#qᴜᴇᴜᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴇ ʙʟᴇᴇᴅ
godricofgaul · 1 year
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godricofgaul · 11 months
@sookiestackhcuse ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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He had a fondness for the halfing. Perhaps because she had shown him a kindness at his lowest, and perhaps it was because she had taken his request to look after Eric seriously when he knew that it was beyond his right to even ask. And now she appeared to him again, and the vampire hoped that it would present an opportunity for him to repay her.
"Miss Stackhouse," he greeted quietly. Hardly a change in his appearance since they had last seen each other----- not that there had been significant change in this regard in 2 millennia. "I am pleased to see you again. Can I offer you some tea?" He gestured to a platter on the shiny table as he lead her to a pair of armchairs.
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godricofgaul · 10 months
“why would i share information about an ongoing investigation with a vampire?” from Ruth
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"You wouldn't." The very same vampire leered. "There are ways for me to get the information I seek, however. I prefer to utilize them sparingly."
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godricofgaul · 2 years
@itmeanspeace​ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
War’s head gave the slightest of tilts as she kept forget-me-not eyes locked with the vampire’s own cornflower gaze. She’d suspected by his name that he was old, now she was sure of it. His eyes gave away so little. Only time and experience, a lot of it, perfected such a skill. Most would have probably found that unreadable gaze intimidating. But she was War. She could hold her ground.
Or at least she held her ground until the bartender came over with her newly filled drink. War looked away then so she could smirk at the service worker. Finding himself in the middle of an intense stare down would definitely draw unwanted attention from him. She even winked as he took her empty glass away, making the bartender blush.
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When the bartender was gone, War sighed. “Best case scenario for me,” She paused to sip her whiskey. “I walk out of this bar alone and you pretend this whole interaction never happened.” Another smirk, half hidden by the whiskey glass, was now shot in Godric’s direction. “Best case scenario for you? Maybe we can find some middle ground.”
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The quick yet overt interaction with the bartender did not go unnoticed by Godric----- a creature with ages of experience in observation. By his account, this woman sitting across from him had her own experience with manipulation or persuasion or whatever one would prefer to call it that would rival his.
The vampire ignored the bartender---- not even so much as glancing in his direction, instead keeping his eyes locked on his drinking companion. Her offer at least managed to get a chuckle from him, although it was not completely good-natured. 
“ It may not seem like it because we do not know each other yet, but I am unused to not getting my way. ” Which was to say that the vampire had no intention of letting this go. He laid pale hands on the dirty table between them. “ Middle ground... Perhaps, ” he mused, almost turning the possibilities over in his head.
“ Why do I have the impression that this middle ground will still lean closer in your direction? ”
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godricofgaul · 1 year
@itmeanspeace​ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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"Well it is imperfections that make the world interesting." War shrugged and her cool demeanor never faltered. In reality her toes were all but curling in her shiny red heels. There was no doubting that she'd won. Not all battles were fought with weapons but victory of any kind always tasted sweet. There was also something especially satisfying about coming out on top against one as ancient as Godric likely was. And War wasn't even done.
Ever casual, heart rate staying steady and not a drop of nervous sweat, War placed her whiskey glass on the table. "Fine. I'm willing to hear some of your suggestions on how we make this work." She stood and pulled something out of her bra. "After I use the restroom."
The object she had removed from her cleavage turned out to be a cute, pink flip phone. An accessory that played well with will the character she'd used to lure her targets into the alley. War placed it in the middle of the table. "Good faith." Was her final comment before she turned and headed towards the bathrooms.
She gave herself five minutes, maybe eight if she wanted to risk stretching it, before Godric grew suspicious. Thankfully War had scoped out every bar on the block block in preparation for her job. She knew in the bathroom of this particular bar had a window in it. An almost too small window. Almost.
Any cuts or bruises or scrapes from the window frame didn't slow War in the slightest. Her blonde wig was dropped just outside the window as a final teasing goodbye for Godric. The motorbike she'd stashed at the end of block whisked her away. It took War a little under four minutes to disappear.
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A snaking tendril of doubt uncoiled in his stomach, warning him that his target was not truly invested in his offer. He would not waste his words on these suggestions, and he would not have the time to. Before Godric could so much as consider the options, the woman opposite him set a slim device down on the table and left him behind to stare at it.
Heightned hearing allowed him to listen to her heels retreat to a far corner of the bar before disappearing behind a door. That same snake of doubt told him to not wait for her return------- this was a planned escape. 
Pale fingers reached for the phone and flipped the screen open. It was wiped save for a single contact. The vampire scanned the room quickly before tucking the phone into his jacket pocket, standing and moving towards the exit in one fluid motion. Outside, he slipped the phone out again and hovered his thumb over the CALL button, the unknown number lit boldly on the screen. 
Lifting the device to his ear, Godric set his gaze on the dark horizon where the night sky met the damp pavement as the line rang ominously... 
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godricofgaul · 2 years
@astarborn​ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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“AND WHAT DO YOU WANT IN RETURN?” That was the question on her mind after the mention of being willing to protect her and her future child from that… monster. Words couldn’t even describe the fear she feels in regards to the delicate situation—— there’s no doubt in the back of her mind that the photos of the child would be plastered upon magazines from the moment he, or she, managed to take their first breath in this world.
She’s been down this road before with Rez which was the primary reason for being so cautious at this new offer. Isabel might have given her a brief overview of the situation, but even so, the details remained vague as to why Godric originally took an interest. All out of the safety of him and everyone else, of course, but Ally was still technically in the dark. For now, anyway.
Shoulders began to relax at the mention of a doctor coming to them. She had her suspicions that he would be able to tell from the not one, but two, heartbeats coming from her own and her unborn child’s— then again, Isabel hadn’t said a word to her about the child until she brought it up herself. Ally would be debating whether or not she was just being polite, like Godric, until she mentioned the pregnancy in her own riddle-fueled way. “That sounds… nice.” She nodded.
“Are you sure you want me to stay here long term?” Nervous laughter rose from the back of her throat as she contemplated her next few words. It was obvious he knew already; might as well get the inevitable over with a cheeky comment of her own. “I wasn’t aware that vampires and newborns got along with each other. Makes sense with both of you being up late at night, though.”
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“We are indeed both up late at night, ” he copied her cheeky tone. Although he would not make the generalization that vampires and newborn humans got along, there was no threat of that nature to Ally’s baby in this nest. His eyes flicked over to Isabel standing sentry close by; it had not gone unnoticed by the ancient that his underling had not strayed more than a single meter from their new arrival.
“ We’ve brought you all the way here to offer you privacy and protection for as long as you want it... It is your choice to determine how long you stay here. ” Godric needed her to know that she was not being held captive, and that the doors here would always be available to her to come and go. “ Of course, you are welcome to stay here for as long as you want and need. ”
This had to be frightening--------- in an unfamiliar place surrounded by unfamiliar creatures and without the comforts and expectations she would be accostomed to and hoping for over the course of her pregnancy. For as frightening as this already likely was, the vampire felt remiss that he was about to add another layer of complicated. “ I want you to have all of the information before you make a decision. ” He exchanged a look with Isabel before proceeding. 
“ Recently I made something of a discovery-- supernatural abilities that I had not encountered in many years walking this earth. My advance apologies for burdening you with this immediately, but I feel that time is fleeting, and this is important: I have strong reasons to believe that you possess and will exhibit these abilities, that you may not be entirely human. ”
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godricofgaul · 1 year
@chromatiica ​🇮​​🇸​ ​🇦​ ​🇨​​🇴​​🇲​​🇵​​🇦​​🇳​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇩​​🇪​​🇦​​🇹​​🇭​
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ALMOST IMMEDIATELY INDIE BURSTS INTO LAUGHTER. Oh, god, maybe she should have worded her previous suggestion better. She shakes her head as she tries to contain her laughter, “I... okay, sure. That's a good point, but...” Indie takes a deep breath to regain her composure. “——I meant glow in the dark paint.”
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" I had no idea they made such a thing------ glow in the dark paint. " Perhaps he knew, vaguely, about its existence------ the vampire did spend some time in the 80s club scene. He did enjoy the sound of her laughter though, his own expense damned.
" Tell me-- how does one paint glow in the dark? "
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godricofgaul · 2 years
@chromatiica​ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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INDIGO HADN’T FOCUSED ON SURVIVAL IN A LONG TIME. That much was clear as to how she ended up in this situation in the first place—— grimacing at her own thought, the newly turned vampire began to shake her head at the inevitable lecture she was going to be given for her more carefree attitude. For someone who was deemed immortal, it sure as hell seemed like that wasn’t the case more and more each and every day all thanks to the paranoia that Godric instilled in her and Candice, however, that paranoia was strongly needed to get her to listen.
“What do you think is going to happen now that we’re vampires? You already commanded me to never walk out in the sun or stake myself… you can’t be that worried still, can you?” She’s not arguing with him but this time she’s curious as to what his real fears were for them. If someone planned on attacking them, then of course she would have been taking this more seriously. But for now she just wanted to enjoy her breakfast without the worry, trying to understand his mindset; something Indigo loved doing. “I’ll train with you in a few minutes if you’ll answer the questions. Just give me a few minutes to finish.”
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The ancient resisted the urge to roll his eyes around---- a trait he observed more often in his bloodline [ Eric, Pam... Indie... even Nora seemed prone to this display of impatience ] Can’t be that worried. Godric was not convinced  that it was worry he still harbored, but he would always feel the weight of being a maker------ a responsibility that seriously considered the gravity of.
You’re more than just a vampire. That thought---- psuedo fear---- may have been conveyed down the bond because his expression did not give way to the anxiety he experieced when it was time to reflect on the situation they presently found thmselves in. For it was not just her hybrid status that Godric alluded to, but her importance to him. Godric was old, and he was powerful, and he was despised in some circles for contributing to the mainstream agenda---- and moreso his increasingly vocal belief that vampires were largely monsters incapable of evolving beyond their basest lust for violence. It was not difficult for him to postulate that there were those who would aim to wound him by hurting her.
How to condense these ruminations into simple answers... He let loose with a sigh. “ I am frequently worried. ” And perhaps she would take that lightly. Godric was realizing that he appreciated the balance in their personalities. “ Take your time, ” he brightened. “ We have all the time in the world. ”
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godricofgaul · 2 years
@astarborn​ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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THE SILENCE IN THE ROOM was no longer the moment Ally began to laugh under her breath at the intense gaze she was receiving. After spending a few days traveling with Isabel to the nest, she was certain that the ancient vampire could hear her—— not that she intended to laugh, especially not at him. That had never been her intention. Truth be told, she was more interested in the fact that he thought she would be scared of him; anyone with two eyes could see that he was holding back something. Isabel, too, over the past few days. Just as she’d been holding back her true self since meeting… him.
Almost as if on cue Godric seemingly answered her question without the need to even ask a follow-up. This is when she laughs once more, head shaking in disbelief as her head turned to look at Isabel as if Godric did not know who he was speaking to after all. “Sorry, sorry…” Clearing her throat she tried her hardest to regain any shred of composure she had left given the serious nature of the conversation at hand.  “I’ve been trying to ditch those assholes for… well, for months now, actually.” Not quite as serious as Godric but at least it conveyed they were on the same team.
“Are you able to keep more than one person safe from these people who are going to be looking for me?” Ally paused. It was only fair that Godric received the same treatment that he was respectful enough to present her with as she sat there on the couch. Context was key. She considered standing to get her point across, but alas, she was too exhausted from the daunting late night traveling adventures. But she was struggling to come up with the proper phrasing to reveal such… private information. “——say I don’t want my manager Rez to exploit me or my… future children. You could keep me— keep us — safe? For now?”
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“ It is a thing that I am capable of, yes. ” The sheriff nodded before adding, “ ------ a thing that I am willing to do. ” Offering protection was one of the simplest benefits a vampire could extend, and although Godric had not given his personal protection to another in many years, this delicate situation certainly played upon his sense of honor. An honor not unlike the one he served to his progeny.
Eyes flashed over the star’s torso for just a milisecond. “ I am able to keep many people safe, ” he ensured----- promised. Godric did not know many things factual about Rez The Manager. Simply that he was well aware of the value of Ally Maine and the late Jackson Maine. Keeping a low profile for a celebrity would prove challenging, but Godric had two millenia of experience in hiding. Hiding as a monster.
“ How do you feel about staying here? ” The nest was clean and secure and large enough to accomondate. “ We can get you whatever you may need to feel comfortable.... and, there are many experienced doctors in Dallas who would come here to you and keep quiet. ” Being sheriff was not entirely glamorous but it was not entirely without its perks either. 
The vampire was skirting around the topic that hung heavy in the room around them: why people were threatening Ally’s wellbeing. He preferred to have the correct environment to explain, and that may require the singer’s consent to stay in the first place. 
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@astarborn​ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ​
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ALLY STOOD MOTIONLESS as she was referred to as Ms. Maine by the ancient vampire. She knew full well that it wasn’t his fault for her reaction, or lack thereof, when her eyes watched his hand extend for her to take out of politeness. The bittersweet reaction of hearing the last name was all on her; she would never dare blame an innocent party for not knowing. Some days were better than others and not even Ally knew how she would react day to day—— it would be otherwise unfair to place the blame upon him.
Wary eyes focused past the extended hand to focus on Isabel for a sign of approval; how was she to know if she could trust Godric or not based on a brief introduction?
The moment Ally received a gentle nod of approval from Isabel she finally reached out to accept the polite gesture; not phased in the slightest by the temperature difference as their hands made contact. Instead she was met with a sense of warmth, not radiating from his hand, but from his soul. It was then, and only then, did Ally offer a genuine modest smile of her own; the tension in her shoulders beginning to ease. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Godric. Isabel’s told me a lot about you along the way here.”
But one confirmation that the singer needed remained as she debated taking him up on his offer to get comfortable. If she didn’t sit down, she had a feeling he would become suspicious, but if she also sat down and then couldn’t get up on her own… well, it appeared as if she was out of options. “Before I get comfortable,” Once again her eyes began to wander towards the couch, hestiating after taking a few steps towards the destination. “I just wanted to confirm one thing. Everything that is said in this house is going to be kept confidential, correct? Nothing leaves this room?”
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GODRIC WAS NOT CONFIDENT in how much detail Isabel would have shared with a stranger------- although she did not feel like a stranger. Not completely. However much the vampire felt that he had already met the singer before------ and had known her for a while------ the fact was that he would have to remain diligent to remember that the two had never met before. 
Her celebrity status and her striking resemblence to the twins competed for what would confuse him the most right now. It was challenging to deny himself the privilege of thinking that his theory must bear some truth as he politely examined the newcomer. Certain that she was uncomfortable in a new city with new people ( undead at that ) Godric moved further into the center of the large living area ( the irony not lost on the nest ) in the hopes that it would at least signal to Ally that no one intended to hurt her here.
His gaze broke only momentarily to meet Isabel’s before he answered the question----- understanding that privacy was something that Ally would want now more than ever. Godric nodded. “ Of course. Nothing that you say to myself or to Isabel will be shared after this conversation. ” A promise that a vampire with centuries of experiece with secrets felt confident in making. Plus, he trusted Isabel with impunity. “ Since we are speaking on confirmations, I need to know if anyone will want to know of your whereabouts. ” Which required more context---- especially if Godric hoped for Ally to not fear him so easily. “ Anyone whom you may not wish to know... We can keep you safe. ” The look on his face was serious, meaningful. 
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godricofgaul · 2 years
@chromatiica​ ɪꜱ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀɴɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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GREEN HUES ROLLED INTO THE BACK OF HER HEAD. Spending vast amounts of time with the ancient vampire, Indigo should have known that would have been his sarcastic remark… not that she minded, of course. To be able to see Godric break out of his shell, so to speak, with being able to snap back at her like that made her beam with glee most nights—— but this time around she was still cautious, not quite sure she believed his swift comeback. Could you blame her when you had someone staring like that?
“Mom always did warn that if you keep your face the same for too long, it’ll get frozen like that.” Another bite out of the crunchwrap supreme. Chew, swallow, repeat; a sight that for all intents and purposes they were keeping under wraps for now. The world wasn’t ready for the knowledge of a hybrid vampire when they were still getting used to the ‘normal’ vampires coming out of the coffin. She paused, grinning back at him. “I think you’re the closest thing we have to an experiment with that one. Good to know she was right.” Although her mouth said one thing, the doubt on her face said another. “You sure nothing is wrong?”
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Heavy brows creased over tired eyes. “ If there is truth in that, then it is a wonder I have the ability to produce any facial expression at all. ” Evidence that displays of emotion remained intact to the vampire, those brows smoothed and an affectionate smile substituted. How could the hybrid count him as their best experiment when she was quite literally discrediting every restriction the world had ever known about vampires?
No----- he was not sure that nothing was wrong, but this was likely to be a leftover tactic from the lifetime spent needing to survive. Godric was, deep down, not anxious about his safety------ he was one of the most powerful Supes in known existence. His territory was protected. His children was protected-------- but Indie was not like Eric or Nora. She was not even like Godric. “ I think it’s time for us to know what we should be prepared for. We need to make sure that you can protect yourself in the event that I can no longer. ” 
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@diiamondheart​ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ
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CHARLIE DIDN’T REALIZE that she had been holding her breath this entire time in anticipation. Maybe it was the fact she considered Godric as a father to her after he swooped in ( literally ) to rescue her from the person she couldn’t even look at in the mirror: Joanne Miller. From the moment Stan brought her back to the Dallas nest with the arrival of Godric and his partner Indigo in tow a few days later, Godric had been the only one to understand that something was going on behind the scenes —— naïve to the whispering powers of his hybrid partner, Charlie instead chose to believe that somehow Godric just knew, just like her own father would have known if he were still alive to witness the special news. She had him to thank for bringing back Charlie Calderone Stackhouse.
As Charlie watched Godric inspect the contents of the gift bag she finally allowed herself a chance to breathe; passing out was not on her agenda that evening. In spite of this and the smile coming from the vampire her mind was remained stuck one thing & one thing only. “I-I hope I’m not— overstepping—” before she could finish voicing her concerns with her head motioning towards the tiny pieces of fabric in his hands she completely lost it. Here she was worrying about forcing the grandpa role on an ancient vampire & there was Godric… crying with her?
She almost couldn’t believe what she was seeing in the best imaginable way. “Tired— no, exhausted. Scared, too.” It was the reason why she had made the decision to only allow Godric in the not so little secret. At least for the time being; the risks involved in the early stages kept her up at night but nearing the corner of the twelve week mark, it was beginning to become impossible to hide triplets. “But you didn’t look good enough.” with laughter now erupting through her own tears ( she could only imagine Godric thinking there’s another baby ) she reached forward to shuffle the tissue paper around to pull out the on-the-go sized tissue packet, her nurturing nature almost immediately coming out, to take one of the tissues and wipe away the blood-stained tears. Remaining true to Charlie fashion, she pats below his eyes, deciding to break the tension with her usual sarcasm. “Are those supposed to be ha-happy tears or should I go warn Jason?”
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ʜᴇ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴄᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴ that the young woman was exhausted and scared------ the vampire felt quite a similar way. It was not overstepping that could describe the precise sensation which Godric was experiencing in this moment; Charlie came into their nest----- into their trust with every good intention. After thousands of years of experience, Godric considered himself to be a fairly trained judge of character, and this former ballerina possessed an extreme amount of integrity.
Perhaps it was a lack of self-confidence that caused some discomfort in the vampire----- a weakness he had been grappling with since his human life. It was as if he did not trust that he would manage to be the source of stability and knowledge that Charlie deserved at this time. Godric rarely felt fearful of anything these days, expect perhaps his own past coming to collect retribution.
He allowed his own eyes to be wiped free from bloody marks, sitting still as marble while his newest daughter demonstrated her natural care-giver instincts. A small smile formed at her question. ❝ Of course they are happy tears, ❞ he confirmed. ❝ I will do everything you ask of me to assist ❞ Which he most certainly meant. ❝ We are family---- with three new additions. ❞
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godricofgaul · 3 years
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ERIC HAD ALREADY FORGOTTEN about his plea to move closer to water—— he was just as distracted by the scent of blood as his maker ( if not more so, as Eric was much younger and more prone to his base needs ). It took a great deal of self-control to not run off in search of the source.
This was where being a companion of Death became fun. Godric was an experienced hunter and thus, Eric had never gone hungry. He supposed that he was still spoiled in the afterlife. Excited eyes fixated on the elder, watching his every move to determine the next step. “ It smells fresh, fader. ” His sense of smell had become unnaturally trained too——– courtesey of his new creature status and also the careful teachings of Godric.
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ʜɪꜱ ᴄʜɪʟᴅᴇ had been a born hunter in both life and in death. Teaching Eric to kill had not been a difficult task for Godric, and Eric had taken to feeding as naturally as as any other animal who must sacrifice another for its own survival. 
That was their first and most important lesson------ there was no right or wrong. There was only survival. Young vampires were not favored in this world. If his own childe was going to survive into maturity---- into the power that Godric knew he could possess---- the Viking prince needed to prioritize his own safety and sustenance. Gray eyes flashed quickly to meet Eric’s hungry stare--- a soldier waiting on commands. The elder took a few soft steps forward before darting off in a blur towards the scent.
The source would prove to be a deeply wounded man in the middle of his natural life---- if a boar hadn’t gutted him. A weak pulse only spilled more blood into a shallow pool around him. He was alive but not for much longer. Godric waited for Eric to crouch down beside him---- always allowing him to feed first. They hadn’t had a meal in a few nights; he was certain that his childe was starving. ❝ You must be mindful of how much you take, Eric. ❞  He gently directed. ❝ If you want the blood to remain new.  ❞
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@chromatiica​ ᴡᴀʟᴋꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ
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INDIE HEARD WHAT GODRIC WAS SAYING but that did not mean she had to agree with his position on being… traditional. That word hadn’t even been in her vocabulary until she met him; always preferring to do things her own way without anyone, including this so called Vampire King, getting in the way of stopping her. From the whisperings around the nest over the past few weeks whenever he had visitors over that she did in fact notice, despite what he may have thought in her zombie-like state, Godric could easily take on the role as the new king—— but why wasn’t he?
The joke was on him. Godric doubling down about needing to see the king and ask for permission only brought up a sense of defiance in the woman, frame shifting forward as she sat on the couch debating how to eloquently phrase her opinion. “That’s funny, I wouldn’t have considered you the type of person to follow ‘tradition’ and follow the rules when you’ve accepted a human into you’re home.”
Was she wrong though? Despite the producer’s lack of eyebrows she crinkles her forehead together in an attempt to convey what she meant; a bulb going off in her head. Indie carefully shifted her weight to lean forward on the couch as she took a lesson from her mother: telling stories. “You know, there once was a time where two common girls were were raised by a commoner in the Kingdom. They were poor and the King was cruel, hoarding all the plants for himself to make money. He acted like he cared for those less fortunate when he didn’t. It’s funny, really, the grey area between what the King said is right with distributing licenses to grow that silly little plant… while the rich King made all the profits off the plants.”
And then, and only then, did Indie lean back against the comfort of the couch cushion, arms folded across her chest. “What do you think the commoner should have done? Should he wait around and let someone else make the first move for a revolution, or should we— he— just stand back and let his family and others perish because of what a corrupt King says? Or take matters into his own hands?”
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" ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴏᴠᴇʀ 2,000 ʏᴇᴀʀꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴇxᴘᴇʀɪᴇɴᴄᴇ is enough to allow my own traditions. ” The vampire grinned at his companion. Of course Indie would be critical about vampire hierarchy and the arcane methods they as a species have chosen to continue to honor. The irony of the situation------- that vampires should want to live among humans as equals while simultaneously playing the roles that popular culture had penned for them------ was not lost on Godric.
He raised a thick eyebrow. “ Did you tell stories like this before we met? ” Because he knew that some of his traits had influenced the musician ( and perhaps some of hers had influenced him ). It was all well and good that they were in agreement on the King but their opinions would not change laws.
Now the ancient raised both eyebrows ( wearing his thoughts on his face surely was something that he picked up from Indie ). “ What you are saying sounds dangerously like treason. ” But he did just mention his ‘ own traditions ’ and he was willing to do whatever it would take to spread Indie’s vision. Godric moved his body closer to his partner and lowered his voice as if someone could possibly hear them in the privacy of their own home. “ What would this commoner intend to do to take these matters into his own hands? ”
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@radiatesmagic​ ᴡᴀʟᴋ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇꜱ ʜᴇʀᴇ
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“YOU SEE….” Candy begins to contemplate her next words carefully, each corner of her mouth curling into the signature grin that meant she was up to no good. In her mind, yes, she was a saint. To others, well,  that depended on who she was speaking to. But it’s those brief moments like these that she cherishes the most; messing around in the kitchen during what were their ‘early-morning hours’ while Indie ( the slow poke ) overslept. This is what families are supposed to do.
Gluttonous hands reached for not one, but two more, pieces of bacon that Godric has been so kind to cook for them. Almost as if on cue, Candy got distracted; opting to change the entire topic before she even began. “Are you hungry, too? Want me to warm up some Trublood—” Another bite out of the bacon before she continued, “Or the real thing?” Even though Candy could already tell what Godric’s answer was going to be ( something along the lines of ‘no, i’m not hungry’ ) that wasn’t going to stop her from offering out of the kindness of her heart.
And just like she snapped into the discussion about food she snapped right back to her initial point, making a dramatic motion to an apple front and center on the table, where she picked up the conversation like nothing happened. “You see…” She threw her hands up in the air in defense. “I was just tryin’ to protect the sacred nature and etiquette of mues- uh, dungeons, but ‘lil old me couldn’t stop the gnome.”
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ʜɪꜱ ꜱᴛʀᴏɴɢ ᴊᴀᴡ ᴄʟᴇɴᴄʜᴇᴅ imperceptibly at the mention of blood------ synthetic or the real thing they both had worn the ancient vampire’s sense of satisfaction down into a phantom requirement. Drinking blood for survival did not seem to have much effect on Godric any longer------ as if the form that was once living found that it could sustain itself indefinitely in a state of nothingness.
Candy was showing her unadulterated kindness to him ( as she had from the first moment they had met---- odd since he had essentially damned her twin, and therefore her as well ). He shook his head slowly, turning on the water in the deep kitchen sink to rid his hands of the bacon grease. “ You know my answer to that question already, Candice. ” 
The impressive way in which she could bounce from one topic to an entirely different one still managed to give Godric whiplash. It took him a long moment to even register that she was back to talking about the gnome in the nest. These quick changes in her train of thought also made the vampire smile without fail----- as he was now demonstrating. “ Shall I help you stop this gnome from messing about in the museum? ” The smile turned mischievious in equal measure.
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godricofgaul · 3 years
@vikyngnorthman​ continued
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This was what he had been dreading. Eric hated to go to ground— literally. He liked to be clean. Sleeping in the ground was thoroughly unenjoyable—— waking up with dirt in your hair and on your clothes- not to mention the places more difficult to clean without immediately bathing…
Only, his compaion did not care about aethetics & cleanliness nearly as much as Eric did. He also had a strong suspicion that Godric got a sense of pleasure from making Eric do the simple things he preferred not to. I was born into royalty- I’m used to having things a certain way… That one had only made the elder laugh.
He refrained from rolling his eyes, thinking that Godric would be able to know what he was doing behind his back. “ Fine. ” However, he was unable to keep an edge of annoyance from his tone. “ Can we at least find a spot close to a stream or the river? ” He thought this would not be a big request- as Godric liked to be near water anyway.
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ʟᴜxᴜʀʏ ʜᴀᴅ ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇꜱꜱ that years spent with Godric had not been able to coax out of Eric. Intriguing to ponder on the simplistic privileges from human life that were inherited in death. Although Godric was far from materialistic and high maintenence, he almost appreciated those qualities in his childe------- as if an experience so different from his own would be enriching.
His bare feet stopped abruptly, his body as tense as stone. The wind carried a vaguely familiar scent to the vampire and he turned his face enough to catch Eric’s gaze, expecting the other to have caught it too.
❝ We can rest by the river, yes, ❞  he agreed easily because he was on to the source of the smell. ❝ Follow me. ❞  They had a detour to make first----- one that would promise them both a delicious meal. 
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