#↷ ursula ꒰ musings ꒱
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keinsky · 5 months ago
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remember the olive branch
“Forty seasons have flown
Since I first sat down beside you
In a crowd of our own”
a stancest fanmix
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salvadorbonaparte · 3 months ago
Do you think Earthsea is appropriate for my 12yo cousin?
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ludmilachaibemachado · 7 months ago
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Ursula Andress (📸Terry O'Neill, 1965)🌻🌻🌻
Via @thereal60sbazaar on Instagram🌻
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 10 months ago
[A few days later...]
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"Hey, Urs... Are you feeling alright? You've seemed kind of off since the other day."
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"It's nothing. I just thought I saw someone following me when I was on my way home from the Turf War lobby."
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"Ugh, that's so creepy. If it happens again, let me know okay? I'll make sure whoever it was stops."
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"Thank you for your concern, but--"
[Suddenly, there's a knock at their door. Ursula gets up to answer it, looking through the eyehole on the door... And immediately takes a few steps back, eyes wide and heart pounding.]
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「N-No... It can't be...」
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「Ursula? What's wrong?」
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「It's my... my parents...」
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「What? Really?」
[Kori gently moves between Ursula and the door and looks through the eyehole. Sure enough, there are two older Octolings standing outside -- a woman with hot pink tentacles and a beautiful face, and a man with blue rings spotting his deep purple tentacles. She can definitely see the resemblance between them and Ursula. Her voice then lowers to a whisper.]
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「Okay... Okay. Let's just. Not answer it. Maybe they'll leave if they think we're not home.」
[She then moves to lead the terrified Ursula to her bedroom.. Until their door is literally kicked open.]
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「Hey! The hell do you think you're doing?!」
[The two ignore Kori completely, their focus on Ursula as they approach her.]
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「So this is where you've been.」
[Ursula nervously nods.]
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「And your brother?」
[Ursula remains silent, much to the ire of her father. He forcefully grabs her, digging his venomous claws into her arm.]
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「Answer me when I'm talking to you, traitor!」
[He slaps Ursula across the face hard, before pushing her to the floor.]
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「Now tell me where your brother is.」
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「I... I haven't seen him since I last visited Inkopolis.」
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「And where exactly did you see him?」
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「Like that's any of your--」
[Ursula shakes her head at Kori, effectively silencing the yellow Octoling before she hangs her head a little.]
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「There's... a sweets shop he frequents, near the plaza...」
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「Good girl.」
[Ursula's mother then gestures for her husband to follow her out the door, only looking back to give Ursula a wicked smile.]
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「Don't get too comfortable. Once we've given him his just desserts, we're coming back for you.」
[Ursula's parents exit the apartment, leaving Ursula and Kori stunned in their wake. After a moment, Ursula shakily stands up and makes her way to the table where she left her cell phone.]
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"Wait, you're father's a blue-ringed, right? We need to get you to a hospital!"
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"I'll be fine. But I... I need to warn my brother..."
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magicalgirlfumiko · 2 years ago
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"Alrighte. I just wanted one bloody day off from faye bullshite and yet here I am, inside of an endless forest that I really don't want to have to slice and dice my way through."
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"What in the name of Queen Charles III is going on and what faye's arse do I have to have to kick to get out of this place?"
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lilidolostones · 10 months ago
* esse é meu blog principal. estarei chamando pra plots e interagindo na dash com ele. starters e posts pertinentes aos personagens em si vão ser controlados pelos respectivos blogs dos mesmos pra manter a organização da gatah.
𝐈. aqui não tem frescura, a player é maluca! topo qualquer tipo de plots, mas a gente vai adaptando as coisas caso uma das partes ache que não cabe ou que fique desconfortável. não tem problema discordarmos, isso é normal!!!!!!! contanto que a gente chegue em um acordo pra se amar no fim das contas, tá ótimo! ❤️ 𝐈𝐈. meu tempo pra jogo é pouco flexível e depende mais da minha disposição que do horário em si, então tiro momentos pra jogar durante o expediente de trabalho tal como também chego em casa pra fazer algo com tranquilidade. nos chats sou uma negação, mas juro que é só me dar o toque que converso! caso ache melhor, pode chamar pelo telegram: herazul.
𝐈𝐈𝐈. clique nas tags de cada personagem pra fuxicar os musings ou wanted de cada. 
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🐉 ᛬ hiçkirik horrendous haddock terceiro as SOLUÇO.
diretamente de "como treinar seu dragão", vem ele, o soluço em turco, hiçkirik, com seus 30 aninhos e maior simpatia do mundo. pra quem não o conhece, sua teimosia e curiosidade sempre são um chama pra desgraças, mas when you know you know... ele faz de tudo, possível e impossível, até se sacrificar já fez, por aqueles que ama e não hesita quanto a isso - nem nunca vai hesitar. soluço oferece aulas de língua dracônica para as crianças e adultos, além de também ensinar tudo sobre dragões (pelo que sabe). fora isso, também cuida e protege o santuário dos dragões, apesar de estar tendo uma grandíssima dor de cabeça com os filhotinhos que são muito perspicazes. quanto aos novos personagens das histórias, inclusive a sua, soluço é interessado em conhecer e entender mais, mas o fato de não saber o que o espera lhe deixa desconfortável, afinal: se isso põe a vida de seus entes queridos e dragões em risco, não é coisa boa... @agnikaii
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🏴‍☠️ ᛬ killian james jones as CAPITÃO JAMES GANCHO.
de neverland para o reino dos perdidos, ele, o homem sem mão, o judiado do menino que nunca envelhece, o incompreendido: capitão hook. todo mundo sabe que killian não foi sempre um vilão, mas sim um mocinho que foi forçado a ser vilão. de toda forma, aprendeu a ser tão trapaceiro e ruim quanto diziam que era, por isso acostumou-se com essa vida sem (muitas) decepções para si. pode-se determinar que é alguém egoísta e mentiroso, contudo, até mesmo ele tem regras - que sempre as favorece. killian é um nome há muito esquecido, assumindo para si o título de james gancho após ter perdido a mão para o crocodilo. o cenário não mudou muito desde que as coisas aconteceram em neverland e o reino dos perdidos, ele continua tendo sua infindável rixa com peter pan e toda sua trupe teve de começar a buscar meios para desestressar e aprender a fazer cerveja foi sua melhor escolha, pois, assim mesmo foi que iniciou os trabalhos no seu bar secreto que apenas pessoas minimamente impuras conseguem achar ao desvendar o mistério do quadro no navio. acha fantástica a ideia de novos personagens serem inseridos nos contos, principalmente se isso lhe for conveniente futuramente e se causar, é claro, muita desordem e caos. ele atualmente administra o the hooked inn, dessa vez seu bar público, que fica próximo de onde seu navio está ancorado e ainda lida com uma maldição assolada ao jolly roger, nele e em toda sua tripulação, há tanto tempo que mal se recorda quanto, fadado a uma vida imortal de um esqueleto pútrido que só é visto à luz da lua, com uma vida sem prazeres mundanos que possam lhe preencher o vazio. @hoisthecolors
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⛓️ ᛬ yuri winstanley "stan" as O OUTRO MONSTRO.
diretamente da nova zelândia pro fim do mundo de maldonia (futuramente!), stan, o monstro perfeito, porém, burro, do cientista rival de frankenstein. foram 29 aninhos vivendo um bem bom na Terra pra isso acontecer, uó! mas cá está ele se adaptando, embora agora seja um escrav- assistente do Mushu. não é o emprego dos sonhos, mas quem disse que CLT tem que amar o que faz? mesmo sendo certinho demais e não sair da linha quase nunca, stan tenta se adequar ainda a essa vida totalmente diferente, com magia e afins, enquanto reencontra um outro lado de si que nunca viu antes, com bem mais liberdade. quem diria que ganhar um nobel da paz de física, virar professor em uma universidade renomada dos eua e ter a vida dos sonhos, se tornaria nada além de... um sonho! agora sua expectativa de ter algo minimamente bom parece esvair de suas mãos pouco a pouco, e é questão de tempo para que ele desembucete de vez nessa nova trajetória forçada de vida. @thedevilwithiin
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27 anos de experiência que mais parecem 60 é como gretel se sente. as dores nas costas não são por conta da idade chegando, é pelo fardo de ser, junto de seu irmão, a melhor caçadora de red rose e, diga-se de passagem, existente. claro que seu passado não foi o melhor e há de se entender o porquê de sua precaução, desconfiança e antipatia - não é somente por ter vendido a uma bruxa parte de sua humanidade e anos de sua vida para salvar seu irmão da morte certa, mas pela parte em que teve de abdicar de sua inocência e fragilidade desde que era uma criancinha, para crescer e amadurecer forçada. gretel grimm tem todos os motivos possíveis para ser chata, mal-encarada, apática e etc etc, só que, se olhar bem, ela só precisa de um abracinho. enquanto isso, administra o estúdio de tatuagem que também é uma loja de armas, a grimms ammo, ao passo que contrabandeia armas mágicas a terceiros. precisa tomar sua dose de insulina diária, senão tem uma síncope, e não somente isso, mas se você ver uma das tatuagens dela brilhar depois de ter irritado-a, pode ter certeza: caiu a casa pra você, porque é de alguma habilidade mágica que ela tatuou no corpo que estamos falando. cuidado! @mariaarmeira
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soon. @rightbytheshore
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annaberunoyume · 2 years ago
Wait a minute... (SPOILER ALERT FOR THOSE THAT DID NOT SAW 2023 LITTLE MERMAID YET) The 2023 Little Mermaid movie never precises Ariel's age. The only clue we have is Ursula saying that she's been banned from Triton's kingdom for 15 years (still doesn't say a thing). That being said, since all of Ariel's sisters seems to ''come from all parts of the sea'', it implies that they are of age and most likely ruling several smaller kingdoms. And still Ariel is the youngest. Though the movie never answers for sure. I think we can assume, since Triton gives Eric and Ariel their blessings for their marriage in the end, that Ariel is roughly 19 or 20 years old in this version. I sure hope so, because these it would be p**ophilia. I sure hope we get confirmation on Ariel's age, soon. To be reassured.
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lavenderrpages · 1 year ago
@goxinsane asked: 37 at Irene from Ursula
#37. stayaway - muna.
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hand gripping the staircase rail, irene planted her foot. " we're not going out, urs." afterall, the woman was holding her nightly cup of tea in her other hand. a liquid ritual before bed of throat soothing honey, and warm lemon. " if we go out dancing, then we'll go to the bar. if we go to the bar, then there's going to be drinking." not a stickler. not a prude. just a woman who didn't enjoy that scene. " what's a woman of my age going to do there ? i don't have any business with sticky beer coated floors. it all sounds like a bad idea. i know you're attracted to those."
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gainprincess · 2 years ago
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Staring out at the sky, contemplating...What mysteries does her mind, so wisened and yet innocent, consider and ponder?
'Nia's ass is so soft against my hips...she's such a good girl.'
Truly. Magical.
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rewritingtales · 3 months ago
tag dump
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coreofgold · 1 year ago
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain for Uma
Roll 11 Monster: A rat with a gun
Gil bent down to the rat. "Awww, look how cute he is. Look, Uma! Someone gave a thing to a rat. Looks like my dad's hunting gun but. . .it's small"
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mcltiples · 1 year ago
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@countlessrealities sent; 🎤 [[ Vampire Rick, Ursula, Fizz !!! ]]
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{ HC / OOC } Another Life: Motion Picture Collection by Motionless In White (Ft. Kerli)
The one biggest downfall of being what he is, is that he lost everyone he's ever loved. Hundreds of years being alive has taught him that he can't get close to anyone. Not even the one person who's exactly like him.
He can't afford to lose anyone anymore. The pain is too much to bear on him and he'd rather be alone. Even if it costs him a chance to feel any type of love.
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{ HC / OOC } Maleficent by Halocene
After years of being in her brother's shadow, she learned that she had to rely on herself. Magic and the dark arts alike were her only friends. Considering how different and out-casted she was by her appearance.
One could say that everything she ever went through has lead her to becoming who she is now.
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{ HC / OOC } Filter by BTS
As an entertainer, Fizzarolli had to learn the game at a young age. He couldn't just be himself and who he wanted. He needed to put on different masks to make sure that the people loved. And they did so.
This does change the way he views himself, but he loves entertaining too much to be able to stop.
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auradon-bore-a-don · 2 years ago
Devastated everyday that we did not get a cover of I Won't Say I'm in Love from China in D3
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orbitaldeathwoomy · 1 year ago
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"Wait, you guys' birthday is on Squidmas? That's gotta suck."
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"...It was always just another day for us."
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"So you didn't celebrate it? Not at all?"
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"We didn't celebrate anything."
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"What? Your parents must have been miserable..."
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"You have no idea."
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"So that means we gotta throw you guys a killer party to make up for it!"
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"I mean... Celebrating Squidmas with everyone is more than enough."
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"Nonsense! We can celebrate your birthday a day early, then have Squidmas on the 25th! It'll be fun!"
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"Yeah! And you'll get twice the presents!"
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"It isn't a big deal. We don't want to impose on your holiday."
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"Don't be like that, Urs! Your and Cerrin's birthday is just as important as Squidmas, so just let your auntie Ruby take care of everything!"
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"I don't get a say in this, do I?"
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"It's best to just let Ruby do her thing... Besides, it'll be nice to celebrate our birthday together."
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"...Well, if that's what you want, Cerrin, I suppose I'll go along with it."
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magicalgirlfumiko · 2 years ago
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"Some stupid bird blew up the natural moon...That means we get to deal with all of the spiritual weirdoes that live within it. Like the rabbits and their crazy laser insanity eyes. Good going, ya git."
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orbitaldeathwoomy-a · 2 years ago
[Cerrin picks up his phone, hastily texting Ursula...]
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"Well... I guess that counts as remembering something..."
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