#♡ :あなたの悪い癖ね彼に君の人生を台無しにされる : thotmates (yutshu)
nazorneku · 5 months
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LEVY ( @yutshu ) INQUIRED OF MR. FOX: ❝ are you ignoring me? you’re hurting my feelings. ❞
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A figure dressed neatly in a pristine white suit stood out amidst the darkness of the night, a stark contrast to the view surrounding him on the balcony. Puffs of hot air slipped in between slightly parted lips, a vivid crimson gaze half-lidded and absent-mindedly wandered over the city, as gloved fingers gently rubbed the sensitive skin at its corners. Another hand retained his glasses, as the man attempted to exempt self from mental exhaustion, accumulated throughout the week. Mania levels threatened to exceed their regular parameter, yet the man himself scarcely accounted the current predicament as of any import, yet the other did. It was not the first suspicious occurrence, whilst dangling over a precipice, Levy did not nudge him further, as he did with so many others, but instead insisted on dragging Fox towards more solid ground. Undeniably the man remained a curiosity, whose reasoning for such bizarre conduct baffled and eluded.
The vocalized complaint touched upon his hearing, beckoning to transfer own attention from the luminescent city towards the man sprawled arrogantly on the sofa within the living room of his private apartment, drawing in with his ostentatious cockiness and audacious grin as those words jumped off the tip of his tongue. A pretentious excuse to initiate the old and too familiar dance. Infringement was akin to a middle name to that man, to which the lawyer was the most frequent victim, as he possessed the genuine comprehension what exactly to say and how to deliver it to draw the sought-for reactions from Fox, to push him out of comfort zone in which he so diligently confined self. Numerous opportunities presented so graciously notwithstanding, Levy's timing was constantly impeccable, as if indeed the two complemented each other in ways no other person would; a broken reflection of each other, which instead of breaking it further and completely, he opted to pick up the fallen pieces and restore the integrity. Fox was not inherently malicious, yet was a result with a want to contaminate self further to justify the perception of him being an awful man. And he would indulge the swindler in polluting self even further.
With deliberately leisurely strides, the lawyer approached the sitting man, in a similarly unhurried manner the glasses adorned his countenance anew, as a bright gaze now behind framed lenses bored holes into the other. For an instant he contemplated of taking gloves off, yet opted otherwise, placing both hands on Levy's shoulders and leaning down to establish the comfortable level of sight to whisper with a hint of mischievousness, as the extremely salacious smile crossed his lips. "This will be charged as extra consulting fees." A mere formality and a jest, as both grasped the primitive truth of the situation - there would be no additional payment save for the exception of mutual pleasure.
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Long fingers crumpled the fabric of Levy's shirt and with an abrupt motion pulled it down off his shoulders, forcing the lower buttons to bounce off in various direction, yet it did not bewilder the lawyer, as a wicked thought occupied his mind. That man would wish to be ignored. Still intentionally gloved hands trailed over the exposed skin of his shoulders, then down to a chest, its rough surface induced sensations received from the friction; fingers teased the delicate skin around nipples, whilst the carmine gaze without interruption was pinned at that man's image, drinking in every alteration of expressions and sounds. The heat emanating from another's body increased, indicating the spread of the pleasure. As he arched an eyebrow mischievously, Fox lowered self to stand on his knees in between Levy's widely spread legs to provide self a better view and more room for a maneuver.
Newly he leaned in closer, yet at that time to plant a few ghost pecks over the sculptured abdomen, own hands encircled his waist and remained in that position, as the intensity of kisses escalated. The other could perceive Fox's scrupulously exploring every outline of his muscles, occasionally teasingly drawing a wet line with the tongue, higher and higher, until a tangible bite of a pectoral muscle would compel a mixture of a hiss and a moan to slip in between Levy's slips. A barely audible chuckle escaped the lawyer's throat, as he pressed another kiss to the spot of the recent bite, licking it after, as if mending the wound, yet it did not last as his tongue left another wet path towards the nipple, lips claiming the extremely sensitive skin, sucking it until hardened state. And then another lick, more broad and deep, to ensure the cold metal that pierced his tongue was perceptible by heated skin. Muffled, incomprehensible speech could be heard from the other, a confirmation of intense urge.
His desire was almost palpable, prompting Fox to wonder how he managed to retain restraint and not act, intoxicated by desire to have him. Mayhap the artfully concealed unwillingness to evoke the voice and suffer harsher consequences, which only deepened the amusement with the current situation. The lawyer's lips trailed lower, anew granting a rigorous worship of the perfect form with wet kisses, lower until his chin hit the gaudy plaque of the belt, the intention for next action was evident. As one gloved hand now rested on Levy's thighs and provided it both thorough caressing and occasional squeezing, another worked its way around the belt. Albeit at that very moment the carnal desire finally reached the reciprocity, Fox intended to make the other beg for mercy as a punishment for continuous interruptions and chaos in orderly daily life, if mister businessman wished to be granted the sweet release at the end.
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&. you (season 4) prompts
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nazorneku · 1 year
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LEVY ( @oniriqe ) INQUIRED OF MR. FOX: ❝ don’t be a prude. you can touch me. ❞
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Upon walking into own office, the dark teal coat slid down his shoulders and was neatly placed on the counter, the perceptive glance almost instantaneously detected a pack of correspondence stacked up a lil further that awaited thorough consideration. Beyond doubt tempting invitations to represent amateurish fools in court were amongst those, which were subjected to his unsympathetic scrutiny and most of the time politely declined. By unbeknownst criteria the verdict was determined and executed, the time was precious to waste on participating in dubious cases that did not guarantee beneficial outcome by his meticulous judgement. Scarcely audible sigh escaped through parted lips, as the process of sorting out the letters occupied the man, motions of the hands deliberate and precise, accustomed to performing such repetitive act over the years; occasionally a letter or another would be tossed onto his table, an indication of the interest piqued, whilst he circled around the room in contemplation. A sound outside beckoned his attention and the source of commotion manifested in the doorway ere long, prompting Mr. Fox to arch an eyebrow. Rather uncharacteristic for another to intrude with an unscheduled visit, nonetheless it would benefit to handle the circumstance that compelled Levy to seek his counsel without prior notice, lest he would camp outside his door, dramatically howling 'bout own woes.
Albeit the ostentatious urgency with which the other posed himself, it ended as a complete and absurd waste of time, suspected to be a trivial excuse he concocted on the way merely to sound credible. One of the anticipated antics, the lawyer accustomed self throughout the years of working with him; and upon abandoning the act the familiar person stepped out, who deemed it 'fun' to drop by. An idle conversation was provoked between the two, a blatant and not even disguised attempt to interrupt his work, yet he would indulge for now nevertheless, after all eventually when the moment was nigh people would do as he said. Once reviewing of the mail was completed, his vibrant eyes anew rested its regard on Levy, scrutinizing and expecting for him to divulge the actual cause for attendance, and that information was enticed by the intensity of his gaze, as words of encouraged permission escaped the other. Or rather an erroneous assumption. The thin line of lips curved into an ambiguous smile, a dangerous glint flashed behind framed lenses as in intentionally leisurely steps he approached the man leaning on his table, halting mere centimeters away.
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There was no hint of hesitation towards which route he should proceed at that moment, despite his ability permitted to command words and bend wills to own intentions, the thought to execute it towards Levy did not occur to him yet. There were other ways to exact judgement. The lips still retained his signature impish smile, when his left hand ghosted over the exposed chest without even slightly touching it, sensing the heat radiating from the body even through the fabric of gloves and sliding down to that gaudy belt. The agonizing lack of actions was deliberately prolonged without breaking eyesight even for an instant, he wished to savor the exceedingly delicious reaction towards utter rejection, when the hand that hovered dangerously over the belt was lifted to adjust glasses with pretentious need, as the words were vocalized in what he could define as "lawyer tone". "This isn't covered by your litigation expenses." With another hand he effortlessly pulled out a thick folder from under the other man, on which he had an audacity to sit, and retreated to the sofa to proceed with pilled up cases. A downright conceited expression was spread across his image; despite their occasional less than transactional engagements, matters of work always took priority.
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&. you (season 4) prompts
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nazorneku · 1 year
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LEVY ( @oniriqe ) & MR. FOX
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An ordinary day of a successful lawyer included not only meetings with a variety of important individuals to expand own connections, but also management of all currently under investigation cases, thus he appeared at the studio where supposedly was located his current client and the source of the major paperwork. Such visits imposed a specific way of conduct and atmosphere around the man instantly transformed, obtaining a shade of evident tension saturated with scarcely disguised discontent. Even if with a slight nod he greeted concerned gazes and amicable smile nudged to not pay attention to his attendance, there was no doubt that the Eastside's famous "money" attorney aimed for more than friendly meeting within those walls. There was no apparent reason for his direct supervision of the client, aside from the well-known penchant for causing property damage and provocative conduct, mayhap it was a simple want for indulgence, taking into consideration the very date of that day and its connection to the man adorned in furs, slouching on one of the sofas, still oblivious to his presence.
Motioning a bit away from the scene, yet retaining Levy in the field of his vision, he took a seat in a distant and darker corner, directing full attention at the man, analyzing each and every motion, capturing all uttered words. A habit. Verification of one’s accountability required the utmost scrupulous work, along with incessant observation and deduction. There was a plethora of arguments between the two regarding inappropriate way of behaving whilst under investigation, altering seemingly friendly conversations into another verbal squabble those men were accustomed to having. Once the scoundrel detected his presence, a white blot against the darkness of the room, the expression of his almost instantaneously shifted and was replaced by ostentatious delight due to Mr. Fox' presence as he walked in broad strides towards the sitting man. The gloved hand was lifted to perform a beckoning gesture with a long finger, and upon the other leaning in that very finger yanked him by the collar unceremoniously. "My office. After hours. No delays." Akin to an inviolable order the words escaped the lawyer's lips, evident was the hint that any deviation was impermissible. Spoken thus he hurried to depart, completely depriving another man from objecting or negotiating.
* * *
Devoid of any particular emotion facade adapted its expression, lips stretched, transforming the thin line into a curve of equivocal nature, compelling him to assume the characteristic image he presented to the majority of the people, when darkness swallowed the streets of DisCity and familiar steps resounded along the hall from behind the door of his office. In a relaxed sitting posture with crossed legs and hand draped over the cushion back of the sofa, he awaited the other's arrival; an impressive, in both amount and thickness, quantity of cases covered the coffee table in front of him, all connected by the main suspect, who at that time willingly presented self for the judgement. With a curt nod, he pointed at the towering papers, which begat a whistle saturated with pretentious amazement, accompanied by a nonchalant shrug as if denying any personal involvement with those unfortunate happenstances.
He permitted self a moment of a delay prior to standing up and walking in a direction of the 'businessman', who tensed momentarily due to realization of his erroneous assumption that entertainment awaited him. A vaguely threatening smile still graced the lawyer's features, and if it was to depict an animal with his expression, a fox would be the one to completely represent him; halting own steps in a mere meter away from the other male, carmine optics with unfeigned curiosity regarded the one who dared to incite dangerous sensations that remained slumbering within. "So— how 'bout we postpone the end date of our contract?" A regret would eventually find the culprit, as a hushed tone uttered, almost in a whisper those words were delivered, what beyond doubt along with a complacent smile would unnerve or excite the other male, depending on his current inclination for trouble. Such a direct, yet at the same time obscure, statement would send alarming signals. A slender gloved hand reached Levy's chin, fingers claimed a firm grip and fixated his head in a needed position, forcing him to look at the man in charge; the thumb brushed against those lips that slipped some delightful sounds before. Almost without blinking, he stared intently, awaiting, observing, calculating, considering—
Few instants later after leaning in slightly their noses brushed against each other, widened eyes intensely peered at him, evident confusion mixed with arising excitement clouded steel blue hues, yet the upper part of that man's image did not hold his attention, an inspecting crimson glance wasn’t drawn away from those deceitful lips. Mr. Fox sensed inconsistent breath against own skin, that emitted heavy sighs and incoherent muttering along with provocative encouragement; the other radiated a palpable desire, being caught into such predicament did not vex him, on the contrary induced thrill immeasurably. "Avoid making your lawyer angry." Those words would not obtain a response from the captured male, as any probable retort was silenced, when the tip of his tongue trailed a wet path along Levy’s lips, replicating the previous motion of his finger. Leisurely, without a haste tracing the contour of the lower lip, he proceeded to tease, few instants more and own lips claimed a spot near the corner of the other man’s. And then a bite followed, precise and swift, breaking sensitive skin of the lip and drawing blood. A distinct smile adorned his image, and a continuation followed promptly after. "And Happy Birthday." Was that a reward? Or was that a punishment of sorts? Or perchance the lawyer possessed a peculiar way of disciplining own clients with intent to encourage them to preserve their reputation intact. In the end, to have a direct interest of that man would serve as shackles of his own, he did manage people with an exquisite skill.
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nazorneku · 5 months
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LEVY ( @yutshu ) INQUIRED OF MR. FOX: ❝ everybody wants me…until they have me. ❞
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Unscheduled intrusion without prior notice was a habit of that man, as after years of mutual acquaintance he permitted self a rather brazen and frivolous conduct in the presence of the lawyer, completely disregarding the repercussions that would eventually follow. Mayhap, due to reserved and composed disposition, the bespectacled man begat such urges within him - the borderline provocative and at times dangerously infuriating antics, which would evoke the application of the voice, to render the judgement and force the other man to behave. Oft he perceived those games as levity, nevertheless there were times when he willingly indulged Levy, permitting him a glimpse of a person outside the public image, beyond the fake masks both of them donned so effortlessly. There was some twisted liberation, whilst looking at another and spotting own reflection, with all imperfections and mire.
That revelation originated from a habit of his to perform an extensive background check on his clients, to ensure all information and facts were available to him to ensure their victory at the court. At first the utter disturbance enveloped him, yet eventually Fox slipped into a more comfortable professional suit and elected to disregard any personal information in favor of maintaining expertise and efficiency, yet the sour taste of familiarity remained undiluted. When not envisaged in the daily plans visitations reoccurred, it compelled him to established boundaries with the other, perhaps a wishful thinking as Levy scarcely followed any instructions issued by him.
And thus during another rudely interrupted work day, he did not hesitate to brush off the complaint of that man, despite not being completely certain at that time if it was another game or so infrequent genuine confession. "Sounds like a poor judgement of character and your personal problem." In utmost lawyer voice he spoke, not lifting own gaze from the documents on the latest case he's been working on. A repulsive sentiment he shared, which prompted a scarcely distinct frown to distort his handsome features. Shallow humans and sinners alike, attracted to a charming wrapping, soon found self disillusioned and discontented with its contents, yet it was all they could offer. Shattered pieces of a broken self, carelessly glued back together to appear human, to be regarded conventional, burying everything unsavory in the deepest and darkest corners of own soul. It was an exceedingly convenient way of living.
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Albeit the barbed remark, the swindler-businessman did not retort with one of his own, what begat a stinging sensation of concern and nudged Fox to tilt the head ever so slightly, so he could meet the gaze of another with crimson pools of his own. A mere glance was sufficient to verify the despondent aura around the other man, utterly uncharacteristic of him, and yet— the old habits wrapped the reins around his throat, as another taunt escaped. "Or did you expect me to coddle you? I'm a lawyer, not a psychologist." A smile stretched his venomous lips, which could spell one's undoing. Though judgmental mockery saturated his every word, those vivid eyes darkened under the weight of sadness. But who exactly that man harbored pity for? That another or himself? Or maybe both.
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&. you (season 4) prompts
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