#☆ . connection :  being super ain’t easy!  /  the specialists.
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fromsolaria-archived · 5 years ago
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tslasvegas · 4 years ago
Episode 10: “I ain't gettin fooled a third time.” - Jeff
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Darn it. That vote hurt. I mean it's a game, and there's only one winner, but Steph and I had a great time the last time we played, and we played well here too. But our Final 2 tag hurt us. I mean, yes, we had that agreement, but it hurt us. I had to vote her, as there was no other way forward. Even if I used my Steal a Vote, it would not have been enough. Good thing Kailyn spoke up after the vote, so they know it was her who voted with Steph and not me. Hopefully that lessens me as a target. How does Ben have so many advantages. He will be out to win immunity next for sure.
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I am actually really sad that we voted Stephanie out. I think there were better options but I guess it had to happen. It’s interesting that is spread so rapidly to everyone else in the game. I didn’t speak to really anyone and yet everyone knew what was happening. There’s definitely some connections going on that I’m unaware of. But also! One step closer to making it to single digits! I just have to survive two more tribals and I’m officially a flop no more! With the Super Idol, technically I can be “voted out” once before leaving the game, if Liv still decides to play it on me. So I’m feeling pretty good about my chances moving forward. The meninist group is a solid 5 I think. That’s almost half the tribe remaining. At this point, I really don’t think there’s a path for me to actually win the game. Unless I take control and start some big moves right away. But we will see. 
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Okay so it's been a while, and there's a lot to unpack. Merging: In regards to the merge itself, I have very mixed feelings about how the people in the merge are, and how things generally shook out in regards to the tribe divisions. Getting sent in with an instant 7-3-3 should, in normal circumstances, be pretty damning in how an early merge goes. People have a tendency to play safe, lay low, and just ride out the game a little bit before really going for anything. As far as the people we merged with that I had not met yet: Jaiden - Really cool guy, I spend all day talking to him, shooting the shit, just having a good time. Easily top 3 people this season for me. I want to go far with him. Xavier - Kinda neutral on him. I speak to him sometimes, but the conversations do not really have much in the way of depth to him. John - Meh. Doesn't speak a ton, just kind of minding his own business. Kailyn - Doesn't speak to me much at all. We've exchanged a couple of messages, but nothing too substantial. Whatever I guess. Ben - Literally refuses to speak to me. Not sure what his deal is or why he acts the way he does, but whatever I guess. So as a basic assessment, pre F13 tribal, the people I feel best about are Jake, Jaiden, Keegan, and Joey. These are the ones that I should be able to trust, that should be able to get me farther into the game. I feel with this that I'm in a better spot than I was in my previous 2 seasons, because I seem to have alleviated the issue of only having real connections to people on "my side". In Svalbard I was very isolated with Nathan/Rachael/John, and got burnt because the rest didn't want to play with me anymore. In Finland, it felt like more of a dice roll really, but I never got going with Tom/Drew/Bodhi/Zoe, so I was the first to get burnt because my connections just weren't good enough. But now, I should have the means to protect myself on both sides, and make it farther based on that. First tribal comes around, Palazzo has numbers, things should be simple. Ben doesn't talk to people, no one has a problem if he were to get sent home. Easy enough. Andrew makes people a bit wary, but its first tribal, he's not causing any particular harm, and we can deal with that issue later. But then Andrew slips up, he tells Jake that Keegan is the one pushing his name. I'm not sure why he did this, but he did. I confirm with Jake that it was actually Andrew that threw his name out first, but Keegan and I shifted it on to Ben. Whatever, mess is made, but no one says anything, vote should still be Ben. Get to tribal.... Andrew, 9-4. Not one, not two, but three people flip on us at the first tribal, sending Andrew home, and blindsiding myself, Pat, and Stephanie. With this, we're clearly on the outs, and Keegan/Liv/Joey blatantly lied to us. We confront them about it. Get some stories of, "weren't sure how people were feeling, didn't want anything to go wrong with the vote. Andrew was causing problems". Like yeah, okay, I know that that happened, but I had already expressed to both Keegan and Joey that I had strong reservations about how Andrew was approaching the game, and didn't want to have him be in long. I didn't think he's go right away, but clearly I was alright with the idea, yet they let me out. Fool me once, shame on you. Next time, okay votes gonna be simple. No one likes Ben, he doesn't talk to anyone, he just ignores me, he's gonna go home. Fine, everyone's happy. Well of course, we get to tribal, and he plays SWOP. I knew something was up, the way he was acting just wasn't right. Andrew said he was a good player, and I knew something was up when he was just giving up and having needless outbursts. Not the type of play that you'd expect from a "good player". So okay, we go back to OG Palazzo chat. Everyone says "lets vote John". Okay fine. Pat and I get to talking, because we're both close with Jaiden and Jake, and entertain the idea of voting Steph. Figure that we can get ahead of the curve because Palazzo is a mess, set ourselves up for the future. Pat can't change his vote cause he already casted, oops. I vote and play an extra vote because I thought a tie could be risked because I can't count. Vote goes 10-2 on Steph. Yet again, Joey, Keegan, and Liv opted to not say a word about anything to Pat and I. They don't care about us. They expect us to just do what they say, go along with whatever story they tell us before bed, but I ain't havin it anymore. Fool me twice, shame on me. I ain't gettin fooled a third time. These fuckers ain't gonna walk all over us and act like we ain't actual players. If they don't want to work with us, tell us anything, then I don't need them. I'll go with Jaiden and Jake, who are much more fun to talk to anyway, and curbstomp all of them. People already took Rachael from me, I ain't lettin them get any more W's on me. 
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Stephanie is gone! I can't believe I made it through that cracked ass tribal council, but I used the limited information Ben was providing to me to my advantage. The moment Ben told me what was going on, I swooped to Keegan and John and told them to prepare for the worst - tbh I thought he was going to have an idol or something and we would need to throw votes elsewhere. I think Keegan was the one who said he thought Ben's got a safety without power from his statements and it made so much sense to me. When it came time to scramble, obviously I didn't wanna be the first person to throw a name out there, but once the opportunity presented itself I tossed Stephanie's name out and it basically caught on like wildfire. I told Joey first, then the Meninist alliance chat. There definitely was some push back at first from Keegan, which I'll get to in a bit, as well as I think Livingston a little bit. Then it just caught on FIRE. Suddenly Stephanie's name was going through everything it felt like and every single person was down for Stephanie. For a minute there was a brief insurgence of John names, but I think me throwing Stephanie's name out first was the best thing to happen because once a name was out there, it basically ignited the power keg and there was no way to stop it. I think it could've gone the other way had John's name gone out first tbh... It is just such a relief to have some sort of affirmation that my targets are going home. I feel a lot stronger now than ever before, almost like allowing Andrew to go over Ben last round is giving me an edge like I've never had before. Tbh as much as I dislike Ben as a player, I do kinda hate this circlejerk kind of group hate for the guy because I don't think he's done anything so bad that it makes him a bad person... maybe not the kind of guy I'd associate with in real life... but I'm sure he's chill outside of this. I also don't wanna come across like on this moral high ground where I'm better than anybody because I definitely talk a lot of shit about everyone else, but as somebody who was in the same shoes as him once, I can empathize with how it feels right now. I can empathize because when I played Tumblr Survivor starting out I definitely was really messy for the fun of it and it slowly started to become un-fun when everyone made it their mission to kinda be shitty to me. I don't know what Ben's goal is here and I'm not a specialist trying to diagnose him, but... yeah. I just feel bad that he's being dogpiled by all of us with hateful attitudes is all. ANYWAYS, back to something that matters - me! I finally survived the dreaded second tribal council of the merge. I've already beaten that part from India, now I just need to make it past the next two votes and I've made it to my first goal - single digits!! I know that I'm competing with a lot of people for single digits right now lol but I hope that people wise up and start taking care of the real threats in the game, namely Livingston, John, Kailyn, and Joey. Getting a dark round, I think this is the best thing we could've asked for because like I said before, I think Keegan was holding himself back from really pushing his agenda. I think Keegan is aware how big of a threat John is in these games, so if I can sort of use Keegan's mistrust in John against him, I might be able to swing for a much bigger target this coming round - Livingston. I kinda feel like Livingston is REALLY well-connected on this tribe, he's basically best friends with everyone from Jake to Joey to Keegan to Pat. If I want to free some of those bigger names up, I really need to go for Livingston because his position is SO desirable right now. I think people are cognizant to the danger posed by those four guys, but no one is really looking at Livingston because they love him so much. If I can somehow convince John that getting rid of Livingston benefits both of us, I might take that shot. It's going to come at a huge fucking risk though, but doesn't everything when you're playing in the dark have a big risk associated with it? Then it just kinda takes getting Ben, Kailyn, and Xavier on my side as well and then the shot is literally so close I can taste it. HOWEVER! Before I start hyping myself up right now, I have to focus on what really matters to me - getting to the end. Resume building doesn't need to start at the final eleven. My biggest error in all of my past Tumblr Survivor games is that I start playing the game REALLY hard way too early. I've learned maybe a couple lessons in subtlety along the way, so planting seeds is gonna need to be the way to go. If I start saying things like, "isn't Livingston so cool? He's basically friends with everyone" and "I would like to see Livingston win if I'm not in the end, he's a really cool guy" it'll 1) be super obvious that I want to make a move against him and 2) maybe start giving people the idea that their best friend is their biggest competition in the end. Something doesn't need to happen tomorrow. It's about the long game, too. I just hope for my sake that I'm doing enough to keep my head above water. If tonight was proof of anything, it's that this game is going to get a lot more difficult. 
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I can't believe that worked so perfectly. Ben does everything I tell him to do, even down to interrupting me during the challenge. He's public enemy #1, and that's another meat shield for me. Stephanie goes - truthfully I feel horrible because she is so sweet - but that's the last person who I wasn't directly aligned with. Also, the Dark Round couldn't have come at a better time. If Ben or I win immunity, I have a plan to get out another big threat. And this is one of my favorite flash games. But at this point I need to act like Ben and I aren't tight. If I make it to the end everyone is gonna hate me. Oof.
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megashadowdragon · 6 years ago
the reason for  each phantom thiefs metaverse outift, weapons ,names of their personas  ( including the evolved personas
The appearance of each character's Phantom Thief costume is supposed to reflect their idea of a rebel. The truth of that really hits home when you take a close look at the party members and their costume:
Joker starts the show with his black coat and outfit. A bit non-specific, but perfect for blending in with the shadows in order to get away with whatever you want. Take a closer look and you'll see his outfit even has a bit of a tuxedo feel with the undershirt, coattails, and shoes. Now who was wearing a fancy suit when they falsely accused Joker and started this whole mess?
Ryuji is a former track star who's been branded as a punk by society. His outfit certainly reflects that with the metal plates, leather jacket, and club-like weapons like a back-alley street thug.
Ann grew up admiring a cartoon super villainess for her free spirit. Little wonder her costume basically looks like an Expy for Catwoman's.
Morgana's outfit looks like it might not fit, given he appears like a mascot character. It fits in with his thoughts that he is a human, and thus is "rebelling" against the idea that he is truly a cat.
Yusuke is an artist and (partially due to his poverty) takes a rather old-fashioned view of things. His rebel persona therefore has the tight jumpsuit and flashy mask of a romanticized period-drama ninja thief.
Makoto is the prim-and-proper, reason-over-emotion head of the student council. What else would reflect a rebel to her but a hot-blooded biker chick?
Tech-savvy Futaba is almost deceptively easy to place as a black hat hacker, but take a closer look. With all the high-tech gizmos and powers her persona grants and the fact that she's always riding inside of it instead of being on the battlefield with the others she's like the final boss from a video game!
Haru's own persona calls her a "princess", and she's desperate to break that role. Hence her outfit reflects nobility, but looks more like it's meant for a gentleman burglar than a female courtier like Milady's dress.
Akechi follows a similar theme to Haru. A white outfit that just screams disgraced/exiled noble (which he sort of is being Shido's bastard son). His true costume reveals another side to the rebel, though: The stripes on his outfit look like a prison uniform, like the countless people he's helped lock up. It also serves as a hint that he, like Joker, is a prisoner of the Demiurge.
   .  (mystech-master . tumblr . com/post/183038928970/cincosechzehn-everyones-outfits-in-the#notes  
 everyone’s outfits in the metaverse are supposed to represent what rebellion from “fate” is supposed to look like and all i can think of is how goro’s outfit is a princely regal look with a light saber and a raygun    rebellion for him was being acknowledged as a legitimate heir and being allowed to be a child )
The thief outfits and weapons also represent how others perceive them.
Ren is thought of as shifty criminal and some of the rumors you see in the hallway even imply the students think he is carrying a knife on him, just by reputation, his awakening manifests a knife as well for him to fight with.
Ryuji is perceived by others at school as a violent no-good thug after his altercation with Kamoshida, the outfit and lead pipe make him look the part, he even mentions after his awakening "Kamoshida's cognition ain't changing, so I'll act like the troublemaker I am!"
For Ann, around school people see her as a shameless flirt who uses men, like she's a femme fatale, the sexy catsuit and whip makes her looks like a woman who dominates men.
Morgana looks like a miniature mascot, hard to see and easy to miss, with weapons he can easily use. Igor probably meant to make Morgana an ally and give him some things that wouldn't be hard to use due to his miniature size.
Yusuke is seen as a quiet cold artist, who's quick to draw his weapon/brush in a flash when the moment strikes. His outfit also has white, black and blue, frequently seen as cold/winter colors.
Makoto is harder to pin, but she is seen as the enforcer of the principle or like his loyal knight, her mask looking very knight-like, her knuckles could be seen as almost word play of her "knuckle down and follow orders" personality she gave off initially.
Futaba was really interacted with by Sojiro, he saw her as a strange but exceptional girl, like a high tech specialist, her persona being a UFO also represents how alien she is to everyone, strange but fantastic.
Haru has a refined elegant look, but is armed with a brutal axe and grenade launcher, many saw her as a proxy of her father and perhaps perceived as being capable of being as ruthless and aggressive as he is as a business man.
Akechi is seen by all his fans as a hero and all around "pleasant boy" even as the second Prince detective, his outfit being very princely, his weapons being fantastical, his fans believing him to be capable of doing impossible things just by being star struck by his charisma. His Black Mask outfit also fits, given it looks like the in universe Neo Featherman series outfits, mashed with a prisoner theme: Shido and Yaldabaoth see him as nothing more than a doll to be used and thrown away when it bores them.
The appearance or namesakes of the Phantom Thieves Personas are also rather fitting concerning their circumstances or how they rebelled from society.
Akira/Ren has Arsene, based on the fictional character Arsene Lupin. Arsene was written as a force of good, but often found on the wrong side of the law, which is well symbolized by Arsene's Gentleman Thief combined with his angelic black wings, who is also Chained by Fashion. Akira/Ren had just recently found themselves on the wrong side of the law and branded a criminal for something he didn't do, but is still a good person.
Ryuji has Captain Kidd, based on the real life figure William Kidd. William Kidd was a pirate, who are often stereotyped as having eyepatches, golden teeth, and peg legs. The third is actually very fitting, considering Ryuji's leg was broken by Kamoshida and thus he'd have a bum leg for awhile. Kidd was also notably tried and executed, and Ryuji's fit of rage caused the Track Team to get disbanded, effectively "executing" Ryuji.
Ann has Carmen, based on the character that the same play is based around. Carmen is a known heartbreaker and deconstruction of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl trope. This is fitting because Ann has been trying to keep away from Kamoshida, never confronting him while his cognition of Ann shows that he wants her to be his Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Carmen is shown having two broken hearted men in chains with herself, which befits how Ann not only stops running away from Kamoshida to fight against him, but also destroying his cognition of her, in essence intending to break his heart.
Morgana has Zorro, based on the fictional character of the same name. His character was seen as a savior who defends the commoners of the indigenous peoples of California from tyrants and villains who seek to control them. He hides his fighting abilities when pretending to be a commoner, instead opting to look like a coward and a fop. He also has a horse named Tornado. Fittingly enough, Morgana specializes in Wind/Garu spells, and his cat form has been used more than once to innocuously spread calling cards. Morgana was also created by Igor to find Persona users to help him and defeat/overthrow Yaldabaoth, therefore being a "Savior" to Igor and the rest of Japan.
Yusuke has Goemon, who is based off of the real life figure Ishikawa Goemon. Goemon's supposed earlier life involved the death of his parents while he was very young which lead to him swearing revenge upon the killers, which befits how Yusuke's mother was left to die by Madarame and he in turn swore revenge upon him. Goemon's acts of stealing from the rich and giving to the oppressed poor is also fitting in the sense that he's stealing Madarame's fame and giving it back to the oppressed artists he's long since subdued. Goemon's appearance is also fitting, looking like a Japanese ink wash painting brought to life, and Yusuke is an artist!
Makoto has Johanna, who is based on the supposedly fictional Pope Joan. Pope Joan was said to have disguised herself as a man to infiltrate the church and have risen up to the Papacy, only to be ousted as a woman and killed when she had delivered her child in full view of everyone else. Makoto similarly tried infiltrating the Phantom Thieves at the behest of the Principal, which lead her to the point of finding Kaneshiro's hideout who was intent on making her into a sex slave (aka "with child"?). Her awakening could be seen as her "Death" (which in the Tarot symbolizes change) and rebirth into a Phantom Thief. And what better way to ride out of your old life than on an awesome supernatural motorcycle!?
Futaba has Necronomicon, a fictional Tome of Eldritch Lore in the Cthulhu Mythos by H. P. Lovecraft. It's fictional author was said to be "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, which gives a nice connection to Futaba's Pyramid Palace theme. Not to mention the factor that the Necronomicon is said to be a book of forbidden and eldritch powers fits Futaba. Afterall, what better Persona for a girl who indulges in the illegal art of hacking? Furthermore, it's UFO appearance hits in the sense that Futaba has alienated herself from everyone else, but has been trying to make contact with others like aliens in urban legends do.
Haru has Milady, based on the fictional character Milady De Winter from The Three Musketeers. Milady De Winter is known as a spy and criminal, who had married into royalty but was nearly killed by her husband when her status was found out. And after she manages to survive and tries to get vengeance, she is found out and later executed by beheading. This fits Haru as she willingly joins the Phantom Thieves in hopes of reclaiming her father's heart, and that her fiance is a Domestic Abuser intent on using her as his plaything. And while Haru succeeds in her "vengeance" of stealing her father's heart, he gets killed and essentially leaves heading the company to Haru who doesn't know the first thing of being a CEO, essentially being left headless. The loads of guns within Milady's dress is also fitting, because when faced with the idea of a future with someone like her Fiance, that's exactly the kind of protection you'd want to keep him away.
Akechi has Robin Hood and Loki, based on a fictional story of the same name and the god of deceit and lies in Norse Mythology. Robin Hood's appearance fits with Akechi's desired public image, and his story fits as stealing from the rich to give to the poor. But when the rightful king returns, Robin Hood gives up being a thief and is knighted by the King...which is essentially what Akechi does the moment he's done working with the Phantom Thieves, going back to being Shido's lapdog. Loki is fitting in the sense that he's one of the parties responsible for instigating Ragnarok, the all out war at the end of the world in Norse Mythology. He killed a beloved figure, insulted the gods over their past misdeeds and gave a Motive Rant to how he did all of his, and even fathered a few of the monsters responsible for tearing up the world when Ragnarok comes. This all fits how Akechi intends to build Shido up (killing a "beloved" figure), oust The Conspiracy (insult the gods on their misdeeds) and even testify of all of his own to further break down Shido (Motive Rant to how he did all of this). And that "Fathering Monsters" bit also helps in the fact that Loki has the power to make Shadows go berserk, essentially turning them into vicious monsters! As well, one of Loki's most noted powers is shapeshifting. Akechi has the ability to change his Metaverse Outfit, and uses the false facade of a "Detective Prince" to hide his inner darkness.
The appearance and stories of the evolved Persona's of the party members is also fitting.
Ren/Akira/The PC has Satanael at the end game, who is said in game to be a Gnostic representation of Lucifer before he fell from grace.
Ryuji has Seiten Taisei, the titular Monkey King in Journey to the West.
Ann has Hecate, the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft, Crossroads, and Necromancy.
Morgana has Mercurius, the Roman God of Commerce, Luck, Travelers and Thieves. Mercurius is much more lean in build, wears more rougeish attire and wields a cadaseus in stark contrast to Zorro who had a bulkier build, armor and wielded a sword. This shows how Morgana has embraced his lifestyle as a thief and is a general benefactor/guide to the Phantom Thieves as a whole.
Yusuke has Kamu Susano-o, the Japanese God of Storms.
Makoto has Anat, a goddess of War that has appeared in several northwestern Semitic Religions.
Futaba has Prometheus, the Greek Titan who gave mankind fire.
Haru has Astarte, the Mesopotamian Goddess of Love and War.
Akechi has Loki, the trickster god from Norse Mythology.
His wings go from feathered to black bat wings, as he is draped in armor that looks fine, as well as a dark halo, representing how the PC is willing to embrace being a criminal if it means it's for the good of mankind.
He represents a more beneficial representation of Lucifer, how he freed mankind from ignorance and gave them free will. The Protagonist's endgame at this point is to free humanity (or at least the general public of Japan) from Yaldabaoth's influence. Notably, Satanael isn't shown in actual places as being a good being. This could be interpreted that the PC is no longer going by societal expectations, but creating his own meaning in the world.
He rides a living cloud and wields a staff weighing 800K, which shows how Ryuji is able to work under the pressure and go wherever he pleases at the same time.
"Seiten Taisei" is noted to be a title Sun Wukong gave himself when trying to entice the residents of Heaven. After extending his own life, he was found by Buddha and crushed underneath the Five Fingered Mountain for 500 years until freed by a Monk, who he then followed. Ryuji had notably changed his image after the incident with Kamoshida, going from a good kid to a delinquent to fit where he was at. He was crushed by Kamoshida's own hands, and was going to be executed by Kamoshida's Shadow. While Ren/Akira/The PC isn't exactly a monk, he does free Ryuji, and Ryuji proceeds to follow Akira loyally.
Carmen's twindrills have turned into wicked hair with eyes in them, she wears some armor on her upper body and the two broken hearted men have become rabid dogs at Hecate's command. This well represents that while Ann does have very good looks, she won't let herself be defined by them and that she knows how to look out for, reject and control those who would seek to get to her via her looks.
Hecate is also known as being more at home at the fringes of greek society, how she defies boundaries, eludes definition, and is even seen as a savior by some. Ann became a Phantom Thief by accidentally stumbling onto the Cognitive World, and finds a place she can belong in the Phantom Thieves. As a model, she also eludes definition, and is in with the other protagonists in starting the Phantom Thieves, in essence becoming "saviors" to the oppressed populace.
Susano-o is now a Walking Shirtless Scene with tattoos covering his skin, baggy pants, stark white hair and a scarf with an actual sword compared to Goemon's over the top traditional wear, black pompadour and his sword looking like a huge pipe. This befits how Yusuke seems to be getting more in touch with modern society and the people around him.
Susano-o was known for rampaging through Heaven when he lost to Amaterasu, and was eventually thrown out. He then finds out about the Orochi from a grieving family who lost 7 daughters and are about to lose the last one. Susano-o proceeds to kill it, take a sword from it's innards, and gift them and two other items to Amaterasu as an apology. This seems to befit how Yusuke has embraced the lifestyle of a Phantom Thief, going from a possible enemy of them to someone who helps venerate them. He even creates the calling cards past the 3rd palace.
Anat is a Transforming Mecha of a Motorcycle, plated in steel. The calm face of Johanna has been replaced by an angry visage of a woman with horns. This represents how Makoto won't let society's labels define what she can or can't do, and how she can be or go wherever she wants to if she puts the effort into it.
Anat is known in multiple stories to have avenged her fallen brother by killing Mot, and dragging him back from the underworld. This befits how Makoto was "dragged into reality" by the Phantom Thieves, as well as her desired purpose in life by the end of her Confidant by becoming a Police Comissioner. It also befits how protective she is of her sister, Sae, when she becomes the object of the Conspiracy's fancy.
Prometheus appears like a ball engraved with rainbows and having what appears to be a smiling face emoticon. This seems to befit how Futaba now views life, instead of a lifeless wasteland, there is possibility, vibrancy and color that she has come to experience from her time with the Protagonist.
Prometheus is known as the titan who gave mankind fire and knowledge, which had incurred Zeus's wrath. He was to be chained to a rock, an eagle ripping out his liver each day, only for it to regrow in the night, to which the cycle would continue ad infinitum. He was freed by the hero Hercules during the 12 Labours. This befits how Futaba was tormented by her own self-loathing thanks to the men in black sent by a "god" (aka Shido), and it wasn't until "heroes" saved her (aka the Phantom Thieves) that she started to get better.
Astarte appears to be a black silhouette of a woman with her hair let loose, wearing nothing but lengerie, a large crescent moon symbol on her forehead, and her bottom half is concealed by what appears to be a constantly rotating triple headed skull that faces three directions. One with it's eyes open, the next with them half open and the last with them shut. It also appears to have a rotating halo like thing around itself. This seems to befit on how Haru is able to be more open to people in spite of her status, being able to open her eyes to everything around her.
Astarte is known as having multiple associations, mainly with Goddesses like Aphrodite or Ishtar. She is known as the "Queen of Heaven" in some contexts, but she's also been known to have been demonized into Astaroth, one of the three dukes of Hell. Haru was well known for her high status as Okumura's daughter, but after her father confesses and dies, and she falls in with the Phantom Thieves, it befits how she's become one of the forces for criminals, which society in game could perceive as "Hell".
When one looks at Loki, he has Dazzle Camouflage, a type of camouflage used on ships to mislead onlookers as to what direction they're going. Furthermore, its legs seem to shift into horse's legs at the knee down, his fingers turning into claws and the braids on its head turning a fiery red at the tips. It has horns and wears a malicious smile on his face. In a way, Loki's appearance shares a lot of similarities with Arsene, given they share the smiling face, horns and fingers. Both are the intial Personas of their respective users, but while Arsene is known to be a good guy, Loki is well known for being a malicious troll. Both Akira/Ren and Akechi were put into positions where they were dehumanized by society, but while Akira/Ren tries to make the best of his situation, Akechi wallows in it and becomes more corrupted. It even shows in how Loki is becoming more monstrous in appearance, like how Akechi has become a monster as well. The factor that Dazzle Camouflage is used on ships also details his relationship to Shido: he's trying to misdirect people from hurting Shido, at least not until he can sink the ship himself.
Loki is known as a trickster god in Norse Mythology, who usually got people into as much trouble as much as he got people out of it. However, after Balder's death and during a night the other Aesir were being cruel to him, Loki drunkenly ranted about how he caused Balder's death and how much everyone else sucked. In retaliation, they killed his children, tied him to a stone and make venom drip into his eyes. When Ragnarok happened, he was one of the confirmed casualties. This befits how Akechi was doomed to fail or die no matter what he did, be it by his father's cognition of him, a death sentence for all the murders Akechi did, or fail to defeat Joker as the two couldn't help but fight each other as per Yaldabaoth's game. And unlike the rest of the Phantom Thieves's Personas, Loki was demonized by Christianity marking him as a villain, much like how Akechi was demonized by society for being a bastard child and for saying the Phantom Thieves aren't justice. @nenilein
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fromsolaria-archived · 5 years ago
Nabu: yeah sure fight Nabu, that is if you like getting your legs broken.
Helia: NO!! Why don't you just set a pile of puppies on fire?! What the hell is wrong with you!! Just sit under a tree and talk about art instead.
Sky: you could probably beat him, if it wasn't for his Boyfriend Brandon. You touch Sky and Brandon will fuck you up.
Timmy: NO! Whatever you do don't piss him off! Differently don't fight him! He might look like your typical harmless nerd with his bottle glasses and high tech gadgets, but say one word against his friends and he will go feral.
Riven: YES!!! BEAT UP RIVEN!! Everybody wants to see him get beat up! Hell even Riven wants to see Riven get beat up!
Brandon: normally no, you could not beat him, but if Stella's there you'll defiantly win. He'll be to busy looking over his shoulder every three seconds to check shes watching to actually throw a punch.
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