barrackbvnny · 4 months
@spokewar liked this post for a starter from pyro:
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   ・・・・・・ ⛓️ 🔥 ☢️
Her yellowish eyes continue to avoid the confrontation that so blatantly wants to follow her as the clone Commander continues his rant about her current tinkering. To which she’s choosing to let him get out his frustrations for their tinkering with an explosive in the middle of the mess hall of the negotiator. He’s not exactly ecstatic about their workings, even though she’s simply doing her job.
❛ Do you even understand or comprehend how hazardous it is for you to be doing this at all in a ship !? Not to even mention in the kriffing mess hall! ❜ The commander says with full disapproval and distress of the situation. ❛ Are you even listening to me ?! ❜ Cody asks in frustration before the woman finally turns her head and looks at him.
❛ Barely, ❜ She says, responding to his question. of her attention, and not his question of her explosive. ❛ Commander, i would not be here if i wasn’t needed. May i enjoy my kaf and neurotoxin bomb by myself before i have to go back to work ? ❜ She asks plainly. She can tell from the look on the commanders face, that he was far from pleased with her come back. ❛ I have a meeting with the general scheduled after my break. I’d appreciate if you left so i can enjoy my own company, alone. ❜
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its-a-full-galaxy · 1 month
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@spokewar liked this for a starter!
Darius made his way through the wreckage he'd left, searching the remains of the droid squadron that had captured him for the artifact that had brought him there. The area was forested - a stark difference from where he'd been just moments before his capture. Where was the artifact that brought him there and why were there Federation droids? He hadn't seen droids like these since he was a boy during Clone Wars and the Occupation of Esverr. So why were they here now?
He growled frustratedly to himself and tossed away another droid limb. It didn't matter. What mattered was finding out where they'd put the thing so he could use it to get back to the survey site and home to his son again. Not that Tajur and Mathafew weren't going to wring his neck when he got home anyway...
Then he heard movement and in a flash, he was crouched low, his blaster rifle in his hands. "Dank ferrik," he muttered, his HUD flipping from day vision to infrared as he scanned the tree line.
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lightwxlkr · 1 month
@spokewar - continued from here
"As long as you are sure..."
The younger Skywalker shuffled a little bit as she thought of anything to say to him. Obi-wan had insisted on taking her in particular on this mission, and she still couldn't place why. Usually he was eager to take her brother or another master on missions, so for him to be insistent on just her...
"Master, can I ask you something?" She spoke to him with the same tone of politeness she usually had when speaking to the masters. More than what her brother could say... "Why did you bring me on this mission? Wouldn't you have rather brought Anakin?"
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astranovus · 2 months
@spokewar // liked for a starter a bit ago lol
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"Do you ever regret accepting me as your padawan?"
He's sure the answer is yes, though not in any true capacity. He's felt it enough times in Obi-Wan's exasperation, in the exhaustion of his tone when Anakin has done something that has yet again disappointed the older Jedi. Anakin knows he was not an easy student. Everything that had seemed so new and exciting, had quickly become just as frightening. Just as difficult. He'd been forced to learn everything, to play catch up. As much as the Jedi claimed kindness, Anakin remembered feeling just as alienated as he had at home. And with no life raft to hold onto. He was an outsider to them all and he always would be. Sometimes, he hated being back at The Temple. But even they were called back from the frontlines sometimes. It's quiet around the fountain, enough for Anakin's insecurities to leak out in a supposedly rare moment of weakness.
"Sometimes it feels like I should have never left Tattooine."
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sithisms · 4 months
[@spokewar continuation]
Kun sighed. The last thing he wanted was to be baby sat by jedi. He was trying. He really was for two reasons. He preferred the company of a side that hadn't changed. And because hes been isolated. He changed..well..hes sill part sith in his attitude considering.
And the fact he was still a padawan when he changed sides only made him seethe inside but tried to see the consequences for his countless actions. His silver cold hues narrowed like minor daggers into Kenobi's as he twitched.
He felt very naked without his custom made Saber. But he had to remake it. If he was to keep track of himself he had to get rid of the corruptive cursed saber. It was another anchor in the darkside as he shook his head towards him.
"That old jedi master of yours is a thorn in my side." To think at one point he thirsts for all of the knowledge on the sith possible. But now he had it. Learning of the light side again was now a chore all over again." And yet you expect me to be a Jedi without the knowledge to do so? Four thousand, three hundred, seventeen years was how long I've been a sith." Patience was hard for him. Despite scheming as he did he was practically a child who was indeed throwing a hissy fit over not getting what he wanted. Something he still needed working on it seemed. His nostrils flaring as he shook his head.
"Very well.." he sighed with annoyance as he spoke." I'll relent. For now." He said as he gave one last look at the library and turned away. His jedi clothing soft and comfortable compared to what he was used to wearing. Sometimes the itch to hold his old saber again itched in his mind as his scar burned. A minor curse leaving his lips as he bore his teeth. Darkness sometimes clawing back unexpectedly. Heartlessly.
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auroradicit · 4 months
@spokewar | starter call
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"I was headhunted for them, y'know."
Sabi isn't so impolite as to kick her legs up on the table. She's still lackadaisical, all splayed limbs and idly toying with just about anything in reach. Sure, the conversation's not the least awkward she's ever had. That's no reason to be all tense.
It's also not the most awkward! So! Little victories!
"Looked a little different at the time. Convenient, given the number of NDAs the Kaminoans tried to bury me under. Did you know Republic law is a complete mess when it comes to sapients with changing genetic codes?"
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oftempus · 1 month
that's not how it works??? i'm super a grown man????
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Since when did you care about the rules, boy? And? You don’t even act like it!
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hisworkers-moved · 5 months
@spokewar asked: ❛ don’t look at me like that. ❜ to Alden.
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❛ Don’t look at me like that. ❜ He repeats the other’s response in a mocking tone, giving him a hard look soon after. It wasn’t like him to act in such a childish way in front of someone, especially with his high position in Serenno. But given his recent (and unfortunate) circumstances with the Jedi on hand, he believes it's warranted for now.
❛ You’ve given me every reason to do so, Master Jedi. You've taken me away from my planet and my job. ❜
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withoutpeer · 1 month
@spokewar liked for a starter !
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HE CAN still smell smoke . his lungs still sting with heat and ash and his clothes are still burning . but , inexplicably , suddenly , there is no lava around him . no mustafar . no anakin . in fact it looks like - - - -
❝ what . . . ? ❞ he breathes as he turns slowly , taking in the sight of what he knows to be HIS ROOM at the jedi temple . he turns his head toward the door , casting his senses out , expecting to be greeted only with that giant yawning emptiness that he'd felt since the purge .
he's nearly knocked over by the vastness of it , by the feeling of life that extends through the hall , life and THE FORCE . they're here . they're alive ! he's starting toward the door to confirm what must be a hallucination when the door is starting to open and he takes a step back . he considers hiding for a moment but - no . that would be silly . these are his rooms after all . so he's standing there tall , if somewhat awkward , when the person enters . he's ready with a lie, to explain away his state of being , but then , the person - they . . .
❝ what ? ❞ he exclaims as he stares at his own face .
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hoovedrycal · 3 months
@spokewar liked for a mini starter .
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❝ i know it’s a bit of a stretch but do you think it’s possible for me to be a jedi ? if you’re accepting new recruits. ❞ students ? probably he could be the first ever cervid jedi. he laughs it off. it’s probably not the best idea but he can give it a try.
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clonewar · 5 months
STARTER CALL / @spokewar
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"I fail to see how I can help you," Brynn replies and despite the fact his voice sounds canned due to his helmet, this distrust and distaste are painfully obvious. The Jedi did a lot of good but they also did a lot of damage... In the end, the only ones that saved him and his people were themselves. In Brynn's eyes, Obi-Wan is seeking a true alliance too little, too late. The Mandalorian soon emits a frustrated growl as his comm link beeps in alarm. "Now you must excuse me because I have pirates to deal with. Again. Your war left behind a rather large power vacuum."
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barrackbvnny · 2 months
@spokewar asked: “Brioola, I mean this in the nicest sense possible, but does it not get incredibly depressing, maddening, and dismal to be stuck here in Tipoca?”
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To say that it had shocked her was an understatement. Not many others truly see her as a “normal” conversation. sand not many ever tend to care much about the affairs she deals with on a cycle to cycle basis. The generals interest in her affairs her in Tipoca city cause her curious mind to bounce around before she can really give him a proper answer. She almost seems a bit lost by his inquiry, but she isn’t. Simply trying to process and string together a proper sentence to her thoughts.
❛ Although those are some pretty good descriptors for Tipoca City, that isn’t how i see it. And it isn’t how it feel about it either. ❜ She starts, her index finger over her bottom lip as she thinks a bit more.
❛ I’ve seen far more death than i’d like to. And it can be depressing, and dismal when you don’t see troopers come back. But if i don’t keep a positive tone, a playful outlook to it all, then truly all that is left for these men to feel is sadness. And that is no way for a man to live his life. I’m constant war and grieving. ❜ The mirialan woman explains as she finally looks back up at the Jedi Master.
❛ Besides, it’s far more fun here than serving the senate. ❜ Rio muses with a smile to playfully jab at the galactic senate.
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corruptedforce · 6 months
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from here // @spokewar
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He had let himself be consumed by the dark side. It was the only way he was going to save Padme. That was still the only way he was going to save her. She was going to be saved, and he would get her to believe in him again. This was all Obi-Wan's fault. He turned her against him. He may have saved the people in the temple, may not quite be lost to it all as everyone thought, but it still was in him. Anakin Skywalker had become a Sith. But, he also still had his conscience and hadn't been able to hurt people at the Temple. The Clones...they were his men. He couldn't stop what they did.
Now the Separatist Council...he was proud of his new powers. He'd ripped them apart. Many of them had hurt Padme over the years and anyone who threatened what he had built with her should die and would. Obi-Wan was on that list, at the moment. His master had told him to show no mercy and it was hard for him not to, but still, he had turned her against him.
What had happened in the Chancellor's office had been a nightmare. He should never have helped do what he do, but he knew he would not have made it out alive, when he agreed to swear himself to his new master's teachings. Otherwise, he was a liability who had seen too much.
They had been fighting for what seemed like hours and he had been careless, in his last motion. Anakin was hurt but the dark side, which was strong on Mustafar kept him from being too hurt. He'd have one hell of a gouge in his leg, and he needed bacta. His other arm, the one he'd already lost, was likely going to need help. But, he was angry. His eyes were glowing yellow, and as much as he wasn't completely gone as a Sith, his anger was worse than it had ever been. He was volatile.
"You are my enemy. You turned her against me. I need her. She is the only good left in me. Our baby...she's my wife and look what you made me do to her."
But, he was listening still. He made a sound. He was in pain, not just physically. He'd clearly lost his damn mind and he was shaking. Using the dark side, he managed to somewhat calm the fires of Mustafar, and he offered Obi-Wan his arm.
"Hurt my arm or do anything to make sure we can't get her somewhere safe, and I will twist your head off and make sure your brain is still alive and you feel every bit of it."
He was going with him, but he was still angry and the Sith he had become was still very much in control.
"And they call you a negotiator. You got a pregnant woman and your former Padawan hurt..."
He'd calm down.
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lightfaithed · 3 months
pinches his silly little round ear.
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Oh, so now his perfectly common round ear was the silly one? Not the fancy, pointy ear of his counterpart? Obi-Wan gently batted the pinching hand away and wrinkled his nose. "If I do the same to you...am I going to die of poison?" He wasn't quite sure about how different their physique was, but he knew enough about nature to know that glowy skin could mean a warning.
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forcenexus · 1 month
you don’t have to be brave.
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"Then what will I be if not the Hero Without Fear?" Anakin glanced over at his mentor who he called brother gladly. He stiffened to think he had felt some sort of weakness. "I couldn't get to them in time and they all died because of me." It was the hard reality of war. The one lesson that kept teaching him over and over again. He hated it.
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auroradicit · 5 months
@spokewar gets a cress | sc
"You weren't joking about the library."
Despite her reverent hush, Cressida's voice threatens to echo. There's flimsi down here, remarkably well-preserved despite its age. The dark has helped, buried halls ensuring still air and little light. The data chips seem to still be almost entirely organized, albeit in a system she doesn't recognize by instinct.
Turning back to Master Kenobi, she raises an eyebrow. It doesn't do much to hide the pleased awe in her eyes.
"This place will keep the Archivists busy for decades."
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