#“like a toddler” means sitting on the couch on top of you and doing just whatever the fuck
my moms puppy is so fucking funny she loves being held like a toddler, fireworks, and eating ants
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suugarbabe · 11 months
just friends | m.r. x reader
prompt: Can you do a Mattheo riddle friends to lovers. And Draco asks you out then Mattheo gets jealous and him and Draco have a fight and you help clean all his cuts and stuff? If you can’t that’s fine though ❤️
warnings: mentions of blood, angst, fluff
word count: ~1.5k
a/n: i forgot about the requests i had saved in my google doc so here's one sorry guys.
People thought you and Mattheo being best friends was odd at first. Upon first meeting, people assumed you were quiet and sweet and slow to anger. However when a girl tried to push you around in second year and you landed a hard right hook to her nose, people stopped questioning your friendship and started questioning when you guys were going to start dating. 
You both often played those comments off, saying you were best friends nothing more. Not knowing the other was desperate for the change in relationship status. 
So when Draco asked you to Hogsmead one weekend, you didn’t really have a reason to say no. However when Mattheo found out, he had a less than pleasant response. 
“Are you seriously going with him?” Mattheo was ripping pieces of parchment and throwing them in the fire. You laid across the couch, handing him a new sheet of parchment when he’d finish the other. 
“It’s just Hogsmead, Teo. I’m not betrothed to your cousin,” you tried to sound nonchalant about the whole thing. Mattheo was grumbling in response. 
You sat up on your elbows, “What was that?” Mattheo shook his head, standing up from the floor, “Nothing. Have fun with cousin, tomorrow. Can’t wait to hear all about it.” 
He walked off towards the hall, sounding very much like a stomping toddler and not like he was excited to hear about how your date went tomorrow afternoon. You huffed out an annoyed sigh, deciding to head back to your own dorm. Pansy was sitting atop her bed when you came in and slammed the door behind you. 
“Care to tell the doctor why you’re so peeved?” Pansy sat up at the head of her bed. You groaned, flopping yourself face first on her mattress, mumbling into her duvet. “Come again, dear?” 
You rolled over, staring at the top of her four poster, “Mattheo is being an arsehole.” Pansy couldn’t help but snort, “Tell me something new, Y/n/n.” You groaned again, “He’s never an arse to me, like never ever. Not like he just was. I don’t know what his problem is. Shouldn’t he be happy that my date is at least with someone he knows and likes? I could’ve had a date with Diggory, or even,” you faked a gag, “Potter.” 
Pansy couldn’t help the laugh that emitted from her throat, “I think you’re reaction alone let’s everyone know that the latter would never be an option.” You smiled weakly at her, “Yeah, suppose you’re right.” You sat up now, tucking your feet under you, “I just don’t get what the big deal is. He’s adamant that he and I are just friends, so why get mad when I finally get a date?” 
Pansy looked at you dumbfounded, “Y/n/n, please tell me you’re not that daft.” Your jaw dropped slightly, “What do you mean?” It was Pansy’s turn to groan, “If you can’t see it, I’m not telling you. You’re just going to have to pay more attention.”
You sighed out in annoyance, getting up from her bed and changing into your pyjamas. Pansy dropped the subject, as did you. You laid your head down on your pillow, doing your best to get Mattheo’s judgemental tone out of your mind, which only caused your dreams to be filled with him. 
Your trip to Hogsmead was actually really nice. Draco was a complete gentleman, helping you into and out of the carriage, holding the doors open for you, buying your favorite candies, even buying your lunch and butter beer. 
On the ride back in the carriage, you thanked Draco for a lovely afternoon. He smiled shyly, “Of course, Y/n/n. A beautiful girl like you deserves to be given all the attention and doted on dutifully.” You smiled bashfully, “You’re very kind, Draco.” Draco reached for your hand as you stepped out of the carriage at the doors of the castle. 
You took it, thanking him again as you stepped back to the ground. You opened your mouth to say something when suddenly Draco was ripped from in front of you. You took a shocked step back, trying to focus on the two bodies rolling around on the ground when you noticed it was Mattheo that attacked him. 
Draco and Mattheo were landing blows back and forth. While Mattheo was a few months younger, he was larger, muscular wise than Draco. You worried a bit for Draco, but when he landed an elbow in Mattheo’s ribs, causing him to roll off Draco, the blonde boy stood, walking toward you. 
You opened your mouth to apologize, but Draco cut you off, wiping the blood from his bottom lip, “You two need to sort whatever the fuck you are.” He turned back to look at Mattheo getting up from the ground before turning back to you, “I suggest you take him back to your dorm and clean him up. Have a fucking conversation.” 
You looked back toward Mattheo, who was now looking at the ground. You walked over, grabbing his wrist, “C’mon, Teo. I’ll clean you up.” The walk back to your dorm was silent sans for the sound of both your boots on the corridor floors. When you got to your dorm you led him to the edge of your bed, motioning for him to sit while you got some supplies from the ensuite bathroom. 
When you came back, you opened the first aid kit, grabbing some gauze and soaking it in healing potion. You dabbed the gauze on the bridge of his nose where a fresh cut was now open. Mattheo winced away, “Fucking Salazars dick, Y/n/n, that fucking burns!” 
You grabbed hold of his chin, turning his face toward you again, “Well I wouldn’t even have to do this if you didn’t mindlessly attack Draco. What was that, Teo?” Mattheo avoided your eyes, looking off to the side. 
Your fingers gave his cheeks a gentle squeeze before dabbing his nose again, he winced slightly before meeting your eyes, “You shouldn’t have gone to Hogsmead with him.” You watched as the potion closed the cut on his nose, a pink scar now taking its place. 
You grabbed one of his hands, holding your wand above it, “And why’s that?” Mattheo watched as you waved your wand, quietly muttering a healing spell that closed the cuts over his knuckles leading to fresh scars being formed there, “Because you should have gone with me.” 
Golden brown eyes met yours when you finally looked up, “Teo, we’ve gone to Hogsmead together a bunch of times. Why was this one any different.” Mattheo shook his head, “No, y/n/n, you’re…ugh, you’re not getting it. I don’t want to go with you as your friend. I-I kind of…fancy you.” 
You couldn’t help it when your eyes widened a bit, a small small forming on your face, “You kind of fancy me?” You saw Mattheo’s shoulders physically relax, a smile forming on his lips, “Okay, I really fancy you.” 
You set your wand down on the nightstand before taking a step closer to Mattheo, now fully nestled in between his open legs. “And how long have you really fancied me, Mr. Riddle?” You played with the collar of his t-shirt. You really did love it when Mattheo dressed more casually, you’ll have to tell him. 
Mattheo was feeling more confident now, placing his hands on the backs of your thighs, "Are you gonna hit me if I say a year?" Your eyebrows shot up, "A year? Mattheo Marvelo are you telling me we could've been dating for a year now but you were to wuss to say anything to me?"
At first he opened his mouth to apologize, but his brain quickly made the connections to what your statement alluded, "Y/n Y/m/n, are you saying that you have also fancied me for the last year?"
It was your turn to act reserved, "I mean...yes?" Mattheo's hands on your thighs gave a quick squeeze, causing your to squeal and grab his wrists.
Mattheo smiled at your giggles, now bringing his hands to either side of your face, "Well, looks like we've got lots to make up for, don't we love."
You nodded your head, closing the gap between the two of you, finally allowing your lips to connect with your best friend you've been pining over for the last year
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mousy-nona · 6 months
Possible prompt: tails? Lucifer finds out Alastor has a tiny deer tail (as the fandom envisions) while Alastor finds out he likes playing with Lucifer's sharp tail (in his transformed state - not to mention, the black tail with the red heart is Alastor's colours lol)
“Gerroff,” Alastor growled. 
They’d been fighting. Again. It happened so often that the rest of the hotel had long given up doing anything about it, treating them like two overactive toddlers before nap time. Let them tire themselves out. They'll get bored eventually.
Except Lucifer and Alastor were decidedly not toddlers, and their brawls usually ended up in someone – or something – getting hurt. 
This time, Lucifer had accidentally launched himself at Alastor hard enough to send them both tumbling over the railing from the top floor. He’d transformed at the last second, his wings creating enough of a drag so they didn’t break the floor of the hotel. 
But the sudden movement caused them to flip over in midair, and Lucifer found himself cushioning Alastor’s fall with his own body. 
His roar of pain was deafening. Alastor winced, his sensitive ears twitching. 
“Don’t be so dramatic,” he scowled. 
“When you stop being such an asshole,” Lucifer hissed back, rubbing his sore bottom. 
Alastor rolled his eyes. “You didn’t make this much of a fuss when I blasted you into the Greed ring.” 
“Well, I landed on my tail this time,” Lucifer said crossly. “Don’t you know you never mess with a man’s tail? What kind of savage are you?” He sighed, shaking his head at him pityingly. “I guess I can’t expect too much out of someone who doesn’t have one.” 
Alastor snorted. “And what makes you think I don’t?”
Lucifer’s eyes widened. The slightest hint of a blush rose across his pale face. “You have a tail?” Is it fluffy?
“I’m a deer, my dear. Of course I have a tail.”
Lucifer gasped, then winced as his own tail perked up in excitement, accidentally tugging at the spot he’d landed on. Alastor’s gaze flicked to his ass. 
“It does look a little bent,” he admitted. One of his claws reached out and trailed gently across the pitch black line, starting from the sore spot and ending at the heart. Lucifer shivered, the hyper-sensitive skin sending sparks of something up and down his body. 
“Who told you you could touch it?” He asked, his voice pitched embarrassingly high. 
Alastor’s hand stilled. “My apologies. I thought you might want some help straightening it out.” 
“I didn’t mean – it’s fine.” A strange thought suddenly occurred to him, and before he knew it, his mouth was moving before his brain could catch up. “Since you touched mine, can I touch yours?”
Alastor cocked his head, considering this for a moment. Just as Lucifer was about to take it back and claim temporary insanity, he nodded and held out his hand. “An acceptable deal. Shall we shake on it?” 
Lucifer took his hand – and suddenly, the world blurred. He found himself unceremoniously thrown off of Alastor. He started protesting, but immediately cut himself off when the tall demon stood and started shedding his coat.
He gulped, his mouth suddenly dry. “What are you doing?”
Alastor looked at him strangely. “Showing you my tail. Surely you won’t be able to reach it with this old thing in the way?’
Two strong forearms, scarred and slim and strong, appeared from underneath the coat. As Alastor neatly folded it and placed it on the couch, the thin fabric of his shirt twisted and flexed, revealing the powerful, slender form hiding underneath. 
Then Alastor turned around, and Lucifer gasped.
“Oh my god it’s so fluffy!” He squealed, sounding exactly like his daughter. Alastor even glanced around nervously, checking to make sure Charlie hadn’t somehow snuck in while he’d been distracted. 
“There will be no tail-touching for you if you don’t calm down this instant,” he frowned. 
Lucifer forced himself to sit still. “I’m calm, I’m calm.”
Alastor cast a suspicious glance at him, but sighed and crooked his finger forward. “Well, come on then.” 
The first touch was heavenly. The little puffball stuck on Alastor’s behind was even softer than he’d imagined, like rabbit’s fur mixed with fresh-fallen snow. It was sensitive too, twitching with every soft stroke. He was so focused on patting it he didn’t even notice Alastor was getting near his tail until he’d pinched the end of it between his claws, hard. 
“Hey!” He yowled. “What do you think you’re doing?” 
He flashed his trademark grin. “That was the deal, my dear. I touch yours, you touch mine. And can you blame me? You have quite the fascinating specimen back here. I haven’t seen anything like it.”
The unexpected compliment brought an alarming amount of heat to his cheeks. “Yours isn’t so bad, either.” 
And Lucifer added two things to his list of things he knew about Alastor that day: Alastor’s tail was adorable enough to make a baby bunny rabbit jealous, and he made some very interesting sounds when it was touched.
It was, all things considered, a fine day.
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thewulf · 1 year
The Last Time || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - Hotch x reader fic based on the last time by taylor swift and gary lightbody
A/N: I just love a good angst to comfort. Thanks so much for the request anon! I had a good time writing this :) Let me know your thoughts!
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 2.6k+
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“Hey A.” You grinned leaning up on your tip toes to kiss your husband on the cheek. You noticed the small breath he let out before putting on a façade, a smile on his face.
“Hi sweetheart.” He pulled you in without much thought. Smelling the top of your head you instinctually melted into him. You knew how hard his job was. The horror of the cases he saw on a daily basis. Choosing which serial killers, he and his team went after and which ones they had to ignore, for now. You knew how he felt like he played God with people’s lives. How heavy those decisions weighed on him.
When you pulled away you studied his face. He looked utterly exhausted. When was the last time he’d taken even a day away from the office? You knew it usually didn’t lead to anything good, so you’d shut up about it, “How was your day babe? Jack aced his math test, took him out for some ice cream.”
He scrunched his eyebrows together, “He had a math test?”
You nodded hiding the disappointment of his increasing absence over the last few months. The BAU seemingly taking over his entire life, “Pre-algebra. He’s been studying all week.” You didn’t want to make him feel worse, but you didn’t want to lie either. Jack had been studying. Vying for his father’s attention which seemed to be entirely elsewhere.
A curt nod. One you were sure was reserved usually for the team, “Thanks for letting me know.”
You sighed, tired of his absence, “Yeah, sure.” Breaking from his embrace you walked over to the fridge not having a plan in mind but not really wanting to be around him.
“You’re mad.” He stated sitting down at the barstool underneath the kitchen island.
Closing the refrigerator door, you looked at him with your eyebrows raised, “You’re good at your job Aaron.” Placing an emphasis on the word job you crossed your arms over your chest careful to keep your voice down. You’d just gotten Rosie, your toddler, down for sleep and God forbid Jack here a nasty spat between his parents.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He stood from the barstool making his way toward your slowly.
You shrugged, not really wanting to pick a fight right now. He was home now, you wanted his time not an argument when he was home, “You’re a profiler, figure it out. I’m tired A. Can we just watch a show and order some takeout?” You tried to change the conversation away from the looming fight and into a calmer one.
His eyebrows scrunched together further. Something was wrong. You were acting weird. When was the last time he’d even talked to his you, his wife he adored more than the world? Sure, he knew he’d gotten caught up at work over the last few months, but he might not have realized just how severely he’d been absent from your lives.
“We’ll talk about this in the morning. But for now, that sounds perfect honey.” He smiled letting you lead the way.
But of course, his fucking work phone had to ring. You shuddered hearing the infamous, “This is Hotchner.” After two damn rings. It was like his body was on autopilot.
You sat down on the couch praying that he wouldn’t be leaving. You didn’t even get a night anymore?
“That was Strauss. Emergency case in New York…” He trailed off seeing your distant gaze. One that wasn’t even sad. Wasn’t anything, neutral. Terrifyingly neutral.
Blinking a few times, you looked back up to him, “Do you have to go?” It was a long shot, but one, nonetheless.
He nodded, “I’m sorry honey… I should be back soon.” Even he cringed hearing how indecisive that was.
“When’s soon? Jack has that soccer game on Sunday. You promised you’d be there. This was your weekend off.” You knew how badly you were hurting him, but you just couldn’t find it in you to really give a damn any further. Jack had begged his dad to be there. He’d made the seventh-grade soccer team and wanted his dad at the first game. The odds were slipping away rapidly.
He sighed looking away, “I’ll try honey. Really, I will. But I can’t make any promises, you know that that.”
You gave him a dry laugh, tired. So tired of him choosing the job over you guys. Did you even matter anymore?
“Be sure to make it home, case solved or not Aaron. It’s not that fucking hard.” You rarely cussed in front of him knowing it set a bad tone for the kids, but they weren’t here, and you were at your wits end. He wasn’t listening to you. So, you had to pull out the big boy words. Words that caught his attention.
He cocked his head to the side in surprise. He was looking at you curiously, profiling you surely, “Now sweetheart, you know that
You squinted your eyes feeling the frustration bubble up on over, “Don’t patronize me right now Aaron. We’re tired of you never fucking being here.”
He frowned taking a step forward, “Just let me get through this case and we can talk about it. Yeah?” He tried reasoning. But you weren’t having it, not anymore.
You shook your head, “What happens when Strauss calls again Aaron? Are you going to keep picking her over your wife and fucking kids? Does your daughter even know what her dad even looks like anymore? I don’t think she does.” You spit out with venom in your voice knowing that was an extremely low blow
“Y/N.” He bit back before stopping himself, “You know this is important…”
You cut him off, “More important than me? Rosie? Jack?” You knew a tear had slipped down your cheek, how dramatic.
“Honey, I have to go.”
You couldn’t believe he was going, running, “This is the last time Aaron. I swear to God if you walk through that door…”
He cut you off this time, “I have to. We’ll talk when I’m back.”
You watched in horror as he grabbed that damn bag and walked out the door murmuring a soft ‘I love you’ before vanishing. You had to do something to get his attention because this wasn’t doing it anymore. You texted your mom, asking her to take the kids for the weekend as you needed to go see Allie, your best friend who lived a few hours downstate. She’d agreed no questions asked. Then you were off. You’d dropped the two kids off the next morning at your parents place before hightailing it down to Allie’s.
When you got there she helped you craft a message to your husband. She and her husband had gone through a similar rough patch not that long ago and you could use her help. So why not use it?
‘Hey, A. Kids, are at my mom’s. I’m at Allie’s for the next few days. I’ll be back in time for Jack’s game on Sunday. Need some time away to think about things.’
You’d sent out before waiting for a response. But Allie wouldn’t let you wallow. She took you out making you leave that damn phone at home. You knew you’d be getting chewed out for that later, something about how unsafe that decision could be.
When you’d gotten back to Allie’s home tipsier than you’d care to admit you went straight for your phone. 13 missed calls and five texts. You cringed before opening your phone and reading the string he sent.
‘Please answer the phone.’
‘Why are you at Allie’s? Please just answer the phone.’
‘I’m on my way home. Please call me back, are you alright?’
‘Dammit, please Y/N. You can’t do this to me. I messed up alright. Please just call me. Or text me. Something. I love you.’
‘I love you.’
You shook your head letting a few tears fall freely reading through them. You’d begged him to stay, and he left. Now that you wanted space he was coming to talk? You felt your hands shaking thinking of something to say back to him, your husband. You felt so detached from him, why were you so nervous?
‘I’m fine. Just went out and the phone died. Please don’t come. I need space. Please.’
You wanted to set your phone down, but he replied almost instantly.
‘I’m almost there.’
He wasn’t giving you an option.
‘How? I’m downstate. Go back with your team. They need you or something.’
You were picking a fight and you knew it. You were tipsy and tired and pissed off at your absent husband. The love was always there it was just laying low right now. A caged animal crying to be let out.
‘Flew into another airport. I’ll be there in five.’
You groaned deciding to call him instead. You didn’t want to see him. Afraid you might say something you may regret. You’d gotten exactly what you wanted, his attention. You’d never done something so drastic. But then again, you never had to do anything so drastic before.
Before he could speak when he answered you started talking, “Please don’t come Aaron. I just want to be with my best friend right now.” You knew how little your voice sounded. So distant from the person you always were.
A still silence and his driving vehicle is all you could here before he responded, “I shouldn’t have left. I’m sorry. Please Y/N. We can talk. I need to talk to you. I can’t lose you.” He spit out. You knew that was a big fear of his, after what happened to Haley. Jack now only realized what happened to his biological mom who loved him more than life itself. You couldn’t fathom carrying that around with you.
You had to give in. That soft voice let you know he was actually going through it, “You could never lose me Aaron. I just needed advice and some comfort. My mom didn’t have a problem watching the kids, you know it’s a treat for her.”
“I know.” Aaron sighed as he pulled into the driveway right next to your car. He knew exactly where she lived, he’d visited a fair share of times with you, “I’m here honey.”
You felt your heart rate quicken, “I’ll be right out.” You called out to Allie letting her know what the hell was happening. The one thing you loved and hated about the man. He was relentless. Wouldn’t take no for an answer.
Walking out a few steps far enough away from the house so that Allie and her husband couldn’t here you watched as Aaron spotted you and made his way right towards you. Gently, he placed his calloused hands on your shoulders pulling you into himself tightly. He brushed the back of your head with his hand while he held your body tightly into his.
“I’m so sorry sweetheart. I don’t…” he paused collecting his thoughts, “I don’t know what I was thinking, I can’t lose you.” At that he gripped you just a little tighter. Calming his nerves you squeezed him back, not nearly as aggressively but a reassurance for his racing mind you knew so well.
When you pulled away you looked up to him with teary eyes, “You stopped listening. Jack’s been all but begging you on his knees for you to pay attention. Rosie asked where you were yesterday Aaron. We miss you. We need you back. I can’t do this alone either. It feels like I have been for the last few months.” You let the tears fall and the damn burst open. You let yourself feel every pent-up emotion, every frustration as you cried.
He pulled you back into his embrace with a frown on his face, “I’m so sorry honey.” He squeezed you tightly while you let the tears flow free. It felt good to have let them out, let pent up emotions you’d been holding back go.
“Just listen.” You mumbled into his chest letting yourself have the breakdown you’d needed.
He squeezed you once more letting you know he’d heard you, loud and clear, “I will. I’m so sorry you had to do this. That I made you feel this way. I just want the promotion so bad that… that I feel like telling Strauss no will hinder it. But I’ll talk to her. I promise. For you. For Jack and Rosie.” He kissed the crown of your head feeling that overwhelming feeling of dread pool in his stomach. He’d done this. He was the reason for your tears. He’d neglected you., the kids.
“I can’t beg you anymore Aaron.” You whispered after the sobs had long since died down and the tears were slow to come, “This is the last time.”
He nodded seeing the seriousness in your eyes, the hurt you’d usually hidden so well, “I hear you.” He brushed a gentle finger over your forehead as he looked over you. He then ran his thumb beneath your eyes collecting the stray tears that were lingering on your skin, “I’m so sorry I did this to you.”
The intensity of his gaze was hard to hold. He was everything and more to you. A sweet crush turned passionate romance that led to where you were today, ten years and a kid later. You knew what you signed up for when you got married but this was on another level. Being single when you’re married is one of the loneliest things you’d gone through. Especially when you’d practically begged for his attention for weeks now. You’d given him one last shot with a Hail Mary attempt, and he’d caught it. You’d never been so unsure of decision before, always being so sure with him. Nobody was perfect, you knew that. But you needed him to see. Thank goodness he did.
When you didn’t respond but instead hugged him he let you do as you needed. Whatever comfort you needed he was willing to provide. But after five minutes of holding each other he needed to break the silence. You certainly weren’t going to.
“Let’s go home? Kids can stay at your moms. Let’s have a day to ourselves tomorrow. Sleep in, make you breakfast and do something fun. How’s that sound?” He asked you softly, continuing to rock you in his arms.
“Yeah, that sounds lovely.” You yawned feeling the late night and the emotions of the day taking its toll on you.
“Then we can pick the kids up on Sunday, take them to breakfast and go to Jack’s soccer game. That sound okay sweetheart?”
You nodded in his chest feeling the warmth spread over you. He was listening. He was going to do what he said he was going to. This was Aaron Hotchner after all, “That sounds perfect A.” You felt okay, content. It was going to be alright. Just a little rough patch is all.
He smiled down at you, “Let’s get you home then, go grab your things and tell Allie I said I’m sorry too.”
You let go of his torso looking at both cars in the driveway, “We have two cars.” You sighed not feeling up for the drive home. It was already pushing eleven o’clock.
He shrugged, “It’s a rental. I’ll have the somebody from the FBI come get it tomorrow.” He pointed to the car he’d drove in on.
You shook your head, “There are some perks to that job of yours.”
He nodded leaning down to give you a quick kiss on the lips, “That there is. Now, let’s get you home. I have some making up to do.” He shot you a wink before pushing you gently in the direction of your best friend’s house.
You turned around with a brilliant smile on your face nodding rapidly, “That you do Hotchner, that you do.” You rushed back inside careful not to let him get the last word in. It certainly was going to be alright.
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds:
Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22
Request Taglist: @fictionallifestuff
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swanawil · 7 months
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"Be my valentine"
~| Valentines Special 💝
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"What the fuck is your problem," Adam groaned. You had pushed him away when he had tried to initiate fun time.
You scoffed, getting off of the couch.
"You act like I'm some telepathic freak or something!" He called after you as you moved into the bedroom. "I can't read your mind!"
No answer.
"Y/n!" He exclaimed for you.
No answer.
"Hey! I know damn well you hear me!" He looked at the open door of your bedroom.
No answer.
"It's Valentines day!" He told you like you didn’t already know, "C'mon aren't you supposed to be like.. All lovely dovey or whatever?"
No answer. Adam scowled. He let the silence sit for a moment as he turned forward again. A stubborn and annoyed air about him.
He groaned rather loudly, sounding like a toddler having a temper tantrum.
Adam begrudgingly pushed himself off the couch, grumbling as he did. "Fine, be a bitch then. I'll just come to you, you little shit.."
Adam looked at you. You were sat on the corner of the bed, your back to him. He could tell you were gripping the edge of the bed pretty hard. But he couldn't see your expression.
Adam sighed loudly and dramatically. He saw your shoulders tense a bit. "What do I have to do?"
You looked over your shoulder at him. You didn't say anything. He stood silent, his arms crossed, and an annoyed scowl on his face.
"At least tell me what I fuckin' did!" You scoffed again.
"More like what you didn’t do.." You grumbled.
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Adam asked, looking at you bewildered.
You finally looked at him, a glare fixed on your face. "You didn't ask me something very simple."
"I don't know what the fuck you are talking about!" He told you frustratedly. You stood from the bed, turning to fully look at him.
"It's so fucking easy to guess, Adam!" You yelled back.
"Why are you so difficult!" He yelled.
It was just a back and forth between the two of you. Both of you just yelling at each other in your own stubborn frustrations.
"Why didn't you ask me to be your valentine!" You finally yelled. And that silenced both of you.
Adam stood there, his eyes wide. He was taken aback. But slowly, a wide smirk of amusement came to his face.
"So that's what this is about?" He asked. You blushed in embarrassment, looking to the floor. "Really, that's why you got all bitchy on me?"
Adam let out a chuckle as he stepped forward. He grabbed you and pushed you onto the bed before climbing on top of you and pinned you down.
You stared up at him, cheeks colored. You tried to keep a glare on your face, but it faltered.
"C'mon, hotstuff," he chuckled, "I thought it was a granted you were my valentine considering you get to have my dick in you whenever you want."
"You still have to ask.." You grumbled softly, looking away.
Adam rolled his eyes, "fine, whatever," he sighed. "Be my valentine, hotstuff. I'll give you a night to remember," he winked down at you with that arrogant toothy grin that was normal for him.
You couldn’t even help the smile that grew on your face, even if he had added a lewd comment on the end of it.
You reached up, quickly winding your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
"I'll be your valentine," you told him softly, the same smile still on your face.
"Finally happy?" He asked. You hummed, nodding in the crook of his neck. "Fuckin' finally," he sighed, putting a hand on the small of your back.
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creedslove · 8 months
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: Hi besties! I thought of this because last night I simply couldn't fall asleep so I decided to spend the whole night up, but there was something missing and that something is our husband Joel Miller 😞
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• it is uncommon for you to wake up in the middle of the night and have a hard time to fall back asleep; it's frustrating because it usually happens when you have something to do in the morning, such as work or an important appointment
• at first you even try to go back to sleep, tossing and turning, but then, the temptation of grabbing your phone to check up social media, text back some friend you've been postponing or anything like that, but you know you can't do that in bed, not with Joel asleep next to you
• just because you can't sleep, it doesn't mean you are gonna wake up your husband, he worked hard all day, he deserves to have his peaceful sleep, so you carefully take your pillow and a small blanket if you feel a little cold and head downstairs
• but Joel has a hard time sleeping when you're not next to him; it's instinctively really, he just rolls over and looks for you, not feeling you beside him makes him open his eyes and sigh. He knows you aren't sleepy again
• so he gets up and goes after you, he wants to see what you are up to and spend time together, after all, with everyday routine, sometimes you only see each other briefly either before or after work
• one of your favorite late at night sights is to see Joel climbing down the stairs shirtless with a messy bed hair, rubbing his eyes lazily; it melts your heart, he sort of resembles a toddler when he does so and it makes you picture what having a baby boy with Joel would be like
• then he heavily sits down next to you and wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer and resting his head on top of yours
• he yawns and keeps his eyes shut for a while, as you chuckle and cuddle him; as much as you wanted him to sleep and relax, you can't deny you love when he joins you on the couch for a lazy middle of the night date
• sometimes you and Joel enjoy that moment to make out a little and make some love, but it's more common to get sexual with your husband in the morning before breakfast or before falling asleep, as Joel is usually very lazy and you both are tired, so it's mostly cuddling and snuggling
• but he doesn't rule out a snack in the middle of the night; you are more into having a fruit or some chocolate, but Joel is more like eating sandwiches or dinner leftovers
• he doesn't really care about what you are watching, it can be anything really, he just loves spending time with you, so Joel pulls you closer and snuggles you
• he usually falls back asleep before you, and when you are all comfortable on the couch, you don't even try to go back to bed, after all, you feel relaxed enough to sleep when you have Joel with you, no matter where
• and he agrees with you, but that doesn't mean his back won't kill him the morning after
• and yet, he's willing to do everything again the next night, because he loves you 💗
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Everything I've ever seen Alastor's cat depicted doing has all been things I think any regular cat would do if you gave them demonic power, and that he isn't evil, just a regular cat, so behold: things Alastor's cat does when he's not being an active terror to the Pentagram, aka things my cat Fergus just does on the regular.
°Throwing, and I mean THROWING his whole 15-pound self at the Alastor's doors at 6am every morning for breakfast. Absolutly screaming at the door. Scratching at the door so fast and hard, like he's digging a hole, like he's got a body to bury and he can hear the cop siren's closing in. Alastor doesn't have an alarmclock. He doesn't need one.
°Taking people's seat EVERY time someone's about to sit somewhere, even if they JUST got up for like TEN SECONDS to grab a drink, curling up and staring them down as they walk back over, absolute soul deep defiance in his eyes as he refuses to be shoo'd.
○Sitting on top of Keekee whenever she's in someone else's lap, so as to receive the person's attention himself. (My other cat Rocky actually does this to Fergus, but it's like the only rude things he knows how to do. He is like, so mellow)
○Climbs from the back of the couch, directly onto and over people's shoulder to stick his face in their's coffee as, infact, they are attempting to take a sip for themself.
○Laying one(1) inch behind people in the kitchen, dispite alllllll of that floor space, tripping them up, yelling at them for tripping over him, and then grabbing whatever they dropped and running off. Regularly.
○Constantly puts his little paws on the dining table and popping his little head up like a toddler watching through the class as someone makea them an ice- cream cone, before reeeaaaaaccccching for the Hazbin's plate of food to pull it straight to the ground for himself.
○Going absolutely feral anytime he has a toy. I mean growling, clawing, violent toy aggression. It takes someone holding the cat, paws secured, and someone else sticking their fingers in his mouth to pry his jaw open to get it away.
○Dragging the water bowl across the kitchen floor, sloshing water everywhere, because,,,, they don't know, he doesn't like stagnant water??????? He dips his paws IN the bowl to lick the water? Can that even taste better???
○Walking up to the antique dining table's legs, casually rubbing against it, ignoring everyone's vocal demands of "no" "dont do it!" "Stop!" And then falling to his side, wrapping himself around the leg and attempting to maul the ANTIQUE leg to second death.
○He, of course, instantly starts purring and nuzzling him anytime Alastor picks him up.
Everyone: That thing is so evil.
Alastor, who's probably had the thing since they were both alive: He's just a little baby???
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felixsramen · 1 year
Yours Truly
This is part 24 to my Skz poly fic.
Previous<<<< Next>>>>
You wake up wrapped in Chans and Hyunjins arms. Instead of moving immediately from the middle you lay there for a second. You missed this. Missed sleeping in-between or beside one of them.
You needed to get up though. You sighed knowing you were going to miss it the second you got up. You moved from in-between them careful to not wake the sleeping pair. You quietly walk out the room knowing they needed rest.
You make your way to the living room to see if anyone was there. Your eyes meet I.N. who hasn't noticed your appearance. He seems to be daydreaming. You make your way over to the couch and sit beside him. That's when he finally noticed your presence.
"Hi Innie." You say softly. I.N. smiles at you weakly. "Hi." He says back.
"You okay?" You ask him and he nods. You hold your hand out for him and he sighs.
I.N. shakes his head at you. "I'm not actually. I don't think I deserve you. Or any of them really. I fucked up badly. I'm the reason the fight happened in the first place." I.N. says feeling guilty.
You sigh and that's when you lean your head on him. "You deserve them. You messed up of course. That doesn't mean you don't deserve them. Did you mean to start the argument?" You ask him.
"Of course not." He says quickly. "Then don't feel like you don't deserve them. You deserve me too." You tell him and he sighs.
He shakes his head. "I don't. I don't deserve you at all. I shouldn't have kissed you." I.N. says and you nod.
"But it happened. You can't take back what you did. I don't hate you for it. If I did I wouldn't be back." You tell I.N.
I.N. brings his hand into the hand you still have out. "If it makes you feel any better I enjoyed it. I was just confused and upset on why you pretty much ran away after." You tell him and he nods.
"I'm glad you did but it shouldn't have happened. I don't even know why I did that. I mean of course I do you're amazing." I.N. says rambling on and you laugh catching him off guard.
"You're so cute Innie." You tell him and he smiles. You lean in and kiss his cheek gently.
"You guys make me sick." You hear and turn towards the voice meeting Hyunjins eyes. I.N. rolls his eyes at his words.
"Come here Jinnie." You say holding your arms open for him. "I'd rather not if you're going to be all lovey dovey." Hyunjin says in fake disgust.
"Hwang Hyunjin." You say and he's clearly surprised at his full name being used.
"The full government name? Uh oh looks like someone's in trouble." Seungmin says walking into the kitchen. Hyunjin flips him off and Seungmin just laughs.
Hyunjin looks back at you and sighs before walking over to you. You hold out your hand and he reluctantly takes it while you pull him onto your lap. "I'm being treated like a toddler now?" Hyunjin asks with an eyebrow raised.
"If you want to act like one I'll treat you like one." You say and he sighs.
"All because you both want to be lovey dovey in the living room. Where everyone can see?" Hyunjin says folding his arms.
"Are you jealous Jinnie?" You ask and he doesn't say anything instead huffing.
"If you wanted me to kiss your cheek too all you have to do is ask." You say teasing him and he looks away from you clearly getting embarrassed at your words.
Seungmin laughs coming into the living room seeing Hyunjin look away. "You've got him all flustered. Usually only Minho and Chan can do that to him." Seungmin says sipping on the coffee he made.
"Screw you Min." Hyunjin says huffing once again.
"Already have. I think you quite enjoy it when I top actually." Seungmin says and Hyunjin glares at him.
You let out a laugh at Seungmins comment and Hyunjin sighs. "I hate all of you." Hyunjin says pouting and you hug him.
"Why is Hyunjin sitting on Y/Ns lap like a toddler? And where is my phone so I can blackmail him later with this." Jisung says coming in with Minho behind him.
Jisung turns around to Minho and smiles at him sweetly. "My love. One of the 8 amazing boyfriends I have. Would you please go get me my phone from the room?" Jisung asks Minho.
"Do not tell him yes!" Hyunjin says and Minho smiles.
"I'd do anything for you." Minho says and Jisungs eyes light up.
"However I refuse to get inbetween you and Hyunjins blackmail." Minho says kissing Jisungs forehead and heading to the couch sitting beside you.
Jisung pouts but quickly heads for his room. You let go of Hyunjin and he gets up sitting in-between you and I.N. now.
You hear Jisungs hurried footsteps and he appears once again. He has his phone out ready to take a picture but pouts once he sees Hyunjin is no longer on your lap.
Hyunjin sticks his tongue out at Jisung. Jisung flips him off walking over to I.N. and sitting on his lap.
"You couldn't have held him for a few more seconds?" Jisung says pouting and you laugh.
"I'm not trying to get blackmailed too." You say placing your head on Minhos shoulder.
Seungmin walks over to the other couch and sips his coffee. "Not going to join us?" Minho asks and Seungmin shakes his head.
"It's crowded enough on that couch." Seungmin says.
Changbin walks into the room and immediately heads for the couch Seungmin is on. Changbin sits right beside Seungmin who sighs placing his coffee down on the coffee table.
"Well there goes it not being crowded." Seungmin says and Changbin pouts.
"You're so mean to me Minnie." Changbin says and Seungmin sighs.
"I'm not mean to you." Seungmin says and Changbin lays his head on his lap.
"You are." Changbin says and Seungmin rolls his eyes. "If I was mean I would've pushed you off the couch. Now did I?" Seungmin asks him.
Changbin sighs. "Way to show your love Minnie." Changbin says and Seungmin smiles.
"I love you Bin. Happy now?" Seungmin says and Changbin smiles. "Very." Changbin replies with.
Felix walks into the room and sighs. "You know the bed is really uncomfortable without someone else."
"Sorry Lix. I was wide awake." Seungmin says and he just yawns in response.
Felix walks to the couch and lays across the opposite way of Changbin.
Chan walks into the room rubbing his eyes. "Thanks for leaving me in the room by myself." Chan says looking at Hyunjin who rolls his eyes.
"I wouldn't have left the room if you hadn't started hogging the blanket." Hyunjin says crossing his arms.
"Yeah yeah. Whatever." Chan says walking up to him and kissing his head.
"Playing favorites now?" Jisung says and Chan smiles rolling his eyes.
"Yeah I sure am Ji. I chose to be with you guys to get Hyunjin all to myself." Chan says sarcastically.
"I knew it! I've always been suspicious of y-" Chan cuts him off with a kiss.
Chan pulls away smiling. "Do you ever know when to stop talking?" Chan asks Jisung.
"No. He never does. That's why we love him." Changbin says laying across Seungmins lap.
Chan walks to the other couch picking up Felixs legs and lays down on Seungmins shoulder placing his legs onto him. "What is this? Crowd Seungmin day?" Seungmin says jokingly.
"Don't act like you don't love us." Hyunjin says and Seungmin rolls his eyes.
"I do but you guys can be stupid sometimes." Seungmin says looking at you referring to what they had said.
"Yeah. We know." Hyunjin says looking at you.
"We shouldn't have ever said anything about you. We were upset and you didn't deserve that. We shouldn't have defended him so quickly. It's our fault." Jisung says apologizing once again and you nod.
I.N. sighs. "It only happened because I kissed her." I.N. says acknowledging his part.
"I understand where you guys were coming from. I mean you've met me not too long ago. You've been with each other for a while now. I'm new and I understand that." You say.
"Doesn't excuse what was said." Chan says and you nod.
"I know. I thought about all of us for a while. If coming back would be worth it. It's hard to face you guys knowing what was said. I didn't know if I wanted to even come back." You say honestly and the 6 boys look guilty.
"I do really like you all though. I think it hurt a lot more being away from you guys than anything you guys said." You tell them.
"I refuse to be treated like this continuously though. If it happens again I'm not staying. I can't keep being treated like this." You say.
"We understand that completely. We wouldn't have blamed you if you had left this time." Felix says and the others nod at his words.
"It's going to be hard to get over and I'm not sure I ever will fully." You say earning more nods.
"We're glad you came back though." Hyunjin says and you nod.
"Me too. I want this to work. All of us." You say.
"We do too." Changbin replies back.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @jkookiejiminlvr @hyuneyeon @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @jfkedldndkd @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud @thatoneperson1911 @lmaouwu @greysweaters-blog @katrodriguez99 @3rachasninja @amararosesblog @1alesakura @m4gg13-g @vampcharxter @noellllslut @berryberrytan @junebug032 @jeonginwvr @jeongchaos @emyferra08 @stvrfir3 @feybin @mauvemelon @worcesheshestershiresauce @realrintaro @katsukis1wife @foliea @krishastumblernow @pretty-blkgirl @mrsseochangbin @cyberpunksunwoo @nobody3210
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wikiangela · 3 months
🥩 🥩
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omg that's a lot of sentences lol thank you so much bc it was motivating and really moved some fics along haha 💝💝 so here's looots of words for you <3
+ tagging a few people who were also interested in some of those, you'll get sentences for your asks too, but give me time lol, it's a lot of sentences 🤣 (really appreciate it tho, I'm so motivated now, my fics are actually moving along haha <3), for now have these: @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @evansboyfriend @typicalopposite @eddiebabygirldiaz @jewishbuckley @monsterrae1 @steadfastsaturnsrings @hippolotamus
putting it all under the cut bc it got long, obviously haha
🥩 🥩 - 6 sentences of the bucktommy barbecue fic
When he walks back into the backyard, grabbing a bowl of salad and a basket of bread on his way, he’s greeted by a pretty great picture. His whole family is around the two tables they put together to fit everyone, getting acquainted with Tommy’s friends. The older children – Christopher, Denny and Mara – sit to the side, chatting between each other, the boys trying to include Mara in their conversation, while the two youngest are right next to Tommy. His boyfriend is at the grill, fire already started, as he tries to keep the girls a few steps away, while they’re excitedly chatting to him. It’s so adorable.  “Hey, girls,” Buck says as he approaches them, wanting to let his boyfriend grill in peace for a moment, “you wanna see something?” he asks, and it’s enough to get two toddlers’ attention.
🏠 🏠🏠🏠🏠 - 15 sentences of the moving in fic
“Something looks different here.” He frowns, looking around. Tommy’s confused, because he hasn’t really changed anything. He furnished his house a long time ago, from time to time changing stuff more out of necessity than anything else, but that’s it. He’s good at renovating, building, fixing, any interior design is not really his forte. He does have a few paintings and pictures, and some knick-knacks from the few places he traveled to, but not much else. He likes simplicity, and he never felt the need to add anything more. Clearly, something must’ve changed, though. “What do you mean?” he asks, seeing a few of the other guys nod in agreement, also looking around.  “It feels, like, cozier, doesn’t it?” Another co-worker, Sean, says with a small frown. “Unlike you, Kinard.” “Did you always have these cushions?” Another person asks, settling into the couch, picking one of said cushions up. It’s fluffy and yellow, and, according to Evan, brightens up the room. “They’re comfy.”
💔 💔💔 - 9 sentences of the buddie cheating fic (we're at the smut point of this fic rn and this is not going well but I'm persevering and istg I'll fix it once I have the basis all written haha)
The door is barely closed behind them before Eddie pushes Buck onto the bed and climbs on top of him, throwing his henley off in the process, so they’re both shirtless. He hovers over Buck for a second, shining brown eyes looking into blue ones, one of his hands reaching to intertwine their fingers. There’s desire mixed with disbelief on his face, but no doubt, no hesitation – that he kind of looks for, the thought that this is wrong, that it shouldn’t be happening, crossing his mind again. But then Eddie’s leaning in again, crushing his lips against Buck like he wants to devour him, his hips grinding against Buck’s, and any doubts, hell, any thoughts, just evaporate. It’s just him and Eddie, no one else exists.  His hands land on Eddie’s hips and slide down to his ass, and, god, he can’t wait to get him naked again. He can’t wait to see all of him, appreciate every detail of his gorgeous body, this time completely sober, and able to remember it fully.  “I need you.” Eddie moans into his lips, rolling his hips again, their clothed erections rubbing against each other. He swallows whatever Buck’s response was about to be in another hungry kiss, before going back to what he started in the living room – trailing his lips down Buck’s jaw, his throat, kisses alternating between soft and lingering, and biting and impatient, then down Buck’s chest, sliding down his body, until he’s face to face with Buck’s zipper.
🥵 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 - 18 sentences of the bucktommy smut - again, this one is not going well bc apparently I forgot how to write smut lol but I'll fix it haha
“You good?” Tommy asks quietly, and Buck nods frantically, his own hand moving to his crotch because if he doesn’t get out of his pants right now – but Tommy grabs his wrist. “Let me?” “Yeah.” Buck keeps nodding. “Just- please, I need you to touch me. Please.” Tommy swiftly undoes the button and zipper of Buck’s jeans, and Buck raises his hips, his hands helping Tommy shove the pants off his ass, satisfied when they stop around mid-thigh, and then he frantically pulls his underwear down, too, his leaking cock springing up against his belly instantly. He sees Tommy look at it and lick his lips, his eyes dark, and, fuck, Buck can’t wait for everything he’s going to give him. But for now, Tommy takes his time sliding Buck’s pants and underwear completely off his legs, muttering something about wanting Buck to be comfortable. Buck couldn’t care less about fabric restricting his legs, or any discomfort, as long as Tommy gets his hands on him.  And then he does – a big, rough, calloused hand, but the gentlest, softest touch, wraps around his dick. Buck inhales sharply, the feeling familiar, his own hands just as rough, but also so totally different.  Tommy looks up at him with big, shining eyes, scanning his face, as he thumbs Buck’s slit and gathers the generous amount of pre-come leaking out. Buck inhales sharply, a moan breaking out of him, not able to look away from Tommy’s face as his hand uses the liquid for an easier slide of his hand, as he starts stroking. His pace is slow, almost tortuously so, his movements deliberate, precise, eyes not leaving Buck’s face.  “Tommy,” Buck groans pleadingly, hand tangling in his soft curls. “Yeah, I got you.” Tommy whispers, his movements steadily picking up pace, still so in control, Buck’s in awe – and even more turned on.
🦵 🦵🦵🦵 - 12 sentences of the leg pain fic
“Looks amazing.” Buck smiles genuinely, though a little weakly, as he reaches for one of the plates. Tommy takes the place on his side- that is, on the other side of the bed, the one he usually sleeps on, that apparently Buck already started referring to as Tommy’s side. It’s not the first time they eat breakfast in bed together, and Buck’s the last person to worry about making a mess, especially right now, but Tommy is, as he hunches over the tray instead of taking the plate into his lap, like Buck did. Buck can’t help an endeared smile. He adores his boyfriend, and all his quirks, as he’s still learning more about him. And the best thing is, it feels like Tommy doesn’t mind any of Buck’s quirks, either – he seems to enjoy getting to know more and more about him, as well. He doesn’t think he’s ever felt this free to be himself, and this thought makes him wonder once again why the hell he was so hell-bent on hiding from Tommy that his bad leg hurts sometimes and once in a while it gets bad enough he has to take a day. Tommy gets it, gets him, and Buck feels so lucky to have found him. “The leg feel any better?” Tommy asks, shoving a forkful of the eggs into his mouth.  “A bit.” Buck shrugs. It’s not a lie, it feels like maybe the pain eased up a little bit, the painkillers kicking in, but it’s still very much there, and from experience he knows it’ll come back full force soon. 
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daisyvisions · 2 years
Return The Favor
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Pairing: Best Friend! Sangyeon x Fem! reader
Synopsis: Your best friend needs his wingwoman to help him get back at his ex and offers an idea you’re not sure if you can handle. What’s worse is you can’t say no…
Word Count: 1,148
Warnings: 18+ only (minors dni), neck kissing (literally the plot), hickeys, just a couple of friends getting horny for each other every passing second… the usual.
A/N: to the anon who sent me the photos above, I love and hate you. You have no idea the kind of brain rot you dragged me into 😩
⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
“For the last time Sangyeon, NO!”
”C’mon, please? It’s not that big of a deal-”
”Absolutely not.”
Sangyeon had been on your tail since your lunch break, following you like a lost puppy and you just couldn't seem to shake him off. It all started with him running up to you at your table ranting about how his ex keeps rubbing it in his face that they’ve moved on from the relationship.
You watched him pace back and forth thinking of a plan to get back at her. But you were completely caught off guard with the next set of words Sangyeon had uttered.
“No, no, no-”
“Pleaaaaseeee, I need to make her jealous and that’s the best way to do it.” He whines.
“And what makes you think me giving you hickeys is the best idea? Couldn’t you just use makeup instead?”
”It’s not the same Y/n. You and I both know that. Please, please, please-”
“Can’t you find someone else?” You start to get irritated.
“I don't trust anyone else except you.” He tries to match the pace of your walk.
“Sangyeon-” He cuts you off as he runs quickly and stops right in front of you, giving you the poutiest lips you’d ever seen. How could you say no to that face?
Just when Sangyeon thought he’d get his way, especially with the almost hopeful look on your face, you shoot him down again with your deadpan response. “The answer is still no.”
”Aw c’mon!” He stomps his foot like a toddler. “It won't be that bad. And aren’t you forgetting? You kinda owe me after I covered for you when you snuck out to fuck around with Juyeon.”
Your eyes widen. Shit that’s right he did do you a favor. And it’s against your morals to not return it especially if it’s for close friends like Sangyeon.
“….. FINE. I’ll do it.” You let out a big sigh.
“THANK YOU Y/n. You have no idea what this means to me!” He hugs you tight and lifts you off the ground, making you yelp in surprise.
“I’ll pick you up after class then we can head back to yours ‘kay? See you later!” He skips happily to his next class.
“Okay…” You reply. You definitely have a bad feeling about what is gonna happen later.
“So…. how do we do this?” You look at Sangyeon with worried eyes. You play with your fingers to distract yourself from feeling more anxious than ever.
“I'll sit on the couch, you just sit on my lap and that’s pretty much about it.” He replies nonchalantly.
“This isn't gonna get weird right? I mean like nothing’s gonna get weird between us?”
Sangyeon sees you play with your fingers and the anxious demeanor you display. He walks up to you and grabs your hands together in his.
“Hey, I'll take care of you okay? Nothing to be worried about. If you wanna back out now or in the middle of it I’ll stop right away.” You see the genuine look in his eyes. That’s one thing you admire about him.
“So, are you still with me?” He pauses, waiting for your response.
“Yes” You give him a reassuring smile.
“That’s my girl.” He copies the same face you show. “C’mon this won’t take too long I promise.”
Sangyeon’s hand doesn’t let go of yours as you both walk over to your couch. He guides you to sit on top of his lap with his hands gently holding your hips as you place your knees at each side of his thighs. You automatically rest your hands on his shoulders.
“Okay, ready?” He looks straight into your eyes. You slowly nod back. Your gazes at one another linger slightly longer than they should have, only realizing that your faces have never been this close to one another before until now.
Before any intrusive thoughts get to your heads, Sangyeon quickly tilts his chin up giving you better access to his neck. You lean forward to give him a few pecks before pulling away.
“Was that okay?” You ask him.
“Yeah, you’re doing fine! Just keep going. Remember, make them REALLY obvious.” He smiles.
You chuckle before leaning forward again, this time giving him wetter kisses as you start sucking on his skin. Sangyeon’s breath naturally hitches from the sensation, closing his eyes so he can handle it a bit more… that is until you suck a very sensitive part of his neck.
You hear him groan with pleasure, his hands squeezing your hips in the process. The softness of your lips felt so incredible.
“Are you-” kiss “-okay there?” kiss.
“Y-yeah, I'm-I’m fine.” Sangyeon stutters. “Keep going-”
You continue to kiss his neck, making sure no spot is left unmarked. His groans start getting deeper, the vibration in his voice making your stomach twirl a bit. Without realizing, you start adding licks in-between your kisses, making Sangyeon’s jaw slack open from the sensation. “Mmmm fuck- keep doing that…”
You instinctively listen to him, making the kisses more wet and harder. He lets out a deep moan this time, creating a pool of heat between your thighs. His sounds encourage you to go all out.
Sangyeon starts feeling his senses go numb, his mind going foggy from your hot lips. If he was in the right state of mind, he would’ve pulled away before things escalated. But the more you suck on his neck, the more addicting you’ve become.
His bulge suddenly twitches beneath you, making you gasp against his skin. He mindlessly starts gripping your hips harder, trying so hard to control his urge to rock them back and forth.
The room starts to feel hot, you want nothing more than to hear Sangyeon moan from your touches. Wanting him to feel good with how you’re treating him. He lets out another raspy groan, making your core get hotter and forming a wet patch on your underwear.
Before things start escalating one of your alarms ring, making you stop sucking on his sensitive spot to turn it off. Sangyeon immediately whines from the sudden loss of contact.
Your puffy wet lips catches his attention when you look back at him. His intrusive thoughts racing in his mind wanting to see more of you like this. Those sultry looking lips against his, on his jaw, on his abs, wrapped around his cock…
You intentionally cough to break the tension from the way he stares at you. “So… is this enough already?” You hold your phone out in front of his face, the selfie mode on so that he can inspect the marks on his neck.
“Y-yeah. It looks pretty convincing. ” He touches the marks. “T-thanks again for this…” he continues, a red flush flaring on his cheeks. “Don’t mention it.” You awkwardly reply,
“I’m just returning the favor…”
— Part 2 —
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Thinking thoughts again guys.
Thinking about Ganke (42)
More SPECIFICALLY thinking about Ganke as Doc Oct. Or at least, a variant.
I MEAN COME ON!!! TRYING TO GET ACROSS DIMENSIONS?? STUDYING THAT SHIT? That may be more of a 1610 Miles thing but I like to think that both Ganke"s are REALLY interested in it too. Or at least 42 is.
I feel like with the way their world is too, 42 Ganke is more likely to get a position at Alchemax. At the very LEAST for their science and tech and ease of access to stuff for his own projects.
But like. Come on. Look at him.
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I just wanted to show that picture...
Assuming we know nothing(or little) about this Ganke's parents, is it too daring to think that, perhamps, his mother is Doc Oct? Or father, if we're being different. Just A PARENT in general?
And maybe I just like projecting onto them, but also maybe like... do you see what I'm getting at. Her ass probably hates kids. And isn't easily impressed. So imagine having a kid you probably don't even want (for science? Maybe.... more angst potential..) and he grows up absolutely DESPERATE to please you and get told that you're proud of him and that he's enough. And then he gets to an age where he no longer has to rely on you (or other people, her ass did nothing to raise him), and he starts thinking for himself, and since you're all bad and evil and stuff you realize something.
This whole entire time, the past thirteen long, dreadful years of your life, you haven't been using your full potential.
You have a pawn right at your fingertips.
A young mind full of turmoil and the overwhelming need to please you.
Someone who can be easily molded.
You have a tool.
Just sitting on the couch right in front of you. An entire person of just wasted potential. One who was sat on his ass for his entire life and done nothing (in her opinion)
And if you're all evil and bad, what are you gonna do with that information?
You're going to use it.
"Hey son I know I haven't really talked to you since your birthday three years ago but how would you like an opportunity to get close to the very grand and very loving mother that I suddenly am?"
He's going to say yes. That's like giving a mouse a cookie.
The chance to be with his mom some more? To finally get the chance to prove to her that he is worth loving? The answer might as well be a flashing neon green sign. Capital letters. Y-E-S. Because why wouldn't he
So she starts training him, in small ways at first, going easy on him since he's still just a boy, really, but gradually working him up with harder and harder tasks and missions until he's finally earned himself a pair of his own robotic octopus arms (that he had to engineer and build himself)
And FINALLY for ONCE in his fucking LIFE he is making his mom PROUD OF HIM. He finally gets the love, the praise, the appreciation he's craved ever since he was a toddler.
Ooh, and he's doing such a good job hacking into top secret shit and files and such a good job stealing and doing his mother's dirty work and-- what's this?
There's this new kid on the block.
Apparently, the old Prowler's retired. His alliance fell through. And the new Prowler? His loyalty has completely flipped. Motives, too.
Instead of aiding them in raids and taking out enemies, he's now actively ATTACKING them and foiling their missions.
Instead of being a villain like the rest of them, he's suddenly trying to get RID of the villains?
The fuck is this guy's problem.
Who does he think he IS suddenly poking his nose into shit he DOESNT belong in?? SCREWING UP GANKE'S CHANCE WITH HIS MOM!!! The chance he's been waiting SIXTEEN YEARS FOR! Oh, he's pissed.
He overhears hears his mom talking at a meeting about a plan to try and lure and trap this kid to get him off their asses (he's a master at sneaking and eavesdropping at this point.. even just to hear his mother's voice and think up ways he can make her like him) and he decided that this is his moment. His calling. His purpose.
That very night, he decides to make the Prowler (junior, as they're calling him) his very own personal mortal enemy.
But little does he know
The guy he's constantly trying to kill every night?
His roommate.
Yeah, The Prowler Junior(™️) is his high school roommate and (soon to be) certified best friend.
Blah blah blah they fight all the time oh but now they're chill and- I just blinked why are you guys kissing and holy hell your mother found out and tells you that you don't deserve your last name and will never live up to your potential (which, she claims she knew this, which is why she gave him his father's last name and not her own. Lee.) and you're fighting with Miles again and yet oh God now you've been disowned and have to go to him for help Oh No That's Bad What.
Do you see the appeal. I need to draw him. And make more of this AU. What should I call it? I'll be thinking.. also open to suggestions I'm Bad at naming stuff......
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vanfleeter · 1 year
Mean Daddy // JTK
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Characters: Jake x reader, twin boys Warning: All Dad!Jake. Author's Note: Once again I was inspired by Full House to create this small piece.
Summary: The time has come for Jake to put his foot down.
“No, no, no!” You hear Jake shout downstairs.
Quickly jumping off the floor of the twin’s bedroom, where you’ve been folding their laundry to put away, you quickly run downstairs to find Jake in the kitchen and holding each boy underneath his arms. They were covered in flour and laughing hysterically. Some of the flour even got onto Jake’s face and bits of his hair.
“Oh honey..” You say, stifling a giggle.
“This isn’t funny..” Jake huffs. “I thought we had the pantry door locked?”
You shake your head. “You insisted that they wouldn’t–couldn’t–figure out how to get the door open so we never installed a lock.”
“Well I was wrong..” Jake sighs. “There’s flour everywhere.”
“Babe, don’t you think now would be a good time to start..you know.”
Jake shakes his head. “They’re just toddlers, they’ll grow out of it. Like Josh and I did.”
“Jake.. They’re literally destroying everything they get their hands on.” You say as you take one of the boys from Jake. “Yesterday they broke Josh’s salt lamp, how was that even possible? Last week they busted Danny’s snare by stabbing drumsticks through the top, now they made a mess with the flour, what’s next? Terrorize Rosie?”
“Fuck.. Sam would have a meltdown.”
“I think it’s time, Jake. We can’t keep hoping that they’ll learn on their own. You have to put your foot down and punish them.” You say as the two of you carry the twins upstairs and into the bathroom.
“Do I have to?” Jake says as he sets one twin on the ground and kneels in front of him.
“Yes, Jake.” You say as you set the other twin on the edge of the sink and pull his shirt up over his head. “You can’t be a pushover anymore. When they do something wrong, they have to be punished.”
“Punished how?” Jake questions as he pulls the shirt off of the other twin. “I’ve never done that before.”
“It’s not hard, Jake. You put them into a timeout in their rooms. No toys, nothing fun. They can lay in their beds or on the floor but they’re not allowed to play.”
“That’s just cruel.” Jake says.
“It’s not supposed to be good.” You say as you carry the one twin over to the tub and sets him inside before running the water.
“What if they hate me?” He says.
“Jake, they’re two. They’ll be upset, sure but they won’t hate you.” You say as you take the other twin from Jake and put him into the tub. Jake sits on top of the toilet as he watches you fill a cup with water and pour it into each kids’ head. Each one giggles which brings a smile to your face. “They will learn that when they do something wrong, they will be disciplined for their actions. It’s all a part of growing up and learning how to be human.”
After bathtime, you two get the twins dressed in their PJs. Jake takes them downstairs to the living room to begin their bedtime routine. One movie of their choice. But that choice always happens to be the same movie since the first time you had shown it to them.
Peter Pan.
Jake didn’t mind. He loved it just as much as they did.
Once all of their clothes were put away, you got their beds ready before heading downstairs to the kitchen to make a couple bottles of warm milk. Going into the living room, you take one twin from Jake and hand a bottle to the other. Each one cuddles into your bodies as the beginning credits appear on the tv screen.
It doesn’t take long for the boys to fall asleep. You look over at Jake who looks like he’s nearly falling asleep himself. You smile and lean over, careful not to wake the tot in your arm, and gently shake Jake.
He hums and opens his eyes. “I’m awake.”
You stand up from the couch, cradling the twin in your arms. “Come on babe, let’s get the boys into bed.” –
“I’m so glad you could make it to dinner tonight.” Karen says as she sets a bowl of fresh bread on the table. “It’s been a while since we’ve been able to get everyone together.”
All the boys grimace but everyone laughs.
Jake looks over at the boys who are holding their bowls over top of their heads. “Hey, put your bowls back down on the table.” You speak up.
“Come on boys, listen to your mother.” Jake warns as he shoots a look at the boys.
Just as quickly, both acquire a bold smirk and look at each other.
“Tommy, don’t you dare.” Jake says. “Put your bowls down.”
Tommy looks back at Jude and giggles. Jude smiles and drops his bowl behind his head. It clatters to the floor and spills the contents of green beans and sausage onto the floor.
“I’m so sorry..” You sheepishly apologize.
Karen smiles. “It’s no big deal, the boys did it all the time.”
Jake huffs. “No, it is a big deal.” He says before getting out of his chair. “Terrible twos feel more like torturous twos.” He removes Tommy’s bowl from his hands and sets it on the table. “Come on boys,” He pulls them out of their chairs. “We told you twice to stop.” They giggle as he holds them underneath his arms. “I’ll be back.”
He carries them upstairs to his and Josh’s old room and sets them on the floor. “Do you know what a time out is?” He says as he kneels down in front of the boys. Both of them shake their heads. “Of course, you don’t.. Okay.. A timeout is when mommy or myself put you alone in your room–or in this case–my old room, for you to think about your actions. Now what you did tonight was not a good choice and when mommy or myself tell you not to do something, you have to listen.” He leans back on his knees and rests his hands on his thighs. “So, you two will sit here in timeout until I come back for you.”
“Papa, play?” Tommy says looking up at Jake.
Jake shakes his head. “No playing. No fun. You two will sit here and learn that what you did was bad.”
Jude crosses his arms over his chest. Tommy sees and follows in suit.
“Mean daddy..” Jude huffs.
“Yeah, mean daddy.” Tommy says.
“Now boys..”
“We no like you daddy..” Tommy says.
“Yeah, you mean..” Jude chimes in. “Mean daddy..”
Jake closes his eyes and leans his head back. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He says before rising to his feet before leaving the room.
“So how’d it go?” You ask when he comes to sit back down at the table.
He shrugs his shoulders. “Could have been better.” He says.
You sympathetically rub his back and lean over to kiss his cheek.
But he sits there for most of dinner, pushing the green beans around his plate as if he were a little kid again refusing to eat his food.
“Dessert anyone?” Ronnie says as she comes into the dining room with Karen. They carry several bowls of ice cream and give one out to each other.
“I’ll save these two for the boys.” Karen says as she carries a couple bowls back to the kitchen.
You look over to Jake to find him still quiet. You reach your hand over to his thigh and give it a slight rub. He turns his head to look at you. There was a distant look in his eyes that made you realize how deep into his thoughts he was.
“Are you okay?” You whisper.
Jake nods his head. He stands up from the table. “If you’ll excuse me..”
He leaves the dining room and heads into the kitchen. He pulls open the freezer and grabs the two bowls of ice cream and carries them behind his back and sneaks upstairs.
Despite having put his foot down, he hated hearing those words come from his sons’ mouths. And he also felt bad that they couldn’t enjoy the ice cream like everyone else is. As he approaches the door, he hears your voice call as your footsteps come up the stairs. Panicking he quickly shoves the bowls inside of his shirt, slightly wincing from the frozen dairy sliding against his skin.
“What are you doing up here?” You ask as you approach him.
“Oh uh, wanted to check on the boys.” He says as he moves his arms around his torso to hide the bowls in his shirt. “Make sure they’re not tearing the room apart.”
“Mmhmm..” You hum, not believing him. “What’s inside your shirt?” You say pointing to the now wet stains on his shirt.
“What?” He looks down at his shirt. “Oh well, I–”
You reach forward, not allowing him to finish his subtle white lie. You reach inside his shirt and pull out the two bowls of ice cream.
“Now how did those get in there?” He says faking surprise.
You smile and shake your head. “You just can’t put your foot down, can you?”
Jake sighs and leans against the wall. “I did. I promise I did.”
“Then why are you sneaking ice cream up here?” You say through a soft chuckle.
“Because you didn’t hear what they said to me..” He says. He folds his arms over his chest, similar to how the twins did earlier. “I’m ‘mean daddy’ and they ‘don’t like mean daddy’.”
You stick out your bottom lip in a pout and rub your hands up and down his arms. “Honey, they don’t mean it. They adore you, Jake. They’re just upset because you actually punished them for their actions during dinner.”
“But it sucks hearing that.”
“Trust me, babe, it won’t be the last time you’ll hear them “not like you”. When they’re older and you ground them, it’ll be “hate” instead of “not like”.”
“Oh great.”
You smile. “Jake, they won’t mean it. It’s just anger but it’ll subside.”
“So what do I do now?” He says.
“Go clean up.” You say. “I’ll talk to the boys.”
After cleaning and going back downstairs to the kitchen, Jake grabs a couple of clean bowls and remakes the ice cream bowls for the boys. He feels two pairs of arms wrap around each of his legs and when he looks down he sees the twins looking up at him.
“We love you Daddy.” Jude says.
“Yeah, and we’re sorry too.” Tommy pipes up.
He bends down to meet them at their level. “It’s okay boys.”
“Are you still mad at us?” Jude asks.
Jake shakes his head. “No buddy, I’m not mad at you. I was never mad at either of you–just disappointed. When mommy and daddy tell you to do something, you have to listen. It may seem like we’re being “mean” but we’re not.”
“We know.” Tommy sighs. “Mommy told us the same thing.”
“We’ll be better,” Jude says. “We promise.”
Jake smiles and kisses both of their foreheads. “That’s what I like to hear.” He says before standing up. “Would you like some ice cream?” Both of their faces light up and he chuckles. “Go sit at the table and I’ll bring them to you.”
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angeygirl · 8 months
(Kicks down inbox door)
Can you do Elizabeth and William having a tea party? Or do I need to come back with a better writing prompt??
Gladly :D
[This is a semi-good timeline, William's downfall isn't imminent, but Mrs. Afton has died and he's struggling to keep things together on his own]
William Afton found himself slumped on the couch after work. It’s not that today had been a particularly hard day, or that last night had been a particular late night, but one can only take so many hard days and late nights without feeling a blow to one’s sanity. He was tired, sure, but more so because of bad news and not specifically because of effort on his part.
Business hadn’t been very good, animatronics had been breaking down for seemingly no reason. One of the pizza ovens catching on fire didn't help. With employee morale suffering it was up to him to keep his chin up and show everyone that things would turn around soon. There didn’t seem to be anyone to tell him the same.
He watched the afternoon sunlight play on the wall. It was odd to be home so early, but frankly he had run out of reasons to stay late. He could have helped Henry with repairs but after being scolded by customers over errors that had not been his fault, he just didn’t have it in him. So there he was, slumped back and staring at the wall, a feint wave of nervousness thrumming through him and preventing him from a much needed nap. “A cup of tea would do some good.” He muttered. It was too early for whisky.
A set of little footsteps scampered into the living room. He didn’t look to see who it was, but the sudden little girl on top of him made herself quite clear.
“Daddy!” Elizabeth called. “Daddy I finished cleaning my room!”
He straightened, or tried to, at least. “Did you now?” The request had been less about the necessity, and more about keeping Elizabeth from being underfoot for a few minuets while he tried to stop his head from spinning.
The girl stopped trying to strangle him and sat next him, beaming. Her smile faded when she saw his face. “Are you ok? Why are you sad?”
“I’m not sad, sunshine.” He tried to force a smile for her.
“You look sad.”
He dropped his head back against the couch. “It’s nothing. Just… just busy.”
Elizabeth looked like she was thinking hard. “Are you busy now?”
“No. If I was busy I wouldn’t be staring at the wall.”
She brightened. “Does that mean you can play with me?”
“That all depends on how long until-” As if to answer before his sentence was finished, the sound of a small boy calling for help sounded down the hall. William heaved a sigh and went to check on Evan. Nothing was wrong, but the little thing was awake and decided he was done with sitting in his crib alone. Michael was spending the afternoon at a friend’s house, but that friend had no interest in the younger sister, and no one wanted to deal with a toddler. William also did not want to deal with a toddler, but he had no choice. While Evan was set up with a bowl of apple slices to keep him busy, Elizabeth looked up at her father hopefully. He only noticed because she had gone several minuets staring at him without breaking attempted eye contact.
He tried to stifle his sigh. “Is something wrong, love?”
“Daddy can you play with me?”
“Play what?”
That wasn’t a ‘no’. Elizabeth darted to her room and came back with her arms full of pink plastic dishware which she began to arrange on the table.
“What’s all this then?”
“We’re having a tea party!”
“You can’t put tea in plastic cups, sunshine. It’ll damage it.”
“It’s not real tea, daddy. It’s pretend tea. Everyone knows that.”
“Funny you suggest a tea party,” he said, crossing his arms in mock concentration. “I could go for a cup myself.” He leaned down to her. “Do you know how to have a real tea party?”
She thought a moment. “You need guests. And… everyone dresses up fancy, and there’s lots of tiny cookies!”
William nodded. A memory he had not fully blocked out drifted into his mind. It was the image of a rose garden in spring. The rest of the yard had gone wild, or died. He didn’t know because he wasn’t permitted to look. The guests were lots of ladies his mother seemed to hate, yet insisted on hosting anyway. He was never allowed in, of course. But he had watched from his window many times. At the time, he was more interested in the frogs and dirt, but no one would want a ‘sick little nuisance’ wandering around anyway. He shook the picture from his head before it had the chance to turn painful.
Despite his little daydream, Elizabeth had continued rambling on about what would make a tea party perfect, and ended with “but we can’t get all that, not right now.”
“Maybe not, but we can do something with what we have.” He got up to root around in the pantry for a secret stash of sweets his own trio of nuisances were not tall enough to see. If he was going to have a tea party, even just to humour a needy 7 year old, he was going to get real snacks out of it. “You can have pretend tea any time. You can only have real tea with me.”
Elizabeth’s eyes sparkled seeing the little tin of cookies. “Where did those come from?”
“Now, now. These are for special occasions.” They weren't, but he didn’t like the idea of having to share. “Can you get the kettle out and fill it up?”
The little girl nodded and scampered to the cupboard. Evan had been nibbling his apple slices and didn’t seem to be paying any attention.
Why was he doing this? Was it only because he wanted an excuse to break open the cookie jar? Maybe. But seeing Elizabeth happy was probably the best thing to happen to him all week. William watched the kettle while Elizabeth kept peppering him with questions.
“Did you do this in England?” She asked.
“Do what?”
“This! People from England like tea but you don’t. Why?”
“Coffee wakes me up better.” He hoped he would not have to explain further. He did.
“Boys don’t like tea parties, do they? Was it different there?”
“Well, boys weren't allowed in. Besides, the kind of tea party you like is very different then back home.” He had not meant to say ‘back home’ but it came out anyway. Was that house his home? Or had he only called it that because it was so much better then what came after? So much better then the basement...
William's thoughts and Elizabeth's questions were cut off by the whistle of the kettle. He opened the latch and reached for the cupboard. “Sunshine, can you get a blanket to sit on? Proper tea parties are usually held in the garden. Well, we don’t really have a garden, but it’s a nice enough day.”
She nodded and obediently went off in search of a blanket. Evan was not done with his apples, but looked up expecting to be taken out of his high chair. William stroked the downy hair. “I won’t be having you wander around with hot water right here.” He said, and set the tea brewing.
“Found one!” Elizabeth called a few minuets later.
“Excellent timing.” The tea was just about done.
They spread the blanket out on the back porch and carefully set out a pair of mugs. Evan was supplied with a sippy cup and some juice. Elizabeth dressed herself up in a plastic tiara, and William put his sparkly work tie back on.
It was nice, he supposed. The weather was clear and Elizabeth was overjoyed to have time with him. Evan was too busy wandering around the back yard and throwing sticks to be paying any attention. Most 3 year olds are not expected to have very good party going manners, according to Elizabeth. This was most clear in the way the little boy toddled up with leaves in his hand to show off.
Sure, business was probably going to suffer until they sorted out the marketing, or until Henry got those glitches in the animatronics ironed out. But for once, William was able to remember he had a life outside of work. Maybe this was important too. He was glad that if Michael had to miss out, it was a ‘dumb girl thing’.
Finding ways to appeal to all of them was getting harder as interests evolved. And, as much as it tugged at his the back of his mind, it just wasn’t possible to give each one of them as much time as they needed. Even now, he wasn’t able to fully focus on Elizabeth, and he suspected she noticed how often he kept glancing around to make sure Evan wasn’t putting dirt in his mouth. All the same, he hoped she appreciated this. When his thoughts wandered back to his negligence, a happy yap, usually accompanied by a poke or playful touch, brought him back to the present.
Evan very nearly did get away with eating a rock if Elizabeth had not darted over to tell him how impolite it was. When the tea was drunk and the sun began to set, William tucked the remaining sweets back in his secret part of the top shelf. Michael came home not too long after.
For reasons William could not explain, he was glad to have all three of them there at supper with him. Somehow all of them together felt... oddly whole. He had been making little effort to do more then keep them all alive in the two years he had been raising them alone. He couldn't do more then that. Not without feeling like he was going to crack and that all that pent up poison would leak out and cause him to do something drastic. But somehow, this little rest sparked some form of affection he had been close to forgetting.
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
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Stained Glass Windows - Chapter Twenty
Life was complicated, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
Hi friends!!
I cannot believe we are 20 chapters into this!! Thank you so much for your continued support for this fic. I love this version of them and LOVE hearing what you think about their story <3
20 chapters down...who knows how many to go!!
Words: 4.7k
A full list of warnings for the fic can be found on the Series Master List and will be updated as we go along. Please note that more warnings have been added.
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
March 2009
“Shouldn’t we be doing something?” 
Emily rolls her eyes, shifting carefully in the bed so she didn’t disturb Jack as he slept between them, “We are doing something.” 
“We’re just laying here.” 
She turns on her side to face him, resting her head on her hand as she looks up at him, “Exactly. It’s called relaxing.” She smiles and leans over the sleeping toddler to press a kiss to Aaron’s cheek, “It’s what Sundays are for.” 
Aaron looks at her indulgently as her attention shifts to Jack, the little boy moves towards Emily in his sleep, his head against her chest as she lays back down and pulls him against her.
“I suppose we should wait until he wakes up,” Aaron says, reaching over and running his fingers through his son’s hair, “When did he move to our bed anyway?” 
Emily smiles at him before she kisses the top of Jack’s head, “He had a nightmare,” she explains, “He woke me up and asked if I could give him one of my magic hugs.” 
Aaron frowns at the mention of a nightmare, “You could have woken me up, sweetheart?” 
She shrugs as if it was nothing, “We were ok.” 
Aaron smiles and moves closer to them and puts his arm around them. He leans in to kiss her, his hand on her cheek as he holds her in place. 
“He loves you,” he says, stamping another kiss against her lips before he pulls back to look at her, “We both do.” 
“The feeling is definitely mutual,” she replies, glancing down at the little boy fast asleep on her chest, “I’m just glad he trusts me.” 
“Of course, he does, Em,” he says, “You’ve always been amazing with kids,” he pauses, unsure if he should say what he wants to, but he clears his throat and pushes forward anyway, “You’re going to be an amazing mom one day.” 
She smiles widely at him, her flushed cheeks aching with it. It had been two weeks since she’d found out about Matthew's death and everything that came with it. Aaron had found her outside the church and looked after her, listening as she spoke about the friend she still felt like she’d let down. Their conversation as Aaron held her close to warm her back up had ended with them agreeing that children were part of their future. Something they both wanted with each other. 
She sometimes wondered if this whole thing was going too fast. If she was getting carried away less than a year into a relationship because she finally found someone who understood and loved every part of her. But she pushed those concerns away, happy to love him and be loved by him. This man who had been hiding in plain sight all along everything she never believed she’d have. 
“Thanks,” she replies, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. 
“I mean it,” he says, kissing her temple, “Any kid would be lucky to have you as a mother.” 
She shakes her head at him, the compliment warming her from the inside out, “And any kid, just like this one,” she says, resting her cheek against the top of Jack’s head, “Would be lucky to have you.” 
Emily groans as there is a knock on the front door. She gives herself a moment to breathe through vicious nausea before she sits and then stands up from the couch. Morning sickness, something she thinks might be the most poorly named thing of all time, had kicked in almost as soon as she found out she was pregnant. At first, she’d thought it was psychosomatic, but now she could barely be around most of her favourite foods let alone considering eating them. 
There’s another knock at the door just as she reaches it, and she looks through the peephole to see Haley and Jack on the other side. 
“Haley, hi,” she says, pulling the door open, “Come in.” She watches as Haley looks around, trying to see if Aaron was home, “Aaron had to go to work for a few hours,” she looks down to Jack, dutifully standing next to his mother, and winks, “So it will just be us and Sergio for a little while.” 
Jack beams and rushes towards her, hitting her with some force that makes her wince, her injuries from the car crash still sore, and she breathlessly chuckles as she ruffles his hair. 
“Careful with Emily, Jack,” Haley gently chastises as she walks in, closing the apartment door behind her, “She’s still hurt from that accident a few weeks ago, remember?” 
Jack pulls back, his eyes wide with horror, “I’m sorry, Em’ly.” 
“It’s ok, sweet boy. Sergio was sleeping on your bed the last time I saw him,” Emily says, smiling at the little boy, “Why don’t you go see if he’s still there?” 
Jack nods excitedly, any upset at the prospect of hurting her gone as quickly as it appeared, and he turns back to look at his mother, “Bye Mommy,” he takes off at a run, and both Emily and Haley speak in unison. 
“Careful on the stairs, Jack.” 
They look at each other and smile, an awkward tension filling the air that Emily hates feeling in her own home. They chuckle when Jack makes it to his room, yelling out the kitten's name in delight as he’s reunited with his furry friend. Emily stands up straight and her stomach lurches, and she has to clench her fists to stop herself from laying her hand on her belly, not wanting to give anything away about her pregnancy. 
“Thank you so much for taking him, my sister got tickets to this event and…well I don’t remember the last time I went on a night out,” Haley says, smiling as she looks around their apartment, noting the new pictures on the wall that had been put up since the last time she’d been here.
“It’s ok,” Emily says, turning to face the fridge to give herself a moment to try and breathe out slowly, her stomach rolling at the scent of Haley’s perfume, her morning sickness playing havoc with her no matter the time of day, “We went out on New Year last year so it’s only fair.” 
“I remember Aaron saying you were a little worse for wear the next morning,” Haley says, with something that sounds a little too close to judgement edging into her voice. Emily knows she won’t mean it, that it’s just an attempt at conversation. Something that, between the two of them, could still be a little strained at times when they weren’t discussing Jack. Usually, Emily could see past it. Could accept that on some level she’d always be the villain in part of Haley’s story, the woman who Aaron moved on with quickly, but between the exhaustion and the raging hormones she finds it harder than usual. 
She chuckles politely, swallowing back bile and a comment about how Aaron had fucked her that night exactly where Haley was currently standing. Instead, she turns and smiles at the other woman in a way she’s sure her mother would be proud of. 
“He wasn’t much better himself,” she says instead, “Do you want a drink? If you want to wait to see him it might be a little while, Strauss was insistent he went in.” 
“It would be nice to say Happy New Year,” Haley says, stepping towards the kitchen counter and taking a seat on one of the stools, “Coffee maybe? Gods knows I’ll need it to stay awake until midnight.” 
Emily chuckles and nods, turning to grab a cup to pour her some, “Of course, I’ll just grab you the Splenda.” She places the cup of coffee down in front of her and walks the short distance to the pantry.
“You’re not having any?” Haley asks curiously, watching as Emily places the coffee pot back down without pouring herself a cup. 
Emily freezes for a moment before the grabs the box of Splenda packets and passes them to Haley.
“I’ve already had some this morning,” she lies, hoping Haley doesn’t see through it, her nausea increasing at the mere thought of drinking coffee, “I think I’ll just have some water.” She turns to walk towards the fridge but accidentally knocks over the box of Splenda packets as she opens the fridge door, as well as her purse that was also on the countertop. “Shit.” 
She swore she’d become more clumsy since she fell pregnant. Her exhaustion and almost constant sickness left her prone to knocking things over, her usual dexterity seemingly long gone. She grumbles under her breath as she leans down to pick up the tiny packets. 
“Oh, let me help you,” Haley says, already on her feet and kneeling down to help before Emily can refuse. 
It’s a combination of everything. The nausea she’d been pushing down all morning made worse by leaning down. The smell of the coffee and the floral scent of Haley’s perfume. All rolling into one massive lurch of her stomach that forces her to cover her mouth as she stands up quickly, the feeling burning up her throat. 
“Excuse me,” she mutters from behind her hand, not worrying for a brief moment about how this looked, what Haley could interpret from it, all of her focus on not throwing up on her fiancé’s ex-wife as she rushes towards the downstairs bathroom. 
“Emily?” Haley watches her go, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she hears the bathroom door open and then slam close. She grimaces in sympathy as she hears Emily throw up and picks up the rest of the packets of sweetener from the floor. 
When she stands up straight she sees the fridge door is still open, and places her hand to close it, but she stops, frozen in place as her eyes catch the line of neatly organised cans of ginger ale. Aaron hated it, she knew that. It was something she’d always teased him about whenever he was sick, her eyebrow raised at him as she told him he’d feel better if he drank the stuff but he always refused. 
Which meant it was Emily’s. 
She closes the door to the fridge and shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the brief, almost ridiculous idea that crosses her mind, not fully understanding the anger that comes with it. She blows out a breath and spots Emily’s purse still on the floor, she kneels down and picks it up, careful as she puts stray lipstick and coins that had scattered across the floor back into it. She’s just about to stand up again when she spots a small white card on the floor that was face down. She picks it up and turns it over, her heart skipping a beat in her chest as she looks at it, her hand over he mouth as she tries to capture a gasp. 
It was an ultrasound scan with Emily’s name on it dated two weeks ago. Everything slots into place. The exhaustion she’d noticed on Emily’s face the moment she walked in. The obvious nausea. The ginger ale in the fridge.
The way Jack had told her Aaron told him they had to be extra careful with Emily for a while, something she had put down to the car accident she’d been in. 
“What are you doing?” 
She looks up to see Emily standing just a few paces in front of her, her hands on her hips and her eyes wide as she realises what is in Haley’s hands. 
Fury that Haley knows on some level she has no right to feel flares up in her chest, her jaw tense as she holds the ultrasound a little tighter. 
“Are you…pregnant?” She asks, answering Emily’s question with another question. 
Emily sighs, rubbing at the bridge of her nose, “Yes,” she answers simply, walking over and taking the ultrasound from Haley’s hands, straightening out the slight crease that had formed from how tightly the other woman had been holding it, “Yes I am.” 
They fall into an awkward silence, the air thick around them as neither knows what to say next. The seconds feel like they drag on for an age, and Emily places the scan down on the counter. 
“Look, Haley-”
“Were you going to tell me?” Haley asks, her arms tight across her chest as she stares at Emily. 
Emily lets out a humourless laugh, “Of course we were, but we’ve only known a couple of weeks and…we wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while.” She can feel her own temper rising, matching that of the woman on the other side of her kitchen counter, and she hates that she feels like she has to justify this, justify her happiness, in her own home. 
“Was this planned?” Haley asks without meaning to, the unexpected news and her anger clouding her judgement. 
Emily stares at her for a moment, her tongue sticking out to wet her lower lip as she considers her answer, choosing her words carefully, “Not that it’s really any of your business-”
“Not my business? My son-”
“Your son is upstairs,” Emily says quietly, but firmly, swallowing thickly against the anger she is fighting a losing battle with as it climbs up her chest, “And I don’t think this is how any of us want him to find out he’s having a sibling,” she waits for a moment and Haley relents, nodding sharply before Emily carries on, “This was planned, it happened a little quicker than we thought it would, but we’re happy.” 
It feels like a punch to the gut and it leaves Haley feeling breathless. Emotions she thought she’d buried long ago about Aaron and his new life breaking free, rising from their graves even more vicious than they had been before she’d put them there. She shakes her head and laughs bitterly, forcing back tears as she takes out her anger on the one person who she knows doesn’t deserve it. 
“Of course, it happened quickly,” she says, clenching her teeth, “I guess that confirms I was the problem all along when we were trying to have Jack.” 
Emily blows out a breath, guilt making her stomach twist in a whole different way than what she’d become used to over the last few weeks. She’d said to Aaron already that they’d have to approach telling Haley carefully for that exact reason, well aware that one of the, many, strains on his marriage to her had been their difficulty in conceiving Jack. 
It’s why this was the furthest thing from what she had wanted. 
“It isn’t enough that you stole my husband and that my son is obsessed with you? You’re all he’ll talk about, did you know that?” She spits out, her anger free flowing now it had started to escape, something she wouldn’t be able to stop if she tried, “Now you have to seal the deal by apparently being the most fertile woman on the planet.” 
Emily is silent for a moment, stunned by the insults she’s sure Haley had held back ever since Aaron told her he’d moved on. It feels like whatever friendship they’d tentatively built, held together by love for both Aaron and Jack, is in pieces on the floor around them. 
“I…I didn’t steal, Aaron, Haley,” she chokes out, the need to clarify that more important than anything else, “You two were divorced before we got together. And I’m the one who…” she drifts off, not sure that mentioning now that Aaron had made the first move, that she’d been worried she would be his rebound, was a good idea, “I didn’t steal him.” 
Haley scoffs, “I guess you can’t steal what was probably always yours anyway.” 
Emily feels tears burning at the back of her eyes, her pregnancy and the hormones that came along with it already destroying her ability to compartmentalise in the way she’d always been so proud of. 
“I think you should go,” Emily says, clearing her throat when her voice shakes, the sound seemingly enough to snap Haley out of whatever wave of anger she’d been swept under, “I’ll tell Aaron you said hi.” 
Haley feels her cheeks burning, her words playing over in her head as a breath stutters out her lungs, wishing she could take back what she’d said, “Emily-”
“Please,” Emily says, walking towards the door and opening it, “We’ll make sure Jack is back tomorrow at the agreed time.” 
Haley stares at her for a second and nods, pausing at the door and looking at Emily, who was looking anywhere but at Haley’s face. “I’m sorry.” 
Emily nods, her jaw tight as she stops herself from accepting an apology she wasn’t quite ready to hear yet. “See you tomorrow, Haley.” 
Aaron is greeted by the sound of the tv when he walks in the door, a cartoon that Jack was obsessed with on the screen, the volume turned all the way down. 
“Jack?” He asks, smiling when his son’s face appears from over the back of the sofa, his eyes bright, “Where’s Emily?” He looks around, surprised that his fiancée was nowhere to be found, and Jack puts his finger over his lips, shushing him. 
“She’s sleeping,” he whispers, pointing to the rest of the couch. 
Aaron’s smile widens as he walks closer and sees Emily curled up on half of the couch, a cushion pulled against her chest as she sleeps. 
“Em’ly tired,” Jack says, and Aaron looks at his son and nods before he kisses the top of his head. 
“Yes, buddy, she is,” he replies, happiness filling his chest at the knowledge of why Emily struggled to stay awake without at least one nap a day at the moment, the tiny baby in her stomach making its presence well known, “Why don’t you go find Sergio for me, and I’ll wake Emily up so we can sort dinner?”
Jack is up and moving before Aaron even finishes his sentence, the cat a handy tool to distract his son if they needed it, Jack’s gentle love for Sergio something that both he and Emily loved to watch.
Aaron waits until his son is out of earshot and he kneels down next to Emily’s head, pressing a kiss to her forehead before he speaks, “Em, sweetheart?” 
She mutters something incoherent and frowns before she opens her eyes, blinking a few times to clear her vision, “Did I fall asleep again?”
He smiles and kisses her forehead again before he stands, encouraging her to sit up so he can slide in next to her on the couch. 
“Yes, you did,” he replies, pulling her in to lean against his side, “Baby giving you trouble?”
She hums, “Like you wouldn’t believe,” she pauses for a second and then sits up, “Oh my god, Jack-”
“Is fine. He was watching TV and is now chasing Sergio around somewhere,” he says calmly, and she smiles sleepily at him. 
“That cat and his obsession with the Hotchners,” she quips, rolling her eyes jokingly, “You wouldn’t know I’m the one who rescued him.” 
Aaron pulls her back into his side and runs his hand up and down her arm, “How was Haley when she dropped Jack off?” He asks idly, but he feels how Emily tenses against him instead of answering, the silence around them louder than any response she could have given, “Em?” 
“It was fine,” she says, and it's too quick even to her ears and she sighs, her forehead pressed against his shoulder before she pulls back to look at him, “She knows I’m pregnant.” 
It’s his turn to be silent, the deep line between his brow forming as he frowns, “What? I thought we said…” 
“I didn’t tell her,” Emily says, leaning forward, her elbows on her knees as she buries her face in her hands, “The smell of her perfume made my nausea kick in and when I got out of the bathroom she had the ultrasound picture in her hands, it must have fallen out of my purse,” she swallows thickly, “She was…upset. She said some things,” she can hear her heartbeat in her head as she tries to push back tears, frustrated that she’s so upset over something that would usually, at most, piss her off, “I asked her to leave.” 
Aaron feels his heart fall to his stomach, “Em-”
“It’s always going to be like this isn’t it?” She asks, lifting her head from her hands as she looks at him with shining eyes, “No matter what we do, we’re always going to have to consider her and how she feels. And it’s just…it’s not fair, Aaron. I know that’s fucking juvenile. But I’m pregnant, and I’m so happy, but the first person who found out is your ex-wife and she may as well have called me a home-wrecking whore.” 
“She called you a what?” He grits out through his teeth, anger at his ex-wife that he hadn’t felt in quite some time burning in his lungs. 
“She didn’t say it in so many words,” Emily clarifies, wiping a tear from her cheek, “But the implication was there.” 
“Em,” he says, reaching out for her and placing his hand on her knee, “What did she say to you?” 
She sighs, “She-”
“Daddy, Emily - me and Sergio are hungry!” 
Emily sighs and rests her forehead against his shoulder, breathing him in an attempt to calm herself down. He’d stopped wearing his cologne because he knew it made her feel sick, so instead all she smells is him. 
“Later,” she says, pulling away to smile at him. He opens his mouth to argue with her, but she shakes her head, reaching for his hand and linking their fingers together, “Later, I promise.” 
She smiles as Jack shouts louder this time, as if that would make them move quicker, “Come on, honey,” she says, standing up and tugging him up with her, “Let's go feed the monsters.” 
Aaron takes Jack back to Haley’s by himself the next morning.
Emily’s nausea was always at its worst at the start and the end of the day, so he’d left her in bed with a can of ginger ale and some crackers, covering a laugh as she lamented that it was his fault she was sick this New Year's Day. Her illness down to her pregnancy as opposed to all the tequila she had consumed last year. 
He’d barely slept. His mind whirring with everything Emily had told him about her fraught conversation with Haley. She’d fallen asleep against him afterwards, tears neither of them addressed soaking through the thin material of his t-shirt. He wondered if he’d taken it for granted. If he’d just assumed that because Haley and Emily got along it was something that would always stay that way. 
Maybe he’d underestimated how much Haley was still hurting, too caught up in his own happiness. 
He sighs as he knocks on the door to the house he used to live in, laughing as his son bounces from foot to foot next to him. 
“I told you to go to the bathroom before we left,” he says, raising his eyebrow at his son.
“I didn’t need to go then,” Jack replies, a tone in his voice that sounded a little like Emily. The door opens and Jack rushes in, “Hi Mommy, Bye Daddy.” 
“Bye Jack,” Aaron says, shaking his head at the little boy as he runs into the house before he looks up at his ex-wife. She looks a little worse for wear, the same bleariness in her eyes he recognised from their college days when they were hungover but could push through it. She’s still got last night’s makeup under her eyes, “Fun last night?” 
“Yeah,” she replies, flashing him a tight smile, “It was good, thanks again for having him.” 
“He’s my son, Haley. You know we’re always happy to have him,” he says, his hands in his jeans pockets as he looks at her, unsure of what to say now he was here.
“No Emily today?” She asks, attempting to sound casual, her eyes flicking between him and the empty car on the driveway. 
“She didn’t feel up to it,” he replies, and Haley sighs. 
“She told you,” she says, looking down to the porch and her bare feet, her cheeks tinged with embarrassment. 
“Of course, she told me, Haley,” he says, “That’s what you do in a relationship.”
“We never did that, towards the end,” she replies sharply, looking back up at him. 
“Well, let's say that I’ve learnt from my past mistakes,” he responds carefully, staring at her for a second before he carries on, “You really upset her.” 
“And whatever you think of me, of how I handled things, you leave her out of it,” he says firmly, making sure he isn’t crossing any lines Emily wouldn’t thank him for later, well aware of his fiancée’s hyper independence and her insistence she didn’t need protecting, “She’s done nothing wrong, and she certainly doesn’t the stress now she’s-”
“Pregnant,” Haley cuts over him. She crosses her arms over her chest and blows out a steady breath, “Look, you don’t need to read me the riot act. Jess already did that last night.” 
Aaron raises an eyebrow, “She did?” 
“Yes,” Haley replies, “I already knew I was in the wrong she just…confirmed it for me. Emily didn’t deserve that, and neither do you, and I am sorry,” she clears her throat, “And when Emily is ready to hear it I’ll say it to her too.” He waits, watching her carefully as he tries to see if she’s lying, and she chuckles, “You don’t have to profile me, Aaron. I mean it. I reacted out of anger and upset because something we struggled with happened so easily for you and her.” 
He nods, smiling through his embarrassment at being caught out trying to read her. “Well, I’m sorry you found out that way. It’s not what we planned.” 
“That’s ok,” she says shaking it off, “Emily looked green. It’s impressive she lasted as long as she did without throwing up.” 
He laughs, “She said it was your perfume, I’ve had to stop wearing my cologne.” 
Haley laughs and then grimaces at the pounding in her head, “Taken down by your fiancé’s ex-wife’s perfume that you bought her. That’s some twisted irony,” she says, and they exchange a smile, “You should get her something minty. Either mint tea or gum. Even candy. They helped me get through the first trimester.” 
He remembers it now she’s said it. Their panty full to the brim with anything mint-flavoured until the nausea passed, “Thanks, Haley,” he says, smiling at her, “I should go.” 
“Of course,” she says, and they exchange goodbyes. He’s at the bottom of the porch steps when she speaks again, “Aaron?”
He turns back to look at her, car keys already in hand. Keen to get back to the woman he loves and look after her, “Yeah?” 
“Congratulations,” she says, “On the baby.” 
“Thanks,” he replies, smiling widely like she hadn’t seen him smile in years, and he gets into his car before driving away back to the home he shared with another woman. 
Haley blows out a steady breath as she closes the front door behind her, and she hears her phone chime from across the room. She walks towards it and sees a text on the screen from a man, Michael, who she’d met the night before. Jessica had pressured her into giving him her number, and at the time she’d just done it to appease her sister. She puts her phone down before she shakes her head at herself, picking it back up and sending a quick response before she can talk herself out of it. 
Aaron was happy. It was time she tried to find happiness for herself too. 
Tag list:
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the-cranck-hobbit · 2 years
The First Girlfriend || Baby on Board One Shot
*Author's note : English is not my first language. This OS belongs to my Baby On Board Univers.
This one has been inspired by my dearest @sey ! 💛
I’m taking request :)
Pairing : Hangman x Phoenix (Hannix), JJ x his first girlfriend
Warning : Fluff, very protective Mama Phoenix
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The Two Stars Admiral Jake Seresin was quietly reading in his bed as his wife, Natasha Trace, was tidying up the room. When she checked his shirt hung on a hanger for the third time, Jake knew something was wrong. She used to tidy more than necessary when she was angry. 
Jake kept his eyes on his book but he wasn’t reading anymore. He thought about what he could have done wrong. The evening has been nice. For once he came back home early to help Lexy with homework and cook dinner, he took care of Zack and gave him the bath (which was one of most dangerous things he ever did in his life, the toddler got a true gift to put water everywhere but on himself). He thought about the morning, but nothing came to mind. So he gave up. He put his book down, sight and looked at Natasha over his glasses. 
“Darling, please, tell me what I did again.” Natasha stopped her tidying and looked at him frowning. “What are you talking about, Babe ? Why do you think you did something?” Jake raised an eyebrow and looked at the room. She followed his look and understood that her husband noticed her irritation. She sighed and finally came to the bed next to him. Jake put his book and glasses on the bedside table and turned toward her, all listening. 
This was something that Hangman got better with years, listening and being full focus on what she was saying. He had the same behavior with his child even before they started to talk and the only thing they said was baby noises. By the way, Zack got a lot of things to tell his father during the bath and Phoenix didn’t take the time to watch them as she usually loves to do, because she was already troubled.
“It’s not about you. It’s just… No, you're gonna laugh at me.” She gets under the sheets and tries to end the talk, but Jake doesn't agree. “Something troubles you. I’m not gonna laugh at you. Tell me what’s wrong. It’s work ? Top Gun’s student got you mad ?” She looked at him. “No, it’s not Top Gun. It’s… Jackey…” She didn’t tell more and Jake knew what she was talking about.
During the dinner, their older son, JJ (or Jackey for his mother), announced to them that he got a girlfriend, his first girlfriend. He wanted to introduce her to them next saturday. “I think he is too young, definitely too young to have a girlfriend…” Jake interrupts her. “Stop, stop, stop. Nyx, calm down. He is seventeen. He is kind, smart and good-looking. We knew it would happen one day. He inherited Seresin’s charm !” Natasha shoved her husband and he laught. Sometimes Hangman was still Hangman. 
“But what if she is mean to him ? What if she isn’t a good person ? My Sweet Baby Boy deserves someone good.” Natasha knew women could be cruel, in particular with a good soul like JJ. Jake gently put a finger under her jaw to make her look at him. “What will happen will happen, Nyx. What did we say about the education of our child ?” Natasha looked at him with a smirk. “That I’m better than you ?” This time, it was Hangman that shoved Phoenix. 
She sighed and gave up. “That we have to let them make their own mistakes. Do you think I’m getting old ?” 
Jake looked at her with all the adoration of the world. He acted as he checked her face. “Yeah, I think I can see some wrinkles.” Natasha shoved him, laughing, being a little lighter than before. Jake got upon her and laid her on the sheets. He kissed her passionately and slit his hand under her pajama pants. “Don’t worry, Mama, you’re becoming the most sexy old woman in the world.”
And there comes the day. Hangman was playing in the living room with Zack, Lexy was sitting on the couch, her noise on her phone and Phoenix was finishing preparing lunch in the open kitchen. Hangman wanted to help her but his wife was so tense that she barely kicked him out of the kitchen. JJ had taken his father’s truck to pick up his girlfriend. 
There was an ambience worthy of an old Western movie in the house. The only one unaware of the tension was Zack who was simply happy to play with his father. Then they heard the truck’s wheel on the driveway in front of the house and like in a movie time seems to stop. Lexy didn’t look up on her phone but she stopped writing. Phoenix stopped what she was doing, knife in the air. 
As JJ opened the door, Jake stood up, his baby son on his arm, as he passed next to his wife, he waved her to put the knife down. Then JJ appeared with a cute girl behind him. He got his cheeks red and his hand sweaty due to his stress. Jake offered him an encouraging smile. JJ took a deep breath, keeping his eyes on his father.
“Everybody, this is Jenny. Jenny, this is my father.” Jake shook her hand with a soft welcome. The girl smiles. “Nice to meet you, Sir. And you should be Zack.” She said, tightening the baby’s potted thigh. The little boy laughed and stretched his arms towards his brother, requiring his arms. JJ obliged and turned to the two women of the family. He knew the hardest part was coming. “And this is my sister, Lexy.” The brown-haired girl nodded at the newcomer, still tense. “And this is my mother.” Jenny gave Natasha her brightest smile and offered her her hand. “It’s a pleasure madam. JJ told me so much about you !” JJ blushed further and Natasha looked at her husband who shaved her to calm down and mouthed “be nice” to her. She looked back at the girl and forced herself to smile while shaking her hand. “Welcome here, Jenny.” 
Phoenix leads them to the dining table. Jake, JJ (still with his baby brother in his arms) were closing the walk. Jake leaned towards his son. “At least, nobody died.” JJ sight “for the moment”. 
The lunch went… well. Hangman was the more friendly, and Zack if you consider throwing his food in her direction with laughter was friendly. Phoenix did her best to stay polite but she was still tense. Lexy scanned Jenny with her dark eyes. The Seresin's woman looked like they were expecting one mistake. 
But Jenny didn't do any. And in fact it makes things worse for Natasha. She was perfect. Cute, kind, clever… Phoenix couldn't find anything to say, nor did Lexy. Jenny was talking about the way JJ asked her for a date, how kind he was, and how gentlemanly he was during their first date. Jake winked at his son, proud of him. Jenny and JJ looked at each other, eyes sparkling.
Finally the mother cracked. She was perfect, he was in love, she couldn't handle this. 
"Who the hell are you to take my Sweet Baby Boy ? Of course he is kind, of course he is gentle! I raised him that way ! Don't you think he got this from his father !" Hangman raised up his head, outraged to be collateral damage. "He deserves the perfect girl, are you listening to me ? He deserved the WORLD !" 
Lexy, arms crossed on her chest, nodded to every sentence of her mother, Zack looked at her mother not understanding what's going on, JJ wanted to hide under the table and Jake bit his cheek so as not to laugh.
Then the doorbell rang. Jake barely jumped off his seat, muttering “backup arrived”. He opened the door to Rooster and his child : Nate and Line. JJ raised an eyebrow. The Bradshaws were the backup ? They greet everything and Nate immediately talks to Jenny. 
“Hey Jen, how are you ?” Jenny stood up and embraced him. “Fine and you ? Feel better since my brother beat you at the volleyball match ?” Nate grounded at the memorie. Lexy wided and looked at the Bradshaw boy. “You know each other ?” Nate discreetly winked at JJ. Yes, the Bradshaws were the backup. 
“Of course ! I have known her brother for years and her father is one of our best customers at the garage, isn’t he Dad ? It is them who brought back Pops at home last week, when he thought he was back in the 90s.” Bradley immediately took the line. “Yeah, thankfully Jenny found him and recognized him or I was good to do another round the town.” 
Phoenix sight. Now the Squad got a debt against the girl. She looked at Jake who was glaring at her with an apologetic look. He already knew the story. She invited everyone to sit down to drink coffee. She talked to the girl with a softer tone. “So, Jenny, Jackey told me you wanted to become an engineer.” Jenny glanced carefully to JJ who waved her to go on. “Yes madam. A naval engineer.”
Finally, Jenny wasn’t The One and they broke up some months later. JJ didn’t get mad at his mother and his sister. He knew they acted like this because they both cared about him. And he was grateful to his father for supporting him. Years later, when he met The One, Jake was the first one to know about her, and of course he supported him, like he did about everything. 
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Hi Amber!
Does Alpha Steve know how to cook??? What is the best thing he can cook?? And what's his favourite thing made by little one??
And for house chores , who's doing what?? Like cleaning, vacuuming, dishes, dusting, changing bed sheets and stuff... I'm sucha wishful thinker, can't wait to see their toddler running around and scattering toys all over the floor of their cabin. And little one scolding Steve for not putting their pup in bed in time.❤💖❤💖❤💖❤💖 god, I wish I live to see that day.
Alpha Steve does know how to cook in a very simple but comforting way. In the winter time think of savory beef stews in bread bowls (He buys those) or something along the lines of meat and potatoes. His cheesy potato bake is a comfort meal all on its own.
He is also a very efficient outdoor cook, over the campfire. The best-seared steaks, roasted veggies, and toasted garlic bread are all made over the flames. Or wild game, he is known to hunt and prep a kill to make. His time before Alpha traveling with the Howling Commando group taught him how to feed a large group of hungry wolves.
He can't bake worth a damn though which is tragic cause he does have a bit of a sweet tooth.
This is one of his favorite things Little One will make, especially when the cold has come back to their woods, having the oven on quickly heats the house up. So while Steve is busy prepping to go out with the crew up the mountain, you are in the kitchen, only wearing his flannel button-up and the thickest socks you have ever seen, prepping cinnamon roll dough when the light is just barely filtering into the cabin from outside. Your cinnamon spread fills the whole cabin up with the warm spicy scent and Steve usually gets distracted from getting dressed to follow his nose out into the kitchen where he catches sight of Little One singing to yourself while making the frosting while the rolls are baking.
Imagine how playful Steve is first thing in the morning? He typically does everything he can to distract you so he can get a big dollop of that creamy topping (Usually where he licks it off you from somewhere, it just tastes better that way.)
Those cinnamon rolls are big as his oversized palms and so fluffy and good. He gobbles two down before leaving the house and Little One packs up many more for him to share with the crew during a coffee break.
He also loved her homemade pizzas. It's all in the perfect crust, you add the right amount of sauce and plenty of freshly shredded cheese. Yeah, you take the time to shred it all because it just tastes better that way. You add both of your favorite toppings and Steve can't get enough of them. You subtly know that is what he wants when the pizza stone makes an appearance on the kitchen counter.
Steve is planning on trying to make the pizzas with you next time you two are out in the woods for a few days, see if they are just as good baked in the hot coals of a campfire. We will see.
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As far as house duties, they share. Steve was a bachelor for a while after he made Alanna leave and before Little One showed up in his life. He likes a clean and efficient space, everything has a place and if it is always there, then he knows where it is.
A few things are scattered comfterably around. His desk is filled with drawings, some journal entries that he half finished, or a few books he has been meaning to get around to reading. The couch has an afghan usually half draped over the back and maybe one of his heavy coats sitting on the arm of it to grab if he needs it quickly.
It's when Little One arrived his cabin got a bit chaotic. Like your little treasures you find are stuck in nooks and crannies, sometimes his perfectly arranged bookshelf is suddenly disorganized and you at times leave things out on the kitchen counter for easy grab. (your box of cereal and other snacks for when you are in heat. Yeah Steve learned to let that just stay out.) You might pile your clothes or leave some of the dresser drawers askew. You are not an overly messy person though. This is your first home in many years, having spent so much of your life with Pierce was kept locked away or kept for sale. The last home you even remember was pieces of your childhood one. So living in Steve's, it's all new and exciting and Steve can't find it in him to contain you from enjoying this freedom in any way you can, even if your slight messiness really clashes with his need for organization.
But you two share the chores, on a Sunday morning typically as Steve never has any plans for sure that day, the packs business is shut down on Sundays, and you will get music playing really loud and clean together, often singing and dancing around goofily in the process.
In the nest area, Steve lets Little One have full control. Whatever you want to do there. He will help of course, and step in when it's your heat and you get distressed trying to make it perfect. But it's still all with you in mind. He just goes with the flow, helping change sheets, putting the pillows where you want, and having certain items easily nearby in case you are seeking them. (Like one of his shirts, your favorite snacks, lotions, phone charger, etc.) All are tucked in a small basket that is slipped under the bed. Steve takes the nest space very personally and he wants it to be your favorite spot at home.
Now imagine their pup filling their lives... Steve's super clean house will be no more. XD But filled with love and laughs instead. I think that is a good trade off for our Alpha.
I hope this gives you a very soothing domestic glimpse in how our Alpha and his Little One live together. I love picturing them at home in their little cabin by the lake.
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