#▼▼▼▼▼ᴠ; ɪɴᴅɪɢᴏ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ
godricofgaul · 2 years
@astarborn​ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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“AND WHAT DO YOU WANT IN RETURN?” That was the question on her mind after the mention of being willing to protect her and her future child from that… monster. Words couldn’t even describe the fear she feels in regards to the delicate situation—— there’s no doubt in the back of her mind that the photos of the child would be plastered upon magazines from the moment he, or she, managed to take their first breath in this world.
She’s been down this road before with Rez which was the primary reason for being so cautious at this new offer. Isabel might have given her a brief overview of the situation, but even so, the details remained vague as to why Godric originally took an interest. All out of the safety of him and everyone else, of course, but Ally was still technically in the dark. For now, anyway.
Shoulders began to relax at the mention of a doctor coming to them. She had her suspicions that he would be able to tell from the not one, but two, heartbeats coming from her own and her unborn child’s— then again, Isabel hadn’t said a word to her about the child until she brought it up herself. Ally would be debating whether or not she was just being polite, like Godric, until she mentioned the pregnancy in her own riddle-fueled way. “That sounds… nice.” She nodded.
“Are you sure you want me to stay here long term?” Nervous laughter rose from the back of her throat as she contemplated her next few words. It was obvious he knew already; might as well get the inevitable over with a cheeky comment of her own. “I wasn’t aware that vampires and newborns got along with each other. Makes sense with both of you being up late at night, though.”
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“We are indeed both up late at night, ” he copied her cheeky tone. Although he would not make the generalization that vampires and newborn humans got along, there was no threat of that nature to Ally’s baby in this nest. His eyes flicked over to Isabel standing sentry close by; it had not gone unnoticed by the ancient that his underling had not strayed more than a single meter from their new arrival.
“ We’ve brought you all the way here to offer you privacy and protection for as long as you want it... It is your choice to determine how long you stay here. ” Godric needed her to know that she was not being held captive, and that the doors here would always be available to her to come and go. “ Of course, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want and need. ”
This had to be frightening--------- in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar creatures and without the comforts and expectations she would be accostomed to and hoping for over the course of her pregnancy. For as frightening as this already likely was, the vampire felt remiss that he was about to add another layer of complicated. “ I want you to have all of the information before you make a decision. ” He exchanged a look with Isabel before proceeding. 
“ Recently I made something of a discovery-- supernatural abilities that I had not encountered in many years walking this earth. My advance apologies for burdening you with this immediately, but I feel that time is fleeting, and this is important: I have strong reasons to believe that you possess and will exhibit these abilities, that you may not be entirely human. ”
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@diiamondheart​ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ
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CHARLIE DIDN’T REALIZE that she had been holding her breath this entire time in anticipation. Maybe it was the fact she considered Godric as a father to her after he swooped in ( literally ) to rescue her from the person she couldn’t even look at in the mirror: Joanne Miller. From the moment Stan brought her back to the Dallas nest with the arrival of Godric and his partner Indigo in tow a few days later, Godric had been the only one to understand that something was going on behind the scenes —— naïve to the whispering powers of his hybrid partner, Charlie instead chose to believe that somehow Godric just knew, just like her own father would have known if he were still alive to witness the special news. She had him to thank for bringing back Charlie Calderone Stackhouse.
As Charlie watched Godric inspect the contents of the gift bag she finally allowed herself a chance to breathe; passing out was not on her agenda that evening. In spite of this and the smile coming from the vampire her mind was remained stuck one thing & one thing only. “I-I hope I’m not— overstepping—” before she could finish voicing her concerns with her head motioning towards the tiny pieces of fabric in his hands she completely lost it. Here she was worrying about forcing the grandpa role on an ancient vampire & there was Godric… crying with her?
She almost couldn’t believe what she was seeing in the best imaginable way. “Tired— no, exhausted. Scared, too.” It was the reason why she had made the decision to only allow Godric in the not so little secret. At least for the time being; the risks involved in the early stages kept her up at night but nearing the corner of the twelve week mark, it was beginning to become impossible to hide triplets. “But you didn’t look good enough.” with laughter now erupting through her own tears ( she could only imagine Godric thinking there’s another baby ) she reached forward to shuffle the tissue paper around to pull out the on-the-go sized tissue packet, her nurturing nature almost immediately coming out, to take one of the tissues and wipe away the blood-stained tears. Remaining true to Charlie fashion, she pats below his eyes, deciding to break the tension with her usual sarcasm. “Are those supposed to be ha-happy tears or should I go warn Jason?”
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ʜᴇ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴ that the young woman was exhausted and scared------ the vampire felt quite a similar way. It was not overstepping that could describe the precise sensation which Godric was experiencing in this moment; Charlie came into their nest----- into their trust with every good intention. After thousands of years of experience, Godric considered himself to be a fairly trained judge of character, and this former ballerina possessed an extreme amount of integrity.
Perhaps it was a lack of self-confidence that caused some discomfort in the vampire----- a weakness he had been grappling with since his human life. It was as if he did not trust that he would manage to be the source of stability and knowledge that Charlie deserved at this time. Godric rarely felt fearful of anything these days, expect perhaps his own past coming to collect retribution.
He allowed his own eyes to be wiped free from bloody marks, sitting still as marble while his newest daughter demonstrated her natural care-giver instincts. A small smile formed at her question. ❝ Of course they are happy tears, ❞ he confirmed. ❝ I will do everything you ask of me to assist ❞ Which he most certainly meant. ❝ We are family---- with three new additions. ❞
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@radiatesmagic​ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇꜱ ʜᴇʀᴇ
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“YOU SEE….” Candy begins to contemplate her next words carefully, each corner of her mouth curling into the signature grin that meant she was up to no good. In her mind, yes, she was a saint. To others, well,  that depended on who she was speaking to. But it’s those brief moments like these that she cherishes the most; messing around in the kitchen during what were their ‘early-morning hours’ while Indie ( the slow poke ) overslept. This is what families are supposed to do.
Gluttonous hands reached for not one, but two more, pieces of bacon that Godric has been so kind to cook for them. Almost as if on cue, Candy got distracted; opting to change the entire topic before she even began. “Are you hungry, too? Want me to warm up some Trublood—” Another bite out of the bacon before she continued, “Or the real thing?” Even though Candy could already tell what Godric’s answer was going to be ( something along the lines of ‘no, i’m not hungry’ ) that wasn’t going to stop her from offering out of the kindness of her heart.
And just like she snapped into the discussion about food she snapped right back to her initial point, making a dramatic motion to an apple front and center on the table, where she picked up the conversation like nothing happened. “You see…” She threw her hands up in the air in defense. “I was just tryin’ to protect the sacred nature and etiquette of mues- uh, dungeons, but ‘lil old me couldn’t stop the gnome.”
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ʜɪꜱ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ᴊᴀᴡ ᴄʟᴇɴᴄʜᴇᴅ imperceptibly at the mention of blood------ synthetic or the real thing they both had worn the ancient vampire’s sense of satisfaction down into a phantom requirement. Drinking blood for survival did not seem to have much effect on Godric any longer------ as if the form that was once living found that it could sustain itself indefinitely in a state of nothingness.
Candy was showing her unadulterated kindness to him ( as she had from the first moment they had met---- odd since he had essentially damned her twin, and therefore her as well ). He shook his head slowly, turning on the water in the deep kitchen sink to rid his hands of the bacon grease. “ You know my answer to that question already, Candice. ” 
The impressive way in which she could bounce from one topic to an entirely different one still managed to give Godric whiplash. It took him a long moment to even register that she was back to talking about the gnome in the nest. These quick changes in her train of thought also made the vampire smile without fail----- as he was now demonstrating. “ Shall I help you stop this gnome from messing about in the museum? ” The smile turned mischievious in equal measure.
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