#…that fears and persecutes people with magic! and it makes total sense that this likely began with the arrival of the andals!
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starry-eyer · 7 months ago
magic in asoiaf is genetic. and that is intresting. and the fact that grrm doesn’t shy away from the implications of this makes me love asoiaf even more.
because it’s very understandable that these people who could ride dragons would see themselves as more gods than men. it’s understandable that the practice of sibling-sibling incest would become common in order to keep this ability in the family/to not lose said ability. it’s also understandable that these people would see their race as superior because they are able to do these things that others could not.
it also makes complete sense that this human civilization collapsed in a horrific magical event due to their own hubris because they saw themselves as gods when they were always only men.
and that is peak world building.
some more peak world building is that the noble houses of westeros also clearly gained power and held onto their power through the use of their magical abilities inherited from their ancestors.
a godlike existence like Garth the Green being the ancestor of all the oldest and most noble of the reach houses makes perfect sense for this world!and it also makes sense that the lords without this ancestry are discriminated against in this region that still holds onto the values their society cultivated in the past in order to maintain their magical superiority, even though most of these noble and old houses no longer exhibit these abilities.
and it also makes sense that these people no longer have access to these abilities as they no longer practice the religion that was centered around these powers; plus their blood is simply diluted at this point as these houses have married into a different ethnic group so often that the magical gene just doesn’t surface anymore.
but the fact that it still matters if you can trace your ancestry back to Garth the Green? peak! peak! peak!
george does such an excellent job showcasing the stagnation of westerosi society here because why should it matter if you’re connected to this magic guy if magic is no longer commonplace? however, it also makes total sense that the ruling class of the reach still harps on and on about this as it’s how they maintain the status quo and differentiate themselves from those they consider lesser now that they no longer have access to magic themselves.
and this is also why it’s very important that the Starks still retain the blood of the first men. because the first men interbred with the children of the forest and other elder races, which is what gave these humans these powers. it’s also worth noting that before the direwolves connected with the Stark children, none of our current Starks were able to awaken their abilities by themselves, which shows that even now they are very far removed from their ancestor who’s genetic makeup gave this bloodline these abilities. and it makes sense that the Starks experienced this slow magical decline because magic itself was declining in the world after the doom of valyria.
another reason for this decline is because Andal culture started heavily influencing the North and slowly changed the way magic was perceived. so now in the present, a warg/skinchanger/greenseer has become something to fear being because that’d make you different and therefore puts your life at risk, which means that there’s now practically no safe environment to cultivate these abilities and no secure way to pass down any knowledge you do have about said abilities.
i can’t help but be reminded about how Jon Snow has rejected his nature and how that has led to the stagnation of his abilities, and then i think about Arya and Bran and how their new environments have led to an astonishing growth in their abilities, which shows that it’s not just genetics that matter, environment is also just as, if not more, important.
i bring all of this up because magic being genetic in asoiaf is not as problematic as people try to make it out as. in real life, sometimes people just have genetic gifts. some people can become olympians, and some people are disabled. some people are born 10 times smarter than the average human, and some people believe that covering their faces in lemon juice would turn them invisible. that is reality. and in this universe, some people have access to magic and some don’t, and it’s all based on genetics. it’s unfair! and that makes it realistic.
not everyone gets to ride dragons and not everyone gets to travel back in time, and that grounds asoiaf, which is what grrm was going for.
and how these societies have organized themselves in response to these genetic abilities and the dangers they pose makes absolute sense. on one hand we have the valyrian freehold, which was a magic hotspot and the people who lived there used magic to propel their society to new heights, and on the other hand we have the seven kingdoms that demonize anyone too different, and all magic practitioners are different from normal humans.
and the fact that george decided to go this route with asoiaf is so juicy to me cause:
we have characters like Varamyr and Euron who use their abilities to commit great evils and we know that their powers have influenced the way they see and interact with others. on the other hand we have characters like Dany who use their abilities to fight against evil violent institutions. and through characters like her we learn how vulnerable fledgling magic practitioners/characters with these abilities are to these older and more dangerous institutions and individuals who are perfectly aware about the knowledge gap between them and these younger characters and know exactly how to exploit them.
so, while it’s understandable that the fandom is uncomfy with the practices and values that grrm has written about, this isn’t bad world building by any means. it’s logical and well thought out. and i truly enjoy that grrm doesn’t shy away from writing about the more worrying aspects and implications of magic being a matter of genetics. i also like how the seven kingdoms and the valyrian freehold are kinda extremes on the matter of magic and how this is/was detrimental to both of these societies and at the individual level. a horrific magical firey doom is not any better nor any worse than a slow drawn out icey decline.
imo, what is important to remember is that in the world of asoiaf, people with magic are the ones who are discriminated against (bc most POV characters are in Westeros and magic is a no no there). so they are the ones who are in danger if they out themselves as magic users. now, it is true that some societies are more tolerant (Qarth is a great example of this and Valyria before the doom was likely the most tolerant to have ever existed in this world), but as of now most societies simply aren’t. remember jojens warning? he didn’t pull that out of his ass. bran would’ve been in a lot of danger if he came out and told the wrong people about his dreams/abilities. also, jon’s assassination may have been partly motivated by the mutineers fear of wargs. this is the life-threatening danger magic practitioners are in for simply existing in an intolerant society.
tbh the reason i typed all this up is because it’s very annoying when people try to ignore the reality, which is that the dragonbond depends on genetics. now, i’m sure there are other ways to ride a dragon, as dragons are magical animals so of course there may be a one in a million chance of a dragon allowing some rando to ride it, but this doesn’t change the fact that there is such a thing as a genetic ability that gives these certain humans the ability to form a connection with a dragon.
(another example that i can’t help but remember is that melisandre was able to get ghosts approval by using some of her tricks. of course there could be other reasons for ghost to have done this, but the most likely reason is that ghost simply fell for melisandre’s trick and this influenced how jon saw mel. but this doesn’t change the fact that melisandre will never have the kind of bond jon and ghost have because melisandre is not a warg. this is also another example of how vulnerable fledgling magic practitioners are to older ones.)
so, sorry not sorry that george decided to create a realistic representation of what a society would look like if only certain bloodlines were able to ride dragons <\3.
#this is interesting! it’s juicy! because these are humans with the power of gods!#of course there was a civilization where the elites saw themselves as gods!#of course their powers impacted the way they structured their society!#of course the stagnant westerosi society still holds onto values and practices from hundreds of years ago#…because they once had magical abilities that set them apart. and bc their society is so stagnant they still have these values and practices#…after they lost their magical abilities. and it makes complete sense that these magical abilities were lost!#magic is feared in westeros! anyone with these abilities is othered/an outcast. these inherent powers aren’t cultivated bc this is a society#…that fears and persecutes people with magic! and it makes total sense that this likely began with the arrival of the andals!#anyways magic is genetic ✌️#and it’s so cool that so many people in this universe may not know that they have these powers bc they live in a society that doesn’t care/#doesn’t cultivate said powers. jon snow is literally called a beast by other characters bc they think he’s a warg#westeros is not a safe space for my magical son#i’m ready to fight anyone who disagrees#it’s literally so fucking intresting and i’m glad that george doesn’t shy away from any of it#asoiaf#pro targaryen#asoiaf meta#also let’s not pretend that warging/greenseeing hasn’t been used for horrible things as well#hodor is right there. legends of the nights king show exactly what can happen when a very powerful greenseer is a horrific human#yeah anyways#maybe he wasn’t a greenseer but u get my point (i hope)#asoiaf fandom critical#ppl having issues w/ the dragonbond being genetic has always struck me as odd#but i’d lie if i said i didn’t know where this attitude came from#this whole post is a mess lmao#hopefully i got my point across but i dont rly care to edit 🤷‍♀️#this is def a word vomit
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thelostgirl21 · 3 years ago
I keep seeing posts about a "love triangle" between Geralt, Jaskier and Yennefer; sort of wondering who would be "in the middle" ...
... and here I am, picturing them in a full polyromantic and polyamorous relationship together, having each developed their shared as well as unique connections with each other, raising and protecting Ciri together, each bringing in their own unique set of skills to share with the girl.
That's not to say that the polyromantic/polyamorous relationships where there's a "middle", and two of the three partners aren't really into each other romantically and/or sexually, are wrong or not valid.
On the contrary.
But after what I've seen in Season 2, I can fully imagine Jaskier and Yennefer being involved together directly, without needing Geralt to maintain the interest and connection in their relationship alive.
After all, it's been rather well established that this version of Jaskier is drawn to strong and autonomous people in general, and that he genuinely falls in love with virtually everyone he meets, rather than seek to "trick them" into having sex with him under potentially false pretenses.
His antagonism towards Yennefer came largely, in my personal belief, from his very first significant memory of her.
Waking up to find Yennefer half naked by the foot of his bed - threatening him to get what she wants through sheer power and superior strength - literally assaulting him by grabbing him by the balls - after ordering him to "do some scales for her" to test his voice, is bound to start any potential relationship on the wrong foot.
Not to mention that singing is intimately tied to Jaskier's identity and self-esteem. So, making him sing under duress (rather than because he wishes to express himself, and willingly share that part of himself with others) and grabbing his genitals like that, made him perceive her as a threatening predator / monster.
Hostility comes generally from fear.
And he doesn't even try to hide that he doesn't trust her, and wishes Geralt would keep his distances from her because she is a terrifying witch.
He even watched her openly manipulate that knight for her own gain on the dragon hunt - her interest in him entirely devoid of any sincerity or emotional connection.
"Sometimes, the best thing a flower can do for us is die", she was taught.
Then suddenly, she comes to him humbled, without magic, on the run, among those persecuted for having eleven blood, and - though still very capable and potentially scary in her own way - no longer acting predatory towards him.
They are HUGGING!!!
She is now a prey needing his help and protection; and asking him for it, rather than trying to take it by force from him.
It does not make their prior encounter okay per say... But like Batey said, Jaskier is both an absolute genius and a total idiot.
I think he did get a sense that, when they first met, she was hungry and desperate to fill a certain void within herself; and that there was a more complex, deeper story beneath her behavior and who she was that he knew very little about.
Jaskier can now afford to look at her and truly listen without fear, as she shows vulnerability and respect for who he is and what matters to him as well.
She's even the one implying that there's more to him than "being a bard", and that he'd find a new purpose if he could no longer sing or write songs.
She's grown, he's grown, they have a deep mutual understanding of loss, and feeling unwanted...
They do not need Geralt in the middle to relate to each other, care about each other, and even grow to love each other.
And yeah, I think that Jaskier's teasing is also a way for him to move past the primal fear she once inspired him, come to term with those feelings, and move past them.
He seems to be a big believer in second (third, fourth...) chances, and leaving room for people to learn from past mistakes and misbehaviors, and grow.
So yes, she did overstep important boundaries and terrified him at first... But now he's learned that she's also able of risking her own life for those she cares about, and she came back to save him despite no longer having her magic, thus putting herself in significant danger.
If that had been the version of Yennefer he'd first encountered, Jaskier would likely have tried saving her from the djinn himself.
Geralt saw the cracks through her façade because she never was a predator to him.
The hunger she felt and void she was trying to fill? He understood where it came from, and saw a kindred spirit in her.
The initial connections may have been Geralt <--> Jaskier, and Geralt <--> Yennefer...
But Season 2 evened the power dynamic between them to offer us Yennefer <--> Jaskier; and it was beautiful, and phenomenal, and felt very genuine and organic...
And I just want them to be happy all three together now, for some reason...
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duckie-baby · 5 years ago
let's talk about s02e08: the sins of the father.
let's talk about how this could've been a pivotal point in arthur's character arc, if the writers of this show weren't fucking cowards.
let's talk about how it was completely unfair on merlin's part to lie to arthur, because arthur deserved the truth goddamnit and it wasn't merlin's place to take that away from him.
of course, this is later justified by merlin saying that he knows arthur and that he wouldn't be able to live with himself or the guilt of it if he had gone ahead and killed his father. and of course, like every other potentially life-changing event, all of this is never mentioned by the show again.
magic is damned even further in arthur's eyes, uth*r threatens everyone who knows the truth into silence, vaguely implies that he's totally chill with his son fucking his manservant as long as they're all of the same anti-magic ideals, the episode ends in all smiles.
but whew! at least arthur's been protected from the harsher sides of reality, once again! god forbid this character gains any sense of self-awareness!
my point is, if all of this was to keep arthur from killing daddykins bc it would weigh on his delicate conscience, to preserve the Goodness Of His Character As A Man And King, why the fuck should merlin have to lie to him about it?
consider, instead of:
Morgause is lying! She's an enchantress. She tricked you. That was not your mother you saw. That was an illusion. Everything...everything your mother said to you...those were Morgause's words.
we could have had something along the lines of:
What your father did was wrong, Arthur, but is this man the man you want to be? The king you want to be? Would you be able to ascend the throne even as your father's blood glistens, still fresh, on your sword? Would you be able to live with yourself if you made this decision?
if he kills his darling father anyway, honestly, Good For Him. he has every right to. uth*r went through with a dangerous spell despite knowing the risks, then commited genocide in its name whilst lying about his reason as to why.
uth*r has commited genocide.
he is not a good king or father either, as proven several times throughout the show. he deserves no mercy, no pity.
but the choice should've been arthur's to make. this scene should've been a testament to arthur's character.
if he kills daddy dearest anyways but then feels Super Guilty about it later, we know he wouldn't have made a good king. you can't head a country when you're prone to making drastic decisions without thinking them through bc you were throwing pissy fit at the time.
so if he still goes through with it, he must not been shown to regret it.
but say he does let uth*r live. maybe for whatever love remains for the man who raised him. but he renounces him as his king, as his father.
arthur starts publicly going against his policies and decisions. bc if uth*r could have been so wrong about this alone, what else is he wrong about? arthur refuses to carry out his orders if he believes it’s against the interests of the people.
raising taxes? how about No. oh, he can’t knight commoners? just Try and stop him. he learns to trust in the counsel of merlin, gwen, morgana, people who we know interact direct directly with the citizens of camelot and want what’s best for them; builds his own circle. he routinely breaks out prisoners from the dungeons he believe have been punished unjustly.
especially the people who use magic. he openly speaks out against his father and his persecution of it.
uth*r can try and stop him, alright. but there is a clear rift in the kingdom now, two distinct factions. those who believe in the king that arthur will be, and those who believe their loyalty is still to the current monarch.
and look at these people, from the execution scene from s01e01:
Tumblr media
look at their faces (and also hnfvbdjh colin morgan and his obscene fucking cheekbones jesus christ). they don't seem to appreciate uth*r saving them from the evils of magic much. how many of them have lost their friends and family to his crusade? how many of them remember a time when magic was still allowed in camelot and the kingdom flourished?
these people will stand with arthur pendragon.
yeah. the ones who still believe in uth*r’s authority are few and far in between. and they know where they can shove it.
arthur learns. about magic, about its history, the old religion. merlin finally reveals his magic to him, so does morgana. he goes to the druids and he falls to his knees and he begs for their forgiveness. morgause begrudgingly allies herself with him, seeing his determination to right his father’s mistakes. he still struggles with the little boy within him who just wants his only parent’s approval, sometimes. but he is slowly but surely becoming his own man.
arthur becomes king long before he takes the throne. uth*r is forced to watch, a meaningless figurehead, as everything he worked to achieve comes undone at the hands of his own son. no attempts to make the viewers sympathise with him. he is angry and miserable and wasting away and there is nothing he can do about it; and it’s exactly what he fucking deserves.
and merlin? merlin finally realises kilgharrah’s word isn’t gospel. morgana is redeemed before she ever loses herself. but they must learn to trust each other again, bc merlin left her to face her fear and self-loathing alone when she needed someone more than ever (you might be cute, merlin, but not enough to get away with THAT). he finds himself taking young sorcerers who don’t know how to control their power under his wing (gilli, daegal, oh god the endless opportunities here), including mordred. MORGAUSE TEACHING MERLIN AND MORGANA MAGIC.
he and arthur are equals now, partners in destiny; the world is theirs.
and for the love of god, give me villains whose entire personality and motivations don’t boil down to I Hate Uth*r Pendragon And Also His Son.
give me kings who are afraid of camelot’s growing power, give me bandits and slave traders who realise they have no place in arthur and merlin’s albion. give me uth*r apologists scrambling to maintain their position in court, hell, give me anarchist organisations if that’s what it takes to spice things up a little.
give me the golden age of albion we were promised.
of course, all of this requires characters acknowledging and growing from their mistakes, and making their actions have lasting consequences — so i suppose it really is a bit too much to ask of the writers.
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djiange · 5 years ago
I am so obsessed with your art. It is easily the most beautiful art I have ever seen. The emotion that you capture! The minimalist black lines with the insanely good colouring and the slight grain. The Lust, Caution art has been on my mind for DAYS! You are an artistic genius. The expressions, the pallete... The way you worded it was so beautiful. I know you said it would be difficult to write a fic about this, but please consider it. You have a way with words even if you don't think it! XXXX
Thank you so much!! I’ve been trying to stick to the "less is more" principle and keep the visual components simple but expressive. Glad you liked it!
And I'm really thrilled you found the Lust, Caution AU intriguing! It's prolly my favorite AU I came up with so far. BUT I gotta say creative writing in English is a pain in the ass and I decide not to bother myself with writing something plot-heavy like this AU... so I guess the fic won’t happen, sorry about that. 
Though I highly recommend Eileen Chang's original novella and Ang Lee’s film adaptation! The story’s premise is similar to Operation Anthropoid—with the background set in WWII, Morgana's counterpart who was a radical leader of a student resistance organization, recruited her fellow student Merlin's counterpart who had a slight crush on her, to be a part of their assassination of Arthur's counterpart who was a high-rank official in the puppet government under the fascist invaders' control—but Chang introduced an alternative narrative that deviated from the grand accounts of salvation and revolution in the tide of time when all the values tended to be futile and individuals were torn by the uncertainties of chaotic modern society. 
I know Merlin is a medieval show but—I don’t think the creators did this intentionally since it’s a family-oriented show—its narrative is pretty 20th-century-ish tbf. It is more of a cautionary tale than a heroic epic, catching a glimpse of paradoxes in modernism. Both Merlin and Lust, Caution cast off the metanarrative by bringing into focus specific local contexts as well as the diversity of human experience. There is for sure an urgency of eradicating magical persecution and renouncing muggle supremacy, but the story isn't about liberation or redemption; it’s about love.
Merlin neglects his duty of Messiah, betrays his own kin, and disregards his moral compass; instead, he endorses an oppressive regime, protects two tyrants who purge magic while exploit magic when they see fit, seals the imbecile man-child king in this fantasied bubble of honour and justice, and never actively promote the process of top-down reform of law enforcement or penal system, like deconstructing the profiles of criminals so that the causality between the crimes and identities would be enfeebled, or telling Arthur what JFK said in Berlin: "Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free." (I always find it super funny that despite Merlins inconsistency and hypocrisy he genuinely believes his deeds can be justified by "I have no choice." If Merlin considers that Sophia and other guest villains deserve death or poisoning Morgana in Season 2 is a must-do (i.e. killing the killer or trading another's life for "the greater good" is valid), then he should have killed Uther long time ago. He never really lacks for choices; he just won’t accept the ones that likely breaks the shell he creates for Arthur.)
Merlin does all these in the name of love (not specifically in romantic/sexual sense, of course). And deep down he only knows too well it's unfair or unwise, but he simply suppresses the sentiment and pretends it's exactly what he wants. He would always stand by Arthur's side, especially when Arthur is on the opposite side of the righteous. The reason that love has been portrayed in various media of art from time to time isn't that it's morally positive; on the contrary it's beyond reason, conscience or aesthetic. It represents the profound dialectics in humanity, which makes the evil melt in tenderness and despair, and the good lost in callousness and mania.
Also, what hurts more is that Merlin doesn't even choose love over justice; he chooses his short-sighted obsession over everything, including the possible romance. While he says he doesn't want to put Arthur in that position, he doesn't do it for sparing Arthur from the pressure of choice-making; he doesn't dare to offer Arthur the choice to not choose him. Merlin makes the choice for both of them; he chooses this delusional, delicate balance between them for the fear of losing control, of losing Arthur (in every possible sense). If he loved Arthur like a normal love interest instead of this death drive planted deep in him, he'd have seen (or cared) people suffering in every passing second and helped Arthur see it too rather than being totally a slave of passion.
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ariwilder · 6 years ago
It’s not over until the Fat Lady sings | Part VI
Pairing: Penny Haywood x Jacob’s Sibling
Summary: It’s over. It’s your final day at Hogwarts. It’s time to say farewell to your friends and soon enough the start of new adventures.
Part I  |  Part II  |  Part III  |  Part IV | Part V | Part VI
You cannot recognize the direction in which you are walking with precision. All the jungle looks exactly the same to you. Tree after tree, vine after vine. Unlike Professor Oliveira, who navigated the jungle with such ease as if it were her home, you found yourself constantly fumbling with the uneven terrain, Penny constantly bumps against your back as a result.
Rakepick and Professor Oliveira come into a halt. You feel Penny’s body press against you again before she settles on holding the sleeve of your robe.
“Visitors first, por favor.”
It’s a tent under the disillusionment charm. You are pleasantly surprised. You had only read of this but never actually practiced it yourself. You knew very few people from the top of your head who could hold such charm for an indeterminate amount of time.
Rakepick goes first. You step aside to let Penny pass through. She looks at you as if you had suddenly grown another magical head. You can only assume she had never been inside a tent with an
Undetectable Extension Charm before.
“Just go,” You whisper. Noticing her hesitance, you take her hand into yours and lead the way.  
It isn’t spacious or anywhere fancy unlike the last tent you were in with your parents while on the last Quidditch World Cup. Unlike you, a true and loyal fan of Maximus Brankovitch, most of your vapid family members spent most of the five days of the that last Quidditch Final inside it.
On the back, there are two doors. At simple inspection, a small kitchen, with a stove and a breakfast bar with four wooden stools. All sorts of unknown plants perched in apparent order occupy the squared dining table. You feel Penny squeeze your hand before letting it go. The plants on the table are the first things that pick her interest.
“Do you know any of these, menina?”
Penny’s blue eyes shine in excitement, “Cordia verbenacea, for ointment against powerful magical scars, euphorbia tirucalli or naked lady can mimic almost any disease, and an awakening potion with Trichilia catigua can stop you from batting an eye for days.”
Maria Aparecida Oliveira smiles widely, almost feverishly, her resemblance to a cat, uncanny.  
“Maravilha, maravilha,” she grabs both of Penny’s hands into her bony ones, “Do you enjoy potion making, dear?”
“I love potion making.” Her words carry emphasis, a doting mother talking about her child. Her blue eye glaze over. It is not very often that you see Penny’s eye shine with such excitement.
“Perfect! I sense, you and I will enjoy working together my child, very good, very good.” she pats
Penny’s hands before letting them go.  
Her tawny eyes are magnetic, neither of you can take your eyes of Professor Oliveira. It is almost as if you feel compelled to look at her. Her eyes a magnet, the unnatural feeling of it made a shudder run down your spine.  
A sudden thunder erupts through the tent, the familiar sound of a magical apparition. No one speaks as all heads turn to the entrance. The surroundings turn suddenly still, the idea that you had just escaped a persecution is fresh in your mind.
You unexpectedly feel the pointy but heavy pressure of a wand behind you. You even your breathing; the last thing you want to disclose to a potential enemy is fear. That much, you do know.
“Quem são?” the voice is deep and masculine. You are instantly confused. Despite having your eyes set on the door, your eyes did not manage to notice a single indication of movement.  
“I don’t understand you.” you speak through gritted teeth.  
The situation unnerves you. Penny stands motionless beside Professor Oliveira, her grip tight against her own wand, so tight in fact you can recognize a perceptible quiver. Rakepick, on the other side of the room, looks uninterested in your direction with no apparent intention of coming to your aid. Had this been a set up all along? What are you supposed to do in a situation like this? You are not prepared for an ambush…
“Nico! Eles são aliados, uncover yourself.” Professor Oliveira’s voice is loud and clear.  
You turn your head the moment you feel the pressure of the wood disappear from your back. Before you, the silhouette of a tall black man starts to materialize from head to toe. It is almost as he had been hiding under an invisible cloth. He towers over you; his deep sunken dark eyes connect with yours.  
You tense your grip around your own wand instinctively.  
“Nicolau Zumbi,” he nods in acknowledgment.
“He is my assistant; it is a couple of years since he is out of school, not much different from yourselves.”  
Professor Oliveira speaks casually, as if this stranger had not just threatened you with his wand.
Something in you screamed you to run, to escape, but your feet would not budge. Fear, strong and foreign, paralyzes you. A couple of steps from you, Penny Haywood looks unusually pale.  
“Excuse me, I did not know.” His words are morose, but his English, unlike his companion’s, is easier to understand albeit American sounding.  
“You have to understand, crianças,” you feel her bony hands on your shoulder now, warm against your tense muscles, “the Amazônia is a sacred area, home to a restricted number of botanical and  magizoological species, only wizards with a special permission from the congresso are allowed here.”
“Do we have permission?” Penny ventures, still pale but noticeably more relaxed.
Oliveira’s laugh is loud and melodic, unlike any other laugh you had heard before. You can only assume the tent is charmed with a silencing spell as well.  
“Paty, are your children unaware of the way you work?” she can’t hide the laughter from her words as your attention shifts to your ‘mentor’. Rakepick doesn’t look humored, and remains nonplussed to your reproachful stare.  
You know Patricia Rakepick is self-serving and narcissistic, but jeopardizing your life without your acknowledgement is beyond utilitarian. Machiavellian. A total disregard of Penny and you as individuals. Had she told you from the beginning you were about to immerse yourself in an adventure bordering on illegal in another country, perhaps, you would have given it a second thought. You feel ashamed about these thoughts, considering the amount of dangerous misgivings you got your friends and yourself into as a student. Yet, the fear in your heart, for Penny on the most part, is real.  
Your body finally moves a step forward on Rakepick’s direction. Her impassive stare challenges you.
You feel Professor Oliveira’s bony hand tense over your shoulder. It is Penny who finally stops you, however, with a gentle hand over your arm.  
She does not have to say it, her hand, always gentle carries a firm ‘don’t do this’. You sigh through your nostrils in frustration. This is too much information for you to remain calm a minute longer.  
“You are probably tired from the trip; we can talk about this tomorrow, if you excuse me.” Her words are final as you watch Patricia Rakepick disappear behind one of the doors inside the tent leaving you dumbstruck.  
“Nico, offer them tea, querido, it is a long trip, after all.”  
“That would be lovely,” Penny chimes in as she calmly guides you towards one of the wooden stools in the kitchen.  
You drink your tea in silence. You are frankly not convinced of trusting these people but you are beyond livid to think properly. You don’t really listen to what Maria Aparecida Oliveira has to say.
“This is an ancient brew of tea, far from magical but particularly recomforting”, she says.
Her words rapidly drift in the distance in and out of focus as words of retellings of her own travels and adventures go through deaf ears.  
“You’ve been silent.” Penny’s words are a whisper, conversely loud in the silence of the tent.
You settled on the opposite room to Rakepick. The room is empty, except for a desk and a candle. With you, two sets of blankets and pillow. Oliveira sent you to sleep after the tea, of which you did not drink a single drop.
You have had been so busy racking your brains about the situation you failed to notice Penny had not fallen sleep. Granted, sleeping on a flat floor does not make it any easy. The weather is so mild and humid you had to doff your travelling cloaks altogether by the floor.
“We should be sleeping.” You turn on your side to look at your friend.
You can barely identify Penny’s laid down figure over the brim of the dimming light emanating from the candle on the desk. If anything, it makes her look even more beautiful to you.
“Yet, you are not.”
“You aren’t either.”
“You should’ve drank the tea, it had valerian root.”
You wrinkle your nose in distaste. As long as your britishness is concerned, you cannot recognize other tea than Earl Grey, even if your life depended on it. As for Penny, there is no day she does not surprise you.
You cast a silencing charm under your breath.
“I don’t trust these people.” You confess lightly.
I don’t trust myself or why I allowed you to tag along, is an addition that remains on your lips. Other than anger, guilt has taken a permanent spot on your stomach.
You feel Penny move closer to you before whispering your name. The tip of the fingertips of her nearest hand interlaces with yours.
“Do you trust me?” she is so close you can feel the hotness of her breath over the humid air.
“Yes,” it is a certain truth, “do you trust me, Penny?” your eagerness betrays you. Your decision-making has disappointed you, and you fear, Penny as well.
“You are one of the most talented sorcerers I have met, of course I trust you.” She pauses, “it is my decision to be here, okay? Please, don’t fret about it. We’ll figure everything out. Like always.”  
Your pounding heart finally comes to a lull as you feel your stomach relax instantly at her words. It is almost as if she has been reading your thoughts all along, she knows you that well.
You get a glimpse of her tender smile as you see the light finally wane into total darkness. Her warm hand, however, remained over yours, right until slumber finally befell you.
Tall brightly colored buildings surround you. It is nothing like you ever seen before. You don’t know why but a raising feeling of panic quickly takes over you. You are following someone, or is someone is chasing you, you are not quite sure. The tall brick structures are separated, only, by narrow and dark alleyways, making it feel like a maze.
You look up only to see towering smoke intertwining with the dark sky. You hear shouting in the vicinity, your wand is firm on your hand, ready.
Are you looking for someone? Why do you feel so panicky?  
Someone crashes into your shoulder with force, almost knocking you into the floor.  Bony hands grab you by the shoulders only to go into a fervent rant.
“Isso é culpa da Macumba! Corra ou morra! É uma maldição!”
A light shake on your shoulder wakes you from your slumber. You open your eyes blearily to meet a mane of bright straw colored hair. Penny is kneeling over you, her usually braided hair combed into a bun.
You want to smile at her but your body feels unusually clammy, as if you’d been coated by the thick saliva of a Cerberus.
“Maria told me to get you, we are leaving soon.”
Your throat feels unusually dry despite the humidity. You can even feel your white shirt pressing against your chest nastily. The thought of using Aguamenti on yourself crosses your mind briefly.
“Thank Merlin.” Your skin is not used to tolerating climates like these.
You take a fast look around to notice the room as empty as you found it. The wooden desk with an extinguished candle on the corner. Penny’s blanket neatly folded beside you. You look up to find Penny handing you your traveling cloak, folded as well, and with an unusual soapy smell.
“I might’ve scourgified it.” A light blush graces Penny’s cheeks before she leaves the room with a quiet, ‘hurry up’.
The image of what domestic life with Penny would be like pushes the recent memory of your dream on the back of your head as you decide on a change of clothes under your recently washed traveling cloak. It is a bit embarrassing for you to accept, you have completely forgotten the last time you had cleaned it yourself.
You exit the room to find Maria and her assistant, Nicolau, packing the last of their herbs and flowers into a big rectangular trunk. You share a scowl with an anxious looking Penny, who quickly reaches your side.
“Where is Rakepick?”
As far as you are concerned, your alliance to her, your mentorship, has suffered an important blow. You never really trusted her, not really, but suddenly abandoning you in the middle of nowhere with strangers didn’t look too good in your book.
“Paty is doing a Portkey, we been waiting for you. We cannot wait more and not compromise the mission.” Maria’s calm answer contrasts to your briskness.
You see her draw a golden pocket watch from under her green cloak. You notice it is not much different from Rakepick’s own, if not the same. As in on cue, one of the white porcelain teacups you had drank from just a night before starts to glow a intense blue hue.
“We have to leave now."
You share glances with Maria.
You and Penny share glances.
There really is no other choice. Remain the middle of the Amazon or find out what exactly are you doing in Brazil. You can’t help but give her a lopsided grin. Sometimes, you can be really dense. And forgiving. And naive. And trusting. If something is ever going to get you killed is your sense of adventure and curiosity.
You see Penny reach for the teacup with you before you feel the now familiar feeling under your navel. Your stomach churns on an empty stomach and unforgiving bile. It is not much different from the adrenaline pump you feel everytime you ride over a broom at max speed. Your thrill for the unknown might one day be your great dismissal.
Not today.
A/N: I'm sorry for the delay. Real life got in the way. I had my very own end of the (school) year promotion, and also fell sick. I wrote all of these on off chances I had at work, mostly. Hopefully, it won't show. Happy reading! And off to action we go on the next chapter! Remember you can also find it in Ao3. Link on my fanfiction masterlist.
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Magic as a metaphor for queerness in Merlin..
The kingdom doesn’t outright hate it, but many fear those who use it.
All the magical individuals have some characteristics that make them not so heteronormative. Merlin is lowkey gay if not pan considering how often he checks out dudes and obviously would die for his Arthur. But he does get interested by woman, the way he did for “Kara.” Morgana likes Arthur, but like a brother. She seems to show more interest in Gwen imo, but I also get lots of ace vibes from her. And especially considering her relationship with uther, I think that may play a big role in how her sexuality has developed. He’s raised her since she was 10, but looks at her and treats her as if she was a future spouse (well, more like concubine..) She in turn loves him but doesn’t, and seems very uninterested in physical relationships. But she’s very close to Gwen, and especially touchy feels with her (but obvi in a non predatory/creepy way. She seems to show affection with physical touch. Anyhow) Nehm... the hot priestess of the old religion. (No clue how to spell her name though >.<) She was a total lesbian queen. Like god, I would bow to her in a heartbeat she was such an bamf. Sad she died, but made sense for the story.
Ooh!! Another thing. Families happen and all, but the families that are really close are the families who accept each other. Whether that’s complete acceptance and love like Merlin’s mama had for her baby, or like the familial ties the magical people make with one another, that kind of relates to like how queer people who have been kicked out/disowned by their families make their own families with those who accept and actually love them. Take gaius for instance. His family is never shown (maybe bc he’s so old and under the king’s service, maybe he couldn’t maintain his family connections. But) it also feels like he had to make his own family. He can relate to the closeted people bc he, like me, has to his keep parts of himself from those he cares about dearly so they won’t hate or not trust him. Would my family know I’m queer, then I wouldn’t be able to have the relationships I have with my sisters, and I would lose the relationship I have with my parents. Uther is like my parents: he’s misguided bc of something he doesn’t understand and trying to think of the safety for ALL his kingdom, yet he ends up hurting them. Especially the ones he most loves. He forced gaius to betray his fellow magical brethren, all while thinking gaius agreed and that he was doing good. But he hurts his people, and constantly cuts at gaius. Like when the not Voldemort was defeated, uther took this as proof that all sorcerers were evil and for more reason, he had to go and destroy/kill them all. Gaius is a loyal and close friend to him. Merlin has saved his son time and time again. But if he knew they had magic, he would kill them immediately. In my family, my mom makes hurtful comments about queer individuals bc of her faith in Christianity, never realizing how much it hurts me at times. She definitely knows when it angers me though bc I always get into arguements with her about it. I don’t think I’d ever openly admit I’m queer to her bc I don’t want to lose my sisters, or the relationship I have with her (no matter how closed off I may have to keep it these days). I love her, and I don’t want to lose her or her trust. Likewise, gaius loves and cares for uther, and so he will not risk betraying his true identity of a warlock/sorcerer to him.
I’m trying to think in regards to other “good” magical people, but almost all instances of magic are from bad guys trying to get revenge unless it’s Merlin using magic for the sake of someone else. But again, when he uses his magic, it’s for people he cares about. And magic is very closely tied to Love it seems. The very first episode even seemed to support that since the woman came to get revenge for her son, whom uther had executed. The beetle magic man who managed to kick gaius out did it bc of love and revenge for his murdered family. All magical creatures and individuals want a Camelot where magic can come back, and no one will be persecuted for it. Some of them are going about it in totally wrong ways, but you can’t really petition or talk a tyrant out of being a dick so I get it.
But especially considering how coded Arthur and Merlin’s relationship is, and how it’s emphasized over and over again that only once Arthur is king will there be able to be a Camelot of justice and equality for everyone, I can’t help see magic as a metaphor for queerness.
But I’m barely in the first few episodes of s2, and still have ways to go. I don’t know if my theory will stand up. (Or if this is an old thought that has already been dissected to each individual cell long ago. Sorry if I’m just throwing old water back into the well.) anyways, back to Merlin!
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shinigamiryuksblog · 6 years ago
I would love to!
Okay, then.
I got my permission to tell the story, however, the Shinigami I will be talking about doesn’t wish his name to be mentioned. Therefore, I will refer to him as ‘X.’
X used to visit the human world and observe humans to get rid of his boredom. One day, he decided to go to a highschool to see what humans learn during the process of their education. He visited a random one, then he encountered a short, frail boy being bullied by other students. X had always thought schools were supposed to be a safe environment which provided efficient knowledge to kids and gave them the opportunity of either exploring their personalities or learning to accept others with different traits. Therefore, he was quite surprised and disappointed to see somebody being bullied and excluded just because they had a unique appearance and they didn’t share common interests with the other kids.
The boy was pale. He had big, blue eyes matching with his long, wavy blue hair. He had a tiny, upturned nose and pinky lips. He didn’t look anything like his peers, in addition to that, his personality was as unique as his appearance. He used to read many books and underline his favorite sentences with colorful highlighters. He used to have a notebook which he had written poems, drawn pictures and glued the photos he took. He had a wonderful mind filled intelligence and creativity.
That boy was the first human to actually attract X’s interest and it wasn’t only because X had compassion to the boy, it was also because the boy was so pure, innocent yet so unaware of the inner beauty he had.
X followed the boy for a small amount of time and found out everything about his life. He had lost his dad at a very young age and he had an abusive mom. He had always been excluded, never been loved and never been accepted with the way he was. That’s why he had always been introverted, also considered himself as a person who didn’t deserve to be loved. However, he aspired to find true love and learn how it would feel to be loved mutually. Even though his faith faded more as each day passed, he had never completely lost all of it. The fact that the boy managed to stay strong no matter how many hardships he had to deal with in his life got X attached to him more and more.
Other Shinigamis, including me, were curious where X was and what he was up to. Most of us had tried to contact him, but X didn’t care about his surroundings since he was completely blinded by the boy’s existence.
One day when the boy got beaten up by the bullies again, X felt the anger burning his entire body. He couldn’t stand watching an innocent human being persecuted. He couldn’t stand seeing the boy crying for help and everybody else ignoring him, just watching him and laugh. It was selfish, cruel and absolutely unfair.
The boy eventually got out of the school and ran as fast as he could. Meanwhile, X was following the boy, trying to think of a way of helping the poor being. X was nothing but a stranger who secretly observed the boy, that’s why he doubted if he should kill the bullies without having the boy’s permission. He desired to meet the boy and show him some knew what kind of a sorrow he had been dealing with. He wished to tell the boy he was understood by somebody.
The boy eventually arrived to the beach, sat on the sands, wrapped his arms around his knees and begun crying loudly. It was only the midday, and surprisingly, no one seemed to be around. X took a deep breath and listened to the boy talking to himself and wishing somebody could see how much in a pain he was. X, again, thought that interfering the boy’s life without his permission wouldn’t be the best solution, then suddenly a better idea came into his mind: he could give the boy the opportunity of changing his own life.
He took out his Death Note and dropped it to the sands. The boy recoiled because of the sudden voice he heard. He swiftly got up and looked down at the sands. He was confused to see the Death Note. He was sure the note wasn’t there when he first arrived to the beach. He knew that he would have noticed something as abnormal as a black notebook with the title of ‘Death Note.’ With a confused expression, he looked around to see if somebody had accidentally dropped their notebook. Meanwhile, the boy was totally unaware of the existence of the Shinigami standing beside him.
After examining the Death Note with a curious look in his eyes, he eventually took it, then X became visible to the boy. He hadn’t expected such an ugly, phantom looking creature to appear right after he picked up the note. He initially went back a few steps as a reaction, however he couldn’t say anything, and a few moments later, he found himself standing without moving a muscle as if he was frozen. He gulped as he noticed his heart begun beating faster than usual. Fear had taken the control of him. He wanted to run, scream and call for help, although, something inside him didn’t let him do anything but stand there with a terrified expression. X told the boy that he was completely harmless and all he wished to do was to help him.
The boy intented to talk, but he only managed to stammer a couple of words and whatever he said didn’t make any sense. He wasn’t able to think or say anything. Meanwhile, X told that he observed the boy for a short amount of time and witnessed whatever he had been through. He added that the notebook had a magical power to kill whoever he wished. The boy’s hands were sweating and shaking. He wasn’t able to hold the Death Note anymore. Once he dropped the note, X took it and handed it to the boy. However, the boy didn’t take it. He told he wouldn’t have had any difference than the bullies at school if he attempted to murder them by using the Death Note. X argued that the boy could have forgotten about his memories of him killing the bullies by giving up on the ownership of Death Note, although, the boy didn’t accept it anyway. He told that even if he forgot about his memories of killing all those people, it wouldn’t change the fact that he was a murderer. X wasn’t surprised by what the boy told him, he was impressed indeed.
They didn’t talk much while walking home, because X had warned the boy about Shinigamis being only visible to the humans who touched the Death Note, so if they talked, the other humans wouldn’t have been able to perceive what was going on and they might have thought the boy was talking to himself.
Once they arrived home, the boy asked questions such as how X found him and why he decided to give his Death Note to the boy. After answering the boy’s questions, X told him about the rules of Death Note just incase he decided to use it. However, there was a rule neither X nor the rest of the Shinigamis didn’t know. The rule was, if the owner of a Death Note does not use their notebook to kill someone within 21 days, they suddenly lose their memories both about the notebook and the Shinigami who followed them.
It is almost impossible for Shinigamis to know every rule of the usage of Death Note and we learn most of the rules through our experiences. That’s exactly what happened in this story. The boy and X had become friends, in addition to that, X had viewed the boy more than a friend (and was never able to open up about his feelings), however, even though the boy had the best days of his life and finally felt that he was genuinely loved and understood by somebody, he eventually forgot about all of his memories.
The only thing left about their friendship was the picture of X that the boy had drawn in his notebook. Every time he looked at the page which the picture of X was drawn, he felt like the creature somehow seemed familiar, however he could never figure out why.
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best-ghoul · 3 years ago
So, Goth Logic, right?
So, some background. Welcome to GRAVEN MOON, which takes place in a place called Dis. 50 years ago, we killed our gods, and magic’s fucked, a magic pandemic is turning people into magic mutants called Cambions all over the place, and everyone persecutes the hell out of them, as bastards do. Not every means of fighting back against that involves a Scorching Ray between the eyes, though that remains a popular option, some have decided to cultivate mystique.
The development of Alchemy and Occultism (”Young Magic”) is recent in Dis. Fantasy settings tend to throw things like “10,000 years old magic” like it’s nothing, but in Dis, few practiced magical techniques are older than your grandma. Half of it’s total bullshit: Cambions are improvisers, and a lot of them have decided the best way to stay safe is to work spooky and look like you’re a bitch who knows how to cast a death curse. Lawyers wear suits, Cambions don spikes.
“Modern” Disian spellcraft is informed by the frontiers of technology as much as it is plumbing the depths of the ageless deep calculus of the universe, and wizards in Dis are improvising and discovering, constantly. With the utter failure of magical tradition and no central authority, you get a lot more Theosophists, spiritualists, magicians and hucksters than your Gandalfs or cloistered academy magi.
Thus, Cambions define their craft from the ground up, and that includes presentation. Being isolated, vulnerable, and regarded with suspicion, leaning hard on their strangeness is a key factor in ensuring that the laity doesn’t prey upon the so-ferociously-Othered Cambion. Highly charismatic ones use it to become a part of the community, and most will at least lean on it a little to make sure people keep coming to get children augured, ancestors contacted, or artifacts appraised.
It offers protection, if only through cultivating a sense of mystique: an intrigue to buffer the fear of confronting someone in contact with the unknown. It’s part of the reason the Long Faire Night is so fashionable (and picked a circus as the business model): it’s a survival technique too!
Pointy hats are still worn, but that’s Fey fashion and you’re in Human Territory. Din tend to wear big ol’ boxy crowns with veils, and Humans go for capes to mark their spellslingers.
There used to be cloistered Magi in their great schools (particularly in the Ingenious Isles), but after the Gods were slain, a great amount of old, ritual magic, has been abandoned, purged, or simply doesn’t work anymore-- there’s no central force to appeal to, and no ancient powers to invoke. The academies are hospitals, museums, and office buildings now, and the Magi have almost completely died out by now.
It’s sad out of context, but  these were also divinities calling for mass mortal sacrifice by the end. Fuck ‘em, we did the right thing. ...Right?
To that, I’d ask, are you glad to be Undead? Have you eaten?
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heartmindalignedspirit · 7 years ago
1. You don’t give a fuck. The most amazing and notable quality of witches is that they’re in touch with a level of intuitive and imaginative power which gives them an inner authority. They’re being moved by their own genius and not by any external dogma or force. They may use a wide variety of traditional or institutional tools, but they’re not dependent on traditional or institutional authority for their power. They’ve woken up the magic within their own hearts and it’s alive and throbbing. Witches are often offensive to – well, just about every body. Witches tend to offend both the sensibilities of conventional, non-magically oriented types of people and also of people involved with magic who have rigid ideas about what magic should look like. Just about everyone gets alarmed in the presence of an actual live-wire witch. Among these we can count my controlling, holier-than-thou ceremonial magickian ex-boyfriends. (Hi, gentlemen! Don’t you worry ’bout me, my magic is rolling along just great even though I don’t ever do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram! Mwah! Hope you’re still enjoying living with your mom! Yes, Bali is great this time of year, and I don’t at all wish you were here! xoxoxoxo, Carolyn) So if you find yourself still very committed to magical practice and to spiritual development and you have next-to-zero interest in fulfilling anyone else’s expectations of what your magic or spirituality should look like, then you may just be a witch. 2. Seriously, you do not give a fuck. In your life you’ve probably had plenty of experiences of people freaking out at you about your signature strange way of being in the world, and while this is sometimes sad or challenging, ultimately you don’t care. You’ve got work to accomplish – art to make, people to heal, houses to build, rituals to craft, stories to write – and you just don’t have time to be constantly soothing people who expect you to adhere to some standard other than your own genius and inner authority. This may mean that eventually you go into stealth mode so as not to continually create alarm, but you don’t go stealth because you’re hiding or avoidant. You do it because you’ve got things to accomplish and only a limited amount of time here in the third dimension. 3. You make people nervous. No matter how toned-down you allow you are in your dress or demeanor, you still make people nervous just by your very presence. There are things that can be done to mitigate this, but it’s probably unavoidable. For folks who are looking to external authorities to tell them what’s good and beautiful and okay, the presence of you, an inherently wild someone who is wholly reliant on her inner authority, is disturbing. Your presence is disturbing because others can sense there’s something about you that’s unpredictable and uncontrollable. You’re not being ruled by the conventional programs, so you’re not immediately legible to people who still allow themselves to be ruled. 4. Folks tell your eyes are “beautiful” – what they mean is that they’re penetrating. Most people don’t have the words to describe your eyes. They just notice that there’s something compelling and different about them. That something is that your eyes see. You can look at someone and see what programs they’re running, see where they’re blocking themselves, see what they’re attached too, see how they mishandle their own sexual energy and power, see their potential for liberation. It’s just evident to you when you look at someone because you’ve done that liberatory work on yourself already. 5. You can always tell when someone is full of it. See the above. Your penetrating vision is a kind of psychic perception. You can see how people deceive themselves because you’ve unravelled many of your own self-deceptions. You can hear when someone is bullshitting because you can perceive that the whole of their being is not in full resonance with their words. 6. You’ve been actually persecuted at least once in your life. Because you make people nervous and you don’t give a fuck and you probably did not start out in stealth mode, it’s very likely that if you’re a witch you’ve attracted actual persecution at some point. This could be persecution in the form of cruel harassment and teasing in childhood, or persecution in the legal and professional realms as an adult. Often it’s persecution in the form of malicious gossip from former friends who couldn’t keep up with your magical growth and then felt envious. Kindness and compassion in the form of brahmavihara cultivation are great antidotes to energetic persecution, and so are traditional protection spells and an ongoing practice of developing your communication and relating skills. 7. You encounter tons of synchronicity, and it doesn’t always lead to peachy places. Witches are basically tantric bodhisattvas; they have a soul-commitment to liberate themselves and all beings as fast as possible, ideally in one lifetime, using alchemical transmutation. This means that they’re on the karmic fast-track and life very often comes super-fast and hard to them. This means that following even gorgeous synchronicities can sometimes lead bad witches to apparently dark places – and that the visit to the dark and dirty places is totally part of the trip. In other words, life is not a “love’n’light” New Age bowl of cherries for witches – it can, at times, be a tour of the hell realms. 8. Your disapproval visibly hexes people. One reason that you make people nervous is that you have so much personal power that if you dislike, insult, or disapprove of them – they’ll feel it, hard. Their day will be ruined, and maybe their whole confidence. When people get hexed by a cross word or look from you, they lose connection with their own best direction. They look dazed because they’re up in their heads, spinning scared thoughts around. Folks are so affected by your disapproval for the very reason that they can sense your perception is penetrating. This is the “evil eye” that’s been so feared in so many cultures across history. Of course you would resent and fear someone who had the power to crush your confidence with a glance because you know they see you clearly. So as a witch, it’s a good idea to continually cultivate awareness of and to transmute your own resentments and fears so that you’re not walking around spattering everyone with mean ju-ju just because you don’t feel good that day. 9. You’ve experienced your raw magnetism in action. You know you’re hot stuff. You’ve had abundant experiences of your own magical ability to magnetize amazing romantic partners and friends and other beautiful things. There’s times when people just come up to you and tell you how fascinating you are or how deeply moved they felt by your work. You’re magnetic and you’ve got reams of proof, so just accept it already. 10. Your experience of the fourth dimension is more vivid than most people’s experience of the third dimension. “The fourth dimension” is a short-hand term for the world of spirit and emotion and desire and vibration and feeling and intuition and imagination. It’s all the unseen stuff that can have the power to dramatically affect the seen. On the whole, witches have a much easier time navigating fourth dimensional realities than they do with third dimensional realities. The third dimension is hard, literally. It includes matter: table legs that you can stub your toes on, cars that can crash if you steer them the wrong way, water that leaks through roofs, bills that have to be paid. A major challenge for witches is integrating their fourth dimensional prowess with third dimensional day-to-day reality. The third dimension is more difficult for us than it is for others for the simple fact that large amounts of our minds and hearts are usually occupied by the fourth dimension. We witches have less processing power to devote to third dimensional issues, and so we have to make it a deliberate part of our spiritual practice to deal with material reality – hence, practical magic.
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jeremyfrechette · 7 years ago
The "Californication" of America
The "Californication" of America
If you have any doubts to the depraved depths progressives what to submerge America, look no further than the once Golden Republic of California. Inundated with 1.3 trillion in debt despite possessing the highest sales tax and marginal income tax rates in the U.S., California is now attempting to borrow from itself to pay outstanding retirement pensions. Why? When counties and cities continuously offer exorbitant employee benefit packages - the over 20,000 residents currently collecting 6 figure pensions - while the taxable revenues/incomes of private businesses and corporations are fleeing suffocating regulations in record numbers, somebody’s trying to eat Prime Rib on a McRib budget. Not to pour salt into insolvency or double dip those $15 minimum wage fries waving in the Western horizon, but Illegal aliens and their dependents cost Californians $25.3 billion per year according to FAIR's 2017 report: The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on California Taxpayers. The state's 3 million illegal immigrants and their 1.1 million US–born children cost the average California household — headed by a U.S. citizen — $2,370 annually. And what special allowances have been granted to those struggling, natural born families who pay must foot the bill of the Democratic Party’s foreign voter adoption and affirmative action estate? Mind your white privilege; even if you’re not white, live paycheck-to-paycheck and still can’t afford to rent a cupboard in San Francisco's Pacific Heights.
Enough about redistribution and devaluing a sentient being’s “worth”. Let’s talk about how California residents can now knowingly infect another person with HIV without informing their partner of their status, but state workers (including teachers and social workers) can be fined or even jailed for using the incorrect “gender” pronouns. In some educational institutions where gender-queer conditioning of elementary kids has becoming mandatory conditioning masked as sensitivity cognition, grade school students themselves can be reprimanded for not indulging their peers’ non-binary, role playing fantasies. In other words, ignore your genitals and reject your biological birth, liberate hate by wearing a dress, because little is more abnormal than just letting kids be kids without the inherited baggage of "sex" obsessed malcontents. But never fear, calling for the assassination of the President, beating peaceful pedestrians expressing political dissent or slandering any patriotic Republican as a Nazi bigot, is both commonplace, if not admirable, on enlightened college campuses and now in the “non-discriminatory” workplace.
Not to invoke the irony of future mugged constituents, California lawmakers recently passed Proposition 57 mandating early release for all “non-violent” criminals”. And what exactly constitutes a non-violent crime worthy of such leniency? Oh, just the rape of an unconscious person, human trafficking involving sex acts with minors, and assault with a deadly weapon. And here I thought legalizing child prostitution was but another attempt to normalize pedophilia among Hollywood benefactors lecturing Middle America about equality and tolerance. Once you breech and discredit one ethical boundary - those societal foundations of gender, family, faith and love of country - people will literally defend the most senseless, soulless acts for their existence is defined by limitless pleasure, perceived entitlement and a glaring inability to think for themselves. "Progress" isn't derived by forcing people to handicap their success, bake a sacrilegious cake to the extortion of financial ruin or purposely exposing innocent children to perverse Gay Pride parades and profane feminist rallies. Progress is realizing living the lifestyle of your choice, the literal sanctity between right and wrong, should never require confiscating the rights and dignity of others solely to validate/advertise one's bombastic beliefs.
With such inane reasoning masquerading as good government, it is of little surprise Governor Jerry Brown declared our immigration laws moot by further investing in sanctuary cities and attempting to obstruct ICE officials from apprehending known fugitives. When you’re more distraught over than the safety and so-called rights of non-citizens than the death of a 32 year-old woman murdered by a man deported 5 times, prudence and justice are antithetical anomalies. Not only are California illegals now eligible for driver’s licenses, they can legally vote in an election if they are officially registered to vote. And what does it take to register to vote in the great state of California? A driver’s license and a personal guarantee you’re a citizen. Yes, you heard me correctly, the legitimacy of our elections, the survival of our 241 year-old republic, is now based entirely on the honor system; or if you prefer perspective over subjective bliss, foreign invaders who consciously broke our laws without a hint of regret, only to be congratulated with a complimentary door prize, the honorary American oppressed immigrant mindset, of leftist socio-economic contempt.
I take umbrage with any self-respecting American, God forbid elected civil servant, who is completely indifferent to the estimated 3 million unlawful votes cast in 2016 simply because they believe small town America values and the electoral college should acquiesce to the moral degradation and militant activism of urban epicenters like San Francisco, Los Angeles or Chicago. Considering California alone accounted for over 10% of Hillary Clinton's final vote total, a 3.4 million difference that exceeded her 2.86 million final popular vote lead, I'm confused as to how those Donald Trump supporters representing over 90% of American territory - or precisely 3,084 counties of all 3,141 U.S. counties - should take a knee with Colin Kaepernick to empower a regressive state that dismisses the rule of law, mocks rural America and remains visibly contentious towards any concept of electoral sovereignty.
There’s also another term for those politicians who willingly subvert the immigration process and disregard our voting statutes to their personal and civic benefit? It’s called sedition, dereliction of duty, treason. If I may, when did defiant trespassers become “Dreamers” and doorbells a humanitarian crisis? Have millions of aspiring Americans from across the globe, for well over a century, not honored the afforded requirements for securing the privilege of becoming a U.S. citizen? Conspiring to invalidate prescribed protocols ratified to ensure legal and orderly naturalization – those measures explicitly enacted to protect America’s citizens and welfare - makes about as much sense as giving convicted felons the right to vote because of “felon disenfranchisement”; i.e., the admitted hearsay of political opportunists salivating over the fact 60% of released California convicts are minorities who deserve the opportunity to vote Democrat.
The same bureaucratic terrorists who forced 53 dairy farmers to go bankrupt and/or relocate to saner pastures due to absurd regulations on cow farts are somehow entirely satisfied with the unsubstantiated word of an undocumented, unvetted immigrant. Surprised? Not unless logic and liberalism share a nonflammable unitard. And while peace activists remain adamant U.S. citizens must undergo extensive background checks to exercise their constitutionally affirmed right to bear arms – naturally excluding those potential militants illegally entering a sovereign country in a post 9/11 world – their unflinching “non-partisan concern” for human life magically ceases at the recognized borders of radical agents like Iran and North Korea; inhumane, totalitarian regimes that globalists duplicitously believe possess an inalienable right to develop nuclear weapons despite vowing daily to destroy Western Civilization. So what’s the common denominator? Rampant, unabridged, unapologetic anti-Americanism.
When voting is no longer our most sacred duty and the integrity of our elections becomes a racist endeavor, as denoted by California’s refusal to investigate massive vote fraud uncovered in November, America becomes a second class citizen unable to defend itself in its own home due to fear of “offending” the same guests who would outlaw our flag, silence free speech and ban the national anthem if given only a fleeting chance. In essence, any policy that strengthens or reaffirms America’s independence, influence and economic vitality is an affront to the liberal narrative America must surrender its identity and founding Constitutional charter for being an evil empire built upon greed and White supremacy. Or in historically accurate terms, a superior culture displacing an ethnocentric population which supplanted other nomadic societies via the auspices of war, commerce, adaptability and/or technological superiority. Whereas California and New York are hopelessly lost to the left’s orchestrated demographic coup d’etat and ideological conditioning of their respective populaces, states like Virginia, Colorado, and Michigan are not far behind.
Regardless of one’s political persuasion, you don’t have to be a historian or even watch the History channel to understand America was erected as a free republic for a moral, self-sufficient people acutely aware of the triggers of tyranny, poverty and religious persecution. Individual liberty, limited government, transparency and accountability were never optional amenities on an academic drug trip to worship the Lenin Statue in Marxist Seattle. These autonomous attributes represented conceptual necessities whose only negotiable features were the exact method and expected integrity of implementation.
Unfortunately for the idyllic state of California, squatting on the world’s sixth largest economy and boasting vast untapped natural resources, its propensity for dysfunction and waste is only superseded by its systemic rejection of America itself. Whenever West Coast socialists are not charging working families and commercial transportation the highest fuel taxes in the nation, environmental terrorists who cannot differentiate between ecology and political alarmism are manufacturing water shortages and sparking unnatural disasters with pseudo-scientific regularity. Fixing the error of your naive ways is near impossible when rogue political fantasy displaces sound judgement and the Constitutional authority of your native country. How else can controlled thinning of excessive forestation designed to reduce the risk of uncontrollable wildfires, similar to the recent devastation which devoured 9,000 homes/buildings and 250,000 acres of habitat, be equated to "clear cutting" or raping the land?
It is also of little surprise California elitists, aka doomsday legislators seeking another excuse to tax common sense, believe Global Warming is not a natural, cyclical occurrence predominantly caused by solar fluctuations and the temperature of the Earth's core. Never mind Antarctic ice levels are far greater than 30 years ago and New York is not submerged beneath Al Gore's "unnatural science" grade point average, if you believe a .03 reduction goal in global temperatures in a century's time at an eventual loss of 2.5 trillion in annual GDP is a winning strategy, than counting cow farts and banning combustible engine cars by 2040 is your golden ticket to getting assaulted on Bay Area Rapid Transit for reading 1984 without a permit. But never fret, Sacramento City Council approved a motion to pay gang members for the conscious decision not to kill one another; or in layman's terms, obey the law and stay in school. And to think millions of decent, hard working Americans are ineligible because of their offensive civilized "privilege". 
Although it's mathematically impossible to pinpoint exactly what alternative universe California Democrats reside, our Forefathers would have called for a second armed revolution long ago. No, Really! Whether or not progressives approve of President Trump is a moot point if their own policies and authoritative abuse do not adhere to the prescribed constitutional checks of adopted statehood. Likewise, embodying the fight for state sovereignty by no means justifies endeavoring to become like those impoverished, inept nations your exploding illegal immigrant population is instinctively fleeing. It's hard to fathom how the once "Go West" mantra of American pioneers that catapulted California into an unprecedented wave of prosperity, proud nationalism and a vibrant centrifuge for diversity, has dissolved into an immoral state of cultural Marxism that believes government is god, gender is a fluid state of mind, exploitation a form of education, and patriotism an unjust form of racial oppression. 
It is obviously no secret the once predominantly “Red” stomping grounds of Ronald Wilson Reagan has been turned bright blue by an unprecedented wave of immigration and indoctrinated anti-Americanism. That was and always has been the goal of the radical statist quo. Where this nation was forged as a beacon of hope and opportunity for millions of law-abiding aspiring citizens seeking a better life, California has descended into counter-intuitive cesspool that preaches victimization over accountability, reverse discrimination over equality, intolerance over intellectual diversity. No matter how pure your intentions or how strong your faith in the nature of human volition, you cannot coexist with partisans so obsessed with maintaining political supremacy they would gladly surrender their own country to those who tirelessly seek our demise or break any rule to control our lives out of some misplaced sense of social justice that gives no such credence to their own failures and hypocrisy; most, notably, those corrupt, foreign governments globalists so foolishly favor to the liquidation of civility and the downfall of mankind.
While no American wants to witness the secession of California, or more profoundly the dissection of America's legacy and the abandonment of our fellow right-minded countrymen who represent the powerless minority, how long can you spare a cancerous appendage before it spreads, poisons your soul and ultimately takes your life? Will apathy reclaim our revisionist classrooms or assuage the sponsored anarchist war on police and freedom of speech? Once again, the left’s goal is not to coexist under the ideological umbrella that was and is America. Their unrelenting mission is to whitewash history, ensure conformity and redefine America by eradicating all borders, natural human distinctions – symbiotic gender roles and the family paradigm - so the concepts of liberty, individual achievement and morality quickly become outdated manifestations that can no longer threaten the secular supremacy of a progressive state. The systemic decay of California is as much a symbol of our failure as a society, as it is a dire warning to every governor and undaunted patriot that still believes God is the liberty of salvation, character does not fear consequence, and raising respectful, responsible children is by far our greatest contribution to humanity; that indomitable virtue of a free nation born from the bounty of a Judeo-Christian seed but distinctly American creed. If this transcendent republic has any chance to coalesce and preserve the timeless wisdom of a handful of visionaries marked for death by the tyranny of a crown's crest, I believe hope resides in the heartland of an industrious people - a summoned Convention of States faithful to independence and the merits of intelligent debate - still rightfully proud of their heritage and ever cognizant of the evil contempt and complacency breeds.
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the-great-manulius-blog · 7 years ago
The circuit (10 lbs): 5 GP, 10 lbs.
A pint of whiskey: 4 SNAKES
A flask of whiskey: 2 mm, 1 lbs.
X3 bandages. (A few boiled pieces of a dense gauze, which can rewind the wound or make a tourniquet. But a Certain part of them is a poultice between which there is a certain amount of mixture of the ground plant, which when smecherii water or alcohol on the idea of disinfecting the wound and accelerate its healing, however it is not so effective) : restores 1d4 hit. 8 CM
Weight (Occupied / total): 113/210
Stephen of the genus Muruzi, and this genus is known for its participation in the elimination of one too many who imagines himself a bloodsucker, who gathered around an army of ghouls and tyrannized the surrounding land how much in vain, but there also took part and Gentry of the Commonwealth, and Rusich and even a few German Herr. The witches, the evil hunters and the paladins of the churchmen came together shoulder to shoulder. The story of this battle, Steph knows only from stories his father, but the grandfather, was a nice battle, anyway it was too small to take it in a slashing dashing.
Loss among people was large, but still burned the fire of righteous scum and not very good, and burned with silver hot... That's just not everything was so simple, Alexander Kirsty managed to create Chicks who are just waiting until things calm down and accumulating power to counter. The young Stefan trained and in General usual for those times life of one of sons of a side branch so he had no chances to become the successor at all. But apparently a small remote village and was thus a happy coincidence, when the meeting kind about the rituals that were carried out by the current hunters evil to feed their blades with magic to kill the evil forces of different. Young Moruzi did not get to this ceremony, because it has not grown to it, but that's what saved his life when he left his house still really young and the fear of persecution of vampires left Romania, the same youths as he let about survived, but each has chosen its own path, someone followed the example of Stephen, who died in a suicide attack on an army of vampires... though now and are distributed in Eastern Europe, rumors about the revival of this kind, but it could be a trap, and learned Stefan is common sense and a certain amount of dishonesty, so he understands that he is still weak to go to the "Council of four" and it is likely to be killed or something worse, especially if it's Chicks "drunk with pain" Travels all the time arrows well and still prefer not steel which cut its ancestors, and magical weapons, but what does it matter? Faithful rapier with him and ready to be filled with the blood of bandits or the same vampires.
My character is a gunslinger from a role - playing game by D&D.
Stefan Muruzi
A man comes from Romania.
Age: 26
Size: medium
Height 182
weight: 78
Brown hair
Pale skin
Brown eye
Worldview: law-abiding-evil
Language: Romanian, common.
Improvements: all stats +1
Base speed: 30 feet
Stats :
Power: 13+1 = 14 Mod +2
Dexterity: 15+1=16 mod +3
Build: 13+1=14 Mod +2
Intelligence: 11+1=12 Mod +1
Wisdom: 11+1=12 Mod +1
Charisma: 10+1=11 Mod 0
Carried weight: 210 lbs.
Basic CD= 10+3= 13
Hits: 12+16+7= 35
Class: Warrior.
Level: 3
Skill bonus: + 2
Exposure points: 1
Bone Hits: 1к10 for each level of Warrior
Hits on the 1st level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hits at the next level: 1к10 + Constitution modifier
Possession :
All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, military weapons, firearms
Tools: Weapon tools (only for firearms and ammunition)
Saving throws: strength, build
Skills: perception, acrobatics
Combat style: shooting (+ 2 ranged weapon attack)
Second wind: allows you to restore 1k10 + level Warrior hits, recharge-short or long rest
Splash action: allows you to make an extra action in your turn taking into account the usual and bonus. One-time, recharge-short or long rest.
Military archetype: Shooter
Profession shooter: allows you to use firearms, as well as add to the shooting of his skill level.
Munitions: allows you to use the tools, craft ammo for half the cost, to repair damaged weapons and create new, but only firearms.
Excerpt: gives equal to wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) points of exposure, spending abilities of the shooter. Recovery is through: critical hits, killing a dangerous enemy or rest.
Accurate shot: for the waste of a point of endurance, you can get an advantage on the next shot in this turn.
Discarding shot: spending a holding point is an attack with normal damage, as well as throwing 15 feet from the shooter.
Class: Rogue
Level: 1
Skill bonus: + 2
Bone Hits: 1к8 for each level of Warrior
Hits on the 1st level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hits at the following levels: 1k8 + body modifier
Possession :
Armor: light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, long swords, rapiers, short swords.
Tools: thieves ’ tools
Saving throws: dexterity, intelligence
Skills: attentiveness, analysis, stealth, sleight of hand.
Competence: (care and secrecy) doubles the bonuses of the skill to the selected skills, or thieves tools.
Hidden attack: once per turn, when attacking with advantage from long-range or fencing weapons allows you to deal extra damage. If within 5 feet of the target is another enemy and he is capable in that it does not even need an advantage, however if there is an obstacle, then it won’t work. At this point, the damage is 1d6.
Thieves ’ Jargon: knows the language of thieves and can communicate with them, as well as their signs and what you should pay attention to to find them.
A set of dungeon Explorer: backpack (5 lbs), crowbar (5 lbs, throws forces with advantage if the lever is supposed to help), hammer (3 lbs), 10 bolts (2,5 lbs), 10 torches (10 lbs), the tinder-box (1 lbs), rations for 10 days (20 lbs) waterskin (5 lbs total), 50-foot hemp rope. (10 lbs) total weight of set: 61,5
Tools for armorer (firearms)
Purchase :
The pistol (a four-shot revolver shooting magic charged dust, which is often stuffed in places of various rituals, but almost no one uses it, the benefit of a friend of Stephen from Germany created him this gun. However to produce it not as easy at least have yet to find where the ritual was performed, and there may come some creature. The cartridges are a paper sleeve with dust and a round metal bullet, then from the crystal-drive through the paper passes the signal and detonates the ammunition, and the resulting energy also pushes the drum to the next cell of the chamber): 1d10 stabbing damage, 3 FNT, range 100/400, 4 reload (allows you to make 4 shots before reloading, and then you have to spend the action on its reloading) misfire 1 (if you drop 1 in Cuba, the weapon refuses to shoot and it must be repaired with yuzaniiem tools on complexity 8+misfire. If the failure of the gun to the incapacitated out of battle and his subsequent repair) 150 GP
40 rounds to the gun: 8 SNAKES
Leather armor (leather cloak made of strong leather, strong leather jacket, various inserts on the clothes, in General, in the hunter of evil the most important mobility to run away, hide and cause the most unexpected blows in the back): CD = 14; 10 FNT. 10 ZM
2 scimitar (two serious and major the form of iron knife with a hilt to protect the fingers or an unexpected poking them in the teeth): 1к6 slashing damage, fencing (allows you to use dexterity instead of strength to attack throws and damage), light (allows you to carry in hand and attacking with two light weapons, the second attack in the course is made without modifiers) 3×2 = 6 lbs, 25×2 = 50 GP
Rapier (a Beautiful tribute to his aristocratic past, which can still show the enemies of the last surviving member of the genus Muruzi anger kind of those who are not afraid to go against one too brazen bloodsuckers and his army of the undead. On the lower part of the handle there is an engraved emblem of the genus Muruzi, pierced with a knife skull. This part is covered with a fabric tape wound on the whole handle, so that the weapon does not slide in wet hands): 1k8 stabbing damage, fencing (allows you to use dexterity instead of strength in attack rolls and damage) silvered (x2 damage by evil spirits such as vampires, etc.) 2 FNT, 25 SNAKES
Potion treatment (glass tightly sealed tube with eugenically derived subspecies of the parasite “worm-desiccant” which invaded the human body and began active regeneration using all human resources, until completely dried it to the skeleton. This same kind of worms, can not quickly process blood into magical energy and therefore even if not so effective in terms of regeneration, but it can not eat anyone, bursting from the amount of blood, and the human body itself will process the remains of the worm): spends action on the application, you can pour others, restores 2K4+2 hits. 50 SNAKES. 0.5 FNT
Travel clothing (comfortable travel clothing made of shirts, pants, boots, hats with fields, well, of course fashionable cloak, what kind of hunter evil without a cloak?): 2 GP, 4 lbs
Sleeping bag: 1 GP, 7 lbs.
A gallon of beer: 2 cm
Pitcher: 1 gallon, 2 mm, 4 FNT (Beer inside)
Gloves: 5 cm (5 cm)
Tight gloves: 1 SNAKE
Signal whistle: 5 mm
Sharpening stone: 1 mm, 1 lbs
Dining set: 2 cm, 1 ft.
Soap: 2mm
Oil flask: 1 cm, 1 FNT.
A pint of whiskey: 4 SNAKES
Dagger (a small knife rather easy to pick up small things or to cut meat at the campfires, but it is possible and to throw or to stab somebody): 2 GP, 1d4 piercing damage, 1 lbs, easy (you can take two weapons with this tag in hand) throwing (allows to use this weapon as remote from the power parameter) fencing (the weapon comes from agility)
Thieves ’ tools-25 GP, 1фнт
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