#♥ headcanons 》 vesper
familiaanteomnia · 2 months
Vesp 100% is prone to editing details, not always just in terms of lying but lots of "Does the planet/century and location really matter to this connecting with somebody else over the topic of climbing rocks as kids?"
-Prefers to keep it vague, universal type of things and avoid lots of assumed to be common knowledge things. Which is also an interesting speed bump given how much enjoys hearing about moments in others lives & sharing personal tales. The bonding of it- is also an go to in crises to help regulate emotions.
-Things in common though? Rock/tree climbing, running around, book reading, splashing in water, bedtime stories and so on. Plus it's usually safe to mention things like "Oh I've read that book on your shelf, was laying around so I borrowed it from my parent and gave up on chapter 3 till I gave it an real read later on in life."
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infinityhype · 2 years
pls give me your morel headcanons NOW
and also knov
please and thank u
Once again went overboard, I did answer one NSFW question (sex headcanons) if anyone wishes to skip.
Other than that, here's all the questions I answered, which was...most of them.
☾ - sleep headcanon
If Morel's sleeping in the same bed as someone, he doesn't necessarily have to cuddle (though he wants to) but does have to be touching them in some way. Is also a "boxers only no matter the weather" sleeper because he gets hot.
Knov wears pajama sets though he'll occasionally "forget" so he can wear one of Morel's old t-shirts that are super soft and comfy. Always cold so sleeps with at least one blanket. 
★ - sad headcanon
Morel acts like he was fine with dying during That Moment in CAA but. He wasn't at all, even if it meant saving the world, and while he was initially angry at Knuckle for not sacrificing him to win, he realized afterward he's grateful Knuckle made that choice.
Knov still blames himself for not being by Morel's side during the Palace Invasion, because he feels he broke their promise to one another. 
☆ - happy headcanon
Morel and Knuckle go to rock concerts together, it's their father son bonding activity
Knov could have never imagined how many people would love him and in turn be loved by him, and even though he's not super open with his feelings, it makes him so, so happy. 
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Morel's a pretty patient dude, so when someone pushes him to legitimate anger it's guaranteed to be bad for the person on the receiving end. Violence is a regular occurrence as a Hunter, and there are times it can even be enjoyable in Morel's mind.
Due to his upbringing as a lil mafia boy Knov is rather disaffected by violence, it's simply a tool to use if necessary. Doesn't normally swear very much, so it's easy to tell he's mad when he starts swearing. 
✿ - Sex headcanon
Morel definitely has a preference for partners who boss him around, he wants someone else to take the lead most of the time. His partner's pleasure gets him off as much as his own. Also great at oral no matter your downstairs parts.
Knov would never admit it, not even under duress, but he's a size queen, bigger is better in his opinion. And probably a foregone conclusion, but he wants to be in charge, dude's a top through and through. 
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
The main place Morel lives is the captain's quarters on his ship, The Vesper. There's not a lot of windows and dim light so he can take off his sunglasses. A bit sparse (don't want stuff flying around when the ship's in bad weather) but homey. Definitely also has a room in Knov's mansion too. The bed is at least a king size because even if he isn't expecting company, he's a big dude and likes his space.
Knov has a room in his mansion and buys a beach house when he "retires" from being a Hunter because he doesn't want Morel to be too far from the ocean when he comes to stay. He likes neutrals and blues, just kind of plain, calming colors. 
♡ - romantic headcanon
Morel is bisexual, and dated/slept with a number of different people. He's on good terms with the vast majority of his exes, probably got close to marriage at least once before he and Knov got together. A great romantic partner, as long as the partner in question understands his first love is being a Hunter.
Knov is a different story, it took him a long time to realize he's gay, and that he has deep, abiding feelings for Morel. Had many failed relationships with women and a couple of relationships/flings with men before he and Morel got together. Was like, the world's okayest partner to his previous romantic entanglements, but there's probably at least one woman who'd still slap him on sight. 
♥ - family headcanon
Morel is the son of two Hunters: Ursaline Mackernasey and Dr. Lysander "Sandy" Markovic. His mom is a double star Blacklist Hunter, and his dad is a single star Paleograph Hunter. His parents never married but are best friends and love Morel dearly. Also has an adopted brother named Jacquard "Jac" Mackernasey whom Ursaline rescued from a human trafficking ring when he was nine. Jac is also Morel's first mate and a fierce Hunter in his own right.
Knov is the son of Vladislav Galkin, the head of the Galkin Syndicate and de-facto ruler of a resort/gambling town called Port Fortune. His mom is Svetlana "Lana" Galkina, who ran away from her weird religious family in an outlying village and became a waitress at a casino. She caught the attention of Vladislav and they were married in a matter of months, and she gave birth to Knov (real name Evgeny Galkin) less than a year later. He also has a half-sister named Alexsandra "Shura" Galkina who's eight years older and one of their dad's faithful lieutenants. 
☮ - friendship headcanon
Morel's the kind of guy who makes friends wherever he goes and is overall a pretty likable dude. A great friend to go to for advice, because he'll be honest but not mean, if that makes sense.
Knov is a bit standoffish and kind of an ice queen, but loyal to anyone he decides is his friend. 
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Morel likes hobbies that give him something to do with his hands and where he can utilize his abundant well of patience. Stuff like maintaining pocket watches, fountain pens, whittling/woodworking, and fishing. Also flower arranging! In terms of quirks, if he has to write anything by hand in pen, he keeps the cap in his left hand and plays with it while he's writing. He has a couple of machined metal fountain pens he likes to use because Knov gave them to him and they can survive anything, he has at least one in his pockets at all times.
Knov's main hobby is reading, he has to have a book on/near him at all times. He also loves fountain pens, especially gold nibs. He's usually very plain with what he likes but. Has a couple he got because they reminded him of Morel somehow. (They're pink, or purple, or have shell inlays). He also takes up knitting. In terms of quirks, Knov refuses to dog-ear the pages of his books. 
▼ - childhood headcanon
Morel grew up on his mom's ship, raised by her and the rest of the crew. He had to spend at least one part of the year with his dad, usually at an archive or library in a college/university town. A pretty active kid who got into everything when he was younger, especially had to be watched around any large amount of water because he'd just…jump in. Other than that, a good kid with a strong sense of justice, not  booksmart outside of his interests, but clever and great at understanding people. Finished the equivalent of high school via homeschooling before he went to take the Hunter Exam at 14.
Knov grew up in much different circumstances, in a large house overlooking Port Fortune. His dad took a great interest in molding Knov into a worthy successor, so he got the best of everything. Once Knov learned how to read it became a lifelong obsession, and he would read anything he could get his hands on. His dad didn't allow him much interaction with his mom, but she did teach him how to play card games and the basics of casino games, which became another large part of his life. Eventually, despite all of his successes, Knov grew bored and longed to see the world beyond Port Fortune. He ran away right after his 15th birthday to take the Hunter Exam, where he met another boy around his age named Morel. 
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Morel is a really good cook and would be the perfect house husband if he ever gave up the Hunter life but. He'll never do that. He learned how to cook from his dad because his mom has a very limited repertoire of things she can make, mostly involving dried pasta or box curry mix.
Knov is an absolute disaster at cooking but eventually gets good enough to make easy things. Baking though? He's an excellent baker, because baking is a science, and appeals to his fussy nature. 
☼ - appearance headcanon
Morel's natural tendency, when he doesn't exercise constantly, is towards being a bit chubby, definitely has a dad bod in his later years.
Knov has freckles, you can't see them on his face because he's always covering them up, but he has a bunch on the rest of his body. Morel loves to kiss them and Knov acts annoyed but loves it. 
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cityandking · 7 years
☾, ♡, ♥, ▼ and ☼ for Vesper & Rosie!
☾ - sleep headcanon
vesper’s a bit of an insomniac, and likes to be up early to watch the sunrise, to feel like the only person in the world in that space between night and day
rosie is absolutely always the big spoon, no matter what
♡ - romantic headcanon
vesper spent a while drifting into a friendship with the commander, and even longer falling in love, and it was hesitant and tender and careful and certain and slow
rosie saw bull and said to herself, I’m gonna climb that. and so she did, because rosie trevelyan does what she wants
♥ - family headcanon
rosie and vesper have the most strained relationships of all the trevelyan children. rosie has never been able to forgive vesper for being the one who survived the conclave when roxie didn’t, and vesper will always blame the twins for the discovery of her magic. even when the world ends and they are forced to work together, it’s just this side of civil. but they’re trying, in their own ways. maybe one day they’ll manage to be friends, but until then they’re stuck being sisters 
▼ - childhood headcanon
vesper always knew that she was the extra child, the accident at the end, and that her siblings––and especially kit––cared more for her than her parents ever did or will, so she gave up early trying to win their praise or affection and resigned herself to their distance (it didn’t hurt any less when Father stood impassively in the doorway while the templars dragged her away, the twins grinning at his side and Kit’s eyes staring at her all hurt and guilt)
rosie grew up arm in arm with her twin, roxie, and for the two of them their parent’s attention was everything; they were neither the heirs nor the spares and so had to work to be noticed among the chaos of the trevelyan brood (tattling on vesper won them a great deal of father’s gratitude, and joining the chantry garnered mother’s pride, and oh how they glowed with it)
☼ - appearance headcanon
vesper is slim, lean with red hair and a dusting of freckles across her shoulders; she would be gangly if it weren’t for her grace. everything about her is a little rough around the edges, from her thrice-patched shirts to the wear on her boots to her practical hair to the circles under her eyes. she’s done a decent job of scrubbing away the padding of Circle life
rosie is rounder, in her face and her curves and her curly hair. her hair is darker too, closer to a true red, and everything about her is precise, from the grace with which she flows through society to the cut of her skirts to the elaborate hairstyles she wears to the knife strapped carefully to her leg. everything about her suggests life among riches, and hides a bit underneath
oc headcanons
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familiaanteomnia · 27 days
(an small blurb of vesp related thoughts)
-Does not have the first instinct of handshake greetings; mainly it usually goes 'i should? probably do that, it's what people do' followed by just brushing it aside. Not uncommon will be an hesitant brief extension followed by retracting and resting the hand more behind their back.
-Their telepathy goes mostly unused/isn't the most practiced especially when it comes to humans. Better at it with others that are telepathic & gets the most use in those cases. Also super wary with plenty of ways to lock up what they don't want accessed.
-So prone to talking with their hands; picked up on from both parents and then just naturally prone to being animated. That being said does certainly suppress body language when it comes to things like when their upset. Excitement, high energy is all good but only trusted people or certain cases will anybody get to see sulking etc.
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familiaanteomnia · 1 month
Thinking about how Vesp is both really good at reading/observing people's day to day level of acceptable physical affection+when they are upset comforting hugs etc but also... Still just a person who sometimes gets it wrong.
Namely in not always providing enough warning before excitedly hugging people they care about/know about.
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familiaanteomnia · 2 months
What if I said Vesper is physically affectionate? If I said affection doesn't scare them outwardly at least- because it's comfortable for them. That it usually falls on the giving department because it's so easy for them. To be the hugger, to let somebody sprawl across them, or teasingly say not romantic I love you's.
-but they don't really use an lot of phrases, terms like 'friend, partner' or calling people love, dear, etc (because it's not natural for them, their brain prefers more custom terms of affection most the time)
-also gets really miffed about having their hair messed up by somebody (doesn't matter if it is already messy, in the name of fixing it, or if it's all in the name of friendly teasing you will get an glare)
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familiaanteomnia · 2 months
100% thinking on it vesper doesn't really run around mentioning their parents/advertising their genetics. If anything getting the specifics is like trying to pull out railroad spikes with an plastic butter knife. Will often, casually express adoration for their parents though.
-it's a safety measure in some regards
-also so that is measured, judged as their own individual person (plus so more chaotic actions aren't made into as many ordeals- can't go tattling of misadventures if don't know who to bother)
-finds mistaken identity situations emotionally horrific, mainly on the receiving end but also quite guilty sometimes of going !!! i know you *doesnt know them
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familiaanteomnia · 2 months
Somebody mocked an vocal quirk of theirs (1) time and from then on Vesper overused/utilized language filter technology to never deal with it again. As such the only people who got to hear their vocal quirks, any accent they might have since then on was family.
Or them when alone (but also you never hear your own voice the same anybody else would). As such not uncommon for them to have moments of ? "Wait I have an accent." When it goes haywire or they overthink, give an seconds pause to their own words.
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familiaanteomnia · 2 months
Vesper is genetically an night owl/full of insomnia and complications when it comes to sleep. Progressively more the case as gets older, but also more willing to acknowledge when needs it if in a safe enough environment etc.
-can be encouraged to get more drowsy via soft music/lullabies (certain rock, harder songs too will make their eyes close for longer periods between blinks) just stillness in general+boredom.
-jokes about it a lot especially when somebody else pulls the "I don't need sleep" when visibly nodding off
-very much more high energy when exhausted, project inclined+affectionate,etc (or just get that response where you laugh at every little thing till you're gasping for oxygen)
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familiaanteomnia · 2 months
Earth was off limits often, most of their younger years and for several reasons. As such most adventures/misadventures exist elsewhere+elsewhen in space aside some 'i was getting an pizza from the 21st century and might have hacked unit for some funds but that's not the end of the world.'
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familiaanteomnia · 2 months
Given frequently forgets to carry things on them, has an put together mix of technology strapped to their wrist. This device is constantly changing with no real name but can be referred to as an "Fire Hazard" affectionately at times.
-It's main use is tapped into the systems at home, sensors and "polite monitoring" of varying data on their home planet portable workstation, terminal that's often used to play music across the house etc
-As well for communication across time+space and the ability to connect with the tardis' for emergencies. Gets plenty of use for non emergencies though too.
-Sometimes a vortex manipulator hooked up to it (not frequently and very much the biggest hazard at times because Modifications= functionality gets even more busted)
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familiaanteomnia · 3 months
Has 100% picked up giving good hugs/being an hugger from the d.octor. In general prefers to hug than be hugged though- can be slightly prone to off balanced hugs. Has toppled over both themself, and the recipient on many occasions.
-also very much an fan of physical affection like gently knocking into somebody's side or bumping shoes together
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familiaanteomnia · 3 months
-To make things less complicated, keeps family strictly used for both parents, and tardis' mostly also to make it easier for others (in which case often gets narrowed down further depending on who is being talked to/when)
-But is receptive to broader definitions of family; has certainly gotten pulled into some ragtag found family situations and so forth. Especially in their solo adventures ('ive got an platonic marriage to this person in another century, on a planet that has yet to form')
-An art form that's well practiced of evading the topic of siblings/anybody ever possibly asking any form of "do you have any, or wish for any" because that is an topic that's just inherently off limits in their mind.
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familiaanteomnia · 3 months
Doesn't like psychic paper, only used it once and it didn't work as intended (+1 embarrassing themself in front of an crush moment)
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familiaanteomnia · 3 months
about the 7th time of being given the 'wait those two had a kid' + treated like some sort of time lord behavior codex in their home reality was 100% the 7th time too many (vesper unlocked just a permanent joking attitude about the topic overall)
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familiaanteomnia · 3 months
They might be chaotic and so very all over the place (but they are also equally prone to laid back/fun loving) it just depends on their current mood
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