#…and angst you shall receive 🤧
onlyswan · 9 months
Hello! It's been a while since the last ask that I have sent here but I just want to drop by and join your annual survey because this is my favorite place on the internet and I want to wish everybody especially you, art, a warm and fulfilling holidays and eat your favorite foods! Hehehe So for the first question, as to what is your favorite/s from the drabbles i've put out this year (second in which collection)?
here are my top 5 in no particular order:
in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to… make him a little too dizzy
I love this one because of how you perfectly crafted situations where in playfulness and mischief is something being celebrated, it is a lighthearted read and such a breathe of fresh air and made me so sentimental that after reading it, I just pictured in my mind that I was looking at both of them fondly and their rough years flashed through my mind and it's just, really, thank god they have each other.
in which jungkook can’t sleep, and he can’t stop kissing you either
This one is kind of understood because seeing a hopeless romantic jungkook be inlove and affectionate and not holding back and just being himself is like a blessing. I also feel giddy with the way he teases oc and be like "I look hot like this, take a picture" hahaha gosh! I miss him so much.
n which jungkook is one of your greatest fears and you’re his achilles’ heel
I love this. I REALLY LOVE THIS. I am not really the type to like suffering through literature but knowing oc and jungkook's lore - I think I have said this before - it is the kind of pain that makes the love and happiness and the time after the drought more worth it. Like, I remember your words saying something along the lines of that kind of pain exists in a place full of love - or is it vice versa but you get what I mean, right? Like you fill my heart with so much love that it grew larger than what ribcage can accomodate but it's okay, that is what it is for.
in which jungkook loves to see you smile and you are the god of mischief
This one feels like a core memory for some reason. Like a funny inside joke or memory that would always be fun to relive and retell every time. I know that this one is kind of like a silly little moment they have but I just can't help but interpret their words and action into some kind of having a deep meaning or something. Oh gosh, they just make me feel so sappy and sentimental all the time. ALso this one is memorable because I remember wanting to read this again before and I couldn't find it anywhere. Hahaha!
in which jungkook can sleep without you, but he’d rather not to
Last on the list is of course, the one where we see one of the most vulnerable moment of jungkook. I love how you use his cute antics and translating in a metaphorical way. It is such a very Artemis way kind of writing but you just never fail to excite me on your million ways of using your words and weaving it into something that feels like it should be written in flower themed scented paper and to be sent to the love of your life. It is crazy how vulnerability doesn't seem so scary when it is with the right person, no? This drabble made me want to be in jungkook's shoes, being brave enough to ask for love because you know you will never be shamed for it.
Second is for the question themes, lines, paragraphs, or scenes that stood out to you?
you guess nothing much has changed. you’re still afraid of jungkook and his power to take away the sun, just as he did before, and you deeply despise being afraid. you don’t like it when the walls are closing in on you, poisoning your mind into believing that you’re small when the heart inside your chest burns with a fire brighter than that of the damn sun.
This paragraph broke in many ways possible. I love the degrees of pain describe with every sentences and how the pain just double down with every stop of words and then it starts again. You have me audibly gasping for air because your choice of words are painting a clear picture in my mind.
for the jungkook of today, control is an abandoned form of self-destruction and he can tell you in confidence that ‘here i am in all my glory. there are unfixable, fractured parts of me and i am laying them out on the floor for you to see- you can take me or leave me, but i know you’ll always choose the former’ and ‘i am stubborn and i do not give up’ and ‘i want to buy a house in the countryside with you’ and most of all ‘i need your love.’
This is what I'm talking about from the previous question. But the reason why I adore this part so much is because I could identify that this paragraph was written by you but at the same time I also know that these thoughts are very much jungkook-like. It is you are transcripting jungkook's every hearbeat. I love love love this! * I have so many favorites that I want to talk about but this is the only free time that I have and I still have so much to say.
For the next question about who is your favorite character, oc or jungkook?
I would love to say both of them but in a perspective of the way it was written, I would say that you should be applauded and talked about on how you created such a complex character as oc. That is such an exceptional character, unique, and well thought out that many of us can see oc in different forms and shapes such as songs, things, people, and ideas. I know how oc is a reader insert but as for me, it feels as though as a reader, I am playing an established character with their own personality and characteristics. It feels like in a movie? It is like you know when an album is so good and resonates with a lot of people but they make it their own?
I would just answer the last two questions in one! hehehe
For the year? I'm really but with numbers so I would just say that I would love to see the beginning of their relationship? I want to see yearning, the adjustments, the unsure glances and nervousness around each other, all the giddy stuffs but also I want to see and understand how it must've been hard for them especially on jungkook deciding on whether to continue whatever they have or just you know end it because of the kind of life he is living. Like I really really want to see how it wrecked him everytime to the point that he impulsively decided to fuck it, I have to save the love of life from me. *Ok, I take back what I said, I think I really am a sucker for angst. I am just indenial. Hahahaha!
Also, I really love and adore seeing oc's choice of clothes and their style because I love fashion and I love how a character's style explains so much of their character. That is one thing I love the most about visual media!!!! And I can say that whenever I picture oc in my mind, I could really understand how their wardrobe choices explains their personality. So I would say that I would choose spring and/ or autumn! Because oc should be able to wear skirts without freezing to death!! ok?! hahahaha kidding!
This is so fun! Thank you for the fun ride this year, Art! I am so looking forward for the next year together as a little school of angel fishes! Hahahaha! Again, happy holidays!
Love, ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
swan anonie! oh my gosh thank you for answering lil survey with so much kindness and enthusiasm 😭💞 i don’t even know what to say AAAAAAA i’ve just been smiling the whole time that i read your words :")
It is such a very Artemis way kind of writing but you just never fail to excite me on your million ways of using your words and weaving it into something that feels like it should be written in flower themed scented paper and to be sent to the love of your life.
oh i’m about to burst into tears??? my writing being described in such a pretty way makes me sooooo freaking happy 😭
It is you are transcripting jungkook's every hearbeat.
you know when physical books have one liner reviews on the back cover? if the in which series was a book i’d want this line to be there 🥺
I would say that you should be applauded and talked about on how you created such a complex character as oc. That is such an exceptional character, unique, and well thought out that many of us can see oc in different forms and shapes such as songs, things, people, and ideas.
i guess i’ve never really comprehended it that way T_T i got so surprised and overwhelmed when i began receiving so many asks talking about oc and how this and that reminded them of oc. i love you guys!! to think that i’ve created a character that is memorable in such a way 🥺 waaaaa
It feels like in a movie? It is like you know when an album is so good and resonates with a lot of people but they make it their own?
that is such a cool way to describe it :") THANK YOU
Because oc should be able to wear skirts without freezing to death!! ok?!
HELP 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #saveocfromwinter
something i also didn’t expect is for oc’s fashion to get attention bUT i’m so geeked about it because i love fashion LOL thank you so much for hyping oc (and jungkook) up and making me excited to write more for you guys 🥹💗
I am so looking forward for the next year together as a little school of angel fishes!
my angel fishes <333 i love you and i can’t wait for next year’s survey too hehehe. i hope you enjoy the rest of the holidays! stay safe and be happy always 🫂🎆
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wandaromanova · 3 years
wandanat where theyre both so busy and stressed out lately but r just wants to spend time with them but wandanat pushes them away and snaps so angst!!!! do whatever u please u can change it up and stuff i just want some angst with the two 🤧
Misplaced Frustration
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Warnings: death, cussing, wandanat being assholes
A/N: you ask for angst and you shall receive, anon! not proofread. join my taglist here ! <3
Misplaced Frustration | Blame Game | Until Then…
Summary: Y/N just wants to spend more time with her girlfriends; Wanda and Natasha, but they don’t care.
Word Count: 2.5K
(gif is not mine)
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You were one of New York’s best lawyers and had been tasked to defend the Avengers against the state. At first, your relationship with your clients was strictly professional, but after you had won the case for the team, they all became close friends of yours; some closer than others.
You were just a normal person who just so happened to be dating two Avengers; Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff. Your girlfriends would be out fighting criminals while you dealt with court cases involving the people they had taken into custody. To say you were shocked when not one of the women, but both of them showed interest in you, was an understatement. You never thought you were one for polygamy, but come on; it was Natasha and Wanda. You would be crazy to not jump at the opportunity to be with them both.
So now, here you were two years later in the complex you shared with the two. You haven’t been seeing much of them lately. Admittedly, you were all very busy people with very crazy schedules. You’d spend all nighters at the office while your girlfriends went on missions for days, sometimes weeks. You were stressed out and fatigued from all the work your profession entailed. However, you were more stressed out by the fact that you rarely see the two redheads anymore.
You missed them so god damn much. You can’t even remember the last time you had a proper conversation with either of them. You knew they were busy, busier than you, but it wouldn’t hurt them to say no to a mission every now and again. You had turned down cases to ensure time with them before, why couldn’t they do the same? They had other teammates that could take over, you didn’t. You’d think it would be easier for them to get some spare time with you, but nope. You got to see them once, twice a week if you were lucky.
You could tell they were just as stressed out by work as you were, if not more. Wanda is normally an extremely talkative person, but now when she’s home it’s radio silence. Natasha is usually the neat freak between the three of you, she always makes sure the place is squeaky clean whenever she returns home. Now, she hasn’t even bothered to so much as do her own laundry. You wished there was something you could do to ease the tension that’s been plaguing the two women.
Natasha and Wanda told you that they would be returning from a mission sometime tonight. They had told you not to wait up for them, but you decided to anyway. You wanted to suggest taking a break from work to them. You would take a break and so would they; a mutual agreement. It seemed like a mature and civilized way to compromise for the sake of quality time together. You missed Wanda’s cuddles and Natasha intricately braiding your hair. You missed being squished between them on the couch while you watched some god awful scary movies. You just missed having them around.
You all were practically strangers that slept in the same bed. This tension and distance due to stress has been going on for a few months and you were at your breaking point. So, it was now 3AM and they finally returned. As you were lost on your thoughts sitting on the couch, you failed to notice their presence until Natasha spoke, breaking the silence.
“Y/N. We told you not to wait up for us.” She said exhaustedly as she kicked off her shoes and placed her keys on the table beside the front door. You whipped your head around and were met with the two, visibly tired women, who were still in their mission suits.
“I know, but I need to talk to you guys. It’s important.” You spoke hesitantly as you stood up from the couch and crossed your arms firmly across your chest.
“Can’t it wait until later Y/N? We’re beat and I honestly can’t be bothered to have a conversation with you right now.” Wanda spoke monotonously as she made a move to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. Natasha began to make her way to the bedroom. Were they seriously trying to dismiss you when you told them this was important?
“No. It can’t wait until later because who fucking knows when later will be? It could be a month from now!” You suddenly blurted out causing the two women to stop in their tracks. Wanda turned around to face you from behind the kitchen counter while Natasha paused in the hall.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Natasha asked you as she walked towards you. She stopped right in front of you while you were frozen in place.
“I don’t see you guys anymore. I get you guys are busy and stressed from work, but the least you guys could do is take a break and take a little time to be with me.” You spoke solemnly as you looked down at the ground. You wanted to pull Natasha into your arms due to her close proximity, but you refrained.
“Y/N. It’s our jobs. We protect the world! We don’t have time to take a god damn break like your dumb ass does!” Natasha snapped at you with fury present behind her eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration as she stared at you.
Wanda made her way towards you both and stood strongly beside Natasha. “Yeah, our job is actually fucking important Y/N. We don’t have the pleasure of leisure time. You’re so god damn annoying and clingy it makes me want to throw you across the room!” Wanda screamed harshly in your face as she gave you a harsh shove. You stumbled back as tears began to fill your eyes.
“You think my job isn’t important? Remember when I saved both of your assess and the the rest of the team from the Raft? Fuck you for trying to demean me and dismiss my work!” You screamed back in anger. They knew how god damn hard you worked to win your cases, you weren’t the best in New York for nothing.
“If you think that wanting a little bit of you guys’ time is being clingy, then you’re both fucking stupid. Being in a relationship calls for spending time with one another, you guys don’t even try.” Your voice slowly faltered from anger back to sadness as you held your tears in. The pain of withholding your sobs spreading throughout your chest.
“We live together Y/N! Is that not enough for you? Do you need us to fucking handcuff ourselves to you, huh? Would that finally get you to shut the fuck up?” Natasha spoke with venom laced in her voice as she glared at you.
Stressed or not, this was not how they should treat you. You didn’t deserve this. You just wanted to see them more and they were treating you as if you asked them to kill someone for you. You’ve had enough of this. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“If you guys won’t take a break from work for the sake of saving our relationship, then I want a break.” You spoke eerily calm, a drastic contrast from your previous agitated state. Your tone and words had shocked Natasha and Wanda. You swiftly walked past them both, grabbed your purse and walked out of the door. You were just going to rent a hotel or something, you’d figure it out. Where you were going didn’t matter as you flung yourself carelessly into your car and drove off, finally allowing the painful sobs to take over your body.
You didn’t realize that expressing how much you missed them would cause such an intense argument. The things they said to you, did they always think that of you? Did they really think what you did wasn’t important? Were you not important to them? Did they not love you anymore?
As all these questions took over your mind, you began to swerve into the other lane of the road without realizing. Your eyes widened as a bright light clouded your vision before your car was slammed head on by another car. Your car was sent flying a few feet back as the car twisted and turned rapidly in different directions. Your vision went black as your car finally came to a bone crushing stop. Your last thoughts before losing consciousness were Wanda and Natasha.
Back at the Condo
Wanda and Natasha stared at the door dumbfounded as you walked out. Did you just break up with them? Did they just lose the best thing that they ever had? Were you actually being serious? No, you’d come back. You always left and came back after arguments. You would come back.
A few hours had passed and you were yet to return. It was already morning, the sun was starting to come up and you still hadn’t returned. Natasha and Wanda had grown increasingly worried as every minute passed. Natasha didn’t express this to the other redhead, for fear of freaking her out even more, but she had this bad feeling in her gut. Nat’s gut feelings were usually right, and just this once, she was praying to god that she was wrong.
The silence in the condo was broken when Wanda’s phone began to go off. She quickly jumped to grab her phone from the kitchen counter, hoping for the screen to reveal your name, but it didn’t. Instead, it was an unknown number. Natasha rushed over and frowned in confusion at the number calling.
Wanda reluctantly answered the call as she placed the phone on speaker. “Hello? Who is this?” Wanda asked immediately and urgently as the call connected.
“Hello. Is this Wanda Maximoff?” A feminine voice boomed through the speaker of Wanda’s phone. “Yes. Who is this and what do you want?” Wanda asked with her guard up. Some stranger not only had her number, but knew her name. In hers and Natasha’s line of work, this could mean anything.
“Hi. I’m calling from Lenox Hill Hospital. I regret to inform you that Ms. Y/N L/N has been in a terrible accident and has been admitted to our facility for emergency surgery. As her primary contact, it is my obligation to inform you.” The lady spoke sympathetically as she delivered the horrid news. Wanda and Natasha froze in their spots, not even caring to reply to what the woman had just revealed. An accident? You were hurt and in the hospital? They had to get there now!
Natasha was the first to snap out of her shock and grabbed the phone from Wanda’s grasp and quickly hung it up. They both rushed out of the condo and sped to the hospital you were at. They got there in record time. It’s honestly a miracle they didn’t get pulled over with how fast Nat was driving. Wanda and Natasha frantically ran into the hospital and approached the lady at the front desk.
“Y/N L/N, I’m her emergency contact, Wanda Maximoff. Where is she?” Wanda spoke so fast that the woman had to ask her to repeat what she just said. After Wanda repeated her words, at a comprehensible this time, the woman pointed them in the direction of the waiting room. You were still in surgery and have been for hours.
Why in the fuck did it take the hospital so long to contact them? You’ve been here alone for hours! No one had told them anything about your state. All they had told the two was that there was a car accident. You had drifted off into the other lane and were involved in a head-on collision. Your car was absolutely destroyed and you were in critical condition when the ambulance finally arrived.
Natasha paced back and forth in front of the chair Wanda was sat on. They were exhausted, having not slept yet. But they couldn’t give two shits about sleep right now. They wouldn’t be able to rest until they knew you were okay. Guilt began to consume the both as they recalled the last conversation… or argument, really.. that they had with you. The horrible, awful things they said to you. That couldn’t be the last words you hear from the two women; it couldn’t.
Wanda and Natasha loved your more than anything. When they met you years ago, they knew they had to have you. You were so caring and charitable with a gigantic heart, not to mention you were ridiculously attractive. You had the both of them whipped as soon as you said hello. This couldn’t be goodbye.
After what felt like years, when in reality it was an hour, a doctor walked out and made his way towards Wanda and Natasha. Nat abruptly stopped her pacing and faced the doctor as Wanda shot up from her seat. The doctor paused in front of the two women.
“Are you here for Y/N L/N?” The man asked as the two women furiously nodded their heads. “Yes, we are. Is she okay? Please tell me she’s okay.” The usually composed former assassin was the furthest thing from her calm self. She was scared shitless by the possibility that you weren’t in good condition.
“Y/N was rushed into surgery due to some internal bleeding we found. We tried our hardest to save her, but it was too late. I’m so sorry for your loss…” Anything that the doctor had to say after that went unnoticed by Wanda and Natasha as their hearts broke into two. The world went silent around them as the doctor gave a sad nod before walking off.
They stood frozen in the middle of the waiting room after they had received the worst news of their lives. You were gone. You didn’t make it. The last things they told you and called you were horrendous and now they would never be able to tell you how sorry they were; how much they loved you; how they would love nothing more than to spend even just one more second with you.
All you wanted from Wanda and Natasha was a little bit of their time, but you yourself had run out of time. Wanda fell to the floor as she began to wail out soul-shattering sobs. Natasha leaned her back against the wall and slowly slid down as she pulled Wanda into her arms. Natasha allowed herself to cry, something she never did. They loved you more than life itself and they pushed you away.
If they had just gotten their heads out of their asses, you would’ve never walked out the door. You wouldn’t have been driving. You wouldn’t have gotten into that accident that has now taken you away from them. They wouldn’t be crying in the middle of a hospital holding onto each other, but they would be holding you tightly in the warmth of your bed. But no, they were assholes and misplaced their frustrations; and they’d never be able to fix it.
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luciddasher · 2 years
Ello and welcome to my first ever imagine, in advance i would like to say sorry for the Grammer mistakes, I am your host for this afternoon/night/morning which ever one you prefer to use.
Let me introduce myself i am very own your @lucid_imagines_<3 if you have any questions or are simply interested about anything feel free to leave a message/ comment 💖 (I do take requests)
Tlb 87 × reader angst
Sleep paralysis demon Dwayne 🖤🌌
"Imagine if i decided that tonight was the night 🌃 that is came to an end, all this suffering, not like anyone would care, they'd be happy I'm gone because I'm not worth time or trouble, I'm just useless little Y/N".
pov flash back
The hot humid breeze that traumatized the civilians of Santa Carla was something else especially in the hot summer nights .
Waking up in the middle of night covered in sweat was no biggie for me, most nights I'd scare myself awake with just the sound of my own crying, but tonight was different I felt as if I was being watched.
Snapping back into reality back into the real world, i Opened my eyes my hair drenched in sticky sweet, after a quick scan of the room my body froze as i stared in fear into the corner of my room looking back to me, yellow eyes that only seemed to disappear into the dark shadows of the corners of my room.
End of pov
I remember as i was growing up i would
I'd always talk to the man in the corner i liked to call him Mr whispers, he was my only friend growing up even though I'd never actually seen him before, no one else knew about him besides me.
My mum said he wasn't real and that he was. Only apart of my imagination, she told me that i should make friends since i didn't have any, but I didn't mind that i didn't have much friends growing up, not that i cared, Mr whispers would come by every night to see me, he'd tell me stories about everything he even told me about his brothers, 3 of them, Marko, Paul, and David. But Mr whispers would never stay for to long There were nights that could drag into Mornings,
But after a couple of years he stopped visiting, And that's when the night got boring and cold, i was only 9 at the time but that didn't stop me from looking for Mr whispers.
So every night when my mum would go to sleep i would jump out of bed and tiptoe to the door pushing open the slides and let the curtains flow across the the stone cold floor as the cold breeze danced with my curly Brunette hair breathing in a deep breath of salt air before stepping on the the soft sand.
End of flash back…
Walking on the beach of Santa Carla was like a treat after a long days of work, minus the over baring surf Nazis that though that they practically ran this shit show
With nothing but the moonlight to guide me along sea shore it was like old times where me and mum would walk along the beach Just enjoying the smell of ocean water as it came crashing like the waves as it filled my nostrils.
Half way down the beach i could see and hear the joyful laughter and excited screams as they filled the air, colourful lights of the carnival rides, games and the smell of deep-fried food there was. Always something about the thrill of the chase that excited me, nights I'd spend hours on the beach and just listen to everything around me.
the sound of water crashing onto the shore, but tonight felt different like there was something waiting for me in the distance, that distance being the board walk, Making my self across the beach trying my best to avoid any no good slimy surf Nazis, without any trouble i make it to the stairs only to come face to face with baddest bunch of them all The 'lost boys'
( dun dun dun👁️👄👁️ Zaddies 🤧 I'm sorry but that all I have for you tonight please leave a comment on anything I should to make it better)
Requests are open so feel free to ya know, ask and you shall receive 😌
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southfarthing · 3 years
fic tag game!
tagged by @mumble-muse – thank you cutie!!
How many works do you have on AO3?
8 on my current account + another 11 on my old one
What’s your total AO3 word count?
101,834 (+ 100,838 = 202,672)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Currently Merlin, but my old account was for B.A.P and a little bit of BTS (kpop). Kinda feel weird about rpf now though lmao. Would be interesting to write some for LOTR/Tolkien someday, but I haven't had any ideas yet!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I'm only including the fics from my current account:
scorch marks and embers (690) – merlin & arthur s4 alternate plot, angst with a happy ending, drama, tension, character growth, slow burn
to spill soup (down someone else's front) (83) – merlin & gwen s4–5 fluff
deep roots are not reached by the frost (47) – merlin & knights of the round table as rangers in middle earth
so full of life (34) – merlin exploring his magical ties to nature
at night you could hear its cries (30) – merlin s5 angst
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes!! I usually do it in bursts though, so it takes me a while sometimes, but I read them excitedly as soon as I get the email 🥺🤧💛
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Ooooh my last one, at night you could hear its cries? I was not having a good day and took it out on my poor boy 😌
Do you write crossovers? if so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I wrote two Merlin fics (in a land of myth and a time of hobbits and deep roots are not reached by the frost) set vaguely in Middle Earth lmao and they were very fun so I might do more 👀
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I once saw a girl on twitter say that she felt she'd wasted time reading my gen-marked fic because the characters didn't make out at the end 🤡 and she said she wouldn't recommend it to other people who had originally been thinking of reading it :) and so out of spite I continue writing gen to this day 😛 hope you enjoy friendship 😛🥰😏☺️😌
Do you write smut? if so what kind?
No lmao
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I sure hope not 🔪
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I don't think it'd go down well bc I'm very opinionated when it comes to writing and wouldn't share it well
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Faramir & Eowyn. I think they work brilliantly and I really like that they heal together after everything they've been through, but I still wouldn't seek out or write fic about them. I feel like I'm missing out on the love of shipping that everyone else in fandom seems to have 😌
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I usually only start writing if I know I like the idea enough to finish it. I do have a few from my old account that I've abandoned, but that's more because I lost interest in the fandom than in the fics themselves
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterisation/character growth
What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting 😬 and I have a tendency to turn everything into angsty drama when it doesn't need to be and then I have to go back and tone it down
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it's a minimal amount and necessary then ok, but otherwise it can be kinda jarring (which I suppose is ok if that's the ambition). Unless you're Jirt. Then it's ok you can blather on in elvish all u want sir I am still very invested
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter hehe it was a next generation fic and I planned like 50 chapters but I was only 13 and gave up after five chaps
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I was really proud of something I should tell you at the time because it was my first ever completed longfic, but now it's definitely scorch marks and embers, which I kinda see as a S4 fix-it fic (but worse lol). We shall see if the spot gets taken by the Robin Hood au 👀
tagging @verecunda @magicinavalon @nextstopparis (absolutely no pressure!) and whoever else wants to! 💛
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