#♾️🪞 anon
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
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merry christmas, 'nons!
ok. Ok. OK. OKAYTYYYYY OKAYYY THIS FUCKS HARD THIS FUXKS HARD THIS DEADASS FUCKS HHHARD. hoax anon idk ur @ but. im tagging ur sign off anyway!!!! @dotted-ink ]
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hoaxedhoax · 3 months ago
"Hoax is like a shelter dog. Anxious. Watching the door and your hand with a distrust and a consistent bark. Give them time, and they'll give up on digging at the fence, pushing back."
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Helloooo :D You most likely, probably, know me as the ♾️🪞 anon. Hi. I have a blog for Hoax now, please torment speak with him accordingly.
This blog is meant to be viewed on mobile. It'll look really funky on any other device, terribly sorry.
Rules and important stuff below!
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RULES (It's not a lot I promise)
I'm frequent on other blogs, this being one of them
Hoax is one of Quackity's employees! Take note of this :]
[Vague mentions are allowed but please do not go overboard. If you went too far which I doubt will happen but regardless it will be deleted. Very sorry.]
SEND WHATEVER YOU WANT OTHERWISE!!! I adore knowing that people like Hoax. Be funny! Be serious! Give him fun facts! Tell him whaaaateeeverrr you want.
ASKING IS ENCOURAGED, SPAMMING ASKS IN THE INBOX ARE ALSO ENCOURAGED! Also 'Complaint Box' is just a /j little joke, don't worry
Suggested asks!
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#IC: thoughts while reflecting : In character posts :]
#OOC: talking to myself in the mirror : OOC talking. Most likely very rare but here. Take it.
#reflection archive : Important details and general lore. Hoax isn't a canon character, but he does have a story so. Tag for it if it ever comes up :3
#🦠 charlie
#🐝 tubbo
#🪻 purpled
#🌹 tommy
#🍹 laverna
#🎲🔧 becket
#💎 emerlyn
#🎇 sparky
#🍰 anon
#🐕 anon
#❄️ anon
#🌹 anon
#🦚 anon
#🎥 anon
#🫁 anon
#👁️ anon
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@quackity1999 (Of course :)
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hellish-npts · 5 months ago
The Shifting Mound [STP] ID Pack
Pt: The Shifting Mound [STP] ID Pack /end pt
Names: Adonis, Anubis, Bacchus, Change, Dear, Demeter, Dionysus, Fragile, Grace, Hades, Infinite, Janus, Ker, Keres, Many, Morgan, Morrgan, Morrígan, Multi, Multitudes, Osiris, Pan, Phanes, Princess, Royal, Shift, Thanatos, Truth, Vessel
Pronouns: all/alls, change/changes, death/deaths, divine/divines, fragile/fragiles, grace/graces, infinite/infinites, life/lifes, mound/mounds, multi/multitudes, multitude/multitudes, princess/princess', royal/royals, shift/shifts, slay/slays, truth/truths, ♾️/♾️s, 👑/👑s, 🔁/🔁s, 🕊️/🕊️s, 🪞/🪞s
Titles: prn who contains multitudes, prn who shouldn't be mourned, prn with a gentle heart, prn with countless hands / faces, prn with many vessels, the former / once princess, the fragile vessel, the god [ dess ] of truth / life / death / change, the princess, the shifting mound
Gender: Pluralslaycessic, Gynefluid, Alexigender, Pariestix, Khaosgender, Oceanfluid, Deathian, Beogender, Duopelgender, Existerra, Girlloopia, Lifevoidian, Girldead, Revealove, Finalitum, Killica, Princess System
Other ids: Slaypricolosec, The Princess, Idenshifter, Dissodeity, Life Deity, Moribund Deity, Life Deity, Eldritch Deity, Dexitin, Desirdead, Death Deityfolk, Death Eiment, Princess 4 Princess
Text in bold is Names, Pronouns, Titles, Genders, and Other ids respectively
Requested by Anon
Tagging @id-pack-archive
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misdre · 2 years ago
last for the headcanon meme! i got no art for this so i just. well i dunno look at this cute old reimax.
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💕 Family headcanon:
i've talked about max's family in many of these but hmm what else. charlotte is born in japan and she's a lot more asian-passing than max ever was as a kid. max absolutely adores her and he's the best big brother ever and always protects her from bullies and teaches her to play all the best games. he's young at heart forever so it doesn't matter that they got a. what. 13 years age difference
rei's family gives me a headache and i much preferred headcanoning him an orphan. i wanted to think he was raised by the chens and that's why mao and rai are like his siblings but then canon was like hmm, no! alright then. in my dreams (read: AUs) he's still an orphan tho a more serious family headcanon: his mother is the most beautiful lady ever in the byakko clan and SINCE WE DON'T HAVE NAMES FOR HIS PARENTS WHICH I AM NOT AT ALL SALTY ABOUT i'd want to think she also has a plant-related name like rei's means the plum tree. maybe xiulan (beautiful + orchid) or something like that. maybe part of why rei prides his hair so much is that it's the same as his mother's. he takes after her 100% in looks. rei's dad, i don't give a fuck he's just some dude. watch me ship her with judy over his dad any day not so serious family headcanon: rei's got a zillion little siblings which is the real reason he yeeted the village as soon as he could because he was made to look after them 24/7
then. both together. well the cursed fact is that a long time ago some anon asked me about a reimax lovechild and i made one and i maybe kind of think about them every now and then. would totally re-design them and all now in present day but. mm yeah. i'm not even into characters having children in general, but when you have an OTP for long enough. well
this was the last one! here's a list of all the earlier ones (again, based on this post):
🌻 Happy headcanon 🌧️ Sad headcanon 🛠️ Job headcanon ♾️ AU headcanon 🥂 Drinking headcanon ♀️ Genderbend headcanon 🔥 Angry headcanon 👻 Fear headcanon 🎵 Musical headcanon 🍙 Food/Cooking headcanon 🛍️ Shopping headcanon 🧸 Childhood headcanon 💤 Sleep headcanon 💚 Friendship headcanon 🔞 NSFW headcanon ❤️ Romance headcanon 📚 School headcanon 🪞 Appearance headcanon 💾 Technology headcanon
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quackity1999 · 2 months ago
k, but if u ever get tired of the ‘boss’ thing, i’d happily become your personal assistant. i could be the one making you coffee and holding your coat like a true professional !
eh, already got an assistant.
[ charlie's slinging an arm over quackity's shoulder, waving at . . nothing? it's complicated. ]
um. okay, it— charlie, you can wave for like 3 seconds, not 20. yeah. arm down. there you go.
ANYWAY! hahaha, uhhhhh, we've also got hoax and laverna around the office pretty often. they're reliable, for the most part, and keep shit running wherever i'm unable to.
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
hear me out on Hoax okay...
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quackity1999 · 2 months ago
massive q can you tell us what hoax's real name is if you know :-(
nope. i mean, i do know it— but why would i tell you? it's classified information.
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
I think of everyone in Las Nevadas like dogs.
Foolish a golden retriever. Abounding in excitement, unfocused, and gentle despite his size and ability to harm. Too trusting.
Causing problems when he's not on a tight leash.
Hoax is like a shelter dog. Anxious. Watching the door and your hand with a distrust and a consistent bark. Give them time, and they'll give up on digging at the fence, pushing back. All the others did.
Fundy is like a stray. A mutt, digging for scraps of affection and approval and yet biting hands that get too close. Unpredictable and in the same beat easily herded.
Laverna is quiet, perhaps a basset hound. They could still bite you, but they haven't yet. They're herding the others, and sniffing out the problems, and all they ask for in return is a bowl with their name on it.
Purpled's a terrier. Not much else to say there. As long as you keep him trapped in his rabbit tunnels, you'll be fine.
Slime is like a puppy. A new puppy. All fresh eyed innocence, and yet he knows what goes on in your house more than all the others.
Sam is an Alsatian. War dog. Built to defend. But he was already trained long before you gave him a collar.
What're you going to do when they learn you're just as edible as the table scraps you feed them?
. . . hm.
fuck it, i'll bite back. everyone here knows how to in some way. i mean, las nevadas tends to be a dog eat dog world. right? :]
guess it's more fun to be the owner when the dog never wanted to leave the pound.
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
[Terribly sorry because I'm working on a blog for Hoax at this moment but it's not done so I have to use anon still, BUT. I'm actually FOAMING AT THE MOUTH looking at the art. I saved it in my camera roll and I keep going back just to stare at it. It's so yummy. I have plans to eat it for dinner. Genuinely that is exactly what Hoax looks like in my head, age and scruffiness and questionable fashion choices, how was it EXACTLY how I pictured him. And this was the best Christmas present I could receive. AAAAH. And the fact that Hoax is adored enough to be drawn, oh my GOD. Makes me so incredibly happy. Jumping around over here. I'm going to be staring at it and thinking about it for the next weeks. I love artists I love artists I love artists I love artists I love artists! :]
[ OOC: STARES AYOOOOOO wait that means i can actually yap at you ooc!!!!!!!! high FIVES YOU ]
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
[In regards to the saving-dying-ask-whatever, very glad to see that Hoax is recognized as the stupid kind of smart by Q. As well as nowhere near as aggressive/upfront as Laverna. Exactly the intention. Thank you for letting there be a dumbass in your blog :]
[ OOC: FRRR!!! its partially bc of what she said in this ask — laverna's got that edge quackity can appreciate, while hoax (i love hoax) is very bitey toward him and also.... yeah deffo a stupid jittery smart. q has to put in more effort to keep him loyal yk?
hoax can be proactive and smart which q can find useful in some situations, of course, but laverna is a lot more solid and reliable in his eyes (even tho hoax is doing pretty well w/charlie LMAO)
I LOVE IT I LOVE THE LITTLE VARIETIES AND !!!!! how that plays into characters and what they value and. yeah i fucking adore it dude keep it up ]
[ context 4 those who didnt see the saving/dying ask ]
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
"laverna" FUCK YOU I'D SAVE HOAX and of course YOU want to save the bartender. typical.
not only is laverna a bartender— she's useful. hoax, while he's probably good at managing paperwork and freaking out over charlie, laverna's got that cunning edge. she's not afraid to bite. y'gotta have a backbone when you're working in close quarters with me.
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
[ OOC: shall tag em!!!!! plus i wanna shoutout the wilbur anon (🟣👓) i miss you com.e back sometime u write wilbur so accurately it makes my teeth fuckignrg hurt /majorpos.
also purpled anon now has a blog ( @ourpl3d ) so take out ur rage on him GO GO GO GO ]
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quackity1999 · 3 months ago
CHARLIE. Please. Do not. Flick random levers. Please. Begging you, hands and knees. You're probably going to... explode. Something. Or... I don't know. Just please don't do that or both of us are fucked.
Also Q says hi. Not sure if you were worried about that but... yeah, he's fine.
Dear god. I'm going to actually start banging my head against some shiny quartz walls if another person tries fucking with you and telling you to do stuff that will get all of us fired.
Hrrrgh. Actually. Charlie, what's a good distraction for you? As in, what do you like doing in your free time?
[ context. ]
AAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Hoax from Las Nevadas! I didn't flick anything. I am not a flicker-er.
I Promise. :D Please don't stress yourself out, you might give yourself an aneurysm. And we can't have that, Mister Cool Worker At A Corrupt Nation That Isn't Really A Nation Because It's Just A Lot Of Machines And No Sense of a Proper Community.
I like digging holes. And also staring deep into mirrors! I think gambling is really fun! As well as leaving sticky notes (gunk covered) around the place. I do a great job of it, Hoax from Las Nevadas!
(And I miss Quackity from Las Nevadas a whole lot. I think he may be dead. Who knows! Haha.)
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quackity1999 · 4 months ago
Is there a tommy you interact with on here?
[ OOC: not regularly, no!!
i think we've got some folks sorta locked in, though which is super snazzy.
laverna (🍹) and hoax (♾️🪞@/hoaxedhoax ) run various aspects of las nevadas alongside charlie & q. we've got a purpled anon (🪻🛸 @/ourpl3d ), a niki (🕊️), a tommy ( @/t0m-1nn1t), we have an incredible wilbur anon (🟣👓), a schlatt (🍾) on occasion as well as a foolish (🦈). and there was ALSO a ted nivison bodyguard anon (🐮), come bbback pleas e. i cant think of any other "canon" anons that are referenced regularly??? so.
feel free to pop in with like. random workers like hoax & laverna tho. send big q letters or updates or hotel logs or security breaches orrr business partnerships orrr!!!! idk i'll roll with mostly anything if it makes sense, just no major godmodding pls. we recently got a treasury of the postal service (postal anon) and a maintenance worker for foolish (redacted anon) THATS SO SICK. MORE OF THAT THANK YOU!!!!!
i would really reaaally love a well written karl & sapnap for angst mwahahah :3 AND A DREAM omg theres so many characs i want q to interact with.
IMPORTANT: hi. lookit this post!! especially if you're planning to get involved via a seperate blog.
i am patient and open to occasionally discussing in dms too 👍👍 (theres a few ppl who've wanted to be pals and i am politely careful abt it /lh so i usually only talk in dms to analyse OR plan stuff.) sooo yeah :3]
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quackity1999 · 4 months ago
CHARLIE. Charlie. Come help keep people from wrecking the casino, okay? No president shit. Let's work on the right now in this place, yeah? I'll let you tell me about every bone in someone's spine if you come help out.
Awh. Presidency is fun! I get to talk to people more. And they like me. Dap me up!
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quackity1999 · 4 months ago
...I could deliver food too if you needed it?
wouldn't that, just. i don't want to put fucking everything on one person. delegating tasks is important.
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