#└ — claire contact ( peter petrelli. )
extensusmusae · 4 years
tag dump -- claire
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heroes-trash · 4 years
visual recap of 1x07 - Nothing to Hide
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name origin: absolutely ironic, as all characters are scrambling to cover their tracks (but their secrets are often discovered anyway)
plot points, as seen in this recap:
Peter has a dream of telling Charles about his ability, and Simone shows up to tell him he’s passed away; they go to Isaac’s but find him gone, and Simone remembers how her father once woke up and talked about Peter saving the world. she expresses support of him then and reveals she sold the painting Peter needs to Linderman
the Petrelli family has brunch with a reporter to appease some uncomfortable questions; about Nathan’s connections to Linderman, his meeting with ‘a blonde woman’ in Vegas, and Heidi’s accident. Peter helps him cover his affair, but makes it clear that he’ll out both of their powers unless Nathan gets him the painting he needs (first appearance of Nathan’s wife Heidi and their sons, Simon and Monty)
Nathan tries to discourage Peter from trying to ‘save the world’ using their powers by lying about failing to acquire the painting (which the viewer doesn’t yet know to be false), trying to reason with him (what can a flying guy really do?) and finally, confiding in him about the failed abduction attempt - the latter of which Peter unfortunately doesn’t believe
Claire’s tapes mysteriously resurface, but Lyle sees and manages to steal them - horrified at what he sees, Claire only barely convinces him not to tell everyone that she’s a ‘’freak’’, arguing it’ll rip their family apart
D.L. and Micah are running from Jessica; much to Micah’s dismay. he even calls his father a bad guy - until he uses his power to save a woman from a car crash (and Hiro and Ando, who just so happen to drive on the same road at the same time, save them in turn from an explosion, but semantics really)
Audrey asks Matt to investigate a mysterious death by radiation, as she believes Sylar is responsible for that as well. they find the wrecked house and life of Ted Sprague, whose wife is dying of cancer. the victim was her doctor, and Ted, apparently able to emit radiation, lost his temper with him. Matt is able to use his power to help Ted and Karen talk one more time before she passes, and Ted lets himself be arrested without struggle afterwards.
Matt wants to tell Janice about his power, but then learns she is having an affair - with his friend and superior officer, no less! no matter how nice the man seems, Matt punches him without hesitation upon hearing the confirmation of his fears in his head
Niki, terrified and alone, tries to contact Nathan as a last resort. but he is determined to patch things up with Heidi, and gives her no more than a ‘sorry can’t help you’ before ending their connection for good. (subsequently, Jessica takes over Niki)
Micah still wants to go back to his mum, and although D.L. barely lets him out of his sight, he finds a way to call her - on a broken phone... (this is the first real hint of his technopathy)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Heroes Was A Missed Opportunity
Beginning in 2006, NBC’s pulpy comic book-esque series Heroes ran for four seasons consisting of 77 episodes and over 30 online “minisodes.” The original run was followed up with 13-episode reboot Heroes Reborn in 2015. All in all, the franchise produced over 65 hours of content. Of those 65+ hours of Heroes, 20 seconds are absolutely, devastatingly perfect.
That 20 second of Heroes nirvana occurs in the 20th episode of the show’s first season, “Five Years Gone.” In it, the temporally-displaced Hiro Nakamura and his friend Ando Masahashi time travel five years into the future to discover what will become of the world if a prophesied explosion isn’t stopped. Things are properly dystopian with a superpowered president Nathan Petrelli (Adrian Pasdar) rounding up and imprisoning his fellow supes. Ultimately, however, Hiro discovers that Nathan Petrelli isn’t Nathan Petrelli at all but a disguised power-hoarder Gabriel Gray a.k.a. Sylar (Zachary Quinto). Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia), Nathan’s brother and the only other man on Earth whose powers can compare to Sylar’s, arrives to confront the villain. It looks a little like this.
Yes, that moment in which Peter Petrelli and Gabriel “Sylar” Gray (Zachary Quinto) square off with fire and ice is the most perfect 20 seconds of Heroes. It’s not because of anything that happens onscreen (the scene cuts off before Peter and Sylar even make contact) but because of what it suggests. That moment represents the best possible path that Heroes could have taken with its story. The tragedy, however, is that it did not. 
Like its (far superior) network television sci-fi forefather Lost, Heroes came out of the gate strong and went well and truly viral before the era of social media made going viral far easier. It’s easy to see why in hindsight. The show’s setup is remarkably appealing. It imagines a world in which people suddenly developed superpowers and then follows their journey in coming to terms with them. High school cheerleader Claire Bennett (Hayden Panettiere) could heal and regenerate Wolverine-style. LAPD officer Matt Parkman (Greg Grunberg) could read people’s minds. Single mother Niki Sanders (Ali Larter) had super strength and an alternate personality. 
The show combined its richly-realized characters, intriguing concept, and weirdly soothing soundtrack into a nice package that proved to be a fine TV show…for awhile at least. As Heroes went on, it quickly became clear that it did not have much direction beyond its original, satisfying concept. The show introduced a frustratingly unclear mythology filled with a shadowy agency to monitor and control heroes. That, along with a shockingly low-budget finale, turned many people off from tuning into subsequent seasons. They didn’t miss much.
Heroes was ultimately lacking in direction and purpose. But hidden in plain sight among its characters were two individuals that could have provided the show with all the direction and purpose it needed, if it were willing to indulge them. And that’s where those 20 seconds come in once again. Heroes should not have been a leisurely-paced series about a handful of individuals finding their powers and therefore themselves. It should have pared itself down to the story of two people: Peter Petrelli and Sylar. It should not have been a story of discovery but rather that of an arms race. 
Peter Petrelli and Sylar’s powers operate similarly. Both are able to collect and possess the powers of other superpowered individuals but each goes about their doing so in a significantly different way. Peter is a hospice nurse. As such he’s a decent guy, highly patient and empathetic. He is able to mimic the powers of those he comes into contact with simply by utilizing his natural empathy and thinking about that person and how it felt to meet them – to be welcomed into their life and story. 
Read more
Motherland: Fort Salem’s Witches are Superheroes in All But Name
By Caroline Preece
Lost: Damon Lindelof Reveals Behind the Scenes Battles With Network
By Kirsten Howard
Sylar on the other hand, is an analytical thinker. As the son of a watchmaker (not unlike a certain nuclear physicist working out of Gila Flats), Sylar is obsessed with understanding how things work. To that end, he literally cracks open the skulls of his victims and examines their brains to uncover their powers and incorporate them into his own brain, killing his victim in the process. It was actually implied that Sylar ate their brains before Heroes creator Tim Kring correctly realized that that was far too silly. 
Peter and Sylar are perfect foils. They are remarkably similar individuals. They have the same power, similar physical appearances, and even similar alliterative names (PP v. GG). It’s just that one difference between how they use their powers that makes all the difference. In that respect, Peter and Sylar are the perfect representative of a hero/villain dynamic that comics have mastered for years. As Nolan’s Batman films so marvelously articulate, heroes and villains are often more similar than not. After all, they’re part of a small fraternity that thinks it’s appropriate to put on costumes and cape around after dark. It is only their ideologies that make them different. And that is ultimately enough to make them enemies. 
Heroes had a very good thing going with the nemesis-style relationship between Peter and Gabriel. And to the show’s credit, it realized that for just over half a season. A lot of season 1 does indeed deal with Peter and Sylar traveling around, meeting other superpowered people, and collecting powers for their eventual, inevitable confrontation. The problem was that was when that confrontation arrived in the season 1 finale, it was stunningly lame. In the fallout of the poorly-received finale, it was almost as though the show was afraid to continue the story of Peter and Gabriel’s power-collecting. Instead Heroes decided to hunker down into its own incomprehensible mythology, heading back further into the past, and expanding its cast of heroes whenever it felt it needed a jolt. The right move, however, would have been to double down on Peter and Gabriel and their arms race.
Every subsequent season of Heroes should have picked up with Peter and Sylar as central characters. They should have traveled the country, and eventually the world, looking for new superpowers to claim so that they would be better prepared once their next confrontation arrives. That way, the show could have continued to have expanded its hero base, bringing in fresh blood as needed, while also keeping the story centered on two individuals rather than over a dozen. Not only would that have been simpler storytelling, it would have been more powerful. Because the show would have had a true, series-spanning theme. The entirety of Heroes could have been about humanity’s dueling gifts of empathy and analytical thinking. What is more useful? What is more powerful? What will win in a fight when empathetic ice meets analytical fire? 
As evidenced by those 20 beautiful seconds in “Five Years Gone,” Ventimiglia and Quinto are excellent actors and are more than capable of shouldering such heavy concepts. Each season of Heroes could have built to a new fight between Peter and Sylar. And if the show’s budget didn’t allow for a satisfying execution of those superpowered fights, then so be it. The battle of ideologies would have been more than enough to make up for a lack of visual fireworks. 
That’s the important lesson to take away from that one moment in a hallway where Sylar’s fists turn blue and Peter’s, red. We don’t need to see the literal clash of fists to feel the satisfying clash of ideals. 
Heroes is now available to stream in the UK on BBC iPlayer.
The post Heroes Was A Missed Opportunity appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3kJmbsV
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thefieryeclipse · 5 years
Steam. Hissing loudly, billowing in clouds, consuming the vast, dim space. 
Heat ravaged the place. It crept through the air, soaking up all oxygen. Rusted pipes lined every wall, every surface, casting an amber glow around the whistling, straining structure as it crumbled at the edges. A faint alarm wailed uselessly in the distance: a warning. A call to escape before it was too late. But it had been singing for a while now, and the chance to escape was long past.
Metal walkways and platforms criss-crossed through the chamber, climbing high up the vast height of the tower. The air only became thinner up here, so hot that it physically hurt to breathe, and machinery and pipes squealed in pain as they disintegrated and broke down around four figures shrouded in the midst of it all.
“I'm only going to say this once, Peter: move.”
“No.” The young man declared, defiantly holding his ground even as his voice threatened to waver. He glared down the barrel of the gun and straight through those horn-rimmed glasses, sustaining eye contact with the middle-aged man behind them. “No.”
Noah Bennet's face rippled with anger before he once again recalled his standard, expressionless mask. He spoke steadily, almost calmly, but his tone was somehow loud enough to compete with the ringing apparatus straining on all sides. “He's a killer, Peter. A walking disaster. Just look around you: all this? This is his doing.”
“No!” Peter recited for a third time. “It wasn't him! I'm not gonna let you take him!” He tried his best to mirror the calm authority of the man opposite, but his heart was hammering against his ribcage and he was physically shivering under the unbearable heat of this place, roiling through his body and dewing sweat along his skin.
“P-Peter... don't! You can't heal...” A pained groan sounded behind Peter's back, and he held out a hand to shush his companion.
The Company man's glasses glinted dangerously in the rusty light. “He's going to kill people, Peter -”
“No he's not! He just -”
“He's a monster. All he knows how to do is kill. Or have you already forgotten about Nathan?”
The words ricocheted briefly before being swallowed up in the depths of the cavern. Behind him, Peter could hear more little grunts of pain and difficult, shuffling movements. He felt his hackles rise in defense of his lost brother and his wounded friend, and took the tiniest of steps towards the older man, putting himself further in the path of the bullet that was meant for another.
“Noah, listen to me, you don't understand -”
Then a mutilated hiss shot through the steam, a fourth voice. “No, you don't understand, Peter!” The sound stabbed right through the empath's gut, and he glanced again at the almost unrecognisable form of his niece. His heart broke a little more when he saw the rage twisting her features, the disdain being thrown his way, and the gun in her hand pointing directly at his chest. “How could you ever trust him? After what he did to me?!” One furious tear of betrayal glistened in her eye before rolling down her cheek. It evaporated almost instantly.
Peter lost his breath all over again. “He's changed, Claire.” He insisted for the millionth time, although he knew she wouldn't believe him. Caught between staring down both the teenager and her adoptive father at once, Peter raised both hands, a sign of sincerity. “He's not the same person who did all those things, alright? I'm telling you – he only wants to help.”
“Really? And why would he ever want to do that? What's in it for him?” Noah retorted smoothly, adjusting his grip on the handle of his weapon, his aim never faltering.
“I'm different now – I've repented -”
“Sylar.” Peter stopped his friend again, his mortal heart stuttering and currently vulnerable body tingling with nerves as Noah's finger stroked the trigger in promise.
“In all of a few months? That's more than a little hard to believe, Peter...”
“Well it's the truth.” Peter said slowly, clearly, with everything he had. “Okay, I swear. You have to trust me –”
“I did trust you!” Claire spat, slicing Peter apart with her glare. The weapon in her clutches shook uncontrollably, now. “But you chose him?! I thought you were my friend! My family!”
Unable to bite back his frustration this time, Peter rounded on his niece. “I am!” A loud metallic squeal pierced the air as yet another pipe burst nearby. Peter winced, but kept his gaze firmly on Claire. “But he's my friend too. Why do I even have to choose – we're on the same side here!”
The place was so unbearably hot, so loud, tumbling down around them like a house of cards and it was all beginning to choke Peter with mottled, claustrophobic fingers. In the midst of it all, he didn't mean to let his guard down.
He didn't mean to lose sight of his other assailant, even for just one second.
Without warning this time, Mr Bennet dodged around him and set off a series of ear-splitting, echoing shots.
“Noah!” All at once Peter leapt at him, Claire flinched and Sylar yelled, and then the air was knocked out of the empath's body. He felt himself crash to the ground, scattering broken pipes and scraps of machinery as a searing gash of pain erupted through his torso.
He cried out, an echo thrown back at him over again, and clutched at his side, forcing his vision to clear when he heard Sylar's gasp accompany three more gunshots. Peter watched in horrified silence, unable to make a coherent sound, as the man he had just failed to protect tumbled backwards over the railing and fell out of sight.
The silence rang out like ripples in the steam. Then Peter felt a body hitting the level far below, the impact reverberating through the grate beneath his fingers.
“Dad?! You – you just...! And Peter!”
“I did what I had to, Claire Bear. Both of these men are extremely dangerous and this place is about to blow! We don't have much time...” Peter heard the heated exchange between father and daughter. Then the pounding of two pairs of feet – one determined, one being ushered along behind – as they hurried down the stairs to reach his fallen comrade. 
And then he was left crumpled on the ground. Wounded. Hurting. Alone.
White-hot pain continued to rip at him with every ragged breath, his vision beginning to blur around the edges, and he knew he was vulnerable and open and unable to protect himself in this state. But he also knew that he wasn't the endangered target. Clutching at the mesh grate below him with sticky hands, gasping for air that burned down his throat, Peter Petrelli heaved himself over to the edge of the platform with all the waning strength he possessed. He grit his teeth to hold back any betraying cries, and didn’t even hesitate before sliding his broken body through the gap at the bottom of the railing, free-falling the long distance below.
Hot clouds of gas and steam whirled past as he fell, the ground came racing up to meet him, and Peter only just managed to catch himself with flight at the very last second, hovering so close above burning metal that the heat caressed his face. He clumsily eased his landing beside Sylar, scrambling to check the status of his friend. Blood flowed from multiple bullet holes on the man's chest, thick and dark, his eyes closed as if in sleep and his limbs sprawled out loosely around him - an ungraceful display that Sylar would despise to be caught in if he knew. Fingers bloodied and trembling, Peter reached for the other man’s neck, rewarded by the faint pulse of life stirring just below the skin. Unconscious, but still breathing. Barely.
Familiar footsteps rang out again nearby. Then two rippling shadows bled through the fog, weapons drawn. “Peter! Don't do it! I'm warning you – I will kill you!”
Desperate, suffocating and fighting for much more than just his own life, Peter pressed a hand to Sylar's leaking chest, tugged on the first power that rushed up to meet him, and used it without thinking.
Here’s the prologue for my post-series Heroes  WIP “Tongues of Fire” which I’m posting here on tumblr for @alexprompts WIPWeekly event.
Feel free to go check out the story on Ao3, or to get in touch about anything regarding the fic or the writing process, I’m always happy to chat ^.^
(Heroes, the characters and storyworld don’t belong to me (thanks Tim Kring and NBC) but the writing is all mine.)
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godsendrpg · 8 years
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Claire Bennet || 27 || Rapid Cellular Regeneration || Rogue
Open  - Taken
——————————————————————- it WAS a brave new world
Personality Traits:
Regrets revealing Evo’s to the world and wants to change it.
Is currently in hiding to avoid being experimented on.
Has met many people while on the road, most of whom are Rogues.
Occasionally meets up Claude or René.
Hasn’t spoken to her father in a few months.
Hayden Panettiere
———————————————————————————————— now the WAR is here
Full Background:
Claire Bennet had a seemingly normal life until her ability manifested in Odessa, Texas when she was only 15 years old. She kept it a secret at first, telling only one person, a boy she used to talk to in the sixth grade named Zach. During one of her ability tests, which Zach usually filmed for her, Claire rescued a man from a burning train. Her act was recognized by local papers but she still kept her secret and didn’t come forward, letting her ex-best friend Jackie take credit instead. When word spread, a serial killer named Sylar went after Jackie, believing she had Claire’s ability of Rapid Cellular Regeneration, in hopes that he could take it for himself.
Right after finding out the truth of her ability, Claire learned who her adoptive parents were: Meredith Gordon, a woman with the ability of pyrokinesis, and her father, Nathan Petrelli, who was New York’s junior Senator. She also learned about Peter Petrelli, her uncle and the man the saved her at homecoming the night Sylar killed Jackie. After rescuing her and learning that they were related, Peter and Claire were almost inseparable in working together as heroes. For a couple months, because of the Company, Claire was forced to hide under a false name with her family.
After homecoming, Sylar continued to stalk Claire until he finally found her home alone one afternoon. He assaulted her and stole her ability. That same afternoon he also “fixed" Claire by taking away her ability to feel pain which she resented him for as it was the only thing that made her feel human. Claire threw herself into helping others more than ever after this, including taking revenge against Sylar multiple times. It only made her angrier when none of his deaths stuck thanks to her ability. Finally, however, it seemed that he was killed by Nathan and everything could go back to normal.
It wasn’t long before she was forced to drop out of school as a consequence of this lifestyle and ended up getting her GED instead. She was eventually forced into college by Angela and her adoptive father, Noah Bennet. That was where she met Gretchen Berg, who ended up having a crush on Claire while they were roommates. The two hit it off, for the most part, and were friends for a while. Until Claire started becoming more obsessed with her ability and the Sullivan Bros Carnival. Not long after coming into contact with Samuel Sullivan, who nearly killed Claire and her father, along with half of New York just to show the world that there were people with abilities, Claire jumped from the top of a Ferris wheel in the middle of Central Park front of the press and camera’s, revealing Specials/Evos to the world.
Since her dive off the Ferris wheel, Claire has been the poster child for Specials, living a life in the spotlight. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but at least she doesn’t have to hide who she is anymore. At first, everything was fine and just how Claire imagined it, but then other people with abilities started poisoning the new found hope for their kind. Explosions happened and people were killed, getting them all bad press.
Everything spiraled out of control and things were getting worse for Evos. It wasn’t long before the Evolved Human Registration Act happened. It had Claire scared. Peter and Sylar were fighting and more people were getting killed. Before Claire knew it, the government was at Fortis’ doorstep, taking everything away from them and forcing Evos to register. 
As time passed and the war started getting worse, Claire began really wondering what would have happened if she hadn’t jumped from the Ferris Wheel. Should she go back in time and fix it? Would Hiro let her and if not, was there anyone else who could help? The long the war went on, the more Claire considered it and the darker it made her. She wasn’t just angry at herself for doing this to everyone, but she was angry at this was and how so many people could hate them.
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Claire Bennet || 22 || Rapid Cellular Regeneration
Open || Taken
Personality Traits:
Stubborn, Independent, Selfish, Bitter, Obsessive
Fortis Group
Claire Bennet had a seemingly normal life until her ability manifested in Odessa, Texas when she was only 15 years old. She kept it a secret at first, telling only one person, a boy she used to talk to in the sixth grade named Zach. During one her own ability tests, which Zach usually filmed for her, Claire rescued a man from a burning train. Her act was recognized by local papers but she still kept her secret and didn’t come forward, letting her ex-best friend Jackie take credit instead. When word spread, a serial killer named Sylar went after Jackie, believing she had Claire’s ability of rapid cellular regeneration, in hopes that he could take it for himself.
Right after finding out the truth of her ability, Claire learned who her adoptive parents were: Meredith Gordon, a woman with the ability of pyrokinesis, and her father, Nathan Petrelli, who was New York’s junior Senator. She also learned about Peter Petrelli, her uncle and the man the saved her at homecoming the night Sylar killed Jackie. After rescuing her and learning that they were related, Peter and Claire were almost inseparable in working together as heroes. For a couple months, because of the Company, Claire was forced to hide under a false name with her family.
After homecoming, Sylar continued to stalk Claire until he finally found her home alone one afternoon, where he assaulted her and stole her ability. That same afternoon he also “fixed" her by taking away her ability to feel pain which Claire resented him for as it was the only thing that made her feel human. Claire threw herself into helping others more than ever after this, including taking revenge against Sylar multiple times. It only made her more angry when none of his deaths stuck thanks to her ability. Finally, however, it seemed that he was killed by Nathan and everything could go back to normal.
It wasn’t long before she was forced to drop out of school as a consequence of this lifestyle and ended up getting her GED instead. She was eventually forced into college by Angela and her adoptive father, Noah Bennet. That was where she met Gretchen Berg, who ended up having a crush on Claire while they were roommates. The two hit it off, for the most part, and were friends for a while. Until Claire started becoming more obsessed with her ability and the Sullivan Bros Carnival. Not long after coming into contact with Samuel Sullivan, who nearly killed Claire and her father, along with half of New York just to show the world that there were people with abilities, Claire jumped from the top of a Ferris wheel in the middle of Central Park front of the press and camera’s, revealing Specials/Evos to the world.
Since her dive off the Ferris wheel, Claire has been the poster child for Specials, living a life in the spotlight. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but at least she doesn’t have to hide who she is anymore. She now attends the Petrelli School for Gifted Individuals, run by her dad and Fortis (the new name for the Company.) At first, everything was fine and just how Claire imagined it, but then other people with abilities started poisoning the new found hope for their kind. Explosions happened at the school, people were killed. The place was getting bad press.
Then, before Claire knew it, she found herself in the middle of a war between Fortis and a man called Flash. He kidnapped Claire and locked her in a safe at the bottom of a lake for 2 months, causing her to develop a fear of the dark and water for a while, but not before restoring some of the memories about Claude that had been pushed back or erased after Noah shot him.
After being rescued and discovering her ability stopped working, Claire met another regenerator named Henry Escott. The two of them hit it off almost immediately, each helping the other with traumas and problems. The two had even started dating before Lucas Fallerman came to the school to try and kill her father. Without thinking, Claire jumped in front of Noah to save him, getting killed in the process. Through the combination of Henry’s blood and the shock of dying again, her ability was full restored and Claire brought back to life several hours later. The only thing different this time is that Claire can feel again.
Until recently, everything was finally almost back to normal. Her ability was working, she was dating a nice man, and Noah was alive. But then Henry left and now Claire is questioning whether or not she’ll be alone forever, and how safe they all are from these people called The Hunters, who are killing off Specials/Evos for sport.
Now that the Hunters are dead or in hiding, the Evovled Human Registration Act (EHRA) is what has Claire scared the most. Peter and Sylar are fighting and the government is at Fortis’ doorstep. How will this end? Was jumping from that Ferris Wheel really a good thing after all?
Face Claim:
Hayden Panettiere
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godsendrpg · 8 years
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Claude Rains || 51 || Invisibility || Neutral 
Open - Taken
——————————————————————- it WAS a brave new world
Personality Traits:
Claire finally found out that Claude is her “uncle” and the two have reconciled in a huge way. She is a very big influence on him.
Doesn’t have a tracker yet.
Occasionally keeps in contact with Claire, but makes sure that she knows how he feels about everything.
Still isn’t sure how to feel about Noah even though they started to reconcile a few years ago.
Is strongly against the EHRA, but also doesn’t want to get caught so has decided to keep his distance from either side when possible.
Christopher Eccleston
———————————————————————————————— now the WAR is here
Full Background:
Claude Rains is the identity used by a former agent of the Company who has the power of invisibility. After seeing the error in the way that the Company used evolved humans, Claude rebelled and his partner Noah Bennet was ordered to kill him. Claude survived the attempt and went into hiding, resurfacing years later in New York. He was followed by Peter who had previously seen him in a vision. They had a confrontation and Claude disappeared only to be followed by Peter later. Despite Claude’s threat to Peter, he actually ended up helping him escape from Nathan and Mohinder. Claude continued to work with Peter, trying to teach him to use his power consciously and not just as a reflex. He told Peter that he was too attached to people. Frustrated, he pushed Peter off the roof to encourage him to fly. 
Claude then went to London and began living with his friends Abigail and Lee. When Building 26 was formed, Claude was captured and held a prisoner for a short time until Abby saved him. After that, things seemed to calm down for a while, until Claire jumped from the Ferris Wheel to reveal “Specials” to the world. At first, he was angry at her for it, but when the Petrelli school opened up, he couldn’t help but be a little intrigued.
Over the past few months, Claude became involved in the school, coming to terms with his past in a more or less tolerable attitude. He still drank and is still as fond of picking fights as ever. Until the EHRA became mandatory, he’d become a much more productive member of the school. After the act became official, he was concerned about the future, and what it might entail for everyone. 
Deciding that he didn’t want to know what it was like to be hunted again, he vanished without a trace. It was easy for him, given his invisibility. Occasionally, he pops into Claire’s, Peter’s, Sylar’s, or Noah’s lives and gives them his two cents, telling them how angry and disappointed he is in them. But the visits don’t last long. He doesn’t like to stick around in one place for too long.
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