#“i need to draw them i ned to draw them omfg”
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bnnylvpn · 1 month ago
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God they make me go fucking crazy . Hyuna the woman that you are
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dexi-green · 8 years ago
Spiderman: Homecoming thoughts
·the 60s spider-man theme during the marvel logo ❤ ·i loved the “friendly neighborhood spider-man” scene. Him getting back the bike and leaving a note, the lady and the churro. Loved it. ·"aye, you're spider-man from YouTube. Do a flip!“ And he does the flip for him. ·Dad Tony. Annoyed Uncle Happy. ❤ Seriously. Like everyone who got mad that "tony is taking over” i hope you went back and shame deleted your posts. ·pepper cameo, like yooo, so are her and tony back together…? And the fact that tony bought an engagement ring for pepper all the way back in 2008 c: ·of course, Stan Lee cameo. Pretty early in the film and funny as always. ·the ATM robbery and peter tries to figure out a cool line to start the fight. ·all the times he falls on his face. ·the iron spider outfit. I’m so mad peter didn't wear it at all. But hopefully in infinity war. ·Flash being a more modern, honest depiction of a bully. Just a ‘flash'y rich kid, not necessarily a jock or anything. Honestly everyone being more honest and modern depictions of high school kids. No makeup on Michelle, the awkward school news casters, still playing with legos, playing outdated (but not really because it had to be filmed in like 2011-2) cliche celebrity videos for the students in class, jokes like penis parker, Seniors hanging out with sophomores and not just other upperclassmen. Not the weird stereotyped stuff we get in a lot of other films and media. ·Captain America videos + 2nd after credits scene. I love when he motioned to the side in the video to the gym teacher but Hannibal was on the other side. That little thing made me laugh. Also we left the theater and then came back for the last after credit scene and i felt so betrayed. ·Chess! ·For whatever reason near the end i kept expecting the credits to roll, but then there was another scene which was a delight for me. Maybe i’m just bad at knowing when movies end. ·no buildings so he has to run and cant use his web shooters. ·Ned Leeds. The guy in the chair. ·Learning Curve. I love that there were consequences to turning off the training wheels protocol. He didn't just get a whole bunch of cool features and became amazing. He turned it off and he messed up. He didn't know how to use things and it got him hurt. They were put there for a reason. It showed that Tony planned on training Peter for a while. All of the features Tony put on the suit to seemingly “limit” peter, were put their for his protection and come in handy later. The tracker allows Tony to save him after the parachute thing. The “baby monitor” lets him find out the identities of the arms dealers. Its just like actual parents and teenagers. Teens think the parent is being unfair and just trying to stop them from having a good time (and sometimes it is just unfair) but its for their own good. ·Learning curve again. He also just didn't always make the best decisions, even if things turned out alright. Like think about. Every time stuff got destroyed it was his fault. He tried to stop the arms deal under the bridge and ended up being dragged down the street. He kept the piece of alien tech, which caused the accident at the Washington monument. He tried to bust the arms deal on the ferry and it got cut in half. He tried to stop vulture again and crashed a plane. Which i think is actually great because remember vultures origin story of being the guy who has to clean up after that type of stuff. But anyway, Peter makes mistakes and messes up. He doesn't even have a cool sequence of transforming into spider-man, he has to undress in an alley. Like he isn't this effortlessly cool and talented superhero which is so incredibly true to the character of Peter Parker. ·michelle tells their teacher the Washington monument was built by slaves. ·Martin Starr ·Zendaya ·this entire cast really. Even Karen is Jennifer Connelly!!! ·Peter bonding with Karen. ·OMFG Aunt May! ESPecially at the end. Like i cannot wait to see her reaction more in depth. ·we got passing comments about the spider bite and uncle Ben. Which is fine, they basically skipped the first half hour of the other first spider-man movies, but i did wish that we would've gotten a flashback or something small. So i’m just going to put this out there for marvel, flashback to uncle ben (or possibly peter’s parents/father) in infinity war or something for just a hot second, maybe even just a picture of him maybe? and the actor, Tobey Maguire. I’ll leave it to you. ·Tony just wants to clean up his messes but he cant even do that without there also being a problem. He just cant win. But i guarantee that if Tony was there when damage control told them they were taking over, he probably would've tried to hire those guys instead of just telling them to beat it. Also… Vulture just trying to support his family and all, and we don’t know what his life was truly like before damage control stepped in. But… He seems to speak like hes still on rough times but…look at liz’s house.like it seems like he got money. ·i think its liz’s drawing of the avengers at the beginning. · When they are in the car, driving to homecoming, and Vulture is slowly figuring out who Peter is (kinda like the dinner scene with the green goblin in the first spider-man) and when he figures it out, the green from the street light is on his face, and just...symbolism. ·i think i missed the part where Harrison was dressed up instead of tom. Did they actually put that in because or maybe i just cant remember the scene right now. I know it was sometime when he had the decathlon jacket on. I think it was when he was stuck in the damage control facility. But for some reason my mind is blurring it. He was just running. ·when tony asks peter to stay at the avengers facility i kinda got the feeling that while tony was proud of peter for knowing what he wants he was kinda sad to know he wasn't going to be staying. Especially after what happened in civil war. He obviously thought it all out and planned things. Kinda like after Avengers, he kinda got excited and attached to everyone, got them their rooms in the tower and all. So kinda sad… · the nod towards Miles Morales and just Donald Glover in general is great. I wont lie that i would've loved more of him and maybe an actual cameo from miles but this was great. Maybe in another film.. · “Come on man, i got ice cream in here.” ·the principal is a descendant, i think grandson, of Jim Morita and played by the same guy, Kenneth Choi!!! Yaaaaasss! Like no wonder this guy is still playing these Cap videos in the school even if he is “technically a criminal” ·Bruce Banner and Howard Stark pictures in the school 😊 ·he isn't driven by romance. Saving or wooing Liz isn't his main goal in the story. There isn't even a kiss (like was teased in the trailer). ·i kind of wish instead of scorpion, the next villain tease would've been for doc ock, or sandman or green goblin but that’s purely personal preference. A black cat hint would've been cool as well, but i understand why they didn't do that. They did hint at the sinister six so they kinda did hint at doc ock and them. ·the video diary bits ❤ and just how well it fits into civil war like a puzzle piece, not just tacked onto the end. · I know some people complained about too many references to other parts of the marvel universe but I liked it. I love references and easter eggs personally, but also this is suppose to be an cinematic universe. everything is suppose to be connected. Why wouldn’t we see descendants of characters, or hear about the sokovia accords in class, or have pictures of notable inventors/scientists in schools, etc.etc.
·”Oh shes not playing mary jane.” “My friends call me MJ.” OMG fight me marvel!
·seriously i did not see the twist coming. Vulture is liz’s dad… Whaaattt? Honestly i loved it. Plus mixed girl representation✊and i like the timing of it. Peter really just defaults back into normal high schooler life. Is so down about what happened and then boom! Cant escape it. ·when the vulture is stealing stuff he has like…a duffel bag. Like they aren’t seemingly stealing that much stuff. Its not like they kill the drivers and steal the entire truck…they just want a little bit. ·"im trying to save you!“ Like yo…almost cried. Seriously. I wanted to scream at the screen. stop! Let him help! Listen to him! I was freaking out. ·"i wanted you to be better.” I know they showed this in the trailer but it was just as impactful this time round. Same with the “if you're nothing without the suit you shouldn't have it.” Like i cannot handle these Tony feelings. ·honestly the part at the end when he is looking at the reflection of himself, half masked, and the line from tony is echoed was…kinda cheesy. But it was still pretty impactful. Especially considering tom holland’s acting at that part. Nearly crying and yelling for help and wiggling around under the concrete, just so down on himself… almost made me cry. ·Just an overall amazing representation of “with great power, comes great responsibility”. There are consequences to his actions, he isn’t just amazing right from the start, he makes mistakes, and has low points and although he doesn't grapple too much with whether or not he wants to be spider-man (he pretty much always picks spider-man over anything else) he still struggles with how to do it and how to balance it. And its important to him that he does a good job, not just because its cool to be a superhero but because he feels the need to. He obviously doesn't brag about it and even chooses to not even come out as an official avenger. He knows where his heart is, where his home is, and by the end of the film he is pretty sure on where his responsibility lies. He realizes that there are big avenger level problems going on, but there are also small jobs to be done. Helping the little guy. He turns down a cool new suit, staying in a facility with the avengers, his own safety and life, to help out those in need.
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ania08221920 · 10 days ago
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God they make me go fucking crazy . Hyuna the woman that you are
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ultimatebottom69 · 12 days ago
Ngl ok girl sending a message that way was an idea...And also no matter how i see it...That's a bad idea. Like that is some shit that looks good idea but in retrospect will fuck up everything.
How will the rebellion survive without their leader girl ? Like the other 2 guys may be doing good but for how long ? Also you in the middle of aliens that revenge of yours should have waited but hey. Good news you ain't going to see any of this shit.
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God they make me go fucking crazy . Hyuna the woman that you are
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