#♡ | aneko replies.
the-spider-sisters · 1 year
(This is after the mt.natagumo arc)
"A-...Aneko? Is that you?" *Rui was surprised to find her in the far reaches of his territory...surprised but relieved and turning around he looked like he was tearing up. Some part of him didn't seem as scary as he used to*
Her eyes widened Immediately, Despite Rui seeming to miss her, She was More focused on Trying to run away far, Far, away From Rui. She thought this was a trick to get her back home; That awful place. She doesn't want to be there again.
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yorukimura · 2 years
Little Fighter (Albert Shaw/ The Grabber X Reader) One Shot.
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Summary: You had accompanied your best friend to the grocery shop to prepare lunch, however, a violent event will cause you to find that person.
Words: 4484
Warnings: This one shot contains a slight domestic violence, fight, slightly racy scene.
Tag: sweet sex scene, actually sweet little things for the grabber :D
MasterList (๑•ᴗ•๑)♡
I think you might like this: Blue Notes (The Grabber x Reader) є(•⌔•)э
—I really don't understand why you're like this.
2 a.m. and they were both still wandering the dark streets of Denver. Silence sat between the two people, footsteps could be heard perfectly against the hard asphalt of the street they were on.
—What am I supposed to do? I couldn't keep still, they were beating up a kid.
You said timidly towards your companion, not wanting to look at him for fear of an even stronger scolding. Just 10 minutes ago I had taken you out of the police station after having a fierce dispute with a parent.
—I understand that you want to help others, but you can't get into fights every five minutes.
Crossing your arms against your chest, defeated and embarrassed by the situation, you sighed heavily.
—We're talking about a man in his 30s or 40s, and you go and beat the shit out of him.
—I know that, Tristan, but understand me.
You stopped dead in your tracks, your anger building up in your body again at the memory of the situation.
You would never allow domestic abuse in front of your eyes again.
—I know it was wrong of me to get into that fight, let alone hit a man, but I can't bear to see a child being beaten by his parents.
You turned in his direction and looked at him, Tristan, your friend, was looking serious and cold.
—What would have happened if Aneko had been beaten by a man.
—That man was disappearing.
You both laughed at the scenario, Tristan wrapping one of his long, strong arms around your shoulders, pulling you close and starting to walk.
—Are you staying the night?
You thought for a moment, your younger brother wasn't going to be home due to a school camp.
—There's no one waiting for me at home, there's not a single problem with that.
Starting to laugh, you both headed for the house where Aneko, Tristan's wife, was waiting for you.
The next morning.
—¡(y/n)!— A beautiful and pleasant red-haired woman appeared in the hall, showing a pleasant smile to her visitor. Her long hair waved at the movement of her walk. She approached you cheerfully, as she sat down next to you on the sofa.
—Do you have anything to do today?
-No, I don't— you replied, turning your gaze into his deep, attentive green eyes. At your words, he smiled happily.
—Would you like to come with me to the convenience store to buy a few things? I'd like to cook something special for the three of us.
You nodded with a small smile, Aneko returned the gesture, and you both got up from the nice sofa to get dressed and head towards the convenience store.
—I missed you so much.
Aneko started the conversation as you both headed towards the shop.
—Me too, we hadn't seen each other for a long time.
And it was true, it's only been a month since you and your best friends had a chance to see each other, Tristan due to his work at the office and Aneko resting due to an accident at the clothing shop where he worked.
You have known each other for more than 16 years, in fact, you grew up together, went to the same school, high school and later to the same university. And after all these years, you were still best friends.
—It's funny how the years go by, just a couple of years ago we were three teenagers trying not to burn down a school.
Aneko laughed softly, remembering the time when the science room almost exploded because of her husband and her best friend.
—Those were good times, I can't deny it.
Aneko replied, a few seconds of silence between the two of them.
—Did you see your father again?— asked Aneko, a little afraid of her friend's answer, (y/n) she looked at Aneko in surprise, it had been a long time since that topic had been mentioned.
—I don't know, I don't care what that man does.
An awkward silence ensued, both of them, trying not to look each other in the face, continued walking. Aneko started the conversation again.
—What do you think about the wave of kidnappings?
—It's pretty strange, the late 1970s and Denver is being terrorised by a child abductor in the middle of October.
—Aren't you worried about what might happen to your brother?
—He's 17, he can take care of himself, besides, this kidnapper grabs pre-teen boys, according to the paper.
—I find it curious that he kidnaps kids with medium-length hair.
—You're right, if I remember correctly, the latest abductee is a 14 or 15 year old boy called Robin.
—His parents are devastated, the kid was nice enough, but he looked like a fighter, just like you.
You smile as you grab Aneko's arm. —You also taught the little boy a few punches or tricks, didn't you?—, Aneko asks you, you nod energetically. —It was hard times back then, father didn't have the best composure with us, it lowers your morale when a 13 year old punches you in the stomach—. Aneko laughed at the mention of the funniest moment he could find in his mind. —When I feel depressed, my brain repeatedly plays that memory, your brother, you crashing into the tree, it's wonderful—. Aneko smiled at you, you smiled back a pleasant smile at the redhead.
—If we don't hurry, the shop will close—, Aneko nodded and started walking faster, a couple of streets down and you had arrived at a nice and pretty grocery shop.
—Do you mind getting these ingredients? I have to leave the shop for a moment— Aneko said worriedly, —Sure, give me the list— you replied grabbing the list from her hands, Aneko gave a warm smile before leaving the shop.
You started looking for the ingredients on the list, with a small basket in hand, you headed to the first shelf, glimpsing the many different spices. You kept looking, until you stopped when you heard a shout outside. "Aneko?" you thought, it was identical to his voice.
You looked out the window to your left, it had definitely been the scream of your friend, being harassed by a scruffy looking man.
—Wouldn't you like to play a little game with me?— you managed to hear through the hard glass of the tent, your blood started to boil, as the nerves inside you built up and the anger in your head was about to explode. You saw Aneko trying to get away from the boy and failing to do so.
You quickly sprang into action.
You stormed out of the shop, leaving the basket and the ingredients on the floor, and started to head towards the man harassing your friend.
—Aneko, duck— you demanded in a firm voice behind her, the confused boy looked in your direction. When the redhead ducked, your fist had managed to meet the boy's face. —Fucking bitch— he howled as he held his bloody nose. —What the fuck do you think you are to even try to touch her—, the seriousness remained in your voice. —The doll looked needy—, the boy replied, glaring at your friend. Aneko clung to your arm, cowering fearfully behind you, and with that sentence, your patience ran out.
Tristan entered, exhausted, in the comfort of his own home, not a sound to be heard, a quietness that rarely occurred with his noisy wife at home. He smiled patiently as he set his jacket and mate in front of the coat rack. He made his way to the living room, on the table he saw a mysterious piece of paper. He frowned as he grabbed and read the paper carefully, "We went to buy some things for lunch, we'll be back in a few moments <3" he read, he recognised his beloved wife's handwriting. He pocketed the paper and headed for the kitchen. He sat down in one of the chairs as he pulled out a newspaper to read.
Minutes later, the unexpected happened.
The kitchen phone rang.
The black-haired man looked up from his newspaper, who was calling at this hour? He got up from his comfortable chair to walk lazily to the phone and answered it.
—May I ask who it is?
—Tristan, darling— he heard his beloved wife's nervous voice through the phone. 
—Anekora, is everything alright?—asked Tristan, extremely worried, something was wrong and he could feel it.
—It's not good at all, it's (y/n), it's hard to explain.
—Where are you?—Instead of asking, Tristan demanded.
 —We're at the grocery shop, the one next to the hardware store.
Tristan frowned as he heard a couple of shouts from the other line.
—Come quickly, please, my love.
—Tristan? Darling?
Aneko's voice could be heard through the dangling telephone on the wall in the kitchen. Tristan hurried down the street, leaving his keys behind, dropping everything to get to the place. He didn't care about anything right now.
Blow after blow, your knuckles were deteriorating as they got stronger and stronger. —(y/n)! Please! Stop it, you'll kill him!— You heard Aneko scream, and a small crowd of teenagers came to watch the scene.
—You bastard.
—You bastard.
—You bastard!
You were surprised to feel strong, muscular arms grabbing your waist. Pulling your small body away from the boy you were hitting, firmly gripping your waist.
—Who are you?! Let go of me!
You squirmed in the man's arms, before digging your elbow into his stomach to get away from him. He let go, clutching his stomach on impact, leaving you free to continue punching the boy underneath you.
—(y/n)!—You heard Tristan's voice calling out to you, felt his hands grab you, and managed to stop you. The boy lay dying on the ground, trying to breathe and process the information of the situation.
—(y/n) (y/l/n) what the hell are you thinking getting into this kind of situation like this—, Tristan scolded you, grabbing your men, you looked down, unwilling to face your friend's fury.
A middle-aged woman approached, apparently the owner of the shop. —Excuse me, sorry to butt in, but the girls were just defending themselves against harassment, it's not the girl's fault —.Tristan let go of (y/n), they both stood up, Tristan went over to the shop assistant to further inform himself of what had happened.
Meanwhile, Aneko nervously turned to the man who had tried to stop her friend's attack.
—Sir, are you alright?—asked Aneko, embarrassed. The man tried to pull himself together, (y/n) looked at him, watching his hand run through his long blonde locks. —Yes, don't worry, miss, it was a pretty hard blow— he replied.
Aneko kept apologizing repeatedly, as (y/n) kept watching him, your gaze traced his wonderful arms, through his work shirt you could see a toned muscle, your eyes went upwards, no doubt he was taller than you, glimpsing a sharp jaw. In the end, you ended up looking directly into his blue eyes. The man noticed your steady gaze, looked in your direction, and you shyly moved closer to Aneko, not taking your eyes off him.
—I owe you an apology— you managed to speak with difficulty, Aneko turned in your direction, somewhat surprised at your apology. A hand rested on your right arm, it was Tristan who this time had approached the small group of three that had formed. —That's right, and a big thank you, without you that madwoman—he looked minutely in your direction, and you felt the back of your neck burn under Tristan's gaze. —She would have ended up killing someone—, Tristan finished the sentence, and he extended his free arm in a handshake, firmly, the sturdy stranger returned the friendly greeting.
—Wow, that's a lot of apologies in one day— he joked, letting out a small laugh. Tristan and Aneko returned the joke, but you decided to keep quiet.
—I hope you're not hurt, and I apologise for the great inconvenience we've caused you—,Tristan apologised for the last time. Aneko animatedly pulled a small card from her purse and held it out to the man, the card contained a phone number and Aneko's home address. 
—Feel free to stop by and say hello if you live nearby. I would be very grateful if you would accept my proposal to come to our house for dinner. It's a thank you for controlling a fierce woman—.This time, it was Aneko who joked, the gentleman let out a slight smile.
—I have to go, but it's been a pleasure to help— he said goodbye, Aneko and Tristan said goodbye in return and turned and headed for home.
You, however, were still standing there, staring at the man in front of you at that moment. —I never thought such a frail body could strike like that—the deep voice brought you out of your thoughts, you looked at him again carefully, smiled slightly at him. —Thank you for helping, Sir— you realised, he hadn't even said his name or introduced himself, a blush appeared on your cheeks. —Shaw, Al Shaw— Al replied.
—Thank you, Mr. Shaw for helping me— saying goodbye, you turned around trying to catch up with your friends in the opposite direction.
Days after...
—You've been acting weird for days, something's going on in that head of yours—. Aneko put your plate on the table, you had returned from work just in time for lunch, and found Aneko inside your house preparing lunch. —I wonder how the hell you got into my house again—, Aneko laughed lightly at your verdict.
—You always leave the copy key under the third potted plant on the left—,  she turned around to continue preparing another dish.
—This is breaking and entering, and you know it— you huffed exhaustedly. Aneko nodded cheerfully.
 —Tell me the truth—, demanded Aneko, thus beginning the curious conversation.
—What truth am I supposed to tell?— you asked, slightly apprehensive.
—You've been very absent-minded for a couple of days, it's as if your mind decided to go somewhere else—,she paused slightly, —or maybe... On someone else—.
And Aneko was right. For days, from the moment you met Al, you hadn't stopped thinking about him, something made you curious, his mysterious countenance, his large body size, or even his deep blue eyes, looking straight into your soul. And that, no doubt, Aneko could read him.
—It's the man from the other day—said Aneko, it didn't really sound like a question.
—I think yes, there's something about it... It doesn't add up.
—The one that definitely doesn't add up is you— Aneko turned around, somewhat indignant at the situation, whipped the damp cloth lightly against you, instilling a sense of annoyance.
—This is your chance. Think about it, your brother will have to go to university in a few months and you'll be alone at home, it's been years since you've been with someone.
—Try to give him a chance, I've seen the way he looks at you, you're definitely his interest.
—How can you be so sure of that? Maybe he's married or has children... Or something like that.
-—Because he told me so—answered Aneko, you were stunned by his answer.
—Do you want to know or would you rather have flies coming in through your mouth—Aneko raised his hand to gently close his jaw, as he sat down in the chair next to you, with his own plate. You nodded energetically.
—Well, then…
Two days ago...
Aneko had decided that day to go to the grocery shop again.
While she was looking for the ingredients, she bumped into the body of another person, turning around, she saw a man with a top hat, a white face and a pair of dark glasses. Aneko quickly realised who it was.
—How nice! You're the man who helped us—Aneko greeted the man warmly. Albert was surprised, it was very unlikely that he would recognise him from the way he looked. Very nervous, he replied, —Well, what a nice surprise to meet you—.  
—I see that this time she's not accompanied by her friend—mentioned Albert, Aneko proposed to help him with the shopping, and although he refused, he couldn't with Aneko's insistent fierceness.
—She'll be on her afternoon shift right now, are you curious about her?
—I just wanted to know if she was all right—Aneko glanced sideways at her current companion. —Are you married or do you have children?—The woman changed the topic of conversation drastically, puzzling the man, who, very surprised, replied.
-—What? Why do you ask?— Aneko looked at him again with a pleasant smile.
-You seem very interested in (y/n).
Albert was silent for a few moments, Aneko wasn't lying. Ever since that day he'd stopped the girl, he hadn't stopped thinking about her for a second of the day, hoping to find her again, a strange feeling he hadn't felt in many years. Of course, he has had a couple of relationships, but never the feeling he had when he saw her.
—Are you still going to the thank you dinner?
Aneko's eyes lit up, excitedly nodding happily, with the knowledge that the proposal was directed exclusively towards her best friend, (y/n).
—And he's coming to our house this evening, for dinner— Aneko finished the story, taking a sip of her lemonade. Looking carefully at the blushing face of her friend who had reached the 100 types of red possible on a human face.
Of course you wanted to see him, you haven't stopped thinking about him since that day and you had a great magnetic feeling inside you that you wanted to get closer to him, to get to know him, to be interested in him.
—The dress is in your room, you're coming too— Aneko got up from the table as she picked up the empty plates from both of them. Turning to the sink, she began to clear the dishes. —And it's an order, not a question—.
You sighed exhaustedly.
You looked in the mirror a little resentful of the dress Aneko gave you, it was a wine colour that highlighted your face and the colour of your skin, with a plunging V neckline showing your collarbone, the skirt, six toes above the knee highlighted your legs along with the black boots you wore. The outfit highlighted every curve, every softness in your body, without a doubt, you looked wonderful.
You had tied your hair up in a simple ponytail, nothing about your outfit was really fancy or sophisticated, a simple, casual dress that brought out the perfect in you.
Aneko certainly made the best choice.
You went to grab a bag where you put your house keys and went out. The slight cold breeze whipped your face, it was already dark, but the streetlights illuminate the streets well. You started walking towards your two friend´s house, a couple of blocks down the street from your house. It didn't take you more than 10 minutes to get there.
You spotted a car, right in front of the house. "Tristan's car is in the garage, is it...", you realised that this car must belong to the new dinner companion.
You moved closer to what appeared to be the van. "Abracadabra, entertainment and supplies," you read inwardly, turning around, you headed towards the door of the house, and before you could knock on the door, it opened.
Aneko greeted you with a mischievous smile.
—Hi sweetie— she greeted you lovingly, letting you pass, and you stepped carefully in, returning the greeting. You heard a couple of chuckles coming from the living room.
—Come, we're in the living room, we've been waiting for you.
—Am I too late?—Aneko shook her head as you headed for the living room. —Not at all, you're on time, make yourself at home as usual—.
You walked in, your gaze automatically shifted to the sturdy man sitting on one of the sofas, and you looked at him carefully for a few seconds.
He wore a red jumper, over it a black shirt, with trousers and shoes of the same colour, his rings made his hands look bigger and more dominant.
He looked up at you, stopping directly in your eyes, creating a tense eye contact between the two of you.
He observed every curve, relief, detail of you, the shape of your dress, how good it looked on you, your hair cascading down your shoulders further accentuating your jaw and neck. Your bright eyes looking up at him, your skin glowing in the dim light of the lamp beside you, wondering if your skin is as smooth as it looks.
Aneko and Tristan watched the scene in front of them in amusement, Aneko made a heart shape with his hands while Tristan held back a small laugh. — Let's leave the couple talking— Aneko whispered in Tristan's ear, and seconds later they both decided to retire to the dining room to prepare the table.
Albert stood up from the sofa, facing you, the difference in height between the two of you was considerably noticeable, you shyly broke eye contact by looking slightly down at the floor.—I-I didn't think you'd be here tonight— you began, still feeling his bluish gaze on you, making your nerves and your insides start to get very hot.
—Neither do I —he replied, and you looked up again, revealing your slight blush. For a few seconds you were silent, until you decided to start the conversation.
— I'm sorry, I punched you in the stomach, I... I was very angry at the time...— you said shyly, a little afraid of the answer. He offered you a small smile, — Don't worry about it, it's forgotten—  he replied, you nodded momentarily. Albert offered to sit down, a little awkwardly, you agreed very shyly. 
Meanwhile, in the dining room, Aneko put a glass on the wall so she could listen to the conversation on the other side of the door. —Where was the right to privacy?—Tristan asked as he set a couple of plates on the table, Aneko motioned for him to come over and listen to the conversation on the other side as well. Tristan looked at her and, leaving what he was doing, hurried to his wife's side with another glass.
You and Albert laughed, you seemed to have matched each other perfectly, him with his shyness and you with your new confidence towards him, unafraid to start getting to know him and opening up.
—I should have known, you were the man who works in the hardware store next to the shop— you pointed out, looking closely at his one arm.
—I've been here for quite a few years, but I've never seen you until now.
—I know, everyone in Denver is supposed to know everyone, I moved in with my younger brother a few months ago.
Undoubtedly, the conversation flowed between the two, feeling a strange familiarity, a magnetism between the bodies, an inordinate attraction.
Aneko had finished preparing the dining room and called the couple from the living room to dinner.
—It has been a pleasure meeting you Albert! See you tomorrow (y/n)!— Aneko said goodbye happily with her hand, next to Tristán. 
When she closed the door, again, Albert and you were left alone. You were silent for a few moments, dinner had gone wonderfully, but your nervousness was still persistent, nervous to be alone with him.
He looked at you, you looked back at him. —I'll accompany you home? Do you live far away?—He asked.
—Don't worry, I live 5 minutes away, I can go alone— you responded shyly, —I insist, I would not like to discover that you have been kidnapped for going alone in the middle of the night— you laughed slightly at his insistence, you sweetly accepted his proposal and you began to walk in the direction of your house.
—It's been a nice dinner—you started the conversation. 
—Yes, it's nice with you.
You smiled slightly at his answer, god, you liked that sweetness so much. You kept talking about trivial things, the words and gestures flowed naturally.
You arrived home, accompanied by Albert, kindly he even walked you to the front door.
 —Thanks for coming with me…— you said as you opened the door, stopping to turn towards him. He gave you a sweet smile.
 —I hope that the next dinner you have is with me— you were a little surprised at the question, "is… is he proposing a date?" you blushed at the thought, until now, no one had dared to ask you out on a date. 
—Don't doubt that.
You looked into each other's eyes, your eyes shining in the light while you got lost in that wonderful blue sea of ​​his, slowly you stood on tiptoe, Albert brought his body closer to yours.
You felt his lips brush against yours while breathing became irregular and bodies reached their maximum temperature. Passing his hands around your waist, holding you firmly, he did it, he kissed you slowly.
You felt the sweetness in a kiss, the passion that he felt towards aunt and that he was trying to hide since dinner, he couldn't contain himself anymore, much less you. You put your arms around his neck deepening the kiss, while you caressed his long hair, after a few seconds you separated due to lack of air. 
You looked into each other's eyes again, exhaling for lack of air.
Never come to feel those feelings with a person, only with you.
You both melted that same night, feeling the warmth of the other united, listening to the wonderful music that your mouths produced at the contact of the skin of both rubbing against each other, making you his, and you, making him yours that night.
And he didn't want it to end, neither of them wanted to feel the end of that nocturnal meeting between them.
He didn't want you to know that he was The Grabber.
SO SORRY I've had a horrible week and haven't had time to finish this, but it's long :D 
Again, I apologize for the horrible English grammar I use, my language is not English :'( 
This time I wanted to try something fluffy, before getting into the horror of being kidnapped by sexy Grabber(?)
Do not hesitate to leave a heart and a comment, or even a request, they are open ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
 I hope you have liked everything I have created, thank you very much for reading little grasshopper <3
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
*white dragon walk pass spider demon sisters but everytime it walk leave froze footprint but more the air itself is getting cold around it*
Aneko was a coward, She Didn't want to admit though. ❛...I think it's my queue to leave. ❜ She said, Stepping back a little. Her hand immediately was in Jorogumo's. ❛ Ne, Sister, You shouldn't be So Scared~! ❜ Jorogumo said with a grin, Walking up to the White dragon as Aneko hid behind her, Using Jorogumo as a Human...No, Demon shield.
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the-spider-sisters · 10 months
Girls what do you think of @ask-spider-mother-kny new boyfriend? He seems genuinely concerned for her happiness and he does happen to have a lot of marechi too.
❛ Mother Really got a good guy, Well, the Best a demon woman can get! Don't really care much about the marechi, As I'm not planning on living with Rui again, Though~❜ Jurogumo said with her Normal, Playful smile. Despite her situations, Spider mother always seemed to live somehow.
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❛ Bleh. He's annoying to me. I don't really like anyone else outside of the family, So I suppose that's the reason. But I'm afraid that mother might be getting used. I don't trust him, Either. ❜ Aneko said With a frown.
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
*a slayer is sitting nearby just enjoying the woods around him as the crow on his head calls out.*
'You there! Super white demon! You look familiar...you with that thread boy?'
❛ Dont refer to me as if you know me personally. ❜ Aneko said , A vein Appearing on her chin. She gets very upset at the smallest things , As she has a bit of anger issues after the whole ordeal of having watched mother get abused and couldn't do shit about it. ❛ Are you talking about Rui? If your looking for him, He isn't with me Currently. ❜ Jorogumo patted Aneko's head Gently, Causing her to grumble.
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
Kalto carefully walked through the forest, since he saw the corpses of what looked like demon hunters. He weighed his options to be careful around here. Open his pouch to take out a weird look thing before throwing it into a tree as it impact the the tree to shoot out paint to stain anything that could be a trap or to see what was around here.
Aneko Coughed, The paint had gotten on her, And she was quite pissed as her clothes Were going to be hard to wash. She summoned thick threads from the palm of her hands, Wrapping it Around kalto's body. Binding him so he couldnt move or run away from her. ❛ What do you think you're doing..? ❜ She hissed.
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
❝ Why do you guys look like my brother?? Are you guys trying to impersonate him? ❞ She asks, pointing at them.
❛ Who's lost child is this? ❜ Aneko raised a eyebrow as Jorogumo Crouched down to Akuma's level. ❛ Of course not.. We are his siblings.. Well, Not willingly of course. Don't worry about it, Where are your parents? ❜ She said, Jorogumo cupped her own cheeks in thought, Wondering how the girl knew Rui.
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
*waddles over*
*grabby hands*
❛ Which one of us, Cutie? ❜
The Spider demon girl in Red crossed her arms with a smirk. As Aneko only shook her head.
❛ They're staring at you, So I suppose its you. ❜
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
*waddle waddle*
Hey I made you two something... 👉👈
*reaches out a red bracelet to one of them and a blue one to the other, the bracelets were made out of small beads and painted seashells*
❛ Hm? Thank you, Oreo...This looks nice. ❜ Aneko said, She was rather Happy, But had trouble with expressing it. Jorogumo on the other hand, Was Rather Expressive as she smiled brightly,❛Aw, Thank you for this cute gift, Cutie! ❜ She said happily, Giving Oreo head pats.
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
D-- > hello
❛ Hello, Cutie~ What's up? ❜ Jorogumo said with a smirk. Aneko simply just sighs. Aneko Really can get Tired of Jorogumo and her Shenanigans. ❛ Stop flirting with the anons...Anyways, Hello, D. ❜
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the-spider-sisters · 1 year
—Rules! ♡
- Please be patient when I'm replying/Answering asks! I do art, So sometimes I'm busy at times!
- Specify which sister Your talking to! Eldest sister (the one in red) or Sister (one in blue). I will be doing both if you don't Specify.
- For everyone's sake, Call the red one, jorogumo, And the blue one, Aneko
- If you want to ship a oc/Canon character, Speak with me first!
- Nsfw Rp makes me Uncomfortable as I have a bad experience with it, So no nsfw! :(
- The spider sisters are really close, Almost like real siblings, So don't be rude to one unless you want to speak to the other.
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