#verona vc: you is kind / you is smart / you is important
valhyr · 2 years
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@moon-hollowed​ asked : ❝ the fault is mine…and my responsibility to make it right. ❞
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          Deft-working hands retreat from mending open wound ( she is surprised he makes for a good patient when his friend is such a pest about it ) .  A frown overtakes her features , the empyreal g l o w surrounding her form suddenly DIMMING in reaction to words which cut to the quick of her heart in a way she is not fond of.  Silver-gold hues depart her task to find the claws in her lap – those wicked-working digits , tarnished overtime to a blackened state that would never quite wash away ; years ‘pon years of arcane abuse rendering her hands MONSTROUS & VOLATILE to behold ( yet does he seem to mind them ? doesn’t a monster notice a monster – doesn’t like recognize the like ? ) .  
          After a moment , her eyes lift again , those claws touching to his cheek to coax his gaze in line with hers.  “Listen to me,” Telepathy is a soft hum in his mind , an echo of a woman fraught with might and glory.  “You may believe yourself to be this t e r r i b l e thing , and by all accounts I may once have AGREED with you.  Back then , at least.”  A corner of her lips quirks upright , a winged shoulder lifting haplessly ( the past cannot be helped , can it ? ) .  “Now , however – now I SEE you : you are kind and you are i m p o r t a n t , and you are doing all you can to recover yourself.  But Isa,” Her hand leaves him then , resting with its mate in her lap , “Not EVERYTHING was your fault , you know.  And how can you tell me you think you can shoulder that responsibility on your own ?  Do you not do enough of that already ?  Are you not exhausting yourself trying to do so ?  You cannot possibly fix anything when you are extinguished ‘fore you even begin !”  Verona shakes her head at him ( as much as she does herself , she knows how this sounds for she does the same thing all too often ).  Silence begins to unfurl ‘tween them , a suddenly very familiar third-companion that waltzes in when neither seem to know w h a t can be said.  Rather than press the topic further , the Valk simply gives the Diviner an assuring smile , turning to clean up the mess she’s made.  She hopes she has not intruded ; her words are in EARNEST , they come from a place of UNDERSTANDING .
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