#••  stefan salvatore  «  likes  »   — like a finely aged bourbon
thatfanficstuff · 30 days
Not About You - 47
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Damon Salvatore x ofc
When they arrived in Chicago, Lucy looked around in awe. She had traveled a lot but Chicago was one place she'd never been. Nik stepped out of the car and clasped her hand in his. "I told you that you'd like it, love.”
When she merely nodded her head in agreement, he chuckled. "Come." He pulled her toward a bar. "I have to see a witch about my hybrids."
Lucy and Stefan exchanged a glance and shrugged. As usual they had no idea what Nik was really up to. Once inside, he sent her with Stefan to make drinks behind the bar. Lucy knew he just wanted to have a private word with his witch so she let Stefan make the drinks while she looked around. Her eyes fell on a black and white picture with two familiar people in it. Reaching over, she unpinned it from the wall and held it out to her friend. "Stefan?"
He took it with a frown then glanced over at the hybrid. "What is this?"
"I told you, Stefan. Chicago is a magical place," Nik said with his normal smirk. He came over to join them at the bar. 
"But this is me. With you."
"That it is, mate. Come with me and I'll tell you a story," Nik said before turning to Lucy. "We need to go retrieve my sister."
Lucy sighed. "Can I stay here, Nik? I'm so tired of running around." She gave him her best puppy dog eyes which only made him roll his own. 
"Gloria, can my lovely Lucy stay here with you? Apparently she grows weary of my company." Lucy opened her mouth to argue then his teasing tone registered. 
Gloria came over to the bar. "It's fine with me, as long as she's willing to work. No freeloaders here."
"That sounds wonderful actually," Lucy agreed, anxious for a bit of normalcy. 
"All right, love. I'll see you later." Her eyes followed them until they walked out the door. 
"He seems to really care for you," Gloria said, a touch of wonder in her tone. "How long have the two of you been together?"
"I..." Lucy's voice trailed off as she tried to remember. "I don't remember. Isn't that odd?"
The witch frowned. "Odd indeed."
Once the bar was open it didn't take long for it to fill and Lucy was happy running around helping out where she could. It was nice to feel like she was accomplishing something for once. She was chatting with a table as she delivered their drinks when she heard a familiar voice.
"Gloria, damn. If I knew you were going to age like this, I would have stuck around."
She turned and glanced behind her to see Damon striding across the bar. A grin split her face. It was so nice to see someone from home. And oddly, she found that she missed the elder Salvatore. "Damon!"
He spun at her shout, a look of pure surprise on his face. Tears welled in his eyes as he moved people out of the way to get to her. His arms wrapped around her and he squeezed her tightly against his chest. Lucy returned the gesture just enjoying the feeling of being held by him. 
When he finally pulled away he cupped her face in his hands. "Jesus, Lucy. I've missed you so much." He looked around frantically. "Where's Stefan and Klaus?"
She shrugged. "Taking care of some things. How have you been? I've missed you."
He flashed his famous smirk. "You have?"
"Of course." She reached out and took his hand before pulling him over to the bar. They perched on a couple of the stools.
He seemed reluctant to release her hand so she let him keep hold of it. It wasn't like it would hurt anything. Besides, Nik wasn't here right now anyway.
Gloria stepped over and looked between the two of them. "I take it you two know each other." Amusement colored her words. She turned to Lucy. "How long have you known this one for?"
"Fifteen months, give or take a few days," answered Damon before Lucy had a chance to. 
Gloria studied him as she slid him a glass of bourbon. "That's oddly specific for two people who are just friends."
"Isn't it though?" His tone was caustic.
Lucy frowned at Damon's bitter smile. She wished there was something she could do to make him feel better. She didn't like when he was upset.
He downed his drink then turned to her. "Listen, Lucy. There are some things I need to do but I'll be back later, okay?"
She smiled. "Sure. Do you want me to tell Stefan you're here?"
"No, don't do that. I want to surprise him."
She nodded not liking the desperate note to Damon's voice. He stood and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. He glanced at Gloria. "Take care of my girl."
He was gone leaving Lucy frowning after him before she could protest that she wasn't his girl.
"There's my Lucy," Nik exclaimed joyfully as he and Stefan returned to the bar. Gloria had been watching Lucy intently since Damon left and she now shifted a portion of that to Nik. It made Lucy uneasy but she made a point not to go around irritating witches if she could help it. 
She sat on the stool beside Nik nursing a beer as she watched him and Stefan bond. It was...boring. She sighed at yet another story from Nik about the good ole days and took a long pull from her beer. 
It wasn't until Stefan left and Damon took his seat that she became interested again. Nik glanced at the Salvatore then looked over at her. "Do me a favor and run along, Lucy. I need to have a word with your friend here."
She started to protest but knew the only thing she would accomplish was pissing Nik off. She rolled her eyes and moved to the other side of the bar. That didn't keep her from listening in.
Nik gave a low chuckle. "She's a handful that one. You must miss her."
"You could always give her back. Stefan too. We could all get out of your hair," Damon suggested. 
Lucy frowned. They made it sound like Nik had taken her from Damon but she'd remember that. Wouldn't she?
"Sorry, mate. I'm afraid I've grown rather fond of her. I have to say you're persistent though. You don't give up, do you?"
"Give me Lucy and Stefan back and you'll never have to see me again."
"Well, I am torn. You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And clearly you want to die or you wouldn't be here," Nik said as casually as he'd discuss the weather. 
Lucy's chest went tight and she didn't bother trying to hide that she was watching now. She couldn't let Nik kill Damon. She just couldn't. Even as she had the thought, Nik grabbed Damon by the throat and lifted him into the air. 
"Nik, stop it!" Lucy yelled as she hurried over. 
He ignored her and jabbed the toothpick end of a cocktail umbrella into Damon's chest. 
"Stop it," she yelled again and grabbed at his arm. 
Nik growled and shoved her away. “Not now,” he snarled. She crashed through a table and groaned. 
Lucy pushed herself to a sitting position and slid back against the wall. Relief flashed through Damon's eyes when they met hers. It was short lived however because Nik launched him through the air next. Thick tears rolled down Lucy's cheeks and she sucked in a breath, ready to scream as Nik broke the leg off a chair and prepared to stake Damon. 
The stake went up in flames and Lucy's gaze darted over to the all but forgotten witch. 
"Really?" Nik said. 
"Not in my bar," Gloria snapped. "Take it outside."
"Nice job, Klaus," Damon grunted from his spot on the floor. "Do you hurt all the women in your life or is Lucy just special?"
Lucy could see the moment realization set into the hybrid, the moment he realized what he'd done. His head snapped in her direction and his eyes looked her over for any injury. He was in front of her in a moment. Damon forgotten on the floor behind him. 
Nik reached a hand toward her face and she flinched away. "Don't."
"Lucy, please," Nik pleaded. "I didn't mean it."
Her eyes met his. "What did Damon mean when he said you could give me back?"
The hybrid tilted his head. "Nothing. He's just upset I took you with me when I left Mystic Falls."
"You're lying.”
"Lucy." He reached for her again. 
Once more, she flinched and shifted away from him. "No. You don't get to touch me right now." She got to her feet and ran to the door before he had time to process what she was doing. She just needed some time to think. 
"Lucy," he called, stopping her at the door. 
She looked back at him to see a tear running down his cheek. 
She wasn't certain what he was asking for and in that moment she didn't care. She threw open the door and disappeared into the night.
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cxrsedmuse · 4 months
nina dobrev / female / white / she/her ——— is that elena gilbert on bourbon street ?the 44 year old cured human who stays in the french quarter ? i heard they are married to damon salvatore. they are notoriously known for being caring and brave but also impulsive and overbearing. which is probably why they are considered the martyr around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough // meg, 27, she/her, est! 
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cancer | esfj
+ caring + brave + protective
- overbearing - impulsive
In her earlier years, Elena suffered from a lot of stress and trauma. Dying, become a vampire, becoming human again, falling in love with Stefan and then Damon, it was truly a whirlwind. In 2016, Damon and Elena became human together and settled down. Elena finished her medical degree at Whitmore College, and then the pair moved to a small town to live quietly.
They would have two kids, of which Elena cherished deeply. She was there to protect them from anything that could go wrong. Whenever something happened that she couldn't protect them from, Elena was certain it was her fault.
Though it took some convincing, Elena and Damon decided to move to New Orleans in order to spend more time with their friends and family, something that Elena desperately needed.
Now, she's taken on a position in The Faction as the human representative, hopeful that she can protect her family and other humans in town from harm by rogue supernatural creatures. She also just started working again, this time at a hospital as an trauma surgeon.
As time passes and Elena and Damon continue to age, Damon at risk of being killed for his cure, will they decide to stick to the human world or will they return to the embrace of the deadly supernatural?
✮ funeral ;; phoebe bridgers // and last night i blacked out in my car, and i woke up in my childhood bed, wishin' i was someone else, feelin' sorry for myself, when i remembered someone's kid is dead
✮ jackie and wilson ;; hozier // happy to lie back watch it burn and rust, we tried the world, good god, it wasn't for us
✮ my heart is buried in venice ;; ricky montgomery // come rest your bones next to me, and toss all your thoughts in the sea, i'll pull up each of our anchors, so we can get lost, you and me
✮ little life ;; cordelia // a little bit more, a little bit less, a little bit harder than i thought they said, a little bit fine, a little bit stressed, a little bit older than i thought i'd get. but i, i think i like this little life
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heart-on-her-sleeve · 4 years
stefan salvatore tag drop!
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joviewinchester · 3 years
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“You’re absolutely positive you can’t come with me?” Y/N asked Matt.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I work that day. Maybe you can ask Ty or Stefan or something.”
“Yep. Been there done that. Stefan has plans to hang out with Caroline and Tyler has another wedding to go to by some stupid twisted chance of fate. I hate June.”
“You can…well, I’m not even going to suggest that torture.” Matt said cutting himself off.
“What? Anything is better than the torture of my family trying to set me up with someone.”
“You could ask Damon, but then again, he’s literally the worst. I guess pick your poison. Damon Salvatore or wedding set up. Personally I’d go with the latter.”
Y/N patted Matt on the shoulder and sighed. “You don’t know my family.” She exited The Grill and reluctantly drove to the Salvatore Boarding House.
She knocked, and Damon immediately opened the door. “You know, I was wondering when the tension would catch up to you.” He smirked.
“That is not why I’m here, Damon. I need a favor.”
“What kind of favor?”
Y/N sighed and took a deep breath before starting her rant. “I need a date to my relatives wedding, and i’ve already asked literally everyone else i know, so i know you probably hate me, but please say yes. Otherwise they’ll try to set me up with someone, and they have awful taste.”
“And what do I get out of agreeing to this?”
“Um…I don’t know? The wedding is literally tomorrow and I have no other option so…I have no clue. Whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want, huh? I’ll let you know when I figure out what that is. What time does this wedding start tomorrow?”
“Wedding’s from 5:00 to 6:00 and the reception’s from 6:30 to 10:00, unfortunately, I have to help with setup, so I have to be there three hours early, it was almost five luckily I got out of that, but I’m not going to make you deal with that, so I’ll leave from there early, come pick you up around 4:30. Dress nice…but not too nice. You’re already going to outshine the groom. My cousin does not know how to pick em.”
“That was a very trivial way of you saying you think I’m attractive. I’ll be ready, and don’t think I’ll forget that you owe me.”
“I wasn’t saying that! And I didn’t think you would forget. Not even for a second. And one more thing, please don’t eat any of my relatives.”
“Oh I’m not that bad. Why would I eat one of them when I could eat you?” He said eying her from head to toe.
“Stop making everything sexual! I’ll see you tomorrow!” She exclaimed as she brushed her hair to cover her red face.
He watched her as she walked back to her car, because let’s be honest with ourselves, he loved to see her walk away, then he shut the door and poured himself a glass of bourbon.
“Did Y/N just ask you to her cousin’s wedding?” Stefan asked walking downstairs.
“Why yes she did, brother.”
“Then you’re welcome. I don’t actually have plans with Caroline tomorrow. I told her that so she’d ask you. Don’t screw it up.”
“Really Stefan? I could’ve gotten the girl on my own. I’ve had plenty of practice.”
“See? That’s what I’m talking about. Y/N is different. She likes you, but she doesn’t like you just because she wants to sleep with you. She likes you because she wants to be in a relationship with you. If you don’t want that, then don’t lead her on. Promise me you won’t lead her on.”
“Do you really think that low of me, Stef?” Damon asked placing his palm over his chest.
“I won’t hurt her. Believe it or not, I actually like her, and tomorrow I’m going to be a perfect angel around her family, and she’ll have no choice but to invite me to another family event. I will be the best fake boyfriend. Mark my words.”
The next day was absolute torture for Y/N to say the least. “Y/N, Mark and Angela have to be seated near the back. They have not earned the status of front and center. Move the cards.” Her cousin, Allison, was normally really sweet, but she was an extreme bridezilla.
Y/N rolled her eyes but did as she was told. She expected for Allison to follow her every order when her wedding came around.
“So, Auntie Bethany has invited a really cool guy to set you up with. His name is Reggie and he’s so much nicer than the last one.” Allison said taking a minute to rest, which did not bother Y/N one bit.
“First of all, I’m eighteen which is freshly out of high school, I don’t know why she thinks it’s so urgent for me to settle down. Second of all, mom is going to be real disappointed because I actually have a boyfriend now and I invited him. I mentioned him a few weeks ago to you.”
“Now that you say that, I remember you mentioning it.” Yeah, she didn’t say a word, but Allison bought it and that’s all that mattered. She’d been pushing her to get a date since the wedding was announced.
“Speaking of which, it’s 4:00 and I told him I’d be there to pick him up at 4:30. You don’t mind me leaving a bit early do you?”
“No. Of course not. Chloe, Lilly, and Amy will help me finish my makeup then I should be all ready! Can’t wait to meet this mysterious boyfriend of yours.”
Y/N waved at the other bridesmaids, who all glared back at her for leaving them alone, and got in her car to get Damon. She knocked.
“Just a minute!” She heard him call. He opened the door a couple minutes later.
She smiled brightly. “You look great.” She said.
“Yeah, and you look…gorgeous. Your cousin was very generous with the bridesmaids dresses.” Damon commented.
“Come on. If we’re late I will not hear the end of it.”
Once they arrived, there were literally like five minutes till the start of the wedding. “Shit.” She muttered. “Just sit down and avoid eye contact at all costs. I really wish she hadn’t made me a bridesmaid.” Y/N muttered the last part and got to her place.
The ceremony lasted forever. The only thing that made it tolerable was watching Damon mess with the dude sitting next to him.
“Oh my god. That was literally the longest wedding ever. Why the hell did she force us to wear heels?”
“On the bright side, you were definitely the hottest bridesmaid up there.”
She elbowed his side playfully. “Oh shut up. Now come on, we need to get going. If we’re late to the reception, my mom will kill me. I haven’t even got to talk to her yet.” Y/N to practically dragged Damon to the car.
Of course the reception was about as cliche as the ceremony. It was held in a big old barn decorated with fairy lights.
“There’s my mom. Come on, act coupley or whatever, and be on your best behavior would you?”
“Oh, Y/N I’m hurt. When am I not?” He wrapped an arm around her waist.
Y/N rolled her eyes, smiling slightly at his antics.
“Hey, mom.”
Her mother looked kind of upset. “Come on, Y/N. You should’ve told me you were bringing a date. Reggie is going to be disappointed.” Her mother motioned backwards towards a guy who was already making out with another bridesmaid.
“Yeah…that him? He doesn’t seem too upset. I wouldn’t worry about it. Mom, this is Damon, my boyfriend.”
They shook hands. “Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N. It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard so much, and can I just say, you look lovely this evening. Speaking of which, where’s the lucky man?”
“Oh, he’s just over there talking to the groom. I’m glad that Y/N has finally gotten a boyfriend. I was starting to think she was going to be single forever.”
“Mom, cool it, will you? I’m eighteen years old. I just enrolled in college. I’m not getting married anytime soon. I know that’s how people in our family usually do it, but I don’t want to be married and have three kids running around by the time I’m twenty five. Okay?”
“You may feel that way now, dear, but wait until the baby fever catches up to you.” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I need a drink.” She mumbled with hostility.
“Y/N Y/M/N! You are not drinking any alcohol!” Her mother scolded after her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she doesn’t get into too much trouble. You just have fun. Raising a girl with that attitude must have kept you away from fun quite a bit.” Bethany laughed.
“You have no idea.”
Damon followed Y/N to the open bar, and found her with a wine glass filled to the very top.
“Dude, first of all you aren’t even of age, and second of all, do you really want to get drunk at a relative’s wedding? Answer, no. No you don’t.”
“You don’t know what I want, Damon. Just go charm off the pants of another middle aged woman.”
“I’m trying to be a perfect fake boyfriend so your mom will get off your back. Did you already drink one of these?” He asked taking the glass from her hands and swirling it around.
“Yeah, duh. Did you meet my mom? She makes it her mission to control every aspect of her life. I love her, but some alchohol would really help me love her even more. Here gimme that.” She said grabbing the glass from his hand. She downed the whole thing in one go as if it was just a shot glass.
“Y/F/N! No! You are banned from this bar for the rest of the night. Come on.” He hoisted her over his shoulder.
“Damon...what are you doing? You’re supposed to be the least responsible one in this fake relationship.” She whined.
“No. I’m supposed to be like a real boyfriend which means I have to keep you out of trouble and do everything I can to make your parents like me which is what I’m doing.”
“Come on. Just let me walk. I won’t do anything stupid. I promise.”
“No.” Y/N huffed.
“Fine. If you want some douchebags looking up my dress then whatever.”
“Fine! Okay fine. I’ll put you down, but only because I’m your douchebag, and I don’t want anyone thinking otherwise.”
They ran back into Y/N’s parents.
“Did you get her away from the bar before she went psycho?” Mrs. Y/L/N asked.
“No. I took away the wine glass and she took it back and chugged it.” Damon said glaring at her.
“I’m fine. See?” She walked in a straight line.
“Oh come on Bethany. Lighten up. If you think she isn’t too young to get married then don’t you think in that mindset that she isn’t too young to drink alcohol.” Her father, Chris, said.
Y/N snapped and pointed at her dad. “Yeah. He’s totally right? Ready to admit that eighteen is too young for someone to get married?”
“Fine. It’s too young. Now no more drinks for the rest of the night, missy.”
She smiled triumphantly, but then she started sulking again. “Rest of the night? As in I have to stay here for the rest of the night and not drink anything?”
“Fine. You can leave like an hour early, but come talk to me before you leave. Have fun, but not too much fun.”
Y/N smirked. “I thought you wanted grandkids?” Her dad choked on his drink.
“Kidding. I’m obviously kidding…mostly. Bye!”
“You’re a lot of fun when you’re not avoiding being killed by some type of villain. I like you when you’re not in serious mode.”
“I’m so so sorry that I don’t have any witchy woo or an immortal life, but you do have to admit, I am amazing with a crossbow.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Sure you are. Even though you’ve almost hit me multiple times.”
“Exactly. I’m amazing with a crossbow. By the way, Allison wanted to meet you. We should get that over with.”
“Okay. That was uncalled for. You can’t just change the subject after admitting to trying to murder me multiple times.”
“You would have healed. What do you want me to do? Fall at your feet like Elena?” Y/N asked clearly passive aggressive.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. Stop walking for a second. Are you jealous of Elena?”
“What?! No. Why would I be? I don’t…I don’t even like you!”
“This wedding has proved that statement otherwise. Come on. Admit it. You. Are. Jealous. You want to get with all of this! You want to go for a ride on the Salvatore train!”
“No! No! No! I don’t! I don’t like you! I don’t want you! You... you infuriate me to no end!”
“But you like that don’t you? You like it when I get you all flustered. And don’t think I didn’t catch you blushing earlier when I called myself yours, given I said I was your douchebag, but you still blushed. Not to mention the fact that you put my hand back on your waist when we were walking back from the bar. You like me.”
“No I don’t! Everything that happened here was for show! It was for show.” She defended.
“The only reason you didn’t want to invite me to this wedding is because you knew that I would get your heart racing. Yeah. I can hear that.”
Y/N ran her hands over her face in frustration. “Oh. Don’t mess up your makeup. I can do that for you later.” Damon smirked. So what? His plan to be perfect didn’t last very long, but this plan seemed to be working just fine.
“Stop. Stop saying stuff like that.” She whisper shouted.
Damon leaned in. His mouth was only inches away from her ear. “Why? Does it…frustrate you?”
Y/N gave him a glare and crossed her arms, huffing. Damon smirked. She grabbed his wrist and took him outside.
Damon still had a smug look on his face. “You wanna know how you really make me feel? Yes, Damon! Yes you fucking frustrate me! You make me question my existence on a daily basis and sometimes I even wonder why me?! Why does he like me?! I’m no Elena. I’m not the perfect annoying ass girl next door, and I still don’t know the answer, but you know what?! Since you’re deciding to push me and push me until I explode, I love you, Damon Salvatore! I fucking love you!”
After seconds of tension filled silence and staring at each other, Damon smashed his lips against hers. She immediately kissed him back. She felt his hands gradually slide further down her back, until they were groping her ass. She pushed him away out of spite. “No.” She stated crossing her arms defiantly.
“Really? You’re going to be like this? Now?”
“Yes. Yes I am. Say it back and maybe I’ll be more lenient.” She sassed.
“I thought it was a given. I’ve literally been flirting with you and pining after you for months, Y/N. Of course I love you.”
“Was that so hard?” She joked. She leaned in to kiss him again, this time resting his hands on her butt. He squeezed her ass making her gasp, and slipped his tongue in her mouth.
“Woah. Woah. Woah. This isn’t your honeymoon Y/N.” Allison had walked out of her own reception looking for her.
“Oh, shit. Sorry Alli. So what’s up?” Y/N asked slightly out of breath.
“Well, I was promised that I could meet your mystery man, but you were nowhere to be found. I decided to look for you myself. Aunt Bethany was complaining about your grandkids joke earlier. I didn’t think you were serious.” She joked.
“So, this is Damon. Damon this is my cousin, Allison.”
“Nice to finally meet you. By the way Y/N, I connected the dots, and I realized after getting out of the point where I was completely freaking out, sorry about that by the way, that this is the same Damon that you literally used to call me just to complain about on the daily.”
“Hey, now. Let’s not bring that up, especially the things that I said…” Allison cut her off.
“She used to call me and talk about how annoying you were. I believe one time she called you a flaming douche nozzle? That sounds about right. Every single call always ended with her saying he is so infuriatingly attractive. It’s not even fair.” She knew she was embarrassing her cousin, and to be honest she loved it.
“Hey! He doesn’t need an ego boost! Trust me. I would know.”
“Okay. Okay. All jokes aside, if you are leaving, your mom and dad wanted to talk to you. Oh, and I won’t tell them about this little encounter. I know how they can be.” Allison winked and walked back in the building.
“Was it just me, or did we just get permission from the bride to leave? Come on we have got to hurry up and talk to my parents so we can get out of here.”
“What’s got you in such a rush to leave?” Damon winked.
“None of that. Stop. No. No. Bad.” She said pointing her finger at him.
“Relax. I won’t be myself, but only for you.” They walked back into the reception making a bee line to her parents.
“Hey mom, we’re about to head out.”
“Y/N, your lipstick is a little smudged.” Her mom said. Damon had to look away to stop himself from laughing.
“Huh. Is it? Must’ve been from where I got a drink. Anywho I love you guys and we will see you later.”
“Wait a second. Damon would you like to come over for dinner this Friday?”
“Of course. I’d love to Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Great. We cannot wait to see you again. Alright. I won’t keep you. Have a nice night.” They both waved goodbye to her parents and headed back to the Salvatore house. They walked in, and Damon poured a couple of glasses of bourbon.
“I have been accepted by your family. I’d say this calls for celebration.”
“I thought I wasn’t allowed to drink, dad.”
“Oh shut up. You can do whatever the hell you want when your parents aren’t there to witness it.” Y/N rolled her eyes, and flopped on the couch.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m tired. I’m going to sleep no matter what you say.”
“Come on then.”
“If you’re going to sleep then you’re coming with me to a comfy bed, not the couch.” Instead of waiting for her to reapond or get up, he slug her over his shoulder and took her upstairs.
“Goodnight, Damon.” She said sleepily.
“Goodnight, sleeping beauty.”
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starshipsofstarlord · 4 years
I feel, and it sucks
Pairings | Damon Salvatore x reader. Eric Northman x reader
Summary | after moving away from Mystic Falls, you finally return, and Damon is prepared to see you again. The only problem is, that you aren’t alone...
Warnings | includes angst, mentions of a breakup, sorta lead up to smut and mentions of it, blood play/kink, tiny bit of violence
Requested ✖️
Quick link to my masterlist, if you’re interested in reading more of my crap 😬
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He cared not for the lack of logic that ran through his mind. Not as he went towards your home, you had returned from your year long departure. Mystic Falls had been left in your rear view as you went to a place called Bon Temps.
As much as Damon wished to chase after you, he’d have crawled if he could, he respected your desire to leave everything behind, and move on. And that included him, the man that you had loved, and the one that was profusely enamoured in you.
But now, he had the opportunity to whisk you back into his immortal embrace, and forever be by your side, to protect you, and spend every waking moment with you. Stefan would call him sappy for his advances, but his brother’s opinion simply did not matter. He was so close to being happy again, and he couldn’t deny he was reeled in by the prospect.
Damon was eager to make you pancakes every morning, waking you up with the aroma of breakfast on a tray that he greeted you with in bed. Or even the simple excitement of watching your various expressions whilst reading twilight; ugh, he hated that book, but he would willingly endure its presence if that meant he could become wrapped up in you once more.
But he had to see you first, and get past that progression again. Whilst you had been gone, and in that other town, he had become lost. No amount of bourbon drinking, or hanging out with Ric, could fix his settled mood. He felt like a sinking stone, drowning in the deep end, and remaining on the bottom of the bed, until he was washed away, back to shore.
And your return had done just that; grounded him. He wouldn’t feign to admit his immediate reaction when he first found out you were to come back to your original home. First, he had been in utter disbelief, hardly taking Bonnie’s statement seriously when she informed him of the ordeal.
But then, she showed him the messages that had transacted between the pair of you, and how you were eager to see her again. Nothing of him was mentioned in the conversation, although he was sure that the witch and you had spoken over call sometime after your surprise reveal.
The lack of voicing of your prior breakup gave him some hope; you were willing to take him back. And that was a possibility that he safely held onto, finding it to be a net for him to fall down onto. However, the prospect of a net was like that of a rocking boat, it had an inability stay still when it held a weight, and that mass of pounds was him.
And he knew, as you left, the thought of you had attempted to pull you back, and force you to stay with the selfish power. But as the past had played out, you had not let it, and so you left him all alone, in the claws of the Grill, which was somewhere he found himself to be often in general, but more so after your transcending departure.
The curtains to your room swayed with the evening wind, and he found himself to be enticed by the sight of the open window. It hadn’t been an unusual occurrence for him to climb through the ajar square, and talk about your day, and thus, make it better by his simple appearance.
But, he was deceived. What a fool he had been to think that you had not moved on from little old him, for there was a tall legged man over the top of you, both of your chests bare, and your mouth viscously devouring the inclination of the others. You were oblivious to his accidentally snooping presence, too distracted by the estranged blonde that was now teasing his lips down your throat.
The sight had him freeze, but he was incapable of interrupting whence he watched the man’s teeth sink into the parting of the bottom of your neck and your warm shoulder. It was no man, instead, he was much like him; a vampire. There was a ample difference though, he would never hurt you.
To Damon, you were a treasure, not an edible treat. And it sparked a pulse of fear through his entirety as he watched you be drained by this vile creature. Perhaps he were a hypocrite, he had done the same to many people countless times, and still continued to do so. But the food was not being extracted by anyone, it was being pulled from your veins, and making its way into this stranger’s awaiting mouth.
You shut up as something, a familiar blur, came crashing against Eric, sending his form flying off from your own, the intruder and him ending up on the floor. To cover up and show some surprised decency, you pulled the sheet upon yourself, stretching your red printed neck to view the scene below.
Eric was recomposing himself, shooting immortal daggers towards the reckless, who was... “Damon?” Seeing him once more was inevitable, but the scene of it was a dread of yours. And here he was, in your bedroom, the circumstances with much difference than from what they used to be.
At the sound of his name, both the strapping vampires turned towards you with fixed frowns, both worn for their own reasonable purposes. Damon was studying you, and understanding the scene, now seeing that you had been open to the removal of your blood, and this stranger was with you in some kind of way that he was not a fan of.
And Eric’s, well, it was a combined factor of fury, that was directed at the raven haired and uninvited visitor, and confusion, as he attempted to put together pieces of the puzzle that he was missing. He presumed correctly that the two of you had previously known each other, and thus, his intrusion could be explained, or so he hoped.
There was a longing wrenching in his dead gut, that there was something more than a friendship between you and this Damon. He was far too well adversed with the tell of history, that the looks the pair of you were silently exchanging were anything but friendly.
From the get go, there was a smouldering charm that reflected out of Damon’s blue eyes, and your own showed a conflict of interests. But nevertheless, you straightened your back up against the headboard of the bed, and questioned him. “What are you doing here?”
The interrogative underlining to your voice stung like a bee, but the younger of the two vampires refrained from wincing. That would only show a weakness towards the new vamp in town, and that was not the aim of his game.
“Bonnie told me that you were back.” He thought it would be a simple and trouble free resolution, however, the other immortal presence in the room now told him otherwise. “And I thought this guy here was going to drain you dry? What’d you expect me to do, let some stranger kill you before I even have a chance to see you?!”
A prominent eye roll swayed from your foresight, and you cast a look to the other guy, as though you were talking silently with the newcomer. “He’s not a stranger, he’s my boyfriend.”
“Eric Northman.” He extended his hand frankly to your previous partner, attempting to draw a hateful truce between them. But instead, Damon whence he took the offer, attempted to squeeze the bejesus out of ‘Eric’s’ hand, which only ended in the result of his own bones being crushed.
That much informed him that this Northman was older, and that information alone served as a factual repercussion of him in turn being more powerful. This vampire wasn’t one to mess with, but who knew what he would do, after all, he was Damon Salvatore.
“Damon Salvatore.” He begrudgingly spoke through his clenched teeth, taking his broken and healing back into the safety of his side. “So, the boyfriend. Y/n, I thought you were done with relationships, more specifically, with vampires.”
“You sound like Caroline, bitching about my relationship choices. And the only sense that she spoke to me was to get out of this town and-“
“Shag another one of me.” He quirked his brow, and Eric breathed heavily. One thing he had picked up on, was that he didn’t like the way that this vampire was speaking to you. He was making digs, and making contradictions to all of your past statements. “I believe you even said that I would be the last one, and that isn’t in the same context. You wanted to spend forever with me y/n, not someone like this.”
“Listen here.” Eric hissed, prowling half naked towards Damon, his fangs slipping out from beneath his top lip. “I can see what’s happening here, you want her back. But it appears that she has moved on, so that is something that you’re going to have to suck up.”
“Suck up.” Damon childishly snorted, finding the pun hilarious in his state of mixed delirium. He felt everything, a sense of urgency to win you back, and great pain that was sinking into his age old skeleton. “I feel, and it sucks. But it’s fine, completely fine.” He waved his hand off, staring past the slim brute and finding a painful solace in staring at you. “No, he’s allowed to suck your blood, and what, you suck his dick in return?”
A shove sent him flying into the furthest wall, Eric holding him against it. “She’s mine.” It was a common description of a companionship between human and vampire. He had thought Sookie and Bill’s bond had been a foolish one, however, he met you, and his whole perception changed.
There was something about the collaboration of weakness and strength that worked so perfectly together. It was a true love, in rare occurrences . But the sheriff could feel that the myth was blooming in his own consideration. And he would not allow a young (in comparison to him), selfish specimen of his kind, ruin his chance at keeping that peace.
“She’ll never let you turn her.” Damon gulped, trying to look over the giant’s shoulder to catch a glimpse of you, whom was avidly watching the scene. “If you want forever with her, it will only last a minute, and it’ll kill you when she goes, because if you really love her, then I know it would to me too. She deserves to see the world in all her short life, to be treated like a queen, because she is one.”
Damon gulped, feeling guilty, knowing that as much as he wanted to give you that all, he couldn’t. He would not leave Mystic Falls, and that was what had ended your run in the end. His first priority, as admirable as that was, was to always shadow Stefan, and look out for his little brother.
But that gave him no life, which was exactly what you wanted with him. It didn’t matter if you were to one day become pruned and shrunken, the moment that you lived in was all you wanted. There were memorable tears held in your eyes, but you refused to allow a single one slip.
“Y/n has already agreed that one day, she will go through the change, for me.” Biting your lip, you could only imagine the dispersed appearance that struck Damon’s face. He had wanted forever with you, and instead, you had given it to someone else.
Slinking out from the shirtless man’s grip, Damon cautiously pushed Eric’s hands off him, walking to the window, and casting you a cold look. “I hope you enjoy forever y/n.”
And with that, he was gone in the night, presumably fleeing to annoy Matt until he drank half the bar. And thus, he was the one this time that departed instead, abandoning you, and leaving you in Eric’s claim.
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fandom-strumpet · 4 years
Game Night Confession- Part 1
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 Summary: It’s Game Night at the Salvatore boarding house and after a few drinks and games they start the game 7 Minutes in Heaven. It’s not what you think, the bottle lands on Elena and Y/N.
Pairing: Kai Parker x reader
Word Count: 1,769
It’s Game Night at the Salvatore boarding house, the crew is there, including Rebekah. She had been on her best behavior lately so was ‘allowed’ to come but she in reality she crashed the party and no one had the energy to make her leave. Damon went down to the cellar and brought out one of his bourbon’s and started pouring it into glasses with ice. The night started off with Twister but the more you all drank, the more difficult it became and you all agreed to move onto the next game. Caroline pulled out Cards Against Humanity and finally the game ended when Stefan won with 6 black cards.
 “I know what game to play next!” Rebekah squealed, “7 Minutes in Heaven!”
 Damon groaned and tossed his head back to take a shot but it was obvious he was interested as well. 
Elena spins first, with a hopeful look that it might land on Stefan. Unfortunately, the bottle landed on you. 
“Ooh” Rebekah squirms in excitement. 
You give a small huff. Elena shares the ‘Oh well.’ look with you as you both head to the closet. 
Hollering back you say, “Remember the rules! No vamp hearing to listen in!” 
A chorus of yes’ and agreement sound back. Shutting the heavy oak door with a thud, Elena turns and clicks the little light bulb on. You and Elena both stood awkwardly in silence for a moment. 
Whispering, you ask Elena, “How about we play a different version of the game?” 
“What would that be?” Elena tilted her head and squinted curiously.
 “We both tell each other a deep and dark secret. We’ll be sworn to secrecy-”
 “What happens in the closet, stays in the closet.” Elena finishes with a coy smile. “Alright, I’ll go first,” she takes a deep breath in, “I kissed Katherine.”
 Your jaw drops open and you fail to come up with an immediate response resulting in an awkward silence. 
Elena speaks fast and continues, “Well, I mean, actually I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me just so she could bite my lip and get some blood.” 
“Bu- whu- uh-” You stuttter out.
 “I couldn’t bring myself to tell Stefan, it would be too weird... OKAY! Your turn!” 
“Um well, okaaay.” You shake your head in disbelief of what you had just heard. Letting out a shaky breath you feel butterflies in your stomach and a warm feeling that wasn’t there a moment ago. Its time someone knows anyway. “My deepest, darkest secret is that-” you pause to bite your lip,”I am hopelessly, irrevocably in love with Malachai Parker...” Your heart froze, looking into Elena’s eyes for a response.
 “You are absolutely crazy!” 
“Elena, remember you promised not to tell anyone.” 
“Y/N, I promise I won’t tell anyone. But- really? Kai?!”
 “I know, I know. It’s eating me up inside though. I don’t know what to do.” 
“Tell him.” she stated. 
“What and let everyone know I’m in love with Senor Psychopath?!” you started to raise your voice.
 “Shhhh.” Elena hushed.
 You sighed and then felt a cold wash over you. “Besides, he would never like me back.”
 “Y/N.” Elena grabbed your shoulders and forced your eyes to meet hers. “Just tell him.” 
“ONE MINUTE LADIES!” You could hear Damon snickering. 
You shrug off Elena’s grip, “Guess we better make some noise.” You smiled half-heartedly.
 “Yep.” Elena grinned, her eyes lighting up with mischief. “Ow! My hair!” she yelled and you stifled a laugh. 
You hit your fist against the closet wall in response. “Oooooohhh.” you moan. Elena hits the wall but a little too hard and it sends the coat clothing rod falling. Laughter erupts from the both of you as you fall to the floor in a tangled mess. Stefan opens the closet door and you roll out giggling with messy hair.
“Enjoy your 7 Minutes in Heaven ladies?” Stefan cocked an eyebrow and smiled. 
In the Living Room
The great oak door shut but the girls remained quiet. Getting bored, Damon poured himself another drink. Kai strutted into the living room, shaking himself like a wet dog after walking out in the rain. 
“Really Kai? This is leather.” Caroline rolled her eyes. 
“It’s seen worse Caroline, relax.” Damon scoffed.
“Mmmmm so what do you got to eat?” Kai makes his way to the kitchen rubbing his hands together. He pulls out a bag of pork rinds from under the sink. “Hope you weren’t going to eat these or anything.”
“Nooooo. Go ahead and eat whatever Kai.” Stefan glared. 
“Alright then.” Kai plops himself down onto the couch by Rebekah. “So what game are you guys playing?” 
“7 Minutes in Heaven.” Rebekah winked. 
“Y/N and Elena are in there right now.” Bonnie stated with a chuckle.
 “Now I gotta hear this.”
 “Kai! No!” Caroline yelled. “There’s no vamp hearing in this game.”
“Well I’m not playing am I?” Kai grinned. 
Caroline glared daggers at Kai and then looked to Stefan for help. “He’s got a point Care, he’s not playing so he can technically listen in.” 
“You are unbelievable.” she rolled her eyes and fell backwards into the couch. Bonnie grinned, it was always amusing to see Caroline get worked up over the smaller things.
 “What are they doing?” Damon asked lazily, “It’s too quiet.”
 “They’re doing confessions.” Kai pursed his lips.
 “Kai, you can’t tell us what they’re saying.” 
“Bonnie is right.” Caroline nodded with raised eyebrows. 
“I for one would love to know though Kai.” Damon patted Kai on the back. Kai delivered a devilish smile.
“Elena just confessed something juicy but it isn’t a surprise to me. Now for Y/N...” Kai froze. The color drained from his face upon hearing you say, “I am hopelessly, irrevocably in love with Malachai Parker.” He stood up fast and almost bolted out of the house. The front door slammed shut at his exit. 
“Well he disappeared fast.” Rebekah raised her eyebrows and Damon shrugged, looking back down into his glass. 
The next day after classes, you met up with Elena at The Grill. The thud of a backpack makes you look up from your notebook. 
“Hey, how’s it going?” Elena smiled and sat down across from you. 
“Oh, you know. It’s going. I’m so glad we could meet up for food and studying though. It was a great idea, thanks Elena.” 
Elena clears her throat and sneaks a glance to the door. “No problem, Y/N. Anything to help a friend.”
“First though- *you giggled* we need to order drinks and food.” 
Elena waved down the new blonde waitress so she could take your order. It didn’t take long for the both of you to decide on what to get. The Grill had the best strawberry lemonades and mozzarella sticks. The door gave it’s usual ding, and it drew your attention out of an age old habit. It was him. Malachai Parker, the most handsome and hot being on the face of the Earth. Your heart skipped a beat involuntarily and Elena didn’t miss it. She looked down into her drink quickly to hide the smirk that appeared on her face. She whirls the straw around in her strawberry lemonade, a drink both of you always got together. It was an all time favorite and the Grill served it the best.
 “I- uh- yeah sorry. What were you saying? I lost focus for a second..” 
She leaned forward to take a sip before starting. “You know, I’ll never understand how you could love Kai. BUT I will admit that he is a better person when he’s around you. He’s not as ‘psycho Kai’.”
 “Elena,” you hissed, “You promised not to say anything to anyone.” 
“And I’m not- I’m only talking about it to you. Don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone about what happened in the closet.” 
You sit back and cross your arms in the motion of fine. You nod your head and motion for her to continue.
 “I can see it in you too, Y/N. How much you love him, how your heart races and your eyes light up. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before but- you and Kai would actually be really cute as a couple.” 
Your heart leapt into your throat when Kai turned slightly to look around and caught your eye. He gave a little smile and wave. Damon turned to see who he was waving to and winked at Elena. 
“Hey Damon! Kai! Want to join us?” Elena yelled and you groaned inwardly as the guys stood up to join you in the booth.
 “How’s it going ladies?” Damon smiled cheesily. 
“Good, me and Y/N were just talking about-”
 “Homework.” you interrupted quickly, unsure if she was going to say something to reveal your secret. Elena gave you a smirk and took another sip of her drink. You looked down to see your half-gone lemonade while they talked about something random. It was so hard to focus when the amazing man you wanted to caress and love and hold tight was sitting merely six inches from you and it felt like he was getting closer? No- that’s not possible, just your imagination. Why do I feel so hot all of a sudden? You grabbed your left wrist under the table out of habit to make yourself stop squirming and try to focus. Kai cast his eyes to you every now and then , looking for your reaction to the funny jokes. He was acting like a normal friend. You could act like a normal friend- right? 
“You know what, Damon and I actually have a thing to go do downtown-” 
“We do?” Elena nudged him hard, “We were supposed to go see some new artwork and stuff. Come on, let’s go!” 
As they slid out of the booth, Elena gave you a wink and a small wave to Kai.
“Sooooo um, hi.” 
“Hey.” His smile was so enchanting it was hard to keep yourself focused on something other than his lips. He turned away from you and started digging into the mozzarella sticks and sauce. You always thought it was so cute and weird how Kai ate. He was something else entirely. You grinned to yourself and started to join him. There was a comfortable silence as you ate, when the sticks were gone he licked his fingers with a pop and you felt your stomach tighten at the sight. Looking down at his drink he muttered, “Irrevocably. That’s a big word.” Then continued to seduce the straw with his tongue until it entered his mouth. @1-800-khaleesii @rome5683 @tawaii
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oftheforbes · 4 years
“ you’ve always been strong for me . let me return the favor . ” ( for Caroline ! )
Always parking her car down by railroad tracks,  always crying in the front seat of her car until her lungs burn and eyes are raw.  One day though she stops doing it.  She just up and decides that the tears wasted on Stefan Salvatore were done because all of her painful emotions of loving the guy turned to blind rage.  The switch of emotions easily coats itself like a thin layer of snow.  One moment she is in pain and the next anger fills and she is warm like a match had been lit inside of her body.
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Shutting the door behind her in the house,  kicking off her heels to the rack of shoes and it slaps together with a click.  The house is silent aside from the fireplace crackling and it means that two little siphoners that were at the tender of age one were asleep.  Slowly life with Ric stopped being forced and she found comfort in him. They share secrets and whisper about other parents in hushed tones when they meet someone both can’t stand.  Caroline is judgy as hell and still holds that catty way that teenage girls have even though she is legally well over the age of eighteen now.
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Alaric finds her in the kitchen and as she pours a glass of wine he is starting out the conversation with validation and willingness to care but her lip turns up slightly in a small sad smile.      ❝ Why was I not good enough? ❞     a question that the father of her children can’t even tell on.  Hell,  she might never be good enough for Alaric himself and they hadn’t even tipped really into romantic (Although things blur easily together so what she deems romantic for them might not be the same to him).     ❝ Why is it that the guys I like never like me back? ❞     or they run away with their ex-girlfriends while a hunter is chasing after them.  Caroline focuses on filling the glass too full before grabbing another one but instead of putting a fine wine in it, she is searching for the bottle of bourbon.       ❝ I try so hard and I’m never enough. ❞   am I enough for you and the girls?   Letting him into her personal pain is easier than it had been when they first started this.  The funny thing is she said these same words to Bonnie one day when she was drunk right before she ended up in a vampire’s trap.
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idkxwriting · 5 years
Treacherous - Chapter Twelve
Author: idkhaylijah
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: none...you guys know what you’re in for if you’ve made it this far ;)
A/N: Thank you guys for your patience. It’s been a rough few months year tbh. I appreciate all the comments and messages, it keeps me going. Special shout out to @thatfanficstuff for telling me the best way through a block is to just keep writing, @dendrite-lover for reading ahead of time and the Sherlock account on ao3 that spammed me with comments and totally encouraged me to continue with her kind words! We’re coming to the end guys!
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It was strange, being back home. She had left Mystic Falls behind her, never looking back, and here it was, staring her in the face. She gave a soft smile at the creak on the third step, leading up to the familiar porch. Her porch.
She glanced over her shoulder, watching as Elijah’s car disappeared down the road. He had offered to come inside, insisted, even, but she was adamant about needing to be alone. As persistent as he had been, she was twice as stubborn. He reluctantly agreed, under the condition that she’d be at the Salvatore Boarding House within the hour.
Having him in her home, their home, would be more than she could handle.
Even so, as she moved quietly into the house, she saw that his ghost was everywhere.
She sighed, and dropped her duffle bag on the couch as she made her way into the kitchen. It was strange, she thought, the way the familiar scent of home filled her senses as if the house hadn’t sat a vacant shell for years.
Stefan, she reasoned. She felt a sadness settle into her at the thought of her best friend caring for her home long after she had stopped coming back, in the hopes that one day she may return after all.
“Beautiful home,” a voice startled her.
She turned, her eyes narrowed and a feeling crawling up her spine that always accompanied the sudden unwelcome appearance of the King of Hell. “Crowley. What are you doing here?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“I’ve got to admit, I never pictured you with the white picket fence, but it suits you,” he ran his hand along the kitchen island, glancing around the room. He made his way to the fridge, plucking at photos with feigned curiosity. “Ahh, the vampire boyfriend,” he waggled his eyebrows at her, pulling the photostrip from its magnet. “Personally, I’m Team Squirrel.”
“What do you want?” She snapped, ripping the photos from his hand and placing them back.
“Oh come now, Birdy, can’t I visit a friend?”
She sighed at his nickname for her. ��We’re not friends. Even if we were, there’s always strings with you…”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re always so quick to point that out, but it pays to have friends in high places, Birdy.”
“More like low places,” she retorted.
He smiled devilishly at her, turning his attention back to the pictures on the fridge. “I understand you need a certain blade. One I’d be happy to procure for you.”
“What do you know about the blade?” She asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.
He opened the fridge, rifling through ingredients with disappointment. “I know you need it to kill Empusa.”
“And you just happen to have it?”
Crowley rolled his eyes and moved from the fridge to the cabinets, opening and closing doors until he found what he was looking for. He picked up bottle after bottle, reading the labels with vague disinterest. “I’ve always preferred Glencraig myself,” he mumbled, placing a bottle of bourbon she recalled swiping from Damon’s personal stash back down.
“Why would you offer me the knife?” She asked skeptically. “What’s in it for you?”
He shrugged, straightening out to look at her. “You need the knife, I need Empusa dead, it’s that simple.” When she didn’t reply, he sighed. “Empusa is bad news for everyone, Hell included.”
“Hell or you?”
“The situation in Hell is...delicate. I don’t need Empusa roaming free, building an army…”
“Challenging your seat on the throne?”
“Regardless of my own selfish reasons, it doesn’t change your position, love. You need the knife.”
She pursed her lips, her eyes narrowed as she studied the demon before her. She didn’t trust him, she never had, but she needed him. Still, she knew him and even with selfish motives, it wouldn’t come without a price. “What’s the trade?”
He poured himself a glass of bourbon, scoffing at the label internally, but it would do. “I get you the blade, and you do your part.”
She nodded, the fear gripping her chest again. She knew what she needed to do, but knowing and doing were two different things. “You know, then…that I have to die in order to release the soul stone?”
“I know,” he nodded grimly, and she wondered (not for the first time) if the demon was capable of genuine emotion. “So do we have a deal?”
She swallowed and cleared her throat. “We have a deal,” she whispered.
Crowley smirked. “Well then,” he pulled a knife from the inside of his jacket, holding the handle out towards her. She gripped it, but he held onto it. “You understand how a certain Moose and Squirrel may make this more difficult?”
“I know what I have to do, Crowley. Give me the blade, and I’ll get it done. Sam and Dean don’t have to know the details, only that I’m the one that needs to use it,” she said, trying to pull the blade from him once more.
He continued to keep a sturdy grip, tugging her towards him. “And what of your vampire boyfriend?”
“Elijah won’t be a problem.”
“Just do your part, Birdy.” He said and released the blade.
She stared down at the seemingly ordinary knife in her hand. As the metal warmed in her palm she felt the magic that rested within the blade - within her. She glanced up to find Crowley had disappeared once more, leaving her to contemplate her life.
And death.
She knew what she had to do - that the only way to stop Empusa and save her friends was to sacrifice her own life. And she would do it, gladly, but --
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice interrupted her, staving off the rising panic in her chest.
She placed the knife in the back of her pants, tucking it away carefully before rubbing at her eyes. “Hey,” she smiled sadly.
“What are you doing here?”
She shrugged nonchalantly. “Oh come on, you didn’t expect me to sit this one out, did you?”
Sam chuckled softly at that. “No, I guess not…”
“Alright, Sammy, Cas is headed back with Freya. They want us to head over to the Salvatore’s in…..” Dean stopped, caught off guard by the woman before him. “What are you doing here?”
Y/N’s eyes locked with Dean’s, and she wondered what kind of life they may have had if she didn’t have to die. If he hadn’t been a hunter, and she hadn’t loved a vampire. If maybe they had just been normal.
Sam looked between the two, shifting uncomfortably. “Umm, I’m just going to...be somewhere else…” he said awkwardly before making his way past Dean and back out the front door.
The door shut, the noise bringing them both back to the present. Dean cleared his throat, breaking eye contact. “What are you doing here?” He asked again gruffly.
She breathed a laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Oh you know, just the usual end of the world stuff…”
His green eyes snapped to hers, and she knew he was angry. “I thought Sam told you to stay away from Mystic Falls until we had a plan.”
She rolled her eyes. “Dean, I’ll be fine. In fact, a few days ago you had no objection to me coming with you. Besides, I couldn’t leave you two and the Salvatores to come up with a decent plan all by yourselves. You need me,” she teased.
Dean moved toward her until she was just out of reach, his eyes locked on hers. He inhaled deeply - as if he hadn’t been able to breathe since he left her in that motel room, and suddenly he was coming up for air. When he released it, he broke eye contact, fixing his stare on the floor. “Yea, I do,” his voice was heavy, but his breath was shaky and he cleared his throat. “We need you,” he corrected, meeting her gaze once more, knowing she saw right through him. She always had.
“Dean....” she breathed. He didn’t need her. He couldn’t need her, because she had to leave him. She had to leave all of them. The realization of what she had to do hit her suddenly. She wasn’t afraid of death, she knew it would come for her eventually and probably sooner than most. But the thought of leaving everyone behind, of losing them all, was crushing. It stole the air from her lungs and the weight of it all was suddenly too much.
He stepped into her, his hand on her cheek grounding her.
“Damon called. They’re waiting on us,” Sam interrupted from the front door.
Dean dropped his hand suddenly, putting some distance between them, and Y/N nodded, shoving the thought of leaving Dean, leaving Elijah and Sam...Cas...everyone. She took a breath, focusing on the task at hand. “God forbid we make Damon wait,” she sighed, side stepping Dean and following Sam out the front door.
Arriving at the Salvatore Boarding House felt like stepping back in time, into a life she hadn’t known for ages, and Y/N found she had missed it more than she could have imagined.
She was greeted by Damon, first, who had kindly reminded her just how stupid it had been to come back. The raven haired man scowled at her, but she knew he was happy to see her when he wrapped his arms around her anyway, tucking her into his side. “If you disappear like that again, Buffy, I’ll kill you myself,” he whispered into her hair. “Welcome home.”
He stepped aside and gave Sam and Dean a once over, not entirely pleased with their presence, before turning his attention to the figure approaching from the end of the driveway. “How was Bambi today, Stefan?” Damon teased, referring to the feeding trip his brother had just gotten back from.
Stefan ignored him, his eyes locked on Y/N, his face brooding, and she wondered just how angry he was with her. Her cheeks flushed as the guilt crept up once more, knowing her best friend had deserved more than a disappearing act without a trace.
It seemed Elijah wasn’t the only one she had hurt.
She bit her lip, and when he broke out into a soft smile, she grinned, running to him at full speed and launching herself into his arms. He caught her with ease, hugging her tightly.
Dean watched the interaction with curiosity - the annoying, jealous pang that seemed to have taken up residence in his chest growing sharper.
“Don’t worry,” Damon startled him, appearing suddenly by his side. “Stefan’s like a big brother to her.”
“I wasn’t worried,” Dean scoffed.
“I’m just saying. There was never anything more than friendship there,” he watched them for a moment. “Which is weird, because we almost always end up sleeping with the same women. I guess she only wanted to sample one Salvatore brother,” he smirked, slapping Dean on the back roughly.
Dean coughed and glared after the vampire as he walked away, muttering under his breath. He made his way into the house. He couldn’t wait to get back to the bunker and his normal routine, where the only vampires he came across he staked.
Y/N cleared her throat, sinking deeper into the plush sofa. Elijah and Dean both stood in front of her, making her feel like a small child.
Dean’s arms were crossed, and she could see even in the dim room that he was fuming, his hard stare fixed on her.
Elijah, on the other hand, was more controlled. His hands were in his pocket while he glanced around the room with feigned interest. This scared her more than Dean’s open anger. A cool, calm, and collected Elijah was simply waiting for his moment. She had seen it dozens of times, though admittedly not usually directed at her, and it often ended with him tearing out someone’s heart.
She squirmed uncomfortably in her seat and focused on the intricate patterns in the persian carpet beneath her feet. They sat in the Great Room, a collection of the Salvatore's history filling the space. Mementos of the multiple lifetimes Stefan and Damon had lived.
Damon sipped from his glass of bourbon, seemingly less concerned than the two men standing before her. “So she hears voices or whatever. Big deal. We use it to our advantage,” Damon shrugged. “Y/N knows Empusa’s move before she makes it. It gives us the upper hand. We draw her out, stab her with the fancy knife the devil gave her, and we’re home by dinner..”
“Crowley is not Lucifer,” Cas corrected. “Crowley’s the King of Hell, a demon.”
Dean shot him an angry glare, effectively shutting him up. “A demon who doesn’t give anything for free. What was the deal, Y/N?”
She shrugged. “Empusa is bad news for all of us, Hell included. Crowley needs her gone.”
Cas watched her for a moment, eyes narrowed, but he kept his mouth shut, and Y/N was grateful.
“There’s always a catch with Crowley,” Sam said quietly.
“Who cares?” Damon shouted, exasperated. “She has the knife, we can end this.”
“Damon,” Stefan warned.
His brother rolled his eyes, pouring himself another drink.
“Damon’s right,” Freya said quietly. “Castiel and I dug up everything we could find on Empusa, and this is the only way.”
“Thank you,” he smiled smugly, giving Freya an appreciative once over.
Sam furrowed his brow. “How are we going to draw Empusa out?”
Stefan sighed, stepping forward. “Empusa wants Y/N. So we give her what she wants…”
Dean shook his head. “Hell no!” He argued. “We can’t just hand her over like that. It’s too dangerous.”
“I don’t like it either, Dean,” Stefan said. “But it’s our best shot. If she thinks she has a shot at taking Y/N she’ll come, and we will protect her.”
“You’ll have an army of supernatural creatures looking for blood. Y/N’s blood…” Sam added.
“Good thing you're hunters,” Damon remarked. “Make yourselves useful.”
Freya glanced at her brother sympathetically. He remained silent, but she knew him well enough to know just how worried he was. “We can keep her safe, Elijah.”
His body tensed, and Y/N could see the look he shared with his sister, the fear in his eyes. How was he supposed to protect her from something he couldn’t protect himself from?
Before he could speak, Y/N stood. “Stop talking like I’m not here. It’s my call, and this is our best shot to put Empusa down. It’s happening,” she said definitively before storming out, leaving the rest of the group to work out the details.
***** Stefan found her sometime later out back, sitting and watching the stars. “Hey,” he whispered.
“Hey.” Y/N patted the ground next to her, and he tossed a blanket he had brought from inside onto her shoulders before joining her.
“Thanks,” she smiled. “So...you and Caroline, huh?”
He let out a breathy laugh. “We’re friends…”
She nudged his shoulder playfully. “That’s not what I’ve heard.”
He sighed. “Don’t believe everything Damon tells you,” he countered.
“So you don’t care that she’s off somewhere with Klaus right now?”
His shoulders slumped at that and he pulled his knees up, resting his arms on them. “Caroline sees the good in people, and I love that about her.”
She waited for a moment, but he was silent. “But?” She pried.
“But that means she sees the good in Klaus, too, and…”
“She’ll come back to you, Stefan. Trust me.”
He nodded quietly. “So this Dean guy, huh?” He asked after a moment, turning it around on her.
She let out an exasperated sigh and pulled the throw blanket tighter around her shoulders. “I’ve made such a mess out of things.”
And so she told him. All of it. The visions, the nightmares of becoming a ripper, needing to let go of Elijah, holding onto Dean…
“I slept with Elijah,” she finally confessed after some time. “This morning, on the way here…”
Stefan looked at her, his mouth hanging open as if at a loss for words. He had the courtesy to bite back his judgement, which she appreciated, but she knew she deserved it.
“Go ahead,” she sighed. “Tell me how horrible I am.”
He shook his head. “No, Y/N…” she followed his line of sight, turning over her shoulder.
“Dean,” she breathed, slamming her eyes shut. God, she thought. This was not how she wanted him to find out.
Dean cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably for a second before squaring his shoulders. “Cas sent me out to find you, he had a few questions about the knife…”
Stefan stood and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I should give you guys a minute,” he started.
“Don’t worry about it,” Dean said, shaking his head. His green eyes locked on Y/N’s, burning into her with fury. “We got nothing to talk about.”
“Dean wait,” she called after him. If he heard her, he didn’t respond, keeping his head forward as he made his way back up to the house. Y/N felt the pain immediately at once again hurting Dean, and she realized as he walked away just how much she needed him.
She turned toward Stefan, tears burning in her eyes.
“Hey,” he whispered pulling her in for a hug. “You just need to talk to him.”
His grip on her tightened, and she began to cry freely, burying her face in his chest. She didn’t know just how much she had missed her best friend until that moment, and the thought of leaving them all behind rushed to the surface. She wouldn’t just lose Dean and Elijah. It was saying goodbye to Stefan, and Sam. Cas, Damon, Freya, Caroline and even Klaus...the list was too long to even wrap her mind around it. She’d lose her friends, her family. The thought was crippling.
She was grateful in that moment for Stefan, for his unwavering strength. She knew he beat himself up constantly for being weak, for wanting blood, but he didn’t give himself enough credit, because he was always her strength.
Not returning his calls was one thing - Stefan was patient, she knew deep down that he was okay because he had a lifetime to find her again.
But dying? She wondered if he’d be strong enough. If she could do that to him.
She pulled air into her lungs, holding onto it for a moment, before exhaling shakily. She knew what she had to do, and she would do it, come hell or high water.
She pulled back from him, wiping at her tears. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said.
She shook her head. “No, Stefan, I’m sorry. I owed you more than silence, I shouldn’t have disappeared like that.”
He smiled sadly at her, and she knew he was hiding the pain he had felt when she left them without a word. “Y/N, being a vampire - it’s difficult. Everyday is a battle to fight off the craving. We feel everything. Anger becomes rage, when you’re sad you’re in despair. Every single day I fight to not just turn it all off, but I hold on because…”
“Because you can’t be a ripper again,” she whispered.
He nodded, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight. “I don’t want that life for you. I never did. I would have let you go.”
She teared up again, remembering the calls and texts that had gone unanswered. Remembering staying one step ahead as her friend spent weeks trying to track her down. How she had known he had been hurting, but continued to run.
“Go talk to him,” he whispered, turning her and playfully shoving her towards the house.
She turned, walking backwards so she could face Stefan. “For what it’s worth, I really missed you.”
She found him in one of the spare rooms, thumbing through a stack of vintage vinyls. She stepped into the room hesitantly, unsure of what she could possibly say to fix the hurt she had caused him. She watched him quietly, and for a moment she wondered if it was better this way. If she had to die, maybe he’d fair better if he hated her.
She shook the thought away and stepped further into the room, deliberately making her presence known. “Damon went through a bit of a punk rock phase…” she said, nodding towards the vinyl. “Stefan had more of a classic rock vibe, I think.”
Dean hummed in acknowledgement. He held up a certified gold Bon Jovi album with a look of confusion.
She laughed. “Someday you’ll have to ask Stefan about his party days with Lexi, and his night with Bon Jovi.”
Dean’s eyes crinkled in the corners, a hint of a smile. “Who’s Lexi?” He asked conversationally.
“She was his best friend,” she smiled softly at the memory of the blonde vampire. “You would have liked her.”
“Vampire?” He asked.
She nodded.
Dean placed the vinyl back in the pile, shoving it back in it’s spot and shaking his head. “Then probably not,” he replied stiffly.
“Don’t be like that,” she sighed. “They’re not all bad.”
He scoffed. “Like Elijah? And Damon?”
There, he picked at the scab until it started to bleed, and now it was all going to rush out. “Yea,” he said, anger rising. “Anybody else you’re fucking in this house that I should add to the list?”
Even as the words left his mouth he regretted them, but as he watched her recoil at them, he felt the guilt wrap around him and the shame that flooded his veins.
So why the hell couldn’t he stop? The anger burned just underneath his skin, begging to tear its way out.
“Stefan?” He asked. “Tell me, is it just vampires? Or are you into all of the weird shit?”
The hurt in Y/N’s face twisted into rage. “First of all, I don’t owe you a single explanation about my past, but just for my own sanity, where the hell did you get the idea that I’d ever in a million years sleep with Damon?”
“Damon told me.”
“Eww! Gross, but besides the point,” she took a deep breath, an attempt at calming herself. “Look, I’m gonna give you that one free pass, because you’re hurt, and you’re obviously pissed off, and I get it…”
“You know what,” he snapped. “You’re right, you don’t owe me a damn thing. Forget it. Whatever this was,” he gestured between them. “It’s over.”
She nodded, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, focusing on the sting of her bite instead of the pain in her chest. “Yeah, you know what, I guess it is,” she snapped.
“Great,” he agreed.
When he pushed past her, she didn’t bother turning around to watch him walk away.
Dean stomped down the stairs, eager to get out of the Boarding House.
He knew he had no right to be angry. He had no claim on Y/N, they hadn’t said they were exclusive. Hell, he had slept with more than his share of women, so who was he to judge?
It wasn’t the sex.
It was Elijah, and the way he got under her skin. It was the way they looked at each other, the way that even after all this time she dreamt of him. It was the way she refused to leave his side back at the motel. How in her darkest moments, she called out for him.
She was in love with him. Worst of all, he had known it, and he has kissed her anyway.
So who was he really angry at? Y/N, or himself?
“Dean,” the refined voice stopped him in his tracks. “A word?”
Dean took a deep breath, trying to stave off the outburst at the tip of his tongue, the fist that wanted to swing. He turned to find Elijah, the last person he wanted to see.
He could tell by the Original’s posture there was no room for argument. Elijah was intent on talking whether he was willing to listen or not. Dean nodded, tight lipped and reluctant as he followed the vampire into a room off of the main hall. It was large, like the rest of the rooms in the house, the rich mahogany bringing a deep warmth into the space. A piano sat in the center of the pristine room, but if it was used, it wasn’t often.
Elijah studied Dean for a moment, and the hunter shifted, feeling instead like the prey. He puffed his chest a bit and raised his chin, locking his jaw and letting the vampire know he wasn’t afraid.
Elijah placed a hand in his pocket, relaxing his own stance a bit. “Did Y/N ever tell you the story of how she and I first met?”
Dean scoffed, turning his gaze towards the large windows for a moment. “I don’t think it ever came up,” he shot back.
“I was sent to kill her,” he stated, pulling Dean’s full attention back on him. “My family and the Salvatores were having a bit of a...spat...you could say. Niklaus needed to show Stefan that he was not playing games and Y/N was to be collateral damage in our feud.”
“So what, you saw a pretty face worth sparing?” Dean sighed.
Elijah showed a hint of a smile. “No, actually. Though her beauty was undeniable. She is quite captivating." He paused, lost in the memory of her. "It was her eyes," he continued. "She saw death at her doorstep, I held her life in my hands, one movement and it’d all be over,” he moved, gliding his hands along the piano, no longer able to meet Dean’s gaze. He still held a great deal of guilt and shame over their initial meeting.
“I’ve taken life more times than I can count, ripped it away without question. There’s a moment, before the end, where you can see everything in their eyes, just before the life is drained from them.” He paused, lost in his darkest moments. Faces in his mind that had haunted him for centuries. He cleared his throat, shaking off his demons before continuing. “Most fear it,” he explained. “They cry, or scream, beg for mercy. A few are brave…”
Dean glared at Elijah, and he wondered if it were possible to hate anyone more than he hated the man in front of him.
“Y/N was different,” he explained. “I looked in her eyes, and I didn’t see fear or acceptance. Instead I saw forgiveness...understanding, even.” He turned, facing Dean once more. “I’m aware of what I am, Dean. I’ve been lost in the blood and the chaos so long…” he trailed off. “I know what I am, and Y/N...she’s everything that is good in this world. It’s why I love her.”
Dean knew, because it was why he loved her, too.
“How she ever found it in her to love me in return, I’ll never understand,” he admitted.
“What’s your point?”
Elijah smiled sadly. “All of this to say, Y/N has a capacity for forgiveness unlike anyone I’ve ever known. You’d do well not to abuse it.”
Dean furrowed his brows.
“Our time together over the last few days,” he explained. “It was nothing more than closure for Y/N.”
“It’s none of my business,” Dean said angrily.
Elijah nodded in agreeance. “Perhaps. But I will make it a point to make it my business if you ever hurt her again,” he threatened.
Dean swallowed, nodding. He didn’t need Elijah to tell him he had acted like an ass, but he also couldn’t blame the guy for looking out for her.
If the roles were reversed, he’d do the same. *****
If Damon was surprised to see her, it didn’t show on his face. He stripped off his leather jacket, tossing it on a chair in the corner. “Well, I always knew this day would come…” he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively at Y/N, who sat on the edge of his bed. “Admit it, you couldn’t resist me anymore.”
She scoffed. “You’re so gross, Damon.”
He shrugged, not bothering to deny it. “You love it,” he winked.
“Did you tell Dean we slept together?”
Damon made a show of struggling to recall the conversation. “I may have suggested it…”
She threw a pillow at him. “Well thanks a lot, he hates me now…”
Damon rolled his eyes. “Please, he’s like a lost puppy trailing after you.”
“Damon! Why did you lie?”
He threw his arms up. “I don’t know, Y/N, I thought it’d be fun to mess with him. He’s a big boy, he’ll be fine.” He sat next to her. “Besides, what are you really doing here? I mean, I’m flattered, but I’ve moved on. You missed your chance. Elena and I are very happy…”
“Where exactly is Elena?”
“She’s on a road trip with Bonnie,” he sighed.
“So she doesn’t know about any of this?”
Damon shook his head. “Look, I don’t need to be distracted worrying about Elena, too. It’s best if she’s as far from here as possible. Bonnie, too.”
Y/N couldn’t argue, but she knew Damon would be in the dog house after this.
“So what are you doing here?” He asked again.
She swallowed, her face turning serious as she played with the leather bracelet along her wrist. “I need a favor…”
He furrowed his brows with curiosity, about to ask why she wouldn’t just go to Stefan when she pressed her finger to her lips, silencing him. She glanced toward the door, pointing in the direction of the rest of the house before gesturing toward her ear.
So it was a favor she didn’t want anyone else to overhear…
“Why don’t I drive you home?” He asked.
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
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Part 7
Elijah Mikaelson x reader/Elena Gilbert
ft Klaroline
a/n: thanks so much for reading and liking. xoxo
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tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @elejahforever @hides2000
Ten years ago
Y/N/E ran her forefinger around Elijah's face as if she wanted to capture his features exactly right so to put on a canvas later, to remember his features precisely. Slowly she neared his lips and brushing over them he placed a peck on her finger. 
"You have nearly the perfect Michaelanglian features~ " Y/N/E said gazing into his eyes. "Nearly? Ah, you're hurting my feelings.  I thought I was perfection ~ at least that's  what I saw in your eyes"- Elijah teased. "Your heart is perfection"-Y/N/E said smiling a little.
"I think you've mistaken. It is yours that is unique. There is no one like you"- he now played with a wisp of her hair.
Y/N/E rubbed his cheek with her thumb looking at him for a second seriously. For a moment he thought she was now going to slip away and call it a day and a strange feeling like cold wind walked all over his heart. Her look was the one seeing as if she was seeing a stranger in front of her.
“Elijah? Are you all right?"- she asked.
"I am fine"- he gulped a little-"I just- for a second- I had this crazy premonitions- stupid"- he neared her and kissed her.
"What was it?"- Y/N/E wanted to know.
"It's stupid"- he said-"nothing really- I don't know why I said it. The champagne probably hasn't worn off yet."
"Ok, you don't have to tell me. But you can kiss me?!"
"That I can do, but there is something I need to tell you-"
"What?"-Y/N/E said chuckling a bit. "I love you!"-he looked at her enchantingly. Y/N/E neared him and pulled him into a kiss, which very much confirmed the same sentiment.         
      Present, Morning
Y/N/E watched Elijah sleep. He was so very relaxed and at peace. After a year of fragmented sleep, he could finally float away serenely. This man was her husband, she passed the thought and they had this amazing history as she was told by all their friends and family, but no memory of their life was coming back to her. And she wondered if everything was really so perfect as everyone said they were. Could things really be so divine? Doubt was worming inside of her. She shook her head to toss the bad thoughts away now. The way he kisses her, the way he made love to her last night, told her of his genuine affection for her. All of their photos taken on their trips away show happiness, so why is this odd feeling creeping inside her like a mean demon. To break away from it, she now got up and took her sketchbook. She sized him up with the pencil and started drawing. 
Half way through she stretched her leg and her foot touched his. This now made he move, opening his eyes.
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"Don't move"- Y/N/E said-"I am not done yet"
"Done?"- he rubbed his eyes now. 
"Nevermind"- she put the sketchbook aside saying-"morning- the way you slept hugging that pillow- just got the urge to draw you"
"Show me"- he sat up now.
Y/N/E passed the sketchbook and Elijah complimented her- "wow - it's like you took a photograph-the way drawing  comes so natural to you- Once you said I was - your muse."
"Did I?"- she asked.
"Yeah.”- Elijah muttered.
“I don’t see any drawings or anything of you-”
”You said that I give you all the creative juices - inspiration. I could never understand how -- Elijah said now yawning a little- "you let me sleep long again."
"It's obvious that you need the sleep. And it is ok. Bonnie said that sleep helped me."- Y/N/E said.
"I love you awake"- he now moved to her and caressed her face taking her hand. brining it to his lips and kissed it. Y/N/E smiled and now leaned  forward to him and kissed him. He now tumbled on his back. Holding her dearly now, as they parted from the kiss, Y/N/E said lovingly-
“Last night - was so - good. More- I definitely know now I married you- though I don’t remember what it was like with any other of my ex-s- and I don’t care”
Elijah brushed his hands through her hair and smiled, and said in a joking tone - “I can’t believe I would say this, but I am glad you can’t remember”
“I so remember last night and - I so want to repeat it”
“You do?”- Elijah chuckled.
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Pic by Vermariess
He now pulled her to him, and kissed her, their lips fitting like two pieces of puzzle. Her body melted into his. And it was like she was walking through fiery air. It was the same for him. He wanted nothing more, but to feel her perfect softness. In moments the soft caresses became more urgent, he savoured her lips. The quickening of her breath matched his own, as she now lowered herself onto him, both moving in sync, enveloped in the blissful haze of passion seeping all over them. And it felt like they connected fully. There was intimacy between them like nothing ever happened and their life was back on track. But deep down he remained unsettled.
Later that day
Elijah walked in ‘Daniel’s’ and as he sat down at the bar, he ordered a Bourbon, now flashing back to the session with his therapist earlier.
"We get along. And making love to her was amazing, like it has always been. We talk about things like we have always done. Y/N/E had always spoke her mind. Directly, and that was one of so many things about her that made me fall in love with her. So, why do I have this stupid feeling like she is not Y/NE at times, but -"
"What?"- Camille asked.
"I shouldn't feel this way and I don't know why I do- after everything we have been through-"- Elijah paused and Camille let him take as long as he needed to voice out what had troubled him. Elijah sighed-"like she is some - other woman-"
"Doppelganger?"- Camille suggested.
"Yes. Everything is the same, but yet it is not. And it is so stupid of me to feel this way. I love her."- Elijah said.
"You feel disconnection because she cannot remember?!"
Elijah nodded slightly- "I guess - yes. I think so."
Kol, who now came in, broke his thoughts.
“Ready for the ‘Lockwood Ball’?”- Kol asked as he sat on the bar stool.
“Yeah. You?”
“I don’t fancy going.”- Kol said.
“But Sophie does?!”- Elijah now said.
“Well, yeah. It’s a good cause and- you know.”- Kol now took a sip of the Bourbon he was served.
“What’s up with you? Last night was so good. I haven’t laughed like that for ages.”
“Nothing. It’s good. More than good. Y/N/E and I - well - we - “
“You  did? Ah, great man! I knew you would find your way back to one another. Like Rebekah said - you got the love of all times. So happy for you brother. This causes for more celebration.”- Kol was genuinely happy for his brother. 
Elijah thanked him and they now greeted Klaus, who waved at them as he got in the bar.
Y/N/E walked into the Salvatore clinic, and Bonnie greeted her as they met in front of Stefan's office. 
"How are you?"- Bonnie asked.
"Good. Even though I have not made much progress with remembering anything, but I can speak and write perfectly, even draw."- Y/NE said.
"I am glad to hear it."- Bonnie said.
"And- since you are not my therapist anymore, I would like to ask you if you and your husband would like to have dinner with us, whenever it suits you?"- Y/N/E said.
"I would like that"- Bonnie said. 
"Great. I will call you then."- Y/N/E was happy. 
Stefan's assistant now got out telling Y/N/E that she could come in, as the other session had finished. Y/N/E walked in and forty minutes of mnemonic memory methods.
After the session Rebekah picked Y/N/E up, calling Sophie on the way to meet for a bite to eat.
"Can't wait to meet Caroline Forbes tomorrow, finally."- Rebekah said.
"So, she said yes to the invitation?!"- Y/N/E asked.
"This is one of the few most important events of the year, and it's a plus being there and as a news anchor that had just started work- this is a jump for her that she is not even aware of"- Rebekah said.
Rebekah now looked at Y/N/E like - you're pulling my leg- and then said -"Well, I forget that you never really cared for the Ball thing, but the charity part of it"
"Elijah doesn't really want to go"- Y/N/E said.
"Ahm- did he say so? The other day he was fine with it?! He told mother he will be there."- Rebekah said.
"He didn't really say it, but I can feel it that he wasn't really into going. Probably because of me"- Y/N/E said.
"Most probably because of all those people there- they will gossip about us anyway. And we have always been the case with us. It has never bothered you. You were always strong minded, Y/N/E and so was he."- Rebekah said.
They arrived to the restaurant where Sophie was waiting for them and they now continued talking about the dresses and the masks as the Ball had the Phantom of the Opera theme.
In Caroline's wardrobe
"You had a package delivered"- her assistant informed Caroline. 
"Thanks"- Caroline replied trailing off to her wardrobe. She was not expecting anything particular and now took the card. It was soon clear that it was from Klaus.
Save me a dance. Fondly, Klaus- the card said.      
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         She opened it and then closed it. She had never seen such exquisite dress. She opened it again and gently took it out of the box. These were real jewels on the dress. She felt it was too much. She had barely known him and him sending such an extravagant present was out of order. She picked up her phone and dialed his number.
"And how are you today, Ms Forbes?"- Klaus chucked a bit.
"I am afraid I cannot accept your gift. What do you think that I can't buy a designer dress?!-"- Caroline said.
"I am sure you can, but this one was custom made for you."- Klaus continued.
"You treated for a great night out the other day showing me the best of NOLA- so it is only right for me to return the gesture"- Klaus said-"pick you up at, shall we say around eight"
"You never take a no for an answer"- Caroline said.
"Very seldom."- Klaus said confidently-"I will see you tomorrow"
"Yes, I guess"- Caroline said hanging up in the process. 
She took the dress and went to see what it would look like on her. It looked gorgeous. Her assistant had the same to say as she walked in letting her know she should be getting ready for the interview she was doing.
A week or so later
And so everything was set for the Masked Ball. Rebekah had come to see how Y/N/Ea and Elijah were doing before she had to whiz away as she was in the organizing committee.
"It will be good."- Rebekah said-"and don't forget your masks. This will be a great night."
Y/N/E was buzzing, telling Rebekah that she will make sure Elijah gets in better mood.
"He has always hated these things"- Rebekah said-"but this is an important cause"
"I have a feeling of a deja-vu"- Y/N/E said and now both Rebekah and Elijah jumped astonishingly thinking she had remembered something.
"No. It's just a saying, isn't it?"-Y/N/E said.
"Yes"- Rebekah muttered and then gave them a few more instructions and left.
Y/N/E got a call from Vicky and she went out of the living room to talk to her. Elijah left to shower and get dressed. 
"Oh, I am excited about the Ball. It will be like watching a theater performance, I am sure."- Y/N/E told Vicky.
"Just dance and have fun."- Vicky said-"Tell me it was Rebekah's idea to choose Phantom of the Opera?"
"Yeah. Watched the film. And, you know, I wish Christine actually chose the monster."- Y/N/E said-"strangely in the night I had a dream it was me and Elijah, but he was a vampire. I don't get where that came from."
"You two went on a masked Ball before. He went as a vampire."- Vicky said.
"And me?"- Y/N/E asked.
"Just a girl. Not much different from Christine from the Phantom"- Vicky said-"But- hey, if you had that dream- maybe something is kicking in? You said you had no dreams?"
"I have, lately. But- it is nothing particular."- Y/N/E said. Elijah now walked in the bedroom letting her know that soon they would have to go so Y/N/E told Vicky that she will let her know how it was the next day.
"Ok. Have fun."- Vicky said and hung up. 
Y/N/E went to get ready. 
By the time they arrived, everyone was already there. It was extraordinary as it looked like a special multimedia event. 
Rebekah went to all of her family to greet them as they were now all complete, looking at Caroline sizing her up. 
"My sister, Rebekah- but since she made a special entrance, I guess she doesn't need special introduction."- Klaus said to Caroline.
"Love the dress"- Rebekah said to Caroline and whizzed away.
"Arrogant much"- Caroline muttered.
Sophie now added-"That was a compliment. Trust me, that meant she likes you- a lot"
Caroline was now introduced to Y/N/E and Elijah by Klaus. 
"Watch your show every day"- Y/N/E said-"you really are sharp"
"Thank you. Y/N/E, was it?"- Caroline said.
"Yes. Y/N/E, that’s me. Feel still quite strange that it is my name.”
"Sorry- way too many people to remember at once. It feels a bit too much"- Caroline admitted.
"Tell me about it. Once I used to know everyone here- well, nearly everyone- but now have to learn who is who myself"- Y/N/E joked a little.
Caroline was told about Y/N/E and her memory loss, and now seeing the way she was free spirited, she immediately took to her.
"Great. Doesn't make me feel like I have come from a galaxy far away and look like an alien"- Caroline said.
Klaus now apologized for interrupting, but he had to whisk Caroline away. 
They were now all asked to participated in the  first dance. Elijah now put his hand out and Y/N/E followed him to the center of the vast room. 
  My eyes adored you Though I never laid a hand on you My eyes adored you Like a million miles away From me you couldn't see How I adored you So close, so close And yet so far away  
In the background they played the videos made from the Phantom of the Opera. Y/N/E looked at Elijah as if she was seeing a ghost. He noticed it and immediately asked her if she was fine. 
"This song..."- she then said.
"What about it?"
"I don't know- but- it is so familiar."
"Are you ok?"- Elijah asked as they danced to the song.
"Yes. I guess I must have heard it the other day when Rebekah played different songs"
Flashback - ten years ago
Elena walked in her apartment and put her favourite CD with mixed songs on.
"My eyes adored you"- she sang along- thinking of Elijah and the night they spent together smiling.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by anon) Kai Parker x Reader word count : 4 101 warning : smut summary : Kai meets Reader at the Salvatore house and teases her with magic. *gif by christophwood ____________________________ Ever since Kai turned into a heretic , Damon and his friends made it their mission to keep an eye out of him and keep him busy so he doesn’t kill anyone. Weirdly none of them seemed to even consider that maybe he was changing and that now with his coven was gone there wouldn’t be any reason for him to snap. When they asked him to come over that day he had no idea the day was going to be full of surprises for him. To Kai spending the day at the Salvatore’s with Damon and everyone else (except for Bonnie who still couldn’t stand to be anywhere near him) had seemed like the most annoying thing in the world. They kept eyeing  him, following his movements around the room while he looked around , wondering if he’d give them the slip. There were so many things there , he couldn’t help but want to check out every single one of them. It appeared that over the decades , the Salvatore’s had gathered quite an impressive collection of all sorts of trinkets.     “Put that down creeper.” said Damon , taking a sip of his bourbon seeing Kai holding one of the old vases. “If you break it , I will break you.”     “Always so hostile , Damon. Why is that ? Has Elena stopped letting you — tsk tsk , you know.” said Kai wiggling his brows. “Cuz that would definitely do it , or maybe its just who you are. I still can’t figure out which one is it. Or what Elena sees in you. Stefan is so much better than -” Damon held onto his glass so hard , the glass smashed in his hands sending shards everywhere. Elena ducked to try and avoid getting pieces of it in her body , rolling her eyes before pulling Damon down on the sofa with her to keep him from killing Kai.     “Owh , did I struck a nerve ?”     “Ignore him.” said Elena quietly , rubbing Damon’s forearm. The young heretic kept walking around the room under the stare of the couple , slowly making his way to the hallway , checking out the paintings when the front door opened and someone he had never seen before in his life walked inside the house and bumped into him almost knocking him down.     “Watch where you are —” started Kai , freezing on the spot. “Oh hello.” Kai checked out the knew comer from head to toe,  twice - the girl looked around his age , wearing short shorts , a plain white top with her hair made in waves. He was surprised to figure out she was a human since there weren’t that many humans left in the Mystic Falls gang. He wondered who she is. One thing Kai knew for sure - the girl stole his breath away and he wanted her to like him and be his friend or more maybe than a friend. So far he hadn’t managed to screw anything up with her , so maybe there was a chance for at least one of those things to happen.     “Sorry.” she smiled nervously , taking a step backwards.     “No harm done.” he smiled , unable to look away. “Wow you are like really pretty. How don’t I know who you are?”     “I um — W-who are you again?”     “Oh right sorry , manners. I’m Kai.” said Kai grinning at her , nervously running his fingers through his hair before shaking her hand, holding onto it a few seconds too long.     “Step away from the human.” said Damon , getting up from the sofa to welcome his friend. “Welcome home troublemaker. Had a good year at NYU?” Kai couldn’t take his eyes off the new girl and she appeared to have the same problem , glancing at Damon only for a few seconds. He could hear her heart racing and  her breathing becoming uneven. Damon gave Y/N an awkward one arm hug , messing up her hair right after until she slapped his hand away.     “NYU was — fun , I guess though nowhere near as fun as hanging out here…apparently.” she said , running her fingers through her hair trying to fix the mess her friend had made.     “I am just trying to get to know your friend , thats all. Why ? Does she have a boyfriend or something ?” wondered Kai , not taking his eyes off her. Thinking  this girl might belong to someone else but him made him feel weird. “You still haven’t told me your name.”     “Sorry — I’m Y/N and no , I d-don’t have a boyfriend.” said Y/N smiling nervously. Elena wrapped her hands around her pulling her into a hug. “You never said he was that hot.” she whispered to her friend.     “You think I’m hot ?” said Kai with an smile on his face,  taking a step towards her until Damon pulled him away. He glanced at the vampire , pushing him off. “Oh stop it with the over protective stuff. I am not going to hurt her. I think she likes me , it would be a shame if I don’t get to know her at least. What do you say? Do you want to spend the rest of the day with the most dangerous heretic ?” Damon groaned and Kai ignored him , taking another step towards Y/N. He could hear her heart beating so fast, as if trying to leap out of her chest the closer to her he got. Something told him it wasn’t fear that was causing her reaction.     “I promise you , whatever they have told you about me - they’ve over reacted.” said Kai , snaking his hand around her waist and walking her to the sofa.     “Yeah because what you did at the wedding was a walk in the park.” said Damon , but Kai ignored him completely. All his attention was on Y/N.     “Who knows , maybe you will see the good in me.” he smiled lightly brushing his fingers against her cheek for a moment. “Hey do you have twitter ? You should follow me - cobrakai1972. You know , like Karate Kid? ” Y/N felt a tingly feeling spread from her stomach through her body the second Kai touched her. He didn’t seem evil like her friends had told her , he just seemed — like he wanted someone to talk to. There was no denying he was smocking hot and somehow in their first few moments together he had stirred something inside her , something she hadn’t felt since her boyfriend Kol. No way she’d hate Kai , ever. It was already too late for that.     “Um … I don’t believe I’m familiar with that movie.” she laughed nervously.     “OH then maybe we can watch it together like — you know, on a date?” he asked raising his brows for a moment just as they sat together on the sofa.     “Wait – we just met and you are asking me out already ?”     “Yeah , why ? Is that odd ? Sorry , I’m a little rusty on my social skills. You know , magical timeout and all.” he smiled nervously. Y/N turned towards her friends raising her brows as if to say ‘Thats the super dangerous person you told me about ?’. Kai had a danger vibe around him , yes , but he didn’t seem as dangerous as her friends had made him out to be. He seemed nice and cuddly with eyes that could melt any girl’s heart. Like they already had started melting hers.     “You two are full of surprises , aren’t you ?” she wondered turning towards her friends. “So where are my welcome home cupcakes with those red sprinkles on top ? I thought you said there would be cupcakes.”     “You like cupcakes too ? Awesome ! Ch-cholate ones right ?” Y/N glanced at Kai and then at her friends and then at Kai again , slowly starting to piece things together. Were they trying to make up for killing Kol with the white oak stake to get the stupid cure ? Sure they hadn’t known about her and the original vampire back then but it still hurt like hell. A nervous smile showed on her face and she ran her fingers through her hair.     “Yeah …. with chocolate frosting and melted chocolate on the inside.” Kai grinned rubbing his hands excitedly. “OH those are the best. I love you already.”     “S-sorry what?” said Y/N blinking a few times really fast.     “What ?”     “You said ‘love’.”     “No , I didn’t. I said ‘like’.”     “Ohh-kay.” she said clearly remembering him saying ‘love’.     “You like cupcakes and you are talking to me without that judgy look in your eyes all your annoying friends get whenever I am around.” said Kai sincerely. “How can I not like you ?” Kai grinned at her , pinching her cheek.     “Don’t – don’t do that.”     “Why ? Is it annoying you?” he said pinching her cheek again as she tried to swat his hand away. “You missed.” Y/N started laughing , even more seeing Elena and Damon’s expressions. They were looking at them with a look of disbelief , suspicion , surprise as if Y/N had gone crazy and like Kai had done something evil instead of being all cute. 'What?’ she mouthed. 'He is smoking hot –’     “Alright thats - that’s enough. If you two keep it up like that I will need  a lot more of this.” said Damon shaking his empty glass in his hands , moments before he poured himself another glass with bourbon. Kai raised his hands in defence. “Fine , I’ll stop talking.”     “Yeah , as if thats going to happen.” muttered Elena sitting on the other sofa , reaching for Damon’s glass and gulping it at once. “Sorry , you might need to get yourself another one.” ABOUT 20 MINUTES LATER Kai had stopped talking , mostly because he couldn’t figure out what to say to Y/N to get her to get out with him. He was starting to get worried something had gone seriously wrong with him because not once in his life he had felt that way. Why were his palms so sweaty and why was his heart doing those weird flips? How it was that he couldn’t focus on anything else but her in that moment ? Y/N kept glancing at Kai noticing how he hadn’t taken his eyes off her , studying her face with curiosity in his blue eyes. Was she imagining it or was he moving closer to her ? Kai pressed his lips together for a moment , lightly licking his lower lip with a low 'hmmmm’ following afterwards. Damn thats hot. she thought unable to look away from him. A few minutes later Stefan and Caroline arrived at the house with the cupcakes her friends had promised her when they called two days ago. Stefan said something to her but she could barely see or even hear him. All her focus was on Kai and how in this moment his fingertips were grazing across her arm slowly sending chills all over her body. Y/N swatted his hand away but he didn’t give up. No matter how hard she tried to focus on reality it wasn’t possible , not with her new blue eyed friend doing all of this.     “Oh just get it out of your system and kiss. I can’t stand the thought of an evening with the two you and that tension.” said Damon suddenly. Y/N and Kai turned towards him. The young heretic was grinning and she was looking at her friend with a mix of shock and surprise in her wide eyes. Only half an hour ago he had practically tried to drag Kai away from her and now he was suggesting they make out. What ?!     “I – I don’t want to kiss him. Why w-would I want to kiss him ?” she stuttered. “T-this is ridiculous.” Kai put his arm around her shoulder pulling her towards him , sending electricity through her veins.     “Oh sure you do , sweetheart.” grinned Kai placing his other hand on her stomach. “Owwh listen to that heart beat - racing so fast , so strong. Hmmm…” Kai leaned in towards her brushing his nose against her cheek slowly moving it towards her neck while snaking his other hand on her stomach , getting her to lose it completely. Y/N’s eyes fluttered closed for a second and glanced at Damon then at Kai , pushing his hands away getting up quickly.     “I’ll be right back.” Y/N almost ran to the kitchen to get something cold to drink and find a way to cool down. Kai’s touch and just his presence had sent so many butterflies in her stomach she was 100% sure somehow they’d burst out of her. A few minutes later she had poured herself a glass with her favourite lemon / ginger ice tea and had leaned against the kitchen counter , taking a sip. Her eyes closed and she threw her head back for a moment letting out a small moan.     “Oh that felt good.” she muttered to herself.     “So hot moaning like that…” said a male voice , sounding way too close. When her eyes opened Kai was standing right in front of her , so close his body was almost pressing against hers. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her towards him leaning in towards her. His eyes kept darting between hers and her lips , his breath lightly hitting her face.     “Kai – what are you doing ?”  she wondered trying to find a way to pull herself away from him. No way she’d kiss him. No way she’d let him kiss her either no matter how much she wanted to. Luckily for her his grip wasn’t to strong and she pushed him away. Kai grinned at her , reaching for one of the cupcakes on the counter swiping some of the frosting with his finger and licking it clean right after. Y/N’s eyes widened and she tried very very hard to push away all those thoughts , but instead of helping he pushed it even further - licking some of the frosting from the cupcake with his tongue without taking his eyes off her.     “MMmmmhmmm those are delicious. You should try them , here.” he swiped some of the frosting and held out his finger for her. “Come on , you know you want to. Plus how can you say 'no’ to chocolate cupcakes.” Y/N gripped his wrist and pushed his hand away. “I um …no , t-thanks.” Quickly she turned around walking out of the kitchen when barely a few steps away from the door , Kai caught up with her and without saying a word backed her against the wall , pinned her hands over her head and kissed her as if his life depended on it. Then as if nothing had happened he walked on his way to the living room leaving her breathless with her heart pounding so fast , even she could hear it. Y/N walked to the sofa , clearing her throat and lightly scratching her head. Kai poured two drinks - handing one of them to her.     “T-thanks.” she smiled nervously unable to stop thinking about that kiss. Kai had sneaked up on her pushing her buttons so hard they were stuck and now all she could think about was him. Even more than before. How did he even do that ?     “Go out with me.” he asked suddenly.     “I barely know you. Why would I go out with you ?”     "Thats why I want you to go out with me. To get to know each other. Isn’t that obvious or do kids do it differently those days? Tell you what. If by the end of the night I haven’t convinced you, I’ll let it go.”     "Just like that ?”     "Just like that.” he said raising his hands in surrender and then something flashed in them for a split second. “But you will go out with me. I know you will.”     "Cocky much?”     "Alright you two , break it up - my ears are bleeding.” said Damon sitting between Y/N and Kai. “Y/N is the smartest person here. She is not going to go out with you -”     "We’ll see about that.” said Kai with a smug smirk on his face.  _______________________ The evening dragged itself on. Eventually everyone stopped eyeing them and she relaxed a bit. Kai had cooled it down with the teasing but just as she thought he might’ve given up on that idea something happened. All of the sudden she felt as if someone was touching her way down there. Y/N glanced at her lap but there was nothing there. For a moment she thought it had been her imagination and pushed the thought away.Then it happened again only this time there was a little more pressure and it felt as if someone was drawing circles her clit and a quiet moan left her lips before she had had the time to stop herself.     "Are you okay ?” asked Kai innocently , placing his hand on her hip very slightly moving it. “Do you need water or something ?” Y/N turned towards him seeing the devilish spark in his eyes for a second and thats how she knew - whatever was happening , it was him. He was somehow responsible.  Damon glanced at her then at Kai , grabbing the heretic’s hand and droppingit on Kai’s lap with a smirk on his face.     "No , I’m g-good. Thanks.” she muttered with a small smile , shooting him a warning look. How can he do that , specially with Damon sitting between them?! Kai grinned at her and took a sip of his drink when all of the sudden her legs parted slightly and an invisible finger entered her ,making her moan a little louder. Damon turned towards her straight away while everyone else glanced at her and she started coughing to try and cover it up.     "S-sorry , it went down the wrong p-pipe.”     "Go out with me.” whispered Kai leaning over behind Damon’s back.     "No.” she whispered through gritted teeth , feeling the invisible finger getting joined by another. Y/N gasped , starting to clear her throat to cover it up feeling them curl around pumping in and out of her slowly picking up the pace. Quiet whimpers kept escaping her lips no matter how much she tried to muffle them. Y/N balled her hands into fists , her nails digging in her palm almost drawing blood while she tried not to moan every time Kai’s magic fingers curled inside her. A couple of times she shifted on her seat , even tried pushing her legs together but none of it seemed to work.The girl was sure if she says something her friends would intervene but — she didn’t want them to. Y/N had no idea how her new friend was doing this but she enjoyed every second of it.     "Ahhh that’s some really good bourbon.” muttered Kai , taking a sip looking around the room innocently while he continued teasing her with magic. Her skin felt on fire and the more she tried not to moan the worse things got. It was as if Kai wanted her to moan and his fingers picked up the pace even more. Y/N rested her back against the sofa digging her nails in the cushions. For a second she glanced at Kai and could see devils dancing in his eyes , turning her on even more. Another curl of his fingers later her back arched off the sofa and a quiet moan left her lips. Kai turned towards her grinning , his fingers slowly picking up the pace while an invisible thumb rubbed her clit. Y/N’s cheeks had flushed , her eyes kept fluttering closed and the way Kai kept looking at her with innocent eyes as if there is nothing he had done was just too much.     “I freaking hate you.” she whispered through gritted teeth.     “What did I do ?” wondered Damon. Y/N grabbed his glass with bourbon and gulped it all at once.     “Woawh…” said Kai with an amused look in his face. Kai continued teasing her , pumping his fingers deep inside her curling them around ,watching her squirm and try not to moan failing almost every time. Luckily her friends had started laughing about something and didn’t hear her whimper or see her legs shake as she came. Her thoughts were a mess , her skin was on fire and the lingering feeling of Kai’s lips on hers was driving her completely nuts. All she could think about was how much she wanted him. There was one thing left to do. Y/N turned towards him with an innocent smile on her face.     “Kai?”     "Yes , Y/N ?”     "Will you come help me with the um - “     ”-cupcakes?”     “Yeah … lets go with that.” she muttered , getting off the sofa with Kai on her tail. Y/N’s legs felt like jelly and she tried to hide it while walking out of the living room and into the hallway , turning right instead of left , heading towards the cellar. Kai caught up with her at the stairs pinning her against the wall not waiting a second before smashing his lips against hers. Their lips moved hungrily together as if trying to swallow each other. He took her hands by the wrists and pinned them over her head , pressing his body against hers ,pushing his crotch against hers making her moan into the kiss.     "Go out with me.” he asked again gazing longingly into her eyes. Y/N shook her head , wounding one of her legs  around his waist. A smug smirk showing on his face pushing against her again , resting his forehead on hers. Kai started saying something but she shushed him. ‘They are listening.’ she mouthed. ‘I dont care. I want you and I always get what I want.’ he mouthed back , slipping his hand in her jeans and under her panties until his fingers reached her clit. His lips formed a small letter ‘oh’ realising her panties were pooling with arousal.     "Someone had fun.” he whispered as quietly as possible. “I wonder what you taste like ? Hmmm … ” Y/N s eyes widened knowing her friends are upstairs listening in. What if one of them comes looking for them ? A devilish spark flashed in Kai’s eyes and his lips smashed against hers drowning out her moans while his long fingers pushed inside her to the last knuckle curling around , pumping inside her a couple of time. Each curl made her back arch off the wall and her hips kept pushing down on his fingers wanting him to go deeper. Y/N tried hard not to groan in frustration when his fingers pulled out. She had thought teasing her with magic had felt good but that felt magnified to the max. Kai brought his fingers to his lips , moaning as he cleaned his fingers as if her juices are the most delicious treat there is.     ”So delicious.“ he moaned , leaning to whispering her ear. "And so tight around my fingers. It will feel so nice stretching you out.” Y/N’s eyes widened and she slipped down the wall for a moment just thinking about what would happen next but he held her steady. However on fire she had felt upstairs , in that moment she was burning up.     “Mmmmhmm … So , what do you say sweet cheeks ?” he whispered in her ear. “ Will you go out with me?” he asked again loosening the grip on her hands.     “When?”     “Tomorrow ?” Y/N hooked one of her hands around his neck , slipping her other down between their bodies pushing its way in his jeans , palming him through his briefs. “Only if we get out of the house in the next 15 seconds.”     “Is that a challenge?”     “12 seconds –” Kai grabbed her , whooshing them upstairs and through the door before anyone had had the chance to see them , though the sound of the door closing shut with a loud bang got all her friend’s attention.     “Pay up brother.” said Damon with a smug smirk. “Told you they wouldn’t be able to resist each other.” ______________________ MASTERLIST - SMUT MASTERLIST - FLUFF
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quotesofaprincess · 7 years
Nothing's good in love, war, and.... Sibling hood?
Salvatore sister imagine
When life goes wrong what do normal people do? Do they cry? Try and find the normal that makes life better? Well you weren’t normal. When life got scary most of the time you packed your bags and ran,but this time it wasn’t an option. You had to much to loose. For someone who hadn’t seen her family for over 20 years and being someone who just got them back leaving wasn’t an option when your brothers were in the mix. Stefan and Damon Salvatore always doomed to repeat the past no matter how much, you, their sister y/n salvatore tried to prevent the inevitable. So when the news of Klaus drifted through mystic falls and sent a small shiver down your spine and no matter how much you disliked the doppelganger you stayed. Family meant something to you even if you had left your brothers high and dry after finding out something you didn’t like. Family was a bond you would never break even if your brothers seemed to break it every chance they got. Damon and you were only two years apart and being only a little younger he definitely was your favorite brother although at times you chose Stefan’s side most of the time you and Damon had the same mind set on things. Which is how you ended up in the boarding house while Elena sat curled up on the chair in the parlor room crying like a baby with Stefan comforting her. She jumped to her feet has soon as she saw Damon and you enter. Her face scrunched in anger and you laughed. Stefan gave you a disapproving look but you didn’t care. “Where is she! Where is she Damon?” “Stefan will you calm your girlfriend down please?” “No you don’t get to do that. You knew didn’t you.” “I know a lot of things Elena you’re going to have to be more specific.” Damon smirked at your answer and you saw Elena grow even angrier and you knew if she did something that you didn’t like you would snap. “You knew that if Bonnie used to much power it would kill her.” “Yes I knew.” Elena raised her palm like she was going to hit Damon but I death gripped her wrist and listened has her heart jumped a few beats out of fear. “Listen here doppelious just becuase my brothers like you doesn’t mean I have to. Bonnie had to die. Klaus had to think she died it had to be believable.” “What are you saying?” “Bonnie cast a spell she is alive.” A smile stretched on her face but you stopped her from leaving just yet. “Do not try and hit either of my brothers again, got it?” She nodded and scurried away from you slightly. You couldn’t stand the doppelgangers that got in the way of your siblings. No matter if Elena wasn’t as manipulative she was still driving a wedge and that wedge had extended to you. Bonnie and Elena were Skyping and after that finished she said her apologies to damon. Oh love what a waste it has always been. When Elena left your brothers came down stairs and looked at you drinking your bourbon on the couch. “You can’t do that y/n.” Asking the silent question with your eyes at Stefan’s statement he answered you. “You scared Elena half to death.” “Does it look like I care Stefan? The both of you can worship the ground she walks on but I won’t.” “What are you jealous? Not getting as much attention as you did back when were human are you sister?” Damon had said it and that was something you couldn’t believe. Damon was your best friend growing up. The only person you ever really trusted. The only person that ever really mattered to you after what Stefan did. The heat of the fireplace was staring to get to your eyes has you stared at it watching the flames dance something unfamiliar and uninviting. “Is she all either of you think about? Am I not allowed to have an opinion of my own?” “Of course you are y/n b-” “Good great then here is my opinion. I hate both of them Elena and Katherine. Elena might not be as manipulative and slutty has Katherine but it’s the same end result you guys are fighting! We haven’t had a decent moment since we were human and honestly this ‘family’ makes me sick. I know about how you guys told Katherine you didn’t want me turned into a vampire. What didn’t want me tagging along and ruining your plans? I’m sick and tired of the blows and the hate and I’m tired of never being able to say what I think or how I feel. But most of all I’m tired of the fact that girlfriends seem to mean more to the both of you than family ever will.” ​ The words felt bitter and so did the bourbon you were drinking. “Yup I was right your jealous. Poor y/n she isn’t as important as Elena she is going to through some hissy fit. Well stop it’s not attractive on a women your age.” “I’m not jealous. I’m done.” Done with trying to make your family work. Done with feeling like you had to go along with what your brothers wanted from you and never want anything for yourself. You were done with not feeling like part of a family. You were done with Damon’s insults. You were done with Stefan’s constant judgement and disapproving. Most of all you were done with how pathetic you were being. They never listened to you and they hadn’t in awhile so what’s the point? The glass made a loud sound over the drowning silence In the Salvatore house. The house of a broken family. Stefan and Damon didn’t think you were being serious I mean come on. This was there sister. The girl who always fixed there messes. The one who always stopped every fight. The one who stepped in on even the hint of danger. The girl who fights for there family every chance she got. No way she was done. Her brothers watched her leave to her bedroom that was next to Damon’s and two down from Stefan’s and the door shut loudly. Both of them lost in there own thoughts. Both thinking everything will be okay tomorrow.
But it wasn’t. Klaus had revealed his true face. The sacrifice was really going to happen. So of course they went straight to the boarding house figuring out plans. “Y/n! Y/n! Where are you?” Stefan shrugged almost as if to say guess she isn’t home and him and Damon carried on with there plans. Which happened to fall through like always. Elijah had been undaggered by Elena and been invited inside. Damon was pissed that was an understatement. It had been two days since their sisters little speech and no one had seen her since. That was until she causally walked downstairs as all of them and the original discussed there plan to take down Klaus. “Hello Elijah.” The original kissed my sister’s hand has a sign of greeting and she smiled but rolled her eyes. “I didn’t think you were here.” A teasing smile painted your lips as you ignored the other three in the room. “Where have you been? Stefan and I have been trying to tell you about Klaus!” “I already know. I’ve been In my room the while time Damon.” Her brothers face held surprise. You never called Damon by his full name always the nickname you gave him as a child. “If you’ve been here the whole time then why didn’t you I don’t know help!” “I told you I was done. I was not lying.” “Are you talking about the spat we had? It’s cool we are over it.” “Uh good for you Stefan way to forgive and forget. I on the other hand don’t forget anything and haven’t really seen any signs that either of you deserve my forgiveness.” “I heard about your guys fight. It doesn’t seem like Stefan and Damon are in the wrong here.” “Of course you’d say that. Don’t you think your opinion is a little biased though? You are in love with them both after all.” Despite the fact you said you were done with your brothers. You still loved them so you couldn’t exactly act out the images of Elena’s dead body that entered your mind. Both brothers did not quite understand how hurt their sister really was. How the pain of never feeling like part of the family anymore had always struck a cord. Never feeling like she even had a family to go to was even worse. You left the house and sat at your old crumpled down house you use to play football by with your brothers. The brothers you no longer had. Everything was different and you hated it. Sobs racked your body and they were almost causing you physical pain and it was so loud you didn’t hear the footsteps coming your way. “Are you okay, love?” Startled a bit you looked up and your eyes met the face of an attractive man with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. “I’m fine.” “You don’t sound fine.” His accent gave him away and you knew who he was, but at this point you didn’t care. “My brothers… You trailed off slightly "My brothers and I have got into a fight.” “Do you want to tell me about it? I assure you the fight can’t be any worse than me and my siblings.” You laughed at that but only a small one. “All my life they were my best friends. They were everything to me. We were inseparable. I tried so hard to keep it that way, but both of them just keep letting girls get in the way and then they start fighting. So of course I’m there to stop the fighting. Yet them fighting because of being in love with one stupid girl causes me to get angry but I’m not allowed to get angry. I’m not allowed to be mad at this girl for tearing my family apart. I’m not allowed to feel like my brothers don’t love me anymore. I’m not allowed to feel lonely!” Apartly you weren’t a lot of things these days. “I’m Klaus.” “I know. I knew who you were the second you spoke. The accent gives it aways. I’m y/n salvatore. I’m sure you’ve heard of my brothers.”
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Sacrificed - 20
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Pairing: Nik x Cassie
Warnings: angst, drinking, magic
ELIJAH’S FACE WAS PINCHED with concern. “Perhaps we should go, Cassie.” I could tell he wanted to talk to me. At least he was courteous enough to stay out of my head while I was upset.
I looked at him then shot my eyes to Damon. “Bourbon?”
He nodded and poured the drink without question. I noticed Elijah glance at his watch and frown. He obviously did not approve of my day drinking.
“If you have somewhere to be, Elijah, you can leave. I can find my own way home.”
“Yeah. I can take care of Grimes here,” Damon said.
Are you certain? he asked.
I nodded. I needed to be somewhere there were no reminders of Nik right now and home was full of them. Elijah bade his farewells and left with a last look over his shoulder.
“This will all be over tomorrow,” I say to those left. “Just one more day.” I knew my morose attitude wasn’t inspiring any confidence in them but I didn’t know quite how to pull myself out of it. After a bit of quiet conversation, Elena and Stefan got up to leave, Jenna followed behind. Damon took my empty glass and refilled it. “Salvatore, I need to get wasted today. Think you can help me with that?”
He licked his lips and smirked at me. “That just happens to be one of my specialties.” 
And help he did. By the time the sun went down I was well and truly drunk. And it was wonderful. I turned my phone off ages ago, not wanting to talk to Elijah or Nik and they were the only two likely to try to contact me. If it was an emergency they could always invade my head.
“If I didn’t know any better, Salvatore, I’d think you were a little tipsy yourself.”
He gave me that perpetual smirk of his. “Maybe I am. So what’s this all about, Grimes? You drunk enough to tell me yet?”
“Just a bit of a disagreement with my boyfriend with psychotic rage issues. I’m sure it’ll get better when his werewolf side is no longer dampened. Because werewolves are such rational creatures.” I nodded before letting out a snort of laughter.
“He didn’t…” Damon started then trailed off.
I was confused for a moment before I realized what he was getting at. “No. He didn’t hurt me. Not physically.” I sighed. “It’s not really him I’m upset with anyway. It’s me.” I tried to think of a way to word it without telling him precisely what tomorrow would entail for me. “I gave him a present. I thought it was a nice present, a great present, but he never even said thank you. Never even really acknowledged I’d given it to him really. It just hurts is all.”
“Well, if you ask me he sounds like a jackass.”
“He certainly can be.” Knowing it was past time for me to be heading home, I stood and put my glass on the table.
He stood as well. “You going to be okay?”
I took a deep breath. “Yeah.”
“Come on. I’ll walk you home.” He started for the door.
“No. I’m fine. Big scary witch remember?” He looked like he wanted to argue. “I need some time alone, Damon. I’ll be okay.”
He walked me to the door and gave me a hug before I stepped out in the night. I slid my hand into my pocket and turned my phone on. I was at the end of the Salvatores’ driveway before it quit chiming and vibrating. It began to ring almost immediately. I turned toward home and answered as I walked. “Hello.”
“Just so you are aware, Niklaus is quite furious that he hasn’t been able to reach you all day. And also, there is a distance limit on the mental communication apparently.” Elijah’s smooth voice ran through me, bringing a small bit of comfort with it.
“Is that all you wanted?”
“Are you okay, Cassie? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you like this.”
“Just celebrating my impending demise, Elijah. Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
There was a stretch of silence. “Is there something you aren’t telling me about tomorrow? You have your spell and my potion, I thought you said that would be enough.”
“I might have overstated the abilities of my spell.” I never would have made the confession if I hadn’t had so much to drink.  
“You need to tell Niklaus.” He sounded sad. Maybe he’d miss me. At least a little bit. It would be nice to be missed a little.
Tears ran down my face and I sniffed. I’d been crying so much lately. I felt like such a baby. “He doesn’t care, Elijah. He never did.”
“How can you say that?”
“He’s never asked me how I plan to come back. Not even once.” I sat on the curb at the side of the road.
“You could drink some of our blood and come back as a vampire.”
I chuckled. “Won’t work. The Original witch bitch made sure of that. Untainted blood must be sacrificed. Did I mention that she really hates me? She’s the reason I got stuck on the Other Side last time. I think she’s also the reason you couldn’t find me when they kidnapped us. She’ll be happy to see me die. It’s okay Elijah. This is what I was spared for after all. I’m just feeling sorry for myself.”
“Let me come get you.” There’s a pleading note in his voice. I hung up without responding. I flip through the texts on my phone. All of Elijah’s ask how I’m doing, if I need anything, can he please help me. All of Nik’s are short where are you, call me, though the ones at the end were getting longer and more vulgar as he got more colorful with his language.
As much as he hurt me, he was still the one I wanted to see. I pressed the button to call him.
“Where the bloody hell have you been all day?” his accented voice growled at me. At least he wasn’t infesting my uncle any more. I hung up. I started walking toward Ric’s apartment. Either Nik was still there or Ric would be. Either worked for me.
My phone rang and I answered it. “Yes?”
“Cassie,” he seethed.
“Niklaus.” I needed another drink. The night air was sobering me up too much.
“What are you doing?”
“Alone?” He sounded concerned.
“Don’t worry, hybrid. I won’t die before I’ve served my purpose.” I hung up again. It wasn’t long before he fell into step with me.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” His voice was low and calm. Apparently, his concern for me had overridden his anger.
I shook my head but didn’t answer. If I spoke I was going to start crying again.
“Cassie.” He grasped my arm, drawing me to a stop and turned me to face him. One look at his furrowed brow and I started to sob. He pulled me against his chest. One arm wrapped around my back while his other hand held the back of my head. He made shushing noises while I clutched his shirt and emptied out my sorrow.
“I’m sorry,” I said finally and pulled away.
He looped an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side as we continued to walk. “Now tell me what’s brought this on, love.”
“Only if you buy me a drink first.”
He chuckled and I let him steer us down the street. I was surprised when we ended up in front of Ric’s apartment. “Why here?”
“I compelled Katherine not to leave without my permission. Since then she’s taken vervain so the best way to insure we don’t lose her is to leave her here. Your uncle is passed out on the couch, though he should be right as rain in the morning and Greta and Maddox are at the house.”
“All right. Ric’s bourbon it is.”
I followed him up to the apartment and immediately went over to check on Ric. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully. I got a pillow and blanket from his bed. I propped his head up on the pillow and covered him with the blanket after I took his shoes off. Katherine was sitting in a chair off to the side with her arms folded and a scowl on her face. I ignored her. When I turned to the kitchen Nik already had two glasses of bourbon poured.
I sipped at one and then led him over to Ric’s bedroom. After closing the door, I cast my silence spell and sat on the edge of the bed. He sat next to me so our sides were pressed together. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”
My shoulders slumped as I twirled the drink in my hands. “You once told me you liked that I didn’t ask you for anything. I’m going to ask you for something now. I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the truth.”
“All right.”
“Do you even care that you have to kill me tomorrow?” My voice was quiet and broke on the last word. I felt stupid showing him my vulnerable side.
“Is that what this is about? Come here.” He looped an arm around me and pulled me more tightly against him. He kissed the top of my head. “We can postpone if you wish. A month, six, I don’t care.”
I shook my head. “No. You’ve waited so long and you finally have everything you need. And I don’t mind doing it. I’m not asking you to tell me you love me, Nik. I guess I just want to know you’ll miss me if I don’t come back.”
He took the glass from my hand and sat it on the floor beside his. He tugged me closer until I sat in his lap. Looping both arms around me, he pulled me closer until my head was on his chest. I wrapped my arms around him. “What about Elijah’s elixir?”
I didn’t know Elijah had told him about that. “He wasn’t entirely sure of it working the first time around. Now it’s had five hundred years to sit around and lose potency.”
“And your spell?”
“It’s only effective about thirty percent of the time.”
“You weren’t planning on mentioning any of this to me?” He sounded hurt.
I shrugged. “I want you to be free, Nik. You deserve that.”
He hugged me and chuckled. “I suppose it’s just as well I have very little faith in anyone besides myself seeing to the things that need to be taken care of.” His hand slipped into his pocket and dug for a minute before pulling out a necklace with a large oval lapis lazuli pendant. It was set in silver with a silver wolf howling in front of it.
He handed it to me and I ran my thumb over it as I looked at it. The magic in it buzzed along my skin. “A resurrection spell?” My eyes jerked up in surprise to meet with his.
He gave me one of his half smiles and pushed my hair away from my face. “You didn’t think I was going to let anything happen to my girl, did you?”
I kissed him, trying to convey my gratitude through the gesture. He tangled his fingers in my hair and kissed me back as he lowered me to the bed. He pulled away only far enough to take off his jacket and drop it to the floor.
I laid a hand on his chest. “This is my uncle’s bed, Nik.”
“Then I’ll try not to break it,” he said with a wicked smile.
WHEN RIC WOKE THE next morning, I filled him in on what happened while he was out of it. Needless to say it wasn’t the best start to the relationship between him and Nik. He left to go find Jenna and Nik and I ate breakfast. Afterwards, we went home to change. Fortunately Greta and Maddox were gone so it was just us and Elijah. Nik and I took a long, eventful shower together.
After we got out I checked my phone to find I’d just gotten a text from Ric asking me to meet him and Damon at the Grill for a drink. I showed the text to Nik and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be back soon.”
When I got the Grill, both men were sitting at the bar looking like their dog had just been run over. “What’s up with you two?” I slid into the open seat beside Damon.
“Idiot here force fed Elena his blood. Now she’s pissed at him,” Ric supplied.
“Look, I screwed up okay? I panicked.” He looked at me. “Can’t you talk your boyfriend into postponing?”
I rubbed my eyes with my finger and thumb. How many times did I really have to go over this? “There is no reason to, Damon. Elena is not going to die and therefore will not become a vampire.”
“Hello, sweetheart.” Nik’s voice came from behind me and I spun on my stool.
“Hello, Nik,” I said with a smile. “Damon, Klaus. Nik, Damon Salvatore. You already met Ric.”
“Klaus,” Damon said with a sour expression. “I don’t suppose you’d consider postponing for a month?”
“You can’t be serious.” Nik glanced at me. “Is he serious?”
I gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Of course he is, Nik. We can’t risk having the precious Elena angry with us despite being told about a thousand time she’ll be perfectly fine.” I snatched Damon’s drink and downed it before setting the empty glass back in front of him. “I’ll wait for you by the door.”
I could feel their eyes follow me as I walked away. Unable to resist I cast my spell for enhanced hearing. “I don’t usually make a habit of allowing those who harm my family to live. I do so only at her insistence. She is correct that Elena will be unharmed at the end of the evening. However, to break the curse I do have to sacrifice a Petrova. Not that I expect any of you to care.”
I dropped my magic as he made his way to me. I laced my fingers in his and he brought my hand to his mouth to kiss the back of it. I followed him out the door. We returned to the house so I could prepare for the ritual. I changed into the shortest pair of shorts I could find and a tank top before pinning my hair up on top of my head. I wore the amulet that held the power I’d drained from Bonnie. Nik and Elijah followed me out to the greenhouse.
I placed four stone bowls, representing the four elements, at the cardinal directions placing the herbs I’d mixed together days before in the appropriate bowls. “As our other witches are otherwise occupied or dead, I need your help. I’m going to cast my resurrection spell. When I put my hands flat on the ground instead of having them fisted, I need you to dump the bowls onto the ground where they are sitting.” Both brothers nodded and moved to opposite sides of where I sat up.
I handed my blade to Nik. “I need you to slice my palms.”
His jaw grew tight but he gave me a short nod.
I took a deep breath before holding my hands in front of me, palms up. Nik sliced across both of them with one movement, sending stinging pain flaring through me. I dripped my blood into the bowls before laying on the patch of grass in the middle of them. I closed my eyes and focused. The harsh scent of burning herbs soon filled the air. I began to recite the spell, drawing on the power in the amulet to help me cast a stronger spell. Once I had repeated the words three times, I placed my palms flat on the ground.
Clothing rustled as the brothers moved to do my bidding. Power radiated to me from each bowl as its contents were given to the earth. A crackle of energy surrounded me, made the hair on my arms stand up. Then there came a moment that felt like the air itself inhaled and released itself across my body. I opened my eyes and held up my hands. “Help me up.”
Each brother grasped a wrist and pulled me to my feet. “You don’t see that every day,” Nik said beside me. I looked over my shoulder to see lightning bolts burned into the ground around the outline of my body.
“Does that mean it worked?” Elijah asked.
“Well, boys, let me put it this way. Between that spell, Nik’s amulet and your potion, if I don’t come back. The universe really wants me dead.”
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highgaarden · 8 years
ok so bc I'm all like DON'T GIVE UP THE SUPERPOWERS wrt Caro rn I thought why not request a canon-compliant superhero non-AU for Caro where somewhere down the line she decides to ~use her powers for good~ and do the vigilante thing, mask and everything (no stupid impractical costume tho). Extra points if she and Bonnie form a whole Witch/Vampire superhero team. Klaus can read abt it in the paper and figure out it's Caro+Bonnie and be amused and be into it. ♥♥♥
i tried my best. also, i have no clue what’s going on in the originals, but from scraps i get an a very helpful explanation from my friend anne, i sort of got the gist of it, tried to work more of the plot into this, and then decided to just… not. much apologies, please be kind to my v. confused self should you decide to leave a review.
or: a superheroes origin story in five parts. 
Klaus/Caroline, Bonnie/Damon | wc. 3705 | ch. 1/5
read on: AO3 / ff.net
InWhich Everybody’s Week Must Have Been Pretty Rough
The weekend after Klaus escaped from his wall, he sat down in his studywith three bottles of liquor and double that amount of fresh blood, a steakcooked medium rare, and five years’ worth of newspapers to catch up with theworld.
Freya regarded him curiously. “You could have done away with the mess.We just ordered those new tablets.”
Rebekah was much ruder about the piles he left. She was probably stillmad she had had to miss four seasons of Supernaturalin order to save his skin.
Klaus didn’t answer them. He continued skimming the pages with aprevailing interest, rubbing ink and paper between his fingers. He soon foundthat he hadn’t missed much in his Marcel-imposed exile; that the mundanities oflife had persevered through the years.
His thoughts started to wonder when he was three-years deep into hiscatching up. Nothing caught his eye, and he was starting to feel the gratitudeof being able to sit in a comfortable armchair as opposed to being shackled toa floor dusted with rubble chip away.
Until he saw it.
He read the little opinion piece, then read it again, and a third timefor good measure.
And then he called Damon Salvatore.
At that point, not even Damon knew of their little hijinks despite havingmoved himself into their apartment. He used the pretence of “keeping an eye onthem” to make it past the front door. The living room became his sanctum santorum, and the couch he tookrefuge in constantly smelled like booze and Doritos.
Caroline was not happy with this arrangement, and made sure to be veryvocal about it every chance she got.
Sometimes it ranged from loud, to shrill, towake-your-neighbours-up-at-3am-because-Damon-you-fuck-you-left-your-underwear-in-my-laundry-basket piercing.
Tonight, Damon had the apartment to himself, and was glad for the peaceand quiet. Caroline was out on a date, and Bonnie was at the library borrowinga book. She was always at the library borrowing books, and he liked tellingpeople how bookish she was in a tone that was both patronizing and fond. It hadtaken some time, but he had finally perfected it.
In the middle of his Grey’sAnatomy rerun (“Denny? You chosea dying sack of meat over Alex? Really,Izzie?” he yelled at the tv), his phone rang.
It was Klaus. He hadn’t heard from the fucker in more than a decade, andwas immediately suspicious.
“City Morgue,” he answered cautiously.
“Just to be clear, you’re still second best,” came the familiar gout ofKlaus’s voice. “I only called you because Stefan’s number seems to not beworking, mate.”
“That’s ‘cause it’s not,” Damon said. “How do you still have mine?”
“If I wanted idle chit chat I would’ve resurrected Finn again.”
Damon muted the tv and got to his feet. “And yet here you are, makingidle chit chat.”
“I merely called to enquire about Caroline and Bonnie’s wellbeing.”
“They’re fine,” Damon said shortly.
“You best make sure they’re getting adequate rest for all thecrime-fighting they’re doing,” Klaus said, and killed the line.
Damon spat out his bourbon.
That’s how it all started, really.
Caroline was having a crummy night. The sole of her shoe had torn awayas she was chasing her assailant across the rooftops of Midtown, and it nowflapped with every step she took, and slowed her down considerably.
“I’m gonna get you, Raul!” she yelled, to make up for how she was losinghim, fast. “Your album sucked!”
Raul the Eurovision Vampire came to a screeching halt. He was screechingquite literally, because of all the insults Caroline had hurled at him in thepast week of stalking him, this one hurt the most.
“And your win last year?” Caroline continued as she hauled herself overa crumbling ledge. “Total pandering.”
Raul hissed and bared his fangs. “You know nothing of talent, sillygirl. If you did you wouldn’t be spending your nights in cowardice, hiding yourface with a gaudy mask. A poor man’s Catwoman.”
Caroline bristled, because it had taken her and Bonnie splurging on asewing course in Uptown to get their stitching just right.
“And you would’ve gotten more than a deal sponsoring mattresses afteryou won Eurovision,” she retorted, and Raul actually looked pained.
Actual, legit pain.
Caroline sighed. “Look, I’ll cut you a deal. See this stake here? Iwon’t stick it in your heart if you meet my conditions.”
Raul warily eyed the stake she was twirling between her fingers.Normally he would have told her to kiss his ass, but he was cornered, and hedidn’t fancy becoming a splat on the sidewalk.
That, and he was afraid of heights.
“And the conditions are?” he asked finally.
Caroline took a moment to rip the failing sole completely off her shoe.It came off with one clean pull, and when she looked up Raul was still there,which meant there was still hope for a redemption arc for him.
She gave him a winsome smile. “Do you have a pen?”
Bonnie slid in through her bedroom window, heady with glory. She hadgotten better at sneaking in and out at odd hours, but evidently not by much,since she managed to wake Damon up.
This was because he was in her bed when she threw herself on it.
“Damon, what the hell?”
Damon awoke with a snort. “A-ha! Proofof your foolhardy life choices!”
Bonnie rolled her eyes and unhooked her cape. She made a mental note to passCaroline twenty dollars. “Took you long enough to realize.”
“I am living with hoodwinks.”Damon pouted. “How could you not have let me in on this secret?”
“Damon, you helped me with laundry last week. You literally foldedpieces of my costume. It had my alter ego name on stitched across the front.”She swung her feet and walked to the paper partition by her dresser, where shewiggled out of her outfit safe from Damon’s prying eyes into a worn Whitmoresweater and blue shorts with lightning patterns on them.
“Are those anti-aging potions you’re brewing finally screwin’ with yourhead?” Damon was still on a roll. “You know how I had to find out? Klaus!”
“Klaus is alive?” Bonnie asked.
“Yes, and even in his state of barely living he ousted you and BlondeDistraction’s sly night crime-kicking.”
Bonnie started to respond, but then got sidetracked. “Blonde Distraction?”
“Uh – yeah.” He fiddled with his phone. “Blonde Distraction and FeistyFire.”
“That is fucking terrible,” Bonnie said mildly. “And not even ournames.”
“That’s what I call you in my blog, which I only update when I’m drunk. I’vebeen following you for years. Checkout the threads!” Damon waved his phone in her face.
“Are you drunk right now?” she asked.
“Yes,” Damon said sulkily, “but only half-stupid. You were never at thelibrary, were you?”
“Well, you were really sweet about it—”
“And you kept missing all those scrabble/pizza nights!” Damon howledinto his hands, betrayal gutting him like a fish.
“Damon,” Bonnie narrowed her eyes. “I’m tired. “The next time you spendthe night in my bed, I’m burning your brains out.”
“Reduced to being treated as one of your petty criminals,” Damonsniffed. “So be it. Our friendship always had an expiry date, huh?”
Damon slinked out of her room. Bonnie considered calling after him, butfigured she’d reason in the morning. For now, she had a huge bruise in her sideto nurse, and sleep was calling.
It started with scaring off new vampires from innocent clubgoers, andthen keeping the pasty creep-o’s who lived in the apartment adjacent to theirsin line when bodies started piling up in their shared dumpster.
Caroline hadn’t blown all her cash for an apartment in New York just forit to be crawling with the diseased, depravity and blood, so she took it uponherself to clean it up. An act of charity, if you will.
At night, she donned a mask and put on sensible boots. No stupidimpractical spandex for her, nor did she for a minute entertain midriff-baringleather, no matter how hot she might have looked.
Sipping from her thermos of warmed AB, she kneeled by stone gargoylesand prowled through the night. Afterwards she would either jump from rooftop torooftop, or practice her parkour, feeling invincible and (not gonna lie) reallyfucking cool.
At around 1am she got the read from Bonnie (in other words, Bonnietexted her in their coded-emoji) that their target for the night had arrived.
From five stories above she followed the sound of his footsteps throughthe alleyway, waiting to catch a heartbeat. When none came, she knew that hewas the one. His steps faltered when he heard a noise behind him. Caroline tookthe opportunity to jump down on him.
“Hello,” she smiled sweetly, when he was thrashing and spittingunderneath her. She was sitting on his back, which couldn’t be comfortable.
“Killing. Maiming. Money-laundering.” Bonnie came slowly from the mouthof the alleyway, her cape flowing behind her. “That last one’s kind of random,but the other shit we have on you—yikes.”
Caroline gathered his hair in her gloved hands and yanked hard. Thevampire cried out, enraged, but didn’t look away from her piercing gaze.
“You’ve got a locker full of civilians waiting like lambs forslaughter,” she said slowly, so he might not miss the threat in her voice.“Tell us where they are and you get to live.”
“I’m gonna have to call your bluff,” he rasped. “I’ve cut a pretty gooddeal, and ain’t no stinkin’ blonde and her twitchy sidekick are gonna stop me.”
Bonnie’s face darkened.
“Oooh,” Caroline whistled. “Bad choice of words there, bud. She’s not mysidekick. We’re partners. I kick ass, she takes names. Sometimes I take names,and she kicks ass. Though ‘kick’ might not be the right verb here…”
“I prefer not having to touch you scum,” Bonnie said, and from herfingers erupted flames.
Caroline smiled, eyes shining brightly in the fear that Bonnie hadincited into the now-still vampire.
“What are vampires most afraid of?” Caroline whispered into his fear.
“Werewolf venom.”
Caroline clicks her tongue. “No, the other thing.”
The vampire, cold sweat on his forehead, hesitated. ‘Uh—stakes?”
Caroline knuckled the base of his skull. “Fire, you moron. She’s waving it right in your face!”
It didn’t help that he passed out immediately.
Bonnie sighed and dropped her hands. The alley dimmed once again. “Canwe talk about this whole intimidation tactic thing?”
Caroline refused to look her in the eye.
It took about twenty minutes for him to come to, by which time Carolinehad gotten bored of sitting on his back and had decided to chain him to thedumpster instead.
After they heckled and tortured the information out of him, Carolinepulled out the usual contract – stating that no further harm would come to himfrom their hands if he got the hell out of the city and signed along the dottedline – when he started monologueing and posturing in a way that was really, really familiar.
Caroline pulled the pen away from his trembling grasp for it. Shesquinted in the dark alley, trying to make out his eyes.
“Caroline?” Bonnie asked, but Caroline barely heard.
The vampire was still monologueing, and Caroline felt a rising anger.She knew a compelled gaze anywhere.
“Damn it, Bon.”
Her fist swung out of her own accord, knocking the vampire out cold.There was a satisfying crack accompanying the slump of his neck, and Carolinedusted her hands off.
Bonnie eyed his body with distaste. “Harsh, Care. Don’t you usually waitfor them to sign the contract first?”
True to his word, Damon had indeed started a blog following the accountsof Blonde Distraction and Feisty Fire (not their actual names, but given thefact that he only ever blogged when he was drunk, he never bothered to learntheir real names) and their vigilante crime-fighting on his blog, WatchOutVillainz.com.
It was a smorgasbord of garish colour, Comic Sans, and badly-wordedheadings.
Klaus would never admit it, but he loved reading it.
He followed it with the same tenacity Caroline had for new episodes ofThe Bachelor, and one night even set up a username for himself to partake inthe lengthy discussions over who Blonde Distraction and Feisty Fire might be.
His username was entirely anonymous, and he enjoyed having a persona toparade as he took down trolls and ventured the tags, verbally maiming anyoneand everyone who dared speak ill of Blonde Distraction or Feisty Fire.
Granted, he didn’t care much for the witch, but thought that Carolinewould like it if he were to stand up for her too, so he did.
Damon showed up at his hotel room one night sullen-faced. “Get off mywebsite.”
“Make me,” Klaus said, typing progressively faster on his keyboard.
Damon failed to make him, and returned home, turning all his loyalfollowers on one hybrid_master_127. Unfortunately, Klaus seemed to have accrueda cluster of minions of his own in his short time of perusingWatchOutVillainz.com, and they threatened to hack into the mainframe of one ofhis life’s most precious work.
Damon, having limited knowledge of IT, highly doubted the existence of amainframe and whether or not it could be hacked.
In the end decided to play it safe, and Klaus stayed.
The way Caroline figured out it was Klaus who had been sending thugvamps her way was almost as fast as him discovering their true identities asthe Vigilantes of the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.
A week after Damon had almost thrashed his hotel room, Klaus opens thedoor to his magnificently ransacked quarters. Caroline was sitting on whatappeared to be the cracked granite of his bathtub, in his living room, with herlegs crossed. She was still in her mask and boots.
“What is wrong with you?” sheyelled. “Why can’t you pick up the phone and call like a normal person?”
“That would have ruined the fun,” Klaus replied. “Besides, would youhave answered?”
Caroline hesitated.
“I thought so.”
“You never answered any of mycalls.”
“I was chained up in a wall, love.”
Caroline considered this. “Hm.”
Klaus picked his way towards her, straightening lamps as he went. Minutegoosefeathers floated about his shoulders; the pillows had all been spearedonto the ceiling fan like kebabs. “It was all too easy to suss out it was you.”
Caroline refused to bite. Instead, she stayed silent, watching him comecloser and closer.
“You offered them redemption instead of gutting them alive, in documentform to boot.” Klaus sounded reproachful and he righted an upset table to hidehis exasperation. “Furthermore, Bonnie made no secret of her pyromanicabilities. She was always very artful with that certain power of hers.”
“You compelled yourself a massacre just to draw me out,” she hissed. “Ihappen to take my craft very seriously—”
“I know, love. I’m not laughing.” And indeed he wasn’t. In fact, he sortof admired the spirit in which she undertook her task. In all honesty, he believedthis to be a phase—it took him a while to process the fact that she’d chosen tospend her eternity (or at least, a significant early part of it) doing this.
“So why are you here?” Caroline asked.
“Because.” He paused. Why was hehere? Papa Tunde’s torment had left him withered and raw; Hayley and Freya hadgone to the ends of the earth to release him and when he’d woken up Hope waswell in her teen years. Despite the world staying to same, too much of what hecared about had changed. He needed—he needed to make sure, needed to see forhimself, how she was.
Perhaps she was right. A phone call would have worked better.
“I wanted to offer my services,” is what he decided on at last.
Caroline snorted so loud he thought it was a piece of his ceiling fallingon them.
“I know all the criminals in this city,” he insisted, dogging her downthe street. Caroline walked remarkably fast in the night. She had left her maskin the debris of his room, stating she had ‘plenty more’.
“I’d rather go to vampire jail,” she told him sedately.
“Ah, that rather poorly masked vampire rehab you set up,” he said,falling into step with her. “The Elizabeth-Bill Institute for the MorallyBankrupt. I was just short of amused as to what an easy target you madeyourself.”
“And yet the only person who managed to figure it all out was you,” shesaid.
“Well—Kol did, too. We were playing crime-bingo with your exploits.”Klaus grinned. “I was one money-launder away from a win, so I decided to pullthings to my favour.”
“I’ll wall you in myself,” she seethed.
“Oh, where will you possibly find the time in between all thiscrime-fighting?”
Caroline whipped around, fangs bared. “Leave me alone, Klaus.”
“How are the twins?” he asked gently.
“None of your business.”
“They should be around Hope’s age, shouldn’t they?”
“Stop talking about them.”
Caroline took a detour through an alleyway, and with more agility thanKlaus expected, climbed her way up the side of a building, all to get away fromhim.
Klaus weighed his options, then hefted himself up after her.
He found her sitting on a rooftop edge, the city pulsating beneath them.He sat down beside her and was surprised when she offered him a thermos ofblood. It was still warm.
“Where were you keeping that?” he asked admiringly, studying her outfit.
She sent him a look that could kill, and went back to countingheadlights. “Please don’t tell anyone,” she said quietly, after a while.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said. He cleared his throat and glanced ather. “When did it start?”
Caroline shuts her eyes. “A few years ago. Josie and Lizzie were growingup pretty fast. Alaric—he, well. Didn’t want me to have…” she gestured vaguely,“words were exchanged. I decided that if I could do my part to help in anyother way, I’d do it.”
“You’ll soon be bored with the futility of it, I imagine.”
“I’ve got an end goal in mind,” she said absently.
After a fashion he realized she had stopped counting headlights and wasfocused on a window in the building across the cobweb of streets. Two girls,remarkably alike, were pulling the curtains closed for the night.
“They’re nocturnal creatures,” he said softly. “If I could venture a guess,just like their mother.”
Caroline didn’t answer. Instead, she rested her head on his shoulder. Hestiffened in surprise, but she didn’t comment on it, neither did she move away.“Next time, just call. You can’t base my reactions on the girl you knew tenyears ago.”
“Some things will always remain singular,” he said. He wasn’t speakingabout her. She hoped she saw it in the look he was giving her.
Caroline pulled away slowly. For a long time, she only looked at him.Klaus took a chance and reached for her hand, after which she tangled herfingers in his. They stayed that way for only a short moment, but the feelingof her palm, soft in his, lingered long after she’d slid her thermos back intoits hiding place on her body and left.
Damon had taken to fixing them breakfast in the wee hours of the morningwhen they finally returned. He reasoned that it was the least he could do, whatwith all the slander he keeps slinging their way on his website.
“To blindside the scrutinizing eyes of the public!” he insisted,flipping pancakes.
However, when Caroline returned home with an extra guest, his spatulafell onto the island with a smack.
“I refuse to feed him,” he told Bonnie. So offended was he that Carolinehad brought Klaus home that he refused to speak to Caroline too. Looking rightthrough them, he pointed out, “And I only made pancakes for three.”
Damon gestured angrily at the table, where three immaculate plates piledhigh with pancakes and cream had been set.
Klaus scowled. “But there’s four more, burning, by the way, on theskillet.” He tried not to sound too indignant.
“You kidding me? These are all for Bonnie!”
As the two immortal beings squabbled, Caroline speared a triangle ofpancake with her fork. Bonnie sipped her glass of orange juice. It felt strangefor the apartment to be so full, especially with the presence of Damon’s entireliquor cabinet dotting every corner.
Klaus finally wrestled himself a seat next to Caroline, but not beforeflicking off Damon’s shirt that had been slung over the back of the chair with dispassion.
“That’s it! I’m done! You can make breakfast yourselves from now on!” Damon yanked off his apron and was gonewith a huff.
“Does this happen a lot?” Klaus enquired, sniffing around a piece ofbacon.
“More times than you can imagine,” Bonnie said.
In the coming days, Klaus visited more often. His hotel room had beenproperly demolished, he took to reminding Caroline, who sighed and held out atowel for him to use her shower.
Bonnie delighted in the fact that she now has leverage against having abroody roommate/parasite, seeing as Caroline had one of her own now, too.
Damon continued to be miserable.
Klaus continued to goad them with his offer.
Caroline and Bonnie continued their crime-fighting.
“Let’s not make this routine,” Bonnie told Caroline as she garrotted avampire who had been hell-bent on chowing down on a family of four. “By nextweek we kick them out.”
“You got it, Bon,” Caroline said, waving the contract in the chokingvampire’s face. “We’re burning the couch. And can we finally talk about that cape of yours?”
Bonnie rolled her eyes, but nodded her agreement as the vampire veryreluctantly signed her name along the dotted line.
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