sol-consort · 21 days
Live Salarian Reaction
Pretty pleas with some nice globe ass on top (bottom)
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nyxpheros · 2 months
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tuanishere · 1 month
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some new and old doodles of my shep and my fav guys <3
Here's a design sheet for my shepard if you're interested!
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thefloatingstone · 7 months
Apparently Cards Against Humanity had a Mass Effect themed set come out in 2017 and this was their official fucking art for it
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refinedstorage · 6 months
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The Undateables™
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mintcrows · 3 months
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been enjoying me2 so much so far but i feel sad aliens cant wear comfy stuff like you
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deep-space-lines · 9 months
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Drawing this made me feel a lot of things ok. Please understand that drawing this made me feel a lot of things.
Prints of this, as well as a few other Mass Effect stained glass pieces, are now available! I'd love to see/hear about it if you order any, it would make my day <3
This one, Femshep, and Tali are the only ones currently finished, but I have plans to do a few other characters as well; you can check out the #mass effect stained glass tag on my blog to see the others, if they happen to exist when you come across this post.
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goodolreliablejake · 10 months
Fantasy races are an uncomfortable concept, because they present a world that literally works the way racists think that it works. The attempts to mitigate this problem often fail to address the core concern, merely making the idea more palatable.
A big example is trying to correct by changing the language from "races" to "species." This attempt fails for two reasons:
1) Exactly! Racists think that people of other races are a different species. That's the foundation of "race science," phrenology, all of it.
2) Are demihumans different species, though? Like, the interactions between elves and dwarves don't resemble the interactions between different species in our world. They don't act like snakes and lemurs, or whales and krill, or even cats and dogs. More often we've got different groups of people, who may speak different languages and have different cultural practices, engaging in diplomacy or war and struggling to coexist. In practice, they are treated as nations: ethnicities. Except they're ethnicities who are biologically distinct enough to have objective differences in ability.
This is something that puts me on edge in Mass Effect, otherwise one of my favorite games. True, the game ultimately lands on condemning the genophage, and it's not subtle about that. I mean just look at the name... But it's still considered debatable, morally grey, and Mordin Solus remains one of the most charming and enduring heroes of the series. The setting has bent over backwards to make every racist stereotype and talking point as legitimate as possible. In this setting, it is objectively true, scientifically proven that it is in the DNA of Krogans to naturally be violent, warmongering killing machines whose explosively rapid breeding poses an existential threat to the galaxy. That in turn is meant to make us think that maybe forced sterilization is something worth considering. It's hard to ignore the parallels to real life racist propaganda. I don't think it's malicious, just ungrounded and thoughtless; the result of creators to whom these ideals are abstract thought experiments, rather than reflections of real history.
Another big example is Dark Elves. They try to make it okay, to mitigate the message by fleshing them out as characters, by scapegoating an abusive deity rather than an ingrained nature, by erasing the monster manual description that reads "Always Chaotic Evil," by trending skin tone away from black and towards purple, or gray, even pale white. But none of it really changes the core issue, does it? The idea of drow is to equate dark skin with evil, to fetishize that idea, and to tell a story about a subsect of people cast into darkness as a result of sin in a direct parallel to racist Christian beliefs about dark skin being a curse or punishment from God.
So, do I think we need to cancel Mass Effect and stop playing D&D or telling stories about drow? No, not really. I mean... I do all these things. Truth is, I don't have an actionable solution, for myself or anyone. But the dynamic is clearly present and worth describing. And the attempts to challenge it are often insufficient, more about making ourselves feel better about what we're already doing than enacting real change.
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klauswalz · 9 months
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Have you got a minute to talk?
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primarch-victus · 1 year
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My Favourite Mass Effect Companions (Part One)
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sol-consort · 11 days
I gotta say I'm really enjoying this roommate series you got going on with the Turian and Quarian. I'm reading them and kicking my legs and giggling on my bed. I love that they're both low-key kinda pervy in different ways.
I sprinkle a little pervieness into every character I write as a little treat. Everyone deserves to be a little pervy inside. It's good for you.
Kaidan's eyes drifting to your ass on those long elevator rides before realising it and immediately averting his gaze with a sense of shame.
Ashley who keeps staring at your lips whenever you've been talking for too long, a passing thought of how your nose would feel pressing between her legs as she sits on your face crosses her mind like a flash before she snaps out of it.
Garrus who may or may not have started visiting the human category on the turian porn sites ever since he joined your crew, that habit spiralling so much he can't remember the last time he finished to a non-human porno.
Tali who spreads her legs just a little wider, so her thigh is pressing against yours in the shuttle to and from missions.
Vetra who intentionally doesn't stock a certain favourite food of yours on the ship, forcing you to come to her, standing on your toes to meet her eyes despite the great height difference, whining and pleading for her to please get you this one thing you want, pretty please. The sound of her name coming out of your pouty lips in such a whiny, needy, and desperate tone does unspeakable things to her.
Wrex who pulls you by the waist around like a ragdoll during the battlefield, who gets to cup a feel—be it your chest, thighs, ass or whatever, the human body is too squishy and soft, the entirely of it seems like a sensitive mush meant to be squeaked and fucked—whenever the two of you are tightly pressed together behind a cover, who doesn't rush you at all as you reload your gun while practically sitting on his lap in the middle of the dusty barren planet with enemies surrounding you.
Mordin, who's a little too enthusiastic to hear about your latest sexual endeavours with the crew. Oh, you've been sleeping with Thane? Mordin will look you in the eyes as informs you that you should try swallowing his cum because it has nice effects on your cute human brain, but be careful of drell skin, it might cause irritation. That's why he thought ahead and brought this anti-inflammatory lotion right here. Strip, lay on the table, and let him massage it into your skin while you recount exactly how Thane's cock felt inside you for the first time. Or do you plan on sleeping with a turian next? Garrus, maybe? He has a few position recommendations.
As for the roommate Turian, I tried to make him slightly pervy in a more self-aware way. He's just bad at hiding it, so it comes off as endearingly awkward. He tries to be sneaky as he touches your waist or gawks at your thighs and chest while you walk around half naked, but he fails each time.
But the roommate quarian is more accepting. He has little regard for your personal space and time. His tendency to fuss about your health does lead to some tantalising situation as his first thought for seeing you slightly flushed covered in a blanket is that you're sick...when you might have been just enjoying some me time while scrolling through porn.
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nyxpheros · 3 months
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"Have killed many, Shepard. Many methods. Gunfire, knives, drugs, tech attacks, once with farming equipment. But not with medicine!"
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tuanishere · 2 months
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how my shepard would react if mordin survives the you-know-what in ME3
PARAGON: [hug him]
RENEGADE: [squeeze him]
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elizzacassan · 2 months
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thevulturesquadron · 5 months
I want to talk more about Rogue. How she’s left a queen over a broken dream, wearing a crown over a broken ideal and so many deaths.
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I think Erik knows. I think his heart aches. Because he’s lived with himself and his survivor’s guilt throughout. And he’s inflicted that on her.
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I wonder if she understands. I wonder if she knows the reason why she was the right person for Genosha. I wonder if, once the pain in her heart quiets down, she will truly understand Erik’s ask and the responsibly he needed to share with her. Because she is better than him. Better than anyone who’s only known how to play on just one side of the fence.
Because she is the only one strong enough to overcome.
Everyone is so focused on Magneto and Gambit and what they did. It was astonishing. But we need to talk more about the ones that are left with the excruciating task of having to rise up from the ashes and fill the void.
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angstyastro · 1 year
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13 tickets for Barbie pls
Late for pride month but have my gay war criminals
The lighting is based on pride flags for each chara!
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