#‪Hari Raya Nyepi
thebleedingwoodland · 2 years
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TS3 - Indonesian Architecture - Pura Gapura Penjor 
🎵 Background Music: RELAXNATION - Bali Relaxing Music
Bangunan tradisional Bali ini dibuat karena bertepatan dengan bulan ini dimana di tanggal 22 Maret 2023 adalah Hari Raya Nyepi, yaitu hari pergantian Tahun Saka yang dirayakan umat Hindu setiap satu tahun sekali.  🙏
Selain itu juga untuk melambangkan ucapan terima kasih karena saya bertemu dengan banyak teman di kalangan Sims community yang berasal dari Indonesia. 
These three traditional Balinese architecture were made because the time was coincide with Nyepi, which is a Balinese "Day of Silence" that is commemorated every Isakawarsa (Saka new year) according to the Balinese calendar (in 2023, it falls on March 22). It is a Balinese celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia. (source: Wikipedia)  🙏
Pura is a Balinese Hindu temple and the place of worship for adherents of Balinese Hinduism in Indonesia.
Poly count: 12K & 8K Price: 18,225
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Gapura Candi Bentar (Left Side & Right Side) is a gate consists of two temple buildings that have identical shapes and are placed parallel as the main gate to enter the courtyard area of the house or the outermost gate. Usually, its uses as the main entrance of the temple or place of Hindu worship in Bali. (source: Palm-Living)
Poly count: 3K Price: 8,225
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Penjor is a Balinese Hindu religious symbol of prosperity installed on the day of the Galungan ceremony. (source: Wikipedia)
Poly count: 18K & 10K Price: 800
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Base mesh by respective 3D modelers, I decreased the high poly (100K) from original 3D model into less than 20K, added mesh, uvmap, and retexture to finish the 3D models. 
Temple Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is by Solaironk from Turbosquid Gapura Candi Bentar is by Syariful M. from 3dwarehouse.sketchup Penjor is by alterego.visual from Sketchfab
Base Game compatible. No Expansion Pack needed.
Do not reupload/make profit/link to adf.ly or donation, no sims3planet, no simsfinds.
Can be found in “Decor> Miscellaneous Decor“ category
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bapakpuisi · 7 months
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fans community bapak puisi
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haridiva · 7 months
Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi Tahun Baru Saka 1946!
Halo, teman-teman semua! Apa kabar? Semoga sehat dan bahagia selalu, ya. 😊 Om Swastiastu, Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin menyampaikan ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi bagi Umat Hindu di Indonesia yang jatuh pada Senin, 11 Maret 2024, Tahun Baru Saka ke 1946. Nyepi adalah hari suci yang dirayakan oleh umat Hindu dengan cara menjalani empat brata, yaitu amati geni (tidak menyalakan api atau…
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pecalang · 2 years
Tabuh Nyanggra Pekuluh Rawuh Sekaa Gong Banjar Serang Banten
Tabuh Nyanggra Pekuluh Rawuh Sekaa Gong Banjar Serang Banten Tabuh Nyanggra Pekuluh Rawuh Sekaa Gong Banjar Serang Banten PLEASE SUBSCRIBE – LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE Kami umat Hindu Banten selalu guyub dalam melaksanakan Panca Yadnya baik itu Upacara Dewa Yadnya, Upacara Pitra Yadnya, Upacara Rsi Yadnya, Upacara Manusa Yadnya, Upacara Butha Yadnya. Upacara Butha Yadnya seperti Tawur Kesanga pada…
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parahitatour · 2 years
Hari Raya Nyepi - Hari Suci Bagi Umat Hindu
Hari Raya Nyepi – Hari suci umat Hindu, Nyepi, menjadi salah satu hari sakral yang penuh dengan rangkaian adat dan peraturan. Di Indonesia sendiri, mayoritas penganut agama Hindu ada di Bali. Yang mana membuat hari raya Nyepi menjadi suatu perayaan besar penuh makna dan berkesan unik di pulau dewata tersebut. Alhasil hari Nyepi pun dinanti setiap tahunnya. Namun tahukah Anda bahwa banyak sekali…
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himawarriblog · 2 years
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Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi Balinese new year The day of silence 2023.03.22 #nyepi #balinese #dayofsilence #march2023 #ubud #bali #indonesia (at Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIiPs5vpDN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chillosophia · 2 years
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Hari Raya Nyepi is a beautiful and significant event in the Balinese Hindu calendar, known as the 'Day of Silence'. This day is characterized by inactivity, fasting, and self-reflection. Nyepi day, which falls on March 28, 2023, lasts for 24 hours, starting from 6:00 am WITA. During this time, Balinese Hindus observe the 'Catur Brata Penyepian,' which includes four prohibitions: no working, traveling, fire, or entertainment. Emergency services are the only ones allowed to operate during Nyepi, and the island's airports and seaports are closed. The Nyepi celebration includes several rituals such as the Melasti and Ogoh-ogoh ceremonies, which involve the purification of sacred objects and the symbolization of evil spirits. The day after Nyepi, the Ngembak Geni ceremony takes place, where people visit temples and offer prayers and offerings. One of the significant impacts of Nyepi is the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and electricity consumption in Bali. Reports indicate that electricity consumption drops by around 700 MW, equivalent to 40% of the island's total daily electricity demand, due to the closure of businesses and reduced transportation. This reduction has a positive impact on the environment and results in a decrease in carbon dioxide emissions. In addition to environmental benefits, the reduction in electricity consumption during Nyepi has economic benefits, saving the island around IDR 12.2 billion (approximately USD 823,000) in electricity costs in 2019. Nyepi is a friendly cultural event that promotes energy efficiency and reduces carbon emissions while preserving Balinese culture and tradition. It is an excellent example of how cultural events can have a positive impact on the environment and the economy. Overall, Hari Raya Nyepi is a clear #trihitakarana statement that highlights the beauty of Balinese tradition, culture and nature (at Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-PmtjP6OOovMDJK8ezeXg9jyzDtohi2ydq8g0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fanany1966 · 5 months
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Masyarakat Jawa memiliki berbagai cara dalam mengungkapkan rasa syukur mereka kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.
Salah satunya adalah dengan menggelar upacara atau ritual larung saji atau larung sesaji. Ritual ini merupakan bentuk sedekah alam yang dilakukan sebagai perwujudan rasa syukur kepada Yang Maha Kuasa yang telah melimpahkan rejeki terutama dalam bentuk hasil bumi bagi masyarakat.
Selain itu, upacara ini juga di maksudkan sebagai bentuk permohonan rejeki dan keselamatan.
Upacara larung saji ini dapat di temukan di berbagai daerah di pulau Jawa terutama di daerah yang berdekatan dengan pantai, misalnya daerah Blitar, Pacitan, Banyuwangi, Jogjakarta, Pacitan, Gunung Kidul, Pangandaran, Pelabuhan Ratu dan Madura.
Waktu pelaksanaannya sendiri berbeda-beda, tergantung dari kepercayaan masyarakat sekitar.
Sebagai contoh, di daerah Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, ritual larung saji ( masyarakat Banyuwangi menyebutnya sebagai upacara petik laut ) di lakukan pada hari rabu terakhir pada bulan Sapar.
Masyarakat mempercayai bahwa hari tersebut merupakan hari turunnya wabah penyakit dan bencana, sehingga di harapkan ritual petik laut yang di lakukan akan menghalau bencana yang ada.
Inti dari upacara larung saji ini adalah melarungkan atau menghanyutkan sesaji yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan hasil bumi masyarakat sekitar.
Pada umumnya, sesaji yang akan di larungkan berupa Tumpeng Agung atau tumpeng berukuran besar setinggi 1 hingga 1,5 meter yang terbuat dari beras putih atau beras merah.
Tumpeng ini kemudian di hias dan di lengkapi dengan berbagai jenis buah dan sayuran serta hasil bumi masyarakat sekitar seperti pepaya, pisang, kacang panjang, ketela dan berbagai hasil bumi lainnya.
Sesaji tersebut di atur dan di tata di atas anyaman bambu yang nantinya akan di larungkan ke laut.
Selain sesaji dalam bentuk makanan dan hasil bumi, sering juga di sertakan kelengkapan ritual lainnya berupa kepala sapi.
Ritual ini di mulai dengan melakukan do'a selamatan yang di pimpin oleh para sesepuh desa.
Setelah itu, sesaji tersebut akan di arak dari tempat sesaji menuju ke pinggir laut.
Sesampainya dipinggir laut, sesaji tersebut akan di serahkan kepada sekelompok nelayan yang bertugas melarungkan sesaji tersebut.
Sesaji ini di letakkan di atas perahu, kemudian di bawa hingga ke tengah laut sebelum akhirnya di lepaskan dan di bawa oleh ombak menuju samudra luas.
Proses pelepasan sesaji ini pada umumnya tidak di lakukan sendiri.
Masyarakat sekitar biasanya turut menyertai pelepasan sesaji di tengah laut dengan menggunakan perahu nelayan yang telah di hias seindah mungkin, yang membuat prosesi ini menjadi lebih meriah.
Saat ini ritual larung saji bukan hanya menjadi sebuah tradisi belaka, melainkan juga telah menjadi daya tarik wisata tersendiri.
Setiap tahunnya, prosesi larung saji mampu menarik ratusan wisatawan baik yang berasal dari daerah sekitar hingga wisatawan yang berasal dari luar negeri sehingga tidak heran bila pemerintah daerah setempat seperti di daerah Blitar, menjadikan ritual larung saji ini sebagai salah satu agenda tahunan yang akan di hadiri oleh Bupati dan segenap pimpinan daerah.
Meraih Kesucian Diri Menjelang Nyepi dalam Upacara Melasti
Tahun baru Saka bagi umat Hindu Bali merupakan kesempatan untuk memulai kembali kehidupan dengan hati yang suci.
Melalui ritual amati geni pada Hari Raya Nyepi, setiap umat Hindu pada hakikatnya mendapat kesempatan untuk mengevaluasi capaian hidupnya selama satu tahun yang lalu dan menyusun ulang rencana hidup satu tahun mendatang.
Mendahului tahapan tersebut, pada 2 sampai 4 hari menjelang Nyepi, masyarakat Hindu Bali melakukan ritual pensucian diri dan lingkungannya.
Ritual tersebut dinamakan upacara melasti.
Upacara melasti atau melelasti dapat di definisikan sebagai nganyudang malaning gumi ngamet tirta amerta, yang berarti menghanyutkan kotoran alam menggunakan air kehidupan.
Dalam kepercayaan Hindu, sumber air seperti danau dan laut di anggap sebagai asal tirta amerta atau air kehidupan.
Sumber-sumber air tersebut memberikan kehidupan bagi seluruh makhluk hidup, termasuk umat manusia.
Karena itulah, upacara melasti selalu di adakan di tempat-tempat khusus seperti tepi pantai atau tepi danau.
Dalam upacara ini, masyarakat akan datang secara berkelompok ke sumber-sumber air seperti danau dan laut.
Setiap kelompok atau rombongan berasal dari satu kesatuan wilayah yang sama, semisal dari banjar atau desa yang sama.
Setiap rombongan tersebut akan datang dengan membawa perangkat-perangkat keramat peribadahan, yaitu : Arca, Pratima, dan Pralingga dari pura yang ada di wilayah masing-masing untuk di sucikan.
Setiap anggota masyarakat juga menyiapkan sesajian sesuai kemampuan masing-masing.
Sajian ini merupakan bagian dari pelengkap upacara melasti.
Sebelum pelaksanaan ritual, biasanya panitia dari tiap rombongan ( banjar atau desa ) akan menyediakan sebuah meja atau panggung yang di posisikan membelakangi laut atau danau.
Meja ini merupakan tempat untuk meletakkan berbagai perangkat suci peribadahan dari pura beserta beraneka jenis sesajian.
Seluruh anggota rombongan kemudian duduk bersila menghadap ke arah jajaran perangkat ibadah dan sesajian tersebut, sekaligus menghadap ke sumber air suci.
Pemuka agama ( Pemangku ) setempat kemudian akan memimpin berjalannya prosesi upacara.
Para pemangku berkeliling dan memercikkan air suci kepada seluruh anggota masyarakat yang hadir serta perangkat-perangkat peribadatan dan menebarkan asap dupa sebagai wujud pensucian.
Selanjutnya, di lakukan ritual persembahyangan ( Panca sembah ) oleh seluruh anggota rombongan.
Para pemangku lalu akan membagikan air suci dan bija ( Beras yang telah di basahi air suci ).
Air suci tersebut untuk di minum sementara bija akan di bubuhkan ke dahi setiap umat yang datang.
Selepas prosesi tersebut, perangkat-perangkat peribadahan di arak kembali ke pura untuk menjalani beberapa tahapan ritual yang lain.
Untuk menjaga ketertiban pelaksanaan upacara melasti, barisan pecalang ( Polisi adat ) mengatur waktu pelaksanaan yang berbeda bagi setiap daerah (Banjar).
Hal ini dilakukan agar masing-masing daerah dapat melaksanakan ritual dengan khidmat dan optimal.
Karena itu, sepanjang hari keempat hingga hari kedua sebelum Nyepi, di seluruh Bali akan terlihat rombongan masyarakat dengan pakaian sembahyang yang datang silih berganti ke tepi pantai atau danau.
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temporaktif · 5 months
Tradisi Ogoh-Ogoh dalam Perayaan Hari Raya Nyepi di Bali
Dalam menyambut Hari Raya Nyepi, umat Hindu di Pulau Dewata, Bali, dan sekitarnya merayakannya dengan penuh kekhusyukan. Salah satu puncak perayaan sebelum momen keheningan tiba adalah penampilan boneka Ogoh-Ogoh. Boneka raksasa ini, dengan tinggi mencapai 2-4 meter, tidak hanya memukau mata, tetapi juga memiliki makna mendalam dalam tradisi Nyepi yang kaya akan nilai-nilai spiritual dan…
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 4.14
Air Force Reserve Day
American Dictionary Day
Americas Day (Honduras, Mexico)
Anfal Genocide Memorial Day
Black Day (South Korea)
Blessing of the Salmon Nets (Northumbria)
Bon Jovi Day (New Jersey)
Cake and Cunnilingus Day
Children’s Day (Peru)
Children with Alopecia Day
Commemoration of Anfal Genocide Against the Kurds (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Cuckoo Day (Old England)
Day of Mologa (Russia)
Day of (No) Silence (GLSEN)
Day of the Georgian Language
Day of the Skater
Dhivehi Language Day (Maldives)
Dictionary Day
Donate Life Blue & Green Day
Draw MegaMan Day
Dreams of Reason Feast Day
Ex-Spouse's Day
414 Day
Global Roller Day
Grand National Ladies Day (UK)
Gujarat (Fire Service Day; India)
International Goalkeeper Day
International Moment of Laughter Day
International Silambam Day
Kids’ Yoga Day
Kinetoscope Day
Look Up at the Sky Day
Lundkommardagen (Puffin Arrival Day; Norway) 
Meme Appreciation Day
Milwaukee Day (414)
Moirang Day (a.k.a. Victory Day; India)
National Bracelet Day
National Dolphin Day
National Donate a Book Day
National Gardening Day
National Kick Balls Day
National Love Our Children Day
National Not Ashamed of Jesus Day
National Perfume Day
National Reach as High as You Can Day
N'Ko Alphabet Day (Mande)
Orange Day (Japan)
Pan American Day
Pathologists’ Assistant Day
Peregrine Falcon Appreciation Day
Peter Capaldi Day
Pigeon Day (French Republic)
Reach As High As You Can Day
Samjinnal (Arrival of Spring; Korea)
Secret Service Day
Spring Hula Hooping Day
Tempting Fate Day
Takayama Spring Festival (Japan)
Thingyan begins (Water Festival; Burma)
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Day of Service (South Africa)
World Chagas Day
World Quantum Day
Youth Day (Angola)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Espresso Italiano Day (Italy)
International Laverbread Day
Laverbread Day
National Grits Day
National Pecan Day
Oreo Cookie Cheesecake Day
Saison Day
Tannat Day (Uruguay)
2nd Sunday in April
Air Defense Forces Day (Belarus, Russia) [2nd Sunda
Global Day to End Sexual Abuse [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 14 (3rd Week)
Animal Control Appreciation Week [2nd Full Week in April]
Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week Week [3rd Week in April]
Astronomy Week — Spring [thru 4.20]
Cleaning For A Reason Week [begins 2nd Sunday]
National Coin Week [3rd Week in April]
National Dog Bite Prevention Week [3rd Week in April]
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week [2nd Full Week in April]
National Student Employment Week [2nd Full Week in April]
National Volunteer Week Week [3rd Week in April]
Neurodiagnostic Week [3rd Week in April]
Organize Your Files Week Week [3rd Week in April]
Pan American Week [Week of 4.14]
Independence & Related Days
Jonja Island (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Lawfords (a.k.a. Kingdom of Lawfords; Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Hindi New Year (a.k.a. …
Assamese New Year
Baisakhi (Parts of India)
Bisket Jatra (Nepali New Year)
Bohag Bihu (Assam Valley)
Cambodian New Year
Chetti Chand (Parts of India)
Guḍhī Pāḍavā [1st Day of Chaitra]
Hari Raya Yep Tahun Baru (Indonesia)
Malayali New Year (Kerala)
Nyepi Day (a.k.a. Day of Silence; Bali)
Ougadi (Mauritius)
Pi Mai (Laotian New Year)
Ramayana begins
Sajibu Nongmapanba (Cheiraoba, Manipur, India)
Telgu New Year
Thingyan begins (Burma)
Ugadi (Parts of India)
Vaisakhi (Parts of India)
Kerala New Yea (India)
New Year's Day (Assamese, Bengali, Burmese, Sikh, Khmer, Lao, Nepali, Oriya, Sinhalese, Tamil, Thai, Tuluva; Southeast Asia) [Sidereal Vernal Equinox]
Sidereal New Year (South and Southeast Asian) (a.k.a. …
Aluth Avurudda (Sri Lanka)
Biju Festival (Parts of India)
Bisu (Tulu Nadu region of Karnataka and Kerala, India)
Bizhu (Chakmas in Mizoram, Tripura and Bangladesh)
Bohag Bihu (Assam, India)
Buisu (Tripura, India)
Bwisagu (Bodoland region of Assam, India)
Cheiraoba (Parts of India)
Choul Chnam Thmey (Cambodia)
Jur Sital (Mithila region of Bihar, India and Nepal)
Khmer New Year (Cambodia)
Maha Vusubha Sankranti (Parts of India)
Oriya New Year (Parts of India)
Pahela Baishakh (Bangladesh and West Bengal, India)
Pana Sankranti (Odisha, India)
Pi Mai (Laos)
Puthandu (Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India and Northern and Eastern regions of Sri Lanka)
Rongali Bihu (Parts of India)
Samjinnal (Korea)
Sangken (Khamti, Singpho, Khamyang, Tangsa in Arunachal Pradesh and Tai Phake, Tai Aiton, and Turung in Assam, India)
Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
Songkran (Thailand)
Tamil New Year (Parts of India)
Thingyan (Myanmar)
Tuluva New Year (Parts of India)
Vaisakhi (Punjab, North and Central India, Nepalese New Year in Nepal)
Varusha Pirruppa (Tamil New Year; Mauritius)
Vishu (Kerala, India)
Water-Sprinkling Festival (Yunnan, China)
Festivals Beginning April 14, 2024
Alphretta Wine Festival (Alpharetta, Georgia)
The Chocolate Expo (Long Island, New York)
International Rose & Wine Festival (Shreveport, Louisiana)
New Haven Restaurant Week (New Haven, Connecticut) [thru 4.19]
Ocean City Restaurant Week (Ocean City, Maryland) [thru 4.19]
Seville Fair (Seville, Spain) [thru 4.20]
Vinitaly (Verona, Italy) [thru 4.17]
ZagreDox (Zagreb, Croatia) [thru 4.21]
Zilker Kite Festival (Austin, Texas)
Feast Days
Abushibarei (Ryukyuan)
Adolph Hitler Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Albategnius (Positivist; Saint)
Ambedkar Jayanti (India)
Ardalion (Christian; Martyrs)
Bénézet (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of iron (Christian; Saint)
Caradoc, Benezet, John, Antony and Eustace (Christian; Martyrs)
Carpus of Thyatira (Christian; Saint)
Domnina of Terni (Christian; Saint)
Elfin Choirs Congress (Shamanism)
The Extremes (Muppetism)
Gabriel Jacques de Saint-Aubin (Artology)
Galungan (Celebrating Victory of Dharma over Adharma; Bali)
Henry Beard Delany (Episcopal Church (USA))
Justin (Christian; Martyr)
Lambert of Lyons (Christian; Saint)
Lidwina (a.k.a. B. Lidwina of Schiedam or Lydwina; Christian; Saint)
Look Up at the Sky Day (Pastafarian)
Marianne’s Day (Pagan)
Maryamma (Goddess of the Sea; Hinduism; Everyday Wicca)
Peter González (Christian; Saint)
Sommarsblot (Norse)
Three Smiles Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus (Christian; Martyrs)
Victor Borisov-Musatov (Artology)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Lincoln shot, Titanic hit an iceberg & 9 other tragedies) [1 of 11]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 17 of 60)
About Damn Time, by Lizzo (Song; 2022)
American Psycho (Film; 2000)
Batman vs. Robin (WB Animated Film; 2015)
Beach Blanket Bingo (Film; 1965)
Beauty and the Beast (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
The Big Bad Wolf (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1934)
British Steel, by Judas Priest (Album; 1980)
Buddy’s Garage (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Bye Bye Birdie (Broadway Musical; 1960)
The Candle in the Wind, by T.H. White (Novel; 1958) [Once and Future King #4]
Cannery Roden (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Diver Down, by Van Halen (Album; 1982)
Execution Dock, by Anne Perry (Novel; 2009)
The Fair-Haired Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Farewell Waltz, by Milan Kundera (Novel; 1972)
The Fate of the Furious [F&F #8]
Girl Happy (Film; 1965)
Grape Nutty (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1949)
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1939)
The Hash Shop (Oswald he Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
The History of Sexuality, by Michel Foucault (Philosophy Book; 1976)
Iceland's Bell, by Halldór Laxness (Novel; 1943)
Insulin’ the Sultan (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
The Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison (Novel; 1952)
Iron Maiden, by Iron Maiden (Album; 1980)
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, by Public Enemy (Album; 1988)
Keeping the Faith (Film; 2000)
The King of Torts, by John Grisham (Novel; 2003)
Kinky Boots (Film; 2006)
The Legend of Korea (Animated TV Series; 2012)
Let’s Dance, by David Bowie (Album; 1983)
The Missing Piece Shel Silverstein (Children’s Book; 1976)
Mixed Master (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Much Ado About Mousing (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
The Notorious Bettie Page (Film; 2006)
Off the Deep End, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1992)
The Pebble and the Penguin (Animated Film; 1995)
Put Me in the Zoo, by Robert Lopshire (Children’s Book; 1960)
Put-Put, Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Renfield (Film; 2023)
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! (Radio Series; 1930)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1972)
Say Anything (Film; 1989)
Shift: First Shift — Legacy, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2012)
Spark (Animated Film; 2017)
Thank You For Smoking (Film; 2006)
Ultra, by Depeche Mode (Album; 1997)
Webster’s American Dictionary (Book; 1818)
The Wild (Animated Film; 2006)
Today’s Name Days
Elmo, Erna, Ernestine (Austria)
Maksim, Valerijan, Zdravko (Croatia)
Vincenc (Czech Republic)
Tiburtius (Denmark)
Lehe, Lehte, Lehti (Estonia)
Taito (Finland)
Ludivine, Maxime (France)
Elmo, Erna, Ernestine (Germany)
Aristarhos, Thomais (Greece)
Tibor (Hungary)
Abbondio, Ignazio, Lamberto (Italy)
Agape, Gudrite, Strauja (Latvia)
Justinas, Vaišvydė, Vaiva, Valerijonas, Visvaldas (Lithuania)
Ellinor, Nora (Norway)
Berenike, Julianna, Justyn, Maria, Myślimir, Tyburcjusz, Walerian, Waleriana (Poland)
Pahomie (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Justína (Slovakia)
Lidia, Tiburcio, Valeriano (Spain)
Tiburtius (Sweden)
Martin (Ukraine)
Caradoc, Carey, Cary, Hudson (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 105 of 2024; 261 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 6 (Wu-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 5 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 15 Cyan; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 1 April 2024
Moon: 38%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 21 Archimedes (4th Month) [Hippachus]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 27 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 25 of 31)
Calendar Changes
April (a.k.a. Aprilis; Julian Calendar) [Month 4 of 12]
Saille (Willow) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 4 of 13]
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 4.14
Air Force Reserve Day
American Dictionary Day
Americas Day (Honduras, Mexico)
Anfal Genocide Memorial Day
Black Day (South Korea)
Blessing of the Salmon Nets (Northumbria)
Bon Jovi Day (New Jersey)
Cake and Cunnilingus Day
Children’s Day (Peru)
Children with Alopecia Day
Commemoration of Anfal Genocide Against the Kurds (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Cuckoo Day (Old England)
Day of Mologa (Russia)
Day of (No) Silence (GLSEN)
Day of the Georgian Language
Day of the Skater
Dhivehi Language Day (Maldives)
Dictionary Day
Donate Life Blue & Green Day
Draw MegaMan Day
Dreams of Reason Feast Day
Ex-Spouse's Day
414 Day
Global Roller Day
Grand National Ladies Day (UK)
Gujarat (Fire Service Day; India)
International Goalkeeper Day
International Moment of Laughter Day
International Silambam Day
Kids’ Yoga Day
Kinetoscope Day
Look Up at the Sky Day
Lundkommardagen (Puffin Arrival Day; Norway) 
Meme Appreciation Day
Milwaukee Day (414)
Moirang Day (a.k.a. Victory Day; India)
National Bracelet Day
National Dolphin Day
National Donate a Book Day
National Gardening Day
National Kick Balls Day
National Love Our Children Day
National Not Ashamed of Jesus Day
National Perfume Day
National Reach as High as You Can Day
N'Ko Alphabet Day (Mande)
Orange Day (Japan)
Pan American Day
Pathologists’ Assistant Day
Peregrine Falcon Appreciation Day
Peter Capaldi Day
Pigeon Day (French Republic)
Reach As High As You Can Day
Samjinnal (Arrival of Spring; Korea)
Secret Service Day
Spring Hula Hooping Day
Tempting Fate Day
Takayama Spring Festival (Japan)
Thingyan begins (Water Festival; Burma)
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Day of Service (South Africa)
World Chagas Day
World Quantum Day
Youth Day (Angola)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Espresso Italiano Day (Italy)
International Laverbread Day
Laverbread Day
National Grits Day
National Pecan Day
Oreo Cookie Cheesecake Day
Saison Day
Tannat Day (Uruguay)
2nd Sunday in April
Air Defense Forces Day (Belarus, Russia) [2nd Sunda
Global Day to End Sexual Abuse [2nd Sunday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 14 (3rd Week)
Animal Control Appreciation Week [2nd Full Week in April]
Animal Cruelty/Human Violence Awareness Week Week [3rd Week in April]
Astronomy Week — Spring [thru 4.20]
Cleaning For A Reason Week [begins 2nd Sunday]
National Coin Week [3rd Week in April]
National Dog Bite Prevention Week [3rd Week in April]
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week [2nd Full Week in April]
National Student Employment Week [2nd Full Week in April]
National Volunteer Week Week [3rd Week in April]
Neurodiagnostic Week [3rd Week in April]
Organize Your Files Week Week [3rd Week in April]
Pan American Week [Week of 4.14]
Independence & Related Days
Jonja Island (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
Lawfords (a.k.a. Kingdom of Lawfords; Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
New Year’s Days
Hindi New Year (a.k.a. …
Assamese New Year
Baisakhi (Parts of India)
Bisket Jatra (Nepali New Year)
Bohag Bihu (Assam Valley)
Cambodian New Year
Chetti Chand (Parts of India)
Guḍhī Pāḍavā [1st Day of Chaitra]
Hari Raya Yep Tahun Baru (Indonesia)
Malayali New Year (Kerala)
Nyepi Day (a.k.a. Day of Silence; Bali)
Ougadi (Mauritius)
Pi Mai (Laotian New Year)
Ramayana begins
Sajibu Nongmapanba (Cheiraoba, Manipur, India)
Telgu New Year
Thingyan begins (Burma)
Ugadi (Parts of India)
Vaisakhi (Parts of India)
Kerala New Yea (India)
New Year's Day (Assamese, Bengali, Burmese, Sikh, Khmer, Lao, Nepali, Oriya, Sinhalese, Tamil, Thai, Tuluva; Southeast Asia) [Sidereal Vernal Equinox]
Sidereal New Year (South and Southeast Asian) (a.k.a. …
Aluth Avurudda (Sri Lanka)
Biju Festival (Parts of India)
Bisu (Tulu Nadu region of Karnataka and Kerala, India)
Bizhu (Chakmas in Mizoram, Tripura and Bangladesh)
Bohag Bihu (Assam, India)
Buisu (Tripura, India)
Bwisagu (Bodoland region of Assam, India)
Cheiraoba (Parts of India)
Choul Chnam Thmey (Cambodia)
Jur Sital (Mithila region of Bihar, India and Nepal)
Khmer New Year (Cambodia)
Maha Vusubha Sankranti (Parts of India)
Oriya New Year (Parts of India)
Pahela Baishakh (Bangladesh and West Bengal, India)
Pana Sankranti (Odisha, India)
Pi Mai (Laos)
Puthandu (Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, India and Northern and Eastern regions of Sri Lanka)
Rongali Bihu (Parts of India)
Samjinnal (Korea)
Sangken (Khamti, Singpho, Khamyang, Tangsa in Arunachal Pradesh and Tai Phake, Tai Aiton, and Turung in Assam, India)
Sinhala (Sri Lanka)
Songkran (Thailand)
Tamil New Year (Parts of India)
Thingyan (Myanmar)
Tuluva New Year (Parts of India)
Vaisakhi (Punjab, North and Central India, Nepalese New Year in Nepal)
Varusha Pirruppa (Tamil New Year; Mauritius)
Vishu (Kerala, India)
Water-Sprinkling Festival (Yunnan, China)
Festivals Beginning April 14, 2024
Alphretta Wine Festival (Alpharetta, Georgia)
The Chocolate Expo (Long Island, New York)
International Rose & Wine Festival (Shreveport, Louisiana)
New Haven Restaurant Week (New Haven, Connecticut) [thru 4.19]
Ocean City Restaurant Week (Ocean City, Maryland) [thru 4.19]
Seville Fair (Seville, Spain) [thru 4.20]
Vinitaly (Verona, Italy) [thru 4.17]
ZagreDox (Zagreb, Croatia) [thru 4.21]
Zilker Kite Festival (Austin, Texas)
Feast Days
Abushibarei (Ryukyuan)
Adolph Hitler Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Albategnius (Positivist; Saint)
Ambedkar Jayanti (India)
Ardalion (Christian; Martyrs)
Bénézet (Christian; Saint)
Bernard of iron (Christian; Saint)
Caradoc, Benezet, John, Antony and Eustace (Christian; Martyrs)
Carpus of Thyatira (Christian; Saint)
Domnina of Terni (Christian; Saint)
Elfin Choirs Congress (Shamanism)
The Extremes (Muppetism)
Gabriel Jacques de Saint-Aubin (Artology)
Galungan (Celebrating Victory of Dharma over Adharma; Bali)
Henry Beard Delany (Episcopal Church (USA))
Justin (Christian; Martyr)
Lambert of Lyons (Christian; Saint)
Lidwina (a.k.a. B. Lidwina of Schiedam or Lydwina; Christian; Saint)
Look Up at the Sky Day (Pastafarian)
Marianne’s Day (Pagan)
Maryamma (Goddess of the Sea; Hinduism; Everyday Wicca)
Peter González (Christian; Saint)
Sommarsblot (Norse)
Three Smiles Day (Celtic Book of Days)
Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus (Christian; Martyrs)
Victor Borisov-Musatov (Artology)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Bad Day (Lincoln shot, Titanic hit an iceberg & 9 other tragedies) [1 of 11]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 17 of 60)
About Damn Time, by Lizzo (Song; 2022)
American Psycho (Film; 2000)
Batman vs. Robin (WB Animated Film; 2015)
Beach Blanket Bingo (Film; 1965)
Beauty and the Beast (WB MM Cartoon; 1934)
The Big Bad Wolf (Disney Silly Symphonies Cartoon; 1934)
British Steel, by Judas Priest (Album; 1980)
Buddy’s Garage (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Bye Bye Birdie (Broadway Musical; 1960)
The Candle in the Wind, by T.H. White (Novel; 1958) [Once and Future King #4]
Cannery Roden (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1967)
Diver Down, by Van Halen (Album; 1982)
Execution Dock, by Anne Perry (Novel; 2009)
The Fair-Haired Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1951)
Farewell Waltz, by Milan Kundera (Novel; 1972)
The Fate of the Furious [F&F #8]
Girl Happy (Film; 1965)
Grape Nutty (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1949)
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck (Novel; 1939)
The Hash Shop (Oswald he Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1930)
The History of Sexuality, by Michel Foucault (Philosophy Book; 1976)
Iceland's Bell, by Halldór Laxness (Novel; 1943)
Insulin’ the Sultan (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1934)
The Invisible Man, by Ralph Ellison (Novel; 1952)
Iron Maiden, by Iron Maiden (Album; 1980)
It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, by Public Enemy (Album; 1988)
Keeping the Faith (Film; 2000)
The King of Torts, by John Grisham (Novel; 2003)
Kinky Boots (Film; 2006)
The Legend of Korea (Animated TV Series; 2012)
Let’s Dance, by David Bowie (Album; 1983)
The Missing Piece Shel Silverstein (Children’s Book; 1976)
Mixed Master (WB LT Cartoon; 1956)
Much Ado About Mousing (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1964)
The Notorious Bettie Page (Film; 2006)
Off the Deep End, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 1992)
The Pebble and the Penguin (Animated Film; 1995)
Put Me in the Zoo, by Robert Lopshire (Children’s Book; 1960)
Put-Put, Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Renfield (Film; 2023)
Ripley’s Believe It or Not! (Radio Series; 1930)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1972)
Say Anything (Film; 1989)
Shift: First Shift — Legacy, by Hugh Howey (Novel; 2012)
Spark (Animated Film; 2017)
Thank You For Smoking (Film; 2006)
Ultra, by Depeche Mode (Album; 1997)
Webster’s American Dictionary (Book; 1818)
The Wild (Animated Film; 2006)
Today’s Name Days
Elmo, Erna, Ernestine (Austria)
Maksim, Valerijan, Zdravko (Croatia)
Vincenc (Czech Republic)
Tiburtius (Denmark)
Lehe, Lehte, Lehti (Estonia)
Taito (Finland)
Ludivine, Maxime (France)
Elmo, Erna, Ernestine (Germany)
Aristarhos, Thomais (Greece)
Tibor (Hungary)
Abbondio, Ignazio, Lamberto (Italy)
Agape, Gudrite, Strauja (Latvia)
Justinas, Vaišvydė, Vaiva, Valerijonas, Visvaldas (Lithuania)
Ellinor, Nora (Norway)
Berenike, Julianna, Justyn, Maria, Myślimir, Tyburcjusz, Walerian, Waleriana (Poland)
Pahomie (Romania)
Maria (Russia)
Justína (Slovakia)
Lidia, Tiburcio, Valeriano (Spain)
Tiburtius (Sweden)
Martin (Ukraine)
Caradoc, Carey, Cary, Hudson (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 105 of 2024; 261 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 6 (Wu-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 6 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 5 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 15 Cyan; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 1 April 2024
Moon: 38%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 21 Archimedes (4th Month) [Hippachus]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 27 of 92)
Week: 3rd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 25 of 31)
Calendar Changes
April (a.k.a. Aprilis; Julian Calendar) [Month 4 of 12]
Saille (Willow) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 4 of 13]
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thebleedingwoodland · 9 months
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TS4 - Indonesian Architecture - Pura Gapura Penjor 
🎵 Background Music: RELAXNATION - Bali Relaxing Music
Converted from TS3 version HERE.
The Sims 4 For Rent has been released, which is taking place in Southeast Asian countries, I would like to add more touch of Southeast Asian culture, it is culture of my country, Indonesia.
For upcoming Nyepi and Galungan Day 🙏which are Balinese celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia.
(Left Top) Pura is Balinese Hindu temple and the place of worship for adherents of Balinese Hinduism in Indonesia.
(Right Top) Penjor is a Balinese Hindu religious symbol of prosperity installed on the day of Galungan ceremony
(Bottom) Gapura Candi Bentar is a gate consists of two temple buildings that have identical shapes and are placed parallel as the main gate to enter the courtyard area of the house or the outermost gate. Usually, it uses as a main entrance of the temple or place of Hindu worship in Bali.
⚠︎ Pura & Penjor have High Poly Count ⚠︎
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Base mesh by respective 3D modelers, I decreased the high poly (100K) from original 3D model into less than 20K, added mesh, uvmap, and retexture to finish the 3D models. 
Temple Pura Ulun Danu Bratan is by Solaironk from Turbosquid Gapura Candi Bentar is by Syariful M. from 3dwarehouse.sketchup Penjor is by alterego.visual from Sketchfab
Can be found on Decorations> Miscellaneous
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bapakpuisi · 7 months
11 Mar 2024
Vendor: UN Foundation
bapak puisi mendukung dan telah mendonasikan ke Sasaran Global 1 untuk membantu mengakhiri kemiskinan dalam segala bentuk.
donasi amal dan sosial
~ hari raya nyepi 2024
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lintasbatasindonesia · 7 months
WNA Langgar Aturan Saat Perayaan Nyepi Di Bali Imigrasi Ngurah Rai Lakukan Pengamanan
BADUNG-Nyepi tahun caka 1946 di Bali masih terdapat WNA yang melakukan pelanggaran, Imigrasi Ngurah Rai dengan sigap merespon laporan terhadap orang asing yang melanggar peraturan peaksanaan Hari Raya Nyepi. Imigrasi Nguruah Rai telah menangani 3 (tiga) kejadian WNA yang melanggar ketertiban umum saat Nyepi di daerah Kuta Selatan.  (11/3) Yang pertama, seorang Warga Negara Asing (WNA) perempuan…
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pecalang · 2 years
Umat Hindu Me-Nyepi Tahun Baru Saka 1945
Kami umat Hindu Banten selalu guyub dalam melaksanakan Panca Yadnya baik itu Upacara Dewa Yadnya, Upacara Pitra Yadnya, Upacara Rsi Yadnya, Upacara Manusa Yadnya, Upacara Butha Yadnya. Hari Raya Nyepi merupakan hari pemujaan kepada Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa dalam rangka menyambut Tahun Baru Ҫaka. Dilaksanakan pada Pananggal pisan (satu), Ҫaҫih ke Dasa (Sepuluh), setiap 1 tahun sekali. Hindu pada…
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igustiagungindrawan · 7 months
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Om Swastiastu. Saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Nyepi dari kami umat Hindu yang merayakan. Saya berharap di Hari Raya Nyepi, semua ketenangan dan kesunyian menjadi salah satu momen untuk merefleksikan diri peristiwa yang telah terjadi dan  bisa menjadi bahan untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Saya bangga menjadi salah satu bagian dari keluarga besar Hindu karena sebagai agama yang tertua di dunia, maka budaya kita ini mesti dilestarikan hingga masa yang akan datang. Om Santhi Santhi Santhi Om... 🙏🙏🙏 🕉🇮🇩
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