#⋆。°✩ The Ambros Twins
"you should get some sleep, okay? my room is just down the hall if you need anything." for the ambros twins
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The crackle of the fireplace was the only sound in the room besides the soft sound of the occasional page turn. It was late, or rather, early. Four am. The moon was full, but the approaching storm and distant cracks of thunder covered its brilliant glow with darkened clouds.
He sighed softly, sliding his bookmark, patterned with periwinkles, between the pages of his book. He wasn't entirely sure what to do. So used to an empty house, an empty heart. But his brother lifted his head, bright lilac eyes pulling away from the pages of his own book.
"It's late." Ohm commented, voice quiet, as if being too loud might crumble the man in front of him. As if he might just disappear like ash. Sulien nodded, wordlessly placing his bookmark between the pages and his book on the coffee table in front of him.
Ohm stood up, placing his own book within one of the various shelves that lined the walls. "You should get some sleep, alright? My room is just down the hall if you need anything." Ohm turned to look at him as he stood, cradling one arm to his chest as he did so. "Does it hurt?"
"No.. Well, no it's fine." Sulien's voice, whilst monotone, conveyed something smaller beneath the surface. Something much more reminiscent of the boy that Ohm once knew. Their relationship was still rocky, still fresh after so many years apart.
Sometimes, even though he was looked in a mirror, Ohm couldn't believe he was real. He was here. "Can I sleep in your room?" Sulien questioned, breaking the older twin from his thoughts. "It's just- that I.. Well.." And it was like his training went out the window.
He was a scared little boy again.
Ohm tilted his head to the side, closing his eyes as he smiled softly at his brother. "Of course. Go ahead, I'm just going to put another log in the fire." He moved to tend to the fire but Sulien didn't go much further than the hallway arch, watching his brother expectantly.
Sulien didn't have to wait long as his twin placed a large log within the fire, pushing it back with the poker. Ohm sighed, putting the poker on the hook, he stood straight. "Alright, brüderlein. Let's go sleep." He held his elbow out as he joined Sulien's side.
And he wasn't sure if he was surprised or not as Sulien linked their arms, his younger brother leaning against him once more. He wished he'd been faster, wished the circumstances were different. That he had done more. But the past was the past, and all he had was the now, was this.
And so he led Sulien to the bedroom.
And he stayed up as his twin rested beside him, pillow clutched tightly between the younger twin's arms.
And he did what he couldn't do; he watched over Sulien.
This time, protection from a storm. Next time? Protection from any harm that may come the sun's way.
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taraxacum-vulpes · 7 months
i was supposed to go to bed but then i saw a character tournament and wanted to submit my blorbos and OP said to talk abt them (infodump, even) and now i'm 1k into a synopsis talking about why they are The tragic siblings. after like. Ohm and Sulien.
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foeniculi--vulpes · 1 year
gonna get mimi to watch a tale of two stans someday
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slasherx · 4 months
Hey 👋🏽
Can you do the Sinclair twins with a female s/o who was like in a relationship before they killed their father and she left town but like years later they found her again and like kidnaped her so they can be together again
Ooo Diablo you always come up with the most scrumptious ideas *rubs hands together evilly*
Content: Bo SInclair x fem!Reader, Vincent SInclair x fem!Reader (separate)
Warnings: Kidnapping, Bo slaps you across the face
Notes: My first time writing Bo and second time writing Vincent...I hope I did okay!
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❥Bo Sinclair
Bo found you in a grocery store in the next town over. When had you come back to Louisiana? He remembers the day you broke up with him - you were going out of state to college and didn't want to do long distance with him.
So much has changed since then. He's changed so much since then. He waited for you to check out, then abandoned any cart or food he hand in his hands to follow you out to your car. Luckily you parked in the back so nobody saw him knock you out and drag you to his car, which also coincidentally wasn't far from yours.
Stuffing you in the back seat, he used the seatbelts to tie your hands up and began driving back home. When he arrived there, he called for Vincent to help him bring you in. Vincent was surprised to find you instead of groceries in the backseat. He signed to Bo, "What is this?"
"Well it damn sure ain't groceries, Vince. Now help me get her up to my room."
Vincent cringed at that but decided to help him anyway. He held you by your ankles and Bo held you by your wrists as they brought you upstairs, where Bo promptly tied you to the bed. He shooed Vincent out of his room before sitting next to you.
You looked so peaceful, and in his deranged mind he thought you knew he was with you, and thats why you seemed so peaceful. Smiling, Bo leaned down and kissed your forehead. "Welcome back home, darlin."
You woke up shortly after, in a familiar room, but not one you thought you'd see ever again. It didn't help that Bo was sitting right next to you. "Bo...? What...?"
You tried to move but the restraints wouldn't allow you. The situation settled into your brain - you were in Bo's room, and you couldn't move. The last thing you remember is being at the grocery store, loading your groceries into your car. You had been kidnapped, and Bo was your captor.
"Bo, let me go." You looked at him.
"Sorry sweetheart. I can't really do that."
"Bo let me go now!" You thrashed against your restraints.
"Its no use darlin. I let you go before but, after some careful consideration I realized I never wanna let you go again. So, now you're back here, with me and Vinny and Lester! Ain't that great?" Bo got close to you, a smile spread on his face.
You spat in his face. Bo then promptly slapped you across the face out of reflex. "Now darlin I'm sorry for slappin you, but you need to re-learn some manners it seems. College ruined you, but it's okay. I'm a patient man, we can figure this out."
"What are you talking about?" You looked up at him, tears in your eyes.
"I'm talking about how you're mine forever. Your place is here, in Ambrose, beside me. I want no other woman, Y/n." Bo caressed your face.
"You're fucking crazy."
"For you." Bo smiled again.
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❥Vincent Sinclair
Bo had called for him from the upstairs level, something he rarely does unless there's people. Begrudgingly he left his sketchbook on the table and came upstairs.
"I got somethin for you." Bo grinned. "I think you'll really like it."
His brother led him out to his truck, and when he opened the back seat, he saw a person laying there. But not just any person, it was you. You who he had lost when your family decided to move out of Ambrose years ago.
He never forgot you. In fact, he hadn't been with anyone else since you had left. He'd always had a feeling you would come back. But, he felt bad that this was how you'd been brought back to him. He had hoped the attraction would open up Ambrose again and you would come back, just like you said you would.
He signed a thank you to Bo and immediately started to pull you out of his truck. Bo watched quizzically, not bothering to help just yet. When Vincent had pulled you out of the truck, he didn't account for your upper half and you promptly slid to the ground.
Bo hissed between his teeth. "That's gonna hurt. Need some help getting her downstairs?"
Vincent nodded, and the brothers uncharacteristically worked together to bring you downstairs. Bo helped tie you up to his bed and then gave Vincent a pat on the back. "Do what you want with her, but wrap it up, if you know what I mean."
Vincent rolled his eye at his brothers implications. Bo just patted his shoulder and then turned to leave. As he left, you stirred. Opening your eyes, you looked around. You were in a familiar place, but not a place you'd been to in some years.
Seeing movement, your eyes focused onto the man before you. You instantly recognized him. "Vincent?"
He nodded. You moved to try to hug him, but the restraints kept you in place. You then realized what was happening. You had been kidnapped, and Vincent was keeping you here. Your expression turned sad. You never thought your Vinny could be capable of something like this.
"Its okay," he signed. "I'll take care of you, and you don't have to do anything in return."
"Take care of me? Vinny, this isn't a permanent thing, I have to get back to my family."
"You are family. You are mine. I won't let you go again. Ever." He got closer to you as he signed.
"Vincent, you cannot keep me here forever." You tried to keep your soft tone but you were beginning to freak out as the reality set in.
"Watch me."
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Here's my masterlist, in case you like what you see and want to request more!
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jaxxwrites4you · 3 months
Current Fics I'm Actively Working On
So, since I'm doing updates, here's the fics I am focusing my efforts on right now!
First on the list is a long time project (I've been working on this longer than the other three fics on this list), my mass effect fanfic. It will be titled Twin Hearts and it follows my twin Shepards, Ambros and Rhodanthe. It will follow the story of the original mass effect trilogy, the planned pairings are going to be Ambros and Tali, Rhodanthe and Garrus, Joker and EDI (always, because I love them). It feels good to be working on this one again and I hope I can keep good momentum.
I am also going to renew efforts for a Lego Monkie Kid fic I've been wanting to work on, which is my fake dating with OCxMacaque. It's not anything too crazy, just very self indulgent and fun, with a little bit of drama sprinkled in. It's based off of a song I heard once and I really love the base idea, I just didn't end up being happy with the original draft I did.
The last two fics I'm going to focus on are both undertale fics. One is my Sans x Reader fic, Brave is the Heart That Loves, and the other is a Swapfell fic I've been stewing on for awhile.
I desperately want to finish out Brave is the Heart That Loves, it's one that I'm pretty proud of, even if I haven't gotten super far into the story yet. And I've really fallen in love with Swapfell (specifically the way @popatochisssp portrayed it), so I had an idea for a single parent reader swapfell fic. I still haven't decided if it will be just Sans x Reader or whatnot yet, but I'm really excited to get back to work on it.
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jackalboystims · 2 years
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low motion Ambros twins stimboard
[ x x x ; x x x ; x x x ]
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theinkedfoxsl · 4 months
was that questions post like an oc ask game but for you instead? i bet other people have asked questions but i want ALL OF THEM. bc i think u are so cool. please :3 n for 36: what is your very favorite time of day and why?
What is your nickname?
Len :3
When is your birthday?
I don't celebrate it! But I celebrate my name day on October 29th
What was your longest relationship?
5 years this June with Henrik :D
What is your favorite book?
Ripper by Stefan Petrucha. I was obsessed with it as a child
What is something you're insecure about?
Rn? My voice cracks. They're pretty bad with where I'm at on T and they embarrass me
5 Male celebrity crushes
Pedro Pascal, Joaquin Phoenix, Nic Cage, Ryan Gosling, and Hugh Jackman
5 Female celebrity crushes
Can I put Natalie Dormer for all of them? But her, Salma Hayek, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba, and Kesha!
What is your dream job?
I wanted to be a writer for a game company.
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
Landing Henrik- uhm but no, finishing the Ambros Twins. It meant a lot to me, and I put in a lot of work for it. Even if I don't go there anymore.
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
ALL OF MY WEIRD FACTS PEOPLE GO "that makes sense" SO IDK?? I'm afraid of the ocean?
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
Eugh,, the lady at the blood clinic has been really transphobic and ableist to me the last two times I've went and its really sucked. Today was particularly bad cause the barista and some random girls were also quite rude. But! I ordered my cane and I'm so so excited to get it! I also got a skin I wanted in Outlast Trials!
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
I wanna go back to Germany, it was so nice. But I want to visit Munich next time!
How do you de-stress?
Stressful video games :3
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
Discord! All my friends are in there.
Describe yourself in one sentence.
Exhausted and blunt but kind
What do you think makes you attractive?
My fierce determination to make things work even when I'm on a wire. The people I love, I love dearly. And they know that. I think its an attractive quality to have, to care so deeply about others.
What is something you're really good at?
Writing! I'm also really good at listening.
What is something you're really bad at?
ADVICE- I can listen but not give advice. I'm also fucking awful at soulslike games we've discovered (nobody is surprised)
A time that you told a lie.
Pretty much every day. I'm a compulsive liar, I'm working on it.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Some ladybugs can have no spots!
Who knows you the best?
Rowan or Henrik I think
What is your most prized possession?
My engagement ring.
What is your longest friendship?
MAX! I've known him since I was 16! Almost ten years yeesh
When did you first feel like an adult?
I still don't sometimes. But I'd just moved into my apartment on the lake to be closer to my job and I was sitting on this empty living room floor and I realised that I was well and truly alone. I wasn't a child at home anymore. I was alone and I was an adult.
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
I played volleyball, baseball, and I did track.
How are you feeling right now?
Like I said bad day, so I'm a bit sad. But I'm watching Max play Lies of P and I'm hanging with friends so hopefully better soon.
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Night owl
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Chemical reaction at first sight lol
Favorite song lyrics right now?
"I'm blinded, how am I to find a path that's righteous?"
What does self care look like for you?
iced coffee and nap
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
Tonight Alive, Icon for Hire, Hollywood Undead
What makes you nervous?
What’s a pet peeve you have?
What will always make you cry?
Tadashi ):
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
Unpleasant. A lot of people don't like me. That's okay
what is your very favorite time of day and why?
3am! When I'm hanging out and its dark and things are quiet and I can just breathe
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confiteorims · 1 year
thankfully, the first floor refrained from playing overly loud, high paced music in his ear, a perk to go along with their dessert. as much as matteo enjoyed the fact that they managed to enjoy their hotpot in a less crowded space on the second floor, due to the cherry blossom festival going on at the same time, the music made it lose a few points. if he wanted to be more annoying, he'd say the taste was ruined by the noise.
but ambrosius enjoyed the food, so they received one less remark from matteo.
with them finishing off the meal with a large chocolate fondue set, the bear shape head serving as the chocolate base, which cute to others, matteo couldn't help but think it a bit macabre to watch its face melt into a puddle of sugary goodness. and that's why he eagerly stabbed a strawberry into it, before holding it out to his fiancé.
"isn't it a perk that it's less crowded here right now, ambro? we can try going out for the cherry blossom special soon enough, probably find something that can deliver or something," he said, of course lazy enough, or perhaps determined enough, to stick to dining out; since if he can't get his cousin to make something, then he'd pay someone else. and if he's pointedly staring at ambrosius' mouth, knowing what else it could do. "ahh, eat up, starshine, i'll be keeping you busy tonight as usual."
The cafe was new, and while ordinarily Ambrosius had little interest in new cafes since they so often shut down quickly, this one had one thing none of the others had. A painfully cute aesthetic using adorable little bears in the various food preparations. But even still the dancer had refused to consider it until recently. There was simply no time to spend and he was hesitant to try to make plans before any restaurant had managed to last more than a few months.
After all, Idyllshire was a college town through and through.
If something couldn't last more than three months here, it was doomed. Yet, somehow, the cafe had continued going strong and even had good reviews on the food to boot.
So Ambrosius had lightly offered the place as a lunch date with Matteo today. A rare day that his fiance was both off work and there was no likely conflict with his twin on top of that! What could be better than that? Especially with how Matteo agreed with a smile and a kiss that swept him off his feet.
A delicious and cute lunch, to be finished here on the second floor with an equally cute dessert.
Truly a great date.
Laughing softly, the dancer leaned across the table to take the strawberry from his fiance's fork, grinning past the sugary treat as he sat back. "Waiting as long as we did to come was a good choice, Matteo. It seems nearly everyone else is busy at the parks to be a part of the festival instead." Smiling, Ambrosius stabbed a marshmallow to coat in the chocolate before offering it to the other man. "I think I saw your favorite restarant planned on doing some specials during this time, should we get something from them tomorrow?"
Instantly his face grew warm, ears flicking with interest.
"...Will you now?" Dark eyes lowered, focusing on his love's lips before raising again. "I'm going to be looking forward to tonight for the rest of the day now, moonbeam..."
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
help me, cupid
i don't remember why i thought of this but i just finished these hc's after i forgot ab them for a while. i'll do more for other chara's but this is basically the reader asking for flirting lessons lol. i thought it was cute uwu. as always, @ohm-ambros and sulien "@sandrone-10" ambros are original characters that belong to @teyvattherapist and you should absolutely go check them out on their official website theambrostwins.com!
this is not fully proofread or beta'd, any mistakes are my own
enjoy the fic, feedback is welcome and encouraged! <3 tysm for reading!
tags: genshin impact, genshin impact x reader, diluc, kaeya, ohm ambros, sulien ambros, sandrone, tartaglia, dainsleif, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, ohm x reader, sulien x reader, sandrone x reader, tartaglia x reader, dainsleif x reader
is so confused. is his friend asking him because they like him??? there are already so many girls and their fathers in mondstadt trying to set up marriages. are they someone else whose aim is to court him-?
the answers could be “pop your ego, diluc, not everyone is in love with you” or “fuckfuckfuckfuck shut up batman kinnie no it’s not you ofc it isn’t please don’t push this issue-“
either way he’ll just frown and if they’re close enough friends, he’ll sign them up for an etiquette tutor who would teach them the Ways of Courtship. or he’d send them to lisa and kaeya LMAO
diluc is their partner for learning courtship and such, he’s already had these lessons back when his dad was around. he and kae were SO good at this and yet this man is so fucking awkward present day lol. but he’s always available for his friend if they have questions or need clarification or even practice
encourages his friend to pursue their interest. he gets his friend flowers, candies, foods, a whole bunch of surprises that they’re to give to their romantic interest. diluc why are you so excited over a crush that isn’t even yours-
but also this man will deny any and all excitement if he’s called on it, he’s excited to see his friend happy but he himself must be a broody king or the world may end
NEEDS those details tho bro he asks and tries to seem subtle and not invested but diluc sir, honey, you’re not fooling anyone here-
will help his friend act out scenarios of them talking to their romantic interest. it’s so strange for his servants to see him flirting with this person he CLAIMS to be friends with and oh my barbatos did he just kiss the back of their hand oh barbatos oh archons master diluc isn’t going to be alone anymore-
adelinde getting excited just for elzer to shoot it down LOL he’s like no??? he’s helping his FRIEND so they can learn to court someone? stop planning weddings oh my god- poor adelinde tho rip she was so happy </3
the way so many people’s hearts break tho omb so many people wanted to be with diluc and suddenly he’s TAKEN??? shut up donna he was never goNNA GO FOR YOU
people still flirt with diluc in attempts to charm him and get that hand in marriage but he’s just as smooth as ever in rejecting them- but when his friend is brought up he just arches a brow, says nothing and broods at the person who asked until they move on <3
alr but diluc’s friend pretending to be into someone else to hide that they like him? and even going so far as to fake flirt and fake date them? wAIT THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD FIC IDEA ACTUALLY HANG ON- (no promises BUT i’m at least outlining this uwu)
n e way diluc is a sweet bean for his friend, deffo spies on their first date like an excited mom-friend who wants details or if he’s the one on the date (god sir yes please i’m single and available let me KNOW) it’s almost like falling into an easy rhythm from practice <3 but that rhythm is so exciting either way
a king of smoothness and suave oh my lord barbatos he’s got so much advice for his friend
where diluc is getting his friend lessons, kaeya is the one teaching the lessons. many hands being kissed and prolonged eye contact and was that a wink or are you just blinking, captain alberich-
he’s teaching his friend the body language for confidence and the ways to charm someone- at the end of these lessons, they’re as smooth as kaeya is and they’re able to charm him too ;)
most of his lessons are probably at a tavern bye- diluc wants to kick him out but wait he doesn’t remember that from the lessons HANG ON LET HIM LISTEN
teaches his friend how to dance too. he took those courtship and social etiquette lessons w diluc, he remembers them~ okay but ppl who know how to fight usually have that same grace when they dance and kaeya moving smoothly across a dance floor w someone in his arms w that stupidly pretty smile and his voice has that quiet air to it that makes it feel like the world is just them SIR I’M AVAILABLE, PLEASE
kaeya alberich date me when ahem anyway
this man’s voice istg he’s teaching his friend how to flirt by flirting with them and he’s teaching them how to inflect different syllables and different words, teaching them how to pitch their voice just right- he took the lessons from his social etiquette tutor and ran w it and now he’s an expert in his own right w a much more effective strategy and sir ur too good at that okay
kae also has to wonder if his friend asked him for help for someone else or if it might be him that they like- and if prompted, his friend’s answer could be a wtf look and a “no? do you have a crush on me? is that why you want me to simp?” or the panicked “nO” LMAO (also if ur responses are smth totally diff i’ve just been putting my responses! it won’t affect any of the other hc’s listed~)
diluc, lisa, jean, albedo, ohm, even klee notice that kaeya’s flirting w his friend and are they just friends? hmmmmm
lisa w that arched brow, beyoncé sipping tea gif and jean w a giggle and a light smack to lisa’s elbow bc don’t tease but also stop that’s funny
klee is asking if mr kaeya is going to get married soon and ohm is here w that old friend i’m happy for you smile. albedo is too busy looking at the notes from kae’s flirting lectures for his friend lol
kaeya answering her with that wink-blink combo like who knows, my sweet summer child, what if we are interested in each other? cue kae’s internal debate bc oh fuck is he into them and yes, the answer can be no, kae it’s okay-
n e way once his friend gets a date (ofc they did, look at kaeya’s 100% success rate <3) (stop looking at the fact that it’s only one person SHUT-) he’s probably got business very nearby to that date yes ofc he’s doing some knightly duties ahem- or he’s asking the tavern or restaurant patrons to fill him in on how the date went before he asks his friend bc he’s nosy and what’s the goss :) if he’s the one on the date there’s so much flirting and so much smiling and wow his face is hot that’s so weird he usually has such a high alcohol tolerance-
ohm ambros
he’s so awkward, he’s trying to offer his friend gauze and a lollipop and for what 😭
“i don’t know, perhaps you scraped your hands or knees falling for them-“
ohm is full of dad jokes i love him
unlike kae and diluc, he did not take those etiquette lessons as a teenager. he was just charming on his own, a quietly hot doctor who was always very nice to his patients
he’s so flustered when he’s asked, like bro really you’re gonna ask me, you had ALL THESE OPTIONS and you’re gonna choose ME, the most awkward out of ALL OF THEM-?
he agrees to help his friend bc ofc ohm would, they came to him for help, he needs to help them, so he pulls a sulien and snags one of those etiquette books from the library, takes notes and is ready for them the next day LOL
he’s got note paper in between the book’s pages, he tried to think of examples- the man is READY
the day after the first flirting lessons he asks kaeya and lisa for help on these methods lmao he’s like listen ~slams notes on table~ “i need more input than my awkward ass can come up with” and both lisa and kae just look at each other like aight okay then ~cracks knuckles~ what do you have so far you purple headed dork
ohm is the teacher who engages his student and is the one that they practice with~ which means ohm is learning to flirt too uwu
he’s much calmer and not as tinted pink now that he has a reason to be flirted with and his charming ass is able to flirt right back, but there’s definitely a kind of disconnect bc he doesn’t feel like it’s really him who’s flirting and it’s him as a Teacher to his Student who is suddenly making this flirting Very Good and Interesting
the thought crosses ohm’s mind that perhaps he’s the one his friend is thinking about and trying to flirt with~ he kind of debates with himself in his head whether or not it’s him
suddenly ohm is the talk of the town and people are smiling at him a lot more go away donna you fucking simp, HE’S NOT GONNA GO FOR U, DILUC DIDN’T n e ways yeah ppl are flirting w him too but he just kinda smiles and shuts it down and those lessons are making him just a little less awkward when he rejects people but he’s still just as nice <3
he’ll come up to people as he goes about business, gets groceries, says hi to patients etc, but people will kind of hide their smiles and those raised eyebrows and that “wink wonk good for YOU ohm” look because apparently he’s “not dating anyone,” bc captain kaeya said so, duh
but captain kaeya’s eye closed immediately after and was that winking or blinking is ohm dating them and keeping it hush hush-
auntie lisa is so happy for ohm flirting w this friend bc she’s seen them practicing flirting at ohm’s house and she’s never heard ohm banter like that and is he enjoying this as much as it sounds like he is-? 👀
n e ways for the date, ohm is kind of adjusting his friend’s outfit to make sure they look nice kinda like that mom friend before prom LOL and he’s doing one last drill w them before they go~ or if he’s the one on the date he’s got twitchy hands now bc he was going to fix their outfit but they actually look okay already and what should he say does he flirt back now no that’s not the right line and suddenly all his suave has just GONE LMFAO
ahem yes ohm is awkward again, he short-circuited and the charming-be-cool program was uninstalled, ohm.exe has stopped functioning- it’s v cute but he’s got a smol smile and red cheeks and sigh, barbatos i love him
sulien “sandrone” ambros
makes sense, he supposes. he’s the marionette, he has to be good at using different tactics to get what he wants and flirting/seduction is one way of doing that
like kae, he’s teaching his friend how to flirt. he can turn the charm on and he’s very open despite the mask when he’s somewhat in public. if he’s really close with this friend, when they’re in more private areas like their homes or his office at northland, he might take off the mask
for the most part he doesn’t teach them in public bc that could put everyone in danger if la tsaritsa questions his loyalty
jealous ajax jealous ajax they get private time and he took off his mask and they’re supposed to be flirting? hmmph 😤
sulien will teach his friend different ways to flirt, to mold that situation to their advantage. when ajax is home, sulien has his friend practice on him but otherwise sulien is their flirting partner
sulien would rate his friend’s flirting, tell them how to improve and run it again. think drama class and rehearsals LMAO
this man is teaching a friend how to fluster the eleventh harbinger casually i love him
sulien is a big reader but unlike big brother ohm, he doesn’t need books to teach him to flirt; he observes people, comes up with ideas of what will fluster them or get them into a flirtatious mood/mindset, and then goes from there. flirting lessons will start and he’s just going about his business, still reading his other book and telling his friend where to improve. he doesn’t pay much attention until they say smth that catches his attention and has some potential for good flirting
at some point, scara will tease sulien for flirting with someone like ooOOoooOooOh you’ve got a pArTnEr oOooOoh someone’s been drinking their SIMP JUICE
then sulien puts scara’s hat on the top shelf and hides the ladders and step stools LMAO
ajax obviously knows, and probably rants to a sister or ohm ab it lol
ohm heard from sulien ab this new flirting lessons thing, half wanted to join just to see the lessons but also wait sulien who is this for, are they into you-?
and sulien’s thought ab this already, he thinks ab almost every perspective and probably wouldn’t ask his friend if they liked him unless he thought it was actually important to a situation
but then he’s also thinking about whether or not he’s into his friend and it’s a whole dilemma, my baby boy probably has a whole crisis 😭 is it worth it, are they worth it, should he do this, should he not-? it’s a whole mess but ultimately this person is one of his few friends in the world and yes, they seem to be worth his time
if sulien isn’t the one on the date, he’s with ajax being as inconspicuous as a big buff dude in a big ass cloak and mask can be while watching the date from afar. deffo tries to protect his friend just in case anything happens but it’s likely they probably already learned some degree of self defense from him already~
if he’s the one on the date sulien isn’t exhilarated the way most people are but he’s deffo got a kind of archons what the hell is this feeling kind of mindset
definitely enjoys the date tho, esp bc someone that close to sulien would probably be able to calm him down somewhat so he can actually find some joy in the date <3 (also take the man to get books, let him be excited)
i mean, there are better candidates but he guesses he’s good enough of a flirt. he could charm people if he wanted to. scaramouche would disagree but he’s probably at least considered ajax attractive, you know? unless he was ace/aro but then he could at least acknowledge that ajax was hot and charming even if he wasn’t attracted to him ri-
maybe ajax is hot and charming to other people, that doesn’t make him attractive to scara, duh
oh shut up, sulien “i didn’t say-“ >:(
ajax has probably seen his older siblings try to flirt when he was younger and he’s also charismatic enough to be a fatui diplomat
but also, despite all his talk of war, he looks like a hot teenage boy. he’s lanky and a tall string bean but he’s wiry and lean with muscle from hard work and physical training. he’s pretty. he knows how to act well enough (yeah he’s a mondstadtian adventurer, shiki taishou, yes yes) and he can pull off that charming boyish smile too
he knows that if he wants to, he can definitely be a heartbreaker. so flirting? probably comes naturally to him
teaching someone else tho? SO much harder. how do you teach something you naturally gauge? that’s like trying to teach someone how to cook when you cook (and cook well) by feel and instinct
so he has his friend come over to the bank to start flirting lessons. scaramouche and sandrone have been known to sit in and watch but ajax is struggling to explain things. how do you explain how a certain reaction means flirt more? when everyone’s reactions are different?
most of the time ajax has his friend flirt with him so they can have a partner who can react and flirt back. sulien is too impassive and unamused, scara is only too eager to make fun. ekaterina is out of the question. so ofc ajax has to step in 😌
ajax uses what he remembers of his older siblings’ attempts at flirtation to try to explain flirting. once his friend starts to improve, ajax finds himself laughing and the flirting becomes more natural
he also encourages his friend to pursue this person they like. he’s ABSOLUTELY willing to bankroll this date lmao. dinner at liuli pavilion? sure. flowers? chocolates? perfume or cologne from ying’er? sure. outfits? what do they want to wear?
but all this relationship talk just reminds him of the fact that he has feelings too. does his friend like him? or is it actually someone else? and he finds himself thinking about it at night, talking to sulien about it sometimes just to have someone else to bounce these ideas off of
either way, he’s only too excited for his friend to find their happiness and it shows. sulien is the first to notice, ofc, but he’s quiet about it. no reason to say anything. ekaterina is the one to actually mention master childe’s new interest in doing things, buying things with his own money, no less. do these purchases have anything to do with a snezhnayan mission? no? scara shuts ekaterina up, simply because he finds her annoying, but not before other people hear and take notice too.
whispers start to spread and people look at tartaglia out of the corners of their eyes when he comes around with his friend. the war criminal, dating someone? archons, who could they be? what could they have done to catch his attention?
so n e ways once this pursuit of their interest starts, ajax is hiding with sulien nearby and watching the whole thing go down. he’s either cheering them on and not even eavesdropping subtly or he’s hiding behind stands or shelves or people to avoid being seen by their date <3
if he’s the one on the date, he’s got that nervous heartthrob smile on and a nwn face before he settles a bit and starts flirting w them again. it’s familiar in a way bc of how much they flirted before, but his nerves aren’t settling and maybe it’s bc smth is different now.
he is so confused. why would anyone think that he’d be a good teacher for flirting? because he travels? almost everywhere he goes, he’s likely to get kicked out simply bc he slanders archons and that’s considered oFfEnSiVe
but this is a friend asking him for help. dain doesn’t have many friends, and if they want his help…sigh. ~huffy dain noises~ “Fine.” ~grumble grumble~
he’s a lil grumble bee <3
so dain agrees to teach them how to flirt despite his lack of recent experience (offended ohm noises in background) and despite any idea of how logistics are going to work out. he can’t just abandon hunting for the abyss order but he already agreed to teaching them how to flirt-
and so dain ends up having his friend tag along on his trips hunting the abyss order. it was all fun and games until his friend tried keeping up with his stride bc really, you try keeping up w someone who’s 6’5” and walking on a mission. stupid long legs and practically running everywhere w his stupid immortality and who’s stupidly fit for a 500 smth year old dinosaur fossil ugh
anyway if his friend knows how to fight, they’re probably helping him a little bit while also keeping up the conversation mid battle LMAO
if his friend can’t fight, they’re sidelined and just yelling questions at him on the battlefield lol
they try to practice this but dain is already busy, he can listen rn but he can’t look bestie-
he’s really out here like “yes, so look at their—YAH! interests, find what they’re passionate for-“ while kicking a hilichurl and starting an attack on another abyss mage
he comes over to pop that stupid hydro abyss mage bubble when it chases his friend and then dives back into battle and just resumes the lesson. truly takes no breaks, the show must go on <3
but with a friend tagging along everywhere and dain traveling so much, people all over teyvat take notice of that odd relationship. like this surly ass wanderer is all soft now and has a companion??? since when is he so nice bro wtf
ohm asks dain about his friend and encourages the friendship bc despite all of dain’s complaining about this person when he has to fight or he has to have these wack ass convos in battle...it’s kind of fun
dain does have to stop and think about who it is his friend likes tho. like, is it him, is it someone else…? is he trying to help his friend learn how best to fluster him? and that thought alone gets him a lil red under that mask <3
if it’s someone else, dain probably subtly points them out on the trip just to see his friend’s reaction. do they turn away, do their cheeks pull up in that grin that means their face is warm? do they look as in love as they seem to sound? and once they’re out of earshot of that crush, dain is teasing his friend. he hasn’t had a friend like this in a while, so the banter is kind of serious-sounding but this is the most teasing and playful he’s been in centuries LMAO
when it comes time for the date, dain is so down to steal shit for his friend to use. this man has no shame in yoinking a blanket or two and a picnic basket for a lunch date under a beautiful sky or fudging some reservations or smth. smh that’s a criminal there
if it’s him on the date tho, he a lil red <3 he’s flustered but also happy and excited and exhilarated but he sure as shit ain’t showing it. he’s also lowkey worried and v nervous bc he hasn’t had a relationship even a little bit like this since he was a much younger man and it dredges up all the insecurities he had when he was initially asked to teach his friend to flirt. BUT given the opportunity…this relationship could be a saving light in the abyss
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heyitslanesl · 3 years
The Ambros Twins
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The Ambros Twins.com is my hub for my two OCs, Ohm Ambros and Sandrone.
My team and I worked really hard on this, so if you're interested, please check them out!
Thanks everyone for all of the love and support so far<3
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Birthday Favour(Sun)
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tags: gn!readerxSandrone, mentions of alcohol, fluff, its Mors Caeli poly if you squint sorry. a/n: Happy 25th birthday Sulien<3 Being the younger one is more relatable to me lmfao.
Sulien couldn’t particularly remember the last time he celebrated his birthday with more than two people. Far from used to being the centre of attention, being in Mondstadt for his birthday was an almost welcome change of pace. Even if it meant dealing with the grumpy bartender and far too loud cavalry captain he apparently grew up with.
And he got to be with his brother, who had disappeared from the party. Though Sulien paid it no mind, there were far too many people excited to see him after however many years it had been since he supposedly disappeared. It was nice! But tiring. He wasn’t an extrovert by any means and this was starting to drain him.
Sulien fell onto the bench between you and Ajax, leaning his back against the table. You turned your head to look at him, surprised by his sudden appearance. “I think I just met my aunt? But I don’t know if she’s my real aunt or surrogate aunt and asking felt weird.” He even sounded confused and Ajax couldn’t help but laugh at his pain.
“I don’t know comrade, but your aunt is definitely gorgeous.”
“Ajax!” You raised an eyebrow at him but the Harbinger only shrugged, a sly little smile on his face as he went back to nursing his drink. “She seems nice at least.” You shrugged your shoulders before continuing. “Are you having fun?”
Sulien leaned his head against your shoulder, long bangs falling into his face. “Yes, but there are simply too many people here. It’s like that one time I went to Ajax’s house for the holidays.” The unmasked Harbinger shuddered, actually that time had been worse.. The questions were too much.
Ajax gasped, head snapping to look at Sulien’s dejected form. “My family loves you! Both of you really. Take that back.” The ginger narrowed his eyes at Sulien who gave a thumbs up in response. You shook your head at their shenanigans, a smile on your face as you picked up your glass.
“Oh yeah, didn’t your mom want to throw a party when we got back to Snezhnaya?”
“Yeah! Birthdays are a big thing in my family. She was sad when I told her we were coming to Mondstadt.” Ajax shrugged before finishing the rest of his drink. Sulien listened to you and Ajax converse, eyes closing as he rested against your shoulder. “Alright you two, I’m going to go get more firewater. Do you want top ups?”
You slid your empty glass to him and he took it as he stood up from the bench. “More of that drink my brother got please. I don’t know what it is but it tastes like a fruit.” Sulien’s comment earned a snicker from Ajax who nodded before leaving the two of you alone at the table.
Sulien sat up, deciding to move and sit properly at the table instead of just leaning against it. You were positive he brushed his hair for once, but it didn’t last very long, his periwinkle locks a mess once more. You reached up, brushing his bangs behind his ears for him so he could at least see properly.
Sulien leaned into your touch when you trailed your hand down to cup his cheek, the man’s eyes closing once more as he reveled in it. “Happy birthday, sweetheart.” You spoke softly, leaning in and kissing his nose. It didn’t take long for the pink blush to cross his features and you were almost tempted to tease him for it.
“I’m going to go find Ohm!” Somebody called behind the two of you, the drunken bard named Venti if you recalled correctly. Sulien pulled out of your touch as he looked around at the tavern as Venti headed up the stairs. Did his brother leave without him? No, probably not. He turned his attention back to you, offering a small smile.
“Hey birthday boy number two!”
You were both greeted with the cavalry captain throwing his arms over your shoulders, leaning between the two of you. Diluc was standing beside him, arms crossed over his chest, red gaze pointed elsewhere. “Time to cut the cake!” Kaeya announced, a grin plastered to his face, from the excitement or the alcohol, you couldn’t be sure.
Sulien sent you a look that you returned with a knowing smile as the two of you stood up once Kaeya backed away to give the two of you space. Sulien held out a gloved hand that you took, intertwining your fingers with his. “Alright, let’s go cut that cake.” He squeezed your hand and you returned the affection as you followed him.
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Dianthus Barbatus - trying to make a loved one smile by any means necessary 
He could only watch as the man looked out the window, arms crossed over his chest, frown burned into his pale features, eyebrows furrowed, eyes with far less shine. He could only watch as the man stood by the window, rooted in spot, watching, waiting. For something to change or somebody to appear. But what he was waiting for, never came.
It wasn’t Ajax or his family. They’d gotten out too, Sulien had made sure of that before he even thought to turn himself in. But what was bothering him, he wouldn’t disclose, not even to Ohm. The older twin could only watch helplessly as his little brother grew roots beside the window. He wished he could help, wished he had answers. 
Sulien neglected himself, forgot to eat, barely slept. 
Ohm was surprised to see the spot beside the window empty when he woke one morning. The house was quiet, the usual sounds of the waterfall filled the silence but ultimately, quiet. The man looked around as he began to braid his hair, searching for his brother, poking his head into the various rooms. But the younger twin was nowhere to be found.
He tied his hair with his navy ribbon as he stepped into the empty kitchen. No sign of him having had breakfast either. Ohm sighed, rubbing his face, where was he…? He figured he'd make the man something to eat for when he returned, the captain had the day off. He figured it was the least he could do. Some pastries, maybe. Something sweet, he did know Sulien still loved his sweets.
Anything to make his brother smile again.
Ohm looked at the wrapped plate of sweet spandauers, two hours had passed. He hadn't come home yet. The captain was getting nervous, Sulien was a wanted man after all. A traitor to a Goddess. He grabbed his coat from where it hung beside the door, pulling it over his clothes. He was going to find him. He was going to personally bring him these stupid pastries. No matter what.
As he stepped outside of the cottage, he was drawn to a particular location. The wisteria in the Ragnvindr graveyard. The one over their parents' graves. Something told him to look there first, despite how far the trek was. Under his arm, the pastries in a small covered basket, he began the walk towards that direction. He waved hello to fellow residents of Springvale as he passed them, some of the older residents had solemn expressions, as if they knew. And perhaps they did. 
It was under the wisteria he found the young man. Sulien's hair a mess, head leaned back against the tree, eyes squeezed shut. Despite the cold weather he was only in his long sleeve turtleneck, it made Ohm frown. Lilac eyes opened as the captain approached, basket in hand. Sulien's eyes closed once more once he saw who it was. He was still safe. Ohm sat down on the frozen grass, the wisteria sans flowers with the season.
“Are those for me?”
His voice was low, stoic, it held no tone. Ohm placed the basket on the ground in front of him, in front of Sulien. “They’re your favourites.” The captain nudged the basket forward, but Sulien didn’t reach for it. His eyes remained closed, frown remained deep. “Wow, turning down mixed berries, that’s new.” He tried to joke, but it fell flat. He couldn’t do anything.
“I appreciate everything you’ve done, Ohm.”
Ohm looked up, Sulien stared at him now, or rather, stared through him. His face was always so unreadable, and Ohm felt he failed as a brother, failed as a twin. He couldn’t crack him. But no amount of self loathing would make things better. A smile crossed his own face as he brought his knees up, resting his chin on one leg. 
“Mondstadt is happy to have you back, even if you come with.. A less than favourable ginger. Gaggle of gingers? No, his family is fine.. Eh.” 
Sulien seemed to take pause. And then suddenly, oh so suddenly, his lips quirked upwards in an uneven smile. It was really that easy? Making fun of his stupid boyfriend? Ohm wanted to groan. “Gaggle of gingers..” Sulien repeated in a quiet voice, an uncharacteristic snicker escaping the former harbinger. “Sorry, that’s funny.”
“Eat your spandauers before the gingers get to it. I think his little brother ate my last batch.”
“Teucer? Yeah, he did.” Sulien leaned forward, dragging the basket towards him. He wordlessly pulled the top of the basket off, setting it aside. Each pastry was delicately wrapped in parchment. Parchment that Sulien fully intended to destroy before either Ajax or his siblings could get to his twin’s baking.
Ohm’s expression softened as his twin looked away from him to inspect the sweets. All he wanted, for as long as he could remember, was his brother’s happiness. Ohm had sworn then that he’d do anything to achieve it, a promise he intended to upkeep. In whatever way necessary, even if he didn’t have all the answers.
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simp-lyzity · 3 years
dick me down when
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foeniculi--vulpes · 2 years
stressed out by tøp on the radio in the year of our lord 2022 damn
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malefeferi · 7 years
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My twin bouys
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