#╰   › headcanons﹕ 010.
empresskadia · 7 months
Not Everyone Survives [Blue Team| Red Team| Naomi-010]
Prompt: You didn't survive This is my treat for you all, I said, we're gonna be sad together~ I got some Red Team content for you @jackpot-library
Maybe after Cortana, it should've been easier but that was a delusional hope, John doesn't stop, John cannot stop. It's mission after mission for him, with or without Blue team. He gives himself no time to collect himself, John doesn't want to think because if he does, he'd have to accept you're gone. And if he doesn't stop, maybe somewhere, something will stop him and he might get to see his beloved partner again. There isn't a day where he doesn't hold your dog tags and run his thumb across your name or service number and he's so gently with them like it's the last piece of you he has.
For all the battles Kelly's been through, she thought she could handle this death well, especially after losing Sam and the other Spartans, but this was so different. Whenever someone says your name, she'll shuts down, and leave the room without another glance. It doesn't matter if there is an outranking officer on deck, Fred and Linda do their best to cover for her. Kelly's never fully able to let go and always makes it a point to visit your grave often, maybe if she was fast enough this would have never happened.
In his mind, it's his fault, and Fred continuously blames himself, he apologizes again and again while cradling your body until Kelly places a hand on his shoulder. Even then, Fred still feels like you're there with him. Sometimes he'll say something to you and when there's no response, he looks around for a moment before realization sinks in and he apologizes to you again, if only he would've been fast, more prepared and it's a constant cycle that claws at whatever humanity he has left.
It took hours for Linda to move as she sat with your body for a very long, letting the cloth wrap you up, that maybe, you were just asleep under the sheet. For once in her life, she doesn't have the courage, she had held you while you died and it took all her strength. Linda was quiet before but now she only spoke when necessary, and even then, using hand signals more often than not. She always keeps a reminder of you with her, not that she could ever forget, she never would do you the dishonor. It's just a way to keep your memory alive and every shot she makes from then on out is for her partner.
There is a single threat that snapped in Jerome's mind when he witnessed the life drain out of his partner. He held you till the end while you bled out, unable to stop the inevitable no matter how hard he tried, it wasn't enough, he wasn't enough to stop this. And the only answer that's clear in his head is revenge. He will not rest until everyone involved is dealt with and suffers the same fate as his beloved. His partner was the most precious thing to him, and now you were gone, so why shouldn't there be repercussions? Why shouldn't someone pay?
It's hard for Douglas to go on without you, every time he sees someone that even remotely resembles his partner or an object that remembers him of you, his heart stops for a second. He'll visit your grave often with flowers he personally collected and sits there for a long time before telling you about recent missions. He doesn't want his partner to feel lonely, so if no one needs him, that's where the other Spartans can find him. Douglas often tells himself he can handle this, that he has to for your sake because you would be so upset with him if he didn't.
To everyone's surprise, Alice refuses to accept it for the longest time, she saves a seat for you everywhere, even making comments about how she'll tell you about this mission later. No one dares correct her, she wouldn't forgive them. Any weapons her partner may have owned are cared for because she wants them to be perfect for your next use and no one else is allowed to use it. She can't process her grief, this wasn't a challenge, and this wasn't something she could fix, sooner than later her grief turns into anger and Alice can only take it out on the field, littering the ground with her enemies.
Missing her partner hurts like hell; Naomi finally understands the phrase 'a broken heart', it's a wound that will never heal, it's a hole in her chest that will never be content again. And she can only circle back to her thoughts of how lonely you must've felt, that she hadn't been there to die with you or even hold you against her while the light faded from your eyes. Naomi had always been surrounded by death but never believed it could take her partner till she saw your body and could never bring herself to quite look at the stars the same way again. Her star in the sky was no longer there. There is no amount of cheering up that BB or Mal or Vaz can do to bring her back, but she tries to find her partner in the little things, in the breeze kissing her face, in the water dancing against her skin but Naomi misses you and wants her partner back.
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helix-enterprises117 · 7 months
Halo Reloaded: Advice
In the quiet corridors of the Autumn 2.0, the air was thick with anticipation as John-117 made his way toward Naomi-010's quarters. Unarmored for once, his towering figure moved with a deliberation uncharacteristic of the battlefield legend. He paused at Naomi's door, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before pressing the chime.Naomi, surprised by the unexpected visit, opened the door to find the Spartan-II she rarely saw out of his armor. Her blonde hair fell loosely around her shoulders, a stark contrast to the usual tight bun she sported under her helmet. "John?" she began, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution. "What brings you here?"
John's gaze lingered on her for a moment, the weight of his request making him momentarily hesitant. "I need advice," he finally said, his voice betraying none of the uncertainty that flickered behind his stoic expression.Naomi stepped aside to let him in, her expression puzzled. "Advice? From me?" she asked as she closed the door behind him. The very idea seemed to perplex her. "What about?"
"It's about Linda," John admitted, the name alone enough to convey the depth of his concern. "We...we're seeing each other. And I want to take her out, do something special for her."
Naomi raised an eyebrow, the pieces clicking into place. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder why John had come to her. "And you're asking me because...?"John shifted uncomfortably, the topic clearly out of his comfort zone. "Because of Vaz," he said, referring to Vasily "Vaz" Beloi, the ODST with whom Naomi had been in a relationship for several months. "I figured, since you're with someone outside the Spartan program, you might know a thing or two about...this."
Naomi's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and surprise. It was rare for Spartans to discuss personal matters so openly, and John's acknowledgment of her relationship with Vaz felt both invasive and flattering. "John, I'm hardly an expert on romance," she confessed with a sheepish smile. "But if you're looking for advice, I'll share what I can."John nodded, grateful for any insight she could offer. Naomi took a moment to gather her thoughts, her advice more earnest than expert. "Well, for starters, it's important to remember it's not about where you go or what you do, but the thought behind it. Linda's not just any Spartan. Think about what she enjoys, what makes her happy. It could be something as simple as a quiet place to watch the stars, or maybe a live-fire training session if that's more her speed."
John listened intently, Naomi's words sparking ideas in his mind. "And," Naomi continued, "communication is key. Make sure she knows this is special, that it's about the two of you spending time together. It doesn't have to be grand, just...meaningful." The Chief nodded, his usual confidence returning. "Thank you, Naomi," he said sincerely. "I appreciate it, more than you know."Naomi smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "Anytime, John."
As John turned to leave, a newfound resolve in his step, Naomi couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie that went beyond their shared duties. In the world of Spartans, where vulnerability was a luxury few could afford, moments of genuine human connection were rare and precious. John's visit, awkward as it might have been, was a reminder that beneath the armor and the accolades, they were all still human, still capable of love.
@ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @authortobenamedlater, @makowrites, @mrtobenamedlater, @killer-orca-cosplay, @empresskadia.
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farrahfields · 1 month
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riverwclker · 1 month
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forgetfulmachineart · 2 months
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[ID: Black and white digital doodles of various Jujutsu Kaisen characters.
Top left: Head shots of Geto and Gojo. Geto is drawn very handsomely and Gojo is sticking his pierced tongue out and using his middle finger to pull down his bottom eyelid while closing his opposite eye with three extra eyes on his cheek. Between them is a doodle of me happily drawing Geto but going feral drawing Gojo then realizing that I'm dehumanizing him and an apology doodle of him happily eating a donut.
Bottom left: Geto smiling and Gojo standing behind him menacingly.
Right: Toji smiling and petting Megumi's divine dogs. Baby Megumi is sitting on the white divine dog while the black divine dog licks Toji's hand. There is head doodles of Mamaguro, Toji, and Megumi on the side. /End ID]
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aercnaut · 9 months
lee's accent gets heavier whilst fucking and he is so aware when that works his partner up. he'll use it to his advantage to tease them leading up to the act, too. like they'll be doing some mundane task and he'll very sweetly whisper in their ear about how much time he's planning on spending between their legs that night and exactly how he plans on putting his silver tongue to work all while letting that drawl just drip from his words before kissing them on the cheek and going back to what he was doing, leaving them nice and flustered.
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manteaublanc · 4 months
i just woke up and the bear is in a mood so have some rapid fire spicy headcanons vol. 1
casey eats pussy like it's his job and he is very good at it
when he gets really into the act, his brain defaults to french
prefers to be on top but this man loves being ridden and seeing his partner use him
is aware of what his voice does to people and uses that to his advantage whilst fucking. he talks a lot, whether it's dirty talk or cracking jokes to ease the tension
he is.....blessed, to put it politely, so he focuses a lot of his attention on foreplay to make sure his partner is comfortable if/when penetration happens. he tries to get a few orgasms in before thinking about his own pleasure
age has barely slowed him down. if anything it gives him an excuse to have his partner ride his dick or his face to "give his poor joints a break"
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turojo · 10 months
Which version of Turo is more empathetic?
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Scarlet version for sure. While it may seem implied that Violet Turo would be the more compassionate because he didn't leave Area Zero it wasn't really something done out of benevolence. His ( and by proxy Sada's ) mindset was solely on the time machine and this vague concept of "paradise"; something that may have been an idea of compassion at first but quickly dissolved into obsession at the cost of what he might've wanted it for in the first place aka his family/Arven (only). Violet Turo could say he loves his son, but at that point it was empty words. In fact anything at that point besides the project he kept his sole purpose on was vapid in comparison. Being stuck in that mindset and that environment cut from anything else besides himself for company didn't really give him room to contemplate ( literally. His AI before it could form its own sentience was a reflection of him ) and by the time he considered otherwise it was far too late.
Scarlet Turo on the other hand in retrospective has room for development. He ran away from the project and everything else to do with it and that gave him an opportunity out of destructive living/working places and thinking. He lived and worked lowkey during those years and wasn't entirely recluse either. Shut out emotionally sure, but not alone. He still had time and outside perspective to get through his thoughts and come back after reasoning what he did wasn't right. There's the capability of having empathy though he'll struggle with his cynicism, ego and learning to be compassionate to others again. It'll just take him staying on the right path and accepting compassion from others in turn.
But ya know, that doesn't mean he's any better for it. Both versions aint so hot a choice period. Dude was like: How do I deal with a problem? Hm. Leave the country, my mentally declining wife and my young son behind ✌️ peace! There's plenty of punishment he'll have to go through too but call it a tough learning opportunity.
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aercnaut-archived · 1 year
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" i participate in international woman's day, yes. "
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
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what doesn't kill you makes you paranoid . liam kaz's debut single ! codependency . liam kaz's second single !
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empresskadia · 7 months
I think the most powerful gifts you can give a Spartan is one that reminds them of you for when you're aren't there. Sometimes they're off doing missions, and you're separated, and they really miss you. Having that little reminder always makes it better.
Like, say, for Naomi, her partner has an Ace of Spades playing card on the pauldron of their armor like their uncle did back when the Human-Covenant War began. Luck was important to him, so it was important to you. Naomi was just as important to you, so when you couldn't always be together on the same ship, you gave her two things: A copy of the card on your shoulder and a magic eight ball to keep in her room. You may or may not have replaced the die inside with things you would say, so it was like you were there in spirit when you couldn't be there in person.
Not when you're getting scouted for some big secret project led by a guy whose name you forget but a number that reminded you of hers.
First, I got chills reading this! Second, I gasped so loudly my dog came to check on me to make sure I was okay. Third, I was like ‘fuckin Musa! Naomi’s gonna murder you.’ Like I didn’t know how the Spartan IV program started. I lowkey went feral for this ask, you’re spoiling me and I adore it.
I love this so very much and this is canon in my head now. How cute is this!!! Spartans don’t have personal things but the item their partner gives them becomes their prized possession and they would break bones if someone tries to take it.
Like for Linda, she has pressed flowers that you gave her and kept on her dog tags at all times, when she’s thinking about her partner or missing you, she grasps the chain and feels a little closer to you. Or a small charm on Nornfang that you made for her that Linda never takes off. Whenever she takes down targets and sees the charm, she thinks to herself that she can’t wait to hear about the mission you’ve been sent on or just to see you in general.
There is a ring that your grandmother passed down that you always wear on your pointer finger and end up giving to Kelly because it fits on her pinkie/places it on her chain because you wouldn’t see her for a few months. When Kelly’s thinking about her partner/missing you, she subconsciously spins the ring, and later, ends up seeing her name/spartan tag engraved inside the band. Or give her one of your earrings that your father gave you, so she had half of something that was super important to you and feels very protective of the jewelry because she knows you adored your father.
For John, it’s the exchanged dog tags, one is his and the other is yours. Sometimes he takes it off and runs his finger across your name and service number, he doesn’t realize that his expression softens just a bit but Cortana and Blue team know he’s thinking about you.
Everyone on Blue team knows that Fred has a favorite combat knife that you gave him and if something happens to it, he is going to kill someone, and no, it’s not an exaggeration. Kelly witnessed him panic about losing it once and horde of brutes didn’t even have a chance to blink before they were dead. There are personalized words written on the inside of the knife from you and it will be over his dead body before someone tries to take it or use it.
But also! Luck is important to Naomi because it reminds her of John too and we see how worried she is for Chief in the books, this is very important to her! So you give her the card and tell her about it, she’s putting that on her armor in the same spot that you have it in. It makes her feel closer to her partner and her eyes soften anytime she glimpses it from the corner of her vision. Especially once she gets recruited for Kilo-Five and you get sent on a secret ‘mission’ that she can’t know about. Naomi knows there is something you’re not telling her but she won’t push because it’s classified, which kind of worries her.
When Serin tells her about the whole Halsey thing or finds out about her dad, she shakes the eight ball wishing you were there to talk with but quietly laughs to herself when she reads the message because it’s 100% something you would say. Naomi constantly starts asking BB if there were any messages sent to her, getting antsy when he tells her no every time to the point BB shares this with the captain.
Eventually, Naomi asks Serin if she could find any information about you, giving her your full name, service name, rank, and all the important things to find your file. If anyone could get into classified mission files, it would be BB and Serin.
It's BB saying, "Oh that's rather somber to find out." that has Naomi wanting to panic. Did something happen? Was her partner hurt? Were you hospitalized? Did you get killed? She knew she should've upgraded your armor with those last bits of data, what was she thinking?! Naomi's thoughts are spirling but nothing prepared her for what your file read,
'SPARTAN-IV Lieutenant - pending transfer to REDACTED'
'Augmentation Procedure - Successful'
'AI Partner - Pending Compatibility with REDACTED'
'Stationed - UNSC REDACTED'
'Notes - Expand'
"What does it mean by Spartan-IV?" Naomi had to ask, she had to know because all she recalled was her own augmentation, the pain, the recovery, the loss of her sisters and brothers in arms, something that she might've just lost her partner to.
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helix-enterprises117 · 6 months
Halo Reloaded: Испуганный
In the low hum of the barracks' common room, Vaz Beloi was nursing a glass of vodka that had seen more refills than he cared to count. The room, lit by the flickering lights that struggled against the ever-present gloom of military life, provided a backdrop more fitting for confessions than celebrations. Across from him, a fellow ODST, Jenkins, was pretending to be more interested in his drink than the conversation, a tactful witness to Vaz's unraveling.
"You know," Vaz started, his Russian accent thickening with each sip of the alcohol, "I love her. God knows, I do. But man, there's this part of me that's just... pissing its pants, you know?" He chuckled, but it was hollow, the sound of a man trying to make light of his own dread.
Jenkins, a burly man with a scar running down the side of his face like a misplaced seam, raised an eyebrow. "Naomi, right? Your Spartan?" he ventured, already knowing the answer.
"Da, Naomi. She's not just any Spartan. She's a damn one-woman army," Vaz sighed, swirling the vodka in his glass as if it held the answers. "I've seen her in action, man. It's like watching death dance. And at night, when she's lying next to me, all I can think about is how those hands, the very ones I hold, have snuffed out so many lives."
Jenkins nodded, silent. What was there to say? Everyone knew the legends of the Spartans, but hearing it from someone who shared a bed with one was different, more real.
"It's like being in love with a hurricane, you know? She's beautiful, powerful, but damn if there isn't a part of you that's terrified of being swept away," Vaz continued, the words spilling out with an honesty born of desperation.
Unbeknownst to both men, Naomi had entered the common area, intending to surprise Vaz. But instead of a warm greeting, she was met with his fears laid bare. She paused in the doorway, a silent specter, as Vaz's words struck her like physical blows. The tears came then, unbidden, a testament to the raw pain that sliced through her heart.
Back at the table, Vaz was oblivious to the storm he had unwittingly unleashed. It wasn't until he turned, seeking another bottle, that he caught a glimpse of Naomi's retreating form. Panic, sharp and sudden, cut through the haze of alcohol. "Naomi!" he called, but she was already gone, her departure as silent as her arrival.
He found her later, in the small, Spartan (in more ways than one) room they shared. Naomi was sitting on the edge of their bed, her posture defeated, her body racked with sobs. The sight of such vulnerability in someone so powerful struck Vaz to his core.
"Naomi, I... Shit, I didn't mean for you to hear that," he stammered, the words clumsy in his mouth.
"You're right, though," she managed between sobs, her voice raw. "I am a monster."
"Hey, no. Look at me, Nomi," Vaz urged, sitting beside her and tilting her chin up so their eyes met. "I was being an ass, okay? Drunk and stupid. You're not just some... some war machine to me. You're this incredible, terrifying force, sure. But you're also the woman who laughs at my shitty jokes, who gets teary-eyed over old movies. I screwed up, malishka. I'm sorry."
Naomi's gaze held his, searching, vulnerable. "Do you really mean that?" she asked, her voice a whisper of hope and hurt.
"Yeah, I do. God, Naomi, I'm scared because I love you so damn much. Not because of what you can do to others, but because of what losing you would do to me," Vaz confessed, his heart laid bare in the dim light of their room.
They embraced then, a tangle of arms and whispered promises, as the fears and doubts receded into the background. It was a moment of raw honesty, of two people grappling with the complexities of love in a world that was anything but simple. For Vaz and Naomi, it wasn't just about weathering the storm; it was about finding the courage to dance in the rain.
@makowrites, @ionlymadethissoicouldleaveanask, @empresskadia.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
All 1010 feel left out from the group at times, with their own insecurities that stop them from every truly being open with each other and Neon J.
Rin always feel like it is alone in the group as it does not have a real theme or place other than “leader” in 1010. So it overcompensates and tries to control everything so that it feels like it accomplished things. Not to mention that its bad memory has caused a lot of problems for it and its siblings.
Purl has isolated themself from feeling like a fraud but also because they lack the ability to properly express their emotions to 1010. This actually leads to them self isolating, which then leads to 1010 almost actively excluding Purl from activities because they all just assume Purl would rather stay at home. To the point they will tell Purl they are leaving and not even invite them out. Sometimes even telling people like B2J that Purl wouldn’t want to come so don’t even bother asking them to (sometimes said right in front of Purl who doesn’t call this behavour out and ends up isolated anyway).
Zimelu also feels like a fraud as she no longer wants to be the bad boy/girl of the group. She is also clumsy and is prone to quick outbursts of anger (that she quickly suppresses and hides). This all builds up until she is yelling at people to leave her alone, stay away from her, don’t touch her and other things. It’s basically just her having panic attacks that pushes everyone away, and then she feels guilty but doesn’t know how to apologize because she knows it will happen again, so apologizing wouldn’t do any good. So she just tries to keep up the bad boy/girl act so her behavior is seen as normal while feeling fake and hollow inside.
Haym is always trying to be the super happy one to lift up peoples spirits, to the point he gets on people’s nerves and they push him away (especially Purl or Zimelu during moments of anger). So this makes him feel shitty and like he is failing at life, failing his family, just ruining everything. It also doesn’t help that he feels guilty he never had to go through the confusion and identity crisis of gender dysphoria as he was given his preferred body right at the start of their MK-lives. This makes him feel like an outsider to 1010, as they all share a common pain that he never will truly understand. But he just puts on a happy face and tries to ignore that he will never be able to connect properly to his siblings.
And Eloni feels like the runt of the group. She can barely talk without forcing her stage personality code out and already is probably the least liked 1010. They feel useless and easy to replace, trying hard to make up for their shortcomings only for that to fail or for him to mess up and need 1010 to come save. It’s just a lot of embarrassment and self-resentment that is building up in Eloni that they feel they can’t properly communicate with their family. So she just sits back and hopes one day she will be good enough to make their family proud, not knowing they already are proud of him.
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acernusarbor · 1 year
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Pink Character
Pink characters are generally sweet and nice people who care about their friends deeply. They don’t often chose to be a part of the action, but instead get swept up in it almost against their will. They often aren’t fully equipped for the situations that are thrown at them, and can have a lot of feelings of inadequacy as a result. They don’t tend to be fighters, often preferring learning and discovery to anything else. They will go along with risky plans in order to help their group of friends or organization that they’re close to, but they’re generally terrified of whatever they’re doing.
They are lighthearted and have a good sense of humor, fun to banter with but finding it hard to be genuinely mean to others. They are pretty emotional and sensitive, which turns out to be one of their greatest strengths. They have a lot of emotional maturity and are good at recognizing others’ needs. They are one of the voices of reason amongst a group of often impulsive people, which manifests itself in ways that others might dismiss as paranoia. (It is in some ways, but their fear of what might go wrong is also a crucial step to making the planning process so sound.)
Even around people who care about them, they can tend to be the butt of the joke, and don’t have healthy boundaries to stop it. As they grow, they don’t necessarily become less fearful, but they do have a stronger sense of courage to get through their fears. They are compassionate friends and often do small things to show that they are thinking of the people are around them. They are dependable and trustworthy and a good ally to have. Pink characters need people around them who won’t mock them for being sensitive or having fears, but will validate their feelings and encourage them to overcome their doubts about themselves. They need their boundaries to be encouraged and respected, and for others not to pressure them into doing something they’ve said no to.
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Tagged by: @roleplay-abiogenesis2
Tagging: @artificeheart (Kaveh), @maquiscursed (Yoimiya~), anyone else who hasn't done it yet.
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pcrfectstorms · 2 years
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back gound information for eddie’s test subject vese, i added it to his bio when i added him in june and have been meaning to elaborate on it since. tw’s for child abuse, child death, parental death, and self harm.  verse tag: ❛ test subject 010 ❜ [ escape hawkins lab verse; eddie munson ]
Eddie was five when he was taken, he cried himself to sleep for the first two weeks, confused and scared, missing his mom, wondering when she was coming back for him. Dr. Brenner promised she’d come soon, he doesn’t remember when he stopped asking, he can still see her when he closes his eyes, pretty as a picture, framed in his mind.
Dr Brenner took a liking to Eddie, only he’s not Eddie any more, they call him 010, like the number, and he has it tattooed on his wrist, it hurt at first, but now it doesn’t. They spend extra time alone, he lets Eddie play in the rainbow room for an extra twenty minutes after his brothers and sisters went to bed. Dr Brenner tells him he’s special. He’s not like the other children, he learns fast, he tells him he’s proud of him and pride swells in 010′s chest. 
Other children come and go, he never knows where, and he doesn’t ask. Papa doesn’t like when you question him, and 010 can’t bare being scolded for asking too many questions, even though his mind is constantly firing off. He’s a few weeks shy of his thirteenth birthday when everything changes. They’re in Papa’s office, laughing at the picture of a dog Papa drew when everything feels wrong, terror washes over 010, he can see it clear in his mind, he watches in sheer horror as Peter brutally murders each one of his bother and sisters one by one, then everything goes black.
Maybe he’s dead too he thinks, but the burning pain seers through his broken little body when he wakes up alone with a broken arm, and every part of him aching and alone, he looks for Papa, terrified and alone as he moves room to room only to find more death and destruction as he goes, hot tears blurring his vision until he finds himself in the basement, with no guards to man the doors he’s easy to move through the lab, finds a small grate, barely big enough for him to fit through, finally he sees daylight, steps outside the lab for the first time in almost eight years. He’s so afraid he almost crawls right back into the tunnel he escaped from, the sun bright, holding up his good arm to cover his eyes as it burns into his retinas, the air crisp, it tastes fresh and cool on his tongue as he looks back at the lab that’s been his prison for more than half his life. Instinct kicks in and he runs.
A lot has changed in the eight years he’s been missing. His mother dead; but he doesn’t know that, won’t learn it for a few months now. He hides in the woods until dark, there’s a memory he can’t quiet reach, but something in the back of his mind leads him to Forest Hills trailer park. Wayne barely recognises him at first, he’s been tiny when he went missing, Wayne still has missing posters, the one he stapled to every lamp post in town, he looked for him every day for months, begged Hawkins P.D to do more, to find his boy, but he knows his eyes, the soft brown eyes like saucers, ‘Eddie, Eddie -- oh son.’ he breaks down in tears cradling 010 into his arms, it takes 010 longer to pull out the memories of his uncle, but there is a familiarly and safety he feels the moment he steps inside Wayne's trailer.
It’s months before he speaks, before he says more and a word to his uncle, he tells him of Papa, and his brother and sisters, Wayne listens in horror at the things his boy has been through, and makes a vow to protect him and keep him safe, no matter what. Eventually, he starts middle school, and he struggles to keep up, to make friends, to do the things that normal kids his age do. But he isn’t normal, or special, his powers, the ones that made Papa so proud gone, he tries to tap into them, reaches into the back of his mind but nothing comes. He’ll be nineteen before his powers come back. Meanwhile, he finds solace in music, long before he starts talking again he picks up his Uncle Wayne’s acoustic guitar, and Wayne teaches him to play a few cords, he’s a natural, and picks it up quickly, so him and Wayne bond over music, and he lets Eddie raid his cassette tape collection and picks him up a second hand walkman to play his music on.
He’s weird in school, the other kids notice and hone in on it like vultures, he stays quiet when the pick on him, push him into lockers, hurl names at him like freak and weirdo, by high school its worse, the names cut bone deep even if he pretends they don’t, a brave face put on the world, he embraces the freak, so they can’t use it against him, but that doesn’t make it hurt less, so he finds ways to manifest that hurt into the physical, he never cuts anywhere people could see, he’s smart like that, always on his upper thighs, or stomach, he’d never give them the satisfaction of knowing just how much of a freak he really is. But he has friends now, a band of fellow freaks and weirdos that he recruits, gives kids like him, the freaks and losers a sanctuary he wishes he had.
When he watches Chrissy Cunningham die brutally in his living room it triggers something in him, flashes back to memories he has long since buried of that fateful day in Hawkins Lab in ‘79, the day he watched his brothers and sisters die, He runs, like he did that day terrified and plagued with guilt for not being able to safe her like he couldn’t save any of them. Traumatised by the time Dustin and co find him hiding in the boat house, like a scared feral animal, he doesn’t tell them about the Lab, about the superpowers he once had, even when Steve tells him about the supergirl, it doesn’t even occur to him that he knew her once. That she had been his sister; because everyone died.
His powers come back only in a moment of extreme terror, he’s sure he’s going to die, and part of him welcomes death, he had nothing to live for, how could he even go back to a town that hated him; saw him as a monster and murderer, but he can save Dustin, he can buy the others time, so for once he doesn’t run. He stands his ground and fights with everything he has, it’s in that moment when he’s laid on the ground, two demo bats clawing at his sides, one with its tail wrapped tight around his neck, dozens swarming above him when the come flooding back, he screams and the next thing he knows he’s floating six feet above the ground and below is a disgusting pile of bloody demon bat guts, well this is new, he could never levitate before, even back in the lab, and Eddie is just as surprised as Dustin, given the look on the kids face staring back at him from outside the trailer.
edit: as far as his powers go, he has some of the similar abilities as Eleven does, in that he can also ‘visit’ people in the astral realm, only Eddie before he escaped the lab’s power here was far more developed than Eleven, he could tap into it without any sensory deprivation. He also, like Eleven has telekinetic powers, the ability to move object (or creatures) with his mind, additionally he also has somewhat telepathy which he hasn’t gotten full control over when his powers come back, it was relatively new when he escaped the lab so hadn’t been developed as much as some of his others.
and after the demo bat attack that almost takes his life he finds later that in the future, he has the ability to coerce the demo creatures, they don’t go after him, almost like he is kin to them now. he has a lot to uncover of what that means, but he’s thankful because goddamn those bat bites hurt like a bitch.
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aercnaut · 9 months
lee will tell his partner the naughtiest things with all the confidence of an experienced man and blush literally the entire time
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