse , so 𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐗 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 ! if you’re okay with me sifting through your prompts tag ( or just coming up with my own ) for something to send to your muse , feel free to ♡ this &. i’ll get to it !
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valhyr · 2 years
i’m thinking about how ... verona is emotionally CLOSED OFF . i mean severely. to some this is enigmatic , it provides a sense of mystique ; the only outright shows of emotion she gives are THEATRICS ( often rehearsed and dramatic , with the purpose to manipulate the situation or individual in question ) and that s m i l e - charming , maybe , but full of teeth - full of the promise of death should one not tread carefully in her presence. there should come a point , as there does with every warbred hellion in the world , that she may c r y and not notice the tears on her cheeks until they fall into her lap. THAT is something i want to see : vulnerability , and therefore trust , with another presence.
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valhyr · 2 years
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@selfher​ asked : TRANSIT :  for one muse to sit next to the other on a public transport. / from Katja 4 Vera!
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          There is something rather … HUMAN about taking public transportation , a choice not normally allotted— For the longest time , the Valk has remained an i s o l a t e d creature , her nature ( an innate desire to wage war , to bring ruin , to devour ) reminds her each day she spends in docile simplicity amongst the people that she is threading a fine and FRAYING needle ; tempting Fate , perhaps , but many would know her for a woman to always challenge the ways of things – as there is , verily , always a c h o i c e for a life to be lived ( & in capable hands , then , it should be possible to strangle the power from the stars who deign to dictate your course ) .  Yet there is no surprise , not even now , that when she is there – a god-thing near-assimilated into the masses , almost unrecognizable from another person – on the bus , clad in expensive attire fit for the upper-class aristocracy , she still feels so very OUTSIDE of everything ; as always , an observer.  A necessary price to pay , she assumes , for wanting to – for once – be part of the modern world who no longer needs the old gods and antiquated blood-written rituals.
          Verona s e n s e s the other ‘fore she speaks , her attention coming away from the rain-washed city beyond the bus window to look up towards the woman standing in the aisle , pointing to the seat beside her currently occupied by her buckle-bag.  An inhale , the register of a scent that does not seem human despite the flesh she wears ; an aura that sings a s t r a n g e verse reminiscent of an older world.  “Of course,” Verona says , tipping her head with a smile , picking up the bag to move it out of the way for her.  “Please , sit.  It is awfully crowded today , is it not ?”  Words come easily , tone is conversational and light.  “Surprising , really , given the weather.”
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valhyr · 2 years
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@bigveee​ asked : He'd scratch beneath her chin. "You have a way of poppin up, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were some kinda masochist."
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          What ?  No foreplay ‘fore THRUSTING right into the conversation— In their time apart , she’s forgotten how awfully forward he can be ( though no fault is offered , it has its merits , it gives her an idle good humor ) .  Some part of her wants to discard his thought entirely , to REMIND HIM how long it's been since last they spoke – had a drink , talked business ( or disputed pleasure ) – but she also remembers … He is not like Vox.  That would not be to his caliber.  Rather unfortunate !  But at least it seems little has changed in her absence , yet even that is a m e a g e r solace.
          The touch of his claws trailing ‘neath the gleaming flesh of her chin is … TOO FAMILIAR for her to ignore , her head turns to acknowledge him , lidded gaze lifting to meet his eye.  It is an all too g e n t l e gesture ; the Seraph is more than aware of what he’s capable of.  Perhaps it's a sign of respect , of favor— Verona can’t readily discern what it may mean ( if anything ) .  Crowned head lifts – o b e y i n g his motions – just enough to grant him leverage , a slight s m i l e teasing the seams of sanguine lips.  She knows well the ulterior meaning weighing his words , her kind does NOT BELONG here in Hell ( & surely there’s been no shortage of unworthy mongrels looking to take a prize out of her all-holy hide ) .  Even here in his club she’s a RELIC , shining / striking and d a n g e r o u s in her divine might.  The only one who is damned enough to risk approaching her alone is Valentino himself ( there is no fear to him & likely never would be ) .
          A smoking chuff escapes her ; the barest notes of a l a u g h huffed through the nose.  “A masochist ?  Did I ever come across that way to you before ?”  She finally pulls her head from his grip , returning to her drink.  “Consider , Val , I’ve my reasons for being in this place still.”  None of them GOOD , that much is obvious , but this relic elects to keep her secrets no matter how many times they’ve shared space.  “Would it help you to know y o u may be one of them ?”  Doesn’t look at him when she says the words , it’s hard to say if she’s even being sincere.  All she does is smile and raise the glass to her lips for a swallow of liquor.  An angel in the greater hierarchy , wasting her time on a demon overlord— what have things come to ?
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valhyr · 2 years
just a reminder : if you’re waiting for me to post memes here ... maybe don’t. likely a good reason to keep an eye on my main-blog as that’s where i post ask memes the majority of the time these days !
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valhyr · 2 years
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@soarae​ asked : ❝ I am known for my attention to detail. ❞
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          A spin is done ‘fore the gilt standing mirror , no sooner has one shoulder come back ‘round and spooling wisps of gold mane have settled into place than a n o t h e r twirl is performed for good measure , satisfying herself with the queerness ( the subtle vanity ) of being absolved of that war-waging glamour.  Appearance is no less than IMMACULATE , carefully curated by patience and effort alike ( though was much at all needed ? when the empyrean was vested with such sublime visage , it surely made the task all the easier— ) ; yet so accustomed to her vestments , her armor and bloody / battle-fraught pedigree , that it nearly STARTLES Verona to see herself in something so plainly f e m i n i n e . 
          Thus a bird-like LAUGH escapes the elder warrior , great wings unfurling and cresting forward in a most childlike show of m o d e s t y ‘fore she teeters in place , dancing ‘pon barefooted soles to turn and set sights ‘pon her company who had made this possible.  “And am I to be so s u r p r i s e d ?”  Comes the teasing retort to Eva’s words.  Posture crooks forward in emphasis of a playful tone.  “When I asked you to help me prepare for an evening out , I admit I did not expect you to go so far – I am impressed , but I never doubted your EXPERTISE for a second !”  After all , if anyone could change the nature of the b e a s t Verona so oft’ was made to be , it certainly was Miss Evangelique herself !  Even despite the newfound confidence , Verona straightens , swordsmetal hues cast again to the reflection who gazes back with an expression of trace UNCERTAINTY .  Claws raise to fiddle with the draping gemstones cinched ‘round scarred throat and kissing her cleavage , horned head canting slightly as she again studies her appearance.  “Hm , do you think she will like it ?  Do you not think it is too much ?”  Truly , the pursuit of LOVE was harder ( and more complex ) with every lifetime.
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valhyr · 2 years
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A little on into her career - when publicity became a nuance of the market she was investing into ( pruning her outwardly visible reputation , setting stakes on relationships with investors , the whole ordeal moving forward ) - verona made what she called a “CALCULATED RISK” during one interview for a magazine spread ( a rather routine thing at the time , simply curious about the young upstart who would provide an underdog story everyone would surely eat up ) . when it came time for pictures , not only did she do them ALONE , but she tilted her head to the LEFT ( that same dangerously coquettish smile teasing her lips ) , placing ringed-claws ‘gainst a glimmering cheek under her false optic so plainly branded , thus bringing attention to something one should likely keep hidden ; when it published , there was - unsurprisingly - an UPROAR . to that end ( when she was young & very much reckless ) , verona SINCERELY had nothing better to do than to antagonize her predecessors ( until , ofc , she sobered up and the charm of the act was lost ). 
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valhyr · 2 years
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@moon-hollowed​ asked : ❝ the fault is mine…and my responsibility to make it right. ❞
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          Deft-working hands retreat from mending open wound ( she is surprised he makes for a good patient when his friend is such a pest about it ) .  A frown overtakes her features , the empyreal g l o w surrounding her form suddenly DIMMING in reaction to words which cut to the quick of her heart in a way she is not fond of.  Silver-gold hues depart her task to find the claws in her lap – those wicked-working digits , tarnished overtime to a blackened state that would never quite wash away ; years ‘pon years of arcane abuse rendering her hands MONSTROUS & VOLATILE to behold ( yet does he seem to mind them ? doesn’t a monster notice a monster – doesn’t like recognize the like ? ) .  
          After a moment , her eyes lift again , those claws touching to his cheek to coax his gaze in line with hers.  “Listen to me,” Telepathy is a soft hum in his mind , an echo of a woman fraught with might and glory.  “You may believe yourself to be this t e r r i b l e thing , and by all accounts I may once have AGREED with you.  Back then , at least.”  A corner of her lips quirks upright , a winged shoulder lifting haplessly ( the past cannot be helped , can it ? ) .  “Now , however – now I SEE you : you are kind and you are i m p o r t a n t , and you are doing all you can to recover yourself.  But Isa,” Her hand leaves him then , resting with its mate in her lap , “Not EVERYTHING was your fault , you know.  And how can you tell me you think you can shoulder that responsibility on your own ?  Do you not do enough of that already ?  Are you not exhausting yourself trying to do so ?  You cannot possibly fix anything when you are extinguished ‘fore you even begin !”  Verona shakes her head at him ( as much as she does herself , she knows how this sounds for she does the same thing all too often ).  Silence begins to unfurl ‘tween them , a suddenly very familiar third-companion that waltzes in when neither seem to know w h a t can be said.  Rather than press the topic further , the Valk simply gives the Diviner an assuring smile , turning to clean up the mess she’s made.  She hopes she has not intruded ; her words are in EARNEST , they come from a place of UNDERSTANDING .
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valhyr · 2 years
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@moon-hollowed​ asked : ❛ this is not a threat , i promise . ❜
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          Paces come to a brief pause in their trek , although the Guardian has heard the Nobody speak , she does not deign to turn ‘round and give him recognition.  Instead , horned head shakes ; How did she end up here ?  Entangled with the Organization ?  A DOUBLE-AGENT ?  Her people – therein her entire realm – had nothing but hope , nothing but faith that s h e could provide a cure for the plague spreading through the Factions and yet – Verona turns then , looking at the Diviner with a strange expression ( was it disdain ? was it grief ? was it regret ? ) – she served the primal hunger of a deified darkness , she attempted ( against all reason ) to dethrone a god more ancient and more powerful than all creatures she’s ever known.  
          A smoking sigh leaves her , eyes closing a moment ‘fore slowly opening again.  “No ?  Well , you must forgive me for not trusting in your word alone.”  Verona’s tone is point and harsh.  She has done business with the Nobody’s more times than she cared to admit ; their word was worth VERY LITTLE when levied against their actions and intentions.  “You should blame your fellows for such a strain.  I , myself , would rather there be something more amicable , however I am sure even y o u understand there can be boundaries I cannot be willing to cross.”  Her head tilts away , attempting to hide the smile creeping onto her face.  “Not even for that immeasurable CHARM of yours.”  Was that a joke ?  Yes , but also a direct jab.  She turns fully ‘round and continues on her way , believing he would follow along.  “I apologize , but I cannot accept it.  If you want my trust , you should seek to e a r n it.”
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