#☆゚       post tayen’s resurrection verse    ↳    i simply wished for one more day with you     ◝
futureinourhands · 2 days
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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For @unscrxpted​ - Here We Go Again #12 Starring Kov Ladok Nick & any Orville muses Guest starring canon Orville muses
Lyssa’s disappearance had been... bad. Especially for him and the rest like them. Most assumed she’d run off, no idea how she’d lost their GPS, no idea what had caused the interference on her cameras, and that had meant further scrutiny, re-training, and especially for him, a lot of interrogation.
Something told him, however, when he’d taken notice of the lights swirling around him, he was about to get more than a few answers.
“And, this is my life,” says a very Scottish redhead standing at what appear to be controls looking like she hates life. “Welcome, can ya--”
And Nick promptly draws his gun at seeing the obvious weapon on her hip. “Stay where you are.”
“Not again,” the woman murmurs as she holds up her hands.
Lyssa. Lyssa’s here. He knows it.
“Where is Gunnery Sergeant L-824, also known as Lysandra Doe?” He glances between her and the other person in the room.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring: S’Chn T’Gai James, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, S’Chn T’Gai Avery, Acyi Elaine, Melinda N’Livek Kirk McCoy Chekov Chapel Verrin, Kai N’Livek Kirk McCoy Chekov Chapel Verrin, Jared McCoy, Doug Karidian, Emma Mitchell Guest starring: N’Livek Sollem, Rowan Kirk, MacKenna “Mac” McCoy, Khristyana Chekov, Ray Chapel, Verrin V’Lonn, Isaac
James wrings his wrists, not asking for the time even though he wants to. It’s today. They’re coming today and finding out tonight and oh no this is terrifying. Isaac notices his agitation. “Lieutenant, you are showing signs of elevated distress. Please explain the problem, perhaps I can correct it.”
“He’s meeting Mackenzie’s parents and telling them that they’re engaged AND that Mackenzie’s pregnant tonight, Isaac,” Jared remarks from his station. “It’s got him on edge.”
“I see. In which case, lieutenant, I urge you to ignore all thoughts about this irrelevant topic until such a time that it is relevant,” Isaac corrects himself at Jared’s comment.
Jared sighs and shakes his head, rolling his eyes a bit.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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@unscrxpted​ Starring: S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, S’Chn T’Gai James, Dahlia, S’Chn T’Gai Avery Guest starring: Gonna list the entire Orville crew just in case I need any of them for anything
Grayson sighs softly. He likes the quiet of the ship at “night”, or well, the simulated night it ran for the day/night cycle. It was peaceful and usually gave him a chance to just... breathe. He liked the opportunity to just be out and about and be quiet and not have to deal with anything.
He was still learning to deal with a lot of things. So he’d always take the chances he’d get to not have anything new to deal with, so he could just mull over the stuff he was still understanding.
Stopping at a window, he looks out at the stars for a minute. He jumps at a reflection behind him in the glass and relaxes, or at least, as best as he can. “Uncle Kai, you startled me.” He turns to face the other.
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring Hannah McCoy, S’Chn T’Gai James, frankly any Orville stationed muses, and guest starring specifically Ed Mercer but again, any Orville muses are on the table You ever just give up on your muses entirely because of the threads they’re demanding? Yeah. Sinful content warning, reader be advised that NSFW content is expected ahead.
Of course, good news travels fast and on a ship like this, good news means only one thing:
James kisses Mackenzie’s forehead. “Hey, if at any point you’re not feeling up to this, we’re fully capable of skipping our own engagement and baby party. Okay? We’ve gotta take care of you, so if you wanna duck out at any point, I’ll bring you back here myself.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring Emma Mitchell, S’Chn T’Gai James, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, Hannah McCoy, Jared McCoy, etc. and guest starring Isaac, Ed Mercer, Kelly Grayson, etc. Likely sinful content warning because I don’t trust my muses at all, but hopefully it’s nothing like some other threads I could mention...
Emma hums softly, waiting by the transporter. The landing party said they were sending back some samples for her. She sighs, trying not to rush things but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t excited.
She loves getting new plants. The landing party had scanned the samples and didn’t find any noticeable threats, so they were coming straight to her instead of her having to go to them, which was always a good sign.
Frowning, she lights up as the lights appear, smiling at Hannah as she steps off the pad and motions to the various additions that had come up with her. “This is all you, honey, need help carrying it to your part of the lab?”
“Ooh, maybe,” Emma admits, picking up an orange flower curiously. “This is larger than I expected when I heard I was getting samples.”
“Well, it seems completely harmless,” Hannah explains as she starts gently gathering the other, smaller samples. “I honestly think no one would have noticed it, it was just... there, no smell, no nothing. We scanned it, didn’t show any odd properties to any of us.”
“Yeah, I noticed there was no smell,” Emma remarks. “That’s very interesting. I’m gonna to bring this one straight to the lab, forget the arboretum.”
“Sounds good to me,” Hannah smiles. “Lead the way.”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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@unscrxpted​ - Children Starring Dahlia, S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, Kyla McCoy, & all Orville muses Guest starring potentially any canon Orville muses & Sylvia Malloy
“No, no, I can’t believe I have to say this, but I don’t like the idea of you going over there,” James is telling Grayson and Brynn.
“Dad... if anyone’s gonna know what to look for, whatever it is we’re looking for, it’s gonna be us,” Grayson frowns. “Everyone else who went is going, too.”
“Yeah, I know, which means they don’t need you guys, too,” James answers, crossing his arms. “Can someone back me up here?”
“No, I think this is the right call,” Hannah says, sighing. “Sorry, James.”
“Look, I don’t like it either, but... I think it’d be some... healthy closure, honestly.”
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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@unscrxpted​ - Secret Suffering Starring S’Chn T’Gai Grayson
Grayson gasps softly and grits his teeth, freezing up a minute. It hurts so much worse than his usual chronic pains ever did.
He told mama it wasn’t any worse than usual, that he was used to that kind of pain, so he could focus on her, so everyone could focus on her.
But sitting here, looking at the stars in the dead of night, Grayson wraps his arms around himself and tries in vain to ignore how much it hurts.
He thinks he can almost hear himself screaming. Hear himself crying out for mama, begging for her to find him... feeling himself breaking...
Grayson doesn’t know when he started crying, but he notices someone standing behind him, yelping and turning... relaxing, wiping his tears away. “Hale. You startled me.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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For @unscrxpted​ Starring S’Chn T’Gai Grayson, S’Chn T’Gai Avery, & S’Chn T’Gai James
It’s so much nicer to walk around invisible to them. So much easier to take a quick flash and see whose doubts have the most weight. Who has the most to doubt themselves for.
And here he is. X-285 stops at the tallest of the bunch, a part-Vulcan man who thinks he’s X-285′s father. So he reaches up and presses a hand to the side of his head, leaning his own head back and reveling in the feeling for a moment.
“Nevermind, found him,” he hears Dahlia say, and he smirks, returning to the visible spectrum and tilting the part-Vulcan’s head down towards him, enjoying watching, feeling him crumple.
“You’re like a little generator, aren’t you?”
Grayson wakes up with a gasp, sitting bolt upright, feeling himself tear up, shaking badly, wrapping his arms around himself and trying so hard not to make too much noise.
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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“And You Can’t Stop Love” - Starring S’Chn T’Gai James & S’Chn T’El Rebecca Word count: 775 Content warning: Death mention
James smiles as he sits down in front of long-range communications, and chuckles when his sister’s face hits the screen. “Hey, Becca.”
“Hey,” she smiles. He notes her HOT PINK hair and starts to say something but she holds up a hand. “Commander Pallin and I are getting the captain really good with this one. Don’t ask too much or you’re getting roped in.”
James holds up his hands and laughs. “So, I take it the prank war’s as strong as ever?”
“Of course it is,” Rebecca answers with a smile. “How about there? How is everything? Since...”
She doesn’t need to say it. He clears his throat. “Settling down. Aida’s been sleeping in Grayson’s room-- she thinks I don’t know that she’s been sneaking in to watch over him. They both think I don’t know they’re staying up late the nights when he has nightmares. But I’m letting her help him. Since his...”
Can’t say relapse. Can’t tell her about that, needs to let him talk about it on his own time. “...since his kidnapping, he’s been struggling to stay connected with us all of the time. If Aida can help that, by all means, y’know?”
He lights up. “Oh, Kenz says hi. And I have something to tell you about that, uh...”
Rebecca sits up at the green flush on his face. “Oh, this should be good. Spill, what’s up?”
“Uh... Kenz and I are engaged. And... and she’s pregnant. Um. I’m gonna meet her parents soon.”
“Ooh, say hi to Khristyana for me,” Rebecca smiles. “Congrats, James!! Now, you’d better know that if you just get married on your ship without any of us--”
“You’ll kill me, I know, I know. I told Kenz that we’d need to have a big ceremony. We’re discussing it, but don’t worry, the intention is definitely to have family there, Becca. Anyways, that’s my end. How are things there?”
And his sister’s off on a tangent, excitedly telling him about Darla’s latest project for school, about Billy’s grades, how Mary clearly had a small “squish” for one of the head nurse’s boys, about how precious Spencer and Brandon had been working together on Brandon’s science homework, about Loriss helping Annie through a panic attack... and she sighs softly, looking at him.
“Hey. There’s something else you need to know. And... I know it’s not gonna be easy for you to hear, but I’ve been putting it off and she’s been wanting to see you so I can’t keep pushing it aside. I know it’s gonna be hard, but please understand she’s your niece and she didn’t mean anything by this, she doesn’t want to hurt you, she loves you so dearly, okay?”
James frowns, sitting up. “I’m a little nervous. Go ahead.”
“...the kids were playing hide and seek a while back, and, uh... Billy caught Emala and Axel kissing in a closet. They’ve been... I guess together-ish, Emala says they’re not defining it because Axel struggles with that stuff, since then.”
James freezes. “Axel? As in...”
“...yeah,” Rebecca bites her lip, sitting up. “James, she’s so happy with him. And so comfortable with him. But you mean the world to her, and I don’t want you to--”
“I won’t, I won’t,” James waves her off, feeling the world crashing around him a bit. “I won’t. Okay? It’s... I want her to be happy. That’s what matters to me. She’s my niece, I love her to death.” He winces at his wording.
“Look, I-- I gotta go,” he lies, “I just remembered I was supposed to fix dinner for tonight. I’ll call next week. It’s okay, though, really. I promise. I’m happy for her. Love you, Becca.” He clicks off, leaning back in his chair, closing his eyes.
He’s there a minute when someone clears their throat. Opening his eyes, James sighs sheepishly. “Sorry, Dann. Hard news.” He gets up to open up the spot for the other, who’s started to respond with a whole awkward tangent but he doesn’t hear it, just sort of waves him off and heads back to his quarters.
Which, the family’s quarters are in fact empty, because Mackenzie had taken the kids to dinner to give him his night to talk to his sister without worrying about dinner. Sighing, he barely acknowledges Momo as he heads to his room, stopping by the photos on his dresser... picking up Hailey’s, leaning back against the dresser, sighing softly, clutching the photo close to his chest.
And, he knows, Hailey would forgive the boy. He was abused, he was traumatized. She would never fault him.
He could learn to do the same.
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starbcrn-kids · 3 years
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Open! Starring Kai N’Livek-Kirk-McCoy-Chekov-Nichols-Verrin
“I swear my sisters wake up and choose violence.”
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starbcrn-kids · 4 years
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