#☾ *¸•   no parent wrote.  /  au.
sunshine-embry · 2 months
A Silly Little BMC Au :D
I got lazy and didn't do any art but I'm too excited to post this.
So it's called opposite au, and I'm gonna yap about my idea a lot so press read more if you wanna be flash banged by text :)
.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.Characters.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
Jeremy: He is now a popular punk kid. Still friends with Michael, but hates Rich and Jake - he actually bullies them - and still has a crush on Christine. Instead of his parents divorcing, his mom died. Personality wise, he's now super super mean and that's important.
Michael: BIG EMO. Still friends with Jeremy, but is now player 2 iykwim. I have nothing else to say about him :/ Also has homophobic parents while he's gay idk :/
Christine: Anti-social math nerd. Very shy, yet somehow very popular. She doesn't actually like Jeremy all that much, mainly because he bullies Rich and Jake. Also hates Michael, but that isn't plot relevant. Also very minimalist.
Rich: Nicest kid in school. Can you see the plot so far? Anyway, just overall very very nice. That's his entire personality. Also imagine his entire closet being those types of shirts that say "in my mind I am holding a frog' and things like that.
Jake: Stereotypical anti-social nerd. That's basically it. Also his entire closet is just sweater vests . Also also still best friends with Rich.
Chloe: Second smartest girl in school. Basically hella cutecore. I don't have many ideas for the girls :/
Brooke: Smartest girl in school. Also tomboy
Jenna: Prettiest and most popular girl in school. Girly-girl
.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.Plot.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
Act 1
Jeremy likes Christine who in the mathletes. Michael manages to convince Jeremy to join the mathletes, in which Jeremy asks Christine out. Christine obviously says no because Jeremy is a bully ect ect.
So Jeremy goes to the bathroom to take a break from the nonsense math where he sees Rich washing his hands. Rich introduces Jeremy to a SQUIP to make Jeremy more nice.
So Jeremy and Michael go to the mall and buy a SQUIP for Jeremy, which need to be taken with lemon & lime Sprite. So he takes that and goes to the mall store(?) and sees Brooke and Chloe.
Since they never really talked before, and since Brooke's impressed by how nice Jeremy is, she asks to take to him on a date to Denny's (I REFUSE TO CHANGE HER TAKING HIM TO DENNY'S)
Jeremy politely accepts, even though the SQUIP tells him not to, but then ghosts Brooke.
So the next day, Jeremy goes to the mathletes meeting again and Christine tells Jeremy that she has a crush on Jake who's also there because he's a nerd.
Christine and Jake start to date, making Jeremy big sad, so he dates Brooke to get back at Christine.
Act 2
Jake throws a Halloween party at his house because he's trying to become popular. Basically everything is the same until Rich sets a fire.
Rich goes around not so politely asking if anybody has any cherry Sprite.
Of course, nobody does, so he sets Jake's house on fire. It makes sense. So the rumors go spiral like usual, blah, blah, blah.
So Rich - after he leaves the hospital - holds a sleepover at his house, inviting Jake, Jeremy, Brooke, Chloe and Jenna
So the Squip starts being not so nice to Jeremy and tries to force him to Squip his friends, in which he does.
The Play happens but it's in a sleepover scenario, Michael breaks in through the open window once Jeremy calls him, the whole thing (I kinda wrote myself into a corner by making Christine in the mathletes instead of the play so just work with me)
And yeah. I kinda didn't know what to do with the second half. that's it :/ Might write a fic about this.
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intriq · 1 year
✧ little moon
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photo above
Content warnings: blood, death, mentions of firearms [guns], angst, fatherly!Alfred, bigbrother!bruce, genderneutral reader, no mentions of y/n [i try to avoid doing this in my fics from now on], possibly my shitty attempt at poetry, little bit of time jumps
.·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙ ✩ ̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ .
PLEASE note i literally know NOTHING abt the DC universe and got insanely tempted to write this because of Rosa's [fairybaby on c.ai] discord, bc vampire au bots were being discussed and then it divulged to me talking about father figure alfred teaching the user stuff and then to vamp hunter alfred getting rid of newly turned user, which lead to me writing this.
.·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙ ✩ ̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ .
TLDR: non canon compliant VAMPIRES AU DC Universe Angst Fic about VampireHunter!Alfred getting rid of NewlyTurnedVamp!Reader [genderneutral friendly]
.·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙ ✩ ̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ .
time it took to write: around 5 hours [started at 6:59 pm Central time, finished at 11:09 pm Central time]
.·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙ ✩ ̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ .
link to the song i wrote this to [i recommend listening to it while you read!]
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚
The moon cannot stay in the night sky for forever, despite it’s gentle splendor.
You’d always been close to the quite famous vampire-hunting Wayne family, including Alfred, a closely trusted family ally who also just-so happened to be the butler of the family. To you, Alfred was like your father. Someone you looked up to.
And to him, you were like his child. One that he could never have in life.
The entire reason the Wayne family had become significant vampire hunters was due to the head of the family, Bruce Wayne.
It was a well-known tale of tragedy, known for every citizen of Gotham. For every civilian, every vampire, every vampire hunter.
because no matter how beautiful it may be,
Bruce, at the young age of just twelve [12] years of age, had been on an outing with his parents. They’d been walking amongst the street of rapidly darkening Gotham, streetlights flickering into life as the sun just barely peeked its gentle yellow-orange golden rays over the horizon of the city.
While there were different versions of the tale past this point, of how Bruce and his parents had even stumbled past a particularly vampire-infested portion of the city, it all leads to the same fate.
The fate of Bruce having to watch his parents be torn apart before his very eyes, helpless. Unable to do anything.
And to Bruce, fate was cruel enough to leave him alive. Just him. Forced him to sit there as his parents slowly turned cold as the blood drained from their bodies when the vampire that had attacked them scampered off when some random vampire hunter had shown up.
It all ends the same with Bruce having to literally feel the bodies of his parents grow cold in his grasp, as his hands hold theirs. Sitting with them as he cried.
But his tears, no matter how warm, could not bring warmth back to the cooled bodies of his mother and father.
That was the very tale that sparked Bruce to become a vampire hunter. All to make sure no other child would need to suffer such a cruel and cold fate.
The fate of watching their parents die before their very eyes.
Alfred had taken you in, too. For that very reason.
You’d only been the young age of six when one of Alfred’s vampire hunter buddies had come upon your family. Bodies already cooled, drained of blood that coated every inch of your home. But yet, somehow, you were safe.
You were “lucky” as some might say.
But no child is lucky in such a fate. There is no “luck” when it comes to being the only survivor of your families brutal massacre, leaving you with nightmares. Nightmares that would cause such a young child to wake up screaming and crying in the middle of the night.
With nowhere left to bring such a young child [this young child being you in particular], Alfred’s friend comes knocking upon the Wayne manor.
no matter how gentle she may seem,
It’d only been a week or two since the loss of Bruce’s parents, and when Alfred had opened the doors to find you cradled in his friends arms, sleeping with eyes shut and red, puffy from crying due to the nightmare that had woken his friend.
It’d been nearly midnight, too.
“Whose this?” Alfred had asked, reaching forward in just about an instant to take you from his friends arms. You don’t even stir from your slumber when Alfred takes you, cradling you in his arms. Your head rests on his shoulder as he holds you, and you even let out the smallest, softest little sigh.
As if you found Alfred’s comforting hold on you better than his friends.
Alfred’s friend gives off your name, and it makes Alfred’s brows furrow in recognition. He’d known your father. They’d served in the British military together, after all.
This was how Alfred came to know that one of his friends had died that same very night, and learned that his friend had even had a child.
“I can’t look after a six-year-old with what I do, Alfred. You think you could..?” His friend’s voice trails off, and the question is clear. Alfred only slowly nods, giving him quick thanks before returning inside Wayne manor just as his friend turns to depart.
Bruce was still awake, too. He’d sat at the top of the stairs, just watching the brief encounter. And in that same night, Alfred introduces Bruce to you. Tells Bruce about your father, just in a few brief words.
Brief words that Bruce knew held a lot more weight behind them than Alfred could put on.
And from that night onward, Alfred raised you and Bruce.
Over the next couple of weeks after your arrival, Alfred would often be awoken in the night by your crying. Or your screaming, whichever one broke through your nightly terrors first. It would wake Bruce, too.
Bruce would always just stare up at the ceiling on these nights. Listening as he heard Alfred’s frantic, muffled footsteps come tumbling down the hall. Listening as Alfred opened the door to the bedroom you stayed in. [which was right next to Bruce’s, by the way]
Bruce could hear, from behind the wall his bed was against, as Alfred comforted you. As Alfred assured you that you were alright. Listening as your sobs and frantic gasps of air turned to sniffles after a long while, and then eventually quieted, with Alfred leaving exactly ten minutes after.
He’d even recognized the nickname Alfred had for you. “Little moon,” he’d always call you. Bruce wasn’t sure why, Alfred never explained.
One night, you’d awoken from a nightmare. But Alfred had been out on some personal business that day, and hadn’t quite yet returned. Bruce only awoke when he’d heard you open the door to his bedroom, your blanket hugged tightly under one of your little arms whilst you held some sort of stuffed animal that had been brought from your old home.
Even in the dark, Bruce knew you were crying. He could recognize those little sniffles, seeing as they kept him awake whenever you woke him by your screams of terror from your horrifying dreams due to your memories.
You’d asked him if you “could please sleep in his bed since Alfy wasn’t home yet”. And for some reason, despite how he’d ignored you at first, he couldn’t say no.
So you’d crawled into bed next to him, your little body huddled close to his. And Bruce hugged you, for some reason. Some sort of instinct, some sort of gut feeling.
It was like a natural reaction for Bruce, because he didn’t even process a thought before he’d done it.
And the moment he did so, your sniffles quieted faster, your tears stalling quicker than most other nights. And before he knew it, you were asleep again. And for once, you didn’t have a nightmare.
And from then on, Bruce saw you as a little sibling. And because of the loss of his parents not long before, he grew protective of you. Stepped into the role of your big brother without even a second thought.
After all, you’d both lost your family due to the same reason. The same way.
the sky does not have the room to hold the moon for forever, in all her silver glory
However, Alfred and Bruce did everything to keep you away from vampire hunting. And I mean everything.
Not once did they speak a word of it to you. Not once did they ever let you even notice how their presence left the Wayne manor at night to clear out the infested streets of Gotham.
So with that, you grew up mostly normal.
Sure, you got picked on and teased for how small you were in school. Sure, you’d come home battered and bruised from being shoved around a little too harshly by those kids who just easily towered over you.
You’d blame it on being clumsy. It was believable to Alfred. After all, you’d taken many tumbles in the years leading up to when the bullying started.
But Bruce never believed an ounce of it.
Sure, he’d try and ask you what really happened. But all you’d do is blink up at him, give him a forced smile, one that didn’t reach your eyes in the same bubbly and warm way it did usually. You’d always hoped he didn’t notice how forced it was.
But he always did. He just pretended not to notice it.
And when one day, Bruce happened to see the bullying firsthand. Seen it right before his eyes.
And that same day, after you’d disappeared from sight, Bruce got into his first fight. He’d come home just as beat up as you, maybe a little more-so, but he was victorious.
“You’re gonna get in trouble with Alfy if you get into fights, Bruce.” You’d whined, placing a cute little flower patterned band-aid on Bruce’s split knuckles. It wouldn’t do anything to help, but the thought certainly mattered.
And Bruce would only gently smile at you. That had been the first time, too. First time he’d ever smiled at you. He only ruffles your hair⎯ much to your disapproval and dismay⎯ and tell you that it was alright, that he didn’t mind if he got in trouble.
Because he truly didn’t. Not when it meant you got to live a more peaceful and normal life.
You were nine years old then, making Bruce fifteen.
He didn’t care if he got quizzical looks the next day for the fact he had those childish flower patterned band-aids on his split and bruised knuckles, or on any part of him that was bruised and battered. Bruce just didn’t care.
It made you feel helpful. So why would he stop you?
because the sun is a jealous twin, jealous of it’s sisters beauty, of her fragile elegance, and it yearns for that same beauty
So, yes. You were quite close with the Wayne family. You were practically an unofficial member of it.
In fact, you were close enough with them that all of Bruce’s children [adopted or biological] knew you quite well. All of them had a different nickname for you, one that they called you by. To them, you were just as much of a parental figure as Bruce was.
Maybe even more-so, since you’d take any opportunity to get them something. Even if it was a small little trinket.
But to them? That trinket was everything. It was worth more than any fine jewelry or expensive painting. To them, it was utterly priceless.
But hiding vampire hunting from you couldn’t last for forever, and you’d discovered it just after Jason’s disappearance. Why?
Because you’d gone looking for him.
Gone looking for him, and had accidentally caught Bruce in the middle of taking out a vampire. Which, unfortunately, caused you to relapse into memories of that night when you were six-years-old, due to how brutal killing vampires is.
You’d had another bout of nonstop nightmares for almost three months after that before they calmed, and Bruce had been there for each one, since you still lived in the Wayne estate.
Bruce never quite stopped feeling guilty after that, too.
and while the sun always feels sorry for it’s envy, the moon understands.
And now it was years later. Years later, and it was just a few days after you did something stupid. You’d slipped up, accidentally coming home much too late.
You were always quite bad at navigating Gotham, especially at night. So you’d wound up lost, in one of the worst parts of the city. One of the more vampire infested areas.
And you’d been bitten, and turned. You’d become one of them.
You didn’t mean to, you honestly didn’t. You tried to hide the signs from Alfred and Bruce. From Alfred, you hid it quite well. He just figured you weren’t feeling well, having a migraine.
But Bruce knew better.
He always could tell when you were lying.
So when Bruce had the confirmation that you were a vampire when you’d almost attacked him just the night before. He’d come home a little more beat up and hurt than usual, but nothing serious. To him, at least.
But to you, a newly turned vampire, resisting the urge to not attack when you hadn’t fed once just yet was impossible.
And that’s how Bruce found out. But he didn’t have the heart to kill you. No, he didn’t. He couldn’t kill the one person who he’d seen as a younger sibling for so many years. He couldn’t kill the person he’d tried so, so hard to protect from the infestation of Gotham.
So Bruce told Alfred, right after you’d fled Wayne manor.
And that’s what lead up to now.
she always gives the spotlight to the sun whenever it asks, as gentle or harsh or beautiful as it may
So here Alfred was, gun in hand. Stood before you.
Your gums burned and ached so badly due to how long you’d been going hungry. But you manage to hold yourself in, just simply standing there. Looking at Alfred, as you both stand in that trash filled alley, walls covered in graffiti.
“How long?” Alfred asks, finally breaking the silence that had been held for the pasty thirty minutes of you two staring at one another.
It’s hard for Alfred to hide the way his voice quivers. The way his hands tremble, nearly dropping the gun that was aimed right at you.
Your quiet for a moment, swallowing the forming lump in your throat. You can feel tears stinging your eyes, just like they did when you’d gotten the nightmares. You draw in a quivering breath, hands clenching painfully, nails forming crescent moons into your palms.
“Almost a week.”
Alfred is quiet. You can hear the way his heartbeat picks up, the way his breathing faltered for just a moment, as if he struggled to take in any air.
Alfred takes a moment to steel himself. To steady his emotions.
You and Alfred both have this thick weight in your chests. In your entire bodies. It’s like static, and it brings with it a bitter acidic taste to the mouth, makes the tongue go numb and heavy like metal.
Everything’s quiet, as Alfred steadies his aim again. He cocks the gun, too. But he closes his eyes when he does that, only opening them again after the click resounds.
“I’m sorry, Alfy. I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” You begin, eyes glistening with tears. And before you know it, they are falling.
The same tears that Alfred could remember wiping off your face when you were six-years-old. The same tears that would cause him to nearly trip and fall on his own feet when he’d heard you crying due to those night terrors when you’d first come to stay with him and Bruce.
The same tears that he’d spend almost an hour every night coaxing to a halt. Sometimes even telling you stories about your father. The stupid things they’d do together, the stupid things Alfred did when he was a teenager.
And he’d smile when those tears stopped, halted by your little giggles that made relief flood his chest, warming it.
And before Alfred knows it, he’s stepped toward you. Gun still ready to fire, of course, but he uses his free arm to bring you close. And he hugs you.
Alfred hugs you in the same way he did when you were little, gently patting your back as his cheek rests on the top of your head, his gaze watching as the sun rises in the distance. And you cry.
You sob into him, hugging him back. Hugging him back so, so tightly. All you can get out between your hiccupping, broken sobs is just the words “I’m sorry, Alfy, I’m sorry” over and over. And Alfred simply continues to console you, replying with a very quiet, broken words of his own.
“I know, little moon. I know.”
You fall limp in his arms. And Alfred weeps, cradling your bloody body in arms. For the first time in a long, long time, he cries.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you, my little moon.”
because the sun always rises, for the moon cannot lead with it’s gentleness for forever, for the world is not as gentle and forgiving. there will always be the light on the morning horizon, drawing your attention away, as the moon dips away from the sky.
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loganwritesprobably · 6 months
Theo Character Sheet
Context: Hale family survived the fire AU
Lots of headcanons, lots of changes!
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𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛𝚎 "𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚘" 𝙰. 𝚁𝚊𝚎𝚔𝚎𝚗
"ɪ'ᴍ ᴀɴ ᴀᴛʜᴇɪꜱᴛ. ꜰɪʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴡɪʟʟ."
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ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ
ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Theodore Alexander Raeken
ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ: Theo
ᴀɢᴇ: 17
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Trans male
ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ: He/him
ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Gay
ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ: November 19th
ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ ꜱɪɢɴ: Scorpio
ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴇꜱ: Chimera (Werewolf/Werecoyore)
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 5’9”
ꜱᴋɪɴ ᴛᴏɴᴇ: Fair
ʜᴀɪʀ: Brunette
ᴇʏᴇꜱ: Green
ꜱᴄᴀʀꜱ: N/A
ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴏᴅꜱ: N/A
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The dread doctors took Theo when he was just nine years old. He had a major heart defect that was sure to kill him without a transplant, and said transplant would make Theo perfect for the doctors' experiments as he would be a genetic chimera. The first successful chimera. They convinced Theo that his older sister Tara wanted him to have her heart so that he would be able to keep living and he believed them. He tricked her into falling into the river, at their favourite spot on the bridge in the preserve, and watched as she died, just as they'd told him to.
They raised him as his guardians, the most parental of the three being The Geneticist. She was like a mother to Theo and showed the largest amount of concern for his mental wellbeing. The doctors ensured he excelled in school in all of his academic subjects, fed him perfectly well, made sure he kept on top of gym visits and had him pursue theatre so he would be able to work as their puppet within schools. Young children, like he had been, were unlikely to survive the procedures they wanted to do. They needed older children.
The Geneticist grew fond of Theo as he aged, conceding things to him and allowing him to live more and more like a 'real kid'. It was her that taught him how to drive, her that bought him fast food following theatre rehearsals, her that bought him his first and only pet, her that helped with his first full shift and helped groom him after runs in the woods, and it was her that helped him plan his escape.
It took a lot of careful care to plan the deaths of each doctor, and hurt so much more to know he had to kill the Geneticist if he wanted to actually be free. She wrote each of their wills, making sure everything that they had would go to Theo and it was her that gave him her blessing to end her very long life. She'd always been invested in their goal of reviving La Bête du Gévaudan, but she had grown more invested in her son.
Theo knew he was trans for a long time. The Dread Doctors may have been murderers, but they were also scientists, so weren't fool enough to deny Theo what he wanted. Theo didn't want them anywhere near him with knives, so while they'd off-handedly offered to help with his transition on several occasions, he'd denied.
When he turned up at Peter's, this was something Peter immediately took to researching with him. The two spent long nights together finding the best surgeons, prices be damned, and got Theo what he wanted.
Theo now takes testosterone injections and has had top surgery. He's still looking into bottom surgery, because he and Peter aren't sure how his body would heal around it if something were to go wrong.
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Because of the way he was treated by the dread doctors, Theo didn't really have time for many hobbies. 
When he was younger he did little league with Scott and Stiles, but he didn't truly have a chance to play sports for enjoyment after he left, he was only given the chance to exercise to maintain his figure. The one thing he did find that he enjoys is theatre. 
The dread doctors wanted him to be a good actor to serve his purpose as they travelled around, and so he got to do theatre classes at each of the high schools that he attended, assuming they provided it as an option. He found that he had quite the passion for theatre and quickly began taking on lead roles in most shows he partook in.
☾ Theatre ☾  Pop punk music ☾  Mythology ☾  Chess ☾  Tattoos
☽  Small spaces ☽  Pop culture ☽  Mannequins ☽  Bowling
Theo gave up on imagining a life after the dread doctors a long time ago so now he has no aspirations. He doesn't know what he wants to do, or where he wants to be, he just knows what he's good at. The closest thing he has to any sort of aspiration is his desire to rekindle his friendships from childhood and earn his place in the Hale pack.
༓  Meeting his parents again ༓  Hospitals
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➼ Mr Raeken ➼ Unknown
➼ Mrs Raeken ➼ Unkown
➼ Tara Raeken ➼ Deceased •⋅⊰⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙∘☽༓☾∘⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅⋅•⋅∙⊰⋅• ɢᴜᴀʀᴅɪᴀɴ ➼ Peter Hale ➼ Living
Theo has no idea what happened to his parents. The doctors spoke to him, not them, and then his sister was dead and he was being taken away. He hasn't seen his parents since Tara's funeral and never dared to ask the doctors what happened to them, he knew he wasn't allowed to talk about his life before.
He carries a lot of guilt over what happened to Tara, even though he was so young when it happened. He remembers Stiles accusing him of being emotionless for being able to kill her but as he'd said himself - he was a kid, he still believed in Santa. He believed the doctors. He regrets that now and would happily die a hundred times over if it meant that Tara got to live now.
Peter isn't quite family just yet, but when Theo turned up in the pouring rain and asked Peter to take him in, with the knowledge that he'd understand tucked in his back pocket, he became Peter's ward. Peter is maybe the closest thing he had to a father, that he can remember anyway.
Theo doesn't struggle with conversation or socialising, but he does struggle making true connections. He hasn't had real friendships since he was a kid and his best friends were Scott and Stiles. Now, he's determined to make some true friends again, but he struggles with honesty after playing the chameleon for so long.
Theo has faked attraction and relationships with dozens of people in the past while working with the dread doctors. He's never been truly interested in anyone until more recently, though.
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ᴘʜʏꜱɪᴄᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ
As a Chimera, equal parts Werewolf and Werecoyote, Theo is in effectively peak physical condition. It’s a great improvement compared to his childhood, where for a while things looked bleak - like he may not survive until his eleventh birthday. Sometimes, he still has unusual feelings around his heart, like it’s beating ‘wrong’ though Theo knows that means nothing.
ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ
Theo’s mental health is, overall, poor. It doesn’t take a genius to work that out. Between his dysphoria, years of traumatic experimentation, being isolated and alone and killing his own sister - to say Theo has some issues is the understatement of the century
Growing up with the Dread Doctors, Theo didn’t eat much high quality food. Often, it was the bare minimum, though still balanced. He didn’t often get the chance to eat junk food like other people his age, and now he takes the chance whenever it’s given to him. Though, he also thoroughly enjoys the food Peter makes for him, and is more than happy to take that to school rather than eating whatever it is the cafeteria serves.
Theo rarely sleeps well. He had a rough child and teen life, and that has left him more than troubled. He spent a little while living out of his truck, and living with Peter absolutely makes sleeping easier, but it still doesn’t stop the nightmares. He has them every night, and sometimes wakes Peter in the process. He’s exhausted, always.
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toraashi · 2 years
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 — 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐮 (𝐢)
info/warnings: featuring kazuha, scaramouche, albedo, thoma and mona, gn!reader, implied romance, not really any warnings or triggers to worry about
notes from the author: love college au’s but i’m not in college and they remind me that my parents think i’m a failure lol. so here’s some modern!au situations in which the reader is not a college student lol. i’m in love with some of these concepts so please send me asks brainrotting i am obsessed rn, also i wrote it sort of weird so if the tenses are a little off i apologize
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𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐤𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐡𝐚.
☾      A guy you met while you were traveling a few months back. Kazuha was in your guided tour group and in your eagerness to feel comfortable with someone, you befriended him. Quickly, you learned that he had been to your destination many times before, and was disappointed at how little the group was covering. 
☾      On the bus, he would add little remarks, expanding on the tour guide’s information, answering your questions and gushing about his favorite areas. He was extremely kind, always smiling softly at you, cooing when you showed excitement. When the final day’s trip ended, he was knocking on your hotel room door and inviting you on a late night excursion to a few spots the tour guide had skipped over. 
☾      Each location was lovely, and he ate up your reactions, accepting your pleas to take photos, helping you pose and catching just the right lighting. He was no professional by any means, but the way he grinned behind the camera was worth it.  At your last stop, you asked him why he chose here, especially if he’d already been. He explained that it was his favorite place he’d visited, and there was a lot of history of old writing/poetry that he wanted to experience in person. 
☾      He mentioned that he spent a vast majority of his time writing, and offered to show you a few pieces he’d completed. His cheeks were red when you read them, and the stars seemed to twinkle in his eyes as he gave you insight into his heart. 
[more below the cut!]
☾      There must’ve been something in the air, because as the night came to a close, he reached for your hand, whispering that he believed that nature had caused your paths to cross, and he felt a strong connection to you throughout your adventure. It was melodramatic and thick with emotion, but with the lilt to his voice and the genuineness he beheld, you couldn’t help but be enamored, agreeing with every word. 
☾      When he escorted you back to your room, (you took buses and cabs the whole way back — an adventure all on its own) he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and with the softest expression in his eyes, bid you goodnight. 
☾      On your long journey home, you couldn’t help but feel the slightest twinge melancholy of what was seemingly a fleeting, brief almost-romance, but it dissipated, replaced with giddy joy at the slip of paper tucked in your jacket pocket, his flowery handwriting encasing a small note with his number. 
☾      Now that you’re back home, returned to your typical routine, the two of you talk often. His hometown isn’t too far from you, but he frequently goes on cross-country backpacking excursions in foreign countries or long vacations. It’s been difficult to meet up again, to your disappointment, but he swears that there will be an opportunity.
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☾      You first met Scaramouche after work on the train ride home. It was bustling when you boarded, and the only spot available was beside a stand-offish dark haired boy around your age with a black turtle neck, headphones dangling from his ears as he stared out the window. Coughing into your hand, you’d snagged his attention, ignoring his glare and asking if he minded you sitting beside him. He’d just scoffed and waved his hand, turning back to the window with a wrinkled nose. 
☾      You’d sat tight, hands in your lap, taut as a bow, hoping he’d disembark early so you could relax, but as the sun had dipped below the horizon and everyone else’d progressively filed out of the car, that seemed to be a lost cause. By that point, the car had been dead silent, and it was too uncomfortable to move despite the plethora of empty seats (you were worried you’d offend him).
☾      Desperate to iron out the tension, you’d politely asked him for his name, watching as he’d peeled his earbuds out with an irritated furrow to his brows, responding gruffly. Finally, you’d gotten a decent look at his face: the way his violet hair curled around his ears, the drooping bags under his eyes, his strikingly pale skin. Truthfully you’d thought he was awfully pretty, and it flustered you more than you wanted to admit. Scaramouche must have noticed, because he’d scoffed half-heartedly, tilting his chin up and asking you what you wanted. When you’d responded, he was nothing but abrasive and rude, clearly seeing you as a nuisance and wanting to be left alone. 
☾      When you’d gotten off the train (he’d stayed until your stop— why did he even bother taking the train this far?) you’d planned to forget the incident, it wasn’t like you’d ever see him again anyway, right? 
☾      Well, fate was always cruel (as your neighbor loved to remind you), and after that, you couldn’t seem to escape Scaramouche no matter where you went. Suddenly, you discovered that he frequented your favorite local coffee shop, had just started working on the same side of town as you (you shared many more uncomfortable train rides), and apparently was your coworker’s neighbor.  
☾      It all came to a head one morning when you went in to get your usual from the café and he slammed his drink onto the table you were sitting at, demanding to know why you were following him around and what your problem was. You explained that it was just coincidence, giving him a piece of your mind about his awful attitude, and he seemed to quell at that, silencing, his poisonous glare never faltering. He scoffed and left after your angered explanation, but now nearly every morning, he sits at your table, drinking his coffee and minding his business like you aren’t even there. Perhaps eventually, he’ll work up the courage to strike up a conversation.
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𝐚𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐨 𝐤𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐳.
☾      Albedo is the pretty, pretty boy who volunteers at the local library. Truthfully, you’ve started going more often since you saw him, and he usually occupies the seat behind the front desk, his nose tucked behind a book, glasses sliding down his nose. The front pieces of his hair are braided back lazily, but it doesn’t stop strands from falling into his face — you wonder why he even bothers. 
☾      The other place he spends his time is amidst the shelves, organizing books and placing any returned ones. You know this because one time while you were looking for something specific, he came walking along in his pleated pants and button-up short sleeved, face impassive as the book-cart rolled behind him. You’d locked eyes, and he’d asked if you were looking for anything specific. Flustered, you’d stuttered out your response, frozen in place when he nodded, tapping his chin and turning to sift through the stacks of paper behind him. 
☾      You’d waited anxiously until he revealed the exact book you were looking for, the plastic protective cover old and yellowed. If he’d heard your breath hitch when he’d handed it to you (your fingers brushed), he hadn’t commented on it. 
☾      Instead, he’d asked if you were interested in the topic the book covered, a purely curious glimmer in his eye, and it sparked a conversation. 
☾      From then on, you visited when life allowed it, chatting with Albedo by the counter while he did his work. He revealed that he was a university student (chemistry major) volunteering on the weekends. He was fascinated with knowledge for knowledge’s sake, and knew so many random things and topics; your conversations never had a dull moment. 
☾      He wasn’t typically interested in fiction, but you strove to change that, introducing some of your favorite novels to him and getting him hooked. It was clear he was hiding his excitement every time you came in, slightly perking up whenever the door opened and discussing his thoughts on the content with you. 
☾      He was never as intrigued by the story and characters as you’d hoped, but he instead was fascinated by the development of the story and what went into making it. What inspired the author to make the decisions they did. Some books you knew the background of, some you did not. And the ones you didn’t Albedo seemed to do his own research on, filling you in during your next visit. 
☾      You also learned that he had a horrendous caffeine addiction, but you’d gotten him hooked on your favorite coffee shop after it was too late. It’d started after you brought him treats and a drink one time, and now the employees there always interrogated you on the mysterious “coffee man”. Of course, you assured them that Albedo was just a good friend, but secretly, you wished he wasn’t.
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☾      Thoma is your neighbor in your apartment complex! He’s super extroverted and friendly, and when you moved in, he was the first to welcome you, bringing tasty treats and a warm smile. You’d been bewildered, even more so when he told you he’d baked them himself. 
☾      Thoma doesn’t obnoxiously bother you like some people, but he goes out of his way to greet you whenever you cross paths. For example, one time at the mailbox he’d been walking his dog (a cute thing, and he loves you to death), fumbling through his mail and keys when he’d spotted you from across the way, doing a double take and brightening at your appearance. He’d raised his hand to wave, accidentally releasing the leash wrapped around his hand. The dog (Taroumaru, you learned) had bounded towards you, tongue out and tail wagging, headbutting your leg and barking affectionately. 
☾      Thoma’d apologized sheepishly, hand scrubbing the back of his head as he’d collected the pup, swearing he’d make it up to you despite your protests and reassurances, and sure enough, he’d come knocking at your door later that evening with baked goods. 
☾      His outgoing nature nurtured a friendship over time, and now you spend many nights in your apartment watching movies and cooking together. Thoma always chastises you for any messes in your house (playfully, as he does), and cooks the best meals, sitting beside you on the couch and forcing food into your hand as he puts on a movie. 
☾      He’s usually too preoccupied with work to indulge in movies (even spending evenings with you is a stretch), so you have the opportunity to introduce him to all your favorites. He gets roped in every time. Edge of his seat kind of invested, green eyes wide as he inhales the film. He always catches the smallest details you’d missed, and it makes watching movies with him so fun. 
☾      Thoma is always extremely busy, so it makes any time spent with him precious. Not only does he do a lot of work for a prestigious family, but he does volunteer work a lot, and during the summers teaches a swimming class to young kids. Sometimes he’ll invite you to those sessions, but to be honest, you mostly go to see Thoma in the skin tight swim shirt (not that you’d ever tell).
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𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐦𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐬.
☾      Mona is another person from your apartment complex. You aren’t quite sure where her room is, but you do know that she is the world’s worst night owl. 
☾      You and Mona were introduced on the third week she’d sat outside your window with her telescope, mumbling to herself all night and rustling papers. If the walls weren’t paper thin, maybe it wouldn’t have been an issue, but you’d had too many sleepless nights as a result of her habits, and it was only a matter of time before you’d confronted her.
☾      The fated conversation happened on a night you’d gotten home from work late, wound tight from a certain individual on the train to find Mona with her entire setup on the grass outside your window. Frustrated and exhausted, you’d finally said something. 
☾      She hadn’t taken it well, insisting that it was her home too, and she was entitled to be up whenever she felt like. She reminded you that you could just sleep in another room. You’d countered that she could do her stargazing elsewhere. She’d bristled at that, huffing and insisting you’d never understand. 
☾      And thus started the passive aggressive rivalry, but as things dragged on, she seemed to get self-concious about the bother she was causing you, and it truly became apparent the day you were behind her in line at the same old café, watching with an unimpressed gaze as she fumbled through her coin bag, swearing up and down to the disgruntled employee that she had another dollar. 
☾      Out of the kindness of your heart, you’d spotted her the change, eager to get your morning caffeine and start your day. She’d approached you afterwards, but rather than just returning the money, she’d “payed you back” by agreeing to move her astronomy elsewhere. 
☾      She’d explained that she was studying a specific celestial object for a project and the spot by your window was the ideal spot to view it at. Of course, she’d assured you that this was simply because she refused to be “indebted” to you.
☾      Regardless, after the incident, the two of you grew closer. Occasionally, if you had the day off the next morning, you would spend a few hours stargazing with her, asking questions about her research, brushing off her haughty responses with a contented hum, falling asleep on her shoulder more times than you could count. 
☾      She’d always shakes you awake with a pink blush, refusing to meet your gaze while chastising you for staying up later than you were able.
☾      Now, she invites you to her astronomy group that she goes to on Wednesdays. It’s just a bunch of egocentric nerds gushing about the stars, but Mona looks so adorable when she’s in her element, you can’t help but be supportive.
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part two featuring....
xiao: the disgruntled café employee,
childe: xiao’s least favorite co-worker,
zhongli: owner of the café,
diluc: your boss’ son (he left after the management changes),
and kaeya: diluc’s brother, your co-worker (stayed after the management changed) 
read here!
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hangjie · 3 years
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note. i wrote these when i was 14 - 16 years old, so there are a lot of grammatical errors and the writing is weak. i'm compiling all of my non-anime masterlists since i don't really wanna make separate masterlists since i don't write for non-anime imagines anymore
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[ ♡ - fluff, ☾ - angst, ♤ - au, ♪ - song imagine ]
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carl grimes
✧ colors [ ♤ ]
summary. au where one cannot see the world with colors unless they meet their soulmate
✧ babysitting [ ♡ ]
summary. reader helps carl babysit judith
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# IT (2017)
richie tozier
✧ hot damn, babygirl [ ♡ ]
summary. reader is beverly's best friend and when they meet the losers at the convinence store, richie swoons at the reader
✧ secrets [ ♡☾ ]
summary. richie and reader ( who is the older twin of eddie) is in a secret relationship but her family gets in the way
✧ check yes juliet [ ♡♪ ]
summary. reader's parents don't approve of richie and their relationship and richie tries to sneak off with reader
✧ see you soon [ ☾ ]
summary. reader breaks the news to richie about her move
bill denbrough
✧ masterpiece [ ♡ ]
summary. bill draws pictures of reader, even though they've never talked before
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mike wheeler
✧ behind the curtains [ ♡ ]
summary. mike, who works behind the curtains, is attracted to the reader, who is an actor in a play
✧ one last dance [ ☾ ] ( 01 , 02 )
summary. reader is about to confess her feelings to mike but is stopped when eleven enters the room
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peter parker
✧ injured [ ♡ ]
summary. peter comes up to reader's window in the middle of the night with bruises and cuts all over his body and reader is confused as to why spiderman asked help from her
✧ infinity war [ ☾ ]
summary. reader helps peter and the others defend against thannos
✧ vitiligo [ ♡ ]
summary. reader is very fascinated by peter and his vitiligo
✧ you're the best part [ ♡ ]
summary. reader and peter are goofing around until a slow song plays on peter's phone
✧ far from home [ ☾ ]
summary. reader and peter are on vacation and decide to go on a little date, which ends up in tears, anger, heartbreak, and spiderman?
✧ whatever it takes [ ☾ ] ( 01 , 02 )
summary. it has been five years since thanos wiped out half of the population and since the avengers killed thanos. so, what's left for the reader?
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five hargreeves
✧ stand by me [ ♡☾ ]
summary. the apocalypse is coming and five is doing everything he needs to do, even if one of which is confessing his feelings to reader
✧ drunk in love [ ♡ ]
summary. instead of luther and diego finding five, reader finds him and takes care of him
✧ are you there? [ ☾ ]
summary. the hargreeves siblings are wondering why their brother, five, has been acting strange lately
✧ friend or foe? [ ☾ ]
summary. reader is brainwashed by the commission and is given the mission to kill five
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peter pan
✧ curious little thing [ ☾ ]
summary. reader gets kidnapped by pan and tries their best to escaope
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✧ pizza boy [ ♡ ]
summary. tyler starts flirting with reader who is walter's granddaughter
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timothée chalamet
✧ oui? [ ♡ ]
summary. reader gets lost in france and asks help from a stranger who is actually timothée
✧ holiday blues [ ♡ ☾ ] ( 01, 02, 03 , 04 )
summary. reader slips up that she has a boyfriend and begs timothée to be her pretend boyfriend during the holidays
finn wolfhard
✧ behind the scenes [ ♡☾ ]
summary. reader and finn are planned to have a kiss scene and they both freak out
✧ celebrity crush [ ♡ ]
summary. finn's celebrity crush is reader and they meet at an awards how and finn gets all hyped up
✧ livestream [ ♡ ]
summary. finn is doing a livestream and reader is one of his viewers
✧ speak now [ ☾♪ ]
summary. aged up!finn is getting married to someone horrible
tom holland
✧ spoiler free [ ♡ ]
summary. reader tries to be spoiler free but forgets that her boyfriend is tom holland, aka spoilerman
ben hardy
✧ bohemian rhapsody [ ♡ ]
summary. ben receives the casting call to be in bohemian rhapsody
chandler riggs
✧ friendzone [ ♡☾ ]
summary. reader and chandler are best friends. only best friends.
sadie sink
✧ girlfriend [ ♡☾ ]
summary. reader has feelings for sadie despite sadie being in a relationship
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last updated: november 19, 2021
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© hangjie 2021
15 notes · View notes
loganwritesprobably · 6 months
Law Character Sheet
Context: Set for a one piece modern AU
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𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚊𝚛 𝙳 𝚆𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙻𝚊𝚠
"ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴀᴋ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ɢᴇᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ, ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴠᴇɴ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅɪᴇ."
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ʙᴀꜱɪᴄ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟꜱ
ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Trafalgar D. Water Law
ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ: Law, Traffy (at your own risk)
ᴀɢᴇ: 26
ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: Cis male
ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ: He/him
ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ: Bisexual
ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ: October 6th
ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ ꜱɪɢɴ: Libra
​🇩​​🇪​​🇻​​🇮​​🇱​ ​🇫​​🇷​​🇺​​🇮​​🇹​: Ope Ope no Mi
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 6'3"
ꜱᴋɪɴ ᴛᴏɴᴇ: Olive
ʜᴀɪʀ: Black
ᴇʏᴇꜱ: Brown
ꜱᴄᴀʀꜱ: Lots of scars, sustained mainly during his youth
ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴍᴏᴅꜱ: Tongue piercing, eyebrow piercing, two lobe piercings in each ear, significant number of tattoos
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Initially, Law grew up in the small town of Flevance with his family. His father, mother and sister were close to him, and they loved each other dearly. They were the picture of a perfect family, until the outbreak. The outbreak of Amber Lead was severe, and it spread quickly. Flevance had an unusually high population of doctors, as a result of there being a medical school nearby, and they worked hard, and efficiently, to contain the outbreak. Sadly, that was the downfall of many of those who died. The town was small, and so the death toll was also small, but considering it was an entire town - it felt huge. The only survivor - Law. He was young enough to fight the infection for longer, and he appeared well for longer, so was able to escape the quarantine and run for help.
He didn’t know where he was going, or what he was expecting, but he knew his family was dead and so he had nothing to lose. It was then that he met Corazon, a social worker **(open for change)**. Corazon learned what had happened to the people of Flevance, and what was happening to Law, and took it upon himself to help. His own adopted parents were only too happy to assist, and volunteered to foster Law, rather than Corazon doing it for himself. Corazon pulled some strings (wink wink, nudge nudge) and with a few underhanded tricks, he got Law a devil fruit - the Ope Ope no Mi. 
Law ate the fruit, and with some vigilant supervision and a lot of long, very careful evenings, he was cured of Amber Lead and became the sole survivor of the Flevence Amber Lead outbreak.
After that, it felt only right that Law should pursue medicine as his parents did, as his sister had always wanted to. It didn’t take much to train, he’d already known a lot from his childhood, and with his fruit available, surgery rarely went wrong. By the time he graduated, he was in high demand at various hospitals around the country as a result of his fruit and so Law got to choose where he’d settle to do his residency. (Details on Doflamingo and Corazon not included because I didn't wanna step on any toes when I wrote it, since this was written for a group roleplay)
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Law is a doctor, with his fruit it was honestly the only option that made sense. It’s a career that he does enjoy, and he found actually studying for it interesting and so he’s glad he did it. Though, the work is very tiring, and more often than not he returns home feeling exhausted and wondering why he’d chosen it to begin with. But, there’s always one patient or case that reminds him exactly why (not that he’d ever tell anyone this, but often, they happen to look like his sister, mother or father).
Coin Collecting
His coin collecting hobby isn’t one that Law talks about often, less because he is ashamed of it and more because nobody wants to hear about his coins. His collection is fairly large, and though it’s not worth a substantial amount, it has sentimental value to Law.
Though it isn’t something he often partakes in anymore, because he lost the habit at university and never went back to it, Law still loves fencing. He keeps up with news in the fencing world where he can, often over his morning coffee, but he doesn’t get to practise anymore.
Law’s lesser hobby comes in the form of sketching. He wouldn’t call it drawing because nothing he ever draws is more than a sketch, and a lot of his drawings are made of messy, scratchy lines - but damn is he good. He used to doodle in the corner of assignments, and professors would comment that he should’ve taken a few art classes. Law ignored them.
☾ Onigiri and grilled fish They are Law’s two favourite foods, above all else. He makes sure not to eat them all the time, as that is unhealthy, but he makes sure to get each of them at least once a month for the sake of his mental health
☾ Polar bears He thinks they’re cute. That’s about it
☽ Bread If asked to explain it, Law wouldn’t be able to. He just doesn’t like bread, and frankly he would argue that it’s a good thing, because bread is hardly good for you.
Medical Advancement
Law would like to be able to partake in, and help advance, as many surgeries as possible. He’s known as the surgeon of death, because he battles death himself and never lets him win. He’d like to continue on that streak, and help advance medicine in some way.
If given the chance, the time, and the money, Law would like to travel and see the world. He’s always been partial to moving, wandering, and learning and to being able to travel the globe would fulfil all those things. He’s partial to the idea of visiting Germany.
Amber Lead
While it’s unlikely, Law worries more than fears that another outbreak of Amber Lead will happen, in a small town like Flevance where it can’t be properly addressed, and, most of all, that he won’t be there to help.
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➼ Mr Trafalgar
➼ Deceased
Law believed that his father was one of the country’s best doctors. To this day he holds that childish belief, even though he’s fairly sure now that it was the thought of a child rather than fact.
➼ Mrs Trafalgar
➼ Deceased
➼ Trafalgar Lami
➼ Deceased
Law loved his little sister more than life itself and if he could go back, he’d trade himself for her one hundred times so that she could live. She was the light in any room, and she was the purest soul he’d met - the purest soul he thinks he’ll ever meet. (Details on Doflamingo and Corazon not included because I didn't wanna step on any toes when I wrote it, since this was written for a group roleplay)
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ᴘʜʏꜱɪᴄᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ
Despite having little personal time, Law still invests time into his physical wellness and focuses on exercising. As a child he’d liked to fence, as he’d had a lot of anger to work out, and after that he made an effort to always maintain himself even if he doesn’t often fence anymore. More than anything now, he jogs or runs, because it’s a good way to wake up in the morning, and occasionally he goes to the gym.
ᴍᴇɴᴛᴀʟ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ
Law’s mental health is.. Shaky at best, and he doesn’t like to talk about it. He’d rather eat glass than talk about it, actually. His friends love him, and he cares about them too, and they do know about his past but that doesn’t mean he likes to talk about his feelings, or any feelings really.
Law does attempt to eat well, and he succeeds just less than fifty percent of the time. He doesn’t have a lot of time for cooking well balanced meals, but he does try to meal prep when he has entire days for himself. At work, he always gets a salad from the canteen to make up for his bad habits at home.
Law’s memory is better than most. As a doctor, he has a lot to remember, but when it came to his training he found that he remembered a lot more medical knowledge from his childhood than anticipated, and his memory comes in very handy, fairly often. He’s more likely to remember the symptoms of obscure illnesses (like amber lead) and remember the names of specific, less common medications. He’s also good with birthdays.
As a doctor, Law doesn’t get many chances to sleep. He works long hours, and remains awake through them running off of coffee and spite alone. Even when he isn’t working though, Law struggles with sleep, as he is an insomniac. It’s something that he’s dealt with his entire life, and he can manage around it now.
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