#β˜€οΈ π‚π‡π€π’πˆππ† 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍. || Mapplethorpe & Doe || DYN.
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
The thing that gets me so so much about the Lost Boys verse isn't the senseless but inevitable slow motion train collision of Doe's inevitable death and Mapplethorpe going apeshit on the main. It's the heartbreaking, heart wrenching dynamic of the denial meeting the unforgiving, unsympathetic wall of reality.
Mapplethorpe, who has revived and somehow brought Doe back from the starvation-fueled half-vampire bloodlust murder he unintentionally caused and repeating to himself that he's fixed it, he knows in his heart that he's fucked up in a way that can never be repaired, but he's desperate. Doe is alive, she is breathing and moving, her throat has healed and sealed, she's not dead, he made things right, he fixed her....
But he really hasn't fixed anything. Doe still died, Doe's throat was still ripped out, she can't speak anymore, Mapplethorpe. She's traumatized. She remembers YOU killing her. She loves you, but you still did this, she's still HURTING, even if she's technically alive. You took her future, you didn't mean to, but you stole it from her, you stole her life and you can't fix that with any amount of your blood or tears or delusions. Just look at her Mapplethorpe, look at the scarves she has to wear now, look at the scars and think about the fact that still jumps away from you. Things are never going to go back to the way they used to be. She loves you, but things will have to change. You can't fix this.
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 11 months ago
I could fix him. I could make him worse. Good for you. I could gently take the weapon out of his shaking, blood-soaked hand and hold him until he finally believes that he doesn't have to be defined by all the ways the world has hurt him. Then we could ruin the lives of everyone who has ever treated him like he's a monster who doesn't deserve love.
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
Also if you hate your muse and or want to cause them Pain, may I suggest an ot3/polycule with Mapplethorpe and Doe? By GOD are they fun but they will put you in an early grace by either worry for them or the outcome of their Bullshit
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
also gotta tag Billie cause OUR BABIES @frieddiscjockey & @coastercrushed
DOE & MAPPLETHORPE (the sacred Moe ship)
who curses more? it's a real tossup, but I would say Mapplethorpe does in a casual sense. Passing curses, using fuck as an adjective, it's not for anger, but like, aussie slang is curse laden, and Mapplethorpe is a wild child who doesn't have a filter at the best of the times! So like, I'm sorry, he's swearing constantly. BUT LIKE WHEN IT COMES TO ANGER AND PAIN?? Doe puts Mapplethorpe into the ground with the sheer VITRIOL she spews. She curses less in comparison, but her curses are like, ten in a single minute, and she's cursing your bloodline, your favorite basketball team, your fifth grade teacher, the last person that smiled and you AND your mother. Sorry. ASASDJSAD
who is more patient? Doe, no question there!
who does the driving? Toss up, Doe is a better driver than Mapplethorpe, she can keep her attention focused on the task for much, much, much longer than he can, but he's the one running to the car first. He likes being in control and likes it when she's the one in charge of the directions. She explains them in a way he understands best. That and when they get takeout, she'll lean over him and he LOVES that.
who is louder? who is quieter? Mape is louder and Doe is marginally quieter but I'm sorry you can hear these two across the fog, they're so obnoxious and loud. ASDJASD
who is more physically affectionate? MAPPLETHORPE, Doe is bolder and more willing to instigate things but sorry, he's climbing into her lap and laying across her starfish style. He wants kisses and hugs and everything!!
who is more likely to tease the other? DOOOOOE, she thinks Mapplethorpe is so so cute when he's blushing bright red and looking at her with his big, shocked and enamored eyes.
who is better with time management? Doe, Doe likes on a routine existence down to the seconds, per her issues with trauma and anxiety, so she's helpful to Mapplethorpe in that regard. Sometimes he needs to hold her hand though and remind her, it's not the end of the world when there's a fifteen minute delay.
who wins the arm wrestling matches? ASDASD DOE I FEAR. Mapplethorpe INSISTS he was letting her win. She disagrees though! Mape is strong! Strong enough to lift her, but she has him beat in the lower arms!
who controls the music in the car ride? They alternate depending on who's driving! Driver's never allowed to be in control of the stereo though, that's how you get in car accidents, or worse, get hit with the autoplay CURSE!
who covers dinner when they order in? They alternate, Mapplethorpe usually does on the basis that he wants to eat out more often, but Doe does it every date night at HER insistence! She wants to spoil her prince. Which he is more than happy to take her up on! Haha
who is more outgoing? who is more shy? I will say Mapplethorpe BUT ON PAPER ALONE. Doe isn't shy after she's been acclimatized to her situation in most cases, but Mapplethorpe doesn't have these issues. What he DOES have is a difficulty socializing at other people's paces and taking the cue! He doesn't mean badly but in terms of actually bridging that connection and meeting them where the other person stands in a way that's less of an overwhelming wall of ENERGY and more like a pleasant handshake? Doe has him beat there.
who has the more outlandish fashion sense? THEY ARE EQUALLY MATCHED IN STUPID AND OVER THE TOP. They are the Jesse and James of the Fog. They take every opportunity to be over the top and wear matching outfits. They cosplay together in the modern verse. I know this, there is no contest cause these guys both give it their all and GET IT.
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them? Doe and like, honestly?? Probably the person forced to listen to them being stupidly obnoxious and adorable together. That or Mapplethorpe because he can't catch his breath.
who has the darker/more β€œedgy” sense of humor? Godddd, depends on the verse, I want to say Doe though, because where Mapplethorpe often tends to avoid the trauma of his death and circumstances by completely ignoring it. I feel like, while still emotionally distancing herself, Doe slips in more dark 'humour' when it comes into processing what she's gone through. By joking about it she's trying to reduce it like a joke, but these jokes often don't land and they're more worrying than anything. God, get this girl into some therapy PLEASE.
who is more competitive when it comes to games? DOOOE, guilty as charged, she needs to have the highscore everytime they play. It's just a fact, she's a sore loser too, but its okay, a kiss on the cheek and she's back to her normal self!
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth? MAPPLETHORPE!! Sorry, when he's hungry he's HUNGRY, Doe has watched him put away an entire sheet of (non-weed) brownies in one sitting cause they were warm and fudgy and she made them for him! How he does it is anyone's guess!
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public? BOTH OF THEM, Doe is more likely to throw the punch though! Mapplethorpe has a mean bark but his bark is nothing to Doe's bite! They are tag teaming when Mapplethorpe inevitably gets into a fight!
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them? Mapplethorpe and Doe respectively! She's a very social person but she can't take the heat of a whole gathering on her own! she prefers to be the join in assist making sure things are running, folks are fed and having a good time while he talks his heart out!
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other? Doe and OFTEN. These two aren't on the wealthiest side so eating in is often but Doe is a good cook and more than that, Mapplethorpe is a foodie! He loves to eat whatever she's serving up with plenty of compliments to the chef!
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior? DOE, no question there.
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other? Doe, Mapplethorpe isn't as quick to notice and he does, he sometimes lacks the words to articulate it well, but he does and he's always there!
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)? They both do! I fear they're the people that strike up conversation casually with a server or other people in a store and their kids are CURSING them!
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support? DOE
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it? Mapplethorpe!! Doe NEVER goes down without a fight though!
who curses more? DOE, Gonzo has his moments but he has much more of a filter than Doe does, especially when heated!
who is more patient? GONZO
who does the driving? N/A, sadly their main verses are locked into CFP. Gonzo takes the lead driving the go-kart around on romantic strolls while Doe is resting on his shoulder though!
who is louder? who is quieter? Doe is louder! Gonzo is more of a quiet lover all things considered!
who is more physically affectionate? DOE, Gonzo has his worries about being overly affectionate with her and potentially triggering things. He knows she's had a rough go of it and one of his greatest fears is making things worse, but Doe sees this and while she appreciates it, she wishes he was less afraid. She is headbutting him with love and slowly encouraging him with communication and gestures of physical affection!
who is more likely to tease the other? Toss up!! It's all in good faith though!
who is better with time management? Doe?? Solely because she has a watch though! Haha
who wins the arm wrestling matches? GONZO, no contest, he'll let her win once or twice though!
who controls the music in the car ride? N/A, again, they're stuck in the park, but Gonzo is the DJ! He offers to teach Doe! In truth he's a little curious, but Doe wouldn't trade his dj'ing and adorable tributes to her for the world!
who covers dinner when they order in? N/A, again, stuck in the park, but Doe is the one that does snack runs for them both in exchange for a kiss and a cuddle in the booth!
who is more outgoing? who is more shy? Gonzo is the more outgoing one and Doe, well, CFP!Doe is an entirely different beast! Haha
who has the more outlandish fashion sense? Gonzo, but in the 90s stoner way that's a bit more than the depression outfit Doe is forever stuck wearing!
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them? Doe does!
who has the darker/more β€œedgy” sense of humor? God,,, I'd say Gonzo! Though his sense of humor is like, mostly about him being electrocuted! He's not mean about it! He just thinks it's funny!
who is more competitive when it comes to games? Doe!
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth? Gonzo, but solely cause Doe doesn't actually eat very much!
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public? DOE NO QUESTION, the fights with Mapplethorpe are inevitable I fear!
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them? Gonzo hosts and starts the gathering with the music, Doe is the designated babysitter sitting back and watching things to make sure it runs without fight and quietly basking in the energy.
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other? N/A, I would say Doe though on principle when Vi brings them food!
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior? DOE, she would straight up kill a person. and she has! Her murderer is now just as dead as she is, but he doesn't get a second chance!
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other? Gonzo!
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)? Gonzo, Doe is a little shy I won't lie!
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support? Gonzo and Doe both are equally likely but they had different capacities to help given everything about their deaths!
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it? DOOOOE, Gonzo gets spooked but hes not a vengeful sort! Haha
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 11 months ago
Mapplethorpe learning that, typically, the relationship between a Sire and their Scions (at least in terms of vampires) is one of respect and admiration, and that with many Scions, they follow the word and advice of their Sires, admiring and internalizing it greatly as they grow and amass their own power.
MEANWHILE, Doe, like, Doe does not, by any extension lend Mapplethorpe that inherent trust, respect or admiration you'd associate with a Sire. Doe doesn't listen to him as a Sire, she loves him, but as a boyfriend and friend, nothing more. She'll participate eagerly in the more standard romantic sire/scion bloodplay that you'll often see with couple vampires. BUT, she doesn't view Mapplethorpe as any font of wisdom or guidance and you KNOW he feels some way about it.
She's his Scion!!! He feels the connection of his blood in her, he feels the attachment and the need to care for her beyond the bounds of their friendship and romantic entanglement, he feels them intertwined on a level thats almost spiritual! He knows she does too! They've had moments that can only be explained through the shared bond! Like Doe somehow managing to find him when he's injured from a parkour trick gone wrong, even though she would've had no way to know how or where he was.
BUT!!! HE HIGHKEY YEARNS FOR THE SIRE RESPECT AND THE RELATIONSHIP HE SEES IN OTHERS! Like David and his boys, like the head vampires and their brides in movies! He wants that! He wants her to look at him in that way too! But Doe, well, Doe does not. Doe will not and he is forever wanting and trying to get her to give it a chance!
Doe dodging and weaving around Mapplethorpe's hope that they can have a unique, romantic and admirational vampire bond going back to him being her sponsor and her 'guide' like:
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*guide in quotation marks because Mapplethorpe really hasn't guided Doe in anything! Doe has major burn scars on her arm because Mapplethorpe straight up forgot to tell her she couldn't go out in the day. Doe had to learn to communicate and the entire vampire language EXCLUSIVELY on her own. Doe learned to hunt, not through Mape, but through herself! He really hasn't been any help to her at all in that respect!
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
It's the way Murder Mermaid AU!Doe and Mapplethorpe still rub off on each other in both negative and positive ways... It's the way Mapplethorpe opened up the door to humans being more than just food fodder to Doe More than an easy meal with far less of a chance of escaping once they plunged into the depths. Mapplethorpe teaches her, both unintentionally AND intentionally the ways of English, and whatever basic lessons and non-English media can give him. It makes her appreciate things, it intrigues her, she's enraptured.
Mapplethorpe brings her and her girls down some people to meet (not eat) and she realizes how fun socializing outside of her pod can be. She craves it more, not to be a part of her world (god forbid), but a fun little escape beyond the surface. A joy comparable to a deer hunter who loves to study ruminant migrations and activity in their off time. You can eat something and appreciate it so so deeply at the same time! And she appreciates!!
The art, the conversation, the hundreds of loops and holes that are human social conventions (you can stare too long but also not enough and if you stare for too short a time it's flirty? it's such a headache! She loves it!) He gets her hooked on his comics and the D&D playbooks (she's not sure what they're for but the pretty pictures are great and the descriptions are intriguing! He's working on getting her into the game itself. And she finds it easier both to hunt and to appreciate from afar! It makes humans less... kill on sight? The more she understands the more she wants to interact, the more inevitable it is that she's gonna take her power and her new knowledge to hook some people in for entertainment in the form of stories and conversations.
MEANWHILE MAPPLETHORPE IS JUST BECOMING ALL THE MORE MURDER MONSTER, she's sharing her and the girls world so so much and he's realizing how much he prefers it to the topside world and how much more he wants to keep the other humans away from touching at it or them
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
God, ASDHASHD brainrotting shipping hours because Billie (@coastercrushed) is awesome and enables me with Mapplethorpe and Doe in the Murmaid AU
Mape isn't a mermaid per the AU, saved by the fact that he's not one of the Entity's guaranteed catches. Doe? Damned in almost all verses to be caught and captured by the Entity at some point as a food source. But Mape only has one or two instances of this occurring, so it was a coinflip as to whether he'd be a fishman or a human and it landed on human!
Mape, rather than living on a small town located inland (at least relatively given Australia) resides on the coast, and being a semi-outcast kid that he is, spends much of the time wandering the beaches and surfing. Though surfing is far, far from a beast even comparable to skateboarding, and he's (lovingly) quite the cringefail when it comes to it.
Wipeouts are a 50/50 occurrence, and though they've never been more than a mouth and nosefull of saltwater, a feeling of intense disorientation and a sudden burst of adrenaline and riding the waves to be pushed back towards the surface.
Mape may be a cringefail when it comes to boarding, but he knows his safety and what to do when he inevitably falls.
Though in one circumstance as he fell, passing through the storm of bubbles into the calm beneath the waves, he caught sight of murmaid!Doe at a distance, watching. Fins and nets on full display and a look in her eye he couldn't place, but it didn't seem predatory, more excited.
Now, murmaid!Doe, as we all know, she's not a strong hunter given her young age and not having a pack to rely on to secure difficult kills or protect her. She was, in that instance, watching Mapplethorpe, excitedly hoping that he wouldn't be able to surface, that he could drown and she could make an easy meal out of him.
MAPPLETHORPE DID NOT KNOW THIS, likewise, with a brainrot of helpful mermaids in pop culture drowning out a long storied history of mermaids existing as malevolent entities... he uh, he did not see the writing on the walls. Instead, in his mind, he saw that murmaid watching him as a sign of interest, or friendship or maybe Disney channel-esc love, waiting to save him in the case he drowned; not drag him away to his death like she truthfully intended.
And well, it stuck in his head! He never thought to confide in most, I mean, on some level he KNEW how unbelievable it would sound. A mermaid watching him with intent, Felicity would be worried, had he hit his head? Lost too much oxygen in his plunge. Chester would just laugh though, this is what happened to those sailors that hadn't seen women in years, Mapplethorpe, they started seeing sharks as women. But Mapplethorpe KNEW, he wasn't delusional, he saw what he saw. This murmaid, his Ariel as he started to call her. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted to know everything about her.
Why was she alone? Everything about mermaids in media had them traveling in groups. Had something happened? That would explain why she was covered in nets, fishing line and with decidedly unnatural pieces sticking out of her. Was she hurting? Did she need help? Like those videos of men rescuing sea turtles and untangling them. Had she been waiting to help him so he could help her? Clever, through deduction and healthy tempering of his ego by his insecurity, Mapplethorpe deduced this MUST be the explanation for her watching and waiting.
So Mape decides, he will have to help his Ariel! He waits for the next week of his boarding, floating on the water rather than attempting to work himself up a wave, waiting, expecting the mermaid to show herself and ask. She never does, she is there, he confirms that much sticking his head in the waters and coming face to face with her. But she never works up the courage, maybe she's afraid? OH HE WAS SO STUPID! OBVIOUSLY she'd be afraid, she had a harpoon embedded in one of her thighs! Humans did this, she probably feared them just as much as she knew she needed their help! He'd have to earn her trust.
Doe meanwhile, is EXCLUSIVELY hunting him and becoming more and more ballsy when it comes to approaching him. In the past, she'd had a circumstance when she tried to grab a surfer, she'd closed around his leg when he pulled out a knife and drove it through her hand. Since then she learned the hard lesson that surfers weren't easy victims and hesitance needed to be taken. But Mapplethorpe, he seemed to know exactly the ways to disarm her worry. Had Mapplethorpe been trying he could have been an excellent murmaid hunter, instead, he only wanted to help, to know her, to bridge that gap.
When the day comes that murmaid!Doe finally has the courage to poke her head above the surface and to peer onto the board, Mape is so happy he could explode. He doesn't know how much he is dancing on the line, but in true Doe taming fashion, he pulls out a snack, gummy worms to share with her and it's... baffling. Murmaid!Doe loves them, obviously, gummies are a weakness of hers, but its strange, the food is feeding her but not out of fear. She's just as starstruck as Mapplethorpe is!
The next weeks become a ritual, snacks, a little waterproof radio and his board. Murmaid!Doe is interacting with him proper then, in her feelings are tingling, but it's pod based. Is he trying to introduce her to his pod, become a part of hers? But Mape is just living it up, his cool and awesome mermaid best friend!
There comes a day when friendship and nature comes to test: Mapplethorpe decides to swim with her, he WANTED to, jumped off the board with excitement. But in such deep water, his swimming wasn't as strong, he did his best without fins, letting her swim circles around him. But she could feel it, deep in her core, that predatory instinct, his fatigue, he'd lose his fight soon. He was perfectly suited for her to drag him down, she wasn't hungry, but he was open for the taking. A hunk of meat left in front of a dog. YET, she couldn't bring herself to drag him down, no... he was pod to her, he wasn't like her, she couldn't explain but he was pod. She wouldn't betray him, not like that! When his strength weakened and he felt that split-second panic when he didn't have it in him to push himself back onto the board. Murmaid!Doe made up for his weakness, lifting him. Mape's misunderstanding realized and now grounded in reality.
From the date of their swim, the situationship grows, Mape is coming to visit Doe just as much as he does Chester and with each visit, he's luring her closer into shore. He will rescue her from the garbage stuck to her.
Eventually, he manages to convince her to beach herself with him, riding a wave on her belly, her joy, coming in pulsing vocalizations and joyful whistles is so sweet. It's a terrible contrast to the fear that immediately follows, as she begins to turn and pivot in the sand. She's stopped, Mapplethorpe is saying a phrase she knows well: 'hold on' and grips her under her arms and struggles to pull her back onto the beach. Doe's fear grows then, struggling and gnashing her teeth in an attempt to bite. But she runs ice cold when she sees it: Mape has a knife, a fish knife.
So, so long had she considered him prey then pod that she never stopped to consider if he could be predator. She struggled more violently in the sand, attempting to drag herself back to the sea. But when that came to success, she just, froze, waiting a bite and the pain, but instead all she felt was relief.
Mapplethorpe didn't try to cut her throat, she never felt the kiss of the blade, instead, with a cold pinch, she felt him push the blunt edge against her raw scales and cut through the nets and lines and she breathed a sigh of relief she never considered she'd been holding for so long. He freed her from the weight, then he turned to pull out the old blade and pieces of a broken off harpoon. Mapplethorpe was no medic, but his help was more than she'd ever had, and all the edge and worry faded fast as the pain faded to white noise.
That moment in time, his helping her even in such open and overt weakness and vulnerability, it changed things between them. Set the road to the poly fish husband Mapplethorpe we all know and love. With Doe now more freed, she took to hunting with more vigor than she ever had, first with fish then seals but quickly escalating. Mapplethorpe noticed the disappearance of swimmers but he never brought it to Doe. He knew on some level, but he didn't want to be confronted with the fact that he'd saved a monster.
Doe is adopted into a new pod after her recovery from the wounds and Doe introduces Mapplethorpe to her pod, it's not an easy transition at first. Doe seems snappish and Mape chalks it up to Doe not wanting to share him but really it's Doe asserting she's in charge and that Mape is not allowed to be eaten. He IS a part of the pod even though he isn't one of them!
The other murmaids of Doe's Pod warming up to Mape and starting to see him in the same way that she views him, realizing the poly fish husband Mape transformation as he gets to know all of them in his own way, bringing a waterproof radio and letting them pick out and listen to music. Going with them for swims, following with them to explore coves and generally chill out and bond!
Mape slowly going into the darkside but in a very productive and somewhat sweet way as he takes an interest in Marina Biology and Zoology through them and comes to not only turn a blind eye to their man-eating but even enabling and taking part in it in order to protect their identity and the odd little family they've built for themselves!
MAPE GETTING TO SEE AND TAKE PART AS THE GIRLS BECOME MORE POWERFUL MURMAIDS IN TIME, Doe going from 5ft tall barely and a wave rider, to 7ft and a wave breaker and eventually 10ft as a wave maker but she still loves him all the same and wants to cuddle like how they could when he could straight up lift and carry her out of the water
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
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Young love is like a raging fire that can't be tamed. It's addictive and borderline obsessive. Satisfying in every way, yet never getting enough. I'm the flames, and he's the fuel keeping me burning. We are perfect. - Paige P. Horne,Β "If I'd Known"
Silly little shipboard for one of my favourite pairings on the blog: Doe & Mapplethorpe (@coastercrushed)
Themes and aesthetics touched on include neon technicolour overstimulation, hedonism in the pursuit of unapologetically embracing life and its pleasures, dumbasses in love, rebellion with a cause, death denial, character growth even in death, genuine loyalty and love despite being surrounded by the depths of depravity and cruelty, video games and arcade rat aesthetics, and a feeling of eternal, lost boy-esc youth through death! And, of course, the most improbable but heartwarming happy ending!
Chasing the Sun - The Wanted Ready or Not - Bridget Mendler I'm Ready - AJR Classic - MKTO Royalty - Conor Maynard Stick It To The Man - School of Rock
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 11 months ago
Doe and her curse to not be saved from the horrific circumstances she finds herself in in the vampire verse translates directly as the fact that there is a Very Real chance that if the loved ones looking for her pulled a Grandpa and killed Mapplethorpe to save her: that it would be for nothing cause she'd just drop dead on the spot there too because the vampire is the only thing keeping her alive and intact!
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 11 months ago
Something about Doe and Mape: She’s lying on his chest, skin to skin. Normally, he’s so self-conscious about everything going on with his torso, his freckles and moles, the fact that he’s very lean and trim and hasn’t put on muscle mass in a traditionally masculine way, and his chest hair, which is almost invisible, is a similar tone to his hair and wispy.Β 
Under less romantic circumstances, Mapplethorpe is hiding ALL of it beneath a tank top or muscle shirt, his shameful existence. But with Doe, that shame is completely melted away. He feels like a man; he feels hot, desirable, andΒ wanted. A treasure to behold, a light to cherish. Her attention and her love make it easy to forget about the comments he’s gotten in the past, the way people’s eyes have been drawn to him with laughs and jeers in their mouths about him.Β 
So he’s just laying there, riffing, his latest adventure with their friends when she had to be elsewhere, his dreams, and the desire for schadenfreude watching the dickheads that walk around so high and mighty finally getting their just deserts. And Doe, to her credit, is nodding along, softly humming in agreement and urging him to continue. When, for a minute, she falters and goes completely quiet. Mapplethorpe is too engrossed in his line of thought to pay heed to her silence as a sign she’s nodded off. Still, when she doesn’t respond, he’s a little confused, eyebrows creasing when her responses stall until it comes to him with a melancholy note:Β β€œAre you even listening to me? …Oh. You’re asleep.” 
And he’s ready to stop, but even half-asleep, Doe still holds onto his words so closely, even with her voice silenced. Eyes closed, she responds quietly,Β Β β€˜No, no, ’m awake, keep going, β€˜Wanna know how it ends,’ and forces her eyes open to look up at him from her spot nestled against his pectoral, deep brown eyes blown wide and expectant and warmer than hot coffee brewing in the pot on a lazy Sunday morning. And Mapplethorpe, oh, sweet Mapplethorpe, looking down into her eyes, at the small, sleepy smile on her lips, and drinking in the feeling of her hot breath and her grasp pulling him close, he’s left stumbling over his words attempting to pick up exactly where he left off. Eager to give her whatever she wants: he can’t deny her that, not when she makes him feel like he does!
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 11 months ago
Happy 4/20 everyone and happy 4/20 palindrome day no less!
Mapplethorpe and Doe are spearheading a massive celebration for the occasion, truly embodying the who’s from whoville on Christmas and treating it like the national holiday it ought to be! Come to their place for weed snacks and the yearly read through of every weed related rage comic they could find EVER.
Evan tried to take one puff of the blunt, overestimated how to do it cause he was a smoker (non-weed) like at least, what, a hundred years ago? Fucked it up, started coughing hard and is not pouting in shame at the killer shack! Haha
Sally has no idea what a weed is!
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 11 months ago
Mapplethorpe gaining his reputation as a Fuckboy in The Lost Boys Verse because he’s so so not over Doe in the aftermath of their CATASTROPHIC breakup that he’s taken up void-filling indulgence but emotionally vacant sex to try and fill a gap in his heart, numb out the pain and to convince the other boys that he’s fine and not mourning Doe is so !!!!! I love it for him!! Pathetic wet beastie!
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
Out here emotional over @coastercrushed’s Mapplethorpe and Doe vampire pairing because, like, when any sort of (justifiable) retribution against Doe for her choices (in feeding as a vampire Vs. Just nobly dying) is raised. Mapplethorpe WILL toss himself onto the proverbial blade, at first trying to reason but then with violence. Even when a situation has virtually nothing to do with him!
Mapplethorpe could be perfectly safe, camouflaged among humanity, with none the wiser, but if he sees Doe in danger or knows someone is after her. He’s intervening. He doesn’t care. Dammit all!
Mapplethorpe blames himself absolutely for every part of Doe’s present condition and her actions as a result. He did this to her, his selfishness put her in danger, he killed, no, murdered her and then his selfishness wouldn’t let her simply be dead. He was the one that had to bring her back, who couldn’t leave her dead there. If anyone has to pay for anything she does, it’s him. He did this, he deserves the punishment, and if anyone should die (in his mind) it should be him.
DOE MEANWHILE WOULD BE HORRIFIED IF SHE KNEW THIS WAS HIS THOUGHT PROCESS OR THAT HE’D DESTROY HIMSELF TO TRY AND SAVE HER. Mapplethorpe! She ADORES you, you’re one of the only reasons she hasn’t walked out to be incinerated in the sun! Don’t do this to her! Don’t make her face eternity alone! She loves you! She needs you!
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dcwnthercbbithcle Β· 1 year ago
The Hell’s Belles @ Doe when she brings Mapplethorpe around
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