#☾ | ; starter | ☽
lilitophidian · 7 months
Starter for @xluciifer ♡
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The nights came in repetitive motions. Moons pass every night as if flipping through a fairytale book as you pretend to be the main character.
She was the main lead, the role that many would slice their throats open for just to have a small taste of such fame. Such praise. Everything a girl could ask for in place of diamonds.
The last press of the piano keys as voice rang out in late hours. At the end of the song, even if she could go on for more and more, sometimes she did.
But unfortunately, she had to go home. Perhaps a nice bath to ease herself from the dancing and tunes she played like the harp. It was her world, after all, as it would be NOTHING WITHOUT HER.
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Moments went on until she appeared back home in a shadow, her visage going towards the room they shared before she peeked herself in. More ducks to greet her.
How annoying they were becoming. But she wouldn't utter any word about it just yet. At least he was loyal, right?
No...No...Suffocating...Commitment...Why did she ever agree to this?
Shadows fell onto their face as she glided across the room, gently not to catch his attention. For some reason, he always knew when she was home. It was almost like he waited for her. A puppy, oh, so excited to see its owner and feel the touch of petting.
" Awake, my darling? I should have known. "
At least she could do was muster out a smile in the darkness as hues glowed. Even if it was just a layer over the facade.
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lsdambitions · 4 months
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give this a ♡ for a starter! length may vary!
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 22 days
❝ 'm fine. Y' don't - you don't need t' interfere. Shit's fine. It's fuckin' fine. I'm FINE. ❞ Obviously not by the arm curled underneath his shredded jacket. Sporting a patch of rapidly-growing red. Shoulders shake, bloody switchblade beside him on the concrete stoop.
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Above, electric hum's driving him mad. Casting him in an off-blue glow. Fluttering of moths bumping into a light fixture. Boots scrape across gravel as he attempts to relax.
❝ Jus' - jus' fuck off. Bleed'll stop in a minute. ❞
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sd-vtm · 2 days
Okay Mrs Bossy Bolts.. @enigmaincrimson
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“ Whatever.. I’m not here for idle chitchat..so hurry up would you?” The other mumbled under her breath, arms rather crossed tightly around her as the drone turned back around to eye the open space before them. Why did she get stuck being someone’s stupid bodyguard? She could be off helping take down human bases but nooo, lets put V on babysitting duty! As if the humans would come all the way out here..
Sure they where in a war with the fleshies, but come on.. Can’t the other take care of her self..? The shorter femdrone turned her head around and peered over a shoulder again to watch curiously. “…What are you doing anyways.?”
Came the burning question she been dying to ask since they both got here. One could tell her irritation was getting higher, from the swishing of her syringevtsil idly flicking more behind her.
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Closed Starter | A Visit to the Rukongai | @cc-ichigo-kurosaki
It had been several days since the talk she and Ichigo had in his room. Several days since Rukia had opened up to him about her past in the Rukongai. She hadn't meant to - had no intention of putting that emotional burden on the one person who deserved less burdens. When was the last time she had brought up the past? Even with Kaien, she had danced around the topic and only hinted at her situation. It was surreal. Watching as Ichigo readied himself to come with her to the Soul Society. Rukia had arranged to used the private senkaimon on the Kuchiki grounds to avoid as many eyes as possible. For some reason, this entire thing felt utterly intimate and personal. She hadn't spoken about it with anyone.
Rukia shifted her weight from one foot to the other, her hand playing with the hilt of her zanpakuto in a familiar, comforting way - the weight of it at her side allowing her to focus her breathing.
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"Are.. are you certain you want to do this?" She asked for the second time, her eyes reflecting the nervousness in her reiatsu.
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sobang-gwan-hajoon · 28 days
Like for a starter from Seojun~
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cryptidxmoth · 6 months
@revelour liked for a starter
Gentle wind blew through the tree causing them to rustle to it's movements. However the soft sounds of someone humming could be heard as well. A small cloaked figure made their way through the woods stopping occasionally to look at the different plants growing within these woods.
Aervis smiled happily as he plucked some leaves off a small herb bush. The young wizard was out collecting magical plant samples for his experiments and to help further his studies on the different properties of said magical plants in hopes of discovering new was to utilize their magics. Though after awhile he stopped and took a seat on the ground next to a large stream before pulling out some jerky and beginning to eat.
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revclver-jesus · 8 months
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✞  ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ STARTER CALL.
Lengths will vary wildly maybe um-- specify if a multimuse !
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phantasmalnightmare · 7 months
🍪 (bloomingtalent) (For Bakugo)
Bakugo had never cared about valentine's day before, but he could no longer deny that he harbored feelings for his partner. He had to do something special for her, but as he looked at the store's dwindling selection, nothing looked appealing. Store bought chocolate was just so impersonal, and flowers... well that was too much for him. Flowers were so clearly something romantic.
Finally, he decided to bake her some cookies. His Mom had taught him a really good chocolate chip cookie recipe that he could work with. He got permission to use the dorm kitchen and got to work. He set the dairy ingredients out, while he measured out everything else, and he set the oven to preheat. Once the eggs and butter had come to room temperature, he quickly mixed everything in the mixer. The dough was completed, and yet, he was tasked with one more decision.
What shape should he make the cookies in?
It was Valentine's day so he should do heart shaped... but that was so out of character for him, that surely she'd realize how deep his feelings went. "Tch quit your whining. Do you wanna be a shitty side character, or the main one?" The Explosion King asked himself. He made four large, heart shaped cookies, though he had no cookie cutter, so they came out a bit lumpy.
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Once the oven rang, he ran over, and pulled the sheet out. He grit his teeth as he saw them. "They look like fucking ball sacks! Ugh. What the fuck was I thinking, making heart shaped cookies?" Well, he'd tried, and he knew they would at least still taste good. As much as he wanted to throw them on the ground in frustration, he knew he didn't have time to make anything else. It was already late and all the stores were closed. After they cooled, he put them in a bag and tied a ribbon around it.
The next day, once class was over, he called out to Hinata. "Hey babyface. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?" Bakugo ignored the curious glances their classmates made. They knew what day it was, after all. He led her to the quad area, under a small tree, before rummaging through his bag.
"Happy Valentine's day or whatever... Thought I'd give you something since we're partners." He tried to play it off cooly, as he handed her the bag of cookies. He was hoping that she wouldn't pick up on the fact that he'd hand baked them, or that they looked like... well a certain pair of extremities. "I don't really care about this dumbass holiday, but figured you would, so yeah." He turned around, in a hurry to leave, feeling uncomfortably self-conscious. "See ya.'
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antiquatedmagic · 1 year
she hadn't meant to fall asleep in professor binn's class, she usually tried to be as attentive of a student as she could possibly be. she was already behind arriving as a fifth year, there was no need to make it worse. but this time it was different, it had been a long night fighting against poachers, avoiding ashwinders and helping whoever it was that needed her ( why was it that there were so many people that had needed her that night?!) and she hadn't gotten a blink of sleep. luck would have it that the little sleep which had been had during the history of magic class was interrupted by nightmares. nightmares which haunted her --- nightmares that repeated over and over in her head. the blood and gore that had been shed when she was only a child, when she was only a fifth year had startled her awake, tears streaming down her face as she looked around (she hadn't even realized she had been crying). "i--i..." she mumbles realizing she was caught. "i just--nightmare."
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randomestroleplays · 1 year
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Hollis sat on the edge of her bed, head in her hands, and let out a long sigh.  She appreciated the support, she did, but ever since Katniss had boarded the train, all she had wanted was a moment to herself.
Gale had found her first, as she was leaving the Justice Building.  He would help, he’d promised.  He’d take her out hunting and help her take care of her family until Katniss came back.  Neither of them were acknowledging the alternative.
Jude had been next, pulling her into a tight hug and letting her sink into his arms for just one moment.  He’d kissed the top of her head, made her promise that she would let him know if he needed anything, and told her to get some sleep before the start of the games.
It felt like she had seen half the district on her way home.  The rest of the band, of course; Gale and Danny’s friend from the mines, the one who’d grabbed her when Prim’s name was called — Camden, she thought his name was; Madge; Mayor Undersee… everyone had something to say, a testament to Katniss’ strength, their best wishes. 
She appreciated it, how much her district cared in their own ways, but putting on a smile and professing her absolute faith in her sister was exhausting, and all she wanted was a moment to herself.
Well — she heard the floor creak on the other side of the door: Prim, no doubt — maybe some company would be alright. 
[ @hvbris ]
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lilitophidian · 6 months
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I know I said I'd come back and do some stuff, but I'm gonna hold off till tomorrow cause of some things and just go fuck around with some chat bots in comfort.
If you want me to drop you something random tomorrow, like this post. I would love to interact with some people I haven't yet!!
I promise I don't bite. Even if Lilith does.
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wickdcreatures · 1 year
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watched the barbie movie last night and heather muse is very very strong...... so please like this if you'd like a starter from heather!
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 23 days
Don't bother him. Vessel's in need of rest.
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But! If you do need him, leave something.
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vntagetee-a · 2 years
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this  is  a    PERMANENT  STARTER  CALL  for  Baela  Targaryen  from  House  of  the  Dragon.  
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chaosmultiverse · 2 years
Test (I wanna see how the tags look on site)
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