#╭ aesthetic. jenna wilder
lovest0rie-archive · 1 year
✧ jenna wilder tags
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╭ tag dump ⸻ jenna wilder.
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joanna-lannister · 4 months
rainbow + blush + fallow + tangerine + chartreuse 🤍
rainbow = bed plz.
blush = seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
fallow = i want to run through the Northern wilderness barefoot with you
tangerine = i love your aesthetic
chartreuse = you’re my homie
oh Jenna, you are so sweet 🥺 i would def run through the wilderness with you! and yes i'm going to bed (you should go too i think 👀)
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Edit: despite it being an official upload, Paramount decided to block the video outside the US. if you are seeing a "video unavailable" message simply do a search for Strange New Worlds Season 2 trailer - the horses left the barn 12 hours ago so why they're deciding to close the door now is beyond me. (Considering so many people are programmed to condemn any Trek coming out these days sight unseen they should be grateful to have someone post positive, but whatever...
The first proper trailer for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has dropped and it looks like another great season, complete with our first proper look at the crossover with SPOILER.
With the chances of a fourth season of The Orville becoming more remote by the month, I appreciate the fact that SNW has the same spirit. My only problem with the show is it simply cannot be part of the same continuity as the original Trek series. Not because of the casting and not even because of the updated aesthetic. It's because they go places with characters (as evidenced by this trailer) that simply can't happen without breaking continuity and creating massive plot holes down the line. (Unless there's an episode planned where either history gets rewritten/rebooted or everyone gets a mindwipe. There is precedent for this, even within Star Trek - Voyager did it a few times - so that might be one way to restore status quo so that Spock - and, it appears, a certain captain - is no longer familiar with the name Khan by the time of Space Seed, for example, and everyone will have forgotten T'Pring by the time of Amok Time.)
Personally I prefer the "alternate timeline" idea because that would be so immensely freeing to SNW which is by far the best modern-day live-action Trek series (the animated ST: Prodigy takes the #1 position).
As an aside, note that we're getting a full trailer now with the season launching on June 15 which is only a few weeks away (although we have had some teasers, including a part of a scene that was released last fall). So for those waiting for trailers for already-completed shows like Jenna Coleman's Wilderness or the new season of Good Omens, many shows these days don't release trailers until fairly close to airdate. The BBC releasing the first major trailer for the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary specials last week instead of in October or even midway through November was rather unusual by today's standards - and by the BBC's standards.
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adamwatchesmovies · 4 years
Crank: High Voltage (2009)
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If you thought Crank didn’t take itself seriously, you haven’t seen anything yet. Crank 2: High voltage is even crazier than the first. How did they make a sequel to a movie whose final shot has the main character falling out of a helicopter, hundreds of meters up? By not caring what happens, as long as it’s off-the-wall and kind of awesome.
Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) wakes up from a coma to learn his heart has been stolen by Johnny Vang (Art Hsu). Chev escapes and goes after the thief, but there’s a problem: the battery on his artificial heart can only hold so much of a charge. He must keep himself jolted while continuing his search for the organ.
The movie is madness through and through but care has been put into it. Aesthetically, it's a sequel - with the same frantic editing techniques used. Plot-wise, events and characters from the first movie are constantly referred to. Directors Neveldine and Taylor give you more of everything: more jaw-dropping deaths, more memorable characters, more nudity, more violence, more one-liners, more insanity.
It’s impossible to figure out if Crank: High Voltage knows better than to take itself seriously, or is simply so dumb it becomes awesome again. You give up trying to solve the riddle and hop on for the ride. Twin brothers? Injuries not being nearly as fatal as they seemed at first? Whatever needs to be done. Sometimes, however, it tries a bit too hard to top itself (I thought the scene at the race track between Amy Smart and Jason Statham went too far, even for this movie) but it manages to continuously surprise you. At one point, Chev bumps into a group of real-live porn stars on strike. Even with the most rudimentary lines, even when they're playing themselves... Ron Jeremy, Jenna Haze, Nick Manning and the other adult film stars Chev meets are so terrible they make your head hurt. Say what you will about the story, but it’s undeniable that this sequel delivers exactly what it promises.
Crank: High Voltage isn't as fresh as the first. It knows this and tries to compensate by going wilder. The results can at times make you seriously question what you're doing with your life. If you liked the previous adventure, you’ve got to check out this follow-up if only to see how they validate a sequel existing. Stick around for the end credits for some additional scenes too. Some movies skirt the line between awesome and idiot. Crank: High Voltage has one foot planted firmly on both sides. It’s bananas, but a lot of fun for what it is. (On DVD, December 17, 2014)
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Class 1-A as Youtubers
(This was a request from a close real-life friend of mine!)
Yuga Aoyama: His channel is a mess. It´s just short weird videos nobody but him understands. They´re mostly reuploads from his vine (rip) account. Doesn´t make them any easier to understand though. Also Thirsttraps galore.
Mina Ashido: Is a vlogger for sure. Does all the challenges. Her videos are mostly about life at UA, her work-out routine, whatever new eyeliner she´s picked up and so on. Pretty much all of the others have appeared at least once in her videos.
Tsuyu Asui: For some reason I feel like her videos would be sort of calm and artistic? Beautifully done outdoor shots, timelapses, manages to always find the right music. Has the best camera out of them all.
Tenya Iida: He´s more on the educational/political side of Youtube. Doesn´t necessarily have the great equipment or the editing skills, but doesn´t really need them either to have very clean-cut videos that get the point across.
Ochaco Uraraka: The first thing I thought was mukbangs. I could also see her doing great videos on how to be thrifty and keep your expenses to a minimum with everything. Fans like her because she doesn´t try to be anything she´s not on camera.
Mashirao Ojiro: Martial arts, Sports and Health is what I see. I bet he does great Yoga videos. He has a nice voice for guided meditations, workouts and stuff. Has a surprisingly high amount of female fans.
Denki Kaminari: Memes. I betcha he´s the otaku of the group so he also does videos on general nerdism. Has a second channel that´s exclusively gaming content. Both of his channels are actually organized quite well?
Eijiro Kirishima: He also does vlog about his daily life but most importantly has a podcast he does with the Bakusquad once a week. They record themselves when making them and load that up to his channel (kinda like Jenna Marbles). Sero is the one that always comes up with great shameless sponsor plugs and everyone simultaneously loves and hates him for it.
Koji Koda: I´m sure this comes to no surprise but Koda is a Pet/Plant youtuber. Probably has like a jungle in his dorm room at this point. He´s acctually had to move some of his plants into Shoji´s room because he´s the only one that has a lot of space. Therefore you´ll see Shoji in many of Koda´s videos.
Rikido Sato: Again no suprise. He does baking and cooking videos. Sound´s boring? Well since everyone shares a kitchen he rarely does a video by himself. It´s always a surprise as to who will join today. Seldomly plans for collabs they just happen. All the time. And usually result in a mess and doubled over laughter.
Mezo Shoji: I was acctually struggling with this one but I guess there´d probably be lots of people that´d be interested in seeing how he does in everyday life with his quirk and his minimalist lifestyle! (also he´s just got a bomb ass personality and he deserves all the attention don´t @ me)
Kyoka Jiro: Her videos primarily revolve around music. She does metal and rock covers of popular songs and regularly destroys on the bass. I also see her being into festival culture and often vlogging at them with whoever´s with her (most of the time Kaminari and/or Tokoyami).
Hanta Sero: Oh man, he´s the editor of the bunch. Does a lot of like teaching how to get cool effects with specific ways of editing and just being a comedic genius in general. He´s also gotten into animating recently!
Fumikage Tokoyami: Okay hear me out. I think there´s a LOT of baby bats out there that would idolize Tokoyami. We all know he´s goth af (and denies it) and his videos very much fit that aesthetic. He does OOTDs and GRWMs and is surprisingly into fashion. Has defintely made black icecream on his channel before.
Shoto Todoroki: I think he´s the only one of the bunch who doesn´t necessarily like being miced up or having his face on camera. His videos are usually silent or have calm music playing while he does art. From drawing to ice sculptures he´s got it down. His fans are currently begging him for a face reveal.
Toru Hagakure: Theater kid gone ASMR. Being a Youtuber (or a theater kid)  isn´t easy for her since you know... she´s invisible. But she does her best and acctually is quite good at narrating and similar things. She´s first got into ASMR when she noticed that some of the people around her like Midoriya, Bakugo and a few others were having trouble sleeping and concentrating after the first villain attack in USJ. Her main reason to make videos is to help others feel more comfortable.
Katsuki Bakugo: Okay, scratch what I said about Tsu. THIS guy has the best camera. I was thinking to myself: “What kind of content would Bakugo like to watch?” and the first thing that came to my mind was things being destroyed in super slow-motion. So he does videos similar to the Slow Mo guys. The destroying is his favorite part.
Izuku Midoriya: Nerrdddddd, he has this series of videos where he takes one pro-hero as his topic and then goes into great detail about anything he can find about them. His videos are never about himself and he just kinda popped up one day so lately people have been asking to see more content about him instead of other heros! He´s very confused but happy about it.
Minoru Mineta: I don´t know why but my mind immediately jumped to like tutoring videos. Mineta IS very smart so it made sense in my head that he would. They´re acctually pretty helpful?
Momo Yaoyorozu: Ah yes. Finally the “Too-perfect-to-be-real-channel”. Momo´s videos are always aesthetically pleasing, have high production value and a lot of care put into them. She does anything you would find on instagram. DIY´s, Favorites, Nail art (mostly done by Mina tho), Book recommendations, all that good, cute, cozy stuff. She has one format that´s completely different though. Every once in a while on fridays, all the girls of 1-a get together to have a kind of sleepover. Just that no one sleeps and they play games and stuff their faces until the sun goes up again. It´s far wilder than any of Kirishima´s podcasts or Sato´s collabs have ever gotten. And I´ll keep it at that.
-Mod Anni
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explcrers · 5 years
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oh hi there, welcome to holiday, CHARLES WINSOR. you’ve been here for THREE WEEKS? awesome! you look just like TOM HOLLAND, it’s crazy. oh, so you’re a 22 year old TRAIL GUIDE. and you’re CISMALE and use HE/HIM? okay, just checking! oh, people say you’re LIVELY & DEDICATED, but PESKY & AWKWARD? well, i’m sure that you can prove yourself here. you’re looking forward to the HOODIE-HOO DAY celebration? that’s a good one, you’ll love it. i have to get going now, bye! [el, 23, est, she/her]
character parallels: sam shakusky (moonrise kingdom), spongebob, stan uris (IT), bill (mamma mia 1 & 2), stan marsh (south park), lazlo (camp lazlo), aquamarine (aquamarine), jenna rink (13 going on 30), bill s. preston, esq. (bill & ted’s excellent adventure)
zodiac: TBD
aesthetic: “a rock! the pioneers used to ride these babies for MILES …. and it’s in great shape”
the youngest of four by 12 years, charlie spent much of his childhood entertaining himself; his prized possessions were his raccoon tail hat, snowshoes, and various books on plant identification held together by tape
he was the only member of the ponaganset high school bird watching society and was known for his bird calls
spent his summers camping; once he got his license, his world expanded by that much more and he’s still (and always will be) a nomad by heart; spent the three months between high school graduation and his freshman year of college hiking the appalachian trail and putting his years of botany and survival studies to the test
has a degree in environmental studies and has so far done internships in idaho, alaska, and new york revolving around forestry, bird study and conservation, and ranger duties
wants to be a wilderness ranger with a focus specifically on the ecological study and preservation of the nation’s parks and forestry; isn’t entirely sure which park he wants to focus his efforts on and is focusing on getting some internships before applying somewhere to better expand his horizons
LIVELY ( full of life and energy; active and outgoing ): he basically wakes up with the sun and harnesses its energy at daybreak, making him quite possibly the most energetic morning person on the face of the earth. manages to turn ANYTHING into a positive situation. kid saw a jaguar during his study abroad and feared for his life but would describe the experience as “thrilling! what a beautiful cat! thought i was going to die for sure but all in good fun!”
DEDICATED ( devoted to a task or purpose ): no one has ever described charlie as lazy─ he’s the complete opposite. his dedication is what makes him ambitious as he doesn’t set out with specific goals in mind for himself, just an interest in a thing and the desire to do something for that thing. 
PESKY ( causing trouble; annoying ): his liveliness can quickly cross over into annoying territory as charlie is incapable of shutting up and his social skills are better tuned for moss than they are people. will try and diffuse a situation by offering up a longhorn beetle as a stress relieving entity. it’s not it’s a fucking beetle. anyway.
AWKWARD ( not smooth or graceful ): so the social skills ... aren’t the best. he talks too much and too fast and trips over his words even when he knows exactly what he wants to say to someone... which is only about 10% of the time if it isn’t directly related to catci.
works closely with the holiday parks department as a trail guide; it isn’t uncommon to see him covered in dirt, possible stings from beekeeping, and on the rare occasion, rashes from poisonous plant species; he uses these experiences during his guided tours and tries to make it more fun for those in his watch
if u wanna plot like this and i’ll message u!!!
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rbeljedi · 5 years
HEIGHT.   5′4″
TIME.   7:56 pm
FAVORITE BAND / ARTIST.   uh andrew mcmahon in the wilderness
LAST MOVIE I SAW.   uH...... endgame??? oh, no, we rewatched the davinci code over the weekend so that.
LAST THING I GOOGLED.   curly girl hair cut
OTHER BLOGS.   none that i’m active on
WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS USERNAME.    bc @rbelhope and @rbelscum are cool and let me match them
FOLLOWING.   144? is this asking how many people i’m following? that’s how i’m answering
AVERAGE AMOUNT OF SLEEP.   6 – 7. 8 is ideal but i hate going to bed that early.
WHAT I’M WEARING.   a big t - shirt n pajama pants ! <-- ditto
DREAM JOB.   shoot. independently wealthy playboy billionaire
DREAM TRIP.   i like going anywhere i love everywhere. but also galaxy’s edge thank
FAVORITE FOOD.   pasta i love all pasta
EYE COLOR.   hazel
HAIR COLOR.   brown 
LANGUAGES YOU SPEAK.   english i suck
MOST ICONIC SONG.   jenna marbles “i wanna be tall” 
RANDOM FACT.   i can’t even think i’m so tired.
DESCRIBE YOURSELF AS AESTHETIC THINGS.   books, nerd decor,  too much art - no wall space, laughing so hard you slap your knee, curls, soft things, vibrant tattoos, muted/pastel colors, skirts with pockets, 12 pm saturday sun through the blinds
TAGGED BY.   @sheresists
TAGGING.   honestly i’m basically dead so if you love me you should steal this
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lovest0rie-archive · 1 year
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jenna wilder fandomless original character
twenty-three. bisexual / panromantic. hotel heiress & beauty influencer. faceclaim sabrina carpenter.
gender female. pronouns she / her. ethnicity caucasian. zodiac sagittarius. hair blonde. eyes blue. height 5'0".
enjoys creating content, experimenting with new looks, partying, hanging out with her animals. she is sweet, talkative, always the center of attention, passionate about animal rights activism. dislikes cruelty towards animals.
verses. wip
muse tags dossier. threads. headcanons. aesthetic. desires.
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