#⁀ ➷ i am the river's daughter ✧ ooc.
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abyssmalice · 11 months ago
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so, hmmmmm.
i caved and wrote up a rough overview of the snezhnaya princess tonitoni AU :)
To start - while I have specific ideas for this AU, I still intend to write this verse very loosely. Which is to say, while there are some core details that will be prevalent no matter what, everything else remains up for negotiation/discussion when writing together.
This verse is super duper suuuuuper non-canonical as is and for pure indulgence - I'm not going to be very stringent in how this verse plays itself out, essentially.
Core Details:
As this AU implies - in this verse, Tonia is officially recognized as the Tsaritsa's daughter.
However, she is NOT her biological daughter - even publicly, she is understood to have been adopted, though her exact origins are a mystery to everyone besides the Tsartisa's closest and most trusted.
Additionally, while Tonia is considered a princess as part of the Tsaritsa's lineage, she is NOT recognized as her successor - which is to say, she is not expected to become the next Cryo Archon nor even a human Tsaritsa to rule over Snezhnaya.
Semi-Core Details (aka how I personally justify this AU existing, and will primarily run by this premise unless discussed otherwise):
Tonia's origins still align with canon - she was born to a large middle class family in Morepesok.
However, like the primary Harbinger AU, she had followed her brother into the Abyss, died and was resurrected by the Irminsul, and returned to Teyvat as the sole survivor - similarly, her traumas unconsciously influenced the local leylines, causing inexplicable natural disasters in the region.
But here is where it diverges - one of these natural disasters ended up being a rare earthquake-caused tsunami, which due to the already chaotic nature of the leylines at this time, was amplified to the point of having a very devastating impact on the port town of Morepesok.
Even more unfortunately, this tsunami wiped out the rest of Tonia's family from how extremely abrupt and immensely dangerous it was. Tonia herself survived only due to her Irminsul biology forcing her into a hibernating, preserved state akin to the Petrified Trees in domains.
Due to the sheer scale of damage, Dottore was not the only Harbinger dispatched to the area. As such, when Tonia was eventually located in the submerged ruins of the town, the doctor was not able to freely spirit her away in secret for closer study in his labs.
Instead, with the permission of the surviving residents of Morepesok, she was taken to the capitol by the Fatui as a special but proper patient - with her case eventually presented to the Tsaritsa, once a diagnosis of her clearly inhuman condition was determined and Resin was used to wake her up.
Of course, Tonia wasn't happy to learn what happened while she was essentially comatose - hearing that her hometown was nearly wiped off the map and her whole family's passing, on top of her other traumatic experiences with her brother and the Abyss... she nearly evoked every possible natural disaster at the same time from the sheer devastation of the news.
In light of this entire situation, the Tsaritsa thus took Tonia in as her own child - promising and reassuring Tonia that as an Archon, she would not be defeated or killed so easily, and thus never leave the girl alone.
That said, adopting Tonia does serve multiple purposes for the Tsaritsa. For example, this allows the Archon to keep a cautious eye on a girl with strange but immense powers. Additionally, Tonia will receive protection against other forces who may want to misuse and weaponize her, such as the Abyss Order. And - most importantly, it grants a new, loving family to a child in tragic need of it.
As a result of all of the above - Tonia is very emotionally dependent on the Tsaritsa, who she calls her Mother. Tonia also suffers from PTSD, anxiety, abandonment issues, and a mild fear of drowning.
In terms of personality - she is a quiet and soft-spoken girl with a rather caring heart. So caring in fact, that she may become a little to extremely willful and stubborn, if only in wanting the best for others, and especially those she loves.
Altogether, this makes her carry a faint air of naivety, but not innocence; her eyes remain a very dull blue even years later, as her memories of the Abyss and the traumatic experiences that followed will never leave her, and she's still more than capable in a fight - even if she's not on par to stronger people like her mother.
Due to having been raised as literal royalty with the consequent quality of education and tutoring, Tonia is fairly learned in multiple aspects. She has elegant etiquette, cultured knowledge of Snezhnaya and the world at large, and can handle the average conversation with diplomats and politicians. She's much more average with mathematics and the sciences however.
After the experience of being forced into a "petrified" state as a child, her hair is now wired to be a permanent gradient of brown to silvery-white, with the ends of her hair always being the latter. That said, if using her abilities to the fullest, all of her hair will turn white, and can still grow out into branches of Irminsul in extreme cases.
"Not as crucial and can be ignored if you want" Details:
Tonia carries around a plush toy gifted to her at all times. All. Times.
Her moniker/nickname is "Snowflower" - or "The Pure Flower of the First Snow" among the more flamboyant (and hobby-less) tabloids, as she is likened to a flower sprouting and blooming after overnight snowfall; lovely and kind, with no noticeable flaws or obvious complaints surrounding her, though her general quietness ensures she tends to be overlooked, much like any white flower would be against a backdrop of white snow.
There is a notable fraction of nobles in Snezhnaya's politics that tend to debate and encourage for Tonia to be acknowledged as the Tsaritsa's official heir - either for the throne of Snezhnaya or Archonhood or both. Of course, the reasoning is often not benign; there is a hope for political or financial benefit that may be reaped by associating and/or currying favor with Tonia on some level.
While Tonia isn't being trained as a successor, she is nonetheless assisting the Tsaritsa in a secretarial fashion (or rather, forced her way into the role, because she really really really wants to help :( and spend more time with her mother). Her primarily duties are clerical work and managing the palace staff - nothing more, because the Tsaritsa wants to keep her out of the political and militaristic side of things.
However, Tonia's affinity for the leylines allows her to gain information wherever - as a result, she's become her own one-man intelligence network independent of the Fatui, and has been sneakily adding her findings to her mother's reports where possible. Though she has to be inconspicuous about it, lest someone start questioning the source of said additional info.
That said, because of said intelligence work + occasionally sneaking looks at more confidential documents that Tonia isn't supposed to be reading, only organizing for her mother - she's gradually noticed the more morally grey to black activities that the Fatui commits and that the Tsaritsa technically stamps her approval on. Tonia has yet to raise the subject, since she dearly cares for her mother and understands what kind of person she is, but she is also a little uneasy and concerned because of it all.
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errsaufen · 8 months ago
RULES: bold what applies - italicize sometimes - strike out never. Tag some friends to play along! Repost, don’t reblog !
SUN • egotistical • melted wax wings and fingers • stretching sunburnt skin • the most generous soul • blood in the fruit • halos • anger on fire • high vitality • thunderous laughter • is pride really a sin? • halogenic aura
MERCURY • expansion of the mind • silver-tongued • an everlasting wanderer • polyglot • high dexterity • handwritten letters • innately critical • en vogue • eyes in the trees • hidden libraries • there’s always room for improvement
VENUS • in love with strangers • iridescent waters • love potions for your mirror • selfless devotion • shattering crystal • seafoam upon sand • the golden ratio • drowning in your own passion • material value & high principles • luring • plush lips
EARTH • fresh springs • tree hugger • we can start again tomorrow • a blazing rainforest • respects survival of the fittest • nature’s adversity • lazy bones • constantly evolving • flowers sprouting from wounds • a granite altar • fossilized remains
MOON • illusory • silver shimmer off the ocean • secrets and gossip • cycles of reincarnation • a crybaby • physically ethereal • shared glances with a stranger • cat eyes • mistrusting their intuition • fear is a prison • ornate magic wands
MARS • healthy competition • attraction and repulsion • magma and rubies • a blade being forged • wrath wrath wrath • malefic • intense eye contact • cannon fodder & fireworks • blood floods • copper taste on your tongue
JUPITER • red robes and a suit of armor • beacon of stability • leader by birth • thunderbolts and lightning • guilty but can’t stop • secret rich kid • golden touch golden tears • innate optimist • failure isn’t an option • constantly reaching for more • unfinished symphonies
SATURN • traditional • overbearing energy • a sculptor of reality • this existence is a karmic one • has a heart it’s just... way down deep • law, order & justice • avoid all necessary risk • the sound of shackles clanging • sisyphus’ struggle • grappling with the reality of time • self-governing
URANUS • psychedelic funk music • overflowing cups • a rebellion with skin • looking good in photo id • oblivious but caring • middle fingers in the air • double rainbows • icy diamond exterior • holographic • afraid of their own mediocrity • pearlescent smoke
NEPTUNE • an elegy for the lost • dissolving boundaries • white horses • the burden of mystical conditions • deceptive • escapism is their reality • a polarizing entity • artists soul • paranoia • searching for the unseen • a siren’s swan song
PLUTO • angel statues over graves • power • the cycle of necrosis • transformative • unfathomable depths • an ivory tower toppling over • screaming at the sky • violets and irises • eclipsed darkness • speaks with their shadow • sex, death, rebirth
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selkdoll · 8 months ago
i don't smoke, until i miss you boothill x reader
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summary: Boothill was never a greedy man, he didn't ask for much yet he received the whole world. Just you and your child, he really didn't need much else, yet the cosmos seemed to have made a mistake and tried to rectify it by taking everything away.
explored themes. possibly ooc or lore inaccurate. 1k+ words, fluff to angst. written in 2nd pov. play i don't smoke while reading this, trust. can potentially be interpreted as platonic, if you squint rlly hard.
from author: i haven't played hsr in a while, yet researching boothill's lore just struck the rdr2 writer in me. per usual, i can't let myself be happy with anything but angst so grab a tissue. i haven't posted a work like this online before so i'm highkey nervous, but i'd love to hear what you think! there is some bonus info at the end, but i hope you enjoy this! (she said knowing this is what she ends up writing:)
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Boothill was never one to smoke a cigarette, the most he would get close to one was standing next to you under a tree after a long day. You'd still offer him one, even though he always said no, as an act of acknowledgment. He couldn't do that now, though, the smoke would damage his robotic body even if he weren't the one inhaling it.
He'd be perched down on a large root of the tree you leaned back on, staring at your boots in his peripheral as you watched the sunset. The river running in the distance, your horses chewing on the grass below y'all when they weren't nipping at each other, the livestock settled down in the barns, and dinner sat on the warm fire for when the two of you returned.
"What's next?" He asks, his eyes following the line of your boot up to your face.
You always shrug, as if you never thought so far ahead. He did, fairly often in all truthfulness, and you only knew that because of how often he asked.
"'Suppose not much next, is there? Keep doin' this, 'till we're old and gray, then someone else takes over. Life goes on," you answer, flicking the ash out the tip of your cigarette.
He watches the ash burn itself in the grass as he thinks about your answer. It was food enough, neither of you learned much besides farm life. No such thing as anything more for the uneducated, which Boothill wouldn't have any other way.
He didn't mind waking and talking to Nick about the farm as he waited for you to come down for breakfast. He didn't mind wounding up the cattle every day while you watch or watching the horses while they round about the fields with you. The crops wouldn't harvest itself and there's no one else he'd rather harvest it with than you.
Life was good and Boothill was fine with it.
Would he have been so fine with it if you hadn't been hired by Nick and Graey when he turned a teen? He was glad he wouldn't have to find out. They hired a farmhand and he got a best friend, even if he was jealous they hired you in the first place.
He thought it meant he wasn't enough for them, not helpful enough, but that couldn't have been farther from the truth and you taught that to him.
And, while Boothill never liked to say he was right all along, there was more for the two of you than the repetitive cycles you'd fallen into. Matter of fact, he couldn't believe he was so content with just that now that you both had a daughter.
Maybe if you hadn't left your cigarette pack up in your room, the both of you wouldn't have returned when you did. Maybe if he wasn't waiting on the porch downstairs for you to return so you could join him at your usual place, he wouldn't have heard crying a little ways off from the house.
"What am I supposed ta' do with her?" He looks up at you when you find him. The cigarette pack falls into your pocket as if the box itself might contaminate the bundle of purity crying in Boothill's arms.
"Dunno. She like ta' join us?" You propose, motioning towards the tree up on a hill that waited patiently for you two. (Now, three.)
Boothill stood, joining you at full height. "Looks like she might."
The red-faced babe looked between the two of you, tears staining her little cheeks. How long has it been since you seen a baby? Quite a while, yet your first instinct still is to smile.
"Looks like it indeed."
From that day forward, you and Boothill were parents. Not even Nick or Graey questioned it when you both returned with a child. Finding one seemed to be common 'round those parts.
And boy, did parenthood change just about everything? She already had her first pony picked out before she could even walk, little boots and a hat, a sass about her, too.
Boothill couldn't recall the last time he was near a cigarette, not after you gave them to him to dispose of so that your little girl would never find them. It was never just the two of you at the tree again, always you three. Two grown horses and a little foal, growing along with her.
Now this he'd have no other way.
He was perched down on the large root of the tree beside you, where you sat as well. He could see the little girl in your lap in his peripheral, which he turned to look at when she called him. 
For her, it wasn't Boothill, something more like "Papa." She had this little giggle in her voice when she said it and even after the most tiring days, Boothill never had been happier.
"What's it, sugar?" He asks, turning to look at her. You look as well when she crawls out of your lap and stands, waddling her way over to him.
Was this how the mares felt when their foal stood and walked over to them for the first time? If it was, he was jealous it took him so long to figure it out for himself. You looked just as surprised as he felt and neither of you knew how to respond. Nick and Graey taught him everything he knew, yet the two of you taught him more every day.
Boothill was never one to smoke a cigarette, but now he was the one flicking ash off the tip and watching as it burned the knee of his pants. Now he couldn't get the stench of smoke off of him.
It was nice, even though his metal body hissed in disagreement. He took another puff, then another. Would you feel betrayed that he never really disposed of the pack of cigarettes? He didn't know. But it was late nights where he thought of how he got them in the first place he was glad he didn't.
It was a brand new pack when you came down from the house, now it was nearly halfway empty.
Was this what it smelt like when the house burned? Did it burn the same way? ─ No, it couldn't have. This burn burnt good, this burn was all he had left of you. This burn reminded him of you and the sacrifices you made for your daughter, this burn reminds him of the two of you and all the sacrifices he'll make for you.
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bonus information: | more here.
[ 1 ] "It was a new pack when you came down from the house, now it was nearly halfway empty." That's about how many times Boothill found himself thinking of you, so much so he needed something palpable. Y'know, because everything was burned so all he has is this vague smell of you? I'm sorry. He also has blown through other packs when he just wants to remember the comfort your presence had brought him at one point, he only uses your pack on those nights.
[ 2 ] Wanna know another kicker? Boothill knows for a fact you wouldn't have been happy if you knew he smoked, before his enhancements and after. You used to tell him that they were bad for him, which he already knew, but that was very long ago in the overall timeline of this fic. When he thinks about those times, he smokes another.
[ 3 ] He doesn't have anything to remember your daughter by, he might've if the IPC nuke came a little later so that she could've given him the gift she'd been working on. You might've been able to give him your gift as well, so he had something healthier to cling on to. Those are long since burned and buried, though.
[ 4 ] In the image thing, my brain is blanking on what it's called, the "Everyone you love is dead anyway" is a reference to "You're going to die anyway". Yes, that is the front of a Marlboro pack, lol.
[ 5 ] Alright alright, you've cried enough tears, but if you notice any other little details, I'd love to talk about them/hear your thoughts. I poured my soul into this so many thanks for giving it a shot!
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all rights reserved to wishset. do not copy, translate, or repost. can only be found on tumblr as of 06.30.
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urbestestwindgod · 8 months ago
hahaha!! (intro, bear with this is a little long but i have everything you need in here)
rp blog for Epic: The Musical, id rate it teen because aeolus does get in some shenanigans with either violence or sensual implications
also dont take anything aeolus does or says as a show of their character when its with oizys or any of that mods other blogs, im a different blogger with that mod
pfp and bf by my friend @/anxiety-problem :)
im really super annoying im sorry
irl i do crocheted plushies of greek mythos! you can give recommendations here (not a commissions thing, i dont sell anything lol)
if you like me here maybe you’ll like me over on my baby minotaur blog @minitaur-n-the-labyrinth or my eileithyia blog @the-first-nurse or my poseidon blog @god-of-the-sea1 or my bellerophon blog at @thebestestequestrian
ic posts in this color with italics because i like them :3
technically my tag for aeolus is “aeolus’ discord” but i hardly use it lol
i love love love my winions above other things (if you saw that video where i hit one that was a one time thing ok i was angry i don’t do that regularly!!)
name: aeolus :3 (i pronounce it ay-oh-lus because theres no world im doing the ‘proper’ pronunciation of ee-oh-lus)
occupation: i would say wind god but zeus doesnt pay me for it like the others bc apparently “its not work” so
gender: fluid (she/he/they)
sexuality: id say bi for simplicity but you all have a chance dw ;)
age: …320smth—stopped counting
dad: poseidon :3
mom: 🤷‍♀️ you can ask @/unknown-mother-of-wind (or @/hydo-in-the-river) she seems to know a lot about stuff
children: my late daughter alcyone (shes dead), never heard of anyone named canace or macareus, my new baby boy clymenus (with oizys), and if you think you’re a child of mine id like a maternity test thank you
favorite siblings: triton, polyphemus, rhode, kymopoleia, laestrygon, charybdis, scylla, uhm…the other billion i have—
my boyfriend, girlfriend, and WIFE: zephyrus, enarete, and oizys <333
my biggest fan: @jjjjjjpp
favorite mortals: eurlochus (opened the wind bag💕), perseus, virgil, ovid, and virgil
favorite family members: uncle zeus, aunt hera, uncle hades, aunt demeter, aunt hestia (my favorite favorite), alll my cousins—hermes, apollo, artemis, hepheastus, ares, dionysus,
ooc stuff:
ooc in plain black (still fun and appreciated)
my WIFE: @meadowexists
some info abt me out of character is she/he/them, my name is ella, bi, professional over sharer but i try and be careful haha
generally would consider myself very chill abt most stuff; cussing/flirting/cringe, so thats all alr
nsfw i would be light on. dont go too far pls, i am a minor but im not gonna be all puritan over small jokes or implications or whatnot—but no images, or explicits, and threats would be not appreciated. (unless ur the mod of the oizys blog then u can do whatever u want❤️)
i love you all very much, you are all very special to me, kiss kiss!!
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Updated intro time
In character stuff first
I am Lucifer O. Morningstar. Call me Samael and I will torture you myself when you die. I am a Demigod, not a God.
I'm Mori C. Morningstar. Not telling y'all my angel name. Also demigod, not a god
I am the Prince of Hell, Adopted child of Nyx, Harbringer of Universes' ends under Azathoth, Angel of Death, Lightbringer, Keeper of the Relics, Student of Chronos, Teacher and Student of Athena and Pallas, dealmaker, cursebreaker, fate defier, star manipulator
I'm an angel of Death and former darkness keeper.
Age: Older than the universe. About 13 billion
Children: Well I've claimed one, Mel. I still have none.
Family: Nyx's side (Adopted) and God's side (Adopted). God and all the angels
Ooc under cut
Some info about me out of character is she/he/they, my name is Luci, Abrosexual I think, professional under sharer.
Rules for the blogs (Listed below): No cornography, otherwise, anything goes.
Other blogs I run (And there are quite a few): @hel-lokidottir @ancientones @moros-doom @ye-olde-geras @best-trickster-god @frick-petbe @og-brightest-day @og-aaaaaaaaaa @keres-1 @keres-2 @keres-3 @mother-of-trust @og-spinner @og-alloter @og-cutter @apate-fraus @official-oneiros @originalerebus @a-neko-n @oni-wan-kenobi @a-shinto-tano @tsukoyomi-no-mikoto @the-first-friend @god-of-deceit @stygian-rivers @urbestesterwindgod @princess-of-jade @anti-immortal-club @witch-of-curses @daughter-of-arty @muse-musician @horsemen-apocalypse @sword-maker @jotun-witch @princes-of-hell-official @archangels-of-heaven @least-fav-hades-kid @charybdis-and-nixie @intelligent-stone-monkey @ice-itself @flame-itself @hypnos-sleepy-boy @the-goddess-pallas
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wintersongstress · 2 years ago
get to know me
tagged by @a-shakespearean-in-paris  to answer some questions💕💕 (have a safe and wonderful trip my friend!) 
Favorite color: Purple forever and always 💜
Currently reading: Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell because I love my 600+ page classics! I want to read more big books this year. I am also listening to Stateless by Elizabeth Wein. 
Last Song: sweet/ i thought you wanted to dance by tyler the creator
Last Movie: I watched The Great Wall with @the-halo-of-my-memory last night because she’s humoring my Pedro Pascal era—until she fell asleep that is 💀 (love u sleepy girl)
Last Series: I rarely watch tv shows to be frank. I think the last thing I watched was the book of boba fett. 
Sweet, Savory, Spicy: sweet 🍰 my white girl tastebuds can’t do spicy. 
Craving: broccoli cheddar soup 
Tea or Coffee: Tea all the way. Coffee just doesn’t do it for me, it makes my pee smell weird. I’d rather be relaxing sipping on lavender earl grey or rose chai. 
Currently working on: Writing wise there’s this Arthur fic I have been working on for years, over 15k words on part one of what I’m thinking will be 3 parts lol. It focuses on overcoming trauma and healing from it; the reason why I haven’t given up on it is because the message is really important to me, and Arthur is the ultimate safety comfort character to explore those themes 🥺 Also some Joel headcanons because the fics that are out there are too dark and ooc for my tastes and I just want to give him a fucking hug 😭
Embroidery wise there’s a little sign I’m making that says “fight the good fight, write the good write” with a sword and a pen wrapped in vines and roses—something to put up by my desk to give me the motivation to keep writing. I’ll for sure post it when I’m done 😊
nose booping: @shallow-gravy // @preciousgyro // @vault21 // @onewingedangels // @rivetingrosie4 // @sternbagel // @stedebonnets // @miss--river  and anyone else who wants to ♥
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seii-fantasy · 2 years ago
The Forbidden love:
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Chapter : 1
You cannot choose the family you want to born in
Warning: Abuse , sacrifice (animals or ?Human?) , family issues and some part of the fic will be heavenly inspired from my childhood ( so it means there's gonna be bullying ) , Posidon might be ooc
If you're unconfortable with that please don't read it!
Y/cl/n= Your clan name
Y/fav/col= Your fav color
Y/m/n= Your mother's name
Y/f/n= your father's name
Y/gf/n = Your grandfather's name (the father of y/m/n
Y/l/n=your last name
The Valhalla will be the name of Kronos's enterprise since in Tekken Heihachi's father (Jinpachi) had a big enterprise
Song/Theme playing:
In the private room of the y/cl/n , a woman was giving birth in her room , after two hours , the baby was born a maid took the baby in her arm as she exclaimed "Oh my goodness , its a girl mistress y/m/n!" And she gave to the mother who was sweaty from giving birth
The father came in the room asking for the baby and his wife as the others maid answered that , the wife and his newborn daughter were alright as he heard that his newborn child was a girl and not a son , inside him he was furious who will inherit the title of Chief of the y/cl/n , for y/f/n a girl cannot be the leader of a clan , only a boy can be the leader y/m/n didn't share the same opinion as your father for her , woman can have the title of leader just like mens
But your father thought that it will be great if you became an assasin , so if he would like to annihilate someone , he would sent you while your mother was holding you and a maid was singing you a lullaby so you can calm and sleep peacefully in the arms of your mother
"The Bloody moon will surface again , the seal will broke , the demon shall be free , sleeping in the bloody river where all the deadly song are sang , no one shall see her true face covered by the beauty of a goddess , behind this beautiful face there's a demon hiding "
It was such a creepy lullaby , as y/gf/n came in all the maids stopped singing and bowed to the eldest of the y/l/n family. Y/gf/n aprroached your mother slowly and put his hand on your forehead his eyes dilated as he spoke "She will carry the pride and the legacy of the y/cl/n , she will be powerful and beautiful" as he looks at your father asking if he already chose a name for you and your father gulped and didn't answer at your grand-father while your mother spoke quietly saying that she already chose a name .
Your father already planned your futur a futur you cannot escape , cannot change it will be your destiny .
Now let's move on , in another family , four brothers were having such an intense training even thought they were just small childs
"If you want to rule the Valhalla one day childrens , you need to be strong ! Just like i am" Kronos said
And yes , the man who was training his childs was Kronos , the most powerful man in the Greek pantheon , after he told his childrens , his wish ; The four littles boys continued their hard trainings instead of one .
It was the third brother Poseidon , he did wanted to take the enterprise of his father well not in a nice way , he wanted to steal it but he was a child . How could he steal an enterprise that belong to his father but he was still a child
As Jinryu the best friend of their father came , Kronos told his childs to take a break and they will continue when he will come back and the childs did what their dad told them .
All of them went back to their pastime , while Poseidon continued his hard training . Jinryu saw the little blondy boy as he said to his father that his third son was quite determinated to be strong like his father as Kronos nooded agreeing with his old best-friend
Poseidon might be cold-hearted or cold , inside of him , he was an adorable little boy
And yet since he started to walk when he started to go outside and play with some friends but Poseidon didn't had many friends just like his brother , he was bullied everyday , many of the childrens would call him "Freak" or "Weird" ; he was beated until he's laying in his own pool of blood . He was scared to tell his eldest sibling he was scared that no one would believe him .
One night he saw his big brother Hades training in their dojo as the silverette boy was training he immediately saw his little brother who was slightly injured , he stopped his training quickly and ran to his brother as he asked what happened to him , the little boy who was crying , said that a group of bully has beaten him as Hades's face darkened and he smirked as he asked his little brother if he wanted to learn how to fight so he can beat his enemies
And nowaday , Hades has taught Poseidon many techniques of the Olympus style , now that our little Poseidon have beaten his bullies ; the blonde boy was now respected just like his siblings
●°•●°•●°•End of the Flashback●°•●°•●
Poseidon was training hardly , as Hades came and told his little brother to stop , and Poseidon stopped quickly as Kronos called his childs to come and meet his friend
Back to the Y/c/l●°•●°•●°•●°●•●°
Your father was planning that once you're four years old , you're gonna have a training , a special one , the one destined to the assasins of the clan .
It was considered to be a special training , it was for only the rich , or person coming from the royal family who can learn that.
Your mother was in heaven with you , while you kept babbling some incoherent words , your mama kept giggling saying that you were the most cutest thing , and she kept giggling saying this "Watashi no saiai no itto ,anata wa ten'nomegumidesu , anata ga ite tottemo shiawadesu" ( My darling , you are a gift from the sky , i am so happy to have you) . And your mother kept cherish you as always .
"No ! No ! Please i swear , i haven't done anything bad , i beg for mercy !" A man was getting beaten by your father "Bastards like you , i rather see them dead than alive, the world shall be cleansed of all the pure evilness" as he called his guards and started to pray to the devil , offering him as a sacrifice before setting him on fire.
After doing killing him , he disposed the body , and went to purify himself before coming home .
He already prepared your destiny , he clearly hate Kronos , thinking that his family was a whole menace , so he thought that you marriying one of his son and kill them , that will please him , so he already planned your training but he knew that Kronos has four sons , he will decide who you shall marry
Somehow , his choice landed on third son , the devil has chosen his prey like he would say.
You aren't ready for what was coming for you...
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linesfromzaun · 3 years ago
In The Absence of Mom (Dad!Silco x Mom!Reader x baby!Jinx )
Rating: G
Tags: fluff omg, Silco being a dad, baby jinx!!!! She’s my little star, ooc as hell (I think) you’re not “on screen” as mom, but you are mentioned!!!
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A “self care” day you had called it.
You decided you needed a moment to yourself, a day to walk the markets and not have Jinx attached to your hip at every moment.
You love Jinx with all your heart, and Silco knows this very well. You got close to beating an employee of his to death over Jinx.
You were a mama bear, and would fuck anyone up if they even thought about hurting Jinx.
However, you’ve had Jinx on your hip everyday since she was born. Nine and a half weeks is an extremely long time to hear an infant wail: and sometimes constantly.
You just needed a couple hours to yourself.
Silco very much encouraged it, saying he was happy to lend a hand and let you relax.
As he sat at his office he did just that, and was very much enjoying it.
Jinx made time pass much faster in that office, helped him gain new ideas for Zaun’s independence, and helped him strategize better. All because he talks to her, acting as if she understands every word.
Pointing at a map, he follows a border down the south side of Zaun.
“You see this here? This is the Red District. A lot of money flows through that part of Zaun due to the mines that reside there. One of these Chem Barons has held a strong claim to the northern part of their border. If I could obtain that part of the border, I could have the means to more metals for weapons.”
Silco looks down at Jinx, who’s eyes are wide with sensory observation at all the colors. Her chubby hand smacks at the map and he chuckles, bouncing her lightly with his knee with a hand supporting her head and back.
“This Chem Baron does enjoy a bribe or two, but I would have to compensate for lost income from the mines.” Jinx let’s out a sigh and splays her arms out on the map.
“That is a fact, Shimmers profits along the south border have increased.” Silco feels the gears in his mind turning and Jinx’s hands grabs Silco’s fingers. “Perhaps something could be arranged, a lower tariff on taking in Shimmer at the southern border, an increase in shipments, and bar or brothel in the mix could secure the mines.”
Jinx giggles as Silco’s hands press into Jinx’s sides, tickling her gently. “Once again, you have solved a very difficult block in our cause. You truly have your Mother’s intelligence.”
Jinx let’s out a whiny babble hearing the mention of you, and Silco pouts. “I understand, pumpkin, I miss your mum as well.” He turns Jinx to face him and lightly plays with the sky blue hair next to her ears. “Your mother is very exhausted, she deserves a few hours to herself.”
Jinx’s eyes fill with tears and he lets out a sad coo. Lifting her with him out of the chair, he rocks her gently and looks for her neon pink pacifier. “It’s alright, my little blue jay, she’ll arrive at the door faster than a Zaunite pickpocketing.” Jinx gives a few sniffles as he places the paci, and he pats her back with uncharacteristic softness.
“You understand that I love you too, Jinx. Your mother may have the food, but I am still your father. I would kill, and have already done so, just for you. I wish to spoil you in every way a father can. You’re my little girl, I wish for you to grow up in a very different Zaun than I did.” Silco’s rant ends to very soft snores from Jinx, and he gives a warm smile. Walking very slowly to the shared bedroom, Silco whispers a lullaby to Jinx.
Dear friend across the river
My hands are cold and bare
Dear friend across the river
I'll take what you can spare
I ask of you a penny
My fortune, it will be
I ask you without envy
We build no mighty towers
Our homes arе made of stone
So come across thе river
You'll always be our own
Setting her down softly in her cradle, he watches for a brief moment as his precious daughter is deep in sleep.
Silco can never get over just how tiny she is. He can practically hold her in one of his large hands. Her little hands are resting on her chest, grabbing at the air above her.
Swaddling her with swift ease, he gives one last look at the beautiful bundle in her monkey themed cradle, and presses a kiss to her head.
“Sleep well, my little darling.” He leaves the door open a crack and returns back to his office, sitting back down in his regal chair.
He never counted on being a father, but he was eternally grateful to be blessed with the title.
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bendyng-a · 4 years ago
the   tag   drop   that’s   kinda   late   and   only   halfway   done
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7soulstars · 4 years ago
Is it okay if I request a Thranduil x Reader one shot where the reader is a Selkie? Selkies are from Scottish myth - they have a magical seal fur coat that lets them turn into a seal when they go underwater, but remain human while on land.
Hey babe! Thank you so much for requesting! Of course it’s okay. I had no idea what a selkie was in the beginning but through your explaination and some research I figured it out ! Again, I wanted to make this an angst but poor bby Thranduil has already gone through enough so I made it soft. Anyways, no more spoliers! Enjoy and thank you for being so patient with me ! 
Vespertine/ The Elf and the Selkie
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Pairing: Thranduil x Selkie! Reader
Warnings: Angsty/Sad start, Mentions of death,Use of Scots(language spoken by Selkies), ending might make you go aww
Summary: A father telling his children a story of the legends long forgotten.
 Vespertine; Occurring in the evening.
Lands lost, Kingdoms fell, Middle Earth was saved but no one could tell. The pain, people lost and the children snatched could not be reversed. Especially for the elves who left for the undying lands. 
One remained.
King Thranduil remained. Protests were made, the lords argued and urged. But he wouldn’t budge.
“There is nothing left of me...My duty is over and my family is not returning back to me...I shall stay here.....in Mirkwood”, he had simply stated to Elrond before he dismissed him. Elrond had sighed saying, “This will not end well for you....”,before leaving the former king. 
He sat on his throne listlessly. Not a sound to be heard. No chittering crowds, no parties. Just emptiness. 14 years had passed like this and Thranduil had gotten used to it. Today marking the 14th year that is. 
Time flew by fast for elves. But not for lonely elves. No matter how beautifully maintained all of Mirkwood still was due to unbroken elven magic the gap kept growing wider in the King’s heart. He was left to his own disposition. He grew and foraged his own food, he drew his own water, he entertained himself with his own hobbies. But he never left Mirkwood. He protected the empty abandoned city.
He got used to it. He got used to being lonely until that one evening.
Thranduil killed spiders at evening. They were weaker by then and it was easier. He walked across the tangled path and froze on hearing whimpers. They were soft and pained coming from the rocks near the forest riverbank. The blone walked stealthily and carefully with sword in his hands and furrowed brows as he neared the rocks. When his eyes fell on the cause of the noise as he stopped dead in his tracks.
An injured seal.
It’s side was deeply cut into as it barely managed to keep it’s eyes open and tried to move away erratically from the said elf as if it was in danger. “Hey! Stop! I’m not going to hurt you!”, the elf yell-whispered as he struggled to keep the creature in place.Almost as if it understood it stopped still whining due to the pain inflicted by moving around before it fainted. Thranduil sighed. He hadn’t used healing for years he wasn’t sure he could do it now either. But leaving the seal injured was not an option. So he had to do it. 
He did.
Riding his loyal elk that had stayed with him he returned back to the nearest cave where he had healed and left the seal. 
It was empty.
Thranduil had frowned. Thinking it had left he turned only to stop and look back with a sword swinging back as he heard a spash and a soft voice.
“Are ye an elf ?”,voice asked. Thranduil looked down, behind the rock he had seen the seal in, peeped a woman. She was clutching onto a seal coat as she looked visibly scared at the sword drawn at her which the king immediately put back into it’s sheath. At this she came out furthermore as she pointed at the reddish scar on her side. “ye helpit me yesterday ?”, she questioned her eyes gleaming with an undefined innocence. 
He had heard of a Selkie before but merely as myths. His mother sang him the song of the Mistress and The Selkie every night as a young ellon.It was his favourite. Thranduil looked back at the seal coat she held and then back at her. She gasps and immediately hides it behind her back as she attempts to look mad at the other. Thranduil’s heart felt weird. It fluttered at her action. 14 years without any contact with anyone made him forget the stern way of speaking that he had to maintain.
“I will not take it from you. I am here to see if you are felling better. Did you eat?”, he asked as he kneeled in front of her. She looked at him with intent in her eyes. Reaching forward she placed her wet hands on the king’s cheeks catching him off guard. “Wh-”
“Ye savit ma life from the human sailors”, she smiled softly.
Thranduil frowned in distaste he hadn’t heard the word ‘human’ in Valar knows how many years and it still leaves a sour taste in his mouth. He looked at her. Her facial features. Her blown out eyes. Her curiosity.
Her curiosity.
He was cut out of his thoughts of course a shade of pick dusting his face as he stuttered when she had moved to touch his sensitive elf ears. “A like yer ears ye are sae beautiful.” Thranduil had stilled and mentally yelled at himself because he knew she did not know elven customs but he let her do as she pleases.
The sky got darker and he knew he had to leave. But her words replayed in head over and over again
“Will ye come back tomorrow ?”
As if he could hear her speaking right as he sleeps.
Oh. She is alone too....
Thranduil did go back. Again and again and again for 30 years, every day straight. Her name was Y/N and her husband was killed by sailors and their daughter, taken away. She ran into hiding and reached Mirkwood where he saved her. They grew closer. Maybe because Thranduil liked Y/N.
Maybe because she was just like him or maybe he was in love.
He sat by the riverbank with Y/N who wore his spare clothes when she took her human form as they watched the birds and made flower crowns. Thranduil was distracted, constantly looking at the selkie’s expressions as she concentrated on making a flowercrown with water lilies from the river. On finishing she looked at him with the eyes he adored. “Look!”,she exclaimed as she put it on his elks head as it leaned towards her. It was attatched to her just the way it was attatched to Thranduil which was surprising to say the least. A smile plastered onto his face as the words slipped from his mouth. “It’s beautiful. Just like you.” There was a brief silence as Y/N slowly shifted. Her words almost going unnoticed as she stuttered. “Dinnae give me false hope.....” That moment Thranduil realized,
He was absolutely enamored by her.
He didn’t wait for even a minute more of thought before catching Y/N’s lips with his own in a searing kiss. It wasn’t too long or too less. Just right like them. But Y/N drew back and a look of panic spread Thanduil as he saw her eyes full of tears. “Please do not cry! Is it something I did Y/N ?”, he said as he tried wiping her tears frantically.
“A cannot leave the water for a long time A will aye have tae come back thon is a selkie's fate. A cannot stop lovin ye either or A will dee a selkie's fate“ (I cannot leave the sea for a long time i will always have to come back that is a selkie's fate. I cannot stop loving you either or I will die a selkie's fate”
Thranduil knew what that meant now. He had felt it before, Y/N did too and so did Tauriel. The fear that he never wanted anyone to feel again.
“Oh darling you do not need to leave the water for us to be together. I will always be here. You could even spend time with me here”,pointed towards the forest path reaching up towards the palace, “Don’t stop loving me....please....”
For the first time ever Elrond’s prediction was wrong. 
Thranduil did not end up alone. He got a second chance.In life, in family
“Did they meet like that forever Ada?”
Well, yes,until someone with blonde long hair wearing a green tunic and with strikingly similar features as her lover gave Y/N a seal coat from a late Selkie.
“So did grand adar become like the Maiden from the song and went away with grand naneth?”
Mhmm. And the someone who gave the coat looked over them from far until he got the courage to visit for tea. And they all lived happily ever after. It’s almost Vespertine, your grandparents will be back soon.
“Legolas have you been telling her about us again ?”
Well Ada she did want to know the legend of the Elf and the Selkie who loved at Vespertine.
--The End--
I hope this is good I hope this is good please be good. I really worked so hard on this I created an entire novel worthy plot but I couldn’t put it all in a oneshot so I had to settle with this I really really hope you liked this it was soo hard to not make this sad and then I came across this song and everything just fell into thoughts like these😭. I know Thranduil is a bit ooc but pychologicaly speaking he did live alone for 14 years so I guessed it may change his behaviour especially after the battle of 5 armies. Again I really hope you like it. Please like, share and comment if you like my work to support and encourage me! Please do not plagarize my work I literally sell my soul to it.🥺🥺 Requests are always open and I love ya’ll soo much. 
~Love, Hri 🥰🥰
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errsaufen · 7 months ago
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JULY 2024
total skill points: 5 -> 6
activity check, 5-> 6 (allocated to lance, C(1/2) -> C+)
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fraks · 3 years ago
- i can't believe this is the first part of the finale already. @cminerva and i have been speculating about the finale since the episode titles + descriptions were released. well, since before that, really, but the titles and descriptions gave us so much fodder, oh god. my prediction was that they'd do another first/second david job that would wreck us completely. so. you know.
- i watched all eight eps in a row, the night they were released, but @cminerva only got to watch the first two, so i had be very vague and spoiler-free in the texts i sent her when all i wanted to do was YELL, but once i got to the finale, i couldn't possibly be vague anymore, so i stated typing up my reactions in a notes file. that's gonna be super useful for this post now.
- ok let's do this! harry's daughter sneaking out, interesting start. harry's ex is beautiful. but jesus she REALLY traded down.
- harry delivering their mail. :') and eliot fixing the place up. EVERYONE IS SO AT HOME AT THE BASE. 😍 omg sophie's wearing a shirt that could definitely belong to harry.
- uhhhh wasn't tom baker nate's alias? side-eyeing the writers tbh. miss river song—hardison c'mon. LMAO TEDDY BEAR. harry and soph are so delighted, i love it. fjsjfhskdjfjjdjdjd "MISS SOPHIE DEVEREAUX, FROM ALL THE WAY FROM ACROSS THE POND!" harry your accent is ATROCIOUS. but THEY'RE FLIRTING!!! "stop it!" fjakfbskfjksfj HELP ME I AM DYING HERE. (now we've had him saying her name while she's actually in the room, but in a horrible accent, so like. all i want is one soft "sophie" right to her face. bonus points if they're naked.)
- "i need to give you some dialect lessons." - "i'll take 'em." i'm sure you will, harry. 😏 the only time i was ever this eager to learn things from someone was when i was head over heels in love with them, so. just saying.
- nooooooooo. sophie can't leave. SHE CANNOT. ugh parker's reaction is everything. she loves sophie so much and has been fighting to keep her with them since 1x01. and i don't think sophie has realised how much it really means to parker to have her there.
- i also live for harry's reaction. he's so crushed because he thought they had something. not the something he wants, but a friendship, at least. and she just talks so casually about leaving them all behind it crushes him. you can actually SEE his heart breaking.
- and then later he sends parker off with eliot and specifically assigns sophie and himself to a task, TOGETHER. i'm guessing he either hopes he can change her mind or, failing that, he wants to spend what little time they have with her before she goes.
- but first, harry's daughter shows up. lmao because she used the tracking app harry tried to sneak onto her phone to track HIM. :') i like breanna's nerd girlfriend, but if they'd made becky a few years older, breanna would currently be falling all over herself trying to impress HER instead. (yes, this was originally on my wishlist for s2. also yes, i am okay with not getting it.)
- "he never did business with really bad people like—" - "...like i did?" CALLED IT. @cminerva and i figured the strain in their relationship would have been harry's work, and not just the many hours of it, but more that he defended so many evil people. "i get it." oh maaaan it KILLS him to know his daughter thinks so badly of him. because he IS a good man, at his core.
- "what, was the monopoly man busy?" gjajfjskfjekd PARKER!!!
- lmao harry defends ethan so eagerly, sophie's little smirk makes me think SHE thinks harry and ethan might have been an item. before he drops the bombshell of ethan being married to harry's ex, that is.
- breanna going on strike is... idk, i'm torn. it's obviously mostly played for laughs, giving harry and sophie the task of hacking (😂), but also, the last time they weren't sure what to do, they voted, and the majority won. there was never any talk of strikes? it feels kind of weird and ooc to me that breanna just says no and basically abandons them, especially after harry's asked for help. and her attitude about the whole thing... not helping.
- but lmao harry planning to learn hacking from the binders. what a NERD. a clueless, naïve nerd, but a nerd nonetheless.
- "how hard can it be, hacking?" oh sophie, sweetie.
- lmfao "stupid little lawyer man." - "breanna!" - "i did something wrong..." you think, harry? 😂
- omg when eliot and parker come back to the base and ask what happened, sophie says "we (!) tried our hand at hacking", but harry points to himself while she says it. this is one of the many, many reasons why i love this character: he's so absolutely willing to own up to his mistakes—not just the big, obvious ones they're all trying to redeem him from, but just the small ones, too, and i think that's mostly noah's acting choices, i doubt any of that is scripted. it's making me very emotional because it's obvious noah loves this character, too. and the WAY he takes the blame for the things he did wrong just reinforces my headcanon of anxiety disorder harry who has had therapy.
- you REALLY left harry for this dude, grace? really? i mean i know looks don't mean anything in the long run, but jeeeeesus. this dude doesn't even come across as a good guy.
- lmfao parker carding harry i cannot. "oh look, he's human." i love her.
- that red top on sophie looks amazing. my wishlist for s2 had her in another red dress, but i'll take this, too. red on sophie is just... [chef's kiss]
- OUCH. that ethan guy is a piece of work. "i believe in being civil." okay two things. a) i like that harry doesn't, idk, hate his ex and that he didn't make it hard for her to leave and find someone else, someone even he considered "better", cause even back then, he KNEW what he was doing was wrong. b) but also, this "being civil" thing i think might just have been another symptom of his attitude of "never picking a side". it's a really easy way to make sure nothing ever touches you, that no one can ever blame you. if he HAD fought for his ex and made it hard for her to leave him, she could have thrown that back in his face. by staying "neutral" (or as he calls it "civil", cause lbr, there is no true "neutral" in a breakup like that), he made sure none of the immediate blame could fall on him. SHE left him. SHE asked for a divorce. stuff like that. but he knows now that it was precisely that, his INaction, that put the final nail in the coffin of his marriage. which ties in very nicely with what he says to sophie in that one scene in jackal job.
- "probably doesn't hurt that because of me, you don't have to pay alimony or child support." YOU LITTLE TWAT. harry has made a LOT of mistakes in his life, but i don't believe for a second that he would've minded paying alimony, let alone child support. i mean, he's a lawyer, for god's sake. if he'd wanted a pre-nup that would've kept him from paying alimony, he probably could've had one. and we KNOW he's loaded. and especially now, he no longer cares about the money. i mean, he's been living in a room in a slightly run-down old theatre with four housemates, basically, instead of staying at his presumably huge and fancy own apartment or house.
- another "sophie". i want harry to say her name all the time thanks. 😭
- EVERYONE EATING TOGETHER AGAIN! lol i can no longer watch these guys (or any other fictional characters) eat chinese food without thinking about the audio commentary for the original show. 😍
- oooh good plan, parker. you go to the platform and take eliot and breanna with you. it'll give harry and sophie some time alone. 😏
- "the security of my family" u g h harry listen. your daughter is your family, OBVIOUSLY. but your ex is not. if anything, this TEAM is your family now. this is what @cminerva i were afraid of, that by making harry's ex's husband a bad guy / mark, the writers would open the door for harry to go back to his ex. and i'm 100% against that, and not only because i ship h/s. that's not even my main reason, actually, though i will admit it plays a big role. no, the main reason is that harry is a different person now. and going back to his ex would throw him back into a life that he once had but left, even just by NOT acting when she left him. and if he's back in that situation again, well. it's very easy to fall back into old patterns once you're back in a familiar environment, isn't it? i'm not saying his ex would drive him to doing bad things, or that she did that when he first went crooked. no, that was HIS choice. but thanks to harry and now ethan, she's always had a certain standard of living that she no doubt wants to keep, and harry would fall over backwards trying to make that happen, and lbr, these guys don't exactly make money from conning bad guys. as far as we know, the original team still lives off their one big score from nigerian job, personally. hardison probably makes sure leverage international has some income for bases and clothes and props and whatnot, but personally, i doubt these guys would take so much as a penny from a mark if that penny could instead go towards helping people. so harry has not had any official income since the beginning of the season. he probably has assets that generate income for him, but the money he got from being a lawyer was probably his main source. and he'd want to make his ex happy, so he'd probably slip back into doing bad things, and i DO NOT WANT THAT FOR HIM. my little baby thief who's been working so, so hard on his redemption.
- SOPHIE WITH A PONYTAIL. i was so looking forward to this and it's just as hot as i expected. what is even hotter than i expected is that PINSTRIPE VEST SHE'S WEARING.
- "why would you be covered in oil?" ghskfhsifhkehfkejf 😂 it only just occurred to me that these bits are 4th wall breaks, in a way. i just hadn't realised because they're DONE SO WELL. (i ususally hate 4th wall breaks.)
- "oil happens." gjskfbksfnksbfjefbjdnfjeke I CANNOT.
- lol i have absolutely no notes about this upcoming h/s scene from the first time i watched the ep, so i'm guessing i was too overwhelmed.
- "i thought i might find you here." SHE LOOKS SO GOOD. and she knows where his ex lives, which i assume is where they used to live together.
- "when i lost grace, i reconciled myself to the fact that i lost her to a better man. a decent man. maybe i didn't deserve her." OUCH. and exactly what i suspected. there's no way that this wonderful, wonderful man doesn't have anxiety over all the bad things he's done.
- "is that it? have you been seeking redemption for grace and becky?" GOT IT IN ONE, SOPH.
- "if you can't use the law as a guideline to show you what's morally right and wrong, then what do you have?" a) leverage asking the TOUGHEST questions since 2008. b) he's not wrong. c) i don't think i can imagine HOW hard it must be for him, this whole redemption process. i mean, he knows he did the wrong things. but how does he know that? because it FELT wrong. and because he saw other people's pain. and then because the crew has been telling him. but the law, the thing he's spent his entire life on, tells him the exact opposite. so all this time, all these months now that he's been with the leverage team, there has always been a part of him that has told him what he's doing NOW is wrong. because it's against the law. and i think a part of him is always going to be struggling with that if he stays with the team.
- "mr. wilson, i think you need to recalibrate your entire thinking about morality. life isn't always as clear-cut as we'd like. life's complicated." THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE DEFINING QUOTE. OF THIS ENTIRE SHOW.
- "how did you recalibrate your thinking about morality?" - "well. there is honour amongst thieves. i started there." i am SOBBING. i know this episode and this entire season really is about harry, but my GOD. sophie has grown SO much, since nigerian job obviously but also since the end of leverage 1.0 and even since the beginning of 2.0—so, so much. talking about harry and his arc comes to me fairly easily, but talking about sophie is just. hard. she means so much to me. i might come back to this in another post. i do want to talk more about her arc in this entire season.
- on a more shallow note, JEEEEESUS gina is gorgeous. and idk if that was a coincidence or ~filming magic, but it's overcast in this scene EXCEPT for the moment when sophie says "there's honour amongst thieves". it's not a lot, but you can tell that the sun comes peeking out for that one second and hits her face and she just GLOWS. JFC.
- also i know it probably doesn't mean anything, but when sophie leaves, the way harry turns and looks back at what i assume is his old house (i.e. his ex and his old life), then turns back to sophie and looks at her and then walks after her DOES THINGS TO ME. it could be such a beautiful metaphor for the way he's being torn in half.
- awwwwman, the kids talking about sophie leaving. "she's gotta find out who she is." !!!!!! I JUST!!!!! i think i've got something about this in my "yell at @cminerva" notes for the next ep, so i'll just. stop for now. but i have all the feelings anyone has ever had about this.
- nooooo i think harry just got all dressed up to meet his ex. GDI WRITERS WHAT ARE YOU DOING.
- yeaaaah they've just tanked the ot3. i am UPSET. "i've always admired you and hardison's relationship." AS IF YOU'RE NOT PART OF THAT RELATIONSHIP YOU DUMMY.
- "i think the reason hardison and i work so well is because he's the first person who saw me. i mean, he really knew me." is such a sweet thing to say, parker.
- awwww but. that was an eliot+parker scene that would be SUPER cute family vibes if it weren't for that bitter anti-ot3 aftertaste...
- LMFAO SOPHIE IS HAVING ELIOT'S BABY 😂 i know at least one (1) person who will appreciate this tidbit. i love how sophie just like, goes with the "sweetheart". you can almost SEE her thought process. "ah, eliot's not alone. guess i'm having his baby!" and lmfao breanna "baby?" dhakhfksbdjejd
- harry doing actual lawyering in court? HOT AF. i don't have a secret thing for lawyers or the law, but watching someone—anyone—be super competent is always crazy attractive. (yes, this show makes me sweat a lot.)
- lmfao "how did you meet the missus? was it romantic?" what this episode DESPERATELY needs here is a flashback to the first time eliot saw sophie, playing lady macbeth in chicago back in nigerian job, and a shot of his horrified face.
- ugh harry don't run after grace. if this were any other show, or fanfic, grace would now ask harry about that gorgeous woman in the red dress. "oh grow up, harry. what did you think was going to happen? i was going to leave him and come running back to you?" wow maybe it was harry who deserved better all along. yes, it was naïve and frankly wrong of him to assume or even hope for this. but it was a GENUINE hope, a genuine wish, and i can't blame him for that. if he really HAS been trying to find redemption so his ex would come back to him (which i don't think he has—maybe that was part of it for him, but he's been wanting to be better for himself, too, and above all, for his daughter), it's going to be even harder going forward, knowing that outcome he hoped for isn't going to happen.
- "where's harry? all his stuff is gone, he cleaned out his room." oh shit they're doing it THEY'RE REALLY GOING THERE THIS IS FIRST DAVID ALL OVER AGAIN, ONLY IN REVERSE. oh jesus christ i did not expect this.
- PARKER+SOPHIE CUDDLE I CAN'T. 😭 I LOVE THESE PEOPLE SO MUCH. "you always knew that this was gonna be my last tour. i'm just not the same person i used to be. i need to go and figure out who the person is that i'm going to be." I AM A WRECK THANKS.
- and so is eliot ugh. these people threw him a baby shower like, YESTERDAY. leverage redemption really not pulling ANY punches, are they?
- oh fuck. OH FUCK. "well, let's just say that i've decided to recalibrate my entire way of thinking about morality." OH FUUUCK.
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misscampbellclarington · 3 years ago
Below you will find the list of numbers for our upcoming showcase. Please reference my last announcement post to ensure you are aware of what times you will be expected to be at practice. I realize that I am asking a lot of some of you, and that practice will seemingly be taking over your lives for a period of time. However, I urge each of you to remember three very important things. First, please remember that this will only last for two weeks. It may seem impossible now, but the time will certainly pass more rapidly than any of you may think. Second, please remember that I would not ask any of you to do anything I myself would not. Finally, please remember that I would not ask any of you to do anything I did not fully believe you capable of doing. Should you feel that what I am asking of you with your assignments is too much, please speak to me directly. I would like to take this opportunity to remind each of you that TGA has long been coveted as having one of the finest Academy Dance Teams in the nation. This means that we have titles to renew, and a reputation to uphold. Once our Competition Season begins, which will be in a few short weeks, these rigorous schedules will become commonplace. Consider this a practice run, and the first way to determine whether or not you believe you are able to completely fulfill the commitment you made to this team. With that, I am looking forward to seeing each of you at practice. Again, please reach out should you find yourself with any questions or concerns. 
Group Number: -All (performed to a medley from The Greatest Showman) Trio Numbers: -Madison McCarthy, Riley Puckerman, Genevieve Sterling (performed to Diva by Beyonce) -Jeff Sterling, Nick Duval, Elliott Anderson (performed to One more Time by Britney Spears) Duet Numbers: -Campbell Clarington and Mason McCarthy (performed to Someone you Loved by Lewis Capaldi) -Madison McCarthy and Jeff Sterling (performed to Unsteady by X Ambassadors) -Riley Puckerman and Nick Duval (performed to Trust me Again by Blake McGrath) -Aden Hummel and Elliott Anderson (performed to Believer by Imagine Dragons) -Eryx Duval and Parker Chang (performed to Medicine by Daughter) Solo Numbers: -Riley Puckerman (performed to Another Love by Tom O’Dell) -Genevieve Sterling (performed to Because of You by Kelly Clarkson) -Campbell Clarington (performed to My Perogative by Britney Spears) -Madison McCarthy (performed to Train Wreck by James Arthur) -Mason McCarthy (performed to I’m Feelin Good by Michael Buble) -Aden Hummel (performed to All of Me by John Legend) -Parker Chang (performed to Brotsjór by Ólafur Arnalds) -Jeff Sterling (performed to River by Bishop) -Eryx Duval (performed to Take me to Church by Hozier) -Nick Duval (performed to Secrets by OneRepublic) -Elliott Anderson (performed to Bruises by Lewis Capaldi)
@gigisubsterling @switchxxjeffsterling @switchyriley @sub-eryxduval @nickduvaltga @mctgamadison @mctgamason @tgaparkerchang @subadenh @andersonelliott ooc: It literally took me 2 hours to hunt down all these videos but we are ready!
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casperthecuriouswriter · 5 years ago
So if you're comfortable writing for him can I get some Loghain x reader in here? He's an absolute son of a bitch but I care for him anyway
LOGHAIN X READER - A Bastard’s Reprieve 
1069 words
TW - mild cursing, references to some of the plot of origins, Loghain being kind of dickish, and as much hurt/comfort as I could figure out for him lmao. And OOC Loghain, I’ve never written him before, so bear with me. Also not beta read
Also, Grammarly is very upset with me because it doesn’t know half of what I was writing, and also its 10pm, and yeah. And I am so sorry for not actually answering the asks in my inbox, I swear I will try to get to them as fast as I can, quarantine has just been kicking my ass with depression, and then I’m also trying to get ready for college since I have to move in. AND I FIGURED OUT THE READ MORE LINK IT ONLY TOOK ME HOW LONG????
You knew he was a bastard the moment you’d met him. The infamous Teyrn Loghain, who had fought alongside Maric in the war for Fereldan. A War Hero. Some hero, you thought, watching as he stalked angrily down the hall towards the castle library. You had come with the last of the Grey Wardens for the Landsmeet and knew full well that Alistair was itching at the chance for revenge. He’d deserve whatever he got, after letting the King, his King, his best friend and brother-in-arms’ son, his daughter’s husband, be brutally slaughtered by darkspawn. But still, your Fereldan heart ached at the thought of someone who had fought so hard for this country, dying by the blade of its only heir.
So you followed him.
Found him sitting, slumped over in a chair with his head in his hands as his shoulders heaved. What he had done, the lives he had sacrificed, he knew the blood was on his hands and his hands only. And you were sure that he was aware that Alistair would get his revenge, Duncan would get justice.
Loghain turned at the sound of your footsteps, and he glared at you as you propped your hip on the table beside him. “What do you want?” He practically growled, getting ready to shove off away from the table.
“You look like shit.”
He let out a dry, bark of a laugh, and ran his hand down the side of his face as he sighed heavily. For once, the Hero of River Dane was wearing something other than his usual heavy armor, and he looked smaller without it. He was still a big man, of that there was no doubt, but he looked, worn and tired. In the dim lighting of the library, parchment sprawled out in front of him with a dry quill and a sealed pot of ink, he looked ready to give up. “And I suppose you’ve come to mock me? I am well aware of what your, companion,” he spat, clearly referencing Alistair, “seeks to do. As much as he’d hate to know it, he certainly does act like his father.”
Furrowing your brow, you hopped up onto the table and crossed your arms. “No.” At his withering glare, you continued. “Honest. You were my best friend’s hero growing up, and, I mean, well, I suppose I feel guilty. Because of tomorrow.”
“I am not some Chantry Sister for you to confess your sins to.” Damn, you were starting to regret following him if this was all the conversation you were going to get out of him.
“Never said you were.” You sighed, holding back the urge to roll your eyes. “Look, Loghain, you did some horrible shit, not going to deny that. You’ve also had to deal with the weight of helping Anora and Cailan rule Fereldan. I’m not here to rub in the fact that there’s a high chance of you dying tomorrow.”
“You just did.”
“Not the point.” This time you did roll your eyes. “I just wanted to say that I hope you don’t die. And that, I’m sorry you had to go through everything and got manipulated by Howe. Lissa told me what he did, the right prick, and I know he fucked you over too.”
Loghain leaned back into the chair, dark and weary eyes looking up at you as you spoke. His lips were pulled tight into a frown, and the part of you that you were trying to tamp down wanted to reach forward and run your fingers across the wrinkles that formed on his forehead. “What are you playing at?”
“Not going to lie, I wanted to see how you were. You’ve been through some rough shit, and are bound to go through more. You may technically be my enemy according to, well, everyone, but it doesn’t mean you have to go through it alone.”
He snorted, raising one eyebrow and looking at you in a way that made your breath catch in your throat. The man before you paused, seemingly waiting for you to continue, but when you didn’t elaborate, he took that as a cue to stand. He moved towards the far end of the library, and it was then you noticed that you were the only two in the entire room. No guards posted at the doors, no scholars on the higher levels searching through the dusty old tomes, just you and him.
Loghain turned to you once he had reached the wide doors to the balcony, smirked, and gestured for you to follow. The faint light of the moon made the bruises under his eyes look so much darker, and you bit your lip as you waited for him to speak.
“What exactly were you expecting? When you came in here after me, wondering after my wellbeing like we’re friends. That Alistair wouldn’t be too pleased, now would he?”
You were silent, not answering him as you slowly lifted a hand, giving him plenty of time to move away or to grab your wrist, and cupped his cheek. Loghain’s body went rigid, a genuinely confused look gracing his stern features, before he leaned into your touch. You smiled sadly at his reaction, and ran your thumb along his cheekbone, your other hand quickly coming up to mimic the action on the other side of his face. You couldn’t remember when his wife had died, but with how content he looked with his face in your hands, you knew he hadn’t felt a friendly touch since.
“I had hoped you would let me comfort you, even just a little.”
He cracked his eyes open, hands coming up to cup yours where they were still on his cheeks. “I will die tomorrow, won’t I?”
The quiet, almost vulnerable sound of Loghain’s voice made you pull back and grab him into a hug. He sank down into the embrace, and you reached a hand up to card your fingers through his hair as the other drew small circles on his back. You couldn’t lie to him, couldn’t promise him that you would try to talk Alistair out of killing him, couldn’t promise that he would live to see the sunset tomorrow. So you held him, as tight as you could and for as long as you could.
Loghain would die tomorrow, one way or another. And there was nothing you could do.
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the-oc-nebula · 4 years ago
Puppet History OOC Ask Game (Season 1)
(All of them taken from the first season; Season 2 may come soon!
Warning: Some may be crass!)
"Fuck, I forgot these guys are still out here."
"I have never been ready for this."
"That's not a euphemism."
"Open my little bag."
"I am a little nasty."
"I wear this every day. This is my look."
"Oh yeah, I've heard of them."
"That happens when I get really excited."
"Grover's 'Blue Grover', you idiot!"
"I'm gonna go with testicle entanglement."
"I'm in the middle of a scene!"
"Just imagine me, floatin'."
"I'll kill you."
"Just what in the hell kind of answer was that? Is this a game to you, [muse]?"
"Tally-ho! Here comes a poop!"
"He most likely apologized for dunking on [muse]."
"It's not the worst thing that I've done!"
"Anyway there's a 95% chance I'll die."
"Oh, wow. What another miserable day in what's basically Hell."
"No daughter of Mine-!"
"Again, that is my poop."
"I mean they were using that thing left and right. That blade was DULL."
"Well you've never taken the initiative, [muse]!"
"Bitch went overboard."
"How do you toss turds?"
"I'll die for a jellybean, baby."
"Yeah, you dipshit!"
"HOLY- Hey, Fuck you!"
"They are suffering."
"This is like a very depressing Shark Tank."
"Oop- My jellybeans!"
"Nice and toasty back here."
"And guess what? She. Was. PISSED."
"It was the size... OF APPLES!"
"Got some technical difficulties back here, everything's fine-"
"I love lazy rivers, man."
"I'd love to die on a lazy river."
"This is the most fun I've had in a really long time!"
"Why must you do the things you do?"
"He's having a conniption!"
"He's gonna pull a little pistol out of that satchel."
"Does this look ridiculous?"
"Here we gooooo!"
*starts aggressively dancing*
"She wanted to be a shit."
"When, one last time with gusto-!"
"I guess that's gusto!"
"Shut up."
"It's God."
"Oh, God's a white man, huh?"
"Oh; I mean- It's the Devil!"
*starts laughing uncontrollably*
"He was publicly arrested."
"This is a dangerous game you're playing here, [muse]."
"This ain't my first boat-sinkin'!"
"I got a crazy gig for ya, [muse]."
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madamhatter · 6 years ago
am i valid for url meme...
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions… / accepting 
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: Bamboo Rice will have a special place in my heart because I love big ol’ dorks whO WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THE PEOPLE/THINGS THEY LOVE. And Bamboo was really the one I got to know and we were able to somewhat extend conversation about him :’D. 
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: Any time Xander literally opens his mouth and everyone else has to reply like “NO” and he’s like “YES.” I really just love how your general interactions can literally terrorize multiple blogs/fandoms in one successful swoop, no matter which character it is. I only know so few of your characters but I can tell this is something that has happened frequently with the others.My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): what do you mean tsun isn’t Bamboo’s writer? And Boston Lobster’s? And Xander’s?  Why am I being fed these lies? However, there was one thing I noticed that I adored and that was the fact you really brought in actual and plausible headcanons that make sense in relation to the character’s upbringing and what they have and may not have experienced. IE: I remember Bamboo being mentioned (by you) to be illiterate due to their surroundings and being deep in the forest. As strange as it sounds, people really don’t go that far down into detail and I appreciate it. My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: You know that meme where Gordon Ramsey says “finally, some good fucking food”?  That’s literally me when I see any of Tsun’s posts, IC or OOC. I just like reading their stuff and being intimated by the writing in a way that pushes to me to go back to my more serious writing times. Also don’t get me started on their meme ANSWERS, IM HONESTLY RECOVERING FROM SEVERAL ON XANDER’S BLOGS, DON’T @ ME IT READS LIKE POETRY - Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: HMMM… I would like to see Xander in an AU where he properly is a king of a land, even if it is through questionable means (which may be slightly OOC); I do think your Sengoku M. muses will have a god damn fun time in a deity-based AU. Lmao, and if you have doubles, you can always mimick the Evillous Chronicles series with like twins (Daughter of Evil, Servant of Evil, Regret Message, etc.) because those are fun times :3ccccSomeone else I love seeing them interact with: @box-of-characters and @cirocchio ; no questions about that. No matter which character, it IS THE FUNNIEST THING TO ME. Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: So how the hell does a gem like you stay hidden for so long? What’s your secret? Why keep hidden?? I’m going to have to hold you high in the air for folks to realize the quality that is you as a writer. 
If We Know Eachother
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Can deal with my bullshit, has the shitty sense of humor like me, and doesn’t find me annoying. Tsun just really knows how to get the dash working and chat with others, making a whole group experience that doesn’t exclude anyone. Tsun also takes heavy consideration and stuff when writing for characters and trying not to insert his midwestern twang in otherwise very regal mouths. Seriouly, though, I think his best qualities will alwas be the way they’re able to frame their characters’ emotions and always involve movement with them, making a whole scene play out. It isn’t stagnant, it’s always flowing, like a river.What I Think Are Their Strengths: Can laugh and tolerate my horrible fucking puns. It’s just super easy and comfortable to talk to you and get to know you! I say that not only are you an amiable personality, I really do say that at the end of the day, you care for your fellow roleplayers much more than writing partners and more as friends. This is beyond writing that I’ll consistently gush about but, I get that you’re an all around package who brings your A+ game and only deserves the best. A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: How…how do I choose one?? I usually send him very cursed things over Tumblr IMs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=120HFjKPuJ4) and we’ve explored the realm of what strange things seiyuus sing. Every OOC interaction is memorable! Why Others Should RP With Them: It’s really hard nowadays to find roleplayers that really care for their characters but also know when to mess around and not take them as seriously. With the addition in being dedicated to building their characters and open to new and exciting ways to interact, I don’t why why you aren’t following yet. Also, he helps me cope with the stupid and long novella replies with eveN BETTER ONES SO, YOU GOT THAT BONUS. How Others Should Approach Them: Maybe it’s me and I see that it’s really easy to message people like a moron like “he-hewwo??” But, I always say drop into Tsun’s messages and drop a hello! I always say it’s better to drop in to meet the person first rather than their writing. It helps build bonds! Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them: @vacuitas ; I think both of your multimuse blogs will greatly mesh well together and with Kat’s blog backstory and OCs should really be explored and you got some interesting personalities on both of your blogs that can either get along or hate very much! Anything else I want to say about them: how you haven’t gotten tired of me yet and the weird things I’ve sent you is beyond me– But, Tsun, you’re a real sweetheart and know how to bring a smile to my face without realizing it ;v;
If We Have/Plan To Interact
A plot I’d like to write with them: ANYTHING. ANYTHING. just honestly throw me ideas about AUs and I’m like butter, easy to melt and get into things. *steeples hands* If there’s any way I can make a character suffer at the expense of one of mine getting hurt or being mean, lmk :eyes:. Maybe hm… “Asselin you’re not a demon and those horns are totally fake - what the bloody hell. No I’m not going to stop pulling these horns these are NO way real ” AU. A muse I want to introduce to them: Natsume from Enstars. Just trust me, just trust me you will love that little shit and he’ll fit in with your crowd and he curses people like a fucking moron please I LOVE HIM… Since you like characters in trashbags, but I want you to have a variety, I can also bleed in some of my Mogeko charas like Shirogane (a scaredy cat wolf) and Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko (he’s a man who defies meta to solve the murders of his family that fateful October 4th, 1986). Also Phantom from Maplestory, I …love him to bits, he’s amazing. He’s gorgeous, he’s powerful, tends to not take things seriously is a phantom thief but I …oh god I love him so much : ‘ ) A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Xander/Sophie’s dynamic is amazing, I love when the bourgeois and the peasants argue. I’m also glad that their relationship can translate on different levels but there’s always that call-back to bickering yet support. If I can propose another, uhh– I really like Bamboo/Spam as a friendship and Boston/Spam as a mix of plato/romo (not too sure but I really liked their differences, i can see it as a “grey” area).  UHHHH… Asselin/Sophie looks like it could be a god damn trip :tm: bc a servant of satan of a witch sounds all sorts of chaos :3c. A thread with them I’m excited about: CHISANA THREAD, CHISANA THREAD! GIANT ASS DRAGON INDEBT TO WITCH AND HE REGRETS TURNING HUMAN BUT THEN HE REGRETS TURNING BACK AND … YEAH.  Anything else I want to say: God has forsaken you since you’re my friend and I hope you realize the path you’re now down wnjdfksnfdsj/. 
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