#╳ : fangs dripping swag.
emprcaesar · 3 months
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the father the son and the holy spirit or whatever
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they’re like one big unhappy family ☺️
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shastafirecracker · 2 years
why does this child Livio not look like a scrawny, janked up urchin but the child version of Near from death note
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dndeed · 3 years
Crit Role Miniature Rollout: C2E132
With Andrew Harshman
An archive and review of the minis used on CR.
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This ep was neat and all. But next ep, that’s what I’m really interested in! I’ve played in sessions like this before, where you are anticipating a particular plot point and fully expecting it to occur that session. But then the game’s progress gets held up by a less story-crucial encounter. On the one hand, the resource management aspect of dealing with encounters such as climbing and this random undead giant encounter is admittedly interesting. BUT- I’m really chomping at the bit for the encounter with the Tomb Takers! Let’s go, can’t we just auto-battle this frost giant fight?
Always with the polymorph, it’s time for Crit Role Miniature Rollout Campaign 2 Episode 132!
The List
Chest and Trove 5E Condition Rings
Mats by Mars: Frozen Lake Tabletop Wargaming Play Mat 
Dwarven Forge Ice Wall Packs
Dwarven Forge Caverns Banks
Dwarven Forge Castle Stone Stairs
Dwarven Forge Stalagmites
Monster Fight Club Rock Hills
Crown of Fangs Dressing: Totem
Steamforged Mighty Nein Miniatures
Eldritch Foundry Essek Painted by Iron Tusk Painting
Hirst Arts Ruined Fieldstone structures
Monster Menagerie 3 #031 Frost Giant (Axe)
Storm King's Thunder #029a Frost Giant (Sword)
Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden #045 Frost Giant Skeleton
Unknown Frog
The Terrain
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I like the starting positions of this combat. So many encounters start with the monsters on one side of the map, the PCs on the other side, then the movement and fighting plays out sorta predictably as both groups spend the first couple turns moving towards one another and then standing in place and slogging it out. I appreciate a fight that starts with all members of the battle right on top of each other and with the adventurers right up against an impassable wall. Quite refreshing.
The Giants
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Big Frosty Monster Menagerie 3 #031 Frost Giant (Axe) Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com
The pose is about all I like about this undead giant. Reminds me of an arcade fighting game idle animation. So what did this giant die of? Probably having too tight a helmet. The proportions this dude are really bizarre, his head is way too small. And he’s got these weird lookin’ long Gumby legs. Not good. 
Production and design wise, it’s pretty clear the 3D modeler just copy pasted the shoulder pad skull, flipped it 180° and clocked out for the day. Like, where did this giant find two perfectly identical outfit-accessorizing skulls? Did he happen to fight a pair of dragon twins? 
What can be said for this figure is that it is indeed giant. It looks very imposing on the map next to the PC miniatures. The scale of this model definitely works for the overall look of this combat encounter.
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Cranky Father Time Icewind Dale Rime of the Frostmaiden #045 Frost Giant Skeleton Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com
Skeleton miniatures run the risk of looking stiff and uh, well, lifeless. But this model has a very animated pose. I like it very much. The hanging fur clothing even has a billowing sort of effect to it. You can imagine the howling northern winds whistling through the hollow skeletal frame of this towering undead. It’s great. What’s not great is the amount of money this model is currently commanding online. $50 minimum at the time of posting. Probably better off taking your chances with the boosters and hoping you draw one of these. Or wait until an unpainted version is probably released down the line.
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Valkyrie With Serious Drip Storm King's Thunder #029a Frost Giant (Sword) Mini photo sourced from minisgallery.com
Look at all these hot frost giant fashion drops. THREE dragon skulls? The swag level is off the charts! I enjoy this frost giant’s outfit, but same problem as the other Storm King’s Thunder Frost Giant, too symmetrical, very unnatural looking. At least the proportions of this giant gal aren’t so outta whack. The hat is a little silly, but she wears it with such fashion confidence. Very impressive. I couldn’t pull it off, that’s for sure. 
Closing Thoughts and Predictions
Seems like next ep should definitely involve a battle with the Takers of the Tombs. I’m interested to see how the antimagic black light zone is identified on the mat. Presumably with spell templates? We shall see. Sure to be a regular battle royale!
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nildespirandum · 4 years
Transmogrification -  A Loki Drabble
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-from an idea by @dianamolloy​
Nora woke up with a snake in her bed.
She became aware of it when she tried to roll over and couldn’t, being firmly wrapped up in some of its spare, iron-hard coils.  Lifting her head, she could see that it was so large it took up most of the free space on the mattress, parts of it were wound about one of the thick wooden posts, and even hung like emerald swags from the top of the frame.  
Sighing, she considered.  When she had gone to bed it hadn’t been there.  She had been exhausted after several days of travel and sleeping badly but a gigantic snake she still would have noticed.   
She had slept right through it slithering across and around her.  
For a few, fruitless moments she struggled which did nothing but wake the enormous thing up.  All it did was leave her more tired than she already was.
Serpenting about her, so its slick scales gave soft rasps over the bare skin of her arm, her waist, her ankle, it’s big, triangular head on the pillow beside her opened its black, bottomless eyes.  
Sleepily, upon seeing her, it gave a kind of stretch that made the loops around her tighten for a moment, not too hard but almost like a snuggle, then loosened a bit so she was able to move a bit more than before.  
After, it moved its head so its snout almost touched her nose and blinked slowly in viperish flirtation, as one of its coils moved just ever so slightly higher on her leg.  Intrusively high.  Proprietarily high.
“Goddamn it, Loki, there are lines even we are not going to cross.  Yet.  Now let me get up, I can’t sleep anymore.”
Her spouse looked at her for a moment, and despite not having the ability to speak, or even lips, or eyebrows, Loki was still entirely eloquent.  Nora wasn’t getting up until it was convinced she had gotten proper rest.
Being married to a shapeshifter - no, to the shapeshifter - meant there had been more than a few times that she had gone to bed with a male Asgardian god and woken up with a male Jotun, a female Asgardian, a female Jotun, Asgardians and Jotuns of more than one or no particular gender, as well as various animals whose gender she neither could nor would ascertain.
A wolf that gave off a faint, silver glow.
A raven larger than an eagle that tore open the pillows trying to perch, leaving everything carpeted in white feathers.
A swan that was a total dickhead.
A nest of spiders that was the closest they had ever come to breaking up.
Various types of smaller dragons, a black on black striped tiger with jade eyes, a salmon that she barely got into the tub in time, a spaniel that was the same size that the tiger had been, and a fox.  
Just a normal fox, curled up next to her with its nose tucked under its beautiful tail.
It was the cutest fucking thing.  
Nora literally begged him to turn into a fox again and lay on her lap.  Often.  
He did it every year for her birthday, but for no more than an hour and told her that if anyone ever found out he’d never forgive her, which she knew was a lie but she kept it their little secret anyway.
And now an enormous fucking snake, with irridescent scales and fangs that, when it yawned at her, glimmered like crystal, dripped a bit of fragrant venom, and gave Nora pause no matter how certain she was Loki would never hurt her.
When she worried they were a sign of deep-seated problems he was refusing to deal with Loki had just pulled her against him and kissed the top of her head.  “Treasure, I can assure you, sometimes a shifter just has to shift.”
She’d had a t-shirt made for him that said that.
He refused to wear it.
“Seriously, Loki, I’m fine.  Let me up.”  
There wasn’t so much as a flicker of one of his closed eyes, though he again snuggled her closer and moved his head so his face was buried against her neck.  
It was oddly comforting. 
“Fine.  But remember this the next time you don’t get enough rest,” she said with a yawn.
In their closet the magical chain she kept to deal with him when he was not taking proper care of himself shivered in anticipation, coiling around itself as Nora fell asleep.  
@caffiend-queen​  @just-the-hiddles​  @dianamolloy​  @dangertoozmanykids101​ @toozmanykids​  @myoxisbroken​  @archy3001​  @devils-queen​  @antigonemorris​  @wrathkitty​  @someillplanetreigns​  @sylviefromneptune @evieplease​
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uniqueimagines · 6 years
The First Official Move pt.2
Paring: Sweet Pea x Reader
Requested: Yes.
Description: More happens behind closed doors, both those at the party and at home, than most people know. There is plenty of fun to be had at the party but even more drama as you and Sweet Pea are nearly attached at the hip stirring the pot of Riverdale drama.
Authors Notes: I am not sure how many parts I will make for this series but there surely will be more including much more smut and drama.
Warnings: Smut and cursing.
Word count: 1,698
Series Part Links: Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
“Pea don’t stop.” Hearing those words Sweet Pea slides his hands over your ass gently squeezing while pulling you closer to him. As he moves to kiss back up to your neck you pull away suddenly. With the sudden movement Sweet Pea assumes that you want him to stop and he moves his hands to rest on your lower back. With a light chuckle you whisper, “I don’t want you to stop I just have one request.” You can see his silhouette nod to continue speaking. “I wanna piss of Cheryl by making her think nothing happened. I hate how smug and proud of herself she gets when she causes a hookup or some drama.” As you speak you are sure to keep your voice to a whisper as to not let anyone on the other side of the door hear you.
To your surprise Sweet Pea leans in whispering, “I love the idea of not only knocking her off her high horse but some secret party fun.” Pea kisses down your neck again gently letting his teeth graze the skin with each kiss. He is careful to not leave a mark on your neck as he continues to gently kiss your skin. “May I baby?” Sweet Pea asks as he tucks his fingers under the bottom of your dress. “P-please… I need you,” you breathe a soft breathy moan as your words are barely audible.
As Sweet Pea slides your dress just over your ass letting it rest bunched up on your hips and you can feel the cool air on the wetness that has grown between your legs. “Baby we have a max of five minutes left and I really was hoping to leave this closet satisfied,” you whisper as you gain a bit of confidence. Sweet Pea takes the hint sliding his hand down over your wet pussy. “No underwear and already wet for me. You are gonna cum before we leave this closet, and don't be scared to bite my shoulder to help you keep quiet,” he whispers leaning down so you are more on his level.
Without warning Sweet Pea slides two fingers inside your tight dripping entrance causing you to do as he expected and bite his shoulder to keep from moaning. Even with biting him over his t-shirt he groans a bit as he begins to quickly pump his fingers inside of you and moving his thumb to rub circles over your clit. With having waited so long for this it takes less than a minute before you can feel your climax fast approaching. Feeling the heaviness in the pit of your stomach your walls tense around his fingers. “Cum for me baby,” he whispers as you rest your forehead on his shoulder. Pea curls his fingers a bit more as he pumps them in and out sending you over the edge. You bite onto his shoulder again as you climax and are sure that it will leave a mark.
As you pull away with your breathing calming down Sweet Pea pulls his fingers out licking them clean. You hear Cheryl shout, “One minute you sluts! You better be dressed by then.” After hearing her words you pull your dress down and shake your hair looking the same as you did when you walked in. Sweet Pea adjusts his pants and shirt before pushing his hair back. You tap your toe impatiently as if you had just stood there for seven minutes doing nothing.
When the door is ripped open, much to everyone's surprise, you two appear to have done nothing but wait. Cheryl grits her teeth looking the two of you over as you both walk out of the closet. “Why even come to a party if you don't want to have any fun?!” You can't help but laugh right in her face, “First of all, we were having fun dancing before you decided to drag us in here to play your stupid game.” You step closer your heels clicking in the now silent room. You continue after a pause to take a deep breath, “Don’t get a stick up your bitchy little ass just because you can’t manipulate me and Sweets into fucking or causing some stupid drama just to entertain you.” Your face remained perfectly relaxed as your words cut into her. Without another word you turn taking Sweet Pea by the hand and walking out of the room.
Once out of the room and out of sight of those in the room Sweet pea quickly pulls you into him pressing a single quick but rough kiss to your lips before saying, “That was so fucking hot.” As you laugh lightly you lead him to the kitchen again. It is only around 10:30 at this point and both you and Sweet Pea’s buzzes had nearly worn off. Grabbing two beers you go to hand one to Pea and he shakes his head, “No thanks I gotta be able to get us home safely tonight.” You nod and ask, “Mind if I? I promise I wont get hammered, a beer just helps me relax around large groups of people.” Sweet Pea nods and you take a swig.
Fangs and Toni walk in looking at the two of you suspiciously neither of them fully believing the act back at the closet. “Hey Pea. Y/N.” Fangs walks past Sweet Pea patting the shoulder that you had bit and Sweet Pea flinches under the unexpected touch. Toni looks at him confused and asks, “Something happen to your shoulder?” Looking up at Pea you are unsure what he is going to say. “Oh, it's just a bit bruised,” he laughs lightly pulling you into his side resting his hand on your hip. “Sweets if you don’t tell or show us what happened we will tackle you and find out ourselves.” Toni steps forward as she speaks to show she is serious. You look up at Sweet Pea and nod to let him know you don't mind him telling your best friends.
Turning so just the four of you guys standing in the corner of the kitchen can see he pulls the collar of his shirt back enough to show the two bite marks you had left earlier. Toni immediately smacks your shoulder upset you hadn't told her and fangs stand there confused not quite connecting the dots. “Do I need to spell it out to you?” Sweet pea laughs putting his hand in front of him mimicking the motions of fingering you. Groaning and blushing a bit you shrug as Fangs looks at you with wide eyes. “If you say anything to anyone I will personally kick your ass, and don't doubt me Fangs.” You state as he opens his mouth, not giving him the opportunity to make a stupid comment.
Stepping back a bit startled by your comment Fangs nods to let you know he won't tell anyone. Smiling wide as if nothing had happened or been said you turn to looking between the three, “Anyone wanna dance?” Toni and Sweet Pea nod and Fangs grunts knowing Toni will force him to dance even if he doesn't want to. Leading the boys you and Toni walk to the dance floor. The party had died down a bit and was less crowded letting you and Toni bounce and jump happily. You step closer to Pea until your hips are pressed to his and you wrap your arms around his neck lacing your fingers together.
Holding your hips and swaying with you Sweet Pea bites his lip as he looks down at you. “Baby?” You say looking up at him while gently rubbing your fingers over the nape of his neck. He humms in response smiling down at you. “Can I spend the night with you tonight? My dad is having FP an some of the other guys over after their meeting tonight at the Wyrm and I don’t like being at home when he is,” you look down a bit. You followed in your dad's footsteps becoming a serpent but him being a serpent wasn’t what caused you to have issues with him.
Like FP and many of the other older male serpents your father had a bit of a drinking issue. He wasn’t a very nice person to most people sober but he was a complete ass when he was drunk. You usually stayed at Toni’s the few times a month he planned to be home and would always go there in the middle of the night if he decided to stumble home drunk off his ass. It had gotten so bad recently that she made you a key so you could come by any time without having to wake her or her family. Toni and her family were the only people who knew all this and Sweet Pea could tell by the way you hid your face and leaned into him that now wasn't the time to ask why you asked him what you did, instead he leans down and kisses your cheek. “Of course Princess, you can stay with me anytime you like.”
Despite the dance and mood going from bubbly and seductive to sad and slow nobody notices. Most the people still at the party are drunk off their asses at this point and Sweet Pea just holds you close to him happily. After the song ends you pull away shaking off the down mood not wanting it to ruin the night. “Hey! You guys wanna go skinny dipping at the river?” You look up at Pea and over to Toni and Fangs.
You weren’t generally a very out there person which causes even Sweets to give you a double take unsure if you are serious. “Come on it will be fun, well more fun than this party.” The four of you definitely were not those to normally attend big parties let alone ones at the Blossom residence. “I’m in,” Toni speaks up after a minute followed by nods from Fangs and Sweets. Sweet pea laughs twirling you around happier than any of you had ever seen him and says, “Let's end this night with a bang!”
@ginger-swag-rapunzel @poolpartyingwithjaws @chipster-21 @madaboutlili @tinybeta
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
How To Hold My Heart/5
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Part 5
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
AU TVD/TO  short story
a/n: Elena and Elijah worked together in a Law Firm. One night he hooked up with her friend Hayley, and continued seeing her. Elena, had always secretively loved Elijah, but never told him how she felt. Hayley fell pregnant and Elijah married her, and Elena went to live in Toronto, accepting a better job, but also to forget Elijah. Will life bring them together?
Thank you so much for reading. One more part and this one comes to the end. Tomorrow I will post Game of Love. xoxo
@rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover  @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000
A week later
"Rebekah told me I could find you here."- Kol said to Elijah the evening before his departure. Kol handed him a bottle of beer.
"Hey- what's up? Sitting out here all by yourself?"- Kol added as he sat down on the bench.
"Just thinking about stuff"- Elijah said looking at the moon.
"Stuff, ha- like Elena?!"- Kol said.
Elijah moved giving his brother a look saying- where did this come from?!-
"Come on- you and her at the wedding - you've not moved from her side a second-plus I caught you gazing at her-not once!"
“Rebekah told you!”
Kol shrugged with his shoulder and nodded as a yes.
“Oh, God. What is this? I told her to let it go.”
“Cuz - I made - so many mistakes and fucked up royally - and I just - she is like the best person I have ever met”
“Just because you had a string of really bad choices - and - ok- listen- it doesn’t mean that this will turn out bad- you think you will fuck up again?”
“Yes. Somehow - I always do. And she -”- Elijah paused for a second -”she doesn’t need a mess that is me.”
“Fucking stop this. If you really feel something for her, than you should get your ass in gear and do something. Maybe she is the ONE”
Elijah took a swag of beer. It was true. It felt like she was the ONE. 
"Elena"- Elijah uttered and his heart leapt up.
Days turned into weeks and both Elena and Elijah were preoccupied with work. It was nearing Christmas.
Strangely, it seemed that life was magicless that season, that even hope had fallen deeply asleep under the winter white carpet although there was no snow in New York.
In Toronto, Elena was wrapping Christmas presents with Jen and her nanny.
She put a playlist with Sarah Bareilles' songs on - as they made her feel good.
"Oh, Winter song- love it! I so listened to it when I broke up with my boyfriend Ryan"- Vicky, the nanny said.
Elena could not help but think of Elijah. But as the song said it felt like they were buried far just like a distant star.
In New York
Caroline was also busy wrapping tones of Christmas presents.
"Caroline?!"-Klaus stormed in the bedroom.
"Careful. Don't step on something. What's up?"-
"Well, I've just spoken to Kol"
"How are things in Turkey?"-Caroline said continuing with her work.
"Fine, he is loving it there. Right- so we got talking about Elijah - and you will never believe what Kol has told me?!"
"What has Kol told you?"
"You said that Elena had it bad for Elijah and it turns out that Elijah is into Elena as well"- he said it like it was the greatest revelation ever.
Caroline put the wrapping paper aside and now got up and  looked at Klaus-
"This is not some mad prank a la Kol?!"
"Kol is a joker at the best of times but he respects Elijah and would not be playing with his feelings- you know what Elijah went through"
"Yes- OMG! You know what that means??"-Caroline's eyes sparkled with an idea.
"I know this look-What have you planned?"
"New Year's- skiing trip - Canada!!"- Caroline said.
"It's so obvious-"- Klaus said.
"I know she has booked it already!!"- Caroline said and now went to book them and Elijah without asking him.
Life finds a way!
The following day
Elena walked into her office and her assistant put two cups of coffee in front of them, an espresso for Elena and Mokkacino for her.
"Did you maybe get those mini muffins?"-Elena asked.
"Sorry, no. But there are madeleines"- Liv said.
"My sugar levels are so low, so yeah. Can you get them, please."- Elena said followed by a little thanks. She then logged into her e-mail and  there was a message tagged EM-it was Elijah. Her heart went bam as she saw his initials  the screen. She opened the mail now-and she could see a picture of herself and Elijah from the office party years ago-and a text following -
"Hello, there, stranger-
The other day went to an antique bookstore I bought some books, and as I got home-the store lady put this book probably by mistake- Interview with a Vampire. And - well- can’t forget -that you bought it for my birthday as a joke. And yesterday was my birthday - and - well - can’t think that there is some kind of weird coincidence.Anyway -  made me think of you. How are you doing? EM"
As Liv returned she found Elena in a state as if she had seen a ghost.
"OMG-"- Elena now slipped, remembering Elijah’s face as he got the book out of the paper bag. 
Years back
“An Interview with a Vampire?”- Elijah looked at the book and then at Elena puzzled-”Are you saying that I am a bloodsucker?”
“Well, not really. But - you were really - hard on us young associates, especially with all the cases and then the Bar exam. Nah. It’s the first thing I saw in the book store and bought it- it’s payback for getting me War and Peace”
Liv now got back in the office and asked Elena if they would postpone their morning briefing, and Elena apologized and said that it was a good idea.
A thought ran through Elena's mind-"is this a sign?!" Was the Universe playing the biggest prank on her? Whatever it was, she now started writing a reply-
"Hello, there, EM. Happy belated birthday. Ahm- wow - and sorry for such silly gift. I am good. You? How is New York? There is so much snow here, had to ski and skate to work this morning. EG"
Elena read it once agaun and pressed the  sent button and the  e-mail went. And now as it went she felt like she was hyperventilating all of a sudden.
But she had no time to think about it anymore as Liv came back and she had to start with her first appointment of the day.
The morning seemed to be the longest in her entire life, she thought. And she could not escape from the business lunch either. But when she finally got to her office, she went straight to check her mail again in peace-and there was a reply-
EM- a photo with a very short text under it- with a miserable smiley emoticon- woke up to New York rain myself, but with a virtual sunny outlook!!
In Klaus and Caroline's house at lunch time
"We should have left it to Universe!"- Klaus said to Caroline as she now pressed the speedial to talk to Elena. When she finished the conversation- she said-
"Since when do I rely on Universe?!"
"Well, you don't, but I know my brother - this is not going to be good!"
"Leave it to me"- Caroline said giving her husband a peck and left to talk to Kol. She needed an accomplice.
"Hey- "Caroline said to Kol- "how about a family New Year's in Canada?"- now laying out her plan to him and why she needed him to be there.
Kol agreed to assist.
Christmas day arrived in both New York and Toronto-
All the Mikaelsons gathered for a grand brunch at their parent's house. It was a family affair, that was sure. Caroline was one of them now, although Rebekah never completely accepted her new sister-in-law and if the could lock fangs anytime they could they would do so.
"Can you at least be civil on Christmas?!"- Elijah slipped to Rebekah after he had witnessed an exchange of smart tirade of insults.
"She thinks cuz she married Nik, she will take over as if she is some Queen?! And mother approves of her suggestions- ugh!"-Rebekah spat and left her brother, who now heard an alert from his phone - he looked at the instagram- it was from Elena. A picture of the Christmas day in Toronto. A bare tree lit up with fairy-lights.
He quickly responded to the instagram with a smiley adding- wish to escape the Mikaelson brunch -expecting fireworks at the table.
Elena responded- Different Santa madness here. Liked the present.
Elijah then wrote- Glad
He was called now by Kol as everyone was sat down at the table.
Later, Caroline and Klaus presented everyone with the invitation to the New Year's celebration in Canada as a special additional Christmas present. This was of course Caroline and Kol's way to get Elijah to Canada. Then when he found out where they were going he came out with the stunner later to Kol-
"I already booked a trip there!"- he said.
"What?"- Kol was surprised to hear it.
"This is weird- something doesn't add up here"- Elijah said.
"Ok- you got us- we kinda plotted to get you there, since Elena will be there- but you already know that??"- Kol admitted.
"OMG- You plotted- since when do I need matchmakers?"- Elijah found the whole situation hilarious.
"How do you know she is going to be there?? Did you two- cos Caroline had grilled Elena about you and she is not interested"-
"She is not interested?! So- why push it then?!!"- Elijah then said.
Kol now saw that he had inadvertently put his foot in it and then he had to clean about everything he actually knew-
"Elena has always been in love with you - "
"Excuse me??"- Elijah couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"I don't know detailes- just Klaus said-"
"Klaus knows?? Of course- Caroline!"- Elijah said and everything seemed to piece itself together. He now flashed back to their forbidden kiss years back. There was fire. It had never left him and burnt him always.
years back
Days after the almost kiss with Elena 
"I need to break it off with Hayley"- he thought as he looked himself in the mirror as he washed his face. A look of a man that felt his heart was splitting into two. For a moment he was frozen in time, the water dripping from his face down on his chest phased him back to reality. "Yeah- huh -yeah!"- he now said taking the towel and wiping his face off. He then left to get dressed.
Hayley was in the living room on the phone with her adoptive mother- "Yes- mom- I think I am pregnant- oh, this would be the greatest thing- oh, Elijah is the best- he is like the last walking gentleman on this planet"
Having heard this, Elijah took a deep breath and knocked at the door walking in.
"Elijah- I know this is all kind of a mess. And you will accuse us acting like teenagers- but - it's ok to try and be happy again-we want you to be happy again!"
"Happy,ha?!"- Elijah uttered.
Kol could see the sudden change in Elijah that indicated the past kicked in and Kol wished there was another way of putting it but he thought that confronting whatever was suffocating you head on was the best.
"It's not your fault Hayley died"- Kol then said-"you did right by her"
"This is a mistake"- Elijah now slipped and walked away.
"Damn"- Kol said angered by the way things turned out.
He now had to tell Caroline that all has gone awry.
"Where is Elijah?"- Rebekah now came up to Kol-" we're going out -well, Finn and me- coming?"
"Ha?- He's gone out- yeah- I'll meet you at the bar"- Kol said and went.
"Always the same"- Rebekah remarked and as Finn came to the lobby, they left the house.
Elijah went for a walk. He needed to clear his head. Elena was in love with him. All this time. He was the cause of her to leave. But she never once showed it. And yet the almost kiss- he had not kissed her, but that feeling always somehow lingered. The butterflies in his chest. But then, feeling frozen when it came to the crunch. And they had great time always joking, and picking each other’s brains. Like Kol said as they spoke once on the phone as he was still in Turkey helping the victims of a terrible Earthquake.
“I think the reason you didn’t go there with Elena, because - if - for some reason all folded, it would have be worse than it was wen M.J left you at the altar. Like I told you back then - she is the ONE. Your soul mate, twin flame. You just got scared and - you pushed her away.”- Kol said.
“I think the you are right.”- Elijah said with a sigh.
 And so all just went they way it did. Elijah now flashed back to the day he proposed to Hayley.
Years back
"Do I get this right? You proposed to Hayley? Why?"- Klaus said to Elijah surprised.
"She is pregnant"- Elijah said.
"Wow! All right. Well Congratulations- then!"- Klaus said.
Elijah's head was swarming with all different thoughts and everything that went on afterwards. Hayley found out that she had a tumor and it caused a false pregnancy and crazily refused treatment. Keeping it from everyone. From him.
Like Kol had said it was not his fault. But many times he felt that it was his fault. He blamed himself for being absent-minded and did not see that she was ill or that things were not right with Hayley.
He now opened Elena's instagram with the photo of the bare tree with fairy lights.                 
"You are allowed to be happy-" he uttered thinking of Kol's words to him now/
Then he took his phone and opened the app looking for a plane ticket to Toronto. 
"What do you mean he left for Canada? When?"- Caroline said as Kol told her and Klaus that Elijah send him the message that he was catching a flight to Toronto and was at the airport. He also shared his conversation with Elijah about Elena.
"Wait a minute?! He knew that she was going skiing?! so, they kept in touch since the wedding and she hadn't told me anything??!!!"- Caroline was miffed.
Klaus now gave Kol a look making a face that Caroline would be in a hellish mood cause of the latest revelation. He marched off after her. Kol shrugged with his shoulders and now pressed the speedial with Bonnie's name.
"Hey- what's up? Drink?:- he said to his best friend. Soon Bonnie came to the bar. The topic was Elena and Elijah. Plus Bonnie knew how to cool Caroline down.
***** For Elijah this trip seemed to have been the longest ever, although it was only some three hours. In the plane he had realized that didn't know Elena's house address nor her new phone number. They never exchanged it. There was only her e-mail and followed her instagram. Odd, but true. Things were never easy with them. As soon as he landed he called Kol, who passed Caroline on. She told him the address and Elijah thanked her for her matchmaking efforts.
"You are the most difficult people on the planet- I though you needed a push!"- Caroline said.
"You could have just told me- "
"Elena would have torpedoed me to the moon if I said something!"- Caroline said.
Kol, who was standing close to Caroline now said-"She is going to torpedo you, anyway-"
"You guys, stop it - I was going to surprise her on New Year's anyway- now it's going to be sooner!"- Elijah said.
"He is right!"- Kol said.
And with that they ended their conversation. Elijah was in the taxi heading directly to Elena's apartment.
It nearly 10 p.m. and Elena checked on Jenna, who was asleep sweetily. She then went to change into her pijamas. Then she went to the living room and took the TV remote control. A chick-flick was what she needed. Soon she found something and made herself cosy on the sofa.
Some ten minutes into the film, the interphone rang and the doorman said that she had a visitor- Elijah Mikaelson.
"What?"- she muttered and then said-"send him up- thank you"
"Elijah?!"- she uttered- "OMG!"
And within a minute she ran to change-putting her jeans on and a T-shirt that was the first she could find. The door buzzed. She briefly looked at herself in the mirror ruffling hair a bit. Her heart and her thoughts were so hightened and just before she opened the the door she took a long deep breath. Then she opened the door and there he stood slipping- "Elena-" "Elijah-" 
and both of them yet again just stood without moving - now, since Caroline was still in New Orleans, the Universe snapped them out of the one of so many awkward moments they had over the years and so Elena invited him in.
"Hey-"- she said -"ahm- wha-?"
And the answer to Elena's wha- was a kiss that Elijah sprung on her making Elena let a sweet small uhmm out. 
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