#☄ ◤ooc◢
runicaria · 5 months
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helloooo, its me enjee! been a while, huh? well, here i am & here with a remake of my celes blog !! i gave her shot a few months ago & felt a tad insecure but im going to give her another chance because i love her & miss her !! so yeah, give this a like/or reblog & i'll come & check you out !!
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amarvel · 1 month
considering changing my icon, header and everything else, but the last time i touched anything in regards to photoshop was when i thought i was still cis (the dark ages)
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kellyscowboy · 1 year
For the dance prompts 21 and 33 for Blush please and thanks
#23. "We are that cheesy couple that dances in the kitchen." & #33. Soft music in the background, swaying in the kitchen after being distracted from doing the dishes. // sorry for the late response!! writers block still going strong & all that jazz. haven't written for blush b4 so i hope its true to the ship :). this is kinda modern au but likeeee 80's-90's modern au || the prompt list
Kid Blink thought he was dreaming. Most days he thought he was dreaming. It wasn't often that people like him and Mush could have anything more than a one room apartment. But there they were, in a house in Santa Fe.
It felt a little weird living in Jack's dream. None of the boys thought they would end up in Santa Fe with him, well, other than David. Yet they were all there, just a couple of doors down from each other.
The Santa Fe sun shone in through the window as the boy did began to do the dishes. He couldn't help but think how right Jack was. The sun was different there.
Blink always tended to wake up a couple of hours before Mush. He would turn on the radio and sway along to whatever song as he did the chores. It felt oddly domestic, so domestic it also made Blink nauseous. Not because it was bad just... unfamiliar.
"Mornin'," Mush mumbled into his ear. Blink jumped, almost broke the plate he was holding. "Mmm, sorry. Didn't mean to startle ya."
" 'Ts fine." Blink melted in Mush as they boy hugged him from behind. He rested his chin on Blink's shoulder and looked out the window above the sink. Jack was outside mowing his lawn, David watching him from the porch as he sipped on his coffee. The two both noticed them at different times, waving at them before resuming their conversation. "Why're ya so early, angel?"
Mush pushed his eyes against his boyfriend's shoulder. "Left the curtains open a little last night. Light got in 'n woke me up."
"I see," Blink began to rinse off the plate he had been holding. "Gotta make sure we close 'em."
"Mhm," Mush mumbled in agreement. Slowly, the song the radio was playing began to fade out and the DJ began to speak.
"Goooood-morning, Santa Fe!" The DJ spoke. His voice was soft but enthusiastic. "This one is for all the lovebirds in town. I see y'all. Hugging in the early morning before you go your separate ways. Stand by each other this morning! Let's hear it... Stand By Me by Ben E. King."
The two boys giggled at the silly transition, but Mush gasped in delight as the song began to play. "I love this song. C'mon, Blink!"
"No, Mush." Blink whined, trying to hide his smile as his boyfriend tugged on his shirt. "Gotta finish the dishes."
"You can finish them later." Mush insisted. "There will always be dishes to wash, but there will not always be Stand By Me playing on the radio and your very beautiful boyfriend here to dance with."
Blink rolled his eyes fondly. "Fine. But you're gonna be the one covered in soap."
Mush shrugged as he intertwined their hands. "I can deal with that," and he giggled while the soap tickled the skin between his fingers. They swayed together, the song softly consuming them.
The two twirled slowly around the kitchen. Soap got all over their clothes and the back of Mush's neck. They pushed their foreheads together, taking the moment to appreciate each other.
"We're that cheesy couple that dances in the kitchen," Kid Blink said breathlessly. "I can't believe that."
"I can." Mush laughed. "I knew I'd get ya into the domestic life one way or annuda."
As the song slowly faded out, and another one began to play, the two stood there in silence. Frozen in the moment. Mush leaned up to place a smell peck on his boyfriend's lips.
The boy hummed in acknowledgement.
"Ya left the water on."
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purecetra · 7 months
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okay buddies !! gimme a like & i'll write up a small starter for ya ! i am still trying to find her voice but i'm getting there. of course, if i need clarification or have a particular idea, i WILL nyoom into your messages for a chat !!
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profanecenser · 11 months
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BTW im still alive and kicking, just took a break from DBD rp because it was super toxic and uncomfortable (im not gonna lie abt it the people who I was associated with were toxic and shady) and I needed a break. Chances are I'll still be on break and MAYBE I'll drop in again once Holiday break is here but just know I still love yall
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senzume · 2 months
i'm all over the place as we all always know and expect from me by now, so first and foremost i apologize!
i got a new job after being in between way too many for way too long. this new job, i'm coaching / assisting my old high school as a fine arts / theater coach! only, it's more than i expected lol. i'll actually be teaching two of three classes i'm coaching (the teacher was my teacher all four years i was there, and they're a huge part of why i graduated and also how i got this job to begin with, so i'm not complaining, and i do owe it to them). big big deal! excited but so scared! lol.
family life has been turbulent, but we climb and we go forward. personal life has just been very busy, but thankfully peaceful enough. my disabilities have gotten mildly worse, but that's expected with age and lack of medication, so i'm doing my best.
right now, my focus and muse has simply shifted to other things, and it happens! i'll be back eventually, but for now i'm letting myself focus on one thing at a time if i can help it, especially with how busy and sacked i'm going to be for a while now.
love you guys so much, and i hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves! til next time!
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astoldbyfolkslore · 4 months
[ sick ] sender cares for receiver while they are sick "Don't worry, I'm here for you!" she chirped, while she gently passed a wet cloth on his forehead. "You'll be fine brother"
A groan could be heard from the archer , rather reluctant to accept the care . He was fine , truly ! Even if .. every other sign was against him. In truth, he just hated being out of commission, considering there were so many other things that could be done, and yet, here was stuck in his bed due to a cold. In a sense to him .. it was humiliating. Yet, despite all of his huffing and puffing, he wasn’t alone in this.
Takumi had his younger sister! Which made it feel as if this dreaded sickness was somewhat easier. " Thank you, Sakura .. " Would he softly mumble, eyes closing feeling the cloth upon his head. A soft hum at the coolness upon his forehead made the room feel as it were a bit cooler.
" Be careful though .. I don’t want you to get sick .. cause of looking after me. “ He grumbled, tired hues peeking from underneath closed slits. Not to mention that he would feel guilty for getting her sick, from taking care of him. A tad bothered by how bright the light was, yet far too tired to properly make a complaint about it. Only refuting it by closing his eyes once more. Throat rather scratchy, Takumi would let out a small cough to try and soothe it. Though .. it didn’t have to much of the result he had expected.
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vagasbonds · 1 year
what's up :)
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apocalypta-secundus · 7 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
Current Muses:
Shinji Hirako
Shunsui Kyoraku
Kenpachi (Masaru) Kuruyashiki
Yachiru Kusajishi
Ikkaku Madarame
Gin Ichimaru
Lyn Okinaha (Kuruyashiki) (OC)
Ayame Hirako (OC)
Akina Ayasegawa (OC)
Leyre Doro (OC)
Narvi Sasaki (OC)
Want to Write:
Lilinette Gingerbuck
Shuuhei Hisagi
Izuru Kira
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (I feel like he'd end up being like Bazz and just stick around for like 5 minutes and fuck off)
Have Written:
Bazzard Black
Would Write Again:
Tagged by: @thehealerhairpin
Tagging: @historias-multorum, @maddmuses, @uraharashouten, @midnightactual, @rojurose, @venenorita, @utallige
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runicaria · 5 months
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hiii, so these will be rather short & we can build upon them, through convo or simply winging it! but yeah, give a like & i'll write you a one !!
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amarvel · 2 months
hey hi hello new followers ✨! just want to thank ppl for following, i'm v eager to write and throw things @ you all (friendly) (non-aggressive?) and if possible, plot!
i used to write this tall glass of starlight eons ago and im v happy to be back, but i've 0 sense of how this site works anymore, or what graphics are in, or if there's any like. trends or anything in regards to formatting, etc. im just here to write and make cool new pals ✨.
pls don't hesitate to hit me up in IMs, i only bite on occasion and there's a 64.34% chance i will not space out and reply to you in my head, only to realize that it was, in fact, in my head.
--brought to you by Jane ✨
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kellyscowboy · 1 year
for the secret dialogues "what's wrong? something's eating you up inside, i can tell." with Ikeshot please <3
sorry for the late response, i was trying to finish my fic exchange assignment!! || the prompt list
Hotshot had very obvious tells. For example: when he played poker, he always picked at his nails if he had a good hand. If he had a bad hand, he licked his lips a lot.
Ike tended to notice his not-so obvious tells as well. Like, when he was mad and his fingers would start flexing angrily. Or when he was sad and his lips would rub together in unnatural ways.
The last few weeks had been different, though. All of Hotshot's tells had been going off at the same time, and there were knew ones. He had been cracking his neck every hour, his leg tapped anxiously, and his nose scrunched and his eyes twitched. Ike had no idea what the other boy was feeling, and he didn't know how to ask.
All Ike knew was that he had to go about the situation slowly. "Hey, dear. How have you been?"
Hotshot raised his eyebrow at the pet-name. "... Fine? Ya've been with me every other day, Ike. Ya know how I am."
"Right..." Ike hugged the boy from behind and kissed his cheek. "Just wanted to make sure you're alright. You've been actin' all weird."
The boy was tense under Ike's grip, but let out a sigh of relief. "I've been actin' just fine."
Ike sighed. "What's wrong, Hotshot? Something's eatin' ya up inside, I can tell."
"I can't tell ya," Hotshot admitted. "I'm not supposed to tell no-one."
That slightly concerned Ike. There wasn't a lot that Hotshot wasn't willing to tell him. "Who am I gonna tell? Ain't like the 'Hattan boys listen to me half the time, anyway."
Hotshot sat in the silence for a good few minutes before he spoke up. "Spot's leavin'. He's gonna go be a coal miner and he's leaving me in charge of the rest of boys. I dunno how to tell 'em."
There was a tense air between them. Both of them knew their wasn't much they could do about it, and Ike knew there wasn't any true way to comfort him. But he tried. "That's a lot of responsibility... But, I think you'll be fine, Hotshot. They all respect you. And you's a great leader. You did just fine when Spot was out with the flu."
Hotshot nodded. "Yeah, I guess... I'm just..."
"It's okay," Ike said. He knew the other boy was scared, and he knew that he would never admit it. "Ya ain't gonna know what to do right away. On the brightside, ya always got me to back ya up! I'll give those boys a stern talking to if they don't respect ya."
Hotshot laughed and kissed the shell of his boyfriend's ear. "Sure ya will."
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purecetra · 7 months
me, laughing at the possibility of shipping ifalna with certain characters : aerith might have a step-parent.
or in some verses, a whole new dad.
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profanecenser · 11 months
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who wants a priestess in their inbox btw
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senzume · 1 year
like for something small
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astoldbyfolkslore · 5 months
"Oh my you're getting into the game a little late aren't you?" Camilla gave the hauntingly familiar archer a tense smile as she handed him a black feather. "Left your big sister behind? No worries, I'm available to lend an ear if you need it. Say hi to your brother for me."
Having stirring a drink within his hand, he would look up for a moment, upon noticing the nohrian approach. His first instinct was to reach for his bow, only to .. recall that he didn’t have it on him at the moment. Quietly cursing underneath his breath, attention quickly focusing back onto her.
Taking the feather from her, she would stare at it for a moment. Only to realize, it was one of the things he needed to obtain for the prize! Gnawing on the inside of his cheek, ultimately letting out a soft sigh. At the very least, the prince needed to act politely.
She .. gave him her brooch after all. “ Right .. you’re kind for that. I .. err , same for you .. if you need, to talk to someone .. “ He’d mumble, before looking at her once more, reaching with one his hands, taking hers into his own. While the other pocketed the feather, pulling off his own brooch, carefully placing it into her hand.
“ I’ll be sure to. But .. here, since you gave me yours — t .. that’s how this is s .. supposed to work, right? “ A tad awkward, before adverting his gaze elsewhere. At the very least, he was trying to be kind and go about it in a .. much smoother way, than if the situation was different. If .. change was going to happen somewhere, then he mine as well let it start with the party. Besides, if she was here .. it was reasonable to assume that the other Nohrian siblings were here as well, yeah? With his luck, he’s bound to run into the rest of them as well.
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