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playedbetter · 1 year ago
"I don't know euphoria; Would like to meet her someday; C'est la vie."
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mindcrowned · 1 year ago
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ryan. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • threads.
full name — Ryan Estrada(-Takashi) age — forty-four (january 19th) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) orientation — homosexual former occupation — teacher super power — power mimicry (lowkey rogue-like..ish) hero name — hoshii  weapon — dual long scimitars katanas clothing style/ uniform — casual, fitting, nerdy / dark modern-y
face claim — Pedro Pascal hair — brown / eyes — brown height — five foot & eleven inches build — kinda like a T, broad shoulders, muscled torso, slutty waist (it be thin ok), tho he has decently thick thighs, too but not insanely so scars — a few, but the only prominent ones are long strides across the backs of his thighs tattoos — he has a portrait of his (deceased) daughter & husband on his chest, right above his heart piercings — nipple piercings oops special characteristics — he’s broken and angry at the world, which translates into silence & bitterness
alignment — true chaotic neutral positive traits — protective, loyal, strong-willed, caring negative traits — bitter, short-tempered, stubborn hobbies — kenjutsu, cooking, avoiding people, spreading bitterness
mental — ptsd (watched his husband and child die), negative attitude physical — when he was younger, he got his shoulder dislocated and one of his older sisters thought she could pop it back in. she didn't and broke his shoulder. he can't life his right arm as high as the left one still, but only few know phobias — claustrophobia, haphephobia eyesight — wears glasses / contacts dominant hand — left hand drug use — nop alcohol use — occasionally diet — lived as a vegetarian because of his husband, but when he died.. he went back to a normal semi-healthy diet
kinks — tba anti-kinks — tba sexual preference — bottom switch
birthplace — houston, TX (born) parents — (biological parents unknown) / Maria Estrada-Takashi (step-mother) & Asahi Estrada-Takashi (step-father)  siblings — 2 older sisters who were also adopted by the Estradas; Amelie & Sorayja Estrada-Takashi education — education degree (to work as a teacher) notable skills — he grew up with a lot of japanese traditions/culture including tea ceremonies, calligraphy and the art of kenjutsu
(child abuse mention, murder mention, child death mention)
on a cold january morning in a small town not too far from houston, a young policeman named ryan mccormick found a little bundle of linen on the steps on his way to work. due to being a heavy smoker, the young deputy-in-training tended to enter the station through the back door & therefore the little boy wrapped abandoned the night prior was saved from spending more hours in the cold. thankfully. mccormick took the newborn to the hospital as swiftly as the old police car would allow, but thankfully houston had been blessed with somewhat decent temperatures, so the newborn would be okay. they said. 
that was the first & last time ryan would ever see his savior, but not the last time he’d be reminded of his existence. the nice employees from the foster care office contacted by social services picked him up after a weekend at the hospital and he was named after his savior. little king. he was thought to take over the world in a quick stride, because as a newborn babe his little smile enchanted everybody who was blessed enough to be present for it. 
the first family that contacted adoption services to meet little ryan would take him home with them, but only for a few months. he was brought back with the explanation that something had to be wrong with the child, because he never cried, he never screamed, he never even cooed. clearly, a well-behaved little boy couldn’t be normal, they thought. as a six month old little boy already rejected by one stats-wise perfect couple, his chances for an early adoption decreased rapidly with every passing day, especially because most couples were looking for younger children. babies. ryan, unfortunately, was running out of time only a few months after he was born. 
when he passed the twelve-month mark, he was taken over by another foster care office - one that handled children, not newborns. his photo was sent to every couple looking to take care of a child, though unfortunately for him, the only interest was shown by an old couple eager to temporarily give foster care children a loving home. they weren’t looking for long-term responsibilities. a few months outside the sterile rooms of the facility would do him well, they thought. 
elise & archibald johnson could be described as the most stereotypical sixty-plus year old farm-owner couple america had to offer. flags decorated not only the front of the house, but the back, too & little ryry would spend the next eight months with them. longer than anticipated by pretty much everybody & maybe they would’ve actually kept him longer, but archibald’s health began to deteriorate suddenly, so they could no longer look after the little boy. 
cue, another few months with only sparse human interaction & yet, with a roof over his head & food a regular occurrence, some would say ryan was lucky. he was three years old when the next family decided to give him a chance. lucy & thomas jackson. houston simply has too many children in the social service system to ensure a stable & proper development for each & every single one, so ryan .. wasn’t quite as vocal as he should be, but the jacksons were patient & gentle - if firm in their approach with him, so the little boy soon developed an almost chatty attitude. 
until this day, nobody knows why the jacksons returned a four-and-a-half year old toddler, but they did. by then, ryan had reached that age of he’s not longer utterly adorable & actual work, which was the reason he spent another year on the waiting list & at this point in time.. ryan began to understand what happened around him & of course one would wonder why other kids came & went, but not you. although that took another year to develop. almost six years old, ryan was once again sent to live with a family with three other foster kids to learn social etiquette. 
not a good year. 
ryan was returned with a broken arm, scars covering the backs of his thighs & a black eye. clumsy child. the next couple was somewhat different, because they’d wanted to adopt a child for a long time, but they didn’t qualify before & they didn’t have the funds for a newborn, so a six year old was the best they could do. it was fine with them. in their care, ryan discovered he wasn’t normal. except for being stronger than a child should be, the couple found… well, something else was wrong with the little boy in their care. sometimes when he touched them, not only would he scream & flee, but sometimes they’d feel their energy … drain rapidly. ryan was eight years old when these mishaps messed with the peace in the johnson household. it wasn’t until he was nine that he found the words to speak about what he was experiencing. thankfully, he had yet to meet another superhuman, because touching them would surely have sent the confused little boy into a frenzy unlike anything the johnsons ever experienced. a few months later, ryan was … once again, in his old room at foster care. 
how he knew? 
he felt it. the issue that caused his return to the facility this time was … not dealt with. he was left alone to fend for himself in a world that knew no mercy for a confused little boy’s struggles. so, besides knowing nobody wanted him, he also had powers to deal with. 
school in the foster care system.. was okay. ryan knew most of the kids in class with him, so there was that. he might’ve made friends even, but due to images flooding his mind whenever one of the other boys jumped him to play, he ..retreated. he’d sit in the front of the class knowing only few would dare, he spent breaks in his room & generally stayed away from other kids. of course that was noticed, but he wasn’t hurting anybody, so they left him. once ryan learned to read.. he had only very few reasons to leave his room, ever. 
he was eleven when the next foster family took him in. it didn’t go well. back in the residential foster care - a group home for school kids really. a new room, which ryan didn’t like at all. it was shared with three other boys. none of them respected his urge to keep distance between him & them. the worst two years of his life yet. he’d have taken the abusive rednecks from when he was four over this. he was the youngest in the room, definitely the nerdiest - as they called him & when he was prescribed glasses? life, as he knew it, was over for him. the bullying was .. tolerated by the caretakers in the hopes of turning the quiet little boy into a normal, more social child. safe to say it did the opposite. 
ryan found safe places at the facility where he could spend as much of his days as possible for the next few years. his powers grew, but not in a good way. he felt himself change whenever the boys grabbed him or pushed him down to play stampede on his back. their thoughts echoing in his own mind, loud & clear like they were telling him of all the cruel things they yearned to unleash upon him, the pictures of …memories that definitely weren’t his still flooding his mind uncontrollably when they did, too. he had no way to control it, no way to escape the daily onslaught. 
seriously, worst years of his life.
a few weeks before his fourteen’s birthday, he’d meet the owners of his … well, semi-forever home. he was so grateful to get out of that group home, he cried the entire four hour drive to his new home. well, not quite. he passed out halfway through. the house he woke up was the biggest & most beautiful one he’d ever seen. he had his own room. his own room. he knew this was what people called paradise without ever having seen anyplace else. 
this time, though - everything was different. maria & asahi estrada-takashi sat him down & spoke with him, thinking that surely - he was old enough to be treated like an equal, at least ..closely to it. they explained that - so long as he wanted to, this would be his home. they heard of his struggles & unbeknownst to him, had been to visit at the facility where they witnessed enough to know they had to get him out. he wasn’t the only foster child at the estrada-takashi household. he shared it with two older girls who’d soon be his sisters - officially. a year after taking him in, the estrada-takashi’s officially adopted him. 
ryan finally found a sense of normalcy. he expected them to send him away once they found out about his powers, but they didn’t. instead, they brought him his very first pair of gloves. he wore long sleeves most of the time anyway, so that pretty much made him as immune to accidentally getting touched as possible, but - even though his sisters teased him mercilessly, they respected him enough to not force anything on him. to get the young teen out of his room & books more, he was sent for hobbies that allowed distancing as much as possible. ryan was sent to learn how to ride & responsibility was taught by him taking care of the horse on three days of the week, too. besides that, he was trained in the art of kenjutsu to strengthen his body & calligraphy to exercise his mind while teaching him patience & that his urge to chase perfection in everything he did wasn’t a bad thing. 
turned out he had an unexpected talent with the katana & actually found joy in practicing with it. it was all for fun. ever since he had the stability at home & a loving family to back him, he was doing much better & oftentimes left his room to socialize. after an incident at school, they gave him a somewhat exceptional permission to wear his gloves at all times, even during pe. sure, that didn’t exactly help his image in school, but he’d never been very popular. he’d always been told he wasn’t pretty & even his sisters sometimes teased him about his looks - they didn’t know that’d been a recurring happenstance & he .. never told them, so ryan went to school with only one goal in mind. 
he had exceptional grades & graduated with flying colors, but due to his rather questionable upbringing & a lack of interesting bullet points on his resume, community college was as high as he’d go. which was where he met the potential love of his life. he fell fast & unbelievably hard. lucky for him, it only took a few weeks of hopeless pining for his classmate for him to be noticed. one would think with how quickly their love bloomed, that it would die out in spectacular colors not long after. but it didn’t.
victor lavine was his soulmate, it seemed. even when ryan explained the gloves & his strange powers, their love didn’t diminish - if anything, it burned brighter despite the obstacles ahead. intimacy. touch still being an issue for ryan, they took things slow. very slow. up until the point that there was nothing left to see when ryan & victor’s skin touched. there was one grand rule, though. an ultimatum victor left ryan to think over. 
me or your powers. 
admittedly, it wasn’t as severe an ultimatum as it sounded, there was no cure for superpowers, but victor - as one of the many people afraid of superhumans, would give true love a chance only if ryan abandoned his powers & the institute. he’d been in contact with them for a few months before he met victor & had been debating giving up his studied to live in a place that was more suited to the likes of him, where he’d learn to control his powers. before he met victor… that sounded pretty good. after, though? not good. the institute had been quite ..convincing. the unwanted child. with a story like his, ryan would surely draw attention to himself & that was what they wanted. attention, positive media, likes. desperate to be seen, to be loved, to be accepted, ryan chose love. 
& he wouldn’t regret it for a long time. he became a teacher, as did victor. they managed to get into the same school afterwards. again fueling ryan’s conviction about them being soulmates. life was good. they moved into their own place soon a lot of states over, not the biggest house, but with decent income on both sides, they lived a comfortable life. moving to the big city had a lot of perks, but also ..not. more people meant that occasionally, ryan would run into other people like him, which … he felt before he saw them & it was during a car crash that he discovered he could ..absorb other superhuman’s powers. in a way. he had no idea how it worked at the time, but when a woman pulled him out of the wreck bare-handed .. by his neck, he felt his body freeze against his will & in her memories he could see why. 
she was like him, but not quite. he didn’t tell victor about her when he got home that night. instead he experimented with his powers every now & then with the help of their dog. well, victor’s dog. they married a few years later & a few years after that, they saved a child from foster care. violet. 
she was three years old at the time & would change their lives forever. she brought a light into their home that neither knew they were missing before. they were the perfect little family & they continued to be for a handful of years. life was sweet & fulfilling & for the longest time ryan thought he was going to grow old with victor by his side, violet would be living her own life one day, but she’d always come visit them, because she loved her fathers & knew what it was like not to have any. 
but life as he saw in their future wasn’t meant to come true. not in this life anyway. ryan had been stuck late at school for a teacher-parent evening with a group of very concerned & incredibly chatty parents, so when he came home around eleven pm, he found the door ajar. inside… the sight that awaited him.. would haunt him until the end of his days, surely. 
he found his home in shambles, blood spatters scattered, but most prominent was a drawn-out puddle leading into the kitchen, which was where he found his husband in a puddle of his own blood. he’d been beaten & stabbed repeatedly while trying to protect their daughter. ryan found whiskers - their dog, dead in the yard afterwards & violet’s lifeless body was discarded in the living room. victor had tried dragging himself towards her, but ended up stranded in the kitchen. 
ryan… had been practicing. very low-key, but he still had a telepath’s powers on quick-dial. he’d been curious to find differences between them, but he never thought that’d be what helped him find out who broke into their home. victor fought. oh, he fought. ryan couldn’t tell if it had been the fear or the dying that caused for an almost violent reaction to his very clumsy tries at getting faces out of his husband’s head. 
the ambulance was too late & the cops? they found nothing worth their time. meanwhile ryan… had three faces. as a widower with nothing left to lose, ryan set out to find them, find out why. find justice vengeance. he found them, eventually & he dealt with them...accordingly. he also found out the truth. 
it was coincidence. 
it wasn’t a planned assassination, it wasn’t someone he upset, it wasn’t someone who might’ve had it out for him. it wasn’t. these guys had seen their pretty little house, their cars & the suits they wore to work & thought they could make a fortune. with victor’s car at the repair shop & ryan’s at the school, they thought their time had come, only to be surprised by a dog & two very much alive humans at home. it was a coincidence that cost ryan everything. 
now, he could’ve let that be the spark needed to pull him down the rabbit hole of villainy, could’ve let that be the catalyst to unleash his wrath upon everybody potentially crossing paths with him. but he didn’t. instead, he reconnected with the institute. they had double the story now, because the gruesome murder of a loving husband & daughter had made it to the eight pm news across social media. 
broken-hearted & hardened by the sheer violence of life, ryan … returned to the institute - partially in the hopes of getting a second chance, but most of all? he wanted to find purpose again. because without his family .. life felt empty. he was but a shadow of his past self, the teacher cracking the worst dad jokes at the kids in class for a few giggles & to lighten the mood had lost the light in his heart. he’s not the stereotypical hero anymore; he’s short-tempered, eager to punish criminals solve crime, only barely semi-social these days & keeps the world at an arm’s length (including his teammates), he’s quiet & definitely not going to be a shining beacon of attention on social media on his own accord, but they knew his story would sell well regardless & paint Paragon Incorporation in a bright-as-fuck light.
the good samaritan & the mourning husband+father. a love story written in the stars, surely the world would agree?
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lionprotected · 1 year ago
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ryan. • bodyclaim. • headcanons. • isms. • threads.
Is that PEDRO PASCAL? No, that’s RYAN ESTRADA-TAKASHI. The 44 year old FIRE MOON WERELION OMEGA MALE (HE/HIM)  is a DETECTIVE + PART TIME RIDER AGENT. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be RELIABLE & PROTECTIVE, but beware, they’re also known to be FEISTY & GRUMPY. Can you believe they’re from THE PRESENT? Me either.
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full name — Ryan Estrada-Takashi age — forty-two (august 24th) gender — cis male, (he/ him/ his pronouns) second gender — omega  moon — fire moon  occupation — detective + part-time rider agent family — angel(o) estrada-takashi (son)  mate — benedict thorton (blog) clothing style — slacks and suit shirt for work usually, casual clothes for home
face claim — Pedro Pascal hair — brown / eyes — brown height — five foot & eleven inches build — kinda like a T, broad af shoulders, muscled torso, slutty waist (it be thin ok), tho he has decently thick thighs, too but not insanely so as his focus in training is topside scars — a faint one across the bridge of his nose, another faint one down the left side of his cheek, a few on his back and chest, eight long/semi-long scarred stripes across his back - all huddled up randomly across his lower back tattoos — tba piercings — none special characteristics — he's quiet and grumpy when he doesn't get to throw punches for a while (or doesn't get laid for tooooooo long, which.. is always the case).  sexual preference — bottom sub kinks — breeding, hair pulling, praise, pits, scents, nipple play, pushy partners (he literally can't ask for it so he needs le nudge), quickies in public places, skin contact/touching, feminization, affection, being owned anti-kinks — scat, gore, intense breath play
alignment — lawful good (unfortunately) positive traits — protective, loyal, stickler for rules negative traits — feisty, grumpy, proud hobbies — work, his son...work
mental — ptsd physical — a bullet once missed the artery in his left thigh by a fraction, he's got a scar there phobias — claustrophobia eyesight — 14/20 but he has glasses dominant hand — left hand drug use — nop alcohol use — yes diet — semi-healthy, into home-made food, cooks fresh almost every day
birthplace — new haven, CT parents — (biological parents unknown, but he's a Rivera-Di Cesare descendant) / Maria Estrada-Takashi (step-mother) & Asahi Estrada-Takashi (step-father)  siblings — 2 older sisters who were also adopted by the Estradas; Amelie & Sorayja Estrada-Takashi education — high school graduate notable skills — very disciplined, impeccable aim with guns and hatchets, close combat, krav maga, kyudo (japanese archery)
An unnamed boy was found on the steps of the police station on a mild winter night. It'd been past midnight, snow had laid its gentle caress over the town a few days prior, so only few inhabitants bothered being out in the cold at night - except for the ice moons, probably. He went unnoticed for a few hours, but when the cold, merciless and cruel had wrapped its fateful fingers around the little lion bundled up in but a blanket, soft little cries filled the otherwise silent night until a deputy on night shift made his way outside the building to find the origin of those cries.
He was taken inside and the deputy on duty held the little boy in his arms the entire night, rocked him gently and promised him a world of wonders and sights if he just held on for the night. And he did. In the morning, the child was brought in for a check-up, but turned out healthy - if clearly abandoned. They kept him for a few hours before his case was brought to the current council. New Haven never had to deal with adoption or abandoned children before, New Haven was ... safe for all, free for all - there was no need to abandon newborn children. Or any children.
After a lengthy discussion, there was a knock on the door and the deputy who found the little lion stepped inside to plead his case. Him and his partner wanted offspring, but couldn't have it. They'd taken in his brother's two girls when he passed and would love to complete their family with a little boy. And clearly, Mother Nature had put the little lion by the station for him. A little lion for a family of felines. It had to be fate. And it was approved. Asahi Estrada-Takashi was married to the love of his life and now the father of a little boy. His future mate was just as happy, so Ryan Joseph Estrada-Takashi was born and he'd grow up with 2 older sisters, who were both tigers and enjoyed teasing their little lion brother way too much.
Honestly, Ryan's life growing up was pretty good. He had everything he needed and more, a loving family, a roof over his head - and it was a nice one, too. He'd find that with a little effort.. he could have anything he wanted in life. Ryan knew early on what it was he wanted to do with his life, too. Join the police to follow in his father's footsteps. There was never any doubt about it and he never even thought about a plan b. He wasn't the smartest kid in school, or the best in everything, but he was stubborn, determined and resilient. And he was definitely smart enough to make it to graduation and further if he stayed on track. Asahi also taught him the traditions of his culture, knowing that - sure, Ryan wasn't born into it, he wasn't his blood, but he could be his legacy.
He planned to follow the path he'd set out for himself as a young boy, but the heart wants what the heart wants, doesn't it? Ryan's surely did. His family had been waiting for him to present, but unlike his siblings ... he still hadn't presented when he turned 18. They were convinced their little soldier would present Alpha, but until it actually happened, they'd have to hold back on congratulations. And it was a good thing they did, because Ryan ... did not experience his first rut shortly before his 19th birthday... oh no. They really tried not to let disappointment show, because sure - nowadays society was different and Omegas were mostly equal to their counterpart and yet.. mentality meant more than official laws.
Omegas ... are not equal in mind. Too many Alphas out there parading their superiority around on their tongues. And ... Ryan.. was weak for one of them and would come to regret it. After joining the police academy (it really wasn't that, it was a building adjacent to the station) and the first year of training, Ryan met a newcomer who'd just stumbled into town to find safety from the outside world. A little older, definitely feline handsome, alpha and the town's newest sheriff's deputy... who seemed very interested in the youngest addition to the station.
Ryan's family never really pushed the feline superiority, although.. they did somewhat live by it. Adopted felines, they were both felines... it was a subtle influence - but an influence no less, so when Ryan found himself falling for the deputy who - coincidentally was a jaguar and therefore very, very feline... well, he'd definitely drawn the jackpot, right? The young lion had never been the dating and mingling kind-of-lion and kept to himself in school mostly, so .. he was not prepared for the outside world just yet. He fell fast and hard, though the Jaguar Deputy seemed to feel the same, so it was fine, right? It should've been, but it really ... really wasn't.
In hindsight, Ryan would claim he'd been stupid and foolish, but back then he didn't know better, so come his first heat since the two met, he gave himself to the Alpha and ...it went as accordingly, only that the second Ryan's scent changed, the Alpha pulled away. It was not even a crawling process, it was fast and merciless. One moment they were seemingly together, the next Deputy Jaguar had never met the little rookie officer before. Ryan made a fool of himself in front of the entire station and... then dipped, but his family had his back. Why should he sacrifice his dream when he had as much of a right as anybody else to live his life freely? So he went back to work the next day and kept pursuing his dream. By the time he showed, he was no longer the lowest of low ranks. It .. wasn't easy, ignoring Deputy Jaguar, but he tried.
Having to face the Alpha every day ... helped though, in a way. Ryan learnt to control his emotions. His disdain for Alphas and their righteous ways of parading around town pissed him off more and more with every passing day. Comments that he made it despite being that... were the norm, but every single one shot his way latched onto his heart and built a hardshell case around it, eventually. Why should he give his heart to someone when they would only step on it? No, Ryan had made a decision that morning when he walked into the station and found his presence and pleas ignored. Never again.
When his little son was born, Ryan knew the torment had been worth it. When he looked into those beautiful brown eyes, he knew everything would be okay. His family took care of the little boy while he was at work, he wouldn't have made it through the first years without them - surely. Juggling a newborn alone on top of stressful work.. that wouldn't have worked. Or maybe it would've. Ryan... was quite stubborn when he had to be. But his resolve would soon be tested, because he'd soon find himself utterly alone in this world he despised so deeply.
Both his sisters had married and left New Haven, so it was only his parents and Angel at the house when a fire broke out in the middle of the night. Some.. faulty wiring or something. Asahi escaped with Angel, but collapsed at the hospital. After that it was only him and Angel, which... was not ideal. That marked the beginning of Ryan's new life... in his own home, all alone with a toddler. Though it would only take a few years for his sisters to move back into town after the loss of their parents. They.. were not as supportive as their parents had been, but did help him with Angel sometimes. Ryan was just glad to have family besides his son in town again.
And for the years after that, nothing much changed. Ryan put his work and his child first at all times, rose up the ranks despite his pre-disposition of being an omega and well, he was pretty damn good at his job. He did it. His father would never know, but he still did it. Much like his own parents, Ryan tried his very best to be there for his child at all times, but might've turned into a semi-helicopter dad while at it. Some might say he's too much as a father, but he never really cared what others thought and he didn't start now.
Unfortunately, time ... didn't ever stand still, not even for Ryan. As he grew older, it became more and more difficult to .. get out of his shell, his hurt still fresh in a way even twenty years later. Ever since he'd had Angel, Ryan had been on suppressants, because after what happened he didn't want to feel like what he was ever again and heats would make that very much impossible to ignore. He knew the risks, he knew the inevitable that'd bring with it, but he didn't want another child anyway. It went fine for many years, but as his body grew older and the suppressants' effects stronger, messing with the chemical balance between brain, hormones and soul... messed with him. Intense mood swings, violent outbursts, depression... point was, at forty years of age, Ryan... would start going through heats again. Sure he would go insane, Ryan thought about it, but came to the conclusion that he couldn't lose his job only to keep on taking suppressants and so.... he stopped.
It was as terrible as he'd assumed and even though he wasn't taking his pills anymore, he found himself struggling with the same anger than before, especially when he had time to think, but when the time travelers practically fell into their hometown, he was presented with yet another option to keep himself busy every single day of the week.
At this point, Angel would be old enough to be left alone, Ryan wouldn't spend his evenings or weekends debating his life choices (or if he should maybe try not hating every Alpha in town) and ... he did good. Protect and serve. He swore an oath and going out there to bring home the helpless seemed like a pretty clear case.
So, Ryan became a rider agent.
Little did he know that that occupation drew in the worst of the worst and his peaceful balance would soon no longer exist.
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flowercrownd · 4 years ago
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   amelie shortman tags !
◜amelie: inbox / replies.◞ ◜amelie: behavior.◞ ◜amelie: headcanon.◞ ◜amelie: in character.◞ ◜amelie: mirror / faceclaim.◞ ◜amelie: isms.◞ ◜amelie: playlist.◞ ◜amelie: aesthetics.◞   ◜amelie: desires / shipping.◞   ◜amelie: attire.◞ ◜amelie: abilities / skills.◞
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bluestcl · 7 years ago
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BLEUENN ST. CLARE – social media: instagram.
@ᴡʜᴏɪsʙʟᴜᴇ: #palante
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berryshiara · 4 years ago
N7 Month 2020 Day 2 Science
The jubilant sounds that floated from the far side of the garage made Tasoula pause. Somewhere within the garage was her daughter, Elektra. To hear her laugh was a blessing, the road to recovery for her little girl was long and slow… the beautiful sound was a break in the long night, since Amelie’s death. It had been really hard for their daughter after her mothers death. They had gotten her to eat again only a few weeks later, but all of her communication has been non verbal ever since.
“Wait now, just wait, we have to turn it on first.” Constantia’s voice. 
The desire to see the light once more in their little girls eyes had Matriarch Tasoula moving again, but then she forced her feet to stop. With Ame’s gifts Elektra would know she was coming long before she got there… and if somehow her presence ruined the moment… well she couldn't do that. Not to Tia who no doubt worked hard to get a peep out of their little firebird. Despite Tasoula’s longing to see the brilliance of Elektra’s face as she broke that dark shell in person, she would have to settle to see it later on the vid feeds.
On the far side of the room Her friend’s voice drifted “Safety first.” Tia chimed in a sing song voice. “There we go. Looking smart, and safe. Bonk for luck?” There was a pause once more. “Yeah, that’s my girl.” Constantia laughed. “Okay, you get to flip the switch. Wait, wait! We need a countdown first! Shall we ask our lovely assistant?” There was a pause long enough that Tasoula imagined her daughter's eyes shifting from Tia to the second body in the room, staring at them until they fulfilled the prerequisite requested. “Lovely assistant, would you please do the honors?”
“Of course.” Ismene’s soft voice, gentle and light as she chuckled. 
Tasoula shifted impatiently, the desire growing the nearer they got to it. Her long wait was interrupted by an urgent ping on her omnitool. Rolling her arm up she punched receive, opening the holo vid that suddenly showed her Tia’s shoulder, Ismene standing near by holding up three fingers, and her daughter sitting patiently. 
“Tría…” Isme dropped a finger.
Elektra was dressed up to the aurals in safety gear, everything she wore sized for an adult, gloves that covered tiny hands went all the way up to little biceps, copper locks held back by a crest cover.
“... dýo...,” Another finger went down.
Clear glasses protecting bright wondrous eyes, her tiny frame hidden under the wrappings of an apron too large and too many times wrapped around her. She looked ridiculous, and yet… perfect.
“..  éna!” Isme threw up her hands bouncing with the excitement only love and children could imbue within you.
Elektra threw her tiny arms up and laughed, a glorious bubbling laugh that filled the whole garage. Echoing past the shelves to Tasoula who held her breath and felt tears spring to her eyes as she glimpsed the little girl she fear they would never see again, and in her childlike jubilation, her mother who saw every day with those same eyes.
“Wait!” Tia laughed. “You didn’t flip it.” The camera panned from Elektra’s face to the project sitting on the table. A hand molded peak sat waiting, Tasoula guessed for the explosion of what could only be “lava” waiting for ignition by Elektra who sat on the table with the switch. So caught up in the excitement generated by the women who were watching her, her precious little girl didn’t even flip the switch that would have set the device off.
Tasoula laughed. . . and that was enough. She saw Elektra look around on the screen, her eyes brightening every more.
“Goddess.” She breathed as Elektra looked her direction, not at the camera that watched but through the one who held it.
“Who was that?” Rhea, asked. Green eyes jumped up to the camera then again towards Tasoula’s location. The camera turned and her Huntress’s picture filled the com screen. “You might as well join us now Charis. Nothing else will be done until you arrive.”
“Thank the Goddess, I hate being left out.”
“Don't we all?” Tasoula asked Olethros who had by now crowded against her back to see the com screen where all the fun was being had. @n7month
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organizaxion · 5 years ago
I’m playing Dream Drop Distance again and the majority of my spirits’ names are McElroy-isms.
So far I have: Pinskidan, Titliquid, dirty boy, Snakel, Amelie, and HOTBOY
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ansu-gurleht · 5 years ago
dude i loved death stranding but that shit just doesn’t make a lot of sense. like even once you get past the kojima-isms naturally involved and you actually understand what the game is telling you, the shit the game tells you contradicts itself and doesn’t make sense half the time.
like what the fuck was up with amelie at the beginning? you’re told she’s held captive by the homo demens, but for some reason she’s allowed to communicate with anybody she wants while in captivity. it’s not like she’s doing it behind the demens’ back, she says specifically that they’re allowing her to. and in the same fucking conversation she says all this, we learn that she doesn’t even have a physical body! she lives on the beach! how did the homo demens, who live on earth, capture amelie, who lives on the beach? how is she supposed to be stuck at edge knot city? 
like, spoiler alert, we find out later none of this makes sense bc it’s all a lie, but it doesn’t make sense when we’re first being told it anyway! what’s the point of that? to drive home that sam is just really stupid and loves his sister so much he’ll believe some shit like that? but we know he’s an extremely skeptical person, that’s the entirety of his arc in the beginning of the game, not wanting to trust bridget, or deadman, or fragile, or die-hardman, etc. how does he not put those pieces together? we’re never at any point told why this might make sense, like if there’s some mechanic about how amelie’s existence on the beach works that might make this plausible. it just doesn’t make sense.
and like, i might be willing to accept that yeah, it was a lie to rope sam into setting up the chiral network, even though up to that point we’re not given any indication that sam is that gullible. but this isn’t the only thing in the story like this. the entire existence of the beach and the death stranding is like this, too - being told like five contradictory stories that don’t really add up. i really love this game but i feel like parts of it weren’t very well written or planned out imo
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playedbetter · 1 year ago
"And I know that you mean so well; But I am not a vessel for your good intent."
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shieldedsouls · 5 years ago
tag dump ten ft. isms, verses, and aesthetic tags !!
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artifactsdc · 8 years ago
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Davis and Dufy: Two Cities, One Line Davis, Dufy, Paris, New York, Coke, Pepsi… ok maybe not so much the last one. That’s pretty much going to be the center of this post. Albeit different, they to me epitomize just how the French modernists inspired the Americans to break from tradition and create their own innovative styles. It all started with the Armory show of 1913: Davis, a 19-year-old art student was one of the youngest exhibitors there. This show in New York was the first major exhibition of the many “isms” that comprised modern European painting of the time (i.e. impressionism, futurism, fauvism… you know, the isms). these styles were mostly unknown the American public. Anyways, there Davis met the works of Braque, Van Gogh, Matisse, like 300 more people, and Mr. Raoul Dufy. While I acknowledge that Davis, among hundred(s) of Artworks showcased, stopping in front of Dufy’s work and saying “omg! abstraction of line and shape+color=genius!” is a bit unlikely, but I can’t deny that their paintings use similar techniques and styles to convey adjacent messages. Both rely on active lines to create a certain musicality of movement within the space of their works. Dufy’s lines are curved and elegant, his touch is “stenographic” (SAT word of the day). Davis however uses curve but also zigzag to create a louder, more staccato world. Their works pulsate with color that operates together the line without having to obey it. If Dufy’s works are like a beautiful accordion song heard in the streets of Paris (think the Amelie soundtrack) Davis bring us the jazz of New York in the 20’s. Dufy often focused on “joie de vivre”, there’s a certain delicious decadence to his Paris. Davis’s New York is visually more abstract but somehow also feels more down to earth. So, if you had to choose one city to live in based on these two painting alone, which one would you pick: Dufy’s elegant and luxe Paris or Davis’s young wild jazzy NY? #Dufy #Davis #arthistory #modernart #modernism #artifactdc #art
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spectresia · 5 years ago
a.melie strand tag dump!
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ariiolo · 6 years ago
tag drop part 2.
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promincnt · 7 years ago
aмelιe тagѕ.
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