#“yea so i died over like 500 times (i lost count) and i Drink to survive my ever growing agony. i'm still like 10 btw”
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simply to add even more Pain to a Bonnie Looping AU: what if they somehow end up becoming an alcoholic...
#also to further grow the party's Pit Of Despair (also Loop's if Loop is still a Previous Siffrin) when after the loops Bonnie goes#“yea so i died over like 500 times (i lost count) and i Drink to survive my ever growing agony. i'm still like 10 btw”#i also feel like eventually during the loops they'd start emulating Siffrin (in a bad way. u all know how Siffrin is /lh)#also no chance in hell is Loop fading away after the loops here. that bitch is adopting the child#cw alcohol mention#in stars and time#isat au#isat bonnie#bonnie isat#bonnie looping au#isat spoilers#(<- just in case)
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I was tagged by @starkidlabs Rules: answer these 82 questions and tag 20 people.
1. drink? water
2. phone call? 10 days ago to a friend because i couldnt find him
text message? another friend about what cake to buy
4. song you listened to? Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdinck
5.time you cried? not sure. probably teared up watching some video idk
Have you ever
6. dated someone twice? No
7. kissed someone and regretted it? i remember very clearly this once when i was 6/7 i kissed my dad on the cheek and it was so oily and then i decided i didnt want to kiss him goodnight anymore
8. been cheated on? Nope
9. lost someone special? no?
10. gotten drunk and thrown up? Nope
11. Blue
12. Purple (lighter shades)
13. White
In the last year have you
14. made new friends? yep several irl and online
15. fallen out of love? Nope
16. laughed until you cried? never
17. found out someone was talking about you? found out that this acquaintance whom i dont talk to makes it a point to tell my friend whenever she sees me around which is really odd. Also many other occasions but they’re all pretty benign
18. met someone who changed you? Yea i guess
19. found out who your friends are? uhh
20. kissed someone on your facebook list? Naaaa
21. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? most of them are acquaintances
22. do you have any pets? i have a desk plant that is dying because i watered it too frequently
23. do you want to change your name? too much trouble. I dont mind a nickname though
24. what did you do for your last birthday? hmm probably nothing special on the day itself
25. what time did you wake up? 5.20am
26. what were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping
27. name something you can’t wait for? A levels to end
28.when was the last time you saw your mom? 3 hours ago?
29. what are you listening to right now? soft buzzing sound of my fan
30. have you ever talked to a person named tom? hmmmmm....not that i can recall
31. something that is getting on your nerves? hnngghhh academics??? my lack of motivation to study tbh
32. most visited website? (if apps count) snapchat. Otherwise tumblr
33. hair colour? black
34. long or short hair? long till my boobs now!
35. do you have a crush on someone? Not atm
36. what do you like about yourself? i guess i never really lose physical possessions and i remember names really well
37. piercings? nope
38. bloodtype? A+
39. nickname? Tsai i guess?? and like badly pronounced variations of my name if those count
40. relationship status? Single
41. zodiac? Sagittarius
42. pronouns? She/her
43. favourite tv show? the flash and veep (very different genres so i think im allowed 2 answers)
44. tattoos? Nope
45. right or left handed? Right
46. surgery? no
47. sport? ehh not a sports person but when i do do sports i like cycling and badminton and things that require throwing and aiming like archery/shooting/throwing crushed receipts into trash cans from a distance??
48. vacation? US (Broadway baby! or like hollywood is cool too) or most places in europe are exciting too
49. pair of trainers? yea a pair of purple sports shoes and a pair of blue converse and an old reebok i think??
More general
eating: Nothing rn
51. drinking: Nothing
52. i’m about to: wash up and sleep
53. waiting for: A Levels to!! be!! over!!!!
54. want: my life to begin!
55. get married? Eh probably??
56. career? product designer! or something of that sort. just hoping there’ll be enough jobs in the sector
Which is better
57. hugs or kisses? Hugs
58. lips or eyes? Eyes
59.shorter or taller? Taller
60. older or younger? Older
61. nice arms or nice stomach? Arms??
62. hook up or relationship? Relationship
63.troublemaker or hesitant? hmm troublemaker but not too much
have you ever
64. kissed a stranger? No
;65. drank hard liquor? no(t yet?)
66. lost glasses/contacts? nah
67. turned someone down? probably not
68. had sex on the first date? No
69. broken someones heart? probably not
70. had your heart broken? probably not
71. been arrested? i went on a guided tour of my neighbourhood police headquarter when i was 6. Exhilarating.
72. cried when someone died? like in a tv show yeah
73. fallen for a friend? Nah
Do you believe in
74. yourself? eh
75. miracles? nah
76. love at first sight? to a certain extent from a scientific standpoint but mostly meh
77. santa? let me tell you how devastated i was when it dawned on me what “santa is short on cash this year” meant
78. kiss on the first date? uh sure?
79. angels? mehhh
current best friend’s name: never have had a single “best friend”
81. eye color: black
82. favorite movie: (500) Days of Summer
I tag: @teddyrawrr @accordingtoaccordions @illegalaustralien @mxryxn @lmaowat @madamngirl @foxinabluebox @so-sick-we-re-dead and whoever wants to do it wew!!
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WWE: Out of Business ch.2
The superstars all met up in the warehouse where Shane McMahon was counting all of the money they’ve made.
“Thanks to Alexa Bliss’ job as a lifeguard, Braun Strowman’s job as a baker, and Shinsuke Nakamura’s job as an English tutor, we are now at $15,000 for the week!” said Shane.
Applause filled the room after Shane’s announcement.
“Soon we’ll be able to reach our goal of 780 million dollars,” said Shane.
After hearing their goal the applause died down.
“There’s gotta be a faster way to make money,” said Seth Rollins.
“If any of you finds a faster way, be sure to let us all know,” said Shane.
After Shane finished his sentence his phone alarm went off.
“Well my lunch break is over”.
Shane took off his jacket to reveal his McDonald’s uniform. He took his hat from behind the podium and put it on.
“I better get back to work before I’m late. I don’t want to end up getting fired from McDonald’s. That would be embarrassing,” said Shane as he was walking off. Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Bayley, Sasha Banks, and Charlotte all glared at Shane as he walked away.
Moments later, Seth was working his job at PetSmart stocking shelves. Bayley and Sasha came in to his store and ran up to him.
“Seth look what we found!” Bayley yelled.
She handed him a flyer. He looked confused as he read it.
“What’s a focus group?” asked Seth.
“It’s basically like a survey or experiment. Companies pay people to sample their products and tell them what they think of them,” Sasha explained.
“This focus group is for a medical facility. We have to sample a bunch of products and tell the doctors how we feel after,” Bayley continued.
Seth shrugged his shoulders.
“Sounds better than working here,” said Seth.
He took off his apron and handed it to his coworker. Then he pretended to cough.
“I’m calling in sick for today,” Seth told his coworker.
“But you’re already here”.
“Cool, see you tomorrow,” said Seth as he, Sasha, and Bayley walked off.
After leaving PetSmart, the three went to Sephora to go visit Dean Ambrose. They showed him the flyer and explained the idea to him.
“So, you’re telling me that you want us to take unknown medications, we have no idea what the side effects are, and we’re basically being treated as lab rats?” Dean asked.
“Um, yea I guess,” Bayley hesitated.
Dean’s eyes lit up with excitement.
“Sweet! I’ve always wanted to do something like this,” said Dean.
The next day Bayley, Sasha Banks, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Becky Lynch all met up at a medical office. Three doctors walked into the room holding clipboards.
“Thank you all for coming today,” said the doctor. “Today we’re going to be testing out some medicines that will be sold to our hospitals”.
The doctors placed a tray of pills in front of the superstars.
“You each will get a different medication and we will be documenting any side effects throughout the weeks. Please note any changes in your body or behavior over time,” the doctor explained.
The superstars were each given a cup of water. They all took their assigned pills.
“You will be paid $500 a week until your final week where you will be paid $1000”.
Everyones eyes lit up.
“This is way too good to be true,” said Becky.
“This is the easiest money I’ve ever made,” said Roman.
The doctors had them sign contracts agreeing to the experiment. After they all signed their contracts they were free to go.
Moments later a meeting was called back at the warehouse.
“Before we start the meeting I’d like to thank you all for sticking together in this hard time,” said Triple H.
During his speech Bayley snuck into the room. She sat in the back next to Sasha so nobody would notice her.
“Girl what happened to you?” Sasha asked referring to the band aid on Bayley’s chin.
“I cut myself while shaving,” Bayley answered.
Sasha looked confused.
“Shaving your face?” asked Sasha.
Bayley nodded her head.
“Yea. All of a sudden I’ve been growing hair all over the place” Bayley replied.
Seth Rollins overheard their conversation and decided to chime in.
“Do you think it’s the pills?” Seth asked. “Ever since I started taking them I’ve been sweating a lot more”.
Seth’s shirt was completely drenched with sweat and he had sweat dripping from his forehead. Sasha and Bayley were plugging their noses.
“Yea we’ve noticed, “Sasha commented.
Seth took off his shirt and pulled another one out of his bag. Triple H continued his speech.
“But the real reason I called you here today is to discuss a recent incident,” said Triple H.
Triple H pulled out his laptop. He pulled up a clip that he found on a news website.
“Earlier today, a local Bank of America was robbed by a magician, the horror villain Scream, and a few of his unidentifiable friends,” said the newscaster. “The magician was brought into custody, but Scream and his minions are nowhere to be found. I’m Casey Alvarez reporting from WBFF 24 station”.
The clip ended and Triple H put his laptop away.
“Because of the disaster that came from the bank robbery there’s a new rule. We are no longer using illegal activity to make money,” Triple H explained.
Carmella raised her hand.
“Does this mean that me and Ellsworth can’t sell drugs anymore?” asked Carmella.
“What?!” asked Triple H.
Sami Zayn raised his hand.
“Speaking of the bank robbery, I never got my Scream mask back,” said Sami.
Baron Corbin pointed to Dean Ambrose.
“Dean’s wearing your mask right over there,” Baron pointed out.
“Dean take that dumb ass mask off,” said Triple H. “We’re trying to have a serious meeting here”.
Dean slowly took off the mask to reveal red scaly rashes all over his face and neck.
“Daaaaaaaaamn!” everyone said in unison.
“Dean put that dumb ass mask back on,” said Triple H. “We’re trying to have a serious meeting here”.
“Man, what the hell happened to you?” asked Roman. “You’re even uglier than before”.
“It’s that damn medicine” Dean answered. “Ever since I started taking it I started getting rashes everywhere”.
Bayley leaned over to Sasha.
“If we’re all getting these weird side effects, don’t you think we should stop the experiment?” Bayley asked.
Sasha shook her head.
“Of course not,” Sasha answered. “We’re getting paid good money for it. Besides It’s not like any of the side effects are harmful”.
“I hope you’re right,” answered Bayley.
After the meeting Dean, Seth and Roman went to Denny’s for lunch. Dean wore a surgical mask and sunglasses to cover up all his rashes. A waitress came to their table to take their orders.
“Can I get you guys started off with some drinks today?” asked the waitress.
“Yea I’ll take a coke,” answered Dean.
“I’ll have a cup of coffee,” said Roman.
“And I’ll have a mango passion fruit iced tea,” said Seth.
Dean and Roman side eyed him as the waitress walked away. Seth grabbed a stack of napkins off the table to wipe the sweat pouring down his face.
“You know I’m starting to regret doing this focus group,” said Seth.
“I don’t,” Roman replied. “Unlike you and Chester Cheetah over here I don’t have any side effects”.
The waitress came back to their table.
“I’m sorry we’re actually out of coffee right now,” said the waitress.
Roman’s eyes began to tear up after the waitress broke the news.
“Ok thanks for letting me know,” Roman replied.
The waitress walked away from the table again. Dean and Seth stared at Roman as he began to cry.
“Man are you crying?!” Dean asked.
Roman was wiping his tears with the napkins on the table.
“It’s just that, I’ve been looking forward to having coffee all day. And now I’m never going to have it,” Roman cried. He blew his nose into the napkin.
“Why can’t I just have things go my way for once? I need some time alone”.
Roman got up from the table still bawling his eyes out. Seth and Dean looked each other with confusion.
Meanwhile Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, and Bayley went to go get their nails done. They went to the salon where Carmella was working so they could get a discount. Carmella sat down at her desk to do Bayley’s nails.
“So are you here for a full body wax today?” Carmella asked Bayley.
Bayley had grown a uni-brow and her arms were completely covered with hair.
“No. Just a manicure for today,” Bayley replied.
Carmella looked Bayley up and down.
“Ok,” Carmella said rolling her eyes.
Another manicurist came and started working on Sasha’s nails.
“So how have you been since the focus group?” asked Sasha.
“Things have actually been going really well,” Becky replied. “I haven’t had any side effects yet.
Becky’s nail artist came over to her table.
“Our LED lamp isn’t working so we can’t do gel manicures today. Would you like to do a regular manicure?” asked the stylist.
Becky got angry when she heard the news.
“What the hell do you mean you can’t do gel manicures?! What kind of nail salon doesn’t do gel manicures?!” yelled Becky.
Sasha got concerned and held Becky back.
“Becky calm down! It’s not even that serious,” said Sasha.
Becky got back down in her seat.
“Ok I’m cool. I’m not even mad right now”.
After a few seconds, Becky stood back up and karate chopped the table in half. She then stormed out of the nail salon. All the staff and other customers looked scared.
“You know what, I think I will get the wax today,” said Bayley.
Triple H called an emergency meeting and all the superstars gathered at the warehouse.
“I’d like to thank you all for coming here today,” said Triple H.
Seth was wiping his face while his sweat was dripping on the floor.
“It’s kinda hot in here. Can somebody open up a window?” asked Seth.
“Now you know good and well we don’t got no damn windows in here,” replied Triple H.
Becky was getting noticeably irritated.
“Just tells us what you called us here for!” Becky yelled fiercely.
Triple H got scared and jumped back.
“Ok damn”.
After Becky’s outburst, a thin very hairy man with a long beard came into the room.
“Have a seat Bray I have some very important news. You’ve lost a lot of weight by the way,” Triple H commented.
“I’m Bayley,” the person replied. She moved her beard out of the way so people could see her.
“Wow,” Triple H said in shock. “Anyway, I called you all here today for a reason”.
Triple H pulled out his laptop and played a video from a news site.
“Earlier today three men posing as doctors have been arrested for experimenting illegal drugs. They’ve been posting ads for fake focus groups to test their drugs before selling them to terrorist organizations. The suspects are currently in custody and will be charged soon”.
The clip ended. Becky, Sasha, Bayley, Seth, Roman, and Dean all looked shocked. Roman began crying and pulled out a packet of tissues.
“How could anyone do something so cruel?” Roman cried.
“Does this mean we’re not getting paid for our last week?” asked Dean through his surgical mask.
“Well that explains all the weird side effects we’ve been having,” said Seth.
Becky went from being irritated to being angry.
“Oh hell no! They better hope that I never find them in the streets!” yelled Becky.
“Come on guys. We were paid for what we’ve done. And besides, it’s not like the side effects were really that bad,” said Sasha.
Sasha took off her beanie and all her hair came off with it. Everyone looked at Sasha with shock as her hair fell on the floor.
“It got cold in here all of a sudden,” said Sasha. She touched her head and realized her hair was gone. She screamed when she saw her hair on the floor.
“Aw hell no, I’m about to kill these fools! Becky and Sasquatch, let’s ride!”
Sasha, Becky, and Bayley ran out of the warehouse. The superstars watched them as they stormed out.
“Now to the next topic of discussion. There’s a focus group coming up for children’s cereals. Does anyone wanna join?” asked Triple H.
Many of the superstars raised their hands including Dean, Seth, and Roman.
#wwe#wwe fanfiction#seth rollins#bayley#sasha banks#becky lynch#roman reigns#dean ambrose#fanfic#fanfiction
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