#☾ ━━━ she was asked ❞
fangswbenefits · 9 months
Nurse rant
I need some of my coworkers to get a grip. I handed over the shift to her today and she starts calling me multiple times, KNOWING I am sleeping after an exhausting night shift.... only to ask me to cover her night shift tonight.
It is not my fault you cannot organise your time and end up doing a Morning and Night shift on the same day.
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firstwcman · 2 months
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@bringsin asked, ↕ eve is 5'2, angel is 8'1, and my lilith (for funsies you don't have to include her) is 9'4
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⛧ — send me ↕ + your muse’s height ; I will compare theirs to mine.
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eve pov:
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silksworn · 1 month
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@lvscinvs & @gedwimora are both begging for Iraestra attention I do believe...
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lilitophidian · 6 months
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Lilith rather sew up her vagina than have sex with Adam again. But if he wants various objects shoved up his ass until it splits and PROLAPSES—
She can make an exception.
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blondiexbiites · 3 months
‘Casually Topless’
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Madison slipped out of bed at five o'clock the next morning and, bemused, stood there listening to the slight snoring sound Chris was making: not really a snore, but more than just breathing. It sounded almost like a soft mumbling, barely audible, in his throat: a subconscious wordless message to any nearby observers maybe? Hm. Oh, well. Maddie didn't mind it as much as her last lover had been a snorer to the point where she drained him of blood in his sleep because he'd been snoring in her damned ear. So far, Chris was a quiet sleeper and didn't shove his cold feet against her legs for extra warmth or fart so much that it stunk up her sheets. A true gentleman.
Maddie silently picked up her pajamas, guided by the faint glow of the pink night light in the bathroom, and tiptoed around the room—not just to let him sleep, but because she didn’t want to startle him awake. Last night when she’d let him in her home for some fun, she’d been so focused on the feel, smell, and taste of him, on satisfying that incredibly strong attraction between them, that she hadn’t noticed anything else. After their second round of fucking, though, she’d gotten up to go to the bathroom and sensed the slight surge of magic in his system. Almost like an electrical spark, the feeling of having screwed a very powerful witch had been too obvious to ignore.
How could she have missed that when they were fighting to get each other out of their clothes? Madison felt as if she’d stepped over a poisonous viper without seeing it, or something like that. She was uneasy with magic; she didn’t know anything about the arcane and didn’t want to learn or investigate. Never mind that she was a born-and-bred suburban princess; she didn’t research witchcraft or spiritualism, she went to the theater and shopped, which perhaps was a different kind of spiritualism but so far hadn’t required any serums or potions other than the ones she used to unclog her pores and make her skin look beautiful.
The fact was, Maddie had never been around witches or magic, had never slept with a witch pumped up with enough magic to blow her house to bits. What would happen if she shook Chris awake? Would he blast her into the wall? Maddie didn’t want to find out, so she was extra careful not to make any noise as she slowly began dressing. Now what? That was a question with as many layers as an onion. The first and most obvious answer was to wake him up and hustle him out of her house. The sun would rise any minute and she'd taken great pains to keep her shades closed to block out any sunlight. Also, she didn't like having her lovers sleepover. They expected her to cook breakfast for them and she simply did not have the time to entertain Chris or cook him anything. "Chris…Chris, wake up!" she hissed, hands planted on her curvaceous hips as she stood over him, very much aware of her breasts on full display as she was only wearing the bottom part of her pink silk nightie. "Wake up! It's past five and you should have been gone hours ago! Out!"
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arcanaaa · 1 year
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@seraphias asked: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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HER SMILE IS MIRRORED IN AN EXACT MANNER THAT PORTRAYED HER AMICIABLE NATURE. Now there's the face of a beauty that was unmistakable-- a memory of when and where she met this angelic beauty is hazy, but it's coming back to her in fragments. Still.
Couldn't hurt to start their reunion(?) off on a friendly note, right?
❝Sorano! Hey there-- s'been awhile, huh?❞ UNGUARDED, THE SEER GENTLY SWEPT THE WOMAN'S HAND UP FOR A QUICK GREETING, A CHASTE YET PLAYFUL KISS PLACED ATOP HER GLOVED APPENDAGE. The action might have been untoward and brash, especially given how new their acquaintmenship was, but if there was one thing Cana was known for, it was appreciating a woman's beauty-- and never being shy about showing it.
❝Heh...guess the cards were right all along, huh?❞
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celamoon · 9 months
Cressie, Idk if this is good news or not but– CAEL IS STARTING To GROW ON ME. THAT MF-
Istg, if Empire was boutta track me down and harvest my emotions, they'd be TRAUMATISED after seeing the amount of emotional horny simp energy I give off.
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traumapyre-moved · 1 year
Did you take Henrik's virginity?
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"...you can't just go.."
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Remind her to scold him on answering strangers questions. She blames him for this.
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"Yep, I deflowered Henrik Mikaelson. Cope."
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moonphascs · 8 months
@sorrowsick liked this// yan & luanne
the blond had been watching her play all night, had been slowly circling her way towards them. she had a gut feeling all was not as it seems, something about the way she moved, the way she held herself, making her feel not of this world. maybe she was just an extremely ethereal being, a human with perfect composure. she waits until she's leaving the table, whether it's for a moment or for the night, to come up to her. "i was watching you play." low southern drawl. "you're real good at that. my daddy could never play that smooth. he's never been a good liar."
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idyllcy · 1 year
The saying we're just friends, thinking you're my man reader is asian coded right? especially Korean? sounds cool
Reader is specifically Chinese 😭 but yeah there's not much culture involved it's just bc reader cooks a ton of Chinese food in one of the fics in the series so I was like "hey btw reader is asian coded"
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charlotte-liddel · 1 year
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"Can a giant shallow pond be called a lake or not? Like if it's big enough, can it count as one, or is it just wetlands?"
Lottie wants to know, and she's been wondering over this for hours.
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firstwcman · 3 months
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@fallenmorniingstar asked, 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋💋
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The first 5 asks to send a 💋 get a kiss
Of course he would be her christening.
The Aerialist sinks her fingers into the Ringmaster's lapels and draws them taut in one swift motion, pulling him from his feet to anchor onto a knee she has propped up instead. Hair loops around the waist and reels him up her leg, pulling him in close until he's within distance that she can crane herself into - bending down to push their foreheads together with a smile and a thumb rubbing over his bottom lip. "The Dawn's Son wants a kiss?" A kiss he shall get.
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He's pulled forward by his lip until he collides into Lilith's own. A rush of cool temperature crawls throughout Lucifer's jaw and spreads into his cheekbones, not uncomfortable like it should be - never with her. It's a soothing clasp like a set of hands cupping the frame of his face, brushing over the rush of golden blood and following the direction the kiss takes. It's a kiss that goes deep, he feels the lap at his razor sharp teeth and the way she tangles her tongue around his own, following the very length of it. A tight squeeze, and the cold spreads through his neck and his shoulders as a subtle pronunciation is made in his throat. He feels her deep inside.
She holds this kiss for a good moment, enjoying the taste and the warmth of him. and siphoning some of it into her own icy skin. She cradles him there, and then she finally breaks with the slithering of her tongue retreating back into her own mouth, connections of webs woven by saliva breaking between the two of them, some falling slack on their chins.
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"Be careful how many kisses you ask for, I tend to take it by intensity."
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stellaelillac · 1 year
♦ ( violet / xaden bc i have to )
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned. / ACCEPTING !
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“ Beautiful, handsome complicated stubborn & a fucking asshole. ”
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nursc-a2 · 2 years
thank you all for the good wishes.   i finished the test and i’m finally home.
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blondiexbiites · 10 months
🌞 (from Abaddon 🤗)
TW; Blood and gore. Proceed with caution.
Humming softly, Madison caught her fleeing prey, flicked her wrist, and slashed at his back with her razor-pink nails. Gasping in pain, pupils blown wide with shock and horror, the unfortunate soul went down hard, tumbling through the dirt, screaming in agony. The skin on his left shoulder flapped loose like a torn flag, exposing muscle and pale bone. He tried to get up, but his ankle twisted, preventing escape. He crawled on his hands and knees for a few feet until Madison kicked him hard in the gut with the pointed tip of her heel, flipping him up into the air to land on his back. "I'm hungry," Madison stated as she straddled his chest, shoving him flat. "And even though you smell slightly stale, I haven't eaten in 48 hours, and you're the only available body around. Sorry, not sorry. A girl's gotta eat, and you'll just have to do."
Slowly, Madison's jaw unhinged, a gaping maw wide open in his face, as though she'd swallow his head whole like a snake would a rodent. Her fully elongated fangs snapped shut with an audible 'clap' a hair away from his nose. He was afraid. She read it in his aura as he begged and pleaded for his life. She smelled his fear, the scent heightening her bloodlust, driving her wild. Madison bit down hard into his neck, sucking massive gulps of his blood until she finally tore out his throat with her teeth. Yummy. Covered in blood and thoroughly sated, Madison tossed the empty shell of flesh to the ground. Now, how did one dig a grave without a shovel? Hands? No. She wasn't a dog digging through the dirt...perhaps a nearby lake would suffice.
As Madison moved in to grab the dead man by his ankles, she sensed a familiar presence. It caught her attention and tugged at her. A familiar, comforting presence with a strange, indefinable quality, different from anyone she had ever known.
"Abaddon?" Madison dropped the body and turned around, her glowing sanguine orbs fixated on the demoness with an expression of deep fondness and an emotion too intimate to name. Abby! With a squeal of delight, Madison blinked out of sight, then landed in front of her beloved, wrapping her up in her arms and hugging her tight, cuddling against her, and not at all mindful of the blood on her hands, face, and chest. "I've missed you," Madison crooned. "Several weeks of no contact, and now you show up? Promise me that you'll never leave and that you'll stay with me forever and ever and ever and ever--"
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noxcomnia · 1 year
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@beloven asked: " they deserved it, right ? please tell me they deserved it. " emily for vera
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❛ Of course they did. ❜ it's a simple answer, yet the confidence you have is strange. It's almost misplaced. You don't like to be doubted, your actions always have meaning. They have to have meaning otherwise your whole existence is meaningless. You are Vera, you have to have a reason to be Vera, so each and every action you ever commit to has a purpose. No mistakes. ❛ Are you doubting me? ❜
It isn't meant to be accusatory, but it comes off that way. Regardless of what is deserved and not deserved, It's already done. A subjective actions made by a woman who can barely understand herself. Yet you will stand firm in your choice. In the action having a meaning that you can't place.
They deserved it because you did it, that's all you need.
❛ Don't think about it too hard, If I did it then it clearly has a purpose. ❜
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