#⌨ | verse three; the world in her grasp | vampire
stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
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Christopher, as far as Rose knows, is the strongest vampire. Dating back 100 years ago where they first met Christopher had lied about his age, for my story he is a least a couple centuries years old - for characters in the Originals, it can be plotted that Christopher is sired to one of the originals but he went off to do his own thing, thus Rose and her siblings happened.
Sirebonds are a thing but not to the extent of their sired can't hurt the sire. The only thing they feel is strength. Think of strength in numbers like a pack, the more vampires are sired, the stronger the sire is.
Those who are sired can feel a connection to their sire. When they're hurt or in distress the sired can feel it no matter the distance. The closer they get to the injured sired vampire the stronger the feeling is. One reason why Rose tries to stay out if danger she doesn't want Christopher to find her.
Vampires and witches do get along but strictly for business. Vampires help the witches with certain spells, in exchange for blood and jewelry can protect them from the sun.
Like the Originals and TVD, the vampires can be harmed by the sun and fire. However, each vampire if desired has a piece of jewelry that they can wear that is PERSONALLY linked to them. i.e Rose wears a necklace that as a dove on it with her initials in the back, no other vampire can take it from her and wear it. The necklace is linked to her and protects her only.
The vampires that feed from humans are stronger, the ones that feed from blood bags are half as strong, the ones that feed from animals are considered the weakest.
Sirebonds can be broken by a powerful witch or a whole Coven. As long as that witch has a prize possession of that sire, the link can be broken. Example being, Rose's necklace, it once belonged to Christopher and it's the one thing he wants back.
These are just the major points for my lore. If your character is stronger than a vampire that they're stronger the Atlas Siblings as Vampires. If your character is a hybrid/werewolf and bites can kill vampires then it can kill the Atlas Siblings when they're vampires. For Christopher being the strongest vampire, it is only an assumption by Rose, if she interacts with Mikaelsons and finds out that they're the original vampires that can't be killed other than a white oak steak, then she will them know that Christopher is not the strongest. As stated it can be plotted that Christopher is linked to at least Klaus and Elijah etc. etc. Any questions. Comments or concerns feel free to hit up my DMs or IMs
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@thesnowfelled​​ | Rose & Hayley 
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It was a simple run in, two paths crossing and now they have intersected. Rose had heard of dopplegangers before, look-a-likes and everything else in between. She didn’t think she’d have one but here she is staring at a woman who had a similar face. The only difference she saw was the eyes. The other woman’s eyes were a shade of brown, the type you could get lost in; Rose herself, even as a vampire kept her hazel eyes. 
Giving her head a small tilt, she could smell the scent of a wolf. But it was different, similar to another wolf she knew but that wolf she knew was a werewolf queen of her pack, could she be in the presence of another? What is up with her running into alpha’s? Weren’t werewolves and vampires suppose to hate each other? 
The question burned in her mind, but she’d put it in the back of her mind for now.  ❝ Please tell me this isn’t the strangest thing you’ve seen. ❞
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stvtisticsmovedd · 2 years
@gentlehcarts​ texted: ( sms ) : i know it's late, but... would you like to go for a walk with me? ( from baby vamp <3 )
[ Cyndi 📸🩸 ]: there’s no rest for the wicked huh? [ Cyndi 📸🩸 ]: let me grab some blood bags and to-go cups and we can go. [ Cyndi 📸🩸 ]: are we walking anywhere in particular?
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stvtisticsmovedd · 2 years
@gentlehcarts​​  asked:🚖 - weekend getaway
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❝ I know it’s last minute, but I think you’ll like where we’re going . ❞ Over the years, she used her abilities as a vampire to compel some locals at the beach to give her their beach house. It was when she was still learning how to do things and in a fit of rage and hunger, she told some humans to beat it and give them the keys. Something about the beach relaxed her and made her calm, so what better way to show her happy place than a nice beach getaway.
❝ As long as we keep our daylight jewelry on, we won’t burst into flames. The beach house has a stocked fridge full of blood bags and of course normal food. So we won’t feed on the locals. ❞ She pauses for a moment as she parked her car in front of house. ❝ If you see a shitbag try anything on some helpless stranger, then you feed from the source and compel the victim to forget what happened.  ❞ That was her only condition into feeding from humans. Of course Rose never did it, but she kept it in the back of her mind that if one human was do harm to another, she’d take care of it. 
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@gravesashton​​ said on mic: “I do not understand what it is I’ve done wrong.”
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❝  First of all, you don’t just assume that because I’m a vampire I’m going to kill you! ❞ Rose says as she covers arm that has the bullet wound in it. She knows it’ll heal but it still hurt like a bitch. She bites her bottom lip as she then digs in the wound to pull it out, then throwing the bullet to the side as her wound closed. Lucky for him, she ate already. ❝  You look a little lost anyway, I was trying to help give you a sense of direction. ❞ Rose states as  she wipes her own blood on the side of her pants. The last thing she needed was causing her self attention, and unwanted attention was not fun. ❝  I’m Rose by the way.  ❞ 
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@gentlehcarts​​ asked: “ there’s that smile i know and love… “ ( from baby vamp <3 )
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❝ Baby Vamp! ❞ Rose said with a bright smile on her features, seeing Cyndi always made her day. If it wasn’t for her, Rose wouldn’t really see a point in keeping her humanity. But ever since she stumbled across her, Rose felt the need to take care of and mentor the young woman. They don’t just teach vampire 101 nowadays. Standing up from her seat, she went to hug the woman. Her arms wrapping around her and giving Cyndi a small squeez. ❝ I was just thinking about you actually, how about we go shopping? ❞
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@gentlehcarts​​ asked: “ wanna play some mario kart? it’ll give us both a reason to cry when you beat me. “ ( from baby vamp ! )
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❝ I remember when the first mario came out, It was always a favorite to play with the people I used to hang out with. Humans really do know how to have fun. ❞ Rose said as she recalled on old memories, there was a time she did attend college simply for fun. She managed to get a degree in computer science only because she took interest in the topic, getting in was the easy part; actually taking the classes was a bit harder than she expected. 
❝  I call dibs on princess peach. ❞ 
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@gentlehcarts​ asked: “ you’re really all i’ve got. “ ( from baby vamp )
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❝ ....You’re all I have too ❞ Rose replied softly as she sat next to Cyndi on her couch, the bad part about being a vampire, all emotions are heightened, and these were one of those days, reaching over to Cyndi and holding her hand she offered a small smile at the female. A small way of saying she wasn’t alone in this world, not anymore.
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
verse tags 
⌨ | verse one; more than meets the eye | main
⌨ | verse one.one; technologic | main alt
⌨ | verse two; i’m just the i.t girl | youth
⌨ | verse three; the world in her grasp | vampire
⌨ | verse four; everything can be hacked and anyone | dc
⌨ | verse five; knowledge is power | teen wolf
⌨ | verse six; haven’t been the same since i expired | no humanity
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@walkmanned​​ asked: “who’s this?” // Send “Who’s This?” for your muse to pick up a photograph of someone from my muse’s past, and my muse will tell them who they are! | accepting
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❝ My best friends great great great granddaughter...Natalie. ❞ Rose replied softly looking over the photo of the woman.  ❝ She’s a witch, I told her that I was a family friend and told her all types of stories of how powerful her grandmother was, and how we’ll be best friends in all our lifetimes.  ❞ The vampire explained, the meeting of the two woman was odd at first but Natalie had grown to trust her and care for her.  ❝ She even did a spell to protect my sired vampire from the sun. ❞
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
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Rose remember the moments before she died, she remembered every detail and it still haunts her to this day causing numerous nightmares, night terrors and panic attacks throughout the night causing her to not get any rest or hardly any at all.
The night Christopher attacked Rose and her family was something she did not expect from the one she loved and believed she was going to marry back then. Rose watched in horror as Christopher went from having what seemed to be a civil conversation with her parents to him ripping them apart. Rose watched as Tyler tried his hardest to fight him off but only see cuts and Christopher’s blood splatter over anything. Rose witnessed Victoria coming in as well to try to fight him off. 
Everything afterwards was a blur to her, she was distraught and frightened to see what the massacre of what happened to her family. Not seeing Christopher in her home, she attempted to run but to no success. Christopher soon found her and began to slowly torture her. Breaking her legs, her arms, making sure she couldn’t run anymore. 
Screaming with pain and pleading with Christopher to not kill her like he did with her family, for a moment; she saw in his eyes that he would give her mercy as he held her close. The last thing that she heard from him was You’ll thank me one day. That was last he heard him speak before compulsion to get her to relax and not to scream. 
Christopher than gave her blood and snapped her neck to trigger her to going from human to vampire. By the time she woke up, she was somewhere else and had the thirst for human blood.
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@walkmanned​​ said on: [  LIFT ]:     sender, being taller than the shorter receiver, lifts them off the ground mid-embrace. // ‘𝚃𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂 𝙳𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚆𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙴 𝙷𝚄𝙶𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙶’ 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙿𝚃𝚂. | accepting
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❝  So, I know you like your walkman and everything, but I thought I’d show you something cool that I think you might like. ❞ Rose said as she gestured Dae to follow her to the kitchen, on the table there was a box, a rather big box but not too big that he wouldn’t be able to carry it. ❝  I found this the other day, and I decided to get it for you. ❞ She said as she watched her friend unwrap the gift she purchased. It was a record player, if he liked things old school, and believe her, she knew old school; why not give him the vinyl player?! 
Reaching down to the chair she held some 80′s music records as well, and one 90′s one. She knew that Dae was old but she was indeed older, living for over a hundred years you have to keep up with the times. One thing Rose loved about being a vampire was watching the humans improve on things and grow. She learned to love technology and all that it offered to people but something about putting on a record and just enjoying a full album hit different for her. 
Watching his expression, she smiled as well. He went in for a hug and she wrapped her arms around him. However, being lifted was something she didn’t expect. A wonderful little surprise that caused her to giggle slightly as he lifted her off the ground. Once she was placed back down she smiled more. ❝  How about we play one and just enjoy the music, yeah? ❞
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@gentlehcarts​​ asked: ❝  when i’m with you i feel like myself.  i feel like every side of me is present and accepted.  and i feel good about it—  i feel good about who i am when i’m with you.  ❞
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❝ As you should baby vamp, even before I stepped in your life. You’re always accepted and you should always feel good.  ❞ Rose said as she grabbed her wine glass and poured some blood from her blood bag into the glass. Perks of being a vampire, your actual food could also be used as some extra spice for a liquid. Take a sip, she wasn’t sure if Cyndi was was getting drunk from all the wine, but either way she felt all warm and fuzzy inside from her words even though she hadn’t felt that feeling in a long time. 
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
@walkmanned​ said on mic : ❝   Where the fuck am I?  ❞
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❝  My condo. ❞ Rose states as her back is leaned against the wall as she has those hazel hues of hers staring at the stranger. He wasn’t dead, but something about him didn’t feel alive. She couldn’t place her finger on it either, hours back she stumbled across the person almost getting attacked by vampires, desperate hungry individuals that only wanted a quick snack and she wasn’t about to have it.  ❝  You mind telling me why the creatures of the night were lookin’ at you like you were something to eat? ❞ She did take care of them, the blood stains on her hands that were almost faded away still remained on her hands. Nothing like ripping hearts out on a Monday evening. 
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stvtisticsmovedd · 3 years
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IN THIS VERSE, The woman known as Rose Atlas is simply known as Rose Annalise. She has no last name, she has no family; at least as far as she knows. Rose roams the Earth living in plain sight on the run from her old former lover, Christopher Lockhart. The man who she believes is the strongest of them all. The man she trusted and loved with all her heart turned her into a monster, a monster who was created to feast on human blood and live for all of eternity.  Rose is very cautious about who and what she is. Only giving a first name since she does not know or remember her last name. She tries her best to keep her head low and avoid all other supernaturals unless needed, sometimes even vampires need friends.
status:  active  full name:  Rose Annalise Atlas nicknames:  Dove (called by Christopher), Rosie  gender:  female pronouns:  she/her sexuality:  bisexual aesthetics:  leather jackets, jeans and boots age:  100+ date of birth:  12th of April zodiac sign:  Aries residence:  A condo in the city. occupation:  plot dependent 
faceclaim:  Phoebe Tonkin height:  5′7″ build:  curvy, wider hips, medium size breasts. eyes:  hazel | golden (vampire form) hair:  dark brown, loose curls. piercings:  ears pierced tattoos:  asddfghjkl; on her left forearm other distinguishing features:  freckles across the bridge of her nose spreading and fading into her cheeks.
traits:  still in touch her humanity, friendly but cautious of strangers and other supernaturals likes:  Flowers, sunsets and sunrises, stargazing  dislikes: Feeding on humans, Christopher fears:  Christopher finding her hobbies:  cooking and baking. reading astrology and plants
mother:  Michelle  father:  Claud  siblings:  Tyler & Victoria birth order:  Second born spouse / lover:  Christopher formerly best friend: Natalie Matthews (great great great granddaughter of her her friend Natalie Micheals ) rival: Christopher Lockhart crushing on:  Plot dependent  nemesis:  Christopher Lockhart
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