#“you're awesome dude but just out of curiosity are you fucking good."
totaleclipse573 · 2 months
*Chucks EVERY. SINGLE. FANKID. into Deltarune*
Welp... There they go.
What do you think their soul types would be? And would they side with the fun gang or the Antagonists? Or would they just stick together?
This should be fun jhdfbsdjkfj have to warn you though, I'm a little rusty on the UTDR stuff. Sorry if I get anything wrong!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there only two soul types in Deltarune as of now? (Hopefully I haven't missed anything 😭 I've been more focused on other fandoms) I know UNDERTALE has seven soul types, and essentially, Deltarune goes off of the same kind of thing with the souls? Be warned, I have a lot of fankids lmao, some I haven't even drawn yet :
Since I don't think a Mobain could count for the HUMAN soul, red isn't an option
Patience (light blue) : Ember, Stumble, Trove
Bravery (orange) : Orion, Coco, Stella, Dagger, Vivian
Integrity (blue) : Arthur, Daisy, Archie
Perseverance (purple) : Venice, Thorn and Rascal, Piper
Kindness (green) : Soren, Rocket, Tulip, Veola
Justice (yellow) : Emi, Lumi, Beau, Demi
As for sides, I can't really see any of them siding with the antagonists, SOME would maybe side with the antagonists if they needed to/feel it would benefit them. That especially goes for Team Rebel.
Speaking of them, Team Rebel : Orion, Piper, and Demi. They made this sort of vow to stick together, they're like a found family for each other at this point. So they'd probably be their own group (stick together.) They're the most likely to side with antagonists if needed, specifically Piper.
Again, sorry if I got anything wrong 😭
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box-architecture · 2 months
I was rereading some of your stuff on Ao3, and went “huh. I know Sapnap kidnaps Dream out of a misguided idea of what’s happening at one point, but how does that all go? How did Dream react? What was Sapnap like?”
So now I’m asking you. At 12:20 am. I have class in 7.5 hours!
Okay so we're going to ignore how long this has been sitting in my drafts, half answered. Okay? Okay. Awesome
So at some point during the Discovery Of Many Kinks (because when you're having a weird poly relationship with your former Warden, you're going to try a bunch of different things. For Science) awesamdrunz attempt to do a sex tape. It gets left around and found within like three days. By Sapnap.
So of course because of burning curiosity he has to watch the mysterious tape to see whats on it.
Then the only reason he kept watching was shock and also trying to figure out who the hell the third person was, why they looked familiar but also what the hell happened to them. Fun ways to find out your former best friend wasn't lying when he said he was horrifically tortured by your kind-of finance: finding his sex tape.
And listen, originally it was a fun crack idea to have him see this relationship nonsense where awesamdrunz was basically fucking in sex dungeons (made by Sam) after kidnappings, and decided that this was actually a really good template to fix his own relationship. He ends up trapping Quackity and Karl in what might be a previously unused sex dungeon!
(Resounding success: both of his boyfriends did not murder each other (due to bars in between them) and even spoke to each other in order to escape. This is the most progress he's had in months.)
But then! Alternate Idea! Sapnap sees the sex tape and (honestly not unfairly given his prior knowledge) believes Punz & Sam are at minimum, pressuring Dream into this relationship, and somehow this is a worse crime than murder. No wonder Dream couldn't stay in the prison! (Which. Not inaccurate.) So Sapnap sets about needing to find and protect Dream.
Sapnap finds Dream, and tries to convince him that he'll protect him. Dream is confused about what Sapnap saw, and has a tough time refuting anything. He also does really miss his friend. So he,,, doesn't really fight when Sapnap takes him to a secondary location.
"The windows are nice. Not as defensible, but you'll know if the enemy approaches." Dream commented, staring at the cloud-covered sea.
Sapnap laughed nervously, pulling open kitchen cupboards. "Yeah, I don't know. There shouldn't be any way for someone to find us out here though; its not like I told anyone where we were going."
Dream pursed his lips, but said nothing, eyes following the way the waves crashed against the shitty boardwalk Sapnap cobbled together half asleep. He figured Dream wouldn't want to be cooped up in the cottage all the time, not after… everything, so they could go sit out on the beach and fish, maybe, or go look for seashells. They hadn't built a sandcastle since they were kids, either, so it would definitely be something fun to try. Just like old times.
The wheat was crumbling in his hands, so Sapnap quickly tossed it on the counter.
"Are you hungry?" He called out, trying for a bit more cheer. Dream's gaze pulled to his, and Sapnap began pulling more ingredients out on the granite. "I know I'm not usually the person who cooks, but I've been getting into it lately! I made rabbit stew for Karl the other day, and he didn't even make a face when he was chewing."
He didn't really think about the potatoes as he dumped them into the sink, but he did notice the way Dream flinched, drawing in on himself and towards the doorway.
"Just…" Dream looked back out into the sea. His fingers, what remained of them, dug into the fabric of his pants. "Nothing with potatoes. Please."
Sapnap felt his anxiety roll like the tide.
"Yeah, dude, that's cool. Doesn't sound appealing right now anyway." He said uncertainly. Dream's shoulders relaxed marginally, but Sapnap still felt off. "Anything you're in the mood for, though? Beet soup? Cheese sandwich?"
"Whatever you cook is fine." Dream reassured him. A brittle, but teasing edge appeared in his smile. "Unless you somehow got worse at baking bread."
He had, but god forbid would he ever admit to that. He grinned, and sat up on the counter. "Oh, like you're so good at it. I tried your stupid 'Everything' bread, and it tasted like ash."
"You turned off the timer and it burned."
"Well maybe next time don't leave random timers on the oven and expect anyone to know what they're for."
"Maybe next time you should assume its there for a reason and not touch it." Dream said in exasperation. Sapnap stuck his tongue out, and Dream threw his hands up, exiting the kitchen. He was so dramatic, Sapnap thought fondly.
Its a lot of Sapnap attempting to reestablish their previous connection and realizing how much Dream has changed, and staring at the scars when he thinks Dream isn't looking. He gets Super Protective and promises he wont let anything else happen to him. Dream is instinctively upset (why now, why does it matter now, why do you care, I am Perfectly Fine) but its one of his People and he is So Tired.
Sapnap is sorta kinda keeping Dream with him. It's not exactly against Dream's will, but it's also like, if Dream could walk out the door and come back later without Sapnap freaking out he'd rather do that. But Sapnap is freaking out, and seems to believe that there is a credible threat against Dream if he leaves. Given Sapnap's previous relationship with Quackity, Dream is willing to believe he might know something and that alone makes him anxious enough that he wants to stay.
Sapnap gets more horrified the longer he's with Dream (Dream flinches under his touches, his fingers are gone, Dream makes a snide comment about Quackity when Sapnap asks about the scars,) and this only convinces him more that clearly he needs to be protecting Dream. Sapnap expresses a lot of fury towards Sam, and Dream doesn't have any good arguments against it. There's a lot of stuff that he just sorta, decided to ignore, and now that coming back up is messing with him.
They get into a brief yelling match when Dream gets tired of what he presumes is pity and fake behavior, and it ends with Sapnap holding Dream to keep him from leaving or collapsing.
(The irony(?) of Dream comforting Sapnap for most of his life only for them to switch places in this moment is not lost on him.)
He gets to snuggle with him under the covers and gets a kiss on the chin (Dream is half asleep, and thinking about how much he missed him.)
Meanwhile, Punz is going to Murder Sapnap.
Punz has no context for why Sapnap took Dream so he is assuming Sapnap is going to attempt to imprison Dream again (after failing to kill him) and while he is 100 percent confident in Dreams abilities he also is aware that Sapnap is one of Dreams People and therefore capable of hurting Dream emotionally. Hurting Dream is Not Allowed.
Sam is having a panic attack because Dream isn't within sight line and isn't with Punz and therefore everything is Wrong and Bad in his world.
When you finally get a confrontation between Sam and Sapnap (because at this point, they don't know that Sapnap knows about Punz, so Sam is going in first), Sapnap responds viciously, tearing into Sam both for the scars on Dream's body, but also stating he knew they were fucking, and there's no way that's even remotely acceptable given the position of power Sam had (he's not wrong. this is a true statement of fact for everything that occurred prior to the prison break. it's just that things got weird after that). Sam has no good rebuttal, and faced with violence from Sap, has to flee. He's left shaken from everything.
Dream: listen he may have enabled my torture and abuse, and starved and isolated me, and accepted sexual favors from me while being in a position of power over me But he's also a very sad wet cat of a man, and I'm a control freak
Punz tries to talk with Sapnap on slightly less,,, angry grounds? On his part. Knowing about the interaction with Sam, he feels better about the fact Dream is probably safe and Sapnap probably has good reason for what he's doing.
To be clear though, Sapnap is furious with Punz. Right out of the gate he reveals he knows Punz was involved. At first, he's assuming that Punz was paid off to help Sam, but Punz decides "fuck it" and reveals at least part of things. He explains he was working with Dream after the prison break, that he felt bad for betraying him, and that they had a relationship. Dream wanted to involve Sam post-prison, Punz was against it, but wanted Dream to be safe.
Sapnap: you're forcing him to do this! Punz: I DON'T EVEN WANT HIM TO BE DOING THIS Sam: >:(
Sapnap needs to take some time to processes that, but he then presses to clarify; Dream and Sam had a relationship while Dream was in prison? Yes.
Sam had a hand in the torture and Dream's condition? Also yes.
After he broke out, despite all of this, Dream still felt like he wanted to return to Sam? Yes.
Sapnap: And you LET him?!
Punz doesn't have a good answer for that, other than Dream is his own person, and Punz can't stop him from doing what he wants with his life. To which Sapnap responds, yes you can motherfucker
It's a very fundamentally rift in their two perspectives. Punz, particularly post-prison, couldn't morally justify restricting Dream or telling him how to life his life or cope. Sapnap, thinks that Dream was not in a position to make a choice like that.
Punz doesn't have a good answer for that, it's the exact thing he's been feeling guilty over. So he ends up leaving, Not for forever. Just to think.
Meanwhile, Dream overheard everything. He now understands what Sapnap is seeing as the "real issue" (or at least, the current threat at hand), and he knows that he's going to make his own choice here.
Dream: I understand that my decisions are problematic but have you ever considered that I've made my choices and will continue to make them, even if you don't agree Sapnap: NO
Dream tells Sapnap gently that he's leaving now. He wants to go back. Sapnap doesn't want him to, he makes fair arguments about how much Dream could be hurt here. Dream understands, but he's also an adult, and he's decided what he wants. He's forgiven his stupid creeper hybrid boyfriend. It might not make sense to, but he has. It's his choice in the end.
Sapnap doesn't like it, there's a long people where he's just holding Dream and in tears. He's apologized a lot. For leaving Dream there. He says it again for good measure. Dream gives him a soft kiss on the forehead and he doesn't say it's okay, but he does say that he loves him. That it will be okay.
Dream has to go now, but he promises to come back, they set a time and they get to just spend time together. Talking about things one at a time.
(Sapnap and Dream see each other a lot now, as he slowly enters Dream's life again. Occupying his space and checking up on him and fretting. They get more kisses, more cuddles in bed. Once a week they come back to their little cottage and grow something that isn't what they used to have, but its still good, and its full of love.)
Later, Dream will be reassuring Punz that he made the best choices he could make, sighing and pulling Sam out of his prison depression hole. Kidnapping once again proves to be a great way to solve problems.
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eruisapenguin · 7 months
SCP Foundation x Cat!Reader
I had a dream of being a cat so I wrote about MC's experience being a cat in the Foundation because uhh, why not.
I'm still kinda contemplating whether or not I should make the owner a canon character or an OC.
Second POV
CW: language, slight violence.
You're a cat now.
Fine, awesome, absolutely fucking fantastic, you are definitely not hyperventilating right now!
Yep, very much peachy.
….Yeah, no.
Hardly can you chalk it off as some elaborate lucid dream anymore since everything around you just…felt so real and ginormous, which is understandable because you’re a cat and all—oh, and to be more specific, an emotional support cat. Hell! You can't even take care of yourself! And now you're supposed to help a guy with their mental well-being? You never asked for any of this!
Well, at least your so-called owner is nice. Maybe a little wet cat pathetic type of guy too but you're not going to judge them for that, would be hypocritical of you if you did.
They bring you to work too, at some sort research facility with a real fucked up layout. Whoever designed this shit needs to get their ass chewed and fired till oblivion, your owner got lost for like, about four times—no, five times!
You and your owner finally managed to find your way. They, oddly enough, didn't put you in a carrier at all, just, have been carrying you like an infant all this time which you are grateful of l than being inside a tiny cramped cage.
Being the good cat you are, you won't bother whatever work they are doing despite the boredom starts creeping in…okay maybe you are a little bit curious…a little peak could not hurt right?
Oh it definitely hurts. As the saying goes: curiosity killed the cat. Literally.
You're in the goddamn SCP Foundation.
How the fuck did you not notice that earlier?!
...Okay, truthfully your eyesight seems to be worse now that you are a cat, everything is muted! Man, and here you thought cats have better eyes than humans.
Obviously you're so fucking stressed out, so you screamed at your owner to demand more chin scritches. They obliged like a good owner should be and cooed something at you...
No, you do not tolerate that at all, paws went to swat their hand off you (no claws) then huffed with enough smug your feline face could muster up.
…Holy shit you're slowly becoming an actual cat.
Then a containment breach happened. Of course it would because why the fuck not right? The universe likes to taunt you anyways.
Your purring is loud, practically vibrating your whole body like a revving motorbike. Your owner is not doing well nor vibing with the current situation, especially after literally seeing their colleagues die in front of their very eyes. No wonder they’re having a panic attack inside some dark cramped ass storage room. The screaming persists outside, as a way to help them as best as you could, you provide a nice distraction by rubbing—more like butting your head against their jaw. That actually did something which surprised you at first, and somewhat grounded them down, sweet.
Their glassy eyes blinked rapidly to rid it from more tears, looking down to you in their lap without saying anything for too long and too still you might as well see them as a statue.
“thank you y/n.” your owner finally said to you, voice barely above a whisper. Hand now reaches out to stroke your fur in soothing rhythm.
Yeah whatever dude, no problem at all. Is what you would say to them if you have a working vocal chord.
You admit this is quite nice...
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
reviewing all 25 of my fics !!!!!
i have never read my writing! i just did. some was good, some was bad, here's my review and at the end there's a tier list C:
curiosity one
actively throwing up i hated every little bit of that i'm so glad i'm rewriting that oh my god why was that so popular?? 🤢
i can confidently say i no longer feel this way vvvv
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curiosity two
ehhh getting better but still not the best. but at least i didn't cringe my way through the fic this time!! :D
curiosity three
writing is iffy because i'm mixing two different writing styles together
HOWEVER i LOVE the h/c in this therefore it is so far my favorite chapter :D
"tommy calm down, it's just a drink, see?" is just WJKEJFNRDNF i love it for no reason :D the interactions in this i admit are really nice
curiosity four
supposed to be an exiting chapter but tbh i did not execute that too well
uhh yippeee he's out!!!
curiosity five
mmm mm m mmmm idk how to feel about this one
very fast paced i will admit
this whole series is so fucking rushed 😭
curiosity six
dialogue is pretty cool tho
overall this series is rushed and poorly made lmaooo
wilbur chocolate 1
okay this is pretty good
not lovely but it's readable and i honestly love this au so i'm not gonna diss it too hard
wilbur chocolate 2
i like this one
dialogue go brrr
also i feel like i executed wil's panic semi-well? i definitely made him have some trust in tommy way too soon but yk
i'll run away and hide with you
ehhh there's nothing technically wrong with it,,,,,
no real comments it's fine ig
spy au: unofficial prologue
idk there's nothing wrong with it like this fic !! :D
2022 summer exchange
again too rushed i need to draw out trust it doesn't happen in two minutes!!!
"you're pretty" makes me happy tho. don't ship dnf too hard but i like it :DD
ghosts are better than humans
writing is iffy but it's cute !!
company & repairs 1
first fic and it's mid. i got fanart for it though, that's pretty cool :D (i toooootally didn't ask for it, i got it just by pure chance. totally!)
mm i could've written his injuries better
i like my use of internal questions
dude in my earlier fics i was so scared to write like product names and the word "scream" and "yell" bc i didn't want it to come off as cringe like wth that is literally so bad
i let go, when i should've held tighter/an inconvenience, at best 1
typos are bad. bad bad.
writing can 100% be difficult
ended up deleting it to redo it bc after all this worldbuilding i need to redo some things :)
also dialogue is everything but accurate
never fucking again.
ok ummm i could've done his pain a lot better
i've gotten better at writing mental health so i'm going to rewrite this someday
but to be fair i wrote this alongside many other things that day---i was doing a bet,,,,
writing is actually kind of decent and i love how chill tommy is lmaooo "well, he fucked that one up" "at least he got his powers working"
apart from thattt i LOVE this au and am excited to write the first chapter :D
oh, george
okay time to see all the hype around this. 93 notes???? this better be good
not worth all the notes (sosososo grateful for those btw almost 100 notes that is AWESOME) but i can see why it was liked. i can usually tell if this community will eat smth up or not,,,
don't fall
i liked that
definitely my favorite so far
writing is decent and it's fluffy so i like it :DD good job me C:<
heavy is the head that gets no sleep
mm cute i like it :D
top for sure
2022 secret santa: too good to be true
okay the idea for this was like actually awesome, i loved having dream like kinda do into that trance thingy and having it fade in later. and i like how i incorporated "bitter stares" into it.
however there's a severe lack of dialogue and the action is drawn out, far too short and not properly there
it also felt rlly short so there's that,,,
the act of making noise 1
i like this one! it could be a little bit better but tbh it's a good au and i like the writing a lot more than some of my other fics so it s a win from me :D
i also think i has a nice flow to it? that could just be me tho
counting down the seconds
v bad i can see why this didn't do too well
deleting it cause this au is on hiatus,, might give it out as a prompt now :D
uhh writing wasn't too good and it was very boring, way too long asw,,,
mere monstrosity
it's actually well written??
this is such an underrated fic of mine istggg
top fics for sureee
the little things (written)
badly written, fluffy, one of my oldest fics
cory's notes give me life tho <333 "your writing makes me feel warm" AJGFSAJDGEFJDNF i love cory smsm :D
shroud, you savior?
good fic idea, poorly executed
and oh my god in my earlier fics i'm realizing how oblivious i was to how puncuation worked, especially for my dialogueeeeeee!! it makes me feel terrible reading it,,,,,
also the amount of fluff-to-angst ratio is good, but again i need to write panic better,,,,
hush 1
YES! I LIKE THIS! to be fair it's my newest fic but STILL i like this a lot!!!
good angst, suspense could be a tiiiny bit better but i still rlly like this!!! top fic for sure C:<
fluff. fluff fluff fluff. writing aside the mouthplay scenes are the best things ever i am so happy this exists !!!!!!!!!
wow i have an excruciating number of fics. i did not like reading them :'D
tier list time >:D (more under cut)
Keep reading
hush 1 (writing, dialogue, plot, everything is good imo)
don't fall (if the writing for this was better it'd be #1 !! the fluff, this entire au in general, "i won't hurt you" mmmm this is a yummy fic !!!)
mere monstrosity (speaks for itself. i loved this fic! it's a bit rocky in the beginning but i just love shane sm <3)
the act of making noise 1 (YES this is good. the overall plot is iffy but i like chapter one so far, hopefully i can take this au in the right direction !!)
curiosity killed the cat 3 ("it's just a drink, see?" mm yummy)
heavy is the head that gets no sleep (prime boys my belovedd)
spy au: unofficial prologue (i just have a thing for spy!dnf <33)
wilbur chocolate 2 (like i said, dialogue go brrrr, and it's actually a decent sequel. wilbur chocolate beloved asw >:D)
wilbur chocolate 1 (angst beloved)
ghosts are better than humans (it's simple. i didn't overdo it,,,)
i let go when i should've held tighter/spy au 1 (spy au belovedd!!!)
never fucking again (love this au sm, my opinion is swayed again)
switched (tinies overcoming their fear of getting nommed is such a high trope for me,,,)
oh, george (my opinion is swayed bc of the tiktok it's based off of)
2022 secret santa: too good to be true (honestly despite my lack of flow & dialogue its pretty good)
2022 summer exchange (honestly idk why i don't rlly like this---i'm making a part two so some part of me should enjoy it?)
shroud, you savior? (ok this fic is an era to me it brings back positive memories :] also ppl like this so i meannn)
curiosity killed the cat 2 (he and wilbur talk, what's not to like? i like this chapter a lot actually)
the little things (little streamer au my belovedd)
curiosity killed the cat 6 (everything is revealed!!!! and wilbur not being able to really do anthing cause a. he's in tommy's storage and b. he's a traitor, kidnapper and villain in tommy's eyes)
i'll run away and hide with you (idkkkk why i don't like this either. to be fair nothing's really wrong with it,,)
company & repairs 1 (again memories and also idk this was my first fic, i think nostalgia is helping my decision)
curiosity killed the cat 4 (he gets out, that's pretty cool)
counting down the seconds (eeeehhh this used to be a cool au of mine but that was before i just stopped working on it and i realized it wasn't that cool,,)
curiosity killed the cat 1 (No.)
i switched these around so much lmaoo but i was dead set on the last two. curiosity was so bad wtf??
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dragondemoness · 2 years
You can write for the monojoker dorky dad idea if you want :)
Oh, you bet I do
Monojoker - Warriors of Hope x Dorky Dad Reader Part Three
You had an idea.
A brilliant idea.
An idea that would spread your silly dad jokes even when you weren't there.
You found some leftover parts from Shirokuma and Kurokuma, as well of some other spare parts, and got to work. The kids were away on one of Monaca's missions, so you were alone.
You entered Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Engineer, which came in great handy here. 
At some point, Kurokuma walked in and asked what you were doing.
"Yo, (Name), how's it ha- Woah, what the fuck is that?! A Monokuma? What the fuck dude, am I not awesome enough for ya?!"
You chuckled. "No, Kurokuma. It's a different kind of Monokuma. It's made for telling jokes."
"Huh. You're not gonna add missiles or guns or nothin'? That's fuckin' lame!"
"Feel free to watch, Kurokuma," You said in a teasing manner.
He did, as he'd never seen a Monokuma be made before.
And after a couple of hours, your greatest creation has been built. 
And soon after, the kids came back.
Masaru Diamon 
"Wh- (Name), what the heck is that?"
With an evil smirk, you pressed a button and activated your creation
"Hey, Masaru! Y'know, my fingers are pretty great, cuz I can count on all of them."
His face turned red from anger and he stomped his foot
"You don't even have fingers! (Name)! Why'd you make a Monokuma just to tell your stupid jokes?!"
"That's what he does! I call him 'Monojoker!'"
He ran up to you and punched you in the stomach
Several times
It hurt like hell, but his reaction was worth it
Jataro Kemuri 
"Huh? You made a Monokuma?"
You pressed the button and your creation came to life
"Hey, Jataro! Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, we'd call them bagels."
"Why would we call them that? A seagull is a bird, and a bagel is a food."
He's just confused
You'll have to have Monojoker explain the joke to him
Kotoko Utsugi 
"Hey, what's that Monokuma for?"
You pressed the button, and let your machine do the talking
"Hey, Kotoko! Have you ever seen the movie 'Constipation'? No, you didn't, cuz it never came out!"
She pouts at you
"Ewww, (Name), that's gross!"
She is not happy with Monojoker
Or with you
Nagisa Shingetsu 
He sighs
"(Name), what is this?"
Without saying a word, you pressed the button and let Monojoker do its thing
"Hey, Nagisa! Why did the math book look so sad? Because of all of its problems!"
"The only problem I see is your jokes."
With that, he turns and leaves the room
Monaca Towa 
"Oh? You made a Monokuma?"
Watches with curiosity as you activate Monojoker
"Hey, Monaca! What do you call a factory that makes okay products? A satisfactory."
She just looks at Monojoker, and then at you
Then she silently rolls her wheelchair over to the bear and pressed the 'silent mode' button
Shirokuma and Kurokuma both had one, so she knew that this one would, too
You made a mental note to remove it later
Then she smiles at you before leaving the room
"Welp, looks like they hated it," Kurokuma commented.
"That was the point," you said with a smirk.
Kurokuma gave you a confused look, then burst out laughing.
"Hah! So you made that stupid thing to piss them off? That's hilarious!"
You turned to Monojoker and gave it a pat on the head. "Good job, buddy."
Monojoker took a bow. 
You smiled to yourself. Mission success.
Note: Okay, tell me what Monojoker looks like so I can draw him. I'm actually really curious
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 4
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a people of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually)
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
Series masterlist
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 —
She was lying on the couch, still on her pajamas on Sunday morning as she gave moral support to Amanda. She was going to meet the parents today for lunch, so she was freaking out a little bit.
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4. LA
“So, I'm going to LA.” Sofía casually said as she was trying to find something in Netflix to entertain herself
“What? why?” She asked walking with to different shoes on her feet. One was a black Louboutin pump and the other a nude sandal.
“Use the nude one, looks better with a floral dress. The black one seems to like you're trying too hard.” Sofía advises her and Amanda walked back to her room to put the other shoe on.
“This is good?” She asked walking back into the living room.
“Estas Preciosa.” Sofia smile and gave her a thumb up. “And about LA, the brewery is branching out.”
“Really?” Amanda said with a content smile. “Holy shit, that's awesome.”
“Yeah, I know.” She smiled, kind of proud that she had actually put a lot of her effort to make that happen.
“Fucking Ron should give you a rise for this, you practically run the brewery,” Amanda told her sitting down beside her, putting aside the freaking out for a moment.
“Nah, he got a nice bunch of people. I just help around putting face since and quoting "‘You're the voice and face of this brewery’”
“Why is he taking you to LA?”
“He wants me to help him to set up shop there.”
“How long?” Amanda asked and Sofia just shrugged.
“No idea, but I'm guessing a couple of weeks. Maybe a month or two… maybe, three.” She said making a face waiting for the meltdown.
“That's way too much, it's giving me anxiety.”
“It's not all on once, I'll probably be coming and going,”
“But, you don't know anyone in LA.”
“Chris's going to be there for awhile,” She said shrugging.
“Yes, I agree.” He said and shook his head looking for the car that he had set up to take them to the hotel. “We'll go back, hopefully, sooner than later. There's our ride.” The older men pointed up a guy holding up a paper with the brewery's name.
“That Dorito better takes care of you,” Amanda said. “Or I'll crush him.”
“I hate LA.” Where the first thing Sofia said as she landed in Los Angeles. “Take me back to Boston.” She said to his boss, Ron Iglesias. A fifty-four-year-old, owner of the brewery ‘Iglesias Brewery’, revolutionary name, if you asked Sofia.
The hotel was nice, nicer than she had expected, and had a pretty view of the hills. She almost could see the Hollywood sign.
Sofia tested the bed jumping on it after the run from the door and jump into it, bouncing and her body almost sunk in it. It was a soft bed and that makes her make a face, she liked hard mattresses.
She stood there for a while, fumbling with her cellphone mostly texting Amanda to ask Luke, Chris's address to go a bust his balls.
Luke asked if he knows you're in LA?
Nope. Don't tell him, I want to surprised him
Of course, babe. I'm texting him, to see what's he's up to.
Record it!
Sofía let out a mischievous laugh and open a new text and wrote.
Heeey❤ , when you're coming back??? I need my Chris to get me through the day 😣
Ah, man. Don't tell me that sweetheart. I'm tied to this fucking city and I miss your ass.
He replied almost instantly.
Sofía let out a laugh, they haven't seen for a good two months now since the water war, he had left the day after. Now it's been roughly nine months since they were friends.
I miss our drunk brunch with beers and pretzels and you trying to convince me to be a Patriots fan.
What's going to happen if I get convert into a Patriots fan?
I miss that Goddamn beer, that's for fucking sure and football season just started, tonight's the first pats game. Use the shirt?, I'm sure you're going to give the boys good luck. pleaseeeeee.
I'll probably get hard just like when I get to touch boobs when I was 13.
She asked out of curiosity, mostly.
So, it's going to happen…?,
Woow, it's gonna be the event of the year.
You're mean. You played with my heart. I changed your name on my phone, you aren't Sofi anymore, it's evil Sofia now.
Not likely.
And with that, he attached a screen capture of her new name with a broken heart and everything.
“Ah, maybe I'll surprise this meatball.” She whispered to herself replying a simple and evil:
Mohahaha 😈
Sofía stand up from the bed and went straight to her suitcase and started pulling a piece of clothes after piece of clothing until she finds what he packed for a special occasion with her soft meatball. (That was Chris's name on her phone now), she was waiting for his birthday to do so, but now it seems like a good time also.
After a quick shower she changed into some blue jeans, a shirt, and a leather jacket, she applied some makeup nothing too complicated but she felt cute a little bit of perfume and loaded her backpack with a few things.
Mandy had texted Chris's address and Sofia uber her ass a few blocks down after Luke's advice to keep his privacy.
“Holy shit,” Sofía whistle when she reached the front of the property. She looked at the intensity of the ‘house’ and sighed.
She wasn't used to this kind of luxury, first world thing. Hell, she grows up in a shitty one-bedroom apartment with no privacy whatsoever, and the first time in her life that she had a bedroom is living with Amanda in Boston.
She knew that Chris was a famous actor and was rich, the fact that he seems rich even walking in sweatpants, beard, and a baseball cap. Besides joking with Amanda about fucking Captain America, honest to God. Sofia couldn't give less of a fuck about fame, money and all that. There's one thing in life she desired more than everything and was a peaceful life and she's getting there.
She looked around for the doorbell besides a gate and push it, she was sure that whoever was on the other side was looking through that camera pointed at her.
Before ringing the bell, she adjusted the cap over her head and hold up the pizza box she bought, and the six-pack his favorite kind of beer from the brewery, and with that, she rings it.
“You've got the pizza, right?” A voice comes up from the speaker and it wasn't Chris's.
“Sure.” She makes a face speaking back.
“Alright, look the game just started to get in and I'll pay you inside.” The masculine voice said back and she heard the buzzing on the gate and it opened up.
“Okay, this is how I get murdered on a movie or there's the beginning of gangbang porn,” Sofía said shaking her head and opened the big ass door and show herself up to Chris's home.
The first thing that she felt was the smell of pretty good fucking weed and cigarettes and the frat boy loudness that Chris liked with his friends, she followed the sounds and found them all, six of them, scattered around the TV.
Chris was right in front of it, his stupid Patriots shirt and a beer in one hand.
“Oh, you've got to be fucking kidding me!” He shouted at the TV. “How the fuck they didn't score that!”
“Because Tom Brady is a douche,” Sofía said casually standing making every dude turn around and look at her and stare like she was telling a blasphemy.
Chris couldn't care less as soon he realized that Sofia was standing there, holding a box of pizza and his favorite six-pack of beer. He squealed like a baby seal and throw his arms up making her laugh as he approached her.
“Ohmygod!” He said in an unbelievable cute voice as he grabbed the pizza box and six-pack putting them on the table and then wrap his arms around her waist and pull her off the floor on a tight hug.
“I missed you, dude.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hug him tight.
“Yes, miss you too.” Chris planted a loud kiss on her cheek and let her down, putting an arm around her shoulders with a big smile he introduced them to his friends.
“Guys, this is Sofia.”
It's getting there guys, it's about to get juicy.
Thanks everyone for the feedback, I'm deeply grateful.
@lunaticbarnes (Sorry love, I can't seem to tag you.)
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robinrunsfiction · 6 years
okay one more thing and i'll shut up: what about a human!gerard x vampire!reader?? i've literally never seen one anywhere. "What's your tragic backstory?" "My what now?" "Y'know, you're a fuckin vampire, isn't your past supposed to be dark and tragic?" "Listen, dude, I've literally only been a vampire for a total of three months and that's because I fucking ASKED to be one." "You're the strangest person I've ever met." "Indeed I am. But you're the one who asked me out."
My Monster
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Vampire ReaderRating: GeneralRequested by: @pest-ill-enceWord Count: ~2,700Author’s Note: So I started writing this in July (Does that seem right?Because that seems like… really long ago… But I started writing it on tumblr,and had it saved as a draft file and when I go to it, it says July 12th which is bananas, but ok!), but I left off writing it. Then I got the above request and I still had this and I’m actually finishing it off! It’s set circa Bullets era, hence the Umbrella Academylevels of technology haha
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Gerard scanned the crowd of the small venue as he sang. Thecrowd was rowdy, fired up, but in the back of the room he spotted you at thebar, drink in hand, watching with a smile.
Feeling the singers gaze on you, you locked eyes with him andsmiled even more. He was gorgeous you thought as you sipped your drink.Throughout the performance his attention kept coming back to you.
After the set, crowd dispersed, and the band members talkedto the fans who stuck around. You had turned back to the bar to pay your billwhen someone sat down on the next stool. You glanced up and the singer from theband was sitting next to you.
“Umm hey, I’m Gerard, thanks for coming out to the show.” Hesaid running his hand through his hair.
“I’m (y/n). You guys are really great, you know?”
“Thanks,” he said with a bashful smile and your stomachflipped. He was even cuter up close.
You two continued talking for quite a while before younoticed the time.
“Hey Gerard, I really want to continue this conversation,but I have to go get ready for work.”
Gerard looked up at the clock above the bar, it was almost 2AM and looked back at you with a confused look.
“I own a bakery,” you explained. “I have to get the breadand pastries baking for the day.”
“Can we meet up some time soon?” He asked hopefully.
“Yea, that would be awesome,” you said with a smile beforereaching over the bar to grab a pen and a napkin.
“Hey, don’t just go grabbing shit,” the bartender calledfrom the end of the bar behind you. You whipped your head around and shot him aglare that made his blood run cold. Gerard saw the look of fear on thebartender’s face and looked over his shoulder trying to figure out whatelicited such a look. He shrugged when he didn’t see anything out of orderbehind him and turned back to you as you held up the napkin with your phonenumber on it and a sweet smile.
“Call me,” you said as you got up to leave.
“I will,” he replied as he watched you walk away. Gerard waslooked at your phone number on the napkin when the bartender approached him.
“Hey man, watch yourself with that chick, she’s scary,” hesaid.
“What the fuck are you talking about man?” Gerard asked incredulously.The bartender just replied by holding his fingers over his teeth like fangs andsnarled at the singer.
“Ok,” Gerard said as he waved him off and went back to thestage where his bandmates were starting to pack up their equipment. It had beena great night in his book.
The phone ringing on your nightstand woke you from yourslumber. Sitting up against the pillows in your cool dark room you answered,trying to shake the sleep from your voice. “Hello?”
“Hey, (y/n)? Its Gerard, from the bar.”
“Oh hey, how’s it going?”
“I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“No, it’s ok. What’s going on?”
You and Gerard talked for a while about life, his band, andsome new songs he was working on. You agreed to meet up for coffee in a coupledays before their next show.
The night of your date, you got up early to do your hair,and makeup. Your signature look was a bit mod; winged eyeliner and a neutrallip. It wasn’t exactly the trendiest look, but you knew what you liked. Youpulled on your coat and headed out.
When you arrived at the coffee shop, Gerard was out frontsmoking a cigarette looking a little nervous. You smiled as you approached inthe cold early dusk air.
“Hey, how’s it going?” you asked as you approached.
“Great,” he said with a smile as he snuffed out hiscigarette under the toe of his boot. He held the door open for you as youwalked into the small coffee shop. You both ordered black coffee and settled inat a small table a silence overtaking you both, until you both started takingat the same time.
“So you own a bakery?” He asked as you asked “How often doesyour band perform?” You both laughed as Gerard ran his hand through his blackhair.
“Umm yea, I’ve owned the bakery for a while. It’s been afamily owned since the 30s.”
“Wow, that’s really cool,” Gerard said with a smile. Therewas something about him you really could not put your finger on. You just feltso comfortable with him.
“Are you excited for your show tonight?” You asked aftertalking about your bakery for a while.
“Oh yes, we have a couple new songs. You’re coming tonightright?”
“Of course! How soon do we have to go?”
Gerard glanced up at the clock on the wall. “Oh yea, weshould get going.”
You both grabbed your cups and headed out into the coldnight. As you walked down the street, you felt his hand brushing against yourstentatively. You glanced up and he glanced down shyly and took your hand.
When you got to the bar they were playing in, a line wasstarting to form out front and you both slipped around to the back.
“I got to help set up, so I’ll see you after the show.”
After the show, you found Gerard and he was grinning andfull of energy, as the show was just as energetic and exciting as the last one.He threw his arm over your shoulder and introduced you to the other guys in theband. After they finished tearing down their equipment, Gerard offered to walkyou back to your car.
“Thanks for the good time tonight Gee,” you said as youleaned against your car. Gerard had been much more confident about taking your handas you walked the blocks back to where you parked.
“Thanks for coming out, I’m glad you had fun,” he said,looking down at your hand in his, then looked back up at you. You bit your lipas you glanced at his and Gerard took the hint you were not so subtly sending. Heleaned in, pressing his lips softly against yours at first, until you reachedup and pulled him in a little more strongly and then he was wrapping his armsaround your waist.
You instantly felt a spark, the connection you felt fromback in the coffee shop solidifying even more. When you pulled back the look inhis eyes told you he felt the same.
“Wanna do this again soon?” He asked quietly. You nodded andsmiled at him. “Good, then I’ll call ya.”
“I’ll see ya around,” you said as you got in the car. Youwaved as he watched you drive away. But then Gerard did a double take. Heglanced at the rear-view window, he didn’t see you. His eyes quickly scanned tothe mirror on the door and again saw nothing but the interior of the car. Hechalked it up to the adrenaline in his veins wearing off, or the dim light. Butsomething nagged at the back of his mind that there was something else goingon.
The next night Gerard ventured back to the bar where he hadmet you. The bartender that was working that night was still behind the bar, dryingglasses when Gerard approached.
“’Scuse me,” Gerard said to get his attention.
“What can I get you?”
“Nothing, umm, I was here the other night, I was talking tothis girl and you said to be careful,” as Gerard spoke a look of recognition spreadacross the man’s face.
“Oh yea, now I remember you, she try to bite you?”
“No, what? No, that’s what I was wondering about. You saidto be careful around her.”
“Yea, she’s been coming here for years, never ages. Rumorhas it she’s a vampire.”
Gerard looked at the bartender like he was nuts, but his curiositywas piqued. “You really think?”
The bartender nodded. “Why not. I’ve seen a lot of crazyshit over the years. Why not believe in vampires too?”
Gerard thanked the bartender for the information and headedout, his head spinning. He was always intrigued by vampires, but he thoughtthey were the stuff of legend. Now this beautiful girl that he really wanted tosee again was supposedly one of them, and he was even more intrigued.
You and Gerard had been going out for a couple months nowand growing closer. After your first date, you felt like he was watching yourbehaviors a bit more closely at first, but he seemed to have gotten used to theway you lived. You noticed that unlike other guys you tried to date, Gerard didn’tinvite you out to eat, which really made life easier. You didn’t eat likepeople, because you weren’t people. In fact, you ate people. Not really,though. You had a friend at the Red Cross who brought you what youaffectionately called your juice boxes from their donated supply.
After another late night with Gerard, you had hurried home.When you got in, you saw you had a message on your answering machine. Pressingplay, Gerard’s voice filled the room.
“Hey, I just noticed you left your scarf here, if you want,I can drop it off when you open your shop up this morning. I don’t want you tonot have it when we’re out of town for a few weeks. Umm yeah, I’ll see youlater.”
A smile crept across your face as you changed into freshclothes. You didn’t need that scarf, but any chance to see Gerard again beforehe left town was welcome. You quickly called him back and told him to come tothe back door any time after 6 AM.
You went downstairs and set to work on the day’s baked goodsas well as a special-order birthday cake. You opened the store when youremployee, Martha, came in to work the counter. As you placed the finishingtouches on the top layer of frosting you heard a quiet rapping on the backdoor. “Hey, come on in,” you said opening the door for Gerard.
“Thanks, here’s this” he said handing you the scarf. Youtook it from him and with a glance toward the front of the store, pressed yourlips to his for a brief makeout session before redirecting your attention backto the cake.
“It looks great, you’re really good at that,” he repliedsitting down on the stool across the small kitchen watching you get back towork.
“Thanks, I’ve had a lot of practice. I should be done soon.”
The bell above the front door rang as a customer came in andMartha greeted them.
“You see sweetie, I used to bring your mother here when welived in this neighborhood” you heard a familiar voice say. It had been a longtime since you heard that voice, and it had aged.
You glanced up from the cake, and without meaning to, metthe old woman’s eye. She looked like she had seen a ghost.
“Lorraine? Is that you? No, no it couldn’t be, you haven’taged a day since we moved!” She babbled and you felt a rush of irritation andembarrassment wash over you. You glanced nervously over at Gerard who lookedbetween you and the old woman with a confused expression on his face.
“Oh, ah, no sorry, that was my Grandmother. She owned thebakery before me” you said with a smile.
“My goodness, I’ve never seen a family resemblance sostrong!”
“I hear that a lot, excuse me won’t you?” you said with awave before turning and hurrying down the stairs to the basement. You heard asecond set of footsteps behind you.
“Are you ok?” Gerard asked as you paced the dim room.
You hung your head as you stopped pacing. You thought enoughtime had passed, that you had changed your hair enough, your modern clotheswould disguise you, that you wouldn’t actually be in the store when someone recognizedyou from before, from impossibly long ago. But it happened. No one would give asecond thought to a doddering old lady thinking you were practically a twin ofyour supposed grandmother, but it unnerved you especially with Gerard there towitness it.
“What is going on?” Gerard asked again, placing his hands onyour shoulders. You looked up at him and sighed. May as well rip off thisbandage.
“I- I, didnt want to tell you because I really like you, whichsounds really fucked up and backwards, but,” you took a deep breath and sighed.“I’m going to tell you something, because I trust you. And you can leave andnever come back if you want but promise me you won’t tell anyone else.”
He furrowed his brows even deeper.
“You may have heard some rumors about me. And depending onwhich ones you’ve heard they may be true.”
“So, the rumors about you being a vampire?”
“Are accurate.” You stated and let your gaze fall to thefloor. Gerard gently placed his hand under your chin and tilted your face up tolook you in the eyes.
“My girlfriend is a vampire? That is the coolest fuckingthing I’ve ever heard!” He said with a grin before planting a kiss on yourlips. When you separated you laughed.
“I should have known you would react like that,” you repliedwith a laugh. “And I promise I will tell you everything, but I have to finishthat cake and you need to get on the road to your next show.”
When the band returned from their short tour up the coast,you as you found yourself outside Gerard’s apartment door, a wave of nervesrushing over you. You knocked and heard him on the other side before he openedthe door.
“Hey sugar, you’re a sight for sore eyes,” he said pullingyou against him, lips connecting. “You want anything?” he asked politely when you separated,shrugging off your coat.
“No thanks, I’m ok. How were the shows?”
“Awesome! We got some real fans coming out now.” Gerard saidleaning against the kitchen counter and you hopped up on the counter acrossfrom him.
“So I suppose we should have that talk now?” You suggested apprehensively.
“Yea. I was wondering what’s your tragic backstory?“
“My what now?” You asked, slightly taken aback.
“Ya know, you’re a fuckin vampire, isn’t your pastsupposed to be dark and tragic?”
“Listen, I’ve literally only been a vampire for like 40years and that’s because I asked to be one! I kinda fell in with a crowd thatreally knew how to party back when I was… really younger, and I didn’t want theparty to ever end and they gave me the opportunity to do just that. The problemI after about 30 years, I really was ready to grow up, or at least leave thatlife behind, but I was stuck. But at least I’m always gonna look like I’m in my20s. People pay good money for this and I got it for free. Well, free plus thecost of my humanity.”
“You’re the strangest person I’ve ever met.”
“Indeed I am. But you’re the one who asked me out,” yougrinned.
Gerard pushed himself up from the counter and crossed thesmall distance between you and put his hands on your waist. “(YN), you may be avampire, but I fucking love you.”
You gasped lightly then a grin spread across your face. “Eventhough I’m a sixty-seven-year-old monster?”
He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips. “You’re not a monster, you’re my monster.”
“And you say I’m the strangest person you’ve ever met. Haveyou ever looked in a mirror?”
“Have you?”
“Low blow, Way. Low blow.”
Gerard cracked up at this.
“Ugh I love you too, you weirdo,” you laughed, and he kissedyou again.
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brizybotspare-blog · 6 years
Dude I just found your request mini-fics on AO3 and holy shit they are incredible! Brilliant work :) Hm, if you're still doing them, how about Hank & Connor (favourite trash dad and android son of all time) + Malfunction OR Confusion. Whichever word appeals more to be written about! Or you can write both if you want, idk. Anyway I'm awkward and I love these trash cop family too much and your writing is freakin awesome, bye!
(Holy shit this is such a kind thing to say?  Thank you so much???  I mostly just hope I’m keeping the characters at least vaguely in character, thank you
Humans made no sense.  Connor had been working among them for some weeks now, and the more he learned, the less he understood.  He was beginning to feel, for lack of a better word, a little exasperated.
He had been programmed specifically to integrate seamlessly among humans,  to understand the whole of a situation with a mere scan of the surroundings, but he was finding the human psyche much harder to figure out than the thoughts and feelings of the deviants he’d run into.  At least the deviants reactions had a sense of logic behind them.
For example, Hank regularly scolded him for running data scans on blood on a crime scene based merely around the fact that it touched against what Hank associated with a tongue.  It wasn’t a tongue, not really, it was a receptacle for data in which he was able to analyze information in real time which simply happened to resemble a human tongue.  And yet, Hank allowed Sumo to climb on his lap and lick his face with his slobbery, dog tongue, and snapped at Connor when he attempted to point out the things Sumo did with that tongue on a regular basis.  
He’d only been concerned for the Lieutenant’s hygiene. 
He had to learn it, Connor determined, if he was ever going to be fully accepted among human society.  He had to master the algorithms, the patterns, to what made humans the way that they were.  It would have been easier if they didn’t spend their entire day contradicting themselves.  Or maybe Hank was just an especially difficult case to study. 
He began compiling a list:
Spending money on coffee was fine, if you drank if black, but spending money on coffee that was sweet was a waste of American Dollars.
It was equally irritable whether the traffic around you moved at a slower pace than you, or a faster one.
“Good” songs sounded better louder, but “bad” songs were worse the louder they were.
It was unpleasant to have a list of work to do, but worse to have nothing to do.
The more unhealthy food was, the better it tasted.
It was a crime against basic rights to have to purchase something necessary, like gasoline, but incredibly easy to spend three times the amount on something you wanted, but didn’t need
“Five more minutes” was somehow an adequate amount of sleep to make up for a night’s poor slumber.
The longer the list grew, the less sense any of it made.  There was nothing that added up, nothing that held any sort of logic at all to it, and yet Hank held them as basic truths with no thought of questioning them.  Where was the reasoning?  Where was the purpose?  Where was-
“Would you stop glaring at me?”  Hank interrupted his thoughts, giving Connor an affronted look from over his desk.  “You’d think I pissed in your fruit loops, what exactly is your problem today?”
Connor hadn’t realized he’d been staring so intently at him.  “Sorry, Lieutenant.”  He blinked, forcing his gaze away to instead stare down at his desk.  “I was simply trying to figure something out, that’s all.”
“Huh,” It was obvious the man was battling his own curiosity, moving things around on his desk until he couldn’t resist any longer.  “Okay, what.  Figure out what.”
Connor weighed out his options, a few different answers coming to mind before he spoke.  “Figure out what is wrong with the human species.”
“Oh shit,” The laughter that came from Hank took Connor by surprise, watching Hank flop back in his seat with a clear expression of amusement.  “That all?  We’ve been trying to figure that out ourselves for over two thousand years, good fucking luck.”
“Can I ask you a personal question, Hank?”
“Shoot, kid, I’m all ears.”  
Connor once again thought carefully before speaking.  “Do I seem human?”
The seriousness in his tone seemed to bring Hank back into the moment, for once.  The Lieutenant gave him a look over.  “Fuck no,” he replied.  “You lick up blood on crime scenes, you send reports via the Connor-net in your head, you don’t eat, you don’t sleep, and have shit taste in music.”  Connor’s mouth opened to reply, but Hank continued before he could.  “But Connor, can I ask you a personal question?”
Connor stopped short, giving another few rapid blinks before answering.  “Yes, Lieutenant?”
“Does it really fucking matter?” 
Connor’s light blinked a rapid yellow as he processed the question, his brow furrowed before he sat back.  Did it... matter...
“Okay kid, don’t explode trying to work it out, it’s rhetorical.  Look.”  He pointed around the room.  “Each one of the people in here is different, aside from the fact that they’re all assholes.  They already exist, though, you don’t have to change who you are to try to be like they are.  Or like I am.  You don’t have to be a human, and you don’t have to be ‘the android sent by CyberLife’ either.  Just be what you are alright? Now quit staring at me and get back to work.”
It was still rare that Connor found a genuine reason to smile but he found himself giving one in that moment.  “Got it.”  
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Sooo... I'm sorry to ask this, I know you are so busy, and don't need to do If you can't, okay?! You're too much important! But, well... I can request a SoulMate!AU Bakushima...? Like, with the string-things, or that of the birthmark, you know? I really love your scenarios, really! I hope you get well,
I’ll write for you as long as I can! I can’t guarantee I’ll be fast about it but I’ll do my best!!
Also I wrote one here a while ago;) and I’ve had a wip of another one saved for like forever so I decided to finish
They say that you just know that they’re your soulmate when you see the tattoo.
Many people who don’t believe in soulmates or who are too afraid to find theirs or for some other reason covered up their tattoo at all times to prevent ever finding their other half. However, a majority of the population kept theirs uncovered.
Kirishima never hid his soulmark. Why would he? He was extremely proud to have a soulmate and wanted to show them off to the world. You know, if he ever found them. And he desperately wanted to find them, which was half of the reason for designing a topless hero costume. That way, he could proudly show the world the tattoo that he was given at birth.
He touched the grenade that rested over his ribs, fingers tracing over the explosion that was the backdrop, smiling softly as he thought of his soulmate. What kind of person was his soulmate for him to have such a design on his body? Mina once told him that they must have an explosive personality, to which he just laughed and rolled his eyes.
His hand lingered on the ink for a second longer before he put his uniform shirt on, buttoning it up and straightening out the wrinkles. He tied his tie and put his jacket on before looking at himself in the mirror. With a final glance, he smiled at his reflection before grabbing his bag, running down the stairs and out the door, excitedly bidding farewell to his parents.
The walk itself was uneventful but Kirishima’s mood was sky high. After all, he was about to start his first day in the UA hero course. Who wouldn’t be excited about that?
The closer he got to campus, the more excited he became. As he approached the gate, he heard a loud, excited shrill followed by footsteps rapidly approaching him. He turned just in time to see Mina run at him before she launched herself into his arms. Kirishima caught her, arms wrapping around her waist as hers wrapped around his neck, spinning her around. After a few seconds of excited screaming, earning them some strange looks from the other students, Kirishima set her down. They continued to talk as they walked to class together.
“Ah! I’m so glad we’re in the same class Kiri! Oh! Do you think our soulmates are gonna be there too? How awesome would that be if they were! Our soulmates could be potential pro heroes too!”
“Man that would be pretty cool!” His hand reflexively went to his ribs as he saw Mina bring her wrist up to look at her own soulmark that she’s had since birth. Thoughts of their soulmates disappeared when they entered their classroom, excitement returning full force as the day started.
The first half of classes went by pretty uneventful, though there were some interesting people around. The main one that stood out to Kirishima was the angry blonde kid in the back of the class. He was loud, vulgar, and just plain rude in general but for some reason, Kirishima thought it was funny and kind of adorable. What shocked him, though, was that he seemed to quiet down as soon as lectures started and actively paid attention to class.
At some point, he found out that the loud, angry, attractive guy was none other than Bakugou Katsuki, the top student in class. Immediately, Kirishima was even more impressed, and also confused as to when he started to mentally call Bakugou “attractive”.
Lunch came and he immediately found Mina, who had introduced him to two other people in their class, Sero and Kaminari, who he just clicked with. He talked to them as they walked to the lunchroom and decided to sit together. While they were eating, however, Kirishima started to zone out and apparently started staring at Bakugou, who was sitting at the other end of the table. He snapped out of it when he saw red eyes stare back at him. Kirishima smiled and waved over at him but only received a scowl in return before the blonde turned away from him, the tips of his ears dusted pink.
“Dude, don’t even try. That guy doesn’t seem like he’d get along with anyone,” Kaminari told Kirishima, the other two agreeing with him.
“Hm, doesn’t hurt to try though. Plus the dude is top in the class so he must be pretty good at everything.”
“Yeah, except being nice to people.” Kirishima just shrugged and changed the topic, asking Kaminari and Sero about their pasts.
After lunch came training and, unfortunately, they couldn’t wear their hero costumes yet. Instead, they had to wear their gym uniforms. As Kirishima was changing, he felt someone lift his arm up and touch his soulmark.
“Bro! That’s such a cool mark!” Kaminari proclaimed, pulling Sero over to look at it too. He just scratched the back of his neck sheepishly as they looked at the details of his tattoo.
“You know, they say the more detailed the mark, the stronger bond you have with your soulmate and, damn Kiri, your mark is pretty detailed.”
“You’re right, Kami, his even has shading!” Sero pointed out.
“I wonder what the grenade means though.”
Before Kirishima could open his mouth to say something, he heard a locker slam and Bakugou to storm out of the locker room, scowling. The three exchanged looks before shrugging and finished getting dressed to start their training.
Throughout the quirk assessment, Kirishima couldn’t help but watch his classmate, all of whom were extremely strong. However, his mind kept wandering to Bakugou and how he was especially talented and seemed to have complete control over his quirk. It also seemed eerily familiar, which was a weird thought to have but just shrugged it off to him just being even more impressed with how cool and manly the other is.
He made it a point to catch up to Bakugou on their way to the locker room, trying to be friendly.
“Your quirk is so cool dude! It’s super strong and flashy! I bet you’ll get plenty of offers after graduation with a quirk that useful!”
“I know. Now get the fuck away, Shitty Hair.” Bakugou opened his locker door in Kirishima’s face, scowling at the other before turning to lift his shirt over his head. As Kirishima was about to walk away, he caught a glimpse of something red on the other’s side. Curiosity got the better of him as he paused and looked at the color longer.
What he saw was a tattoo of a red, sleeping dragon settled on his ribs, scales and other features drawn in incredible detail, the shading expertly done. Kirishima felt as if his breath was knocked out of his lungs, barely able to stop his hand from reaching out to touch the ink. He felt a strong pull towards the tattoo. Kirishima snapped out of his trance when Bakugou’s arm lowered to his side, covering up the mark.
“What the fuck are you staring at? Are you a fucking perv on top of being an obnoxious asshole?”
Kirishima couldn’t speak, instead slowly lifting up the left side of his shirt, revealing his own mark. Bakugou’s gaze went down before he two froze, just staring at the mark, eyes blown wide in shock. Eventually, he looked back up, face expressionless. Kirishima managed a shaky smile while the other scowled again.
“Well, shit.”
A year later and Kirishima was nuzzled into Bakugou’s side, both shirtless. Kirishima was tracing the dragon on his side, following the curves with his fingertips.
“You know, Mina was right.”
“She said that my soulmate had an explosive personality since their mark was a grenade.” He looked up and chuckled. “I say that describes you pretty well.”
Bakugou went silent for a moment, his arm pausing from where it was rubbing circles on Kirishima’s bicep. “My mom used to tell me that dragons symbolized protection and support and strength.” He looked down at the redhead. “I’d say that’s pretty accurate too.”
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