#├── Verse ⟴ 1048 ──┤
inhcritance · 7 months
@localwebslingers asked: "That sounds dangerous. I’m in!" (from tasm!pete)
He hadn't really doubted it, not that it made him any less glad that Peter had accepted, because as matters stood he wouldn't trust anyone else to have his back on the mess he wanted to sneak into.
He couldn't turn to smile at him, much less kiss him, not when he was very, very carefully measuring chemicals in the lab, but the sentiment was there. Around him, half a dozen empty bomb casings, and the practice of setting them all up because they didn't have all the time in the world, but some work couldn't be hurried.
Hopefully he wouldn't need any of them, nor the suit, but if he had to break retirement so soon after it, well. There were worse reasons to do that.
"The place should be deserted. It might still be." Harry added. "It's a former lab, and it should be closed, but it's next to an abandoned Roxxon power plant and I have a very bad feeling about it." He admitted. "With everyone else busy with the sand," because there was sand everywhere, "it'd give some people the perfect opportunity to settle in unnoticed. And I'd rather not risk that."
He was not so much of an optimist that he'd trust it was nothing.
"It's just sneaking in, checking if it's actually empty, and if it isn't see how bad the situation is. No fighting, in theory." He told Peter.
Not that he expected plan A to last them long.
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wrnkzk · 4 months
Marvel Spider-Man 2 PS5 - Photo mode
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"I learned how to be a hero from my dad."
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redhead-reporter · 1 month
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º ✧ 。 midtown high class of 2013 !
mary jane watson --- best hair, biggest flirt, most likely to be famous
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arxchnoverture · 1 year
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+ @redhead-reporter asked: ❝  aw,  baby.  it’s cute when you’re jealous.  ❞ (for one of the peters!)
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+ " Woah, woah , who said I'm JEALOUS ? " Was it THAT obvious that he was ? No matter how much SERIOUSNESS he tried to hoist onto MJ's comment, he couldn't DENY it convincingly, even to his own ears . He'd always thought he could AVOID the ' jealous boyfriend ' dynamic that seemed to be EVERYWHERE in things . Considering the way his THINKING had shifted the minute he'd THOUGHT whoever this guy at the OFFICE was trying something ? He wasn’t as INVINCIBLE in that regard as he'd thought he was .
He was CAUGHT . Maybe there was some form of PARKER CHARM he could turn on to back himself out of this corner .
" I'm totally not jealous . I'm just ... CONCERNED . That's all . How much do we really know about this guy ? How long he's been working at the Bugle for ? "
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castshed · 11 months
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send "be honest ..." for a question your muses has been dying to ask mine.
"be honest ... do you MISS being spider-man?" (for pete. duh)
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" of course i miss it. @redhead-reporter " they were living together now, there wasn't any need to lie. " but i trust miles. he's a great kid! plus his powers are way cooler than mine. "
pete did look happy, if that was one tell. MJ always had that effect on him. but the thought of a more normal life, one without super-villains and crazy alien species trying to take over the city... that was a lot more enticing now.
" there's so much more i can do with Emily-May. for Harry, for myself - the world. something spider-man can't do. "
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drdemeaning · 2 years
❝ Ruby! ❞ The good Doctor walked over to her with his normal wide footed stance, an electric grin on his face. ❝ Come in! I have just had a breakthrough. ❞ His excitement was clear on his face, rubbing his hands together for that bit of warmth that always seemed to flee his digits.
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parksandlab · 10 months
tag dump 1/?
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drjxng · 11 months
tag dump - 2/?
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cephaloscience-a · 2 years
Insomniac verse short info:
After the events of Spiderverse, Liv found herself in this universe, a few days after the events of the first game.
Injured and unknown, and dragging two depowered robotic arms, she was found by Roxxon energy. A conversation and a few medical issues later she had a new place to work, as well as plans to harness the energy a small reactor based on the collider would release (also known as: trying to go back home while being only technically truthful to her new employer. Because that went so well last time).
And then Roxxon fell in disgrace and could no longer hold her, and Liv started her own company, trying to speedrun the rise of Alchemax again while looking for useful investors. It's still just herself, for now, but she's looking to expand. At least until she can find a way to get home again.
Her science videos are doing rather well, though!
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ryunumber · 4 months
Does Insomniac’s Spider-Man have a Ryu number?
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Peter Parker a.k.a Spider-Man has a Ryu Number of 1.
(clarification below)
Okay, yes, I am being a bit flippant here, since I have to assume that the specification of Insomniac's Spider-Man from the Marvel's Spider-Man games (a.k.a. Spider-Man of Earth-1048) is deliberate, especially given that the Marvel multiverse is a pretty well-established thing at this point.
To be clear, for this blog's purposes, alternate versions of characters need to cross some nebulous threshold of difference to be counted as a different character altogether from the archetypal "original." What that threshold actually is, I don't have any interest in defining, but in this case, I don't consider the specific ways Earth-1048 Spider-Man is different from what I suppose is the archetypal Earth-616 Spider-Man to be enough to meet that threshold. This isn't the only criterion that has to be met, but rhetorically speaking, it's a Peter Parker what do the Spider-Man thing; it's all Spider-Man, to me, man.
Now, granted, it is actually kind of uniquely important and relevant that Marvel's Spider-Man Spider-Man is his own distinct Spider-Man, as it just so happens that not only is the biggest and most popular Spider-thing at the moment literally a multiverse of Spider-Men, Marvel's Spider-Man Spider Man is explicitly shown, on-screen, in Across the Spider-Verse.
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So let's approach it from the angle that Marvel's Spider-Man Spider-Man is a different character from archetypal Spider-Man. What's his Ryu Number then?
...I don't think he has one?
Like, the Extended Ryu Number, like many, is trivial: I literally just talked about the connection above. But in terms of games, it's really just the Marvel's Spider-Man games and nothing else. The other Spider-Man characters are ineligible because we're operating from the assumption that Earth-1048's characters are necessarily distinct, and the extent of Spider-Verse appearances is a cut character from Across the Spider-Verse and a reference to 2099 in a Marvel's Spider-Man 2 sidequest.
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There is a vaguely Eastern European would-be heister named Niko with a relative named Roman you can encounter and foil in Marvel's Spider-Man, but this Niko is apparently Roman's uncle?
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If you wanna count that as Grand Theft Auto IV's Niko Bellic, you're welcome to do so, but I'm not particularly inclined to.
So going by that standard of character sameness, not much I can do with Marvel's Spider-Man's Spider-Man. He was created explicitly so the folks at Insomniac could play a bit faster and looser with the character of Peter Parker as Spider-Man, so unless/until they capitalize on the Spider-Verse in games by running back Shattered Dimensions, probably not going to be a whole lot going on at that level of specificity.
...Oh, who am I kidding, he'll be in a mobile game first. Hell, he might already be.
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inhcritance · 11 months
@localwebslingers liked for a Kraven-related starter! (TASM-verse, TASM Peter)
He'd been on edge even before he'd taken the Serum. It was the small space, in part, and the noises of the people above and below him, and the fact that he was going to spend the next few days there, hoping he'd managed to buy enough food, that the kitchen would not fail him again, and that this time the serum would not last too long. He couldn't be certain, not without his lab.
But he'd known he couldn't wait further. Buying groceries had already been enough of an effort, and the sooner he took the serum, the sooner he'd be back at trying to get back home, and he'd stop feeling bad about worrying the only friend he had in this universe.
He'd noticed the whirring of machinery the very first night after taking the serum. At first he'd assumed it'd be some appliance from another apartment, because he was not used to an isolation this poor, to hearing so much with enhanced senses. It was distracting, it was annoying, and it was certainly not helping his already frayed nerves.
But the whirring continued. And it came from the window, from outside of it.
He'd ignored it for an hour when he couldn't help the urge to open one of the curtains, just in time to jump back as the window and part of the wall exploded. And before him, floating in the air, stood a bird drone preparing another shot. Harry did not hesitate, he couldn't: a fast-flying machine, a bright light, and adrenaline coursing through his veins were too much for his state, for his agitation. He jumped on the flying creature, tearing wiring apart with his fist before jumping back, satisfied for the briefest of moments. And then he needed more.
His wish soon became reality, as more drones began to appear, and Harry had to think fast. Manifest the mask, kick the Glider from under the bed and grab the jacket, because he'd already been wearing the armored pants -he didn't have anything comfier, as much as it itched against the patches of scales- and then jump, Glider unfolding underneath him as he ascended, the part of him that understood how bad this was trying to figure out where to run while his very instinct demanded he flew towards the drones and tore them apart.
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maroonmused · 6 months
stand unshaken – chapter 2 [spiderverse/insomniac spider-man crossover]
Peter stopped breathing. Miguel used what little oxygen seemed to be left in the house to rupture his world further.
“This device confirms which spider person resides in the dimension I’m visiting.” He paused, gauging Peter’s silence, then tapped the watch again. The image flickered, then changed. “All of them.”
Blinking twice to confirm he was seeing correctly, Peter sucked in a breath. A teenager still without a suit of his own, dressed in an unmistakable Brooklyn Visions hoodie.
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redhead-reporter · 2 months
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"Oops, sorry. Just saw the RED suit and assumed." MJ winced, feeling her cheeks start to turn the same shade in EMBARRASSMENT. Now that she was up close it was OBVIOUS that this guy wasn't Daredevil. Frankly the lack of HORNS on his head should've tipped her off a long time ago, but ... Well, without her old access to the Daily Bugle's network of cameras and surprisingly active tip lines, how was she supposed to know there was a THIRD hero-type with a red full body morph suit running around New York these days?
"Spider-man's not HOME right now, but maybe I can help Mr.... uhhh ...?"
º ✧ 。actually doing some WRITING for @mercred !
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arxchnoverture · 7 months
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+ @redhead-reporter gets a plotted thing
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+ " I thought there was SOMETHING up with all those Spider-Bots ... I guess I just didn't realize HOW big it all was. " Looking at the INFORMATION in front of him now , it was HARD not to feel the URGE to kick himself for not looking DEEPER from overtaking him . Especially with the LENGTHS he'd gone to to try and GRAB all of them . But sure enough, they hadn't been there just for the sake of EXPLORING . Rather ? The DATA they'd been gathering was CLEAR now .
He didn't need to ask HOW it had gotten to them . That much he was still MULLING over a few different scenarios . But he had a feeling that a certain SPIDERLING was involved .
" So this entire time, they were GATHERING information about everything here and sending it back to Miguel . "
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castshed · 1 year
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" i'm gonna pretend like i didn't hear that. @spinxeret " cue an unmasked spidey entering through the window.
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drdemeaning · 2 years
␣♟  Tag Drop 𝟛  ♟␣
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