#⊱ inters ; anthony and stella.
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for the first time during their interaction, anthony let out a smile. an amused one, ith just the slightest hint of tease. "affect your position? what do you mean by that?" his dark eyes narrowed in an inquisitive expression as he got up from his desk and walked calmly to the bar. from the selection, he picked a borboun e two crystal glasses. "is whiskey alright? neat? on the rocks?" he questioned, lifting the dark bluish bottle so stella could see — it had almost the exact same color as his perfectly tailored suit.
his answer didn’t give her much information, if she was completely honest. it wasn’t going to help her much in trying to figure out what was really going on inside her boss’mind. "i’m sorry to hear that," she said softly. "i guess working sometimes helps." the blonde shrugged awkwardly, not really knowing where that had come from. she nervously tucked a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear. her blue gaze followed the direction he pointed, landing on a small bar. "hmm, i guess it’s not going to affect my position or anything if i have one?" she asked, stepping into the room. "thanks, boss"
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Gina Lollobrigida
Gina Lollobrigida, La Lollo è stata una delle nostre attrici più conosciute a livello internazionale e una delle più belle dive di ogni tempo.
La sua passione per l’arte, l’indipendenza che l’ha sempre contraddistinta, la voglia di vivere e sperimentarsi, l’hanno accompagnata per tutta la sua lunga vita.
Diretta dai più grandi registi, ha recitato in oltre sessanta film accanto ai colossi del cinema come Vittorio De Sica, Vittorio Gassman, Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Anthony Quinn, Frank Sinatra, Steve McQueen, Marcello Mastroianni, Yves Montand, Sandra Dee, Alec Guinness e molte e molti ancora.
Accantonate le scene per un lungo periodo, è stata anche un’affermata fotografa, fotoreporter e scultrice.
Numerosi sono stati i riconoscimenti artistici che le sono stati conferiti negli anni: oltre ad aver ottenuto la famosa stella sulla Hollywood Walk of Fame, anche se troppo in ritardo rispetto alla sua carriera, è stata premiata con un Golden Globe, sette David di Donatello, due Nastri d’argento e ha ricevuto una candidatura ai Premi BAFTA per il famoso film Pane, amore e fantasia.
Nacque a Subiaco, in provincia di Roma, il 4 luglio 1927, era figlia di un facoltoso produttore di mobili caduto in rovina durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
A diciassette anni ha debuttato a teatro in una commedia di Eduardo Scarpetta.
Ha frequentato l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma mentre, per mantenersi agli studi vendeva caricature disegnate col carboncino e posava per i primi fotoromanzi, con lo pseudonimo di Diana Loris.
Aveva 18 anni quando è stata violentata da un calciatore della Lazio di cui non ha mai voluto rivelare il nome. Poco tempo dopo ha sposato Milko Skofic, medico sloveno che prestava servizio fra i profughi temporaneamente alloggiati a Cinecittà, sono stati insieme per vent’anni tra alti e bassi e hanno avuto un figlio Andrea Milko, nel 1957.
Dotata di una straordinaria bellezza, nel 1947 si è classificata terza al concorso di Miss Italia, dietro le future stelle del cinema Lucia Bosè e Gianna Maria Canale.
Al cinema ha iniziato dalla gavetta, è stata comparsa e controfigura, prima di ottenere piccoli ruoli di contorno e finalmente arrivare a recitare in film di successo che l’hanno consacrata una star internazionale, prima in Francia e poi negli Stati Uniti.
Tra gli altri, nel 1953 ha interpretato, al fianco di Vittorio De Sica, il personaggio della Bersagliera, premiato con il Nastro d’argento e candidato al BAFTA, in Pane, amore e fantasia di Luigi Comencini (Orso d’argento al Festival di Berlino).
Ha spesso raccontato aneddoti riguardanti i suoi rapporti buoni e conflittuali con alcune delle più grandi star della cinematografia internazionale.
Nella prima produzione televisiva a cui ha preso parte, nel 1972, è stata la Fata Turchina nel fortunato Le avventure di Pinocchio di Luigi Comencini, rimasta ancora nell’immaginario collettivo di intere generazioni.
In quegli anni ha gradualmente abbandonato lo schermo per dedicarsi alla fotografia. Ha ritratto personaggi come Paul Newman, Salvador Dalí, Henry Kissinger, Audrey Hepburn, Ella Fitzgerald, è rimasta alla storia l’intervista fatta a Fidel Castro del 1973. Ha pubblicato libri, reportage e esposto le sue sculture in tutto il mondo.
Negli anni ottanta è apparsa in varie importanti serie tv statunitensi, ma i suoi impegni come attrice si sono sempre più diradati, fatta eccezione per alcuni celebri cameo.
Nel 1996 è stata premiata con il David di Donatello alla carriera e nel 2006 ha ricevuto un riconoscimento speciale in occasione del cinquantenario del trofeo di cui era stata la prima vincitrice, nel 1956.
Il 16 ottobre 1999 è stata nominata Ambasciatrice di buona volontà della FAO, l’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Alimentazione e l’Agricoltura.
Il 2011 l’ha vista, per la prima volta insieme sul grande schermo con Sophia Loren, considerata la sua storica rivale, nel documentario Schuberth – L’atelier della dolce vita.
Attiva anche politicamente, è stata candidata alle elezioni europee del 1999 in una lista di centro-sinistra, senza risultare eletta.
Anche molto in avanti con gli anni non ha mai smesso di far parlare di sé e della sua affermazione di libertà. Nel 2006 ha dichiarato a una rivista spagnola di volersi sposare con Javier Rigau dopo una relazione tenuta segreta per più di vent’anni: lei aveva 79 anni, lui 45. L’uomo che, successivamente ha sostenuto di essere il suo amante da quando aveva 15 anni, l’ha poi lasciata attraverso un comunicato del suo avvocato. In seguito, l’attrice ha dichiarato di essere stata sposata con l’inganno attraverso una falsa procura da lei firmata, una vicenda arrivata fino in tribunale.
Nel 2007 è stata nominata cittadina onoraria di Pietrasanta, dove aveva organizzato la sua prima mostra di scultura.
La sua vita intensa e incredibile si è interrotta il 16 gennaio 2023 a Roma, aveva 95 anni.
Piena di vita, si è sperimentata con successo in varie arti, sempre attenta al suo contemporaneo, è stata coinvolta in varie cause sociali.
Gina Lollobrigida è stata una delle ultime grandi dive, la sua incredibile bellezza si mescolava col suo talento e con un carisma che la rendeva quasi irreale, nonostante non nascondesse mai la sua grande umanità. Aveva un’aura che la rendeva magica e anche in vita sembrava eterna, il suo nome resterà scritto a caratteri cubitali nella storia del cinema mondiale.
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2019 első felének legjobb lemezei, szerintünk
Idén év elejétől elkezdtem havonta megosztani, hogy milyen lemezeket hallgattam meg és azok mennyire tetszettek. Részben azért, mert így számomra is több emlék marad egy-egy albumról, részben pedig azért, mert remélem, hogy másoknak is hasznos lehet, tud tippeket adni. Ahogyan nekem is adnak tippeket mások listái. Szóval ahelyett, hogy csak a saját félévi hallgatásomat összegeztem volna, megkértem néhány zenerajongó barátomat, hogy ők is tegyék meg ezt. Itt vannak az összegyűlt listák, reméljük mások is találnak rajtuk olyan zenét, ami feldobja egy-egy napjukat! Köszi mindenkinek a közös gondolkodást!
És persze reblogban jöhetnek a további félévik.
A sajátomhoz még annyit hozzáteszek, hogy ez a 75 lemez mind tényleg eléggé tetszett. A havi listázás miatt sokkal jobban tudtam, hogy mik tetszettek idén eddig. Amik nagyon tetszettek, azokra sokkal jobban emlékeztem, többet hallgattam vissza őket. Meghagytam az eredeti havi gyűjtések pontszámait és leírásait. Ez jelzi azt is, hogy mennyire relatív ez a műfaj, van egy jelenideje aznap, amikor hallgatok valamit, van havonta egy másik aktualitása és persze mondjuk öt év múlva biztosan máshogy értékelném 2019 első felének jó részét. Fura az élmezőny, de most így gondolom, és az is van, ami persze mindig igaz, ezek nagy része nagyjából egyformán tetszik, a sok jó lemez együtt erősebb, mint kiragadni három “legjobbat”.
Csada Gergely
Altin Gün - Gece Cass McCombs - Tip of the Sphere Combo Chimbita - Ahomale Hania Rani - Esja Hayden Thorpe - Diviner Isaac Birituro & The Rail Abandon - Kalba Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs Mac DeMarco - Here Comes the Cowboy Mayra Andrade - Manga Nicola Cruz - Siku O Terno - <atrás/além> Sessa - Grandeza Solange - When I Get Home The Comet Is Coming - Trust in the Lifeforce of the Deep Mystery White Denim - Side Effects
Dömötör Endre
1. Default Genders: Main Pop Girl 2019 9.0 (future pop) The Sonic Dawn: Eclipse 9.5 (pszichpop) Tyler, The Creator: Igor 9.0 (experihip-neosoulhop) Mattiel: Satis Factory 9.0 (garázsyéyé-lofisoul) Kokoko!: Fongola 9.0 (kongói afrohouse) Holly Herndon: Proto 9.0 (kísérleti elektronika) Special Request: Vortex 9.0 (hardcore breaks techno) The Caretaker: Everywhere At The End Of Time - Stage 6 8.5 (dark ambient) PJ Harvey: All About Eve 9.0 (színpadi zene, de úúdeszép) Ot to Not To: It Loved To Happened 9.0 (mark hollis of experimental r&b)
11. Hand Habits: Placeholder 8.5 (slowfolk-dreamtweepop) Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian 9.0 (instrumentális pasztorál) Physical Therapy: It Takes A Village: The Sounds Of Physical Therapy 9.0 (posztminden) Rina Mushonga: Into A Galaxy 9.0 (pop) Hayden Thorpe: Diviner 9.0 (szofiszti-artpop) Kornél Kovács: Stockholm Marathon 8.5 (housepopdeepoutside) Rev Magnetic: Verses Universe 8.5 (electro shoegaze) Nivhek: After… 9.0 (ambient-dreampop) Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow 9.0 (dalszerzőpop) VC-118A: Inside 8.5 (elektro-techno)
21. Minor Poet: The Good News 8.5 (00’s indierock) Little Simz: Grey Area 8.5 (uk hiphop) Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride 8.5 (indiepop) Ohtis: Curve Of Earth 8.5 (folkamericana) Joose Keskitalo: En lahde surussa 8.5 (finn psychfolkpop) Yak: Pursuit Of Momentary Happiness 9.0 (pszichrock) Y La Bamba: Mujeres 8.5 (latin alt, indiefolk) Yves Jarvis: The Same But By Different Means 8.5 (neopsych-folksoul) Helado Negro: This Is How You Smile 8.5 (bossa-indiefolkronica) Rap: Export 8.5 (experi-elektronika)
31. Sessa: Grandeza 8.5 (brazilpop, mpb) Nilüfer Yanya: Miss Universe 8.0 (gitárpop-pop) 96 Back: Excitable, Girl 8.5 (nu-electro) Georgia: Time 8.5 (absztrakt elektronika) Angel Bat Dawid: The Oracle 8.5 (jazz) Rustin Man: Drift Code 8.5 (posztjazz-artrock) Dave Harrington: Pure Imagination, No Country 8.5 (artrock-postjazz) Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 8.5 (pop) DJ Healer: Lost Lovesongs / Lostsongs Vol. 2 9.0 (ambient-broken beat) Fire! Orchestra: Arrival 8.5 (experibigbandjazz)
41. Nkisi: 7 Directions 8.5 (future techno) Denzel Curry: ZUU 8.5 (avanttrap) Megan Thee Stallion: Fever 8.5 (traprap) Rico Nasty & Kenny Beats: Anger Management 8.0 (hiphop) Callum Easter: Here Or Nowhere 8.5 (szellemjárta, másvilági lofipop) Stats: Other People’s Lives 8.5 (gitáros groovepop) Bassekou Kouyate & Ngoni Ba: Miri 8.5 (mande) slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain 8.5 (uk rap, grime) Fennesz: Agora 8.5 (ambient) Agent blå: Morning Thoughts 8.5 (indie-dream-posztpunk)
51. Henning: Natter Utan Dagar 8.5 (softrock, “markknopflerwave”) Tayla Parx: We Need To Talk 8.0 (pop) Feels: Post Earth 8.5 (lofi-posztpunk) Fling: Fling Or Die 8.5 (indiepsychpop) Isaac Birituro & The Rail Abandon: Kalba 8.5 (ghánai xylofon, folkronika) Junior Brielle: Tampa 8.5 (80s electropopsvédesen) Pixx: Small Mercies 8.5 (artsynthpop) Lafawndah: Ancestor Boy 8.5 (keleties altr&b, deconstruct tribal glitch bass) The Comet Is Coming: Trust n The Lifeforce 8.0 (ambient-electrojazz) Woman’s Hour: Ephyra 8.5 (dream-szintipop)
61. Lemonheads: Varshons 2 8.5 (feldolgozáslemez) These New Puritans: Inside The Rose 8.5 (posztpop) Special Request: Bedroom Tapes 8.5 (ambient techno) Durand Jones & The Indications: American Love Call 8.5 (chicago soul, retrosoul) Black Pumas: Black Pumas 8.5 (psychsoulrock) Jamila Woods: Legacy! Legacy! 8.5 (neosoul, alt r&b) Emotional Oranges: The Juice Vol. 1 8.5 (nudisco, szofiszti r&b) Anthony Naples: Fog FM 8.0 (outsider house) Sister John: Sister John 8.5 (szép gitárzene) Bill Callahan: Shepherd In A Sheepskin Vest 8.5 (americana, altcountry)
71. Piroshka: Brickbat 8.5 (indierock) Bigwave: Romantic 8.5 (japán future funk, disco) Methyl Ethel: Triage 8.5 (indie-szinti-pop) Injury Reserve: Injury Reserve 8.5 (experihiphop) Tree: We Grown Now 8.5 (hiphop)
(Havi listáim: Január Február Március Április Május Június)
Fábián Titusz
Carson Coma: Corduroy Club
Judák Bence
61: Mac Demarco – Here Comes The Cowboy 60: Clinic – Wheeltappers And Shunters 59: Billie Eilish – When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 58: Aldous Harding – Designer 57: Beirut – Gallipoli 56: HEALTH – Vol.4 :: Slaves Of Fear 55: Panda Bear – Buoys 54: Pom Poko – Birthday 53: Stephen Malkmus – Groove Denied 52: Ex Hex – It’s Real 51: Bad Religion – Age Of Unreason 50: The Sonic Dawn – Eclipse 49: James Blake – Assume Form 48: Káryyn – The Quanta Series 47: Piroshka – Brickbat 46: Ladytron – Ladytron 45: Stella Donelly – Beware Of The Dogs 44: Weyes Blood – Titanic Rising 43: King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard – Fishing For Fishies 42: Sleaford Mods – Eton Alive 41: Fat White Family – Serf’s Up! 40: The Twilight Sad - It Won’t Be Like This All The Time 39: Deerhunter – Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? 38: Sharon Van Etten – Remind Me Tomorrow 37: International Teachers Of Pop - International Teachers Of Pop 36: Flying Lotus – Flamagra 35: Sunn 0))) – Life Metal 34: Helm – Chemical Flowers 33: Tyler, The Creator – IGOR 32: Tiny Ruins – Olympic Girls 31: Baroness – Gold & Grey 30: Girlpool – What Chaos Is Imaginary 29: Foals – Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost, Pt. 1 28: Kornél Kovács – Stockholm Marathon 27: Bob Mould – Sunshine Rock 26: William Tyler – Goes West 25: Julia Jacklin – Crushing 24: Jamila Woods – LEGACY! LEGACY! 23: Cate le Bon – Reward 22: The Claypool Lennon Delirium – South Of Reality 21: Sigrid – Sucker Punch 20: PUP – Morbid Stuff 19: Caroline Spence – Mint Condition 18: FIDLAR – Almost Free 17: Fennesz – Agora 16: Vampire Weekend – Father Of The Bride 15: Amyl & The Sniffers – Amyl & The Sniffers 14: Bibio – Ribbons 13: Rina Mushonga – In A Galaxy 12: Stats – Other People’s Lives 11: Better Oblivion Community Center – Better Oblivion Community Center 10: Sunflower Bean – King Of Dudes EP 9: Adia Victoria – Silences 8: Sundara Karma – Ulfila’s Alphabet 7: Nilüfer Yanya – Miss Universe 6: bis – Slight Disconnects 5: Holly Herndon – PROTO 4: Chai – Punk 3: Steve Lacy – Apollo XXI 2: Fontaines D.C. – Dogrel 1: SOAK – Grim Town
Kollár Bálint
Anthony Naples - In The Fog Big Thief - U.F.O.F. Holly Herndon - PROTO Inter Arma - Sulphur English James Blake - Assume Form Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs Lingua Ignota - Caligula Mannequin Pussy - Patience Rina Mushonga - Into A Galaxy Sunn O))) - Life Metal The Comet Is Coming - Trust In The Lifeforce Of The Deep Mystery Tyler, The Creator - IGOR Various Artists - Kankyō Ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980-1990 Weyes Blood - Titanic Rising Yellow Eyes - Rare Field Ceiling
Lékó Tamás
01. Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 02. Fidlar: Almost Free 03. Bring Me The Horizon: amo 04. Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride 05. Charly Bliss: Young Enough 06. Anderson.Paak: Venture 07. HEALTH: VOL. 4:: Slaves of fear 08. Steve Lacy: Apollo XXI 09. Local Natives: Violet Street 10. Cage The Elephant: Social Cues 11. Foals: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost Part 1 12. King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard: Fishing For Fishies 13. Nilüfer Yanya: Miss Universe 14: Little Sims: Grey Area 15. Clinic: Wheeltappers And Shunters 16. Ladytron: Ladytron 17: Jenny Lewis: On The Line 18. Lizzo: Cuz I Love You 19. Chemical Brothers: No Geography 20. Deerhunter: Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared? +1 Prince: Originals
Németh Róbert
Sharon Van Etten: Remind Me Tomorrow Cass McCombs: Tip Of The Sphere Deerhunter: Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared Foals: Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost – Part 1 Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Weyes Blood: Titanic Rising Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride Jamila Woods: Legacy! Legacy! The Raconteurs: Help Us Stranger Thom Yorke: Anima The National: I Am Easy to Find Aldous Harding: Designer Bedouine: Bird Songs Of a Killjoy Big Thief: UFOF Julia Jacklin: Crushing
Salamon Csaba
Floating Points - Late Night Tales Tyler the Creator - IGOR Little Simz - Grey Area slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain Synkro - Images Loyle Carner - Not Waving But Drowning James Blake - Assume Form Flying Lotus - Flamagra Rosie Lowe - YU Steve Lacy - Apollo XXI Jai Paul - Leak 04-13 (Bait Ones) MC Pinty - City Lights EP sabw - Missing Out EP
Szabó Benedek
Aldous Harding: Designer Jessica Pratt: Quiet Signs Deerhunter: Why Hasn’t Everything Already Disappeared Malibu Ken: Malibu Ken Meteo: Hayline Dylan LeBlanc: Renegade Vampire Weekend: Father Of The Bride Chris Cohen: Chris Cohen Julia Jacklin: Crushing Kankyo Ongaku: Japanese Ambient, Environmental & New Age Music 1980-1990
Szabó Csaba Kedvenc 2019-es számai.
Varga Zsófia
Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Melii: Phases Anderson.Paak: Venture Denzel Curry: ZUU Aldous Harding: Designer Andrew Wasylyk: The Paralian Big Thief: UFOF slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain Holly Herndon: Proto Tyler, The Creator: IGOR
Velkei Zoltán
96 Back - Excitable, Girl Bad Bunny: X 100PRE Billie Eilish: When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Caterina Barbieri: Ecstatic Computation Croatian Amor: Isa Denzel Curry: ZUU Flume: Hi This Is Flume Flying Lotus: Flamagra Freddie Gibbs & Madlib: Bandana Homemade Weapons: Gravity IVVVO: doG J-Zbel: Dog's Fart Is So Bad The Cat Throws Up Luke Slater: Love Remixes Mikron: Severance MSYLMA: Dhil-un Taht Shajarat Al-Zaqum Nivhek: After Its Own Death / Walking In A Spiral Towards The House Placid Angles: First Blue Sky PTU: Am I Who I Am RX-101: Dopamine slowthai: Nothing Great About Britain Thom Yorke: Anima THUGWIDOW: Ultraspirit Tyler, The Creator: IGOR VC-118A: Inside Yagya: Stormur
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Something I learned today* One of the things I love about wine is the way it constantly surprises you. You regularly realise how much you still don’t know (or at least I do): new places, new grapes, new twists on wines you thought you knew well. But for that, you need good, adventurous wine merchants prepared to seek out the new: you’re never going to find many surprises in the supermarket. And I was reminded of this at today’s tasting from the ever-brilliant The Bunch collective of independent wine merchants. Here, in no particular order, are some of the things I learnt today in the course of an hour and a half’s tasting (interspersed with long and anguished handwringing with Fiona Beckett, Anthony Rose, Olly Smith and others about the current state of our Brexiteer-hijacked nation). * Hüsker Dü, pictured above - 1984, from Zen Arcade: see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rktLCGpQ3RA.
You can make Rioja taste like Beaujolais – Artuke Rioja 2018 (Lea and Sandeman, £11.95): I exaggerate somewhat but I honestly would not have recognised this as a Rioja, even though it’s 95 per cent tempranillo (the rest is viura – I’ll admit that I didn’t know you could use white grapes in Rioja, though perhaps I should have.) Carbonic maceration gives this wine a uniquely juicy and, well, Beaujolais-y tang. Not sure it would be my choice but it was arresting. And to be honest I could have put the contents of the entire brilliant Lea and Sandeman table in here too… You can make almost-rosé champagne that’s not rosé – Champagne Gatinois Brut Tradition NV, Grand Cru Ay (Hayes, Hanson and Clark, £34.45): this champagne is not listed as a rose, and its very delicate, slightly-pink colour can’t be the product of more than a couple of hours’ skin contact at most. Still, the 90 per cent pinot noir fruit shines through deliciously – expressive and long. Very unusual. Picpoul can be quite nice – (Adnams Picpoul de Pinet 2018, £7.49): It’s not the greatest-ever vinous revelation but I for one have got pretty tired of the ubiquity on even pub wine lists of flabby, blah Picpoul de Pinet: better than pub pinot grigio or a kick in the groin, slightly less enjoyable than a half of Stella. So it was a pleasure to taste this Picpoul, made for Adnams by Jeanjean. OK, so Jeanjean are now part of the giant AdVini group, reportedly France’s fourth-largest wine company, but one with its roots still firmly in its home patch of the Languedoc. And this is very decent at the price: clean and well-balanced with a little bit of breadth. There’s another Chablis taste-alike north of the Côte d’Or – Sorin Coquard Bourgogne Blanc 2016, Côte d’Auxerre (Private Cellar, £14.75): as something of a French geography anorak, I’m embarrassed to admit that I had until now missed the Cote d’Auxerre appellation (the generic AOC for the area around Irancy and St Bris, south-west of Chablis on the other side of the Autoroute du Soleil.) Pure and taut chardonnay with a quite Chablis-like stoney, mineral quality. There is a talented French winemaker called Gaylord – Domaine Gaylord Machon “Cuvée Lhony” 2015, Crozes-Hermitage (Lea and Sandeman, £25.95): one might suppose that most people with parents mad or cruel enough to call them “Gaylord” would themselves learn the lesson and name their boys, say, John (or Jean). Not Gaylord Machon, whose sons rejoice in the names Lhony and Ghany – after which he has named his two cuvées of Crozes-Hermitage. And fair play to him, this one is about as serious as Crozes gets: gorgeous fresh, brambly fruit with the added depth and structure of a strong vintage. Top notch. There’s a decent Austrian grape called Neuberger – Feiler-Artinger Neuberger 2017, Burgenland (Tanners, £22.50): writing this, it’s almost inevitable that tonight I will run into crowds of office workers drunk on this Austrian grape after over-indulging at one of the popular “Neuburger ‘n’ a Nurnburger” wine-and-sausage promos in local pubs. Still, I hadn’t come across it before this tasting. Apparently a roter veltliner/sylvaner cross, as some drunken smartass will doubtless tell me tonight before getting in the next round of neubergers. Quite full, fruity, well-balanced, expressive: for this kind of money to be honest I’d prefer a top-end grüner veltiner – but this is intriguing. You can make syrah in Morocco that tastes like the northern Rhône – Domaine des Ouled, Thaleb Syrah du Maroc “Tandem” 2017 (Yapp, £16.25): northern Rhône superstar Alain Graillot and partner Jacques Poulain make this syrah 30km north of Casablanca, Morocco. I guess the combination of altitude, Atlantic breezes, Crozes-Hermitage clones and a Rhône winemaker account for the fact that, although it’s made the best part of 1200km-plus south of Tain L’Hermitage, it tastes very, well, Crozes-like in its freshness and acidity, albeit with a bit more depth and fruit. Very good. Vaccarèse and Terret Noir are actual Rhône grapes – Gourt de Mautens 2015, IGP Vaucluse (Corney and Barrow, £54.75): I suppose I should know by the heart the grapes permitted in the Rasteau AOC (no Googling now) but while the grenache noir dominant in this is inter-planted with syrah, mourvèdre and cinsault (predictable), is Châteauneuf-du-Pape curiosity counoise allowed? Every wine critic remembers, with a mixture sympathy and schadenfreude, our colleague Oz Clarke’s televised failure to identify this and most of the other eight permitted Châteauneuf red grapes in a blind tasting – so I’ll admit now that I had forgotten the very existence of the vaccarèse and terret noir grapes in this group. Whether in their proportion or their mere unauthorised presence, they dictate that this Rasteau is actually labelled an IGP Vaucluse. And our government fancy their chances against French bureaucrats? Hilarious. Anyway, this is fantastically luscious and long, if expensive. Hüsker Dü’s legendary frontman Bob Mould plays The Garage, Islington on Sunday 29 September 19 September 2019
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Theresa O. Burns
Theresa O. Burns, 85, of Swoyersville, passed away on Wednesday, March 29, 2017, at River Run Rehab and Nursing Center, Kingston. Born in Hanover Twp., she was the daughter of Anthony and Victoria Shemanski. She was employed as a seamstress in the garment industry. She was a member of the church choir at the Stella Presbyterian Church and served as a Girl Scout leader. For the past 50 years, she was a member of the Forty Fort United Methodist Church. Theresa loved to shop and was an avid fan of Penn State Football, the Green Bay Packers and Jeff Gordon. She bowled for the Swoyersville Bowlerettes for over 35 years. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her brothers, Leonard and Joseph. Theresa is survived by her loving husband of 63 years, Jack; daughter, Marilyn Delaney and husband Don; son, John and wife Linda; grandchildren Christopher and Susan Delaney and Jamie Burns; 3 great grandchildren; sisters Sylvia Conduff and husband Leroy, Delphine Bienick, Frances Hopkins, Rosemarie Politz and husband Joseph; brother Robert Melovitz and wife Judy; sister-in-law, Verda Mesaros and Ann Jones; brother-in-law, Robert Bernatovich and wife Rose, numerous nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held on Thursday, April 6 at 11 AM at the Hugh B. Hughes & Son, Inc. Funeral Home, 1044 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, with Rev. Dr. Michael Stine, officiating. The interment will be private at Denison Cemetery, Swoyersville. Friends may call on Thursday from 10 AM until Service time. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Forty Fort United Methodist Church, 26 Yeager Ave., Forty Fort, PA 18704.
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anthony discreetly observed stella's figure as she leaned against the glass. his sister would surely reprimand him for such a common-sense thought, but he couldn't help but wonder why a young woman of such looks would be pursuing a career cooped up in an office. well, maybe she had a passion for it. it wasn't really his business. "i just feel... disconnected," anthony answered honestly, but a look of inquiry was starting to creep behind his dark irises. was stella sucking up to him? that would be interesting. he wasn't really known to care for employees' non-work-related courtesies, so it had been a while since one of them attempted to do so. anthony tilted his head slightly to the side, pointing at the room's discreet in size and yet opulent bar. "but i'll be fine. i'll get a drink. would you like one, miss bell?" the question was made more out of curiosity about her answer than as an honest invitation.
stella leaned against the glass door, the documents she was carrying pressed against her chest as she listened to the man behind the table. "oh, not something anyone would say in this office," she chuckled softly. "is everything okay, if I can ask? can i help you with something, even if it's not really my working hours?" she asked gently. "i was just filing a couple of documents i had left, and well, i got distracted."
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as he listened, anthony decided he wouldn't drag the girl into his bad mood. normally, he would — purposefully even— offering nothing but sharp answers and cold looks. but it was late, and he was tired, and her eagerness seemed so genuine. "i should," he said, sounding a little less formal now, a thin crack opening up in his boss persona. "but i don't really feel like going home tonight." anthony couldn't help but smirk at his own foolishness being expressed out loud. "why are you still here?"
the blonde opened the door, her eyes on her boss. "sorry, i wasn't expecting anyone else in here," she confessed, staying by the door of his office. she knew she shouldn't be there, but sometimes she spent too much time in that office. all she wanted was for her boss to see how much work she put into her position, even if she was only an assistant. "i know it’s none of my business, but, sir, shouldn't you be home already?"
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anthony stared at his vibrating phone with an annoyed expression. on the screen, a series of exasperated texts from his sister questioned why the hell he hadn't shown up for that night's family dinner yet. truth was, anthony had spent the entire day trying to convince himself to go to that restaurant and face his parents without success. by then, it was more than clear he was not going to go. but he couldn't bring himself to just go home either. the sudden presence behind the door snapped him out of his mental rumination. anthony looked up. he recognized the voice. stella. the pretty girl. "you may open the door if you wish to speak to me, miss bell" he said, putting on his professional tone and denying her an actual answer.
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stella was almost done sorting out a few files. it was getting pretty late, and she should've left hours ago. but she wasn't the only one who should've been out of there. she rapped on her boss's office door, peering through the glass. "aren't you supposed to be long gone by now?"
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