#♥️black tea with cream and sugar
angiethewitch · 4 years
1, 2, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 22 for the ask game? You seem like a lovely person btw!
1: how do you take your tea/coffee?
tea - 3 sugars and a tiny bit of milk, very strong and sweet
coffee - 2 sugars and fairly milky, sometimes with honey in
2: if you could be fluent in any language at the snap of your fingers, which would it be and why?
welsh for sure! I wanna be able to learn the language of my people easily
7: rain or sunshine?
sunshine generally, but not hot. I like the winter sun. rain in the summer is the best
8: how do you mark your spot in a book?
I fold the corner of the page down, much to my mother's annoyance. if im borrowing a book from someone I use a bookmark i painted tho
15: roller skates, roller blades or ice skates?
ice skates!
21: the best ice cream flavour
specifically the coffee and caramel ice cream i got every night in Barcelona, from the ice cream shop in next to La Sagrada Familia. we were in Barcelona for 5 days and every night after our adventures around we would stop by the shop and order some ice cream and sit in the park as the sun went down, cooling off and eating delicious ice cream. it's the little things
22: what spices do you always use when cooking?
basil, oregano, black pepper and chilli powder. I like my food spicy! and if im making autumn dishes, like my favourite butternut squash, sweet potato and carrot stew, I add in cinnamon because I find it complements autumnal foods very well
thank you my lovely!♥️♥️
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dangan-ronpa-cafe · 3 years
Hello Mod Himiko. May I order a black tea with cream and sugar stress comfort headcanons for Kiyotaka, Nagito, and Makoto with a female s/o?
Hi there, Starsaver. Of course, you can! Taka might be ooc since I haven’t written for him. Also, for Taka and Makoto, I went with school-related stress, but for Nagito I wrote it as a lot of homework sort of thing. Hope you enjoy it, and your black tea with cream and sugar is served under the cut!
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru / Nagito Komaeda / Makoto Naegi x Stressed!Female!Reader
Background: Non-despair school AU, pre-established relationship Warnings: Stressful situations, mental breakdowns, crying, mentions of finals/tests, mentions of lunch/eating
Kiyotaka Ishimaru -
⪼ Of course, he’s encouraging you to study, but I’m sure he can sometimes be a little too much. ⪼ But he only wants to help! Especially when exams are right around the corner, and you aren’t feeling too confident in yourself. ⪼ Your daily routine became studying whenever you could, which was very uptight, even though you two were dating. ⪼ “Congratulations, S/O! You only got two wrong, although, I certainly believe that you can try a little harder!” ⪼ I can see him being a little overbearing, too. As Taka constantly watched over your shoulder, you tried to finish the mock test sheet he made for you. ⪼ Of course, you could only take so much studying before your mental health tanked a few days before your finals. ⪼ So many subjects, so little time. It all got to you, and suddenly in the middle of lunch, you made a last-minute dash to the bathroom, locking yourself in a stall to bawl your eyes out. ⪼ All this pent-up stress was too much, however, you weren’t alone. ⪼ Your friends had contacted your dear boyfriend, who was very concerned as he stood outside the entrance to the girls’ bathroom. ⪼ He called, letting you know that he was there until you eventually came out, which he met you with a warm hug. ⪼ He held you close, pushing aside his louder mannerisms to pay attention to you. ⪼ After that, the two of you went to a quiet location to de-stress and have your lunch together, without any mentions of school.
Nagito Komaeda -
⪼ Every day, you’d at least get several hours of homework. “Research this!” “Give me a four-page essay!” Why did teachers have to be so insistent on taking up students’ free time? ⪼ On top of that, you also had to help out at home, as well as work on your talent. ⪼ Constantly rushing to get all kinds of work done during practically every hour of the day didn’t help, either. ⪼ Oh, and then there was your boyfriend, who understood your situation, though his clinginess didn’t quite help either. ⪼ “Oh, good morning, my shining hope! How is my beautiful girlfriend doing today?” ⪼ He’s always hanging around, and of course, you love him, but sometimes it doesn’t work out for the best. ⪼ Little things like losing a source paper, non-optional extra-credit assignments, and getting roped into usual Hope’s Peak antics, at first wasn’t the worst. It was to be expected with dating Nagito! ⪼ But, it finally got to you when there was a sudden power outage, and you were finishing up a very long Word essay. ⪼ Any hope of retrieving that document was long diminished as you sat alone in the dark computer lap, with your arms over your head. ⪼ So much work, so much effort. Poof. Gone. ⪼ It was a nightmare of a project you didn’t wanna do all over again. ⪼ Though you weren’t by yourself for long, as the door opened, and two familiar arms wrapped around you. ⪼ Here was Nagito, holding and consoling you, knowing what you were up to. He consoled you, encouraging you to not let the hope in your heart be overwhelmed by the despair of the power outage. ⪼ The two of you stayed together like that until you felt better to lift your head, to the sudden flickering of the power being turned back on. ⪼ “Oh, would you look at that! I guess not all of your word doc was deleted! How lucky!” ⪼ Your boyfriend helped with the rest, continuing to give you positive encouragement and feedback.
Makoto Naegi -
⪼ The day you find out that you’ve got a big test right around the corner, you and your boyfriend decide to have study dates every so often. ⪼ Though, the two of you might often slack off a bit, with emphasis on the date part, rather than study. ⪼ You can’t complain though, at first! It helps with the stress. ⪼ But, as the days tick closer and closer, you try to focus more, and of course, Makoto’s there to help you too! ⪼ But as the day tick, tick, ticks closer, you can’t help but count the days. ⪼ At first, you tried to dismiss it as nerves, but it just kept crawling back, lurking in the back of your head. ⪼ Two days before your test, you and Makoto were hanging out on grounds after school, reviewing some subjects, when he noticed you weren’t doing too well. ⪼ Despite you brushing him off, he persisted, giving you one of his pep talks. ⪼ “Hey, it’s okay to be stressed! I know you can ace it, because of all the studying you’ve been doing, even though it took a bit at first to really focus… Anyway! You aren’t alone, since I’m right here with you, and we’ll do it together. Let’s call it here, and go have some fun, okay? You deserve a break.”
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