#♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — ˗ˏˋ ❝ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ’ꜱ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʙʀᴏᴋᴇɴ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ❞ ¦ 「 Angel Dust and Mihyr 」
burning-fcols · 4 years
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💋 / for angel & mihyr ?? 😳😳 - ✩ { @hcppyhotel } ✩
✩ { Meme } ✩ - 3/5
{ ☆ } Angel normally doesn’t kiss clients. Granted, that doesn’t mean they don’t kiss HIM at times- just that he’s never too thrilled about it, not that he can do much to stop them, and he sure as Hell doesn’t instigate it. No, kisses are something... special. Sacred, in a way. To the spider, at least. A small show of affection that he can make his own. One little shred of control he can have over himself, so that if the time ever comes for him to make the first move... it can mean something.
Too many things he does never mean anything.
He doubts that Mihyr knows any of this though... Knows just what an honor it is when the spider leans in closer, a soft smile tugging at his lips as he slowly, teasingly brushes them against the other demon’s cheek. A light whisper of a kiss, warm and delicate... before moving to place another on his other cheek, hot breath ghosting skin and enticing shivers. All the while, palms steadily slide up the other’s chest, arms moving to wrap around the back of Mihyr’s neck as he presses his fluffy chest against his client’s body- their lips FINALLY making contact.
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It starts off innocent enough; tender and light, Angel enjoying this momentary break of character... and then he figures it’s time for Mihyr to get to have some fun. That’s what he’s here for, after all. Sweet kiss interrupted by the slight parting of lips, Angel smiling into the playful moment, tongue flits against the other male’s bottom lip, sliding through as soon as he’s given access. A soft, low moan accompanies the change of pace, kiss becoming deep and thorough as Angel angles his head to better engage. Sounds growing louder, hips teasingly grind against the other demon, skillfully rocking from his perch on Mihyr’s lap.
When air becomes a necessity— but not exactly a want —Angel pulls away from the kiss, teeth lightly tugging at the other’s bottom lip with a smirk. Mouth barely a few inches away, warm breath ghosts the other’s mouth, the taste of Mihyr still fresh on his tongue— and the spider’s sweet one likely still on his client’s —as he breathlessly purrs, hips not ceasing their steadfast movements,  ❝  I missed ya, Babe~ Soooooo much...  ❞  Nipping at the other’s lip, Angel flutters his lashes and asks,  ❝  Did you miss me?~  ❞  { ☆ }
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burning-fcols · 4 years
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“ i want you to stay. “ mihyr tells angel, holding the spider in his arms in bed. fingers curl into the white fur as he presses kisses on angel’s shoulder. “ just for tonight. “
- ✩ { @hcppyhotel​ } ✩
{ ☆ } Normally, it’s customary for Angel to leave once he’s finished his business. Occasionally, he’d get a John who wanted to fall asleep with the soft spider in their arms, but they always expected him to be GONE in the morning. And usually, Angel would compensate for having to be ensared by their dirty-ass arms by taking some extra pay or pricey li’l trinkets from their home. Hell help him if he was ever falling too behind schedule when it came to returning to the studio with pay ready for Valentino. The moth is many things, but patient has never been one. 
So, spent and satisfied, he wastes no time in starting to shuffle away from Mihyr, ready to offer him a quick kiss goodbye and confirm that they’re still on for their next meeting— the usual time and place —before heading back into the streets to see if he can rustle up a bit more dough with the night he has left. But he stills as soon as arms wrap around him, eyes widening with surprise as head angles to glance over at Mihyr, a blush steadily darkening his face as light kisses are pressed against his speckled shoulder. Fur fluffing and breath hitching, blush practically glows in the dim lighting, accenting his cheeks and the top of his chest in a gentle rose hue as he slowly relaxes into the other male’s hold... Just for tonight, huh?
Okay... He’ll take it. 
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Carefully turning himself around so that he’s facing Mihyr, hands rest against his client’s chest, finger splayed as they feel his warmth; a warmth that Angel indulges in as he presses his bare form closer, one arm moving to rest a hand against Mihyr’s cheek, thumb caressing it softly, while a leg comfortably hooks over the other’s hip. Lower limbs move to drape over Mihyr’s waist, hugging him tenderly as the spider nestles deeper into the embrace, eyes closing and a content hum rumbling from deep within his chest.  ❝  M’kay...  ❞  He quietly purrs, cheek pressed against the other’s chest, head tilting up to nuzzle the underside of Mihyr’s chin as he murmurs,  ❝  I want me ta stay too~  ❞  
Turning to press his face against Mihyr’s chest again, light kisses are pressed against it; soft, slow pecks of affection with one lingering over the demon’s heart.  ❝  Yer gonna have ta slip me some extra dough though... Jus’ so Mista’ Valentino doesn’t get pissy wit’ me.  ❞  Angel adds, eyes fluttering open to peek up at Mihyr, bubblegum hues questioning as he quietly asks, hold around the other’s waist growing a smidge tighter in a silent plea,  ❝  That ain’t a problem, is it Mi-Mi?  ❞  { ☆ }
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