#…wow that was a lot 😅 but in my defense i’m excited about a lot of episodes
shrinkthisviolet · 5 months
Talk Shop Tuesday: Do you have an episode you've been especially excited to add a Morgan to?
YESSSS I love this question!! Here’s some off the top of my head:
1x17 (Barry tries to bench Morgan because of [redacted for spoilers], but Morgan ofc doesn’t listen because Iris and Henry are both in danger and Barry can’t focus on both of them. Results in some tension between them too, esp on Barry’s end (and tbh I get why))
1x19 (I’ve discussed why here :D ✨Bates-induced angst/whump✨)
1x23 (the Morgan vs Eowells confrontation in the finale…oooh it’s gonna be SO GOOD)
2x13-2x14 (I’ve been more and more tempted lately to have Morgan tag along to rescue Jesse, and!! I’m so excited!! Especially because she and E2 Barry would hit it off, and that’s so fun to think about)
Not a specific episode count, but…Morgan & Jesse’s roommates arc. I know it’s post-2x16, but beyond that, the details are currently fuzzy 😅
2x16 (the Trajectory episode!! Still nailing down some details, but I’m excited 💞 Eliza survives this episode ofc, and she even gets to chew Tina out a little. And Morgan shows her first big sister compassion 🥺 also also, a little backstory modification for Eliza regarding how she got her powers, sticking closer to the comics, and no split personality (and I’ve mentioned before that like the comics, she’s a WOC in my AU!))
2x17 (Barry travels back to 1x11!! So excited to write him interacting with s1 Team Flash…and especially s1 Morgan. Oh the dramatic irony. Oh the fury he’d feel, and the helplessness—the red flags are neon signs to him now, and it’s pissing him off that he can’t act on his impulse to protect her from Eowells. But Barry also knows that as unhinged as Eowells is…he’ll do anything to save/protect Morgan (for selfish reasons ofc, but still). And Morgan happens to be in danger back home…)
2x18 (the episode where Barry almost catches Zoom, but then Zoom gets Barry to give up his speed…hmm I see some ✨interesting✨ potential here)
2x20 (Barry dying (sorta)?? Morgan having to watch?? Morgan getting pissed at Harry, but also at herself because she and Barry were fighting for a little while before this and never got to resolve things?? And the catharsis is gonna be so sweet and intense too, y’all aren’t ready 🥰)
2x22 (Morgan does something that Barry cherishes forever 💞 also…someone’s powers are sparked 👀)
s3 (in general. I have a whole grand plan for how I’m rewriting s3…and especially how I’m rewriting Savitar. And his dynamic with Morgan…I’m so excited to write it :D)
s4, Crisis X, I forget the episode number (so…listen, I still have to figure out what fixes I’m making to this disaster of a Crisis (Stein won’t be dying, but that’s all I’m sure of rn). What I do know, though, is that Barry and Morgan, and Wally and Iris, will have a brother-sister dance at the Westallen wedding (Wallinda will probably dance at least once there too), and it’ll be great 🥰 and possibly a Morgan and Jesse power swap that happens an episode prior and lasts throughout this crossover, though I still have to iron out those details 😅)
5x18 (this is the s5 backstory episode and…really this is just my way of saying I have a storyline planned out for this future version of Morgan that I’m very excited to share 👀 tho it’ll be revealed in a different way than the show. Events of s5 will be shuffled around a bit)
s6 Crisis (will involve Thawne ofc, and parts of the og 2024 Crisis. It’ll be a fusion of sorts. May also involve the return of someone unexpected…👀 and it’ll also be…quite the emotional rollercoaster for poor Morgan. Also, this is roughly where the AU’s finale is gonna be, so ofc I’m excited for this!)
talk shop tuesday!
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shina913 · 2 years
Intersect, Part 6 | KNJ
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Intersect, Part 6
Definition: To meet and cross at a point; To share a common area
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✫✫✫Intersect Masterlist✫✫✫
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Pairing: KNJ x fem!reader; with appearances by OT7
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Office!AU; enemies to lovers; fluff; angst; smut
Word count: 7.1K words
Warnings: office banter; excessive cussing; secret office romance; unrequited love; pining; alcohol consumption; cheesy pickup lines; Joon and YN being so awkward; Yoongi is insufferable (sorry!!!); anxiety attack; lots of crying; public breakdown; self-deprecation; soft-Joon; confessions; cunnilingus; clit-play; praise kink; brief orgasm deprivation; cum-eating; fingering; protected sex; rough sex; dirty talk; multiple orgasms
Summary: You hate him, he hates you. You were both fine staying in your own lanes–until you’re forced to work together on a make-or-break project for your company.
A/N: Phew! Buckle up...because this chapter is quite the ride. That's it. That's the tweet 😅
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Namjoon surprises you when he knocks on your door as you were checking on some of Jimin’s initial data analysis on one of your active projects.
“Hey. What’s up,” you greeted him with a smile. 
He smiles. “Ah…I just wanted to bring this over to you. It’s the swag-bag from the retreat.” He holds up a white, mid-sized cloth bag with your company’s logo printed on it. 
“I was hoping to catch you on the bus home yesterday but didn’t realize that you took the earlier one.”
“Oh…yeah, Celina offered an early bus option for a few people and it turns out that there were a couple open spots so I took one of them.”
Since your company retreats were usually scheduled in the middle of the work week, Celina paid for everyone to take a three-day weekend to recover.
You also took the time to decompress. The earlier bus ride gave you the chance to get some extra peace and quiet at the apartment since the previous weekend was full of surprises with Jungkook staying over for a few days…not to mention how things went down with Yoongi. You needed your own personal retreat at home before getting back into the swing of things.
“Anyway, they gave these out to all the staff after the speeches last night but since you left so soon after yours, I told Celina that I’d hand it to you in the morning instead. Then…after we talked that night, I kind of forgot about it until I was packing my stuff,” he says.
One thing that you did not expect coming off the weekend was striking up a friendship with Namjoon. After he saw you acting out and embarrassing yourself, it was a welcome surprise to you–especially after he didn’t treat you any differently once you got back to the office.
“Wow,” you get up from your chair to see what he had in this mystery bag. “Wonder what they got for us this year?”
You take the bag from him and look in it. The first thing that catches your eye is a mug.
You laughed. “Another mug?”
“Yeah…I love those. It shows our new logo, see?”
“Ahh…” you say as you turn the mug over, inspecting it further.
“Oh good! You guys are together!” Your head snaps up to see Jin walking towards you.
“N-no, we’re not together,” you both say in unison.
“Geez, don’t be so defensive, guys! I just meant that I didn’t have to make multiple trips to give you both the good news…” he pauses for dramatic effect.
“Okay, well, we’re on the edge of our seats, hyung,” Namjoon says.
“I just heard back from the Moonstone Foundation and…” another annoying pause.
Your eyebrows raise in anticipation. “Today, Jin–please!”
“God, you guys are way too serious! Anyway, we won the contract!!!” he finally exclaims unceremoniously.
“Holy shit!” Namjoon gasps while your jaw drops in surprise.
“Yep! That’s a $10 million valuation on that contract with a potential for more if we do good during the base years–it could turn into a total of $25 million,” he grins.
“I know I could have just sent this all in an email but I’m-way-too excited-for-all-this-revenue,” he says rapidly. “Anyway, I’m gonna go tell Celina now! Really nice job guys,” he says before walking off.
You and Namjoon look at each other. “Oh my god—we actually won,” you breathed out.
Namjoon smiled broadly at you while he watched you squeal and bounce around in excitement. You were completely unaware of it but bouncing around caused you to move closer to where he stood. Next thing you knew, you had wrapped your arms around him in a hug, which he returned in response.
Once the excitement had passed and you were finally aware of what was happening, your eyes flew open and you quickly withdrew from him.
You felt the heat suddenly rising to your cheeks. “Sorry–I got uhh…just got carried away there,” you muttered, embarrassingly.
“I…uhhh…I just wanted to bring you the mug…you know—because it’s a cool mug,” he stammers.
“Uh yeah, it does look cool,” you nodded, nervously holding up the mug.
“Uhm, it has many uses, too. You can put your pens in it, paperclips–”
“Definitely! Yeah…definitely coffee. And uhm, there’s other cool stuff in there, too–uhm, in there, I mean,” he says as he points to the bag.
You stand in awkward silence for a few seconds. You weren’t exactly sure how to ‘end’ whatever this moment was.
“Anyway, uh, I’m gonna go check my emails,” he says, smiling sheepishly, his left dimple poking out.
“Right! We’ve got lots of work coming up,” you said immediately.
He nods, scratching his head nervously then begins to walk in the opposite direction from where his office was. After a few steps, he stops abruptly, chuckling to himself and turning around to walk in the correct path–murmuring about how he somehow temporarily lost his sense of direction.
Things had moved pretty quickly since the bid was won so you didn’t have time to hash out the hug or have any awkwardness linger between you and Namjoon.
Days later, after the initial phone call with the Moonstone Foundation and contract signing, per proposal guidelines, you and Namjoon were approved as co-project directors–with you in the forefront. Namjoon was happy to take a backseat since he had a few large contracts coinciding with this. He was on board more as a deputy and senior advisor.
Today, you had a kickoff meeting with the client on their own turf. Your whole team was in attendance as you waited for the CEO and the rest of the Foundation’s team to walk in to discuss initial planning before officially launching the project.
Just then, she finally walks in.
You all stood up and greeted her with a bow. She smiles warmly and makes a beeline for you.
“Hello, Haejin.”
“My god, you’re so formal,” she giggled. “Come on, give your old friend a hug!”
You smiled before she wrapped her arms around you. 
You had partnered with the Moonstone Foundation on a few smaller contracts before landing their largest effort. Haejin was young–about the same age as you were. After her father’s retirement, everyone assumed that her older brother would be appointed as Chairman but to their surprise (and hers), she ended up taking the top job.
Before bidding on this contract, you had disclosed that your friendship with Kim Haejin was strictly business in nature. Admittedly, you did go out for the occasional glass of wine after a hard day but since she was one of the busiest women in the country, she didn’t have much time to devote to girlfriends.
She also had a growing family and this project was the first one that she was directly overseeing after coming off a year-long maternity leave.
The meeting goes smoothly after formal introductions. The Foundation was excited to work with a reputable research firm to help evaluate their cause and grant-making capabilities as well as if there was anything else that they can do to make program improvements. The hope was to create more partnerships internationally and further their reach.
“Hey, YN…c-can we talk?”
Yoongi was out of his sling, standing outside your office.
“Is this about the Human Services contact? I already emailed you a list of my potential available weeks to contribute—which is not a lot since we just won the Moonstone Foundation bid,” you said without lifting your eyes off your screen.
“I just hate how we left things at the retreat, and—“
“Yoongi, what’s done is done. I’m not interested in any closure whatsoever. Besides, whatever we had was just between us. Nobody else knew anything about it so we can just go about our business as if nothing happened.”
You exhaled sharply and finally looked up at him. “Look. Let’s just move on. And if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting to prepare for—which you should be doing, too.”
He opens his mouth to say something until Celina appears at your doorway right then for a separate matter.
“Hey, YN—can you and Namjoon make sure that you include the project kickoff plans at the meeting later?”
As you turn to face Celina, you get a good look at her. It wasn’t the slightly unkempt hair or the cream-colored pencil skirt that she paired with flats that captured your attention—instead, it was the button-up ‘blouse’ that she wore. Black, pinstriped and ill-fitting…because it was actually a men’s shirt.
And you knew that for sure because it was the same shirt that you bought Yoongi that one morning all those weeks ago, after the first time you slept together.
Your eyes quickly dart back to Yoongi, whose shoulders tense immediately after realizing what you just concluded in your head.
“Okay, okay–calm down, breathe, YN…breathe…” Namjoon says as he puts his hands on your shoulders and gives you a firm but still gentle squeeze to try and re-center you.
After blindly agreeing to Celina’s request, you excused yourself and told them that you needed to make a quick client call.
Celina walked away but Yoongi lingered for a bit. You were too stunned to respond while fragments of his explanation replayed in your head.
“I–I didn’t mean for you to find out this way, YN. Cici, I mean, Celina…she-she didn’t want anybody to know. She wanted to keep things strictly professional.”
Deep breath in…
“I’ve been wanting to join the firm for a while but she said it might raise some questions.”
And release…
“But when we’d been broken up for a while, I decided that I still wanted to transfer out of academia, thinking I’d already moved on and this wouldn’t affect my work.”
When he finally leaves, you shut your door and involuntarily message Namjoon on the chat app with an SOS shorthand. He rushed over to your office thinking that there was a problem with the project.
Your chest feels incredibly tight. “I can’t, I can’t! It’s…it’s–she…she–she’s a–she–” You take a sharp but deep breath to center yourself. “It’s her…she’s Cici…”
“Celina…‘C’ is for Celina…” you said in a daze.
“Right–and ‘N’ is for Namjoon…’Y’  is for YN…”
You smack him on his chest. “She’s Cici! Celina Choi! She’s Yoongi’s ex!”
Namjoon’s eyes widened at the realization, dropping his arms from you.
“It’s her…oh my god…it was her all along…” You continued to hyperventilate.
Realizing that there were only a few minutes left before the senior staff meeting, he goes into ‘Logical Namjoon’ mode and tries to refocus–more for your sake. “YN–let’s…let’s calm down, okay? We still have to get through the meeting,” he says softly.
“Shit! The meeting,” you cringe. “I can’t–I don’t know if I can do this, Namjoon,” you started to whimper.
“YN…Let’s compartmentalize for now, hm? And we’ll deal with it later. C’mon, take a deep breath with me. Inhale…”
You do as he says.
“And exhale,” he says soothingly as he gives your shoulders another firm but reassuring squeeze.
“You can do this, YN.”
You puff your cheeks out and release a shaky breath. Inhaled once more and exhaled—more steadily this time, and nodded. “I can do this,” you echoed.
He gives you a once-over, cups your face, then looks you right in the eye. “You ready?”
You sniffled, blinked twice then nodded to assure him. 
He gives you a small smile. “Okay, c’mon,” he says softly before proceeding to walk into the conference room while you follow closely behind.
Once you walk in, you see Yoongi take his seat to the right of Celina, who smiles warmly at him while seated at the head of the table.
He nervously tries to make eye contact but you avoid him–grateful that Namjoon enters the room first so you use his large frame as a shield of sorts.
Namjoon takes it upon himself to sit to the left of your director, thereby prompting you to take the seat next to him.
She clasps her hands in excitement before returning them to her laptop’s keyboard to type some notes. “Alright, everyone. Let’s do a round-robin!”
She decides to start from the back of the room, working clockwise.
You break into a sweat trying to hold in your rage until you suddenly feel a warmth over your knee. You look down to see Namjoon’s hand resting on it which makes you peer up at him to find him looking straight ahead.
A calm washes over you as the rest of your colleagues finish their reporting.
Until it was Yoongi’s turn.
“Alright, Yoongi. What have you got for us?” Celina says. She sounded so professional–as if there weren’t a herd of elephants that just barrelled through this room.
Yoongi clears his throat. “So–I had a productive site visit earlier this week. I went to a couple of our client’s grant recipients and, I have to say that it was pretty life-changing for me, personally.”
You groaned inwardly and rolled your eyes then spotted Namjoon side-eyeing you and shaking his head softly at you.
“They actually invited me to serve some of the meals there–and I was caught off-guard a bit but I just went along with it. I thought it was for a good cause. And uh–anyway, there was this little girl and her mother whom I got to have a conversation with. It turns out that they had been coming there regularly and have been really grateful for the grant that the facility received. They said that they were barely surviving moving from one place to another and thought they would have to leave the site when funding ran out. It was uh–” he starts to get choked up. “Very touching,” he says as he wipes a tear away. “I was really moved by it.”
Something in you snaps and before you know it, a laugh slips out from you.
Namjoon whips his head around, followed by the rest of the room.
“I’m sorry, is this a joke?” You said.
“YN…” he says, barely audible.
“What’s that, YN?” Celina says.
“I asked if this was a joke,” you said, then proceeded to giggle uncontrollably.
“N-no. I really experienced it,” Yoongi replies, which elicits a full-on guffaw from you.
“W-what’s so funny, YN?” Your boss asks.
“Oh my god! Can you believe this guy?” You said in between snorts.
Namjoon tries to laugh along with you, albeit uncomfortably.
“So…sensitive! So—so…devastated while serving meals at a soup kitchen. But oh! Stomp on somebody’s heart in real life? Where’s the justice in that? Nowhere! Why? Because he doesn’t get it! He just doesn’t get it! Somebody please–explain it to me! Make it make sense! Because I have no clue what the hell you’re talking about!”
With that, you abruptly stood up from your seat and stormed out of the conference room.
While you march down the hallway, you pass Jimin and he does a double-take. “Hey, boss–the meeting’s done? H-how did it–”
“Not now, Jimin!” You snapped before slamming the door to your office. You drew the blinds and turned your lights off, opting to sit in the dark right between your desk and the file cabinet, hugging your knees to your chest.
After a few minutes, you hear a soft knock.
“A little busy here!” You yell out.
“YN, it’s me.” 
Shit. You could already hear the disappointment in his voice after telling him repeatedly that you’d do your best to keep it together for an hour.
“Namjoon…please. I need–I need a few minutes,” you sniffled, failing to keep your emotions in check.
“Alright. Uhm…just…” he rests his palm flat on your door. “I’m here, okay?”
After an hour, you turn your office lights back on. You dug your compact out of your purse to assess the damage.
Not too bad, you thought. Thankfully, you had some makeup wipes and some finishing powder to fix that.
You then decided to make things right. You embarrassed yourself, yes. But you would pull up your big-girl pants and apologize to Celina for that ill-timed breakdown.
“Hey, Jisoo–does Celina have a minute?” You asked her assistant.
“Yeah. You can go in and see her,” she said softly.
You walk over to the entrance to find her sitting on her office sofa with her feet up, marking up some draft report–still very much wearing that shirt.
You took a deep, steady breath before knocking on her door frame to announce your arrival. She gives you a warm smile and waves you in. As soon as you enter, she points you towards the sofa opposite hers for a seat.
“Celina, I’d like to apologize for my behavior earlier. It was completely unprofessional and it won’t happen again. I don’t know where that came from.”
“Oh, I do. I know exactly where that came from.”
You brace yourself. “Y-you do?” Fuck. Does she know?
“Yep–some guy ripped your heart out and crushed it and you lashed out at poor Yoongi, as being representative of the asshole who did that to you. Am I right?”
Oh, she has no idea. “You hit the nail on the head,” you grimaced.
She hummed. “Well–you can’t do that, YN. I don’t care how much it hurts.”
“Celina…I promise you that this will not happen again,” you said cautiously.
Just then, she decides to swing her legs so they are now touching the floor, then gets up from her seat to sit next to you. She leans in and you prepare for her to admonish you but what she says next surprises you.
“I’ll let you in on a little secret.”
“Uhh…oh-kay,” you said with hesitation.
“A year ago, my boyfriend and I broke up,” she says with a low voice.
Your eyes almost bulged out of your skull but you still tried your best to keep your expression neutral while she continued her story.
“I was absolutely crushed—devastated, even. Did you notice?”
“Huh? Uhm…n-no. Not at all,” you responded–it was the truth. Celina was the consummate professional. You weren’t even sure whether the woman had a personal life at all.
“Exactly! And that’s because if I fall apart, then everything and everyone else around me is affected…everything that we all worked hard for–just because I decided to have a cry at work.”
You purse your lips.
“Do you love him?”
Her question catches you off-guard. “Huh?”
“Do you love him? The guy,” she clarifies.
“Oh–no. No–we never got to that point…” you mumble.
“I think maybe you do,” she says. “Have you two talked lately?”
“N-not exactly–” you said as you rubbed the back of your neck nervously.
“Do it. Talk to him. Because back then, I used to feel that I had to protect my heart, leave a little something for myself. If I perhaps didn’t become too available for him, that maybe…I wouldn’t come off too clingy and it would make him want to be around me more. I kept him at arm’s length for years. But then, what good did that do? He told me that I seemed like a cold-hearted person and that I didn’t want him as much. So he left me,” she says, throwing her hands up.
You were speechless. While making your way to her office, you had a million questions in your head. And now, you suddenly had answers.
“I’ve done my share of sitting in the dark, wallowing in self-pity until one day, I decided that I had enough! So that day, I showed up at his hotel room with dumplings and a dozen tangerines–he loves tangerines–and I just said that I couldn’t stand not having him in my life and I was lost without him.” She shrugs then smiles broadly.
“And…that worked?”
She nods enthusiastically. “I’ve never been happier…God, I’m actually happy! Who’d have thought?”
“That’s…that’s really great, Celina. I’m glad and really happy for you,” you said while smiling through the tears that were starting to build up again.
You were quiet for the rest of the day at the office even after repeatedly assuring Namjoon on the work chat app that you were fine. But when you didn’t raise any objections during your team check-in, he knew it was a huge red flag. He went behind your back, texted Jungkook and asked for your address.
You were shocked and confused when he showed up to your door with provisions–wine, a six-pack of beer, and mint-chocolate chip ice cream–which was definitely for you.
He apologized for coming off like a creeper but he told Jungkook that he was worried about you and that your brother was strangely all-too-happy to tell him where you lived. You made a mental note to have a serious talk with your brother later.
After getting over the initial reaction of Namjoon standing at your doorstep, you told him to make himself at home.
“I don’t get it.” you say between gulps of wine.
“What’s there to get? So they’re back together! End of,” Namjoon says as he takes a swig of his beer while you both sit on your couch, surrounded by takeout containers–which you ordered, since he took care of the alcohol and dessert.
“How could I have missed it? Was it staring me in the face this whole time?”
“YN–you can keep asking yourself the same question several different ways for the whole night but you will end up with the same answer.”
He gazes at you while you cradle your glass of wine, blankly staring at your own reflection on the crimson liquid.
“Were you in love with him?”
It was strange that he asked you a similar question that Celina had earlier. But now that you had more time to think about it, the answer wasn’t so difficult.
“I thought that I was…because I admired him. All of a sudden, he was giving me the time of day. That feeling of your idol finally noticing you. And I was all too happy to bask in it…But thinking about it more?” You shook your head, “I think I was just in love with the idea of him. I mean–I was hurt by what he did…but I blame it on my ego and naivete.”
Your eyes turned downcast as you ruminated further at this realization.
“Hey…” It wasn’t his voice that pulled you from daze. You glanced over your arm and found his hand resting on your elbow. You looked up at him and saw his eyes were filled with concern.
“The fact is, you were still hurt. Pain is a real emotion,” he says.
“I guess, yeah,” you conceded. 
You were unaware that tears started to drip down your cheeks again. In an instant, the same hand that held your elbow reached up to swipe them away.
You mouthed your thanks then chuckled bitterly. “Ugh. Look at me, I’m such a mess.”
“I am looking at you…and you’re beautiful.”
Your breath hitches as his compliment takes you by surprise.
Namjoon looks like he realizes what he’s just said. “A-and…” he stutters as he scrambles to sit up straight on your sofa. “And smart. You’re passionate about the work you do because you genuinely care. And most of all, you’re real. You’re not afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve.”
You ended the night by paying for a rideshare for Namjoon to get home safely. He had drunk quite a bit of alcohol with you and it was the least you could do for him after he lifted your mood.
You also finally exchanged personal phone numbers—since you’d be working more closely in the coming days. He sent you a text once he walked through his door.
[Namjoon] 10:36PM: Made it home. Thanks again for the ride!
[You] 10:38PM: Thanks for the drinks and ice cream…and cheering me up!
“What the fuck did I miss?”
Jimin was walking back from the breakroom after refilling his coffee mug when he finds Mirai standing several feet away across one of the smaller conference rooms watching a scene unfold.
The small conference room, or ‘huddle room’ as it was often dubbed around your office had glass walls and the shades usually weren’t drawn so anybody walking by could see everything that was going on inside. Typically, huddle rooms were made for impromptu meetings. It offered a wider space for small teams to spread out and brainstorm in the same room.
Mirai, who had been standing in the hallway for who knows how long, looked like she was piecing together a very complicated puzzle.
That puzzle was you and Namjoon–in the huddle room together–sitting side-by-side, having a completely civil conversation. Your backs were turned away from the glass wall so you were unaware of your small audience in the hallway.
After Jimin asks his question once more, Mirai is momentarily shaken out of her daze.
“I…I have no idea,” she mumbles in confusion as she tilts her head sideways in wonder.
Just then, Hobi walks by, returning from his programming meeting when he notices Mirai and Jimin. Brows furrowed, he looked over to whatever held their attention before his jaw dropped.
“Wha–Did hell freeze over?” he asks.
Mirai and Jimin absentmindedly shrugged their shoulders.
They all gasp in unison when you and Namjoon suddenly burst out laughing after a comment that he made. You were clutching your mouth, trying to control your giggles but Namjoon continues to pile on to the inaudible joke. You playfully smack his shoulder in an attempt to get back to the task at hand.
All this is happening while your core team members watch from the outside, completely unaware of them watching your every move.
“Did they just laugh together?” Jimin asks.
“And she just touched his shoulder. They must be drunk,” Mirai tries to reason.
“At 10 in the morning?” Hobi asks incredulously.
“Hey, guys–you should probably stop staring. They’re people, not zoo animals!” Taehyung is promptly shushed by Hobi, Jimin, and Mirai.
He rolls his eyes. “Whatever. I’m going back to my office to run some regression patterns,” he says dismissively before ducking into his office, which was close to where these three stood.
“Why aren’t they fighting?” Jimin wonders out loud.
“Beats me,” Mirai answers.
“I have to talk to Namjoonie. This is…” Hobi paused to find the right words. “I don’t know what to make of this.”
“They are working together–which is what we should all be doing right about now,” Taehyung yells out from his office
Mirai blows out a puff of air. “Shit on my dreams, why don’t you, Kim Taehyung,” she says as she turns to walk back to her office.
“Yeah, man, where’s the fun in that?” Jimin mutters while walking away.
Hobi proceeds to poke his head into Taehyung’s office. “You seem awfully calm about all this,” he asks suspiciously.
“Hyung–right now, I’m just focused on meeting our preliminary deadlines on this new project.”
Hobi lingers at Taehyung’s doorway, trying to look for any hint of knowledge of why you and Namjoon were getting along all of a sudden.
Taehyung looks up to see his senior eyeing him. He shakes his head. “Was there anything that you needed to assign to me, hyung?”
“Hm, no,” he pursed his lips. “Just…carry on, I guess.” Before walking away, he mutters under his breath “Shit. I gotta see Mirai about changing my wager.”
“Would it be helpful to use the same template from the Children’s Health Insurance Program survey?”
“Yeah, that makes sense. Does Hobi still have the program specs for that,” you asked.
“Yes, he does. That man files everything away in his hard drive. He even has his preliminary programming backed up from 9 years ago when he was an intern,” Namjoon says while he types away on his computer, drafting an email to Hobi.
It was after-hours at the office and you and Namjoon were tying up some loose ends before you finalized the dates for grantee meetings and site visits–which you were set to present to the client on an upcoming call for approval.
You both sat on your office couch with your laptops, elbows barely touching. You had kicked off your Jimmy Choo pumps and had your feet propped up on the coffee table.
Namjoon smiles at how relaxed you look—a far cry from your sudden breakdown a week ago.
“He and Jimin can put their heads together and make revisions to tailor it for the Moonstone Foundation project.”
“Perfect,” you said as you typed up additional notes and reminders for tomorrow’s task list.
Namjoon had his jacket off, loosened his tie, and had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Since he didn’t have any client meetings today, he came in wearing a pair of Nike retro dunks.
A few seconds later, his phone buzzes with a text. He grabs it off the armrest where he’s had it placed and laughs immediately after he reads it.
“Your brother is really funny,” he says as he types up a response.
You look at him and arch an eyebrow. “My brother? You’re talking about my brother, Jungkook?”
He sets his phone back down. “Yeah. Unless you had other siblings?”
“No. I didn’t know that you guys were friends like that.”
His facial expression changes from mild amusement to worry. “Does that make you uncomfortable?”
You shrugged. “I don’t dictate whom my brother can or cannot be friends with. I just wonder what you guys would talk about other than his whole post-grad life crisis,” you said while you turned your attention back to your scheduling application.
“Oh, we talk about a lot of things. Music, gaming, food…you,” he trails off without looking up from his screen.
“Me?” Your cheeks started to heat up as you turned your head to look at Namjoon.
He looks back at you. “I didn’t realize how much you loathed me,” he says with a ghost of a smile.
You were mortified. You would definitely have words with your brother the first chance you got. You might even consider renting a car to drive out to his university to kick his ass in person...tonight. 
“I mean…’loathe’ is a bit of an exaggeration,” You laughed nervously as you scrambled to explain. 
He laughs. “It’s fine, YN. After being such an asshole to you, I deserve it,” he says.
You were silent for a beat. “Yes, but things are different now, right?”
“Right,” he replies.
“We’ve put all that animosity aside…clean slate all around.”
He nods softly.
“To tell you the truth, I’ve been wanting to work with you for a long time–but after that whole proposal debacle, it set me off on this war path. When I got hired, I was just excited that Celina Choi remotely took any interest in my work. I didn’t think she knew that I existed,” you laughed while you readjusted your seating position, tucking your right foot under your left leg.
Namjoon felt a slight pang of guilt. He wasn’t being completely honest.
“...I looked up your credentials then and thought, ‘Wow, he’s worked with the Working Families’ Health Initiative? I’d love to work with that program, too!’ Then I saw a video of your testimony at Capitol Hill a few years ago–and…I found it very compelling,” you said.
You left out the part where you also thought that those government cameras and lighting did not do his face any justice once you finally saw him in person at the office.
“Since you mention starting off with a clean slate, there’s something I have to tell you.”
You cock your head to the side in interest.
“I actually gave Celina the intel on you–so…I wouldn’t give her all of the credit.”
You quirk your eyebrows in surprise and smiled. “Really?”
He hums. “I don’t know whether you recall that Walden Foundation call–seems like ages ago. There was a guy named ‘Dave’ who was trying to undermine you–”
Your mouth was agape, remembering that exact moment.
He goes on to say that the way you spoke passionately about the work caught his attention. He wouldn’t stop badgering Celina about hiring you since you’d perfectly represent an area they’d been wanting to expand for years.
You were shocked to hear about your mutual admiration for each other early on.
“B-but if you were trying to recruit me, why weren’t you at any of my interviews? Isn’t it customary to interview with all senior staff?”
He smiles uncomfortably. “Well, the straightforward answer is that I wasn’t officially a senior staff member yet so I technically wasn’t even a qualified interviewer.”
“And the complex answer is?”
Namjoon sucks in a harsh breath. “Mayumi and I were…going through some things at the time. We had a huge fight on your first day. I just–was not in a fit state to do the whole meet and greet–which was not your fault at all,” he clarifies. “A-and–the day that proposal had to be revised–”
“When we couldn’t reach you…”
He nods, “Was the day she walked out on me.”
Your heart hurts for him. “Oh, Namjoon–”
“She said I was bringing my work home too much, not spending enough time with her. The last straw was–” he catches his lips between his teeth to stop himself. “Anyway–that’s all over now. I want to apologize again for letting my personal issues affect our working relationship,” he says regretfully.
“We just got off on the wrong foot, that’s all,” you said simply.
You sat there, quietly gazing at each other. Something shifted in the air between you. He stared back–and it felt as if the last few remnants of the wall that he put up had finally broken down, showing you the real Namjoon that you’d been trying to get to know this whole time. It suddenly felt like a tangible force that sucked the air from your lungs. 
“Sorry–didn’t know anyone was still in here.”
You both jumped, seeing the night porter standing by your door, making her rounds with her cleaning supplies.
“W-we were just finishing up,” you said in a rush. 
“No worries! I’ll work on the other offices down this hallway then come back around,” she smiles then walks over to the office next door.
“I didn’t realize what time it was,” Namjoon says.
“Y-yeah,” you said as you checked your phone. You then get up from your couch, shortly followed by Namjoon. You start to slip your shoes back on. Right foot in, then as you attempt to slide your left foot in, you feel a tingle from the sudden blood-rush through your leg and lose your balance, falling forward towards Namjoon.
“Whoa there,” Namjoon says as he catches you.
You were inappropriately flushed against his chest–his loose tie coupled with the undone top button gives you a glimpse of his collarbone. For some crazy reason, the sight of that small expanse of golden skin made your belly flutter.
You watched his adam's apple bob up and down as he clears his throat. “You’re making a habit out of falling all over me, huh?” You felt his hand tighten his grip around your waist–that flutter, now a full-on swarm.
You scoffed. “Doesn’t seem so bad when you’re always ready to catch me,” you said with a low voice.
A soft laugh rumbles through his chest, making you laugh along with him–breaking the tension.
“That was pretty terrible, huh?”
“It's one of the better comebacks I’ve heard from you,” he says as he releases you. You suddenly felt bereft from the lack of contact.
“We should probably get going before building security kicks us out,” you said.
Namjoon checks his watch. “You know, it’s not that late. Do you want to go and get something to eat?”
After packing up your laptop and picking up your purse, you turn your attention back to him. “Sure, what did you have in mind?”
“Do you want to eat some ramyeon?”
He stared at you with the slightest hint of a smile. You stared right back at him, dumbstruck by his proposition.
Was it a proposition? Your brain was buzzing while you processed it.
“W-what about all that stuff you said about the employee handbook and being careful of whom you fraternize with?”
You swallow hard as he saunters towards you. Your lips parted while your breaths became shallower. You stared up at him while he towered over you. You barely register him raising his hand until his thumb brushes over your lower lip.
“Obviously, I lied.”
You licked your dry lips. He groaned, tilted his head, and sealed his mouth over yours. His lips were surprisingly soft despite his eagerness.
You vaguely register your purse hitting the floor when your hands fly into his hair. You pulled on the strands, directing his mouth to yours while he deepened the kiss, his tongue stroking yours. You could feel his heartbeat pounding against your chest while he held you flushed against him, his hand resting on the curve of your hip, grip tightening on reflex.
“Shit, wait–the cleaner–” you breathed out as you abruptly pulled away. Your lips were swollen and raw.
“Uh–my place is just over three blocks away. I’ll call a car,” he says, equally breathless while pulling his phone out.
“What about your bike?”
“I don’t really give a shit about that now. Do you?”
“Fuck, Namjoon!”
You arched your body away from his mouth even as you craved more. He was in complete command of you, pinning you at your thighs while he leisurely licked at your core. His velvet tongue strokes over your clit, making you gasp for an orgasm that he so torturously held back from you.
“Aaaahh…please,” you begged hoarsely as you palmed your breasts and pinched your aching nipples.
“Please what?”
“Make me cum, please,” you whined.
“Just a few more minutes,” he says casually as he plunges his tongue back into your folds again.
“Joon–come on,” you tried to pull away from him, pushing your hand between your legs, desperate to get yourself off.
He nipped at your finger playfully, making you flinch as you withdrew it. “I’ll say when.”
“I fucking hate you,” you growled.
He chuckles. “No, you don’t.”
His tongue flickered over your swollen clit, making you press your head against the pillow from the intensity of the buildup. With a gentle suction and a couple hard licks, you writhed as your core tensed violently–finally letting out a high-pitched, drawn out cry.
And Namjoon didn’t stop there. He circled your entrance with the tip of his tongue and lapped at your throbbing bud until you quickened again. Two fingers, pushed inside you–stroking, curving. You were too sensitive, trying to pull away from the onslaught. But he held you firmly in place, wrapping his warm mouth around your clit, giving it another steady, rhythmic suction.
You came again, mouth dry, crying out hoarsely.
He continued to massage your clit with his thumb, circling and flicking it.
“I…it’s too much,” you panted.
“I just want to make sure that you’re ready for me,” he teased.
“Fuck, how much more ready can I be?” you snapped.
He chuckles, clearly pleased with his work. You felt his weight and warmth leave you.
You heard a drawer opening, somewhere in the corner of your dazed state followed by the sound of foil tearing. The mattress dipped as he returned, his hands, gripping the underside of your knees, yanking you to the center of the bed.
He hovered above you, hooking one of your legs over his shoulder. He wraps the other around his waist while he balances his weight on his elbow, which was pressed by your side.
You gazed up at him–eyes so dark and dilated, they were black. You knew at that point, you were staring into the eyes of a man who was past the limits of his control. 
Your hands gripped at his biceps, anticipation building.
“Fuck me, Joon,” you begged–hypersensitivity be damned.
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” he utters before he sinks his cock into you.
Your mouth was agape while your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You felt him enter you inch by delicious inch–you could have sworn you’d just cum again and he hadn’t even started to move.
You gasped. He was hard and so, so deep into you. The connection was…indescribably intense. You’d never felt so taken…possessed.
You clenched around him, relishing the feel of him filling you to the brim.
His hips ground against yours. His entire body steeled, his chest muscles and arms visibly straining as he pulled out to the tip before he slams back into you–hard.
You moaned in pleasure while his chest rumbled with a low growl. “Fuck, you feel so good…”
Tightening his hold on you, he started to fuck you rhythmically, nailing your hips to the mattress with fierce thrusts.
He buried his face in your neck, feeling his hot, steady breaths in your ear. Thrusting harder and faster, gasping heated words that drove you absolutely crazy.
“Do you feel me…I’m gonna cum so hard for you, YN…”
You were so focused on every move, every swivel of his hips, every stroke that had pleasure coursing through your whole body like electricity.
You moaned helplessly, his mouth slanting over yours, capturing it. Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving a small trail of crescent indents on his skin.
Another orgasm brewed within you like a surging storm, everything tightening, clenching, squeezing–you were both drenched in sweat, skin slicked, chests heaving.
He shoves one hand beneath your hip, cupping your ass to lift you to meet his thrusts. His cock stroked your aching center over and over.
“Fuck, Joon–I’m…close…”
So close.
“Right there with you, YN.”
You climaxed in a rush that had you sobbing his name, almost pathetically. His body tenses, shuddering as his own orgasm rips through him.
He collapses on top of you, careful not to put his full weight on you, while you both catch your breaths. You have no idea how long you laid like that. Lips grazing over shoulders, necks–it was soothing and calming.
“You’re going to kill me,” he finally manages with his lips at your jaw.
You chuckled. “I didn’t even do anything. I just laid here.”
He lifted his head, catching a glimpse of his fucked-out state. You instinctively brush his hair away from his drenched forehead. The smile he gives you makes your body tingle.
“Okay, now I’m really hungry though,” he says.
You laughed, hugging him.
He nuzzled your nose. “I’ll order some food on the app–maybe we can do that again?”
Your brows lifted in shock. “You can do that again?”
“With you? All night,” he says as he nips at your jawline.
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Part 7◥
Thank you for reading!
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Taglist: @deepseavibez @dany-but-not-targaryen @scuzmunkie @sweetjellyfishland @joeybeanxbts @amylouisecullen @knjkitten @gcintia @daphnxy @rkivecenter @serendididy @arisud @kalala22 @little-dark-empress @humasthings-blog
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factual-fantasy · 3 years
I gots 25 asks here🎶
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Not too great if I’m being honest. I’ve been getting a lot more art stolen lately which has totally killed my drive to draw anything. Which sucks because I had this comic I was really excited to post but now I’m really struggling to finish it.
My personal life has been stressful too, but that’s whatever. I’ve got some really good people around me to help me through it. 👍
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I’ve been asked this question a lot. And what it really boils down to is it makes me feel like my work was stolen. When I see fanart of my ideas/AUs/characters, I don’t go “Oh this person really likes what I made and made something really nice for me!” I go, “Oh wow.. so this person just kind’a.. took my ideas and drew them without my permission.. greaaat...” 
I know fanart isn’t “stealing”, I know that this view is pretty unreasonable, I know that fanart supposed to be a gift/compliment and that I should be flattered, I know that I’m basically the only artist on planet Earth who doesn't like fanart, I know that I’m too protective of my work, believe me, I know. I’m trying to work on it and be more lenient about fanart and stuff. But for now I just don’t like it and would prefer if no one drew fanart of my works.. 
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(Comic series in question)
I have intentions to expand on Foxy’s investigation into the past, I plan to expand on Gregory and his past plus his relationship with the other animatronics.. I wanna expand on the Glamrocks healing process and how Bonnie and Foxy support them through it.. and soon I want to bring the Daycare Attendant and DJ Music Man into the mix.
Especially the DJ, I’ve got big plans for him..  
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(In reference to this post)
Yes! Yes I did.
I drew TF2 for a very short time, and it was mostly just some odd OCs I made so there’s not many posts about them. But in case you wanna see em here’s the main post that connects to all the other TF2 stuff. :}
I used to be into Transformers: Prime as well! But again, it was mostly just OCs I made, :/ ..
And Octonauts? Yeah! I was into that for a little while actually. No OCs there! If you search the Octonauts tag in my search bar you’ll be sure to find some artwork of mine! :}
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Tank you :}} I wish the same for you!
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Maybe? Wasn’t his Moon form supposed to be a night patroller of sorts? If so, I think he might have some defense protocols that allow him to protect Fazbear Entertainments property in the case of an intruder.
..Their property being the animatronics.
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(Comic in question)
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XD Oh yeah, Foxy and Bonnie too. Especially them actually, the idea is that they’ve never really seen much of Endos. Which is why seeing Bonnies robotic innards was kind’a disturbing for Foxy.  😅
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Hmm.. maybe, haven’t really thought that part though yet.. This AU still needs a lot of work. Like all my AUs do honestly :/
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Well Bonnie wouldn’t do that thankfully. The night that they fixed him up, Gregory explained everything about his experience at the Pizzaplex and how the others went berserk.
Him and Foxy also thoroughly explained why its very important that no one knows about Gregory. Not Chica, not Monty, not Roxy, not security, no one can know. So Bonnie would be very aware and know better then to mention Gregory in front of the others.
Although if he did? Pff, Foxy would probably smack him upside the head before everything went down XD
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After the Afton virus was wiped from her system, the idea is that her faulty voice box was cleared and she will be able to sing again once the employees realize its functioning normally again. :}
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They.. cant really do that for a lot of reasons.
The two main reasons though is 1; chances are they’d get caught by cameras/emplyees/security/etc. And 2; Foxy and Bonnie are outdated by years.
There’s barely any spare parts left for them. And the big repair machine is fitted to Glamrocks and their special endoskeletons. If anything that big machine might just end up damaging them instead of helping them.
So all Bonnie, Gregory and Foxy can really do is scour the basement and hope they find the parts to get Bonnie back up on his feet..
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(Foxy’s existential crisis)
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That’s hilarious but also very flattering, thank you! XD
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Yeah, after Bonnie and Foxy really talk it out with the others.. they come to their senses and realize how foolish their tensions were.
In the end, they were all feeling the same pain, and they shut each other out to protect themselves. Now they’re on the road to tearing down their walls and supporting each other. Like they should have from the start.
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(Post in question)
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Well, realistically they shouldn't be able to. And normally I would pride myself in trying to make the characters realistic...
But uh... I mean.. tears bro... they’re. They’re so EXPRESSIVE, and fun to DRAW. Like, I cant draw characters bein upset and NOT have those bubbly tears leaking down their faces!
So I mean, the animatronics really shouldn’t be able to cry. I cant really see a reason why they’d be built with the ability to cry.. But I just LOVE drawing tears. For me, they’re really expressive and really convey the characters emotions a lot more clearly. 
Lets just pretend they can and there’s no logical explanation as to why.. <XD 
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Considering how backwards and crazy the lore for FNAF is right now, I actually believe that Gregory being a robot is 100% possible and likely to be the case.
FNAF is nuts, you never know what they’ll do next now’a days XD
As for the other animatronics.. for one I don’t know how they’d find out. And two, they might think that he’s a part of some new attraction that hasn’t been announced yet. There would be no other logical explanation in their eyes.
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Yeah, I felt that it was more kid friendly then what she was wearing before. Same with Chica, They’ve both got skirts now.
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Well, Bonnie and Foxy weren’t considered little back in the old days. All the animatronics used to be about the same size back then. Its when the others got converted into Glamrocks that they became about 2 feet taller or something.
But also, Bonnie has something making him look even shorter than he’s supposed to look. The fact that he’s missing a foot. With Bonnie’s missing foot, he has to stand on his flats. Making him basically a foot shorter. (Pff, a foot shorter, haha)
The designs in this picture are outdated, but it’ll show what I mean 👇
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See how his right foot is flat on the ground in the sketch VS in the other picture? Imagine how short he is now compared to the Glamrocks when he’s standing flat and bending his knees..
Now the reason why FOXY look’s so short is because although he was a bit shorter than the others to begin with.. he was ALSO standing on his flats to help Bonnie walk in the group shot.
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Even after all this is said though, Bonnie and Foxy were designed to walk on their tip toes. And even if the were, they’d still be miles shorter than everyone else XD
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Well Freddy isn’t shutting her out because of that night per se.. he knows they weren’t themselves.. He’s more of shutting the others out because he’s got a lot on his mind right now and he’s having a hard time processing it.
How is he going to protect Gregory? How is he going to feed Gregory? Bonnie and Foxy are alive. Bonnie is injured though, is he going to stay alive? Is there anything he can do to repair Bonnie? Will Vanessa find out about Bonnie and Foxy and have them scrapped? What happens if one of the other’s find Gregory? Will they call security? What if Gregory gets sick? What if Gregory gets hurt? What if people come to the Pizzaplex looking for Gregory??
There’s so much stress.. but I can see where you’re coming from with the Frozen reference XD
Chica: “Freddy? Do you wanna make a pizza~? :D“
Freddy, having a panic attack: “N-Not right now chica! I’m a bit tired today.. 😅”
Chica: “Okay byeee..(?) <:/ ”
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XD He probably would. If the others were scooping him up like a baby going “aaWWWWAawawee you’re so SMOLLL” He’d be like “No” and then scramble and kick like a mad man to get out of their grasp XD
But you know, if like.. Monty came up to him and just kind’a picked him up without saying anything? Foxy might assume he’s upset and then wouldn’t struggle.
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(Comic in question)
I’m glad you liked it! :D Also I do plan to make more for this AU. I have a lot of ideas brewing that I’m really excited to get around to.. I’m just uh.. taking a break for now I guess. These recent art thefts have kind’a killed my spirit for a bit. :/
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(My recent FNAF comic)
Aww thank you! I’m so glad you like my Refinedtale AU! :}}
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(Post in question)
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