#♫ 𝄈 why am i like this? ♯ character study
sarcaasmic · 7 days
Just gonna leave this here-
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(blank version)
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sarcaasmic · 16 days
What is the color palette of your name?
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sarcaasmic · 1 month
What would you be the patron saint of?:
The Patron Saint of Relics
patron saint of remembering. patron saint of holding something close. patron saint of holding on for too long. for a saint, a relic is often a part of the body, kept for some physical memento of their holiness. they are all in your hands, now: does it feel like remembrance? does it feel sanctified? are the dust and blood as precious as they're supposed to be?
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sarcaasmic · 1 month
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sarcaasmic · 2 months
remember to repost, not reblog!
bold all that apply to your muse  ,  memories of my childhood edition... tw, contains mentions of abuse / neglect / death / trauma
scraped knees,  silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness,  a dog barking,  rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house,  forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss,  trying to make sense of the noise,  hiding what you love to protect it,  trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing,  realizing you aren’t a priority,   grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough,  the hope things might someday get better,  grief that aches in your bones,  childish dares and pranks,  the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry,  sledding down a frozen hill,  absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide... just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go,  brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
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sarcaasmic · 3 months
go to pinterest, type in “[your muses name] core aesthetic” and create a moodboard using nine images.
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sarcaasmic · 4 months
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A look into Ellie's insta!
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sarcaasmic · 4 months
Who are you in this haunted house story?
The Mother
You pour everything you have left into those you love. Desperately, frantically you try to fix what is broken, but the cracks spread faster than you can mend. If only you can hold everyone together, then things might just be okay! However, you only have two hands and all anyone seems to do is pull away. Everyone is different now, even you, and pretending not to see it isn’t making anything better. You see the signs of things going wrong, of what is but should not be, and you try to warn them. You love with every fiber of your being, but try as you might, you cannot make them understand. They don’t listen, no one ever listens.
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
Reblog and BOLD all of the themes that apply to your muse’s aesthetic or mood as a character.  ( repost, don’t reblog! )
Bloodied knuckles | Tear stained cheeks | Rust | A busted lip | Claws | Fangs | A bloody nose | Chattering teeth | A dark space underneath the bed | Scratching noises on a wall | Creaking metal | Fog | Dancing under moonlight | Blood dripping lips | Heavy breathing in the dark | A feeling of unexplained dread | A figure in a dark corner |  Dirty peeling wallpaper | A bloody handprint on the wall | Sobbing in the dark | Bite marks on the skin | Eerie whispers | A hood covering a stranger’s eyes | The growl of a hidden animal | The sound of a blade being sharpened | A deep, dark forest | Walking on the streets alone at night | A cobweb-filled, abandoned building | Eyes darting in paranoia | A heavy beating pulse | The feeling of being trapped | Struggling to get out a scream | Boards covering broken windows | A quiet graveyard | A gas station in the middle of nowhere | A road that never ends | Heavy fog rolling in | The scent of blood in the air | Eerie old photographs | Walking along traintracks at night | A chill going up the spine | Gathering crows | A dusty, dimly lit study | Mist over a deserted cobblestone street | Ghost towns | Shadows around a campfire | The sound of chanting | Church bells tolling | An orange harvest moon | A broken down carnival | A dirty stuffed animal abandoned | Wiping bloody hands on fabric | Nightmares | Waking up in a panic | A power outage | Heavy lightning storms | A secret trap door | The feeling of being watched | Fear from trauma | A Ouija board set out on a table | An eerie doll | A scream of anguish and pain | Withered plants | A room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust  | Owl eyes in the dark | Curled, dead tree branches | A ritual altar | Flickering candles | A lantern held up in the dark | Fear of being followed | Creaking floorboards | Repressed, horrible memories | Clenched teeth | Soft, echoing piano keys | An old book covered in dust | Many pairs of glaring eyes | Stumbling in pitch black darkness | Being stranded in the middle of nowhere | Tarot cards on a table | A trail of blood
Found: @aestheticreposts-galore
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
Color what applies to your muse.
social status: upper class / middle class / working class / poor
favorite time: day / night
favorite place: indoors / outdoors
food: meat / poultry / fruit / vegetables / snacks / sweets / grains / nuts / seeds / dairy / seafood / eggs
drink: tea / coffee / water / juice / alcohol / milk / soda
transport: on foot / automobile / wagon / aircraft / boat / carriage / animal / spacecraft / taxi / skateboard / bus / subway / bike / sleigh
clothing: t-shirt / blouse / henley / smock / polo / turtleneck / flannel / gown / sleeveless / kimono / tunic / waistcoat / tank top / tube top / vest / jersey / karategi / tuxedo / dress / western / jeans / trousers / shorts / bell bottoms / overalls / breeches / skirts / cargo pants / tutu / sweatpants / leggings / coveralls / capris / tights / pinstripes
extras: coat / duster / hoodie / trench coat / robe / cloak / blazer / shawl / windbreaker / topcoat / sweater / puffy jacket / cardigan / denim jacket / poncho / apron / cape / overcoat / quilted vest / parka / bomber jacket / raincoat / tailcoat / varsity jacket
footwear: none / socks / stockings / combat boots / shoes / platforms / sneakers / pumps / sandals / moccasins / flip-flops / stilettos / ballet shoes / galoshes / high-tops / boots / c*nverse / cleats
headwear: none / beanie / straw hat / fedora / headscarf / snapback / beret / bandana / knit cap / top hat / ushanka / bonnet / sombrero / cowboy hat / veil / bowler hat / headband / toupée / wig / tiara / ribboned hats / crown
weapons: hands / teeth / firearms / spear / knife / baseball bat / pepper spray / dagger / stun gun / bayonet / sword / staff / brass knuckles / hammer / makeshift & improvised / chain / stones / grenades / molotov cocktails / club / bow & arrow / crossbow / scythe / chainsaw / superpowers / magic / poison / baton / machete / axe
found: @aestheticreposts-galore
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
Which character archetype are you?
Reflection You are the most versatile and complicated character archetype. You are the best friend, the sidekick, the character foil, the grudging ally. If this story had taken place a few years earlier or later, you would be the hero. But this is not your story, you are just telling it. You are either going to die at the climax in the hero's arms or betray the hero in an excruciating way. The question is: excruciating for who?
What color is your love?
Black; love as healing Your love is the carefully tilled soil of last year's garden. In that way, loving you is rich with possibilities and growth. You are a quiet weekend night, as the stars begin to wink down at you. You sit, you listen, you reflect. Perhaps in the past you've been misunderstood, maybe by yourself. Everything has the potential for love. Love is a promise for you.
Choose some films and i'll tell you what random yet oddly-specific film trope you are
final girl covered in someone else's blood you're badass, hot. nothing else to add.
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
color what your muse can do. bold for something they can do to some extent
bake a cake from scratch / ride a horse / drive a submarine / speak a second language / write in a second language / dance / catch a fish / play an instrument / throw a punch / ice skate / unclog a drain / program a computer / change a flat tire / broken cart wheel / fire a gun / sew / embroider / knit / crochet /  juggle / play poker / paint / fly a kite / sculpt / write poetry / change a diaper / sing / shoot a bow and arrow / ride a bike / swim / sail a boat / do a back flip / play chess / give cpr / pitch a tent / flirt / stitch a wound / read palms / use chopsticks / write in cursive / use an electric drill / braid hair / make a campfire / make a mixed drink / do sudoku puzzles / do crossword puzzles / wrap a gift / give a good massage / jump-start a car / roll their tongue / do magic tricks / do yoga / tie a tie or cravat / skip a rock / shuffle a deck of cards / read morse code / pick a lock / fly a plane / train a dog, cat / fix a car / apologize / write a business letter / say the alphabet backwards / read music / cook complex meals / change oil / paint nails / draw / socialize / march / take apart a gun / drive a rig / operate a tank / climb a tree / rock climb / tie a cherry stem / basic first-aid / draw blood / put out a fire / drive stick shift / cultivate a garden / do pottery
Found: @aestheticreposts-galore
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
Tag Drop
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
bold your muse’s preferences
1. Movies
Comedy or Action?
Romance or Horror?
Adventure or Drama?
Historical or Musicals?
Sci-fi or Westerns?
2. Food
Tea or Coffee?
Cake or Pie?
Fruit or Vegetables?
Sweet or Spicy?
Cereal or Oatmeal?
Bagels or Cookies?
Sandwich or Pizza?
3. Nature
Early Bird or Night Owl?
Summer or Winter?
City or Countryside?
Cats or Dogs?
Hiking or Swimming?
Forest or Meadow?
4.  Misc.
Hugs or Kisses?
Books or Movies?
Shorts or Long Pants?
Monopoly or Sorry?
Comic Books or Novels?
Showers or Baths?
Chess or Checkers?
Hip-Hop or Classical Music? Found: @bunchofrpmemes
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sarcaasmic · 1 year
bold which habits your muse has
nail biting | throat clearing | lying  | interrupting  | chewing the ends of pens  | smoking  | swearing  | knuckle cracking  | thumb sucking  | muttering under their breath  | talking to themselves  | nose picking  | binge drinking  | oversleeping | snacking between meals  | skipping meals | picking at skin  | impulse buying  | talking with their mouth full  | humming/singing to themselves  | chewing gum  | leg jiggling  | foot tapping  | hair twirling  | whistling  | eye rolling  | licking lips  | sniffing  | squinting  | rubbing hands together  | jaw clenching  | gesturing while talking  | putting feet up on tables  | tucking hair behind ears  | chewing lips  | crossing arms over chest  | putting hands on hips  | rubbing the back or their neck  | being late  | procrastinating  | doodling  | shredding paper  | peeling off bottle labels  | forgetfulness  | running hands through hair  | overreacting  | teeth grinding  | nostril flaring  | slouching  | pacing  | drumming fingers  | fist clenching  | pinching bridge of nose  | rubbing temples  | rolling shoulders
found: @bunchofrpmemes
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