#⚓ bottled messages
halfbloodpirates · 4 months
Plural culture is (someone forgets password) (changes password) (old password stops working) (changes password) (forgets password) (changes passwo
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sawdusst · 10 months
Theft of a Crew (Coroika Pirate AU) Chapter 3
[Markiplier voice] Hello everybody my name is Sawdust welcome back to another chapter of Theft of a Crew.
Sorry this chapter took longer than usual, I was kinda struggling to put something things together but I hope you guys enjoy it :DD
Here's the usual things:
Main thread
Previous Chapter
Word Count: 1,1671 + some edits
====== [ ⚓ ] ====== [Message in a bottle]
“Goodbye! Come again!” 
The shopkeeper had eventually showed up and as Barreleye looked for something in exchange, the inkling offered something instead.
Barreleye held the message in a bottle as they left.
“You really didn’t have to do that, you know,” Barreleye said, holding the glass bottle in his hand, “I could’ve found something… I was thinking about trading in my telescope or something since I barely use it… Hey, by the way, I don’t think I ever got your name earlier—” 
“It was really no trouble at all!” The other inkling replied with a smile. The inkling completely avoided Barreleye’s question as they turned to leave, “I should get going now. Hey, by the way, do you know anywhere I could get a new coat? Mine's falling apart."
"Oh.. I'm not really familiar with the area, sorry..." Barreleye replied, tilting his head with concern, "But I'm sure there's plenty of clothing vendors around who are willing to help you out."
"Don't worry about it!" The inkling replied, "I'll figure it out!" They turned to leave. "I'll see you around!"
As Barreleye watched the other inkling leave, his gaze shifted to the bottle in his hand.
With a loud pop the cork came off and Barreleye slid out the paper inside. He unfurled the old piece of paper as he walked, careful not to accidentally rip it. The paper’s ink was mostly faded. It was a decently sized treasure map. There were golden ink stains and smudged, messy handwriting scribbled on the paper. 
Barreleye tilted his head with confusion as he looked at it. It was a rather messy sketch with a few islands sloppily labeled. The whole map looks as if it was made in a hurry and frantically thrown together. 
The map illustrated a part of the sea that Barreleye wasn’t familiar with. He then noticed a sloppily drawn landmark circled in bright red ink. He looked over the map with a puzzled look on his face.
He noticed there was a chunk of the map missing in the corner, drenched with black ink. It appeared to have been ripped off. Barreleye walked off to the side. He rolled the map back up and carefully placed it back into the bottle. 
“I should read more into it once I meet back up with the others,” Barreleye thought to himself as he continued to peruse the marketplace.
====== [ ⚓ ] ======
The sun was starting to set. Barreleye looked towards the horizon with his shadow looming behind him. He started walking back to the docks, where he was supposed to meet back up with his crew. 
Much to his surprise, as he approached the ship, he noticed it was eerily silent at the docks. There was also a ship parallel to his that wasn’t there before. It was quiet, too quiet. Barreleye tensed, he hurried down the cobblestone path and headed towards his ship.
“I hope everyone is alright… I wonder where they are,” he thought to himself. 
The cobblestone path ended as Barreleye stepped onto the wooden docks. A few members of his crew were walking around on the ship, moving crates and walking around. Barreleye sighed a breath of relief as he hurried over to them.
“Hey! Guys!” Barreleye exclaimed as he approached the ship, “Did Tako or anyone else come back yet?”
None of his crewmates on board responded. All of their heads were lowered as they walked. Barreleye tilted his head with confusion, walking closer to the ship’s ramp. He looked up, noticing that his pirate flag was missing from its post.
"...What happened while I was gone..?"
Barreleye tried to call out to his crewmates again, but none of them seemed to hear him. Their gaze was still fixated on what they were doing. There was also no sign of Tako, Mitsuami, or Hornmet aboard the ship.
“...Huh, I guess they haven’t come back yet…” Barreleye wondered out loud. He then looked at his crew with a worried expression on his face, “What are you all doing?”
He was still met with eerie silence. Barreleye walked onto his ship. He looked at his crewmates who were all walking around. Barreleye looked down, seeing bloodstains that soaked into the wooden deck. He could feel an icy chill as he stood there.
Barreleye tensed, clenching his fists. 
“What..happened…?” Barreleye asked in a quiet voice. Barreleye hurried in front of one of his crewmates, an octoling that wore a bright blue bandana around his head and a white shirt with black shorts.
Before Barreleye could say something, the crewmate stumbled out of Barreleye’s way and continued to walk towards a set of crates behind him. Barreleye tilted his head with confusion. As the octoling trudged past him, Barreleye could see a sense of emptiness in his eyes.
Barreleye quickly turned around and grabbed his crewmate’s arm. “Hey! Wait a second— What happened while we were gone? Are you alright?”
Panic started to creep into Barreleye’s voice. His crewmate yanked his arm free from the captain’s grasp and continued to walk forward. 
Barreleye then heard a noise behind him. The sound of a door opening and footsteps hitting the wooden deck.
"Well, what do we have here?"
Barreleye perked up. He heard the captain’s cabin door open and footsteps walking out of it. Barreleye slowly turned around, turning to face the stranger aboard his ship. There was a silvery blue inkling standing before the ship, a Kensa charger resting on his shoulder carelessly. He wore a pair of black shades that obscured his eyes and a black coat with golden trim. 
“You’ve got quite a nice ship here, Captain,” He smiled at Barreleye. He then looked around the ship, kicking his feet against the wooden deck, “I like what you’ve done with the place. I hope you don't mind I had to move a few things around."
"And who are you, exactly?" Barreleye asked.
He then extended his hand to Barreleye, a smile still on his face. “You can call me Hivemind. It really is an honor to finally meet you.” 
Barreleye hesitantly shook the latter’s hand.
“Wha— What did you do to them? My crew... they're all...” Barreleye stammered. He looked down, realizing the deck he was standing on was scattered with the bloodstains of his crew. He then looked back up at the emptied gazes of his crew. “They all seem—”
“Brainwashed?” Hivemind interjected, “Don’t worry Captain, I didn’t hurt them— for the most part… They’re doing just fine! Isn’t that right everyone?” Hivemind then looked over at Barreleye’s crew.
A few crewmates nodded in response. 
“Wha-What do you mean?” Barreleye snapped.
"I've gotta admit, your crew put up a fight," Hivemind continued, "It was a bit tedious rounding all of them up. I'll admit, that was the most fun I've had in a while."
“You really think I’m going to let you do all of this?” Barreleye took a hesitant step backwards. His fingertips dug into his palm as he tried to keep his composure. “What are you going to do, kill me or something?” 
Hivemind tilted his head with confusion. He laughed for a split second. “Kill you? That's some pretty strong word choices. Do you really think I would do something like that?” 
Hivemind then placed a hand on his chest. “I’m honestly a bit offended you think that lowly of me. We literally just met and you already think I'm some kind of- murderer.
"I was just going to have you join them, wouldn't that be something?" Hivemind smiled, "A crew is nothing without their captain, of course."
Barreleye hesitated for a moment, remembering that not all of his crew was aboard. Tako, Mitsuami, Hornmet, and a few others were still walking around town…
“We promised to meet back up at sundown…” Barreleye thought to himself, “I have to go warn them or—”
Just before Barreleye could leave, two of his crewmates blocked his path. The captain flinched and staggered backwards.
“Hold on a second,” Hivemind said bluntly, “Just where do you think you’re going? We’re not done talking here.”
Barreleye looked at his crew with an uneasy expression on his face. He took a deep breath. “If it’s treasure you want, you can have it. Just let my crew go.”
“It’s really nothing personal against you,” Hivemind replied nonchalantly, “Pretty soon, this whole thing is going to feel like a bad dream.”
Hivemind then smiled at Barreleye. “And you’ll join us. Whether you like it or not.”
Barreleye reached for his cutlass. He dug his heels into the wooden deck. Hivemind noticed this and sighed with frustration. He looked off to the side.
"Oh great, here we go again," Hivemind mumbled. “I suggest you choose your next steps carefully. You’re outnumbered. If you want this to be painless, you should drop the cutlass and do as I say."
“As if I’m going to surrender to the likes of you,” Barreleye scowled.
“That’s the least painful way to go. I wouldn't want to hurt you,” Hivemind replied, “Who knows when the other members of your crew will show up to help you. You’d probably already be in rough shape by then.”
"We were all supposed to meet back here, the others could show up any moment," Barreleye retorted. He looked at the emotionless gazes of his crew. "And I wouldn't want to hurt my own crew."
"No Captain would," Hivemind replied bluntly, "Doesn't matter who you are. I wouldn't want to hurt you either."
Hivemind then trailed his gaze to the brainwashed crewmates. "..But I'm sure they would."
Barreleye hesitated, tightening his grip around the cutlass' handle. He steadied himself, thinking of his next step.
Hivemind then tilted his head curiously. “So… 
Hi gamers the action's starting >:3
the things are happening!!!!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I'll try to have the next chapter out as soon as possible! But I will be busy with school since exams are coming up for me :'D I'll try my best though!
Thank you so much for reading! Have a nice day/night!
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halfbloodpirates · 5 months
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Welcome aboard! We're a group of three headmates from Observatory 12, lightheartedly dubbed the "pirate ship trio". This blog'll just be a little space for us to chill and hopefully meet other plurals! We want this to be a safe space for us. He/they works for us collectively. No collective name (yet?) so feel free to refer to us as the pirate ship trio lol.
Our intros can be found under the cut :}
> Divider credit
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- We're firmly pro-endo. We are from a traumagenic-adaptive mediple (suspected OSDD) system that has endogenic members. We don't mind antis as long as you don't try to argue with us about this. - We are bodily minor, but none of us are minors in the headspace. That being said, SFW interactions only. Our only DNI is NSFW and minors DNI blogs (obviously). You're free to interact from a different one though! - This is a side blog. We interact from @twelve-nights, our system's collective kin blog. - We're autistic and have a very bad memory so please be patient and use tone tags if possible!
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Members + Tags
#🎣 gone fishin' | Cesario, he/sea +more
Hiya! I'm an OCtive and kinform-fictive of Viola-Cesario from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (yes, actually). I'm an ageslider of 16 to 26, although I'm usually in my 20s. I accidentally started this group lol... Guess my piratecore fixation was contagious ;} I'm also a subsystem! Please do not refer to me with fem terms or by Viola unless you ask first. I prefer to present male to people I'm not comfortable enough around.
#🔱 illyerian business | Ori / Orsino, he/him + he/hine
Greetings! It is my pleasure to welcome you aboard. I am a fictive of Orsino from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night and mostly a fragment still. I typically avoid "Shakespearean English" but you may find me using thou/thee from time to time. I enjoy aesthetics and the like, so you may see me experimenting with moodboards and stimboards here! I will try not to lovepost about my dear husband-wife too much :]
#⚓ bottled messages | Severus / Lui, he/tree + mirror neos
Salutations. I am a kinform of Severus Snape from Harry Potter. I am also our collective's gatekeeper-caretaker. I'm roughly 32, agevague. I have a few other sources/main IDs, so feel free to ask if you're curious. I promise I'm nowhere near as cruel as my source, though I still identify with it a significant amount. I can type rather bluntly and dryly, but I do not have ill intent. I am also an endogenic headmate; if you don't like that, it's not my problem.
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halfbloodpirates · 26 days
Drinking raspberry flavored iced tea and pretending it's wine because the body is a minor but I'm still a "wine aunt" apparently.
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halfbloodpirates · 26 days
I feel as though our system is in shambles right now. I've seen it go through ups and downs despite my dormancies, but I still worry about us.
Everything is falling apart around us in the meatspace and everything is growing further and further away in the headspace. There's only twelve of us, but the headspace has two entire cities, a forest, and an ocean. It's eerily quiet and empty.
I wish I could bring the headspace back into a singularity and rebuild it all, but I don't want to erase the traces and creations left behind by those who we were able to meet before they disappeared.
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halfbloodpirates · 4 months
What do you mean we have a walk in. Where did you come from. Why are you here. No I don't trust you with front until you explain who you are; I WILL interrogate you like a detective.
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halfbloodpirates · 4 months
I think it's very interesting how we're collectively deerkith/deerhearted. It's like... sure, my patronus might've been Lily's, but I'm a deer as well.
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halfbloodpirates · 5 months
Tempted to see what people think my wand was... I remember what it was very clearly (...except for whatever Ollivander said about "springiness" and whatnot).
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halfbloodpirates · 5 months
My favorite pasttime is tormenting Sev with awful x reader fics of his source <3
Save me. Please.
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