#› thoros of myr ╱ ic
volukyrja · 1 year
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Hanged man
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jaydeewis · 1 year
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“We thank you for the sun that warms us. We thank you for the stars that watch us. We thank you for our hearths and for our torches, that keep the savage dark at bay.”
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wodania · 1 year
New poll time!
Does betting your money mean you think your man (or lady) is going to win? No! Sometimes it’s just funny to bet on the person people least expect to win. Do not fight each other, this is not a melee tourney.
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vrshxw · 9 months
Sandor Clegane x fem!Martell!OC
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Fucking a stranger while being held prisoner by the Brotherhood Without Banners wasn't Adora Martell's brightest idea.
warnings: sexual content (piv), slight!irrelevant!bondage
word count: 1.2k
A/N:!this is only the first chapter of my ongoing fanfic on wattpad (vrshxw), so for additional content check it there!
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The small ray of sun that glistened through the cracks of the wooden caravan was the only thing that kept her sane. It was a hope, a reminder of the freedom she had and could reclaim.
The time spent locked away was measured by the strained, drunk voices of the Brotherhood, mainly Thoros'. As long as the sun was still shining he was chirping and groaning and humming. A not so foreign want to smash her head against the filthy wood of the caravan crept in again and again until he went to sleep. But even then, the bastard will start moaning and bluffing.
Adora could only wait patiently and enjoy some of the only moments of silence she'll get until the thieves finished their meal. She only ate during supper, enough to survive and be able to sleep without having a growling stomach and the Brotherhood quickly realised that after some failed attempts to shove food up her throat, thinking she'd starve herself.
The small door suddenly opened, pulling her out of thought. A couple of hysterical laughs were loudly audible, as she heard them throwing some other cursed soul in. "We have found you a friend, princess!" The archer's comment brought an even scowl to her figures.
And then, it was dark a quiet again. The new companion was silent as fuck, not even moving from the place in which the thieves put him. Adora cleared her throat, trying to get some reaction out of him. A man it seemed he was, a voluminous man, by the struggle of the Brotherhood to get him in. What kind of man his size let some cunts like them to capture him? She was dying to get the bag off her head and see him. The tight ropes around her and the smelly bag on her head that caused more grease to appear in her hair were the aftermath of a failed attempt of escaping. Damn the archer! If it wasn't for him she'd be far already. But no, he had to fire his arrow right into her already too weakened calf. The wound was long forgotten, one of their pathetic excuse of a healer made sure to add some salve on and bind it with rags. That was several weeks ago, months maybe, she was sure it was healed, however she couldn't test it due to the bindings around her.
She cleared her throat again, louder this time, bored by the man's quiet nature. After some minutes of listening to his even breath that reeked of cheap ale, Adora finally realised that he was unconscious. She huffed loudly, the first sound she let out for some good days.
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Was it a couple of hours? Or just mare minutes? The dornish princess couldn't say. The man finally moved, letting out a hoarse groan.
He attempted to move, and only after he tried he realised that there were ropes that bound his whole body tightly.
A bitter voice laughed at him.
His eyes travelled in the dark of the caravan to catch the glimpse of the figure of a woman. Her binds were matching his, however she had a bag over her head, that prevented her from seeing his face.
The man's gaze continued to scan his surroundings, only finding unknown, the small ray of sun on the roof that allowed the smallest amount of light in showing him just that.
"Lost?" The woman's mocking voice stopped his gazing around. It was almost like her stare could burn through the bag on her head, allowing her to see every one of his chaotic moves, that ideed signaled that he was confused.
"Who the fuck are you?" He asked, thankful she couldn't see the look on his face, because if she did she would've seen a perplexed idiot.
He could feel the woman's smirk under her bag. "Someone not very differed from yourself"
The man let out a sound that could be classified as a laugh, even though it was more like a sneer. "I doubt that"
Her nostrils flared "You might be right actually, I could never stink the way you do"
He scoffed at her response, yet finding it quite appealing. He was need of a bath indeed. He could tell the woman also haven't got the chance to bathe in a while, but it was clearly not as bad as in his case.
"You don't know what I'd give for a bath" He grumbled, now paying a precise attention to the smell of his sweat.
"And perhaps a maiden or two to massage your shoulders as you do so, I take it?" She rose a brow inside the dullnes of her bag, her tone obvious, familiar to the nature of men.
"I might make you to do so, you seem quite content with it" He straightened his posture, stretching his tired bones.
She let out a 'hmph', tilting her head. "Well, I am quite entertaining"
The corner of his lip twitched. "Bet you are." For the first time he took his time to check her out and analyse every inch of her.
Feeling his deep stare, she crawled closer to him as fast as she could due to the ropes. She stopped next to him, bringing her chest forward. He somehow twisted is hand in the bindings and made a move to grip her arse.
She let out a faint chuckle, understating he had the same desires-no, desperations as her.
It was plain that neither of them had the chance to fulfil their needs. He took advantage of the fact that she wasn't able to see his face. She might be the only woman who fucked him wiggly, except the older whores that would fuck any man without remorse, but still they were paid whores and she was a willing woman for all he knew.
She ended up in his lap, undoing her breeches as his hands were tied behid his back unable to move, leaving all the word to be done by her.
Both of them groaned feeling her grind against him before succeeding to slip inside her with an even guttural moan. Her shoulders were pressed against his armoured chest, leaning on it to help herself ride him with the lack of balance the ropes around her legs gave her.
Adora found herself letting sounds loud enough for the members of the Brotherhood outside to hear them, the rough slapping of her bottom on him, along with his groans there and there. A faint headache would root at the level of her head from all the noise she was doing, as she felt herself tightening around him, but it was good, not only because she was close to her peak, but because it felt like revenge, like those thieves outside were paying for it with their ears falling off and unsuccessful curses.
And she continued to do so, until she, herself was tired of the vengeful sounds she was making.
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read future chapters on wattpad
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bookgendrya · 1 year
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She looked at their filthy hair and scraggly beards and reddened eyes, at their dry, cracked, bleeding lips.[…]The water splashed across her fingers and down her sleeve, but Arya did not move until the cup was brimming over. When she turned back towards the cages the townsman moved to stop her. “You get away from them, boy-“ “She’s a girl,” said Harwin. “Leave her be” “Aye” said Lem. “Lord Beric don’t hold with caging men to die of thirst. Why don’t you hang them decent?”
Her face throbbed. Her shoulder bled. Breathing hurt. The pain crackled up her arm like lightening. She cried out for a maester. “We have no maester,” said a girls voice. “Only me.” […] “She can’t go much further. She’ll die.” “One less lion. I won’t weep.”
“You stand accused of murder, but no one here knows the truth or falsehood of the charges, so it is not for us to judge you. Only the Lord of Light may do that now. I sentence you to trial by battle.” The Hound frowned suspiciously, as if he did not trust his ears. “Are you a fool or a madman?” “Neither, I am a just lord. Prove your innocence with a blade, and you shall be free to go.”
At the hollow hill, what you said about being King Robert’s men, and brothers, I like that. I like that you gave the Hound a trial. Lord Bolton just hanged folk or took off their heads, Lord Tywin and Ser Amory were the same. I’d sooner smith for you.”
“…till you stand before m’lady.” Renly stood behind the girl, pushing hair out of his eyes. Not Renly, Gendry. “M’lady means for you to answer for your crimes.”
“Whatever treachery you think I may have done, my lady, Podrick and Ser Hyle were no part of it.” “They’re lions,” said the one-eyed man. “That’s enough. I say they hang. Tarly’s hanged a score o’ ours, past time we strung up some o’his.”
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eonweheraldodemanwe · 26 days
Brotherhood Without Banners core box artbook.
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And some heroes miniatures
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Lord Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr. Tom Sevenstreams, I think the other guy may be Lem Lemoncloak. The hag maybe the Ghost of High Heart? The woman Lady Smallwood?
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Do you think Robert Baratheon was actually haunted by the memory of Elia’s children in the Lannister red cloaks, in the same way Ned Stark and Thoros of Myr were?
Not the same way. But also Robert is the sort of man who will do absolutely anything (e.g. fighting, drinking, eating, sex, hunting, etc) to avoid dwelling on things he doesn’t want to think about. So is he haunted by the crimes committed in his name? Maybe. But he’s not likely to think about it too much, and to avoid the subject if someone dares to bring it up. Given the people who surround him, I doubt anyone would try. Maybe Jon Arryn, but only if it’s necessary.
We know that Jon Arryn was the one who delivered the bones of Lewyn Martell to Prince Doran after the war. We are not told what happened to the bones of Elia and her children. One assumes they were also returned to Dorne, unless someone saw fit to give them a Targaryen fire burial, which seems highly unlikely under the circumstances. But what seems clear is that Robert was not in any way involved in this process.
Ned is partly haunted, I think, by how close he came to saving those children. He may even have been within the walls of the Red Keep, confronting Jaime, while Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch were doing their bloody work in Maegor’s Holdfast. That, coupled with how close he came to saving Lyanna, only to lose her too, means those children will forever be associated with everything Ned has lost and all the people he could not save.
It’s not like that for Robert. Robert “lost” Lyanna, but he wasn’t the one who found her bleeding out and held her as she died. He gained a great deal by the deaths of Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon, but he didn’t even give the order for it, so it was in his interests to distance himself as much as possible. Now, choosing to reward Tywin by making his daughter queen is not a great way of distancing himself, and it’s mentioned more than once in the books that Robert may have been relieved that Tywin did the killing so he didn’t have to. When he refers to the dead children as “dragonspawn” to Ned, I read that as Robert trying to deny the guilt he does feel, and trying to convince himself that he did the right thing by not punishing Tywin. (Ned, we know, wanted Tywin executed for murder and cruelty.)
Thoros is a different case altogether. He has basically zero power is this entire situation; he was just a soldier and a priest witnessing a war and finding only horror in the atrocities, rather than triumph. It’s part of his personal journey, but its impact on the larger narrative isn’t felt until much, much later.
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silverflameataraxia · 3 months
Arya hoping the brotherhood without banners rescues her from the Hound and they're either not looking for her or they just haven't found her yet 😭😭
There's no way across, she thought. Lord Beric will catch us for sure. Clegane had pushed his big black stallion hard, doubling back thrice to throw off pursuit, once even riding half a mile up the center of a swollen stream...but Arya still expected to see the outlaws every time she looked back. She had tried to help them by scratching her name on the trunks of trees when she went in the bushes to make water, but the fourth time she did it he caught her, and that was the end of that. It doesn't matter, Arya told herself, Thoros will find me in his flames. Only he hadn't. Not yet, anyway, and once they crossed the river...
- Arya IX, ASoS
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Thoros of Myr and Anguy the Archer, members of the Brotherhood without Banners
Here's my LEGO adaptation of alexandrokayart's Thoros and Anguy fanarts, linked below
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Modern Setting AU where the Starks find out where Arya is because she keeps posting selfies with Sandor and the Brotherhood without Banners on Snapchat
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drymushroomfics · 2 days
Fraye Hill of House Lannister
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Chapter Thirty
Fraye can't believe Sandor isn't putting up more of an arguement. He agreed so quickly to fight Beric. She almost hates him for it.
The large fire pit in the middle of the cave shines bright. It's  warm enough to make her injured skin tingle.
She watches Thoros stare into the fire.
"Lord, cast your light upon us.", he says.
"Lord of Light, defend us.", all the Brotherhood say in unison.
Fraye's heartbeat quickens as Anguy unties Sandor.
She watches him roll his shoulders and straighten out his armor.
"Show us the truth. Strick this man down if he is guilty. Give strength to his sword if he is true. Lord of Light, give us wisdom. For the night is dark and full of terrors.", Thoros preaches.
"For the night is dark and full of terrors.", the Brotherhood repeats.
Someone hands Fraye a sword and she walks up to him, handing it to him.
"Please. I'd appreciate it if you lived.", she tells him.
He takes the sword.
"Just stay back and don't interfere. You aren't ready to fight yet... I don't go down easily so don't worry your pretty head.", he tells her, leaning down to kiss her forehead and give her a small glimpse of the Sandor she's used to.
She nods, forcing herself to move away from him.
Fraye gasps when Beric's sword ignites into a wild blaze of fire. Fear runs through her. She looks at Sandor and sees fear. She's never seen this kind of fear in him before.
Someone hands Sandor a shield and he twirls the sword around his hand, readying himself.
They both suddenly charge at each other. Sandor lunging for him but Beric dodges it. Everything moves so fast for Fraye's eyes as their swords clink together.
Fraye watches people scurry out of the way as their swords barrel through the air, knocking down everything in their paths.
Sandor knocks Beric in the shoulder, almost causing him to lose balance. He regains it quickly, twirling his torched sword through the air and stricking Sandor's sword without missing a beat.
Irritation runs through Sandor as Beric is able to handle every blow so far. Anger takes over and Sandor lunges his sword once more, missing as Beric ducks under. Fraye watches as Sandor tries again, only landing a blow to his opponent's wooden shield.
Fraye thinks of running toward Sandor when she sees Beric knock him into a lit fire.
Sparks fly and Sandor yells.
"No!", Fraye yells moving to run after him.
She's grabbed by two men, forcing her to stay put.
"Please! You can't let him burn!", she pleads with them.
"I'm sorry M'lady but his life is in the hands of the Lord. We can't interfere.", one says to her.
Sandor angrily emergers unharmed and kicks away the vases on the dirt floor that lay in his way. Beric and Sandor clink swords once more and Beric twists around, knocking Sandor to his knees.
He's quick to recover, turning around and blocking Beric's sword.
Back on his feet, Sandor barrels his way toward Beric, throwing blow after blow at him. Beric doesn't seem phased and returns the attack, throwing equal blows and knocking Sandor to his back.
Fraye holders her breath as Beric lands a hard blow to Sandor's shield, lighting it a blaze.
Sandor shoots up off the ground, trying to fight off Beric.
Fraye can see the anguish in his eyes as he tries to put out the fire. Slashing at it with his sword is no use and rage takes hold of him.
Fraye tries to fight the men holding her. Pleading with them to let go.
They refuse, holding her so tightly they dig into her wounds.
He fights Beric with all his might.
Everyone around Fraye starts to chant, "Guilty! Guilty! Guilt!"
She even hears Arya screaming, "Kill him!".
It makes Fraye's ears ring. She can feel herself start to breathe heavier and her whole body starts to shake.
The only sound bringing her back down is Sandor's battle cry.
Sandor breathes heavily as he pulls his sword from Beric's shoulder. He falls to the ground, remembering the heat surrounding his arm.
He can feel panic set in. He hits at the ground hard, doing anything he can to exstinguish the flame. Childhood memories flash through his head of his brother. His whole body shakes with fear.
He doesn't even realize Fraye is next to him until she's got the shield off of him. He looks up at her and sees worry in her eyes. Seeing her face, grounds him.
He remembers where they are and turns his head just in time to see Arya Stark running at him. Her friend tackles her to the ground and Sandor finds himself laughing at the twisted fate. He killed Beric and the girl didn't manage any revenge.
He thinks their god is nothing but horse shit.
"Looks like their god likes me more than your butcher's boy.", Sandor laughs, taking in more deep breaths.
He leans his head back and feels Fraye again.
He closes his eyes for a small moment as Fraye cups his face in her soft hands.
"Are you alright?", she asks him.
He opens his eyes and looks at her. She is frantically searching his body for wounds.
He nods, turning on his side and spitting a bit of blood from his mouth.
She leans down and kisses his forehead, her touch calming Sandor's racing heart.
The "Burn in hell!", Arya yells at Sandor fading in the background.
The feeling of Fraye's touch and love is more holy than any God to Sandor.
Their focused is pulled from each other as they hear Beric speak.
"He will. But not today."
Confusion runs through both of their heads when they see him alive as if Sandor didn't just put his sword clean through him.
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g0lightly · 1 month
Speaking of musicals that i think inspired asoiaf … Thoros and Beric are a bit like Grantaire and Enjolras from Les Misérables! A leader of a vigilante group serving the underclass amid a corrupt monarchy and his totally-not-boyfriend who drinks too much who’s with him when he dies? GRRM i know what you are (theater kid)
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The BWB in general reminds me of Les Amis de l’ABC (in French sounds like “friends of the debased” aka friends of lower classes). I like to think that the tunnels in the weirwood cave at the hollow hill might be like a version of the Paris sewers in future plots with the brotherhood. I also think there’s some clear Jean Valjean imagery happening with Sandor at the Quiet Isle.
The name “Riverrun” always made me think of these lyrics from the song introducing Les Amis (Red and Black) and sometimes I wonder if it’s not a coincidence:
Students, workers, everyone There's a river on the run Like the flowing of a tide Paris coming to our side!
Considering that the Freys hold Riverrun... super interesting to consider in the context of a possible Red Wedding 2.0.
There are also some other lyrics in the song that make me think of the bloodshed in the riverlands -- be it the WOT5K or the Red Wedding -- as well as the long night in the context of in-universe history:
Red – the blood of angry men Black – the dark of ages past Red – a world about to dawn Black – a night that ends at last!
He's posted on NotABlog about seeing musicals before, so... maybe he's not inspired by Dune but I do think he was inspired by Les Mis!
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a-fire-of-ice · 1 year
I gave him the good god's own kiss to send him on his way.
But never before had I felt a dead man shudder as the fire filled him, nor seen his eyes come open.
gay people will literally recreate snow white before admitting their feelings
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inlovewithquotes · 1 year
"And justice? Can that be found in caves?"
"Justice." Thoros smiled wanly. I remember justice. It had a pleasant taste. Justice was what we were about when Beric led us, or so we told ourselves. We were king's men, knights, and heroes......but some knights are dark and full of terror, my lady. War makes monsters of us all."
-A Feast For Crows
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aegon6targaryen · 1 year
AO3 - Of Kings and Bastards - 5
Here we have the next Midjourney-images for the characters in my fanfic Of Kings and Bastards. This time, we see the red priests Melisandre and Thoros. Melisandre of Asshai:
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Sadly, the choker with the glowing ruby around her throat is missing, but I do like the rest. :-)
Thoros of Myr:
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helenofsparta2 · 1 month
I used to love the prophecy surrounding Azor Ahai
The mystery, the mythical element, which connects the past to the future and adds to the excitement, which is the Long Night. How it connects to different characters and religions within the world of ice and fire, creates another bridge between the political and the magical side of the story and influences the decisions of people like Stannis, Thoros of Myr and especially Melisandre.  I also love George R. R. Martin’s use of prophecies, where you can never be sure, which parts can be trusted, and in how many different ways they could come true.
Since joining the asoiaf fandom, this has, however, changed rather drastically.
Because here it seems like the prophecy is no longer an interesting story element, which elevates the books and can lead to fun and interesting debates, but a dick measuring contest between Jon and Dany stans.
Sometimes, it makes me wish that neither of them are Azor Ahai reborn, even though they are two of my favourite characters and the most likely candidates, because once it will get revealed, the toxic parts of their fandoms are going to be insufferable and shit on the other character for no good reason. We already got a taste of that after the season 2 finale of House of the Dragon aired. It has come to the point where I’m thinking of blocking the azor ahai tag altogether.
Here is something I need everyone to understand: Even if one of them isn’t the prince/ princess who was promised, that doesn’t make their eventual role in defeating the others and saving humanity any less vital. They are both amazingly written characters and two of the more morally righteous within the world of Westeros. I fully believe that Dany would not be able to save Westeros without Jon’s efforts and vice versa.  No one can defeat the white walkers while standing alone, no matter who it is.
While I personally think most evidence we have leads to Daenerys, that doesn’t mean I think that people who believe Jon Snow to be Azor Ahai are stupid or have no grounds to stand on, or that he has nothing at all to do with the prophecy. There is ample evidence pointing towards both characters and both possibilities would make for great and logical storylines.
For the sake of an argument, let’s talk about each piece of information regarding the identity of Azor Ahai separately and how they could relate to both Jon and Daenerys.
The Ghost of High Heart saw in a dream that the prince who was promised would come from the line of Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen.
This one is easy. It obviously applies to both Daenerys and Jon, (at least if we believe the theory that Jon is the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar, which is the most logical possibility.) Daenerys is the first-born daughter of Aerys and Rhaella and Jon their grandson.  
Azor Ahai shall wake dragons from stone.
It doesn’t get any more literal than this. This is about Daenerys, there is no debate there. Her three dragon eggs were petrified when she received them and she hatched them with the help of fire, sacrifice and blood magic, very similar to how Azor Ahai created lightbringer through the death of Nissa Nissa.
Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst salt and smoke.
This part is very open for interpretation.
When Aemon Targaryen still believed the prophecy to be about Rhaegar, he thought the smoke symbolized the fire of Summerhall and the salt the tears of the people, who suffered through this tragedy. So, smoke and salt can mean almost anything. I doubt that there exists a character, whose birth we can not somehow link to some form of salt and smoke.
Daenerys, for example, was born on Dragonstone in the middle of a storm. Checks out with the prophecy.  
The same goes for Jon, who was born at the end of Robert’s rebellion. A rebellion which indirectly started because of Rhaegar’s wish to have another child. The smoke could symbolize either the war, or the end of the Targaryen dynasty, and the salt could symbolize the tears of Lyanna, or generally of the many people who suffered during this war.
Or it could be about him coming back from the dead. His rebirth, so to say, for which Melisandre is (probably) going to sacrifice Shireen Baratheon. The smoke then comes obviously from the pyre she will die on and the salt will be the tears she will undoubtedly shed.
The prince is “born beneath a bleeding star”:
Obviously, Daenerys dragons hatched the day the red comet was seen across the sky. She wasn’t born under a bleeding star, but this moment could count as some kind of rebirth. The comet is also often named things like “dragons’ breath”, or “Dragon’s Tail", or connected with blood and fire, obviously the words of house Targaryen.
I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow
I know a lot of people don’t pay this sentence much heed, because it comes from Melisandre, and she already misinterpreted Stannis Baratheon to be the Prince who was promised, but I think it is important to note that this is not an interpretation of hers. It is from Melisandre’s point of view.  We see what she sees. What “Rhollor” sends her. Whether you like it or not, this proves, that Jon Snow has at least somehow to do with the prophecy.
To add to this, there is the vow of the Night’s watch, which shares obvious similarities to the prophecy of Azhor Ahai and is deeply connected to the character of Jon snow:
“I am the sword in the darkness, I am the watcher on the wall. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realm of men.”
There’s also the argument to be made that Jon’s entire storyline so far revolved around the wall and the fight with the others, while Daenerys had nothing to do with it. His arc would be rather pointless and disappointing if, in the end, nothing Jon does matters, because Dany is the prophesized messiah, who will save the day anyway.
Like I said, I believe Daenerys Tragaryen to be Azor Ahai born again, but I don’t think anyone can really make the argument that either Jon, or Dany have nothing to do with the prophecy, or that not both of them will be important in the long night.
So, please, asoiaf fandom, I beg of you, stop putting Jon and Daenerys against each other. They are both incredible characters, and can shine on their own without having to tear down the other.
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