#⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎ whispers of the night ✧: 🪽
demonskiss · 1 year
how would they react to a very sleepy darling? like if you just constantly fell asleep everywhere
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too much sleep
cw: noncon, somno, creampie, cnc, oral (reader receiving), fingering
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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falling asleep in front of emory is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. they think you’re absolutely foolish for it, even if you can’t control it. and they’d be right, when they snake their hand further up your thigh, a emitting a quiet, but malicious laugh. you’ll be stripped naked by their deft hands, fucked silly on their cock, and they don’t even care if you wake up, in fact, they want you to wake up. they’ll make sure to time your awakenings to when they cum inside you, grinning when they see your horrified expression, and if you don’t wake up? oh well, they’ll make sure to leave a rude awakening for you, covered with dried cum on your violated body. you should really find better locations to sleep yknow?
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blythe is taken aback at your sleeping form. yes, the urges tell him to ravage your body, to wake you up in the throughs of passion. but they couldn’t do that to you, not when you are so vulnerable. he brings this up to you the next time you’re awake, and when you tell him that it’s okay, he can touch your body, they can take you in your sleep and you don’t mind if you get waken up, this changes him completely, and every night, you’re awakened to him groping your body with passion in his grey blue eyes. he mumbles a half hearted apology, squeezing the meat of your thighs before diving back down between your legs once more. you’re afraid you won’t have much time to sleep anymore, they’re completely insatiable.
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violetta drops her pencil on the ground when she feels your head drop to her shoulder. she can’t help but blush, her muse, her closest friend is so close to her! she can see every small detail on your lovely face, and she’s amazed every single time. she can’t wake you, there’s no way she can when you’re sleeping so soundly right next to her. a prepared artist always has more than one pencil, and she sketches your lovely features, snarling at anyone who dares try to disturb your slumber. she simply laughs it off when you’re embarrassed about falling asleep on her, it just means you trust her after all! and that’s super important between friends!
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ambrose sees this daily, when he was hidden when you first moved in, to now, when you’re fully aware of him and his peculiar mannerisms. but he still cannot get over how stunning you look, the way your chest rises and falls like a steady beat, the way your face looks so calm and still, reminding the man of his body back when he died. he can’t control himself, grazing your body with the pads of his freezing fingers, slipping his hands past your clothes, watching you moan softly in your sleep. it gets him so aroused hearing your sweet voice, egging him to slip his fingers down to between your legs, coaxing his fingers further into your hole. he then takes out his fingers, and quickly removes his spectral clothing, pushing himself where he truly belongs. and he wraps his arms around your warmer body, thrusting slowly and shallowly, taking his time. he’s truly sweet, and he’ll make sure he won’t wake you up, even though you’re half freezing to death because of him.
you cannot expect to send me this and me to not write somno? enjoy the food my pretties >:3
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demonskiss · 1 year
what type of lingerie would they (excluding violetta) buy for you??? any specific colors or features or things they’d want to accentuate?
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lingerie dress up
cw: bruising, biting
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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emory loves how red looks on your body. the way it makes any blood on your body stand out, as if it was merely just accessories to your fashion. they most want to accentuate your neck, and exposing your bruised, marked neck is a fast track to getting them hard and pinning you down for more. they’ll comment about how lovely the ring of bruises around your neck looks, especially with the collar attached to your lingerie. the host smears blood on your cheek, gripping your chin tightly and bringing you in for a painful, but passionate kiss. they think they should make you wear only red lingerie from now on.
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blythe enjoys pastels, the frilly stuff that makes an average person have cavities looking at it. he has no preference what he wants to accentuate when it comes to choosing lingerie for you, after all you’re perfect in every shape and form! they also love the themed lingerie too. a maid variant? oh, they’ll be your number one customer! a doctors uniform? dear nurse, they’re not feeling too good, wanna check up on them? no matter what you wear, they’ll always respond in kind, but that little preference of his makes him more reactionary, thinking with his dick than his head!
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ambrose is incredibly conflicted. he grew up in a time period where showing your ankles was considered scandalous after all. he’s trying to unlearn his upbringing but! it’s so hard when you look so… so appetizing. the ghost adores when you wear white, babydoll lingerie specifically. or white in general, he’s incredibly sexually repressed. he thinks you look stunning, like an angel called from heaven to bring light to this man, or torment, with the way he’s getting so hard he can’t control himself. the white decorates your body perfectly, and it calls forth something primal in him, an urge to ruin you.
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demonskiss · 1 year
do the sillies have specific things that they look for in darlings? like personality wise
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their types
cw: suggestive
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Emory tilts their head, bringing a hand to their chin.
“Are you feeling inadequate, lamb?”
“You’re my ideal, already. But I’ll tell you what I was looking for before I met you.”
“Demure, gentle, naive. It makes me feel powerful, and after all. someone weaker is better suited to serve someone like me.”
“The more innocent the better too, it brings me so much joy when they become housebroken sluts.”
“But the defiant ones are cute too, thrashing around and trying so hard to not submit.”
“It doesn’t matter, you’ll never have to worry about being jealous of others anymore.”
They lift up your chin with their hand, pressing a masked kiss on your lips. Such a shame they refuse to take off their mask.
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Blythe leans forward, staring intensely at your eyes.
“Do you think I’ll leave you for someone else? Don’t think like that!”
“You’re kind, independent but reliant on me.”
“You go to parties with me, but cling to my side when things get too much for me.”
“Most importantly, you responded to my messages, my pleas for companionship.”
“That’s the most important part, isn’t it?”
“Now, come next to me, I wanna cuddle now.”
He opens their arms, expecting a hug. You shouldn’t keep him waiting.
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Violetta thinks long and hard, fiddling with the brush in her hand.
“Well, someone who likes art is a must! Written art, musical, or even visual arts, like me!”
“They must be loyal to me too, how am I going to have a best friend for life otherwise?”
“They must be willing to stay by my side, thick and thin, no matter what!”
“But you’re my greatest muse, and therefore I’ll always draw you until my hands one day collapse, and that’s fine by me.”
“Now come here! I need to finish my next piece.”
She continues painting you with a soft smile, sighing contently just to be able to convey her admiration to you on a mere canvas.
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Ambrose tilts his head, floating around the room, as if pacing back and forth.
“What’s a ‘type’?”
“Oh! That’s what you meant! I see!”
“Well, someone who loves the unknown, the mysterious, the unnatural parts of life.”
“Someone with courage is deeply attractive to me, after all, you’ve gotten so far to interact with me.”
“You have quite a bit of technology as well, many that I have never seen in my lifetime.”
“But my dear, I’ll only see you! My light, my life, my eternity.”
“But… is that all you wanted to ask? You’re looking at me as if you wanted to ask me more.”
He floats behind you, a smile on his forever serene face. He’s awaiting your response.
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demonskiss · 1 year
how would emory react if their darling bit them? like if their darling just bites people they really like and wasn’t trying to misbehave :(
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emory being bit
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“ow!— lamb, what did i tell you about your teeth?… i ought to put your mouth to better uses.”
emory is more than well aware about your little habit of yours, being the one who is in direct care of you of course. though they understand it’s nothing more than a mere gesture of affection, they loathe being bitten, especially by you. it’s a sign of disrespect to them, and they’ll simply have to train you to not bite them without warning.
their first reaction is to push you away, rubbing at where you bit them, no matter how hard. but they’ll soothe you with false, pitying words that make you sound less than human, like whatever punishment the surgeon implies you’ll get is more than deserving.
in actuality, they won’t do anything, letting you fester in your anxieties. they will provide a few teething toys, no, not baby ones, those are too good for a lamb like you. emory gives you ones made for puppies, now, isn’t that better? they note that training that little habit of yours may be a challenge, but knowing them, they wouldn’t be hesitant on threatening to “defang” you.
so no biting, little lamb.
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demonskiss · 1 year
what would they do for valentine’s day with their darling? would they do anything?
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valentine’s day
cw: murder, slightly graphic gore, pda, slightly suggestive
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emory doesn’t celebrate valentines day, not since they were a young teenager. but your excitement has caused them to think about their standpoint. sure, the holiday doesn’t mean that much to them, but when you suggest having new torture weapons themed with love and valentine’s day, they fall more in love with you, treating you a bit gentler, a bit softer. of course, since you brought up the grand idea of decorating their weapons, you have the honors of getting front row seats to the bloodshed itself, watching emory’s usual dark turtleneck get replaced with, a dark red turtleneck. it’s not much, but when they draw a heart on the screen between you and them with the blood of the latest “patient”, you know they really do treasure your opinions, sometimes.
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blythe adores the holiday. he loves being able to show off to the world how lucky he is to have you, how amazing you are, and most especially, how no one else is allowed to have you as long as he’s there, and they sure as hell aren’t leaving. you’ll be treasured like royalty when you wake up, an obscenely large bouquet of flowers in hand and your most favorite treats. you’ll spend the entire day with them, inducing nausea in anyone who have the displeasure of seeing you both, so happy, so cheerful and sickeningly sweet, it delights them beyond belief. and at night, they’ll bring you to the most luxurious restaurant they can afford, and he’ll try to charm you, rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, constantly giving you those bedroom eyes you love. looks like your valentine’s night will be just as sweet as the day.
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violetta typically doesn’t like drawing herself, why draw herself when she has you after all? but for this holiday, she makes an exception. she presents you with a portrait of you both, in the fanciest of clothing you both couldn’t afford. you, in white, and her in black. you both have a serene expression, and her arm is placed on your shoulder. she doesn’t have much to give you in terms of typical valentine’s gifts, but this in itself is her way of telling you that she cares for you, and that she appreciates you, so so much.
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ambrose had no idea what valentine’s day was until he met you! he treats the day as normal, since he’s unable to eat any sweet chocolate, leave the house without clinging onto you, metaphorically and physically. but he loves you all the same, and will do his best to do anything super duper romantic you request of him! and unsurprisingly enough, his level of physical contact gets worse, increasing as soon as you wake up and ending when you go to sleep. it might not even be enough to ward him away however… but he really does love you, and tries his hardest to show it in his own ghostly way!
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demonskiss · 1 year
HOW WOULD EMORY REACT TO A DARLING THAT IS A LITTLE BIT OF A MASOCHIST??????????? i need to know ran pls they’ve consumed my every thought
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emory with a masochistic lamb
cw: pain play, threats of bodily harm (to reader)
written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable
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Emory chuckles, resting their chin on their right hand as they twirl a scalpel with their left.
“My little lamb, do you understand the consequences by telling me this?”
“I surely hope you can keep to your word, my little pain slut.”
“I wonder… if I were to drag this little thing across your stomach, to your chest, lifting your chin with this, would you whimper? Would you moan even?”
“How I desire to know every little detail of you, I may even want to cut you open to inspect your insides, to see your heart beat inside your rib cage.”
“You won’t say no, right? Well, it’s fine, I won’t take no for an answer anyways.”
There’s a hungry look in Emory’s eyes, you could only imagine there’s a grin behind their black mask.
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