#⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ ic ❯ hua cheng
huagushi · 2 months
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Evident confusion unfold across the bandaged face; under which a crimson eye is hidden from the world; ugly and disgusting. Across the thing child's body are numerous bruises and wounds, delivered by the cruelty of his peers and adults alike - such was the life of San Lang, most often refered to as Hong-er; little red.
No other children ever wanted to play with him, especially not kids who looked as if they had a decent life. Inherent distrust lead San Lang to withdraw his hand, as if having been burnt by a fierce fire. This must be a trick... Last time kids had asked him to play, they threw him into the forceful river. It was a wonder he had survived it, after having been swept away by the currents and slammed into rocks and floating debree.
" Why? " He asked, tenatively, and almost accusatory, whilst withdrawing into himself. Hunger growled from his stomach, having not eaten in days.
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huagushi · 2 months
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" Gege? Are you all- " an abrupt end; mouth agape and silent. Hua Cheng stare in shock at the sight. Xie Lian had shrunken down, degrown - become a small child of no older than ten. Had time been warped, had he been replaced, or was this the work of a curse? The sigh of the little crown prince was, truthfully, beyond endearing, but also concerning. Hua Cheng, who must appear quite tall and intimidating - even monsterous, kneel down to offer as much equal height as possible, and tenderly smile at the little princeling. He never got to see Xie Lian as a child, not personally - so this was perhaps a gift in disguise. Immediately, the Ghost King, is filled with an overwhelming need to protect. " Are you Xie Lian? " / @diianxie
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huagushi · 2 months
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You see a grumpy-looking miniature Hua Cheng, building a gold-foil palace on the ground outside Puqi Shrine. What do you do?
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huagushi · 2 hours
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And cute his husband was, indeed. Hua Cheng couldn't help the light chuckle which came forth with ease, seeing his husband trying to reach for his lips. A struggle, yet not impossible. Xie Lian managed to capture cold lips after his toes stood on their very tips. " Gege is wonderful, I hope he knows this. " He mused through a soft whisper, while strong arms wrapped around the familiar, slender frame. Without warning, he hoisted his husband up, so that he would be carried and held by his hips. " And adorable when he tries to reach this one~ " / @diianxie is smooching the husband!
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huagushi · 2 months
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@diianxie / sent a water beast with a biting problem
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" Feeling hungry, are you? " He asked, almost tenderly - but laced with cocky confidence, rightfully held. One eye, glowing with crimson, gaze down at the rousing sight; enticed and appreciative, and equally shameless. Their was an agreement to satisfy specific needs; primal and wrought with hunger. It was little to no different from their previous deals, where food would be exchanged for information - only now it involved physical satisfaction, pleasure - and it would seem that his fellow ghost king had developed an unyielding taste for it. Black Water would always be hungry. If it was not a hunger for food, then it was a hunger for pleasure; one obession replacing the another, it could never be truly satisfied.
A stifled groan make a delighted sounnd behind smirking lips, and a shiver crawled along his skin; mixture of pain and pleasure washing over him as those sharp teeth drove deep into his thigh. Blood seeped out, lavishly, the spot especially rich with thick veins and a heavy flow. Against his deathly pale skin, the crimson appeared as if dripped unto freshly fallen snow; a pretty, yet gruesome sight. The slitted iris expanded, black almost swallowing the shimmering red whole, lust sent heat and life into his exposed, dead body.
Hua Cheng chuckled, softly, his voice low and husky. Black Water was looking quite pleased with himself, how endearing. A hand reach out to have his fingers brush off the lingering blood from those icy lips, " if you want more, go ahead - but be mindful of those teeth, I won't like them biting the wrong places. "
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huagushi · 2 months
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@miridicalkalon / sent mu qing asking to be bitten
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" .... " Make no mistake! He may be in the body of a child, but the pressure from Mount Tonglu's aggression still puts the ghost king in a most horrible mood! Being forced into supressing his power; to appear as a weak and pathetic version of himself, it agitates him, it vexes him beyond words! So, to have Mu Qing make fun of him only serve to fuel the rage within. Hua Cheng had always been a wild and unruly child; a product of his enviroment and curse of misfortune - therefore, as if old instincts from his childhood kicked in, he growled and snapped at the other. Sharp teeth reached out and caught those offensive fingers; biting down hard enough to draw out blood!
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huagushi · 2 months
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@duskmidnite / sent mu qing being rude and sweet in the same breath
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Hm? Languidly, his gaze fall upon his former general; seemingly alert, yet an unspoken restlessness and exhuastion lingered underneath. Hua Cheng had not been aware of this misstep, that his hair was wilder than usual, nor that his clothes were crooked and unkept. While never presenting himself quite as perfect and proper as the esteemed gods up in the heavenly court, he always carried himself with pride. Today, such air of carefree superiority and dark glamour seemed lacking. " You say come here, yet you're the one approaching, can Qing-gege not make his mind up, or is he that desperate to come closer? " Well, his mouth could still fan the flames - but that underlying tiredness remained.
Quietly, he simply watched as Mu Qing tended to his robes, wearing an unreadable expression. He felt warm, and tired. The telltale signs of a certain mountain about to open it's gates - although, it should be months still until such pandemonium would erupt and render every ghost pinned to the ground in painful agony. The months leading up to such an event, however, made ghosts, supreme or not, increasingly distressed and restless. Hua Cheng, did his best not to let anything show.
His gaze remained on Mu Qing; intense and unwavering. Then, as every fold of fabric and leather buckle had been adjusted, he asked,
" better? "
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huagushi · 2 months
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@diivineray liked ( ♥ ) for Hua Cheng!
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" Jun Wu must be desperate, if he sends General Pei to investigate me. Unless you've come on unofficial bussiness, so please, enlighten me. " A hand rest on the hilt of E-Ming, ready to unsheathe the deadly blade against the heavenly official. Hua Cheng could not claim any particular fondness, nor neutrality towards Pei Ming, who had given Xie Lian nothing but hardship. " Chose your words crefully now. "
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huagushi · 1 month
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⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ @diianxie smooches the lil butterflies!!
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Now he's done it! The little butterfly flutter it's wings, happily, and spreading silver dust all around it before lifting to flutter around Xie Lian's head. As if having sent a signal, a hoard of wraith butterflies flies towards the god, all of the hundreds of them wanting the same, sweet affection! They sorround him! They swarm him! They are now landed on him, all wanting a smooch! It's almost as if they're fighting for their turn, and their master simply watches by Xie Lian's side.
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" I did warn you, gege. " Hua Cheng said with a smile, but he kept a watchful eye on those unruly wraiths, ready to admonish them - should they cross the line.
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huagushi · 2 months
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@kaizokugaris liked ( ♥ ) for Hua Cheng!
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The streets of his city were bustling with crowds and merchant stalls, many of which sold illegal goods; from weapons to trinkets. The food ranged between the conventional to the cannibalistic, a market unrestrained by laws and regulations - as long as no direct threat was made towards the island itself, Hua Cheng cared little for what his people dipped their toes and fingers into, be it gambling with their lives or eating human flesh. The captain, himself, kept mostly to himself, therefore, his presence among the streets drew in the attention of the people who all exclaimed their delight at seeiong the face of their beloved lord.
Now why was Hua Cheng, a man of mystery and shrouded in solitude, walking down the streets of his city, so openly? Because he had heard news of a certain crew docking at the island.
A single, honey-brown eye with a slitted iris settle it's sharp gaze upon the wayward swordsman, unmistakenly the one they call Roronoa Zoro.
" If it's food you seek, I would not suggest anything from these particular stalls. "
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huagushi · 2 months
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" Yes... It's not much, but... " Living life as a dirty scaveneger, a filthy peasant dressed in torn rags and without anything of worth to his name, this simple flower was all the little boy could offer. Many looked at him with disgust, and the judgemental and gossiping whispers voices of sorrounding adults did not go by San Lang unnoticed.
What is a rat like him doing by approaching our belived prince with something so insignificant, a weed? How dare he?! Look at that eye, how unsightly! Born under a misfortunate sign, that one, our prince would do best to stay away...
Insecurity dug deeply into the silent child, tearing into his heart viciously; causing his eyes to sting. The curses, the resentment aimed towards him, it was nthing new, and yet - he could not help but to feel unworthy of his savior's grace, or to even stand at a hundred feet distance from him... But Xie Lian, their prince, their god - he had saved him., he said thank you for the flower... Was it truly so awful, then? San Lang did not understand - if it's so bad, then their prince would have yelled at him, not smile like the sun.
When that hand reached out, San Lang -instinctively- closed his eyes and made a little noise; his whole body tense and afraid of what would come after. His father only reached out with the intention to hit him, to bestow bloody bruises across his son's unwashed skin. But that hit never came. San Lang opened his eyes and blinked, gazing up at his prince with confusion and wonder. His prince was brushing his hair, patting his head. It felt... Good. Tears welled up then and fell down his cheeks. Shit! He did not mean to cry! A small hand reached up to wipe, furiously, at those tears; feeling angry with himself for showing such weakness infront of his prince. Yet, his childish emotions could not be reigned in.
" I promise... But I -sniff- there is no meaning to life, what should I do? " /@diianxie
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huagushi · 2 months
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⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ ic ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ inbox ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ inbox meme ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ study ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ headcanon ❯ hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ visage ❯ 血雨探花 crimson rain sought flower / hua cheng
⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ verse ❯ crimson rain pirates ( op! au ) / hua cheng
⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ verse ❯ nocturne a capella ( musician! au ) / hua cheng ⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ verse ❯ sign of misfortune ( childhood ) / hua cheng
⋆ ʚɞ ࣪ . ┊ ❮ thread ❯ so spit it out! / hua cheng w/ duskmidnite
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